1 M'ORMNG Post LEATHER TO-DAY, Fair; warmrr. RALEIGH. N. C;, SATURDAY, JULY 22. 1899. No. 43. IHE vol. IV, . minnrn 111 I Blbbttl IB' , THE RESERVOIR Rumor That Nauseated the Durham Stomach. m pi m MM Turncd Out to Be False-Soldiers Off for Summer Camp City Au thorities Beset With Petitions for Extension of Alain Street n.irkun. X. C, July 21. The; sol der ll;).v day morning. There were -ir.O Baby lones in the place. The attack -was a complete success, and the brigands "were terribly "whipped in spite of their courageous defence. There "was much fighting at close quarters, and our men used bayonets and clubbed rifles on the natives. By actual count, 115 Babylones -were killed, -while many others were wounded. One was cap tured. I he American los was one killed and one wounded. Captain Bryne captured considerable stock, forty-eight cariboos, a large qUantity of supplies, three rifles, three revolvers and many bolos. bows and spears. lie also recovered eight stolen horses. The typhoon has finally ended. The rainfall thus far in July has been 42 inches. The mean annual average pre cipitation is 55 inches. Ill 1 : I in io in in - nr i ft on evidence in J. Loughlin, are largely in purh.-im today. Capt. J Ou.in.n-master of the Third Regiment, vrtii Carolina State Guard, left here iesti'i-day! He '"ad with llim Quarter Iwhir Sergeant J. Frank Maddry, of pc.wsp.iper fame, and also a detail of four privates who will assist him in fixing up tilings ior tue rejjimeui Tvhk-Ii is expected to roach the "camp rMun l just this side of Mprehead City an l Sergeant Maddry .are well known in their command as emcient ocicers, nnl it is conhdently expected tnat nheu the men reach camp tonight they v.-ill fruil everything possible has been .. .. , . . ... (j.me !ior tneir conuorr. The mayor had only trivial cases be fore him today, but they were tedious ami out of the regular order. Most in- rest centered in a fighting case be tween a lot or wnite boys rrom west Durham." They got off lightly, but evidently the niaj-or was under the impression that the whole outfit need ed a strong dose of hickory switch. Considerable stir has been made here today in the minds (and stomachs) of jieople who drink city water, and . most of them have no other liquid. Report ias that there was a dead and decom posed negro in the city reservoir, from which Durham people take their drink ing water. This report is most em phatically denounced, by Capt. J. C. Michie as an untruth, and he offers a Toward of $20 for the originator of io report. Everybody believes Cap- t;;m .Michie, but yet few people in Dur liam are drinking water today. Uev. Mr. Oglesby received, a telegram from llmington announcing the death of Rabah Bumpas in that place and that the remains would be brought hero for interment. The body came in 011 the 4 p. m. train, and the' funeral services were held at the residence of H. X. Snow, Capel Hill street, con iucttMi by Revs. Dr. Yates, Oglesbv and Cole, after -which the corpse was lam away in the city cemetery .miss unhelia Langstan. of West T'uriiani. was minfullv hurt vPst-M-ds- in getting off the Southern train while 111 motion llie matter of ODening and extendinc . -uaill Street IS DOW t ho rnrnTnrmn(- anli. Jt in municipal affairs. Petitions are being handed around asking the ity fathers to extend this street to the eorporate limits, at which point the eoiuuy pronoses to take it im nr-rl - - - - "l' V V S XX X . . - ,. 