M I HE Post ORN Vol, IV. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1899 No. 72 .ING CRUEL AND BARBAROUS Siberian Horrors at the State Penitentiary Farm. TO CONVICTS lfeiti!110ll.V raken by the Legislative l!, iuli a i'ollll ttlOIl Ol'Al- (.innim " " ' falrxtliat flakes the Blood Run Cold loH'-ad It- rucltj ot tlie Worst Type .emoiiitied In Supervisor Summer cll ami Ilis Subordinates. at G:..0 a. in. The committee is com- i posed of business men. They are not; off on a junketing tour, but are j driving right, at their work. The early i morning 'was si-ent in inspecting ihe Caledonia farms. All the mwnlters of the committee were present. They are Senator J. A. Brown and Representa tives (iattis and Patterson. When Chairman .Brown called ta committee to order he asked all offi ciails. supervisors and employes to stand aside. Supt. Day was anions the number (present .and lie quietly left as did Mr. Travis and the super visors. Mr. Hrown -took the view. and ! jusiiy i inai me employes and con victs should be given an opportunity to give their testimony , without any restraint. EXPERTS IN WRITING The Question of Who Wrote the Bordereau. BERTILLON IS AMUSING we KK:v'c !':iv: i "BLOOD SPOI THD" OI'T. H;ilif;ix. X. C. Atis. 25. Special. jtM SiKiunerell. the Supervisor of Pt'iiit. -unary farm at -Minuaiuii-inUst ,-'o. Today before :the Leg- luvestigating Committee his sealed. S. liussell is t.he man w'ho let )u; i lit eeivts, wli'u-h have been zeal- ;u!.;vstel friends, llussell (i of Covernor Russell's. Their p..i-k:.hi ston here, because David S. ;i Ik-mocrat. At present David S. Ki'-mII Is steward at the Caledonia fa, ;u No. For eight mouths he held iii.i: )...;: ion at the Northampton farm iin.'.iT Lewis Suinmerell, and there is wiiriv lie witnessed instances of cru il:y ;ui'l barbarity that are hardly sur p;wl in darkest Siberia. The instances of cruelty related by Mr. liussell resulted from the slightest iufnietion of rules by convicts. But Su:ii;neivll. he said, was a .brutal and jiasiuuate man, who only showed a kui'Hy feeling towards the unforta nates under him when drinking. Evi i v Suinmerell was not drinking The Brutal Planner In AVhleli Summer ell Chastised Convict. D. Russell, the steward of he No. 2 Northampton farm gave the coni- Surprise I-xpreaaed at tlie Latitude Al lowed the Proaeentlon Without Pro test In Vlev of the Derision of the Court orCassatlon Paris Hears Hu mor Regarding Germany and Italy Du Paty de Clam I'nable to Appear Rennes. Aug. 25. The greater par: of day's session of the Drevfus court who hi lSiM deiljr.il that the hand-j , wrilitig of the Itordetvuii w;i int that of Dreyfus rejieated hi testimony l fore the court -martial, describing how be wax attacked by every Imdy at headquarters when lie gave hi opin ion a gain t their theory. The witness entered Into an amilyi of the hand writing of tie lmrdereau. when Joit aust interrupted hint, flying: "These are trliles nnd not iniiiorraiit." Tlie witness retorted with dignity and emphasis: "IVnnlt me to say. Mr. President, that I am here to tell the truth ami to give my evidence in such a manner that it wlli carry the greatest weigllt., .louaust reionded testily. "Well. gt to work." The witness continued hi exposition. Then c.Ulie the famous c.rt. M. r tilloii. and with him were a sergeant and three soi. tiers hrided lowu with what appeared to lie eoiijnring apparn tils. Till "Was dip;.d aliou: the stage, and the witness, in a deep. sp ulehnil voice, began n wonderful dis- oitlsilion which iiolMk.lv li:is Vi'i under- THE STATE OF TRADE The Tendency of Business Is Still Upward. U.fef. FLUCTUATION IN COTTON Hurt fn.ll..rin(r vmHiI wwi-ntitl.tn I .vv-w -iV 111, t1llt-il&ll.4i.fUI .1.. 1 . . . . I. .