J- t THE MORNING POST. JUNE 30. 1899. . ' O - . - DEATH AT REX HOSPITAL. Mm. Johnson, a Carpenter, Dies from the - Effects of a Fall One Week Ago. A week and one day after falling from the second story of a. new build ing on which he was at work, Mr.. Wil liam Johnson died, yesterday morn ing, at the Ilex Hospital. ' The deceased was a carpenter by trade, and since the accident, which occurred near the Caraleigh Mills, on Wednesday of last week, he has been confined to his couch at the hospital. , He leaves two sons, John and Joseph Johnson, and other relatives in this city. x , A TRIAN6ULAR PICNIC. SALE, OF K CITY OF . BONDS. RALEIGH WEEK-END HATES. Saturday and Sunday excursions to Sealed bids wall be received unui x Morehead, X. C, Wilmington, N. U., o'clock noon Saturday, July 15th, 1S99, old i0int Comfort. Va., Virginia for all or any part of $100,UM du y?ar, . Beach, Va., and Ocean View, Va., $3.30 4 per cent. Bonds of $l,ow eacu, to u , f or tue round trip. tened bv the City, of Kaieign ior ssued by the City. Street and Public Improvements. The rizht is reserved by the City to reject any or air bids. By instructions or tne finance ksjiu- m-ttee. ' . JOS. G. BBUW.N, City Treasurer. Three Sunday Schools That Will Join In Thus CeUbratlno the Glorious Fourth. The Fayetteville Street, Pilot and Epworth Sunday-schools will have a joint picnic July 4 at Fuquay Springs. There will be two trains. The first section will leave at 6 o'clock and the second section will leave -at 8:30. Fare 50 cents for adults and 30 cents for hiirirpn under twelve years. Barbecue will be served at small cost. A pond ihas been secured for those who wish to fish. Those who go may expect a areneral srood time. Both trains leave the Union depot. Your TImes Up This Evening. ' !iAt. 7 o'clock this (Friday) afternoon the time for listing taxes expires. . Have you listed yours? Failure to do so means double taxa tion, sir, and if you have any "gump tlon" at all you are bound to see that it is to your interest to attend to this matter without further dealy. We've warned you several times, and now do so for the last time, at the re- nuest of the tax-listers. About one seventh of the people who should .have done so had not listed yesterday, and unless they mend matters today trou Me is in store for several people. It .is learned that there is to be no extension "of time. f xfofthiinica anil Investors Union. The semiannual coupon from the full paid ginia oBach and Ocean View will be certificates of stock issued by the 3ie- gowi returning iroiu .oriu. not ihhm on;r. find Investors Union of Ral- than train No. 11, 8:35 p. m. Mondays. ei"h will be paid , on presentation at In addition to above week-end rates the Commercial and Farmers Bank, in the Southern Railway will place on ... . Tnnjj Jtii cn1 Snmrri.-iv. Jnlv 1. ntkl continuing .Tiii riividend oeannz coupon cer- io anu meiuuius ?uuua.v,..usu.i -mi.- ifinfp will be sold until further no- 1809, to the following nameil places ice at seventy-seven dollars, casn. une Tickets on saie aiuraays ana oynuays manritv value IS iuu. uxy are e- on an iraaus M-uwiuru iu anneaiui-v cured by first mortgage on residence traction not later than 2:30 p. m. Sun property, and make a very desirable day, good returning until and Includ investment. . ' ing Monday, date of sale, at rates as Promnt loans will be made to satis- follows: factory applicants, where secured by To Ashe ville and return $5.40 Black Mountain 5.10 Asnual Excursion of Railway Conductors. Each summer one of the most pleas ant and enjoyable of all the excursions is that given by the railway conduc tors. This year it will be run to Nor folk, thence to Ocean View, etc.. and July 18 is the date. Train leaves Union depot at 10 o clock a. ml oairuesaay (teaching Norfolk some six hours later Returning, the train leaves' Norfolk Thursday morn,ing at 0:30 o'clock, thus giving two days to the excursionists. In the meantime-there will be lots of fun and pleasure to be had fireworks and vaudeville show at Ocean View Marriage at Cary Yesterday. Miss Lula, daughter of Mr. and Mrs !R. H. Jones, of Cary, and Mr. Joseph Mason, of that place, were married yesterday afternoon at the residence of the bride's parents. Immediately after the ceremony the happy pair boarded the westbound Southern Rail way train for a tour. A number o Raleigh friends witnessed the interest dng-event. " . COUPON, NOTICE. -Effective Saturday, May 20th, and continuing to and Including Sunday, September 24th, 1800, the Southern Railway will sell round-trip tlckets'to above points at $3.50. Tickets on sale Saturday, good returning until and in cluding Mondays following date of sale, exvcept That Morehead City tick ets will-be sold on Saturdays only, with final limit Tuesdays following date of sale. 7 Tickets from Old Point Comfort, Vlr- S. A. L. SPECIAL RATES. Excursions to Va.. and Wil-J $3.50 Round Saturday and Sunday Old Pdlnt Comfort, ' mlngton, N. C, for Trip. Commencing Saturday, May 20th, and on Saturdays and Sundays there after until September 24th, 1S00, In clusive, the Seaboard Air Line 'will sell, round trip tickets to above named points for $3.50, for trains leaving Raleigh on Saturdays and Sundays, limited to return from Portsmouth not later than No. 403, S:15p. m. Mon day following the date of sale. Tlcketsfor Wilmington. N. C will be sold for trains No. 403 and 41 on Saturdays and No. 403 Sundays, good I 4 t Wilmington at 3!0 p'.m. Monday f ol-1 X lowing date of sale. For further Information write or call on . CriAS. II. GATTIS, , Uptown Ticket Agent. Z. P. SMITH, ' City Ticket Agent, n. S. LEARD, T. P. A. OlQces In Yarboro House, Raleigh, n. a A. B. 5TRONACH, 1 ?1 ATTRACTIONS IN f I Summer Goods p residence property In town or city. nTT-.nTmTC ATIN. Secretary. 22 Pullen Building, Raleigh. TQ CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money n a fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Round Knob 4.00 Marlon 4.00 Morganton .-. .4.20 Connelly Springs 4.00 Hickory J 4.00 For further information write or call on 1. J. u iu; is, ncKet Agent, Union Depot and Yarborough House. I S. A. L. SPECIAL RATES. A Cheap Trip to the Pacific Coast. to Old The National Educational Associa tion meeting at Los Angeles, Cal., Is Week End tickets Raleigh Point Comfort, Va., Virginia .tseacn, th occasion for the Southern Railway V llmington, I . . . -rvmfi-rL--nllf vIvAirk rafu va.. ucean new, i., auu mumj, N. C for S3.50 for tne rouna trip tickets good to return Monday follow ing date of sale. The following summer excursion rates apply to some of the principal to put on the remarkably cheap. rate of One Fare for the Round Trip (plus $2.00 Association Membership fee). This, in connection with the new Pal ace Tourist Sleeping Cars, operated over the Southern Railway and the resorts, reached by. the S. A. L. Tick-Uv, th Pacific, a double berth In i t c i , oniu -v. i ets on saie untu 0pieui ou.u, vivu wnIch ets only $7.oo, renders iossI final limit October Jlst: hl t chfli-M4t and mmst Milovhl Southern Pines ........ $ 3.50 Uj.jp 0f the season. A particularly nlcas- Pittsboro -3 ant feature of this trip Is that the TVest End tickets are good going one way and re- Wrightsville .... 7-40 turning another, J. e.. going via New Carolina Beach 7.40 Orleans and Teturaincr throutrh Salt Southpoit 4 -00 Lake City and Colorado; or "by the pny- Llncolnton . Lenoir Shelby RutherfordtoTL. Asheville (via Charlotte) Asheville (via stage) .. Blowing Rock Littleton . . .... Old Point Comfort, Va. Virginia Beach, Va;. .. Ocean View, Va Washington. 