THE MORNING POST AUGUST 27. 1899. 11 .27 ool Spe- puu- tween 11 man ana EX- Pull- h an tweeo nnec- orni Mel0" A. N. C i Gen nagf' nicais, soda it pub' r. Sep- stand, 1 Mar- rh. Offered rill ; sold ,y pri- jKKLENBURG MONUMENT Text of the Memorial Presented to the General Assembly Fifty-seven Years Ago. t'he irnvuM'blc. the St:lte -i the K4-J. tit t'he General Assein North Carolina. citizens of the ad- mi ill '. !, in Si' ' ,rin of Ai a " , V,.:.L-i..inir!r. ami the Aunties, held on the 24th of r'1'1: ,4- at t'he rourt-liouse m the -vu-u ,-i,..,rlotte. the imdersiffiil C-ii lH-intl oonnnk ee to prepare v,"r; . v:ll-d a memorial to your hon iv. on the subject of inror n,!"in., ,hV Mecklenburg Monuineii 3Kf; :-iation." whose duty and ob 1:u. Will l"' tU.- section ot a suitable 3,v' i in the town of Charlotte, -"'in" . Tn.mptnlpnre ou the .'u-i;;on oi lumr"- no State ra our i uum-ui ,, is marked with frr-enter f:"'!- '.1. , l iberty than x-.,.ri, r-irl ma. The :if tin not be aniseonstruetl. when suncd tnat m-nm-i ... V" the real cnaracier 01 ur the unsullied patriotism of lcnown and appreciated. t MMorian is'compolled. by exami f ",in "to sav that -so carelessly has t' h:..rv of North Carolina been n' i,.,r nlii name.. the merits, and vera or are not i:!i Tin1:''' IVI1 ir Caswell. Hooper and ITewes, then nieinlJe'is of the Continental Couress at Philadelphia, ami the testimony of others, now preserved in the archives of A morion n history, are sufficient to satisfy incredulity itself. But should any still doulTt, oonslderiris these as the traditions of an obscure event, pre served by the filial fondness of North Carolinians, we would produce 'the pro clamation of Governor Martin, on board of his Majesty's ship oruiser, on the Cane Fear river, dated the 8th August, 1 77."). denouncing '"as most in famous a publication in the Capf Fear Mercury, importing ito be resolves by a. set of people styling themselves a conimittee for the County of Mecklen burg. mot trait oriously declaring the entire dissolution of the laws, govern ment, and Constitution of the country. and sorting up a system of rule and regulation, subversive of his 'Majesty's "Sunt ivnufu. ... 1 t ho tll'S iiH' t'U" ' kpmv and unpretending in character. .Hid undeviating in nei inples. her sons seem raauei with a consciousness of the of tlmir own intentions than the praise wincn oeiongs xu to deuvand for their ancestry l of venown which is due to chivalric daring. firm sitistioil rtvtini'.lt' to court merit.. r diat in'''1 .-oir.l mtriotisin or B,r we trust a more auspicious mo-hu-uMki arrived. when the industry in-1 lviarrh of her sous will preserve h0e memorials of her patriotism, to Iv liatiled down as -a rich legacy" to future uviiewuiiui. s.) far as the early e.f North "iihitoJ to the curious eye of the his- it is full of incident, elevating character of the State, and to le cherished by her sons. It hores that the adventur- 1 V II aau history of the Carolina has been ox- i.inan. to r!ie v;is na Ifev mis ;ilirhir of tho tirst -,! westt-rn hemisohere restetl. A litvt. sustained by the gallant Sir ito in i Wal ter Kaleigh. and led by Ammandasami Barlow, here found, in the language of the historian of the day. "a people most ireDtle, loving, and faithful, void of all guile and treason, and such as livel after the manner of the golden asre." Among such a people, fleeing frain the oppressions and iersecutions of the Old World, our nnoestDrs found f.l the Colony of North Carolina. Her iriiule historv, from the earliest periods of its existence to the final overthrow of the royal power of England, shows an indomitable spirit of Liberty: and. although obedient to wholesome -laws, that the least oppression or tyranny was promptly met, ami iftanfuily op- "Are there any who doubt man's ea-pa.-ity for self-government?" -asks an eloquent writer on 'her history, "let them study the history of North Caro lina. Its inhabitants were restless and turbulent in their imperfect submission from abroad: the administration of the Colony was firm, humane, and tran quil, when left To themselves." The first American manifesto against the tUiToachments" -of power, the elective franchise, and the unwise interfereiu'e uf trade, was made in North Carolina, as early as 1G7S, and nearly two huu Jtvil y(ars before our Independence was declared. Thus were sown deep and road, the seeds of Liberty among her V'-ople. with a liberal hand. Sometimes lih'se seeds produced 'the fruits of on wrcliy and confusion; for, at an early le"iod. the 'o'lony was .under the con trol of rulers in open rebellion against tiiJ Knirlish Crown. At another neriod. Cap imbecile 'hand that then swayed tiie Euglisih sceptre, Charles II., 'tired of the contest., left her to her own 'uurse. undisturbed either by the tyranny of rulers, or the rapacity of evarice. Pursuing "the noiseless tenor of their '"ay." the Colonists of North Carolina gleefully followed the avOiatious of iiC'or and industry, acknowledging no superior and bending their knee to no P'wer but to the God Almighty. To wards many of her Colonies that elo quent defender of American right, Chathain, on the floor of Parlia ment, denounced the course of the mii;l!t'r-couutry as that of "a cruel and unjust step-mother." But towards the olony of North Carolina, her course "as often like that of t'tie motther of I1"' faithful, driving her. Ha gar-like, Wo the wilderaess, there to perish, iJ'Kli'cted and alone. But the God of hrah;un comforted her in her exile v'h the refreshing shade ami the filing fountain, and declared unto nrr that .she should greatly increase, that "her seed should not be num 'Vfl for multitude." It is not won p,f'il tliat a pet).ple thus nurtured 'jro he n-arly; Ishamaeblike U1,,ir hands P'ssitm Inat the people of North Carolina j'ild always have been -h'! who "knew their rights, and is .'wing dared maintain," .'vidence from' every page of their M''y. Rut. that hor sons should, on f'i'' -'Otl. .!...