-..I t fc- - .-.. of Summvreirs methmls: . martial was taken up by expert tesii-, ''yi", "" "uu' . i,u" nuiiseii, me :.iiu . . mm way. im-i i; Heavy I(rtMrve All That Holds the Mar ket Stead -l.iiorttiou Transaetlon In Wool-Iron Works Sold Ahead Hoot and Shoe !!uliie Crowded (raln Iterrlpts Pall )fT-.d anrr In llallroad and Industrial Storks. N.-w York. Aug. 25. Dun'- W.-ekly Review f Trade io:nifTw w.H .t.v: Nothing is lea liti z with I'm met probjeni. ring i the rtt-.i: whipjiiug of n-gro. h .!: piiblie pi.-.'t;t:g ayl te:itiacU:hn will iiti; -!ir. . h. lis.i. It i in Mi. a:id yti j i ut -trike at the rii to f.-n li-i: .i Tin nvo rj- -atiut 3 liv. ioz.-ijmt in iiimiv on ieriu of -.iul tigiii-." He ad.;: "It ; ery ea ;.r Tdhicia and other to h-;ioii!M t law ,-.m- f the ;'.illu. wixdhit tw1. ll Mr. Tiilauui nod ili who J-iu hits, as Kuard.iiis nf the ti-gr put them Jv- in tin r tii.i'" plue niel walk ji jI nv ki,n!l.- froai a:j- trp till sii:idwu. in ciij-ta?ion wir.i uegr Lilor at d tKar j tuuih. a mi-i of n-al and tan-- ki:;i,1 f Uieju a wv-k. Si:u Jiirt!-a!ia for thi Uh:h4 may ! uz frni t5i depths io-r?r inta w hi li eJiej j. li1-r .as jJungi juany worihjr whiN-s." ejiernl Itmh-r advi--ates the 1 -IShtueat. by the government, of a -vil-ony for tiegr.-. and .iv: "The methods t.f The Jje-gr Hot i Tr... i ..... i .. ... i, ...... : .i... I i. v..,- .v .1... l. .. n t ..r .1... ii'ite ou iitr u in iui- '",' i mi- ii, i mi i 1 1 n -ii im- . . . , - ... . , , employment of the State penitentiary ? : bordereau, and nrobablr several day'? " luZ r L 7.. . A " 1.. , ele:1 - - 7III1 I I 1 II I. I Ml I'llll " 1 T"l 9' 11 I I 1 -v a littie over two years. Q Who appointed you? A wTolin li. Smith. Q Where havr you been at work? A Well. I was here alvout 12 months. wili be devoted to th same -subject. 1 nillteil his conclusions would be The fact that the Court of Cussa-.hui Imilv liirlH"-iit iMrsams i-.mli! im.li.r. this point favorable to Drevfus is iz-' . i.i . ..i i. ... ...i t... is half- jthen I was ar Northampton farm about i .rh , . , , v , v . : ",u "' " """ ' ui" . . c- o ,. ... , , noitHl. 1 hose who have not followed the n-maiiider of todav and lurt of The eff.H-t a o .-. .i ii i i i ihhi- H i ii. i i- inn m'iiuh ni ine r"iuaiinier V llliT ll ,.!tl, VU11llllik1.-.r1 .11,.! . . B IlJUIllll."' II II 11 IUUItlll l 9 11UU lit! I I. I . iv. i,0,. v,,.;i ievents closely oxpiwed surprise that tomorrow to demonstrate. v u nv iu .imi .Llrni. i - - l.t.... . . . ..... O V. 1 ...win,. AT t CJt in il.f,tw... lil n.t m-.it..t...1 .l.rii.wt il'IOlIU 1 lilt U i .1 s ill .-.ni-e itiit i-.mv t i . .1. HI pld exoJu fnini t he ha II. only a f e w lilt 1 cil. 41 li 1 1 Oil . tliiu i--.i-rii.il .l.hti .1H...1 if tin .mtli.witi. . A Yes, sir. Q Dad you ever know Mr. Suin merell to intiict any punishment u any of his convicts? A Yes. this virtual defiance of the authority (of the highest tribunal of France. The reason is that Dreyfus' defend- A- -Was it very severe? ers annoum-etl in advamv of the trial , li"trihming fresh ,-harts ,,.,,,,. th.iv M.oil.l MMl...mw. tli. fn11..t gra in among uiem. ami .111111 .nMr lii- 2:1.1 jkt t-nt. larger ihm la: year. evltabh. Tonnage fnmi Chi-Mgu for ihrs w-ek 1 !..it I ltj.il "r 1 .1-1 ...1 i t .1,.. ..tit..t tlaii 1 . ."'"""' " ' " ."ilia Ih-.ii Mi.T it -e:i:. larger than last year. Perhaps never lie fore hare desuand for actual ue ei.iiir-ll-l husine prie.Y with , little pculaiio;i to an tieipate higie-r imirkets. Praet Jea'.ly ad iii-lusirie are some mouth ln-bin 1 rsuiretneiit for aeinal ue. an.l .11 many iuuli of the output for te-M iimiv Hmiiii-ii! than t.ii-t. ij" "M umi ii,- 1 1 11. ...... I ! -. . t. m l.i ... etual I1.1 v jiejils through ;inn-'iul 1 .. ... 