111. jj j. j -igiiing tne petition, and such wes e is being brought .virion tho ,m 'Washington, July 21. General Otis, in a dispatch to Adjutant-General Cor bin, confirms the press dispatch ac counts of the drubbing given the reb els on Negros Islam!, and says it will be very beneficial for the quiet of Ne gros. . The v Famous Infidel -Succumbs to Heart Disease. HE TRAGEDY IN ALLE6HANY. Son ot a Congregational Minister from Whom He Imbibed Liberal Views Which He Afterwards Im proved On Wade Himself Famous by His Speech Nominating Blaine Five Italians Lynched for Shooting a Doctor. i 11 in 1 1 Doctor Shot a Goat and Its Owner Shot the Doctor Five Italians Concerned In the Crime Placed In Jail Mob Took Them Out and Hanged Them on Flvo Trees. New Orleans, July 21. Sis Italians of the Italian colony nt Vieksbnrg.l named Piazzo, to go to Tallulah with a lawyer to investigate the mailer. .Mr. razxo returned to Meksburg -n tl:e afternoon, but refused to be inter viewed. There are miite a number of Italians there who are thoroughly panic-stricken aud will l.ave the par ish as soou a they can. ROOT TO SUCCEED ALGER. Bnmvr ScttKt Dw t Fact Tfct If rally Actptctf. Washington. July 21. It 1 learned I PROSPERITY HUE STILLJLLIKE ON Short Crop Apprehensions Are Fading Away. Ihto on iruKtwnrthy av.ibority HuttjAim 10,11 1! (Tinr I0T VZIW irwizzzM bllKbt LAM URR orcey-ieaerai (tnggl K not to be c-oiisldri d an a posnlblfj Sceretary of War. He said on hi re- turn u hu city that he would remain Exports of Grain and Cotton Very at t'ae head uf the IcpJrtueut of Ju-- i!iisioners as will probably force the vimug ot the street. oun JmIous Yeung Man Shoots His Sweotheart ) and His Rival. W.'nston-Salem, Jiily 21. Soec?hl. Particulars were received here last evening of a tragedy which occurred a few days ago in Alleghany county. It appears that a young man, Steve Bray, was out driving with his sweet heart, Miss Etta Grouse, when they were assaulted by Coy Wolfe. The latter used a pistol and shot Bray and Miss Crouse. The ball went through one arm of the latter. Bray's wounds are serious." It is said that Jealousy on the part of young Wolfe caused the trouble. Both men were paying attention to the lady, and when Bray seemed to be the successful suitor Wolfe decided to kill both. Bray was alive when last heard from. All of the parties are members of good families. Wolfe made his escape. George Williams, the negro who shot and killed a Martinsville negro on the excursion to Roanoke last Mon day, Is still at large. The officers here gave him a lively chase last evening four miles below Winston, but he ran into a thicket and escaped. Williams drew a pistol yesterday afternoon on Mr. B. It. Collins, baggage master on the Winston-Greensboro train when the latter made the negro get out of a boxcar in which he was stealing a ride. Williams said he was not afraid and would not run from the entire train crew. He is n bad negro, but it is believed he will be captured. The .three-year-old child of Mrs. Mary Shutt, who lives on South Side, was bitten "by one of the supposed kiss ing bugs Wednesday afternoon. The child had been sleeping and awoke about 4 o'clock with its right ere bad ly swollen. It was stung in the outer corner of the eye, wiii-1 commenced swelling immediately. The white of the eye covered up tin ( Diner in front, -which looked puffy lik. a blown-up bladder. Later the eye was swollen shut. The child was getting along fairly well today. New York, July 21. Robert G. Inger-'. soli, the famous lawyer and iididel, are reported shot to death at TallutaU, died this afternoon at his sjimnier c ft ulC result of the wounding of Dr. home at Dobbs Ferry. Ills death was Hodges, a prominent n'lysicla-j of -.a at tVfl .llV -1 T 1 Itt'l.L j . f lltllnad lAt-t . T T .1 . . a 1 1 - night, which, howeve:, was not le- involved In a quarrel with cce rt the garde.1 as serious. Italian, who shot the doctor In rl.e Mr. Ingersoll spent aomt tVmc In the bowels, IMlIeting a fatal wound. As veranda of his homo today with the soon a the news became known tlee. Secretary Alrer lia changed hU p'.aus somewhat, a 31 U i:ow arranging to rru-iia at the War l-iannicnt until his resignation trke effect AugdM 1. lie had at lirt intended to leave the el'.y Sunday nr Monday on the return of Aitaut Secretary Meik!cj-I.i. u-r tary ..igr. in speaking . a r- ; poncr xhl morning in reganl v t!. report that V.YMu Root would l hH jii!ei-e!or. sjHke hishly n" Mr. i!nit! and ald he-would lie i'Lt.l to hear of his appointment. DIfcus4 by th Cabt t. Waslilnzton Julr 21.