'D. C Baltimore, ,Md. ... New" York. N. Y. ., Boston, Mass Providence, R. I... Washington, N. C. NOTICE SPECIAL RATES, The Southern Railway Announces thai following Special Rates. 1; s yo ment of $12.50 additional the trip may J-IMJ I miHa -rtwtiii-nfno' ithrvnin-li T VwT-t l-i r 1 J.ou Oresron 1U.OU t on-over nrlyilecres are nl!oivd nt 12.90 rjie jroing trip, and at any point west 14.50 rtf return trip. By this means passeqgers are afforded the opportunity of. seeing the entire Pacitlc Const. Side trips are aiTangetl at nominal cotrtfnom libs Aq geles and San Francisco to all eRts of intei-est in California. Further in 3.00 7.60 7.00 7.60 13.G0 13.00 Burial of Miss Claudia Learn. The bddy of the late Miss Claudia (Leach, whose death Wednesday after noon was announced in yesterday' Post, was taken to Johnston county her native place, for interment yester day morning, the funeral party start ing from the residence on McDowell street oon after 9 o'clock, via private conveyance. Pastor Daniel, of the (Presbyterian church, accompanied the remains and officiated at the grave. 25.u0 6.65 Afton, Va 11.80 Basic City, Va - 11.S5 Natural Bridge, Va 10.40 White Sulphur Springs 14.25 Farmville, Va 7.70 The following rates apply for thirty days limit: Washington, D. C. $12.60 Baltimore 12.60 New York, N. Y 20.60 25 .00 forUvation may be obtained. from any J5,b0 afren,t oi- representative of the Southern To Los Angeles, Cal., and return. $70, on account annual meeting Na tional Educational Association. Tick ets on sale June 24 to July 7 Inclusive; Anal limit, September 5. To Chapel IIFll and return, $1J0. on account University of North Carolina Summer Scltool for Teachers. Tickets on sale June 17 to July 10 Inclusive; final limit, July 20. To Concord, N. C, and return. $6.70, on account Women's Foreign Mission ary Society of the Western North Car olina Conference of the M. E. Church. Tickets on sale June 2Sth to July 2d; final limit. July 5th, ISO. To Detroit. Mich., and return, $10.15. on account Annual Convention United Society of Christian Enedavor. Tick ets on. sal? July 3, 4 aud 5; final limit, July 20th, To Asheville and return, $S.S0. on account Wholesale Grocers' Associa tion. Tickets on sale July 4, 5 and 0; final limit July 11. 1S90. To Richmond, Va.. and return, $115, o4 account International Convention Baptist , Young reople's Union of America. Tickets on sale July 11. 12 and 13; final limit July 31. 1SW. This ticket can be extended by depositing same with Richmond Transfer Co. aud payment of 50 cents, good returning August 15. To Morehead City and return. $d.50, on account annual meeting North Car ollna Bar Association. Tickets on sale July 3, 4 and 5: nnal limit July 0. lbtJO. For further information, please call on T. C STURCIS, Ticket Agent, Union Depot and Yarborough House. 4V ' S".5 &, ? j K J At Prices That Will Interest Buyers. 7AULH0USE ORGANDIES. Black Ground with WhHc Figure. White Ground with Black Figures. Btrlpcsi. rtc - . White Grounds with Largo cad Small Flowers cad FJSc PIQUE ANE PIQUE DAMASK. New rattcras la all White for Ladles Eolta, Shirts and Walrx 26 to 29 inches wide. it I I! Pique Damaalc Pique Pique.... ... Pique x Pique 25c value; ootr I5c ....30c to1u; cow 23c .... ... .2Sc. valne; caw 20c 2fk. Talue; ow lGc ..17c value; ootr iZc 'fZ 4 24 I Pique m ISc value; now. 12Hc V DRESS AND SHORT LENGTHS. Organdies, Lnwns, Percales, rc Duck,nat!5tc5, Grashata, CoirrU, OiabrJca, Railway, or from A. J. POSTON, General Agent,, 511 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, ; D. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY FOURTH OF JULY EXCUKSIONS. r.i, f .. ". w X 'V v ' ' 8 JUc to 12k yird, uorth 5c to 2Sc yird. Fancy Ginsbams for Men's Shirrs ond LadJas Walsau. 