1 .. . . I.ne ui 1 iu III'-1-11 e -eiiaei. Ijrn .:iJg. ring hoiles for the Wi--k w-te w hilei-aiMi.a-s and innli litr nil! nm. - - - - persons remaining. ItcrtilloU succeeded well ill keeping the attention of the judges, f I .sju.-li t ly that invcrstigation of the whole question ,f attention to points with sueh d. ail Weia. in three or four instances I 'alleged tieasonable H)nluct of the a !hat th- court wa compelled to f.d shouhl call it brutal. Q. Will you relate those instances? Beat with a Stall'. A. One prisoner. Joe Mason, a lift prisoner, was w.hi'pied very severely. lie il;ul not get into line as quick a- low him. eiisisl without 'inv rest rlet ion. This was a neMllesslv hold course to adopt Kvrn thi seientitle hun'auer.u w.is in a counirv o'f wliich Dumas once , "liable, however, to suppress his ani ..ii, 1- -If I ..i ,.iK.hl ..f t.vi1in. I mus. for he tlt'oppeil the subje t of tlie towers of Notre Dame. J should gaph)lgy at .me ioint to indulge In a iiwt undertake to defend uivself: 1 Uhur l-uunciath.u of Dreyfus as n shoulil bolt." jtiaitr. In the midst of this di.it rile Sumnierell wanted him to. and Sum-1 There is gmd reason to believe lint tu witness eye caught one of hi merell took hohl of the staff of the jf Dn vfus had insisted on his rights charts, which he seize I. and rooming lash, which is about as large as a under the decision of the Court of . professional manner, he proceeded man's arm. and neeled him over the r.i.iti.m the ioin-t-m:ii-ticil wou'.d i to explain it mysteries amid the fit.-itltly UieJiaee -,etr. tiilrilet prio ress aul ke.-ji up a :ate f anxiety. .4tio-i, tLt:c;t i: ciAm:, n ,. i,u. .ivm- -l lifo f-iileil oead it ve or six t siv iu line. After having been se wn iy whipped by two employes at S;mmiereii"s command, the latter seiz-i- i.i. i .. .i.i it. ... . ' . . fii.it- iau ami neeieu Jiaoi oxer im; ii. hi with tihe staff. "Every time he Lit hi in the l)lood would spout," so the hv::uis ttv titled while sieaking of iitaiefeil's methods. But that was not "lerettl wanted him to? ail. Mayor's hack was beaten "raw," and then the heartless supervisor siart- t! anew on h'us sides. times witli it. The have onenlv announced its ilelianet of staff is about two feet lotirg. the decision and would have gone on Q. Did he knock lii-m down? 'just the same. but it would A. No. sir: but he bled profusely, then have been settled beyond Every time he hit him the blood would perad venture that any unfavora- S'pour. , it' mi gment liv tlie JUUge Q. That was done because he did would have lu-en promptly quashed not rret into line as quickly as sum- ,bv the supreme indicia! tribunal. It is ditiicult to sav what may now hip- A. Yes. Tih en he called two or three ,nen in the bv no mean innxs'ble convicts and made them take him event of a decision against the pris down. ami then he gave me the whip oner. .iii.l t . , 1 . 1 i ti ,i t , . . v . . r . . . -. t 1 .. i i . . 1 T . 'i-i . . i. ........ . .. . . T . . . . . a. . - iimi unit Jiii- f i" "'"ii. iiini i a ! I lie oi li Ol Sill HI I 1 1 1,11 IOII Iio.i i ir- i - plied it pretty vigorously, what I ing on has no interest to the on : side lotn the court leuevoleiitJy allow thought was sufficient. He then -called woild beroml furnishing an opponu-1 ':' the'-wlni" to do iul:e as he two ilavs the negro was denied -inv n Atioipnu iaier. ami ne apjwmo u nitv for its marvel ami iwrnaps -mine ii-a vn. -umuiui. m.i. oe oeiiiou- J-'i as die lav helnless on his hard vigorously for a long time. Summered ar Hertillion. the principal handwr't- smiting his system by making fac il-uut in the hospital, but in a cell U1 not think tliat sufficient, and he exjorr. He seems a most striking I sluilles of the