--A1 tit ca"In't nietiii: today Secretary Alger v mej cf the lat of tilt- I'reH.deii!" eoui '.I to Heavy This Month Railroad Stocks Rot Affected by Strikes. Jobbing Demand for Dry Goods Increasing- I New York. July 21. Dnn's Weekly, Kevh w or Trade tomorrow ui sy: Optitaiftu: I s!vJ) iHjpular. lui wore ;iian !.:iif the titue laa.trou. Seven ea r. of I-sltio and reaction h!v-n.ri-a!I foV.w three of rapid p:og r!. Rut the three of precri m bate nu ret iaMHl. and the tuc. csutioat art i dir lo-cjf no .I.xi of halting. fi4 members of his Tamil, and this morn- iaK'h ed to the house mob formed and m ing, shortly before noon, .vent up where the Italian murderer lived and. stairs and sat down Jn his room, and 'meeting with some resistance there. Aipr!icnoi of b.rt er;n j reach tbe White Ilo-.t'e and the lirsT iJawsv wlep fa-nirr surasal rrconli Iixive. After he had gone t!ie rrri-n n.I'.n'.'-Jde of fhlua'. t I. I OfH.-l.il r.'tunis of ? iect Moo'Ur- n:imiii !t W'h'!.. jit was thentliat he was seized with killed not only him but all the numjtire announcement wan mad the attack which brought on his ueath. 'occupants, making a total of six. Mrs. Ingersoll sat with him for a fowl The grand Jury of Madison has been moments talking, and proposed that called on to Investigate the kllliug. she would have his luncheon sent up to him and save him the trouble of go- New Orleaus, Ia., July 21. Fuller ing down stairs again. Mr. Ingersoll (reports ediow that ouly five Iallau ALASKAN BOUNDARY. Slight Concession by Canada Rllvs tl Situation In Official Clrclvs. Washington, July 21. -Canadians have made a slight concession in re gard to the Alaskan boundary. In con sequence better feeling prevails in government circles. Canada, however, has not consented to relinquish her claim to a harbor on Lynn Canal. Un less Canada relinquishes this cjaim the controversy will be as far from set- I tlement as ever. Reassembling the ouncihnan Jordan, chairman of the 1 joint commission August 2 has not yet arer Committee, and Tr t at 1 . HTlllMlrr ..h,t 1,Uu - . I " . lul,u,.v ut-aiui omcer, wno Canadian iTemler I.aurler are ooitp- ,IU investigated the rumor about . n.ljrfft'r m the reservoir, both 'say is exiecte something definite wiil re ' i ;i s nrt r nr inimi ot e.. I it a. jir. .jortian lias a card in evenings Sun-to this effect replieil that he was not an invalid yet,-were lynched and would go down with the family. lie started to rise and dropied back into a chair dead. Doctors declared that his death was due to heart dis ease. Robert G. Ingersoll was born In Dresden, N. Y.. in 1SS.1. His father was a Congregational clergyman, whose liberal views frequently aroused discussion. Young Ingersoll' a youth was spent in many different parts of, the country, as his father moved freV quently from church to ohurch. A considerable portion of his early youth was passed in Illinois and Wisconsin. Ingersoll began his career as a law yer in the little village of Shawnee- town. 111... In 1S00 Ingersoll ran for Congress, but was defeated. lie enlisted in the army at the break ing out of the civil war and went to the front in 1852 as colonel of the 1'Ieventh Illinois Cavalry. In lSWEt he deserted the IemocratIe party and became a