7ic to 10c, were 10c to 15a Trinity Park High School,! DURHAM, N. C. OUR SHOE SALE. . OfTcTinss ore realties not pretences You liad best lay la a supply at the prtcrs vr nrae. Our regular line new ntyle. Indies Fine Kid Oxford m $L1S; wcra SLW Itliw' Fine Kid Oxforda fL3S; ner LT3 Indies' Fine Kid Oxfords 1.4I; wcr 2.03 Ladles' Fine Kid Oxford 1.44 wrrw 2.00 Broken Uopj Ladies', Miss 2.00; weno 2X0 at and below cost. The grvat trouble with our e' aod ChllJrcn'a Bomnec Fool w cur last too long. ; 1 K B. 5TRONACH, i On account of above occasion, the Southern Railway will sell round-trip first-class tickets to all nolnts enst of The rates named above to Eastern Uho nssisinnl nnd smith nf th.-nhjA cities, apply via Portsmouth and and rotomac rivers at rate of one and steamer. Ra-tes to New York. Boston Lna and Providence, include meals and stateroom berths on steamer. Wake Forest and return 55 cents, on account Wake Forest College Summer School, June 20th to July Uth. Tick ets to be sold June 19 to July 14th, in clusive, nnal limit July 15th. Fourth of July excursion rates to all Tickets on sale July 2, 3 and 4: final limit, July 7, 1809. Prepare oys and young men for col lege. Inorough ooursos in Latin. Greek, English, Mathematics?. History, Phys ics, and French. One of the best equipped hlgn schools in the South. rsew ana elegant buildings, Doauurm and healthy location. College advan tages: gymnasium, furnUhed with all the modern equipments, hot and cold water baths, swimming pool, bowling alley, etc. Expenses, $135 to $175 per year. For catalogue, address J. F. R1VINS, Headmaster. Dry Goods, Notions and Shots. IT IT TT "V JL QTAIDTIP-O XL JL iXJL Death of Mra. Charles Buford. of Salem. The above-named lady, who was a Bister of ,Mrs. T. R. Phrnell. of this city, died- atiher home in Winston- Salem Wednesday night. In response effect Judge and Mrs. Pumell nd.Mls. wtthfiMl jSy 7." Tines o Tn?n oil ifhoir rtontrhtor tvant, . . " V lo Detroit, Mich., and return. RIBBON SPECIAL ! 0 Thursday, July 6th. An Offering of. Different Articles that are Seasoni and Tremendously Cheap. I, points south of the Potomac and east 300 pieces Baby Ribbon, plcot edge, V2C. yardor two "sards for lc 'of the Mississippi river, at rate of one 223 pieces Baby Ribbon, the 2c. kind, for lc. yard. . i and rm f4tih i rd tiist-H.ncc faraa fnv -Wa I SrkPpi:i I nrir'M rn nil Rlhln-n In th Virm& rHrr rriu1nf cVinrvor a n't a t. to a telegram to that A- , , . 'i 1 Bessie Purnell, their daughter, went to':' Winston-Salem yesterday for the purpose of attending the funeral. Entire stock of Flowers on special sale today. To make a clean sweep we vial say just half the regular price. Washington $20.90, via Richmond, Va., J 500 New Idea Patterns, all new and up-to-date. Special price for any Pat- ?x.xo, account Annual convention tern, only sc. United : Society of Christian Endeavor, About ten dozen pairs Ladies' Low Shoes left: former prices, $1, $1.25, $l.o0 July 5-10, 1899. Tickets on sale July and $2; not all sizes left, but if your sire is here you can secure a bar- 3, 4 and 5, with final limit July 20, in- gain; choice of any Low Shoe In the house, now 70c. By the way. have you seen those Japanese Whiskbrooms wo ore selling S flicker Office Bulldlna. The diagram and schedule of prices of offices in the Tucker Office Building1 elusive. t i 1 4- J ... J j ; i uave Ieeu cuiupieLeu, auu paiues ae- An -jrtPTialon r,f fiml Hhri fnr eah ' Thov nm n cncu n ho rAtnlir IfW- nrMrln Tp n.. siring to rent can now select and se- bft obtained tn lav Ttt f or a dnrpn for IV. cure what they want. The building' niro i v.tt ir-; 1 wA tMfo cia imn (dncn w, r.n. t AN hat we have left are still on sale at this unheard-of Drice. later