bordereau under the -sit Mr. liussell testiried. uerkwl the whip out ot Maters hand examiile of a fanatical devotee oriJcoi tin' nuirt. -some oi t.ie jiMges wits lone at SunimereH's order and -whipped him on the side. He was s-rience. in whom genius jnt over- smiled : t the result, and ihe court tie witness said. After bavin" star-- P0 raw an ueiow urai ne wnqijieu nimteps the hue ot sanity to tnose wno.iuijuuinni. two davs the Czar of the pu the snie. I svr;)usly studusl his tleinonstration ot Nut satiistied wi'th having brutally vA cnielly tortured the helpless negro ;i;-vjtlon was next attempted. For laughter of such of the audience a were awake. Kertillon reject a impossible the idea that Esterhazy wrote the bordereau, "ih matter if the man himself say s, and .naii'.fold witnesses should come ami say tiu-y s.iw him do It." There was ;. great pile of eh.-iri and photograUiM In front of nn-li judge when the hour of adjournment wa reached. Iteltillou. who liad !eetl eu- slhnitly iu writing at a table Ihe kit twenty minute of the I i e;iciiei. j gage I S during I f'i aim fur Kaurii weakened when appealed to by Mr. "liiusell and permittetl him to be i-'iv-.-a something to eat. For - three weeks Mayor was unable to do any W'H'k. And to this crime the negro v-;is concealed in his cell, where the I'-iysi.-ian never called. This is one of M-v-al instances of cruelty related by lllipSfH. aiit-wa-li seldom sticks. It was ?v" so. hi SummereH's instance :t i;.is changed into black. Fublicity was to the supervisor's liking, as it i'V(l his deeds too conspicuously be-f,;'- -the imhlic. So when the press sized up Lewis and ,his methods u'i ;iiicieiif and clumsy trick was at- tcinpred to silence the .newspapers ind l-mn-;tti' MimereM. statennt was drawn by Mr. Ed. w;k. .si) liussell says, which set forth -it no cruelties had ever been prac- ;it the .Northaniioron tVirm. :inil ui.s was presented to the guards, over "'is; and employes of the farm 'to fc;J. liussell rebelled. He declined -:- -v T, onietiiiing that was known 11 iiU Ille-n III hf ! lwn.l.ntt.1 l- fnlia nn.l - ..'. ..v.tv J 1. i V Ukl 1 lUscii to :n-fno,li hiij ci o-n -i t ir-o ' ....... . . . ' - . I t.l. V. I the thesis that Dreyfus possible writer of th - 'must he con lessen mat it is a womier- i fullv clever disuuisition. the only Tore Convlet! Body Open. Q. Was he raw on the back? A. Yes. (). What caused the rawness on his....;,. Vlf ...huj. u ,i1:lf it starts froiii b:i pk ? I.i ........ i . .n . . . i. . i . -' 1 T .1 I.'.- 1 in. -Ill I .... . .. T -111 .-I k'rilM I.I I. a .1 . i . n.ir in i iiii.-i -it ......-a..-' . i ii. . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . j . . i . i i iiai ;i iioui ( ne iau. Q. t)n the same occasion? A. Yes. Q. Was the jiriiS-o-uer - able to go with his dav's luties? V. No, sia" he was not able to go to work for two or three days, anywav. Q. Did they take his clothes off to whip hkn? A. They exposed his naked body. Q. ion say lie was not able is ne "ill) nrr onmri irx Mruu rn bordemiu. D nnOL UUIXTLIUI IMUVV Ul on ti-i". He I'i'Oill T I ! I t il-ii- lii ' .1 'It til.. V. ....1 . i- . 'ii. .mi iu;uiijjiU'ii lai m. .''lvl1 made it intolerable for his departure. tound life a bur- Sum- him. to work for tiwo or three weeks? Hobbled for Two Week. A. Yes: 1 know it was for two ; weeks, anyway, ami for two or threw 1 days he did not go out of his bunk, i I was steward at the time, and he ent to me and asked me if I could not gU'e mm something to eat. lie was not able to come ottt, and I told mm that Mimmerell had ortiered me not to give him anything to eat till he told -me to. He sent for me again and asked me to intercede with Summer.dl and see it he would not Jet me give . him