Republican. He nominated Blaine for President in the National Republican Convention of 187G. Hi speech at that time attracted great attention. and from that time on he was in' great demand as a eampaigu orator. The place of minister to Germany was of fered to him in 1S77, but he refused it As 11 lawyer he was identified with many famous cases. It was as an infidel and an enemy of the Christian religion that Ingersoll was best known. He was known the world over for his bitter opposition to Christianity, and the pamphlets he wrote and the speeches he made !n support of his beliefs have had wide circulation. He had engaged In many bitter controversies with ministers of the Chtistian church and others who disagreed with his Infidel views, lir- always spoke of the Bible as a leautl ful book, and said he would give all he possessed If he coidl eliove It. He frequently said that he hopnl there was a paradise, but did not lplleve in one. at Tallulah dent talked with his advlr-ers regarding. li'. -.-'-.s(trr- iiwii! '.-mlii"- fw? ,r flvo! by the a d-x-rraee uf ?sr..i.tX") la value of President of his selection, the cabinet the grrnt M.iph exported, but an in members vere under the iiup.-fiou I . , tv........ export. luipori are gristly lnrreaei . lu raw material, but materially do- that the place wit..l U offeretl t for the Hodges killing. They were arrested for the killing and taken to Tallulat. They were taken thence by a mob of about 100 men shortly after midnight Thursday and were hanged on live seiiarate trees and their bodies riddled with bullets. The dead are: Jaim's IHfntto. Frank Dlfatto. Charles Dlfat to. S. .Fredrlcla and John Ceraue. The lynching caused great excit - meut throughout the parish and wh-u the iHoiIe of Tallulah woke up Frldar momins and saw live trees In front of ley. has been akel to ro to Washing the court house, each ormuneuted wirn'tou. It lit reiortel her- that le Is to Klihu Root, of New Yo:k. Hi na:u . . 1.. ...1 ...i.'. i.i.-i. 1... i im-iini nun in..! i.itui n I u- I i t.. ... , . . t .. . various niemlrs. xvbo sjH,ke well of ,,,.ar tlf llpflrl,.ut rroI,4 his avallabll.ty and c-omiN.t..u. y. L ,M f , wHlrrn ,K nmouni The Kessiou oth.-rwise was Lirgelr , 1-T.J-il.nW buh-I of wl-at for taken u, with d.plomatle nutters. A , , f KxjKrt of wh-n' cable dispatch from Otis wa rad. U.,V4. iwn - 7l hnt.u tiurJn g tLrt telling of an eugagem.nt between uluUlh thtt far. ,V! dH.;nM An..-ricans and roldn-rs In ( N'trro. nilha , . wlll, a,suraD f atnp up. stating the general e,ndllon lu the; (.uloa - aira3l(1 I3M UJ T. 6nral Cowan hot la It. Omaha, July 21. General Cowan. lMdal vounsel for the government In the I'ulou Pacific Jitlgntlon. and for- 1 ion at Umdon. coppr is firm at lS'i m-r Ltw partner of President MeKln- and lead I said to tie sold by tr largi'ly. though the price alns (IRK:. Pig Iron ha not adv.11 1, but tr-l rails Imve alvauel to at Ilit burg. billet to HI. mM liar to XJK Tin I lifte.1 to 2H.1V'. by wild spinla- rumor. tbi 1 Ik s Hah ml I As m m m . "ir ( hief of Police, J. A. Woodall. . t tt v.' hi nlcA ,,! y-, L v acinus lull . x. 11. li- TV. 1 1 captain of Company D, asiainton . ... 3 ( (J '"i-.l Regiment North Carolina State cieand V 0 ith1' his'cLnt re1in thG movninS Batteries! Mercer and Dunlin; Colli JV":JRl for the encampment flower and Sc-hrechengost. OTIS AND THE CORRESPONDENTS SUBJECT FOR LYNCHIN8. Second game: Washington.. .. , . . . Cleveland .. . Batteries: Dineen and Rates and Schrechengost. At Pittsburg: -x Fitrsburg. R. Nor Who Assaulted a Llttlo Girl Has Poor Chance for His Life. Tho.!'.!." z'P?l I Philadelphia .". s , SN1,rea ouS Batteries: Chesbro aud 1; 7 "I UL Ay)eili yesteroay nas Donohue and McFarland j-. L u.-.