than July 12 and on payment of 4c. each. " a fee of 50 cents. ! The biggest value in Men's Shirts ever offered in Raleigh. Our entire To Los Angeles, Cal., and'Teturn, one stock of Men's Colored Shirts, Neglige, Stiff and Puff Bosoms, with and wlth fare for round trip, plus $2, account of out collars and cuffs, the 75c., $1 and $1115 qualities; your choice of the lot, the National Educational-Association, now 49c. July 11-14. Tickets to be sold June New line Umbrellas, all style handles, steel rods, paragon frames, in 1m 24 to July 7, inclusive, with finad re- ported Glorias and All-silk, 39c., 50c., G3c, 75c., 79c, S7c, 03c, $1.15, $1.25, turn limit September 5. , $1.50, up to $2.98. - ' ' To Richmond, Va., and return $6.15, Nice line Ladies' Shirtwaists. 29c.,3Sc, lip. account International Convention Bap- V New lot Ladies' Skirts In'PIques, Linen, Crashes, Ducks, Brllliantinei and tist Young People's Union of America, Serges, G3c. to $2.9S. July 15-16. Tickets -to be sold July A very pretty lot French Zephyr Ginghams, silk stripe, the regular 15c. xx, ij. ana w, wun nnal limit July 31. goods, now 10c. yard. xo inaianapous, ma., vj.su, account Broken Plaid Crashes, worth 15c, now 11c. yard: also aillne 9c. Crashes Epworthjat 7c. the yard. 1 arety l'ins, ac, 4C, oc, tc., oc. cira. 511 1. P 4-V, V,-l-., i xl I o T l-v-Jiuu. UVUCIO lTn:nTnUSl5 Agent at. Detroit not rs for 4c. each building, equipped with all the modern conveniences, such as mail-boxes, gas, electric lights, lavatory, toilet rooms, steam heat, janitor, two elevators, etc,.j etc. It will be an ornament and a credit to the city, and is an evidence of public spirit which ought to be com mended and encouraged, and is a pro gressive enterprise which ought to be patronized. SeveraTof the offices were rented immediately on the completion of the diagram and schedule, and rniany other applications" for offices are on file. Parties desiring to rent had best make application at once, before the choice of rooms are taken. . LOT ONE " One case S5c. White Corrnter panes, large sire, and perfectly made, at 59c. . LOT TWO- 25 pieces Checkd Nalnsoooks. 2I-Inch wide, very sheer; worth lSc, at the bargain price of 10c. yard. LOT THREE Entire stock of fancy high grade Imported Orgml , Swis ses anl other prlhtctl pwJ, ranging In price from 12 1-2 to 2: to le sold at 10c. yard. , LOT FOUR. A RIBBON BARGAIN. All our :15c Ribbons at 25c. yd. All our 30e. Ribbons at 22 1 2c. yartl. All out 25c Ribbons at 17 l-2c yanl. LOT FIVI One case printed Lawn, which we mU regular for 5c. yard, will W put in lhU sale at 3 1-4 c yard. LOT IX Alout 40 dozen Men'a Negligee nntl Stlff-booa Laundrled P worth anywhere from to t each, to.be sold at 42 l-2c LOT SEVEN Six Item In CbniRe Cover. All good oods. prices are an follows: lSc, 7. ftSc. $15, $L45 and SL73. LOT EIGHT Oxfonl Ties to be closed out s the price for that day: 1 H Br. m t i 1 $2.00 Ladles' Oxfol $L37 A r $1.75 Idle' Oxford. $12 a J Ladlen Oxfords (chocol colon. $1J2 a nr. , SUA Indies' Oxfordi. f LIT a One lot slzre 2 1-2 to 4 of ford Tie and . Kaadals, w from $1T io SU, to be cl out at fi2c pr. One lot Children' PaCla. Oxfords, prtcv $1.A will cknicd out at iDc. a pair; xe to 11. One lot $1.00 Ladle Coram'. Scne Oxford, sire 3 and 4 o:t ly to be closed out at Xc a STREET E X C AT AT IONS. the Sealed proposals will be received un til noon Saturday, July 8th,' 1899, for grading, excavating and moving the dirt' from the streets necessary for im provements contemplated on the streets. This dirt is to be moved under the direction of the Street Commis sioner, in accordance with the. in structions received from the Street Committee. . - . -We ask for proposals for movin dirt per cubic yard. The right is reserved by the citv, tr reject any and all bids. Only bids from responsible parties will be con sidered, who are able to give bond for ithe faithful compliance of contract By instructions' of the Street Com tmittee. v i JOHN C. D RE WRY, . Chairman. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES. of National Convention League, July 20-23. Tickets to be sold July 18 and 19, with final limit July 26; ior rates, etc., call on H. S. LEARD, ' Z. P. SMITH. Trav. Pass. .Agent City Ticket Agt. "T ! 1- X- dt n . . . xvaitriSu, vj. itaieign, w. c. We expect a big crowd. We expect vou also. Do not dk appoint is, as these prices will be a pleasure for shoppc irs. TO B. - r X. P. U. CONVENTION VIA S. A. L. Best French Blacking, good as "T. M;M only 4c box. Parma Violet Ammonia, the genuine article, worth 35c, for 10c bottle. Talcum Powder, 4c. and 9c." box. .". ." New stock Toothbrushes, 4c, 5c, Sc., 10c, 17c, 20c Turkey-red Embroidery Cotton, fast colors, three for Nice line- Dressing Combs, 5c, 7c, 9c, 10c, 13ct 15c.t 20c Hairbrushes, 8c. to 50c Stockinett Dress Shields, 5c, Sc., 10c, 15c . Toilet Soap, 2c, 4c. 5c, Sc., 10c, 15c Writing Paper and Envelopes, 5c to 25c. box t Ladies' Purses and rocketbooks, 2c to 75c " ... . f Ladies, Vests, 4c, 5c, 9c,, 10c. 13c, 14c, 15c, 20c to 40c each. India Linen. 40 inches wide, Cic, S l-3c, 10c, 14c. Woollcott S Son, Oommenqlng June 18, up to and In cluding . September 31, the Southern Kail way will sell summer excursion round-trip tickets to all summer re sorts in North Carolina South Caroli na, Virginia and Tennessee. For full particulars write or call on THAD. C. STURGIS, " City Ticket Agent, .xarborough Ilousa r. ufta4 Union Repojt, The International Convention of the baptist loung People's Union of Amor. ica will be held in Richmond, Va., July 13th to 16th, 1899. For this occasion THE SEABOARD AIR LINE will sell I Every day Is Bargain Day at our store. Come early and often, and tickets from all noinrs n Tiihmn I inr n fHnd. "" land return at rate qf ONE FARE for w y B . T W Tr xne rouna trip. Tickets will be sold X Bi w 1 ll II I t July 11th, 12th and 13th. eood to re. ' JL- KJ V-1 & tfZ3 turn on or before July 31st, but by de- posiung xicsets wua joint Aeent at Richmond the limit can be extended to August 15th, 1899. THE SEABOARD AIR LINE have elegantly appointed vestibuled train for Richmond daily, carryinr Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and running on last scneauies, vne "s. a. L. EX PRESS" giving passengers a davliffht ride, and tne "ATLANTA SPECIAL" affording night ride in Pullman Sleep ers, ptacuug yasscugers in ixicnmond in the eany morning. ; . r- SEABOARD AIR LINE Is the only line operating through Coaches x and sleeping kaxxts uaween Atlanta Richmond. . . " For further information,. Sleeping Oxford Seminar, OXFORD, rc o- Fiftieth Annual Session opens August 30. 1S0D FACILITIES INCREASED. CHARGES REDUCED. BOARDING ACCOM MODATIONS ENLARGED. Extraordinary advantages la Music Art. Elocution- Rtm-m Typewriting raubt. " 7'r A t:uv-u, musk, rot lilatated c&ikyra a P'T - r. p. noBooon irrHi' W ' " mm W mm OAK htv Upch STEAM Car reservations, etc. apply to near(1 m ; 1-n -a rrprit- " - - ."r I AUMDRY J. K. HARSHALL, Proprietor. 120 Fayetteville St,) v urch&HoIdei We hare recently equipped our stAnles with a tpecUl line of fiae Vehlc'''! ?fAvn7ne&C,J!a,TBoc,;boar,,' BWle. IUronches and T1IE nNESlft LANDAUS, especially adapted for funerals and marriages -and tV hVfS We also haw an xtra Cac itoct of .tjU.h arirlne and oidle borwt. I . , WE INVITE COMPETITION. I cnAfnt ssasft ua . Contracts taken, for hm.- a . - r - - - I- RALEIGH. CL " mtert; rn:fnr.nf.aa "avatujj. t i ... '; - i'y.i: ,-:-.!. ',':' , r - . ,1 : )

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