something to eat. 1 saw Sum nierell and asked him if we ought not i tWti 4,i Was mumered In to Sive him something to eat. and he ril ".. i now mueuouot. nus- "Well, he didn't give a damn. I Su.ln'!';' um cIear yesterday. When niht give him something if 1 wanted tV ,', , P1U t0 Iiusse11 to oraer to;" and 1 ordered! th' cook to give him m- tne murdered convict the something. After he got out he hob- s. ,S;1U "rhat damn fool hied around for at least two weeks. Bur,.f " it i He was not able to do any labor at am . a!ssv11' Bot,h CaIt- Rhem all, and Avihen he did get able to do t ',,' ''V v.l'r ?ave lnm the h,J?h- anytihing he put him in tlie shop. v.'i-. y l""'u,1;,,;1(u for character and g.-Wdmt time was that? WVm Vvel'y one spoke a. In July. 1808, 1 think. fcn'e tnidi'is it necessary to seri ouslv eo'itrovert his therry. anl a con- itlict of expert evidence will be imi' of ithe features of this amazing jM'oceeil jing calhsl a trial. An interesting report come from Pari tonight to the effect that the Italian and t.erman government have been consulting on the question wiiether thev will send .to France all to go iTnt, documents enumerate! in the bor- derean and others recvivtsl from ihe same source, with dear and in-disputable statements as to the identity of the French traitors. Italy, it is said, is quite willing to do so. but the Kai ser takes the ground that tJennany, having definitely announced that sue never haul any dealings with Dreyfu, does not feel callM upon to iiirther interfere iirKi purely French affair. Tlie anti-Dreyfus prs here Is be coming more bitter an d Incendiary :u its attacks on .lews and foreign corre spondents ihere. Its language is a a aj. ... . I scarcely disguisea incitement to violence. The disapixiintlng announcement Trouble at Darien Has Reach ed an Acute Stage. Deputy She r in Killed by Neroe and Another Wounded White Fam Illew Sent Out of Town and .Men Head) to 1'lghU itis ''ill. Hie tiictiniwiiin l. l,... -'i'iuuu,i imuuvl oe uro- " i ' vn ; . i " iiiipeacueil It will be "'Hll'MTeji lii' n,,.w -l,..,. ..- i Iixon, who served as super- Q. Can you give us any other in stances of. e.ruel.ty? A. Another case was Haywood Mitchener. He whipped him very se- .--M,-J1 't-ll-W,-,.-l 1 l i .-. .1, ..!- V, rv l (1 .1 it ,-. . . ----- . .-i-v.. i inn,i. ii .iiiinvii mill u l lll L ii. ivi 1,1 MtediVTl 1 ;1 fnnn V-v I. , t.i i . . i ..i in. f : . . . -i iiuuci xo K-eep mm aroiiuo. ine srocKaue mere. "in "i niini0-nii4-;ift.i - . i ... . m-i!tl. . "-uiMiauuu, was on rae white-was Jung tor eight or ten lays. l :iti,..iVi , au hour' Mr- Dixon know he was raw, for he had to put : Ma ,. '"oxii ox in is tormer chiefs, old bags in his pant l'ivwi,' nu J' -u' ilewborae, from rubbing him cn-'i.; , Ul ' -xU'tave abilrty and. un Darien. Ca.. Aug. IIT.. There I a toud -all for more white men iu Meliros i county tonight. The negroes have 'jW.iciically deserted Darien and taken to the swamps. They are now uia.i about twelve mile fiotn tCie town and have th-owu out picket to guard 'again! an attack from the whi:es. Word lui been Sell! in that I hey will net submit to arrest. An armed os-.e ha leil tor the scene on horseback and a special train i be ing made to carry out auoilo r passe, A stcimcr is being sent to Hrunwick to bring a many volunteers a -.iu h secured. -several wiUle rainilies . -w x . . v . t ... ...1 I 1 . . ai . tnat imi i.uy ie i i;uu wouiu oe uu-jWre sent away rram iarieu today in able to appear was the first Incident of ! order that the men might be free to year i .dread v sold lnm works w h'o-'a supply Pittsburg are sold up far into Pi. For :.