-u r.iugm, arter a vigorous pur- twenty-four hours. He has t(. vfr;i . 1 J-l . .,,1 L 1ISU11 upureuewueu at Ansouyuie, rt-:i, II. E. 7 1 7 1 Kit bridge; R. H. E. t 7 3 3 9 r Schriver; 'Hit jnsr been Uf will morning. Til 1 . . T ug ner cow out augnt by the negro. The negro was n rue act of dragging the girl to the ' is near by, but was intercepted veivm consummating bis purpose. r. n. 2 11 12 13 E. C T .umj u iiicueu oeiore Batteries: Hanes, Jordan, Brake and . jouus -issauueu Ijarabert; Warren and Luskey. mfie .vfuis oiu. uuu was to grass when BRYNE BEATS BABYLONES. Why Toral Surrendered. (Madrid, July 21. The Ileraldo prints an interview with General Toral, who surrendered Santiago to Shafter. He saj-s his guns were useless against the Americans, who riiad sixty modern cannons; that he was exhausted with fatigue after sixteen days siege, ins raudlno Trlbo Taken by Surprise and soldiers naif dead .and it was' impos Many Killed. sible to resist longer. Manila, Friday evening, July 21. Jnt Iiabylones,'a native tribe on the Depot at Klnston Burned Down. ls.land of Negros, have .finally been Kinston, N. C, July 21.Special. given a tro-nncinsr thnt -will TrfvM Atout noon today the Atlantic Coast put a stopper on thair marauding for Ine depot was destroyed by fire. The a considerable time. These thieves origin of the fire is unknown. It was Lave been practically the sole cause discovered while tlue employees were t trouble in that island. They haunt- at dinner. Two or three trucks and a efl the mountains, which are difficult few chairs are all that were saved. of access, and would thence swoop 1 ' lown on villages and wealthy hacien- Fatal Trial!. Trip. das to pillage, burn and murder. - Lrondon, July 21.-A dispatch from On Tuesday Captain Bernard Bryne, Lloyds from Cowes says that the new nimanding a battalion of the Sixth thirty-knot torpedo boat destroyer Bull jnfantry. took seventy men, and, mak- finch, while on her trial trip. bur3t her jfcg a night march, surprised i the vil- intermediate cylinders, killing eight wge of Babong at 6 o'clock Wednes- bluejackets and Injuring eleven, others. War Department Give Oat a Statement Concerning the Matter. Washington, July 21. The following statement was Issued this afternoon by the War Department: General Otis, in a dispatch dated July 20, says that the press corre spondent.vdenianded permission to ca ble that official reports misrepresented j conditions. This was denied. They then demanded the privilege to send, without reservation, facts found by them and their opinions. This was granted if public interests were not imperilled. Their answer was not sat isfactory and they therefore sent by mall to Hong Kong. Otis' says he Is not conscious of sending misrepre sentations, but thinks his dispatches at times were too conservative. The press affair seems to be a threat. When the correspondents were asked where in the Otis dispatches were misleading they offered nothing tangible except that his conclusions were unwarranted. When told that they were disregard ing military authority It was apparent that they courted martyrdom, which it was unwise to give them. ts human fruit, they became so re cited u bat business of all kinds w.i suspt-led and people gathered In lit tle xronps to discuss the matter. fl he grand Jury was hastily sum moned in special tesion to Investigate loth the killing of Dr. Hodges and the lynching of the Italians. The facts developed were as follows: Dr. Hodges Wednesday morning shot a goat belonging to Frank Dlfatto. On Thursday, the day after the killing of the goat, Dlfatto stepped up to Hodges door, saying: "Doctor, you shot my goat, now you had better shoot ine."' Dr. Hodges ejected the Italian, who was making threats against tbe lo.Mo aud saying he would be revenged