- j aier p'g S'S2 and for Hvy Forge p.i. fr S.oitheru pig th.ii were paid at PitisburgJ for No. 1 eoke -.M ai Chi- ago and for anthracite No. 1 ill Phil.idelrhi.l. Ste. rails s,.Jl it .fg at tlie Eat. an 1 the output of plates is being bonksJ far into uet year, ltoth P'ltburg a.i! Ciil.Mg sheets are hard to gt and work of all s.ir.f is delaveil (r-mi the biggest war Vess.d to the s,ale-.t facoifV. The iMMtt and 1iih bti'.iie is lik-- W i-e erVeil. Prices have rie '2 1 2 cents per juir. Leatoer rises further, especially for iiper. with dt-maml !- Volld precedent. Cottoll g.tls are ,l!-al further advanced iu lilies uot affcv: by the proposed eoiioi;.:i tiMi. and the deUtaild for Wendell gootls is Ullprs-'- dellted. Sales of Wo.l the last four Week, mostly domestic, are cnomiotl. amounting to ;T7.1 jhjuji-1. Sharp tluctuatiou iu cotton show how fears of Injury by drought wo'iid affect the market. If lere were uot m hainl about :!.irtii.tii twites t.f oil cot ton. KeiKrt of injury to wheat iu the northwest affeete.J the in. irk. ! for a div ir t.w.. tin price closing t-4e lower for the Week. Western Te- -IptS fell l.NM" lUlshels . hill I for the Wt-eh. but ftT four Week have oeen 1 .i.::i;7.-l H bushels, against II.- .Ttl.irj! last velar. Athlinie exintrts in four weeks have tn-en ll.rjl.::j2 bushels, against 1 1.7.:".'gVi lat year. Paeilie exp.rts h.lVe lieen .""fj.trjl .'of the Week, atid for four vevk. l.VJ, X:i against l .:.":. 7'. I lat year. T4ie stiK-k market advanced retis a share for railr.Ki.ls and 4- -cuts a -hare for industrials. Failures for ihe week have leen iu the 1'nittsl States, against I7.i l.it year, and 1J Iu Canada. ag.iiu-t '.. iast year. Ilradtrerta llele. I trails, reel's tomorrow will ay: Sotiihern trade rejiorts froai o.t.m growing region M-:ik of crop di-teri-oration, particularly in the s.i-ti.in west of the Mississippi. New l Mean r-piri lln Loniskiua .sugar crop abo.tl iialf the average. Improved demand for -otton aud wKil-n eKdts is report ed, tleueral trade as a wiiole hi a stnnig ttuie. Cotton go.Is tend up ward at New lork. today's sission of the Dreyfus court martial. I-ibori requested that an in- depen-dent 'ommittee of physiclnn be tight. All thi 1 the outcome of the rio ous situation that luis exiied in Da i:atem Club Found the Fate ,calnl Then. Tirvtrrda. At Cleveland: K. II. II (let.-i.iu-l i :: New York j :; 4 P.atteries: KnepiN-r and Sagdcn: S-ysnour and Wilson. At Pittsburg: 11. II. II. P sisburg 7 1 I 111 sjoll . . . . .... ! 1J 11 It.it terie: TanuehiU and Sehriver; I-wis and Il-rgen. At St. Iau'is; II. II. 1 Sr. Ini'ts ... 7 1 Philadelphia '2 I V, lkttter.es: :o;py anl Criger; Dono- hiie and Douglass. Second game: II. II. 11. St. ui :: M 1 Fhii.id. i.:...i i i lkitter.es: Sudhoff and Cnger; Piatt and MeFarlaud. A ROAST FOR A ROAST The Question Arises. Who Is the Traitor? Congressman natlue aad K4rard At klnn Fxrbange Compliments In Itesard ! ltoton- A n tlalmperlallat Fa per. CI F.IIIX F.AT III(Ki:. sent by the court to examine the con- rien for several dav following tlie ar- ditton of Du Paty De t 'lam. but Colo- Tet ct Henry Delegal. a negro poli- nel Jouaust refusal to grant the re quest. Rowland Strong. Pari correspondent tic! an. i or adeged assault on a white woman. Two of Delegal's son were badlv Ini,1.' ,t0 dis'arge the duties' of sU- 1 U it'll : r .1. ...... , :,. , . '"- -U1 me ue,ni tentiarv. 81 si, ,iXun bad nothing to coneea.!, t.j u,J,u.as tne committee was able -1U I OfO a,,,n... .J.-1.- fize j,. i - noxnmg to cnci- tlie v. "'".;oud,uct'as supervisor of thar k. " itirm- -te witness stared Wr,, JS 1JPVCr consulted as to Mi !.. s -to Keep mem I don't know the offence, but it was some small offence. Q. Is Suinmerell a verjr passionate man? A Yes. Q. A man of brutal nature? A. I should call him that. :ni., - a-'UMl "mle-r orders from "luarters. The Sumnierell Takes Ills Tea Q Does he drink? A. Yes; he drinks some times. Q. Is he extremely cross when most in teres tint. Ms drink in sr? he of the London Observer, wa the first warred, and last night .Ta-eu'a Town witness. He repeated the story of liis!nd and Octaviu Hopk'n. acting a relations with Fsterhazy. who. he said. Upecial deputy Klu riff. went to arn! offeretl to sell him a written coufes-'them. Their heme, several mile from sion that he was the author of the Darien. was surrounded by negro, bonlereau. j Arm were handed to -the Delegal In reply to a question by Jouaust, bv their friend, and they opened tire the witness added that Esterhazy hail nftr apparently submitting to arrest, not only admitted having -written the' One load of kuckshat entered Town bordereau, but afiinm-d that the docu-! send'. body and another load partly m ent s named therein were delivered to shot away Hopkins shoulder. IIop the German government by Weill. kin .returned The tire. He then went Weill was the next witness on the' for Im t'iggy. and coming back for government list, but as he did not re- ihi wounded -ompanion. wa ihreat spond when his name was called the ened with intant death by the ne registrar read his testimony lie fore the groe who crowded arr.und him. He Court of Cassation, in which he quotes defied th' inoU 5,n'1 placing Towusend Esterhazy a saying at the time of the in the buggy, drove off. Towusend coming more bitter nnd incendiary in d'.ed in lithe buggy before hi hoaie cent, but he will be condemned be-.wM reched. New of tlie h.oting cause he is a Jew." The deposition caused intense exeiteniem. vvoiil nlso s.ivs that he received I nr.ie nia il and passenger tra-in n ;be ana vesieiu iwnroan is the Ilonealn the Dn.l Illu M.ov That IIU Fort Ila lieen Froloned. Pari. Aug. '27: It levid nt tbat M. ttiieriu and hi -nipanions. who bese'ge.1 In A li.se in lie Kit,- p. Ch:il:ril. suceedi in siai way in obtaining food, as a quantity of e'lick :n bones freshly stripn-l of l.h were found ti a dust bin th! morning. V. beseigeil party were awake and n :he a'ert all night. "uer!n. at 4 V!. thi morning, photographed ihe tir. uien and indice frun th' roof of ihe house. tluerlu' garrison ha b-en re-victaal-ed. azd i ttc-riti iini- !f wa -- ' this afternoon suiuk'.iig a cigar in appirvut contentment, smdingly watdiiug ih irops alMit the hoiis.. The feeling of exasperation agamt (ilieriu betlUie Stlteil-e till afteniooa. He insulted a jNila-enwin who a .'a nlain clothes, and tinally leveled i -un at liiin from th Cincinnati. Aug. I. ;. Edward Atkin son, the a tili-ep.ii)ioiiiM. Iia Iisi-n le bufTtsI by Congressjuau . William It. Shatttic. of the First Ohio district, thi city. Atkinson, it apj.-ar fnni lu uWtl suiletlleUt. plactsl eWrV !llem!r of t'ougr- a hi dialling !it. Iu !ii uuid a -few Liys ago tJetieral Shat tuc found a sipv of the Atr.Muq rialls. h wa tioj to Li liking. auJ he rellirtusl it to th- actider wMh a note: "i:.;-i-t fully returned. Take my name oflT your list. 1 am no trai tor to my .until ry. P.y return mail cjetieral sin : tie- re-.-iii.sl a letter, uf whlcii tiie follow iij is a cojty; P. i. ton. Aug. 1-. 1Vi. lion. W. P.. Sua title. M. f.. Madi soiiville. u.: Dear sir: A -opy of the -ntJ-Iii!p-.-ialisi. returtMs i. m wiilj tills ell lorn:et;. l J-jif u"y reinriu-1. Take my n unc oT yuur lij. I am no irador tu my ixiiiu try." has ls-n res-vtsj. I ni gLil to l;ae iii form -ition tliai jti are i. ut a traitor. II d yo.i lN -n. 1 hoiil I have taken jour name tiie it of llu-rilluT of t'oagrea. to a'd of wJixwi my jcimphleis in siipjmrt of Sen-iior Hoar and a -it- are ut. I mar ad 1. iuc w may aiiiue ti-u m l n: up prt tie oppi.i-iiis (.f riijilnal aj gn sio;i. tiui: tur .