for the goat. Frank, James and Charles Difatto, who were business men, were se-u n consultation several times during t,ie day at the store of James, keeper of a small grocery and bar-room 0:1 Front street. When Hodges left his office aft-r dark and walked out Cedar street, near where the Itallaus lived. Charles Difatto rushed out and. closing with tln doctor, struck him several times. The doctor broke away and, drawing his pistol, opened fire. James Difatto, who stood in the doorway of a house, returned the fire. using a shotgun for the purose. Both barrels were tilled with b!rdhot. which took effect lu Dt. Hodges' stomach and body, bringing him down. As he fired. Prank Difatto, S. Fred rlcla and John Cera tie rushed to the scene," all heavily armed, but took o part in the tragedy. As soon as the news became known smelt Stu company below 4-C0c tha quoted price. , . Wool I still advancing. Coates Brothers circular of tb irta showing a He of 2.110. since lajr 15. specula tion being particularly nclltw in lino wool. Cotton goods are 'unchanged, but strong. Railroad stocks refused to decline much because of the utrlke. and re covered i heir los. but industrial .cu rities are still tdlgb'ly lower. Failure for the wek lute been 143 lu th? I'nlted States, agalnt 207 Lut yea r. Brastrtets Gevlew. Bradtreets tomorrow will sty: In the market for lluUbed goods or- (drs art of large volume. rtlenlarly ilu worsted. The Jobbing demand for He lH-iu by minting out the prions' a tenqrary pu artier a sm-eeHl Alger In the cabinet. When asked as to the truth of the report. General Cowan denied It. The Position Ottered to Root. Washington. July 21. President Mc K ill ley telegraphed to Kllhu Root to night nklug him to no ept the "Secre taryship of War. VENEZUELA BOUNDARY. Argument Resumed Before the Arbitration Tribuaal In Paris. Pari. July 21.-The sitting of the Venezuelan Arbitration Tribunal were resumed today. M. Mallet-Prevot. stvretary of the jfoutmary oinini iriiai HUIIU nuiuu ivriiun 1 1 r.ll nil ta ius ocviipatiou of the mouth of the Orinoco, and the week on repart of dry weather !j i tb South Atbiutle Slate, bnt n-re-I FUIM "'i. 1 1 -..,.1.1. proeeebtl to malnulu 1...,,.. .1 w Spain's right by dls,-overy to .SnUnnJ n. il S-. lv In the first uainkiud pneu by 4 ol.nnbus mentioned in .ereral on his third voyage being actually al.H,!Ill the Orinoco- niouth ....... I I.Mher 1 a-tiv- and hid-s are firav Controverting Sir Richard ebt.-r ltaw r ,l3 furhrr jjj. argument In leljalf of I.ngland. tlut- mere discovery did not fumUli rights' to territory, he showed that Grtnt Brl-j taiu thilmed large tracts of land mere-' ly IKaus they were discovered by the j Tie Me fabots. After quoting interuaiioual j uwytrs iientiitious r wiuit const i-( TjiK-ka Ju!r l. tutevl effective rvn:n;ou following j.,.n; iiy tro n nV -r of discovery, he mainta ln.nl that Suln's Tweotjeth Kan.t H tht Pl'UIuln- actlon complied therewith. He argued ,,, a luoaiy p;e:ur- or. o.aJi:!ui. that Spain had ut!iienily ct.iblihel tu-re. Jt J rlitued t.a: lie tiruilTf possesion winch exciuucu aw others. tu. !vjtu.t reg:c;i! a. ct-i'U V.H-CKS. KANSAS MEN COMPLETE WRECKS. Tired ol sftrlco on F:rlaf Uao and Ketd Etst. Fjer.ers rectlTC-f CARS RUN ON SCHEDULE. l.i-it:eiant Swartt wrllci: "We are i.ehdc-4 aovr. YjU U OJl a large crowd assembled lu the lgli-,ym..mrMmrmaomtnmrcummA''l2:i,h tU? ow t:u" , rio l Qf' f lorhood. This waa swelled by several S Tv,?L mli SeV C icard cf n;e', a war reciid br-? A bundled txeu froui the surroucdln-;! x. , .... ... -r,, ' recnl of laucutv and forbrAtaocd country vho happens to be In Tall.t-I f0f Jt I hL , ,r J ' am;:-; .le.tt. topical anil tick- lah, wh'clt is the eat of justice of.catA0U toJj.y J V,t. l5e!X UT" , e. 1 he mtaVs cf ihe Twentieth Madison pamh. in attendance on the ,inu' ,i,c liJn r4,V Katies a eighty tore let Vf ea circuit court. JJost of the crowd knew the presence of a Mkeman on at Mm , ffrlte tV. a. fc Dr. Hwigea, who Was very popular.!?" otca,,IuI1? 