-ffort to iak jour name of! the jt f memiN-r of Colljress at ihe uex: e--tiju will U fully Just!;isL Iu the in ter al you tu.-iv r -ive other ca iei cf duai:m-its btiiLir to that wiiieii y o.i Sia- riitrasl. le-a ue I an not at pr-e,n expurgate oijr mading li-t. Yours tery truly. EDWAKD ATKINSON. Tie :!ir-.it of the auli-ei(iauijuit to lefe:i; Congrt sanian Shttue fir hoiie. He .n re-.-i.-i t ion kindle i ,n luta a wrathful rtf-tra'nel from tiring the weajKra oy ! f.- Htg. an.l he rep.:-.l to Atkinson. hi frieml. The pbee are nur;ng saiisig: nf.. fctiZ v n ,evPi Mr. Dixon's A.-No. sir: I don't think so much so;an anonymous letter, asserting that he Darien ami w eu , . roao ,s , hat Caledonia as when he is sober. and Estc rhazy were to be ocriwetl of speekrl cbjt of fir ht Tmr H V1 ll,e State about 23.W Q.-Ddd you know a convict by the being accomplices of Dreyfus. This, attacks', an.l wj ht they are ft s , ' ai" ot exineoses. Just how name of Lowe? bv the way. is the theory which. It firing on it- Tu1.t;" CI," S.,mt was t-qnanded and an A -Yes is" persistently rumored in Rennes. will heavily armed, and ton h , , . u t eared . , . .... ' ,nn.wl 111. h rr.n.ml ll... tll- I YU. 1 11 " " 1 .111 carbolic aM in l: drain of iiejga boring hoii-M-H on a-eouut f i!ie t-teuch which proceed from the ewr of the house in which ;nfin and his party are coiifltied. tiuerin throw b.-icks at police iu pi-tin i-bKhe. shouting that he only want to deal wi:h uniforms gendarme and soldier. Pari. Aug. '2T. ;uerin tn!zht "Your ittim.i:ion il..t jou may 1 able to hav my name taken ..n h 15t of luetntter if the next Coacr- lfei-siuse 1 d-elltu to revive your trea-si-titi).' iIim -.iiiie'ii s another ei-deu-e f tour iiiountueDtal gall a:i-J egotism. Not a pn-ciuct iu t)hi tugr.soiial distriet would vice: yoj ur :ie of your kiul a a delegate t a .-onvetition to iiomliiate a djreotor '"HI hv ii, ' vv- n last '7 -"'anagement of the pris tuv VAT Mr- Dixon w-as unable to nA , tlSt--on yesterday was coA- '''HH'mn ,doaia farm Xo' 2 which te ,:.. 11 lles froni here. The commit. au early start, leaving here ho train .Hrger numbers tlian lfore. Conserv I . . 1 1 . 1 1 mmm . m. q.Do yon know what went with soon be a nnouuceu uy me general start tnar him? coterie A. I heard that he was death in the field. Q. By whom? A. Bv Jim Sears, an overseer. v I .art t a .a - a- . o er ness was copying an omciat uocument. wie p.-?. - -irrsnder 3ontinned on Page 2.) ' I Gobert, the Bank of Prance expert, ohe negroe xuv whipped to Corporal Levque. a Beaurepaire wit- utive --iV-io V.'n ' safe a to IK PP ness, addeni his tittle-tattle to the effect lbok. and wh'V fcVr Li. i .-,..- .t.u lrwnL-cwl m-. hi. !,i nrroer. are t3rim i or i lie out mai. y-." wx.i- ...v.. Tihev sar tonight that shoulder m the war omce wnen wit- dying "7 r iW'aVS h WU1C. 4IlJ i tw'ee tirel at the crowd in the line iifoT a cutznty lavorho.!.. f"tlrea f Chabrol. but hi bullets hi: fr.dy. ! thi dlstrl t ar loyal aud ptirljtl It 5 XIcetd tii.lt IU s'.Hni'itjg wdlheopJe. and I am sure ibey are n.t ia had to au attack tia iiis siroughoM. ATltlKi: AT TUP. HOOT. General flutter a a the White .tltn and !- Cannot Live In F-qnalltf Columbia. S. ('.. Aug. rn.;..n. M. C. Butler, former tnlte States Sn.-tor. has written a letter for publication ymja:uy witn ihte wr:io are i-.ng all they can to embam Iresideat McKhiley and the goernnient in the effort to enforce orler and -api-re rebllUa in the Phl!ijp!n Diand, For fear, that yon will frg-t It. let me ugget that yu make a turmv randum that the nominaiioa fur O-n-grc-i la tlie First Ohio dUtrlct be made iu September, llMJ. 7' t"

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