1 , trolley car. All .-u-.plali.i: but In til Jctlce .:3 and they were clamorlni for the blood Ix-lug run u the .egulir nuJ t anjy rrv:3 tUr tf.zx sc nniuie. nf 1 1 1 r Itf.llnni TKn l..n., A I .. i, . angry crowd, had i treated into the'..' . , . 7 .. VI Dlfatto House, where they were 8I wa s"um,ned before a mag- ronnded. Mt,-Hfr r.,,,.- I ,...1 .istrate to answer to a complaint of llue. .her at any i.iicnu v&? r- expi-cted to e lrar.ee. The bard i'a: la.T jiju cvere i?r U It tcil.-g c us now. and I: would b- aa art ,? i n naa- ber of deputies arrived on the cenn ,n ai-gea er.annai j.c. n.- n-u .v :c lakt , frm CcM i.3iici V)9 !,. ,on,i,- -.1 .. . r.!Pir pres.dctit jounon or ine iul aij v.kUkAJij- 3 1111 m mm 1 iiTuaii 1 1111 a r-a 1 Mvren av: a ft regti!ri co fuit work. i!-jti cf tk;4 t t lAfie -ir:i.nrii Jii n es.iii . . . . lans to 8urrcnd?T. The latter how- r-1 . . . . 7. .V roiui .iai!! nicu.c uir.,.a ever, barricade he hoe In the ,-r'tHl Kc":ttr W,,J v oXxln T lhr Jcd:uert of goed ufflr Ttry mutlme TJic shet Iff and his xvoZ Imlml code by Intimating, a ai- i-.,r.Make. have l txsfe la tie tottered n the door The IlaKw wal ,3 m ' guera!.:.;,, ui tbS rAtn-.lgu. wLVj now Uioroughlv cowed an J -ricltcwd fo' :bff Atrm tJ bloH , doubti-i:! M male puMlc rUa made no re"l JJnce .rlgatencd. up ,h( cIoTJteJ rr l liars. mr h?I cia uJk frPc!r. gl vo It looke.1 at first as though the Ital-' J"!W"tS 'rrlS?' 3n! rt ? 1 nation w - - - - - v , , " DEWEY IN AUSTRIA. Ho Will Visit Venice and tne Grotto at Adelsbnrg- Vienna. July 21. Admiral Dewey will visit the Grotto at Adelsburg. after which he will go to Venice. From Venice he will sail slowly for Naples, wnere he will remain for some time, possibly going from. .there to Marseilles. He will probably reach New York October 1. Dewey is de lighted with the friendliness display ed toward him and his officers and men by the Austria authorities.. He Halted the governor and mHlfjirr and I naval commanders. ' ' Ithori--1 lans would be Jyuched before th.y could be conveyed to Jail, but the .sher iff was determined, and. forciug hi way through the crowd, got" the men to tbe Jail. Before midnight tbe Jail was surrounded by a mob of oue hun dred men. The keys were forcibly taken from the Italians were their txkiJes riddled The Italians were vegetables and they had been in this country DEFENDER BREAKS A TRACT. RlOTIrtS l.f CLEVELAKD. Speed Test WIU tbe Colombia Spelled by, a Mlenae. Newport. July 21. What tiotil l ! Fence Reserve ana nu tenio i 1 Preserve order-Car Blewa L'pbyasWsw Cleveland. O- July 21. Tur!ulrnt 1 . . . . . .-4 f -t. . w. m sheriff and the live have been ike very best test or speed V8" "ri" -- - strong to tn-s and and si!ll between the yacht Cjluaibu,- '. v "j 'in ,aaM' . with bullets. 'and Defender came to naught this usj ana ni;B-r iCr W5WJr,.r all driers in fruit, morn'ng beean.e of .inliliap to tUc ... - - petty groceries since cup cDamp:on 01 w? u.u?. ; - - VrtLerV At O toairLt w mm 1. 1 mi. M" mm v rvoa t wtis it i 1 niiri" t r :ii . r - - mm A L la 11 aJI V at in vicVR- crtnmrinn 10 nr jasnuu.c. juc . - 7 their naturalization inpors. burg, twenty-one milts nway - v ... I rarcloutlr car4. Tbe onr rra . waere test a uo. w-r- , . , f -.st,ns. they formerly resided and where they bonr before one or cei iai Vler ovt- hae m.ny relatives, they were highly which the ks of the lender of esteemed, and their bodies will oe mam sneex ; taai Sfinea

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