- j, , . oi .uay. io, asseniDie hai-lftte. sit a period of doubt, of ot her .States, without assur- Hore is the Mecklenburg Declaration fully set forth, and vindicated from cavil or doubt.. But the very fact of its being doubted, first by an oracle, whose responses however prophetic in politics, cannot be regarded as infal lible; and subsequently, by others abroad, should convince most earnest ly and conclusively your honorable body the importance of securing to North Carolina a more enduring mon ument than legislative reports or paper resolutions. Nearly all who were actors in these scenes and. perils have now 'passed away. It often occurs in the historv of man that facts well known by one generation, are controverted by the next; and at a suo -coding ioriod are considered as doubtful legends, not worthy of historical faith. Let us then preserve these memorials of an event so soul cheering to the patriot, so ele vating to our character as a State. There are some events which are en graved on the hearts of the nation "are no inscriptions or entablatures, less broad than the earth itself, -au carry the information where it ha A not gone." Of these is our national birth dav. the 4th July. 177(. It is inscribed in living letters of joy. in -the hearts of millions of freemen, and annually we rejoice and read "Its history in a Nation s eyes. But the 20th of May. 177.". more than a year in advance of this glorious lerHHl lelongs to the Old North State. It is one of her reserved rights, and one she will never cede to the Ftsleral government. Let then a monument arise unto the memory of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence, and by this means sfuow our sense of this glorious avhievement. preserve the same pure spirit oi patri otism, and keep alive a deep and abid ing regard for the principles of our revolution. "Human beings." said an eloquent orator at the laying of the corner-stone of the Bunker Hill Monument, "are comiosed not of reason only, but of imagination and sentiment: and that is neither wasted or misapplied, which is 'appropriated to giving right direction to sentiments ami opening the proper springs of feeling in the human heart." In rearing this monument at the very spot where the first Declaration of In dependence was made, we direct the mind bv an elevated object to the great moral causes that prouuoeii our revolution, to the noble daring and chivalric patriotism by which it was achieved, and to the mimlerless bless ings 'that have flown down unto us by its happy consummation. Before this monument hoary age may pause and rejoice in the fruit of his labors, and from it youth receive the inspirations of patriotism, as shown forth in their glorious examples, and thus vow to eiunla'te their career. In the language of the orator, alcove al luded to, "we wish that this column. rising towards Heaven, amid temples dedicated to od. may produce in all minds a pious feeling of dependence and gratitude. Ia it arise until it meets, the sun in his coming. A ihe earliest light of the morning gild it. and parting day linger and play on its summit." The undersigned, in conclusion, beg leave to submit a copy of 'the pro ceedings of the meeting above allium-1 to. and hope that, vour hoiiraL?.? body will, as requested, grant an act of incorporation to this association, and also an appropriation for funds to assist in accomplishing its objects. And. as in duty l)ound. etc. Fred Nash, Win. J. Alexander. David F. Caldwell, James W. Osborne, II. C. Jones. Paul Barringer, John I'hifer, John H. Wheeler. Isaac T. Avery. M. Hoke, Charles Fisher, Jos. McD. Car son, Robert Strange. James Iredell. D. L. Swain, Wan. II. Haywood, Jr., Bur ton, Craige, Committee to Memorialize. the Legislature of North Carolina. Swain. Wm. Gaston. Edward B. Dud ley. R. M. Saunders, I. T. Avery. Wm. Dixon, Gen. A. F. Gaston. Win. A. Graham. Jolm G. Byuuni, Dr. Joseph W. Ross. Wm. A. lianvi. Cyprus Hunter, John Irwin. Dr.-Win. Johnson. Jas. B. Knox. Augustus Alexander. Fleazer Alexander, T. N. Alexauder. Barlett Shipp, W. B. Alexander. John H. Wheeler. Col. CaJ. Jones. Gen. Paul Uarnmrtr. Hon. Thomas RiWliu. Alfred M. Burton. Hon. J. J. Daniel Jos. McD. Carson. Duncan Cameron Gen. James lre;r?li. Geo. K. Badger. Wm. II. Haywood. Jonathan Bownos. James II. Mt.rtisoii. Thomas G. Folk Dr. J. G. M. Ramsey. John Robinson, D. I)., Charles W. Harris. Dauiil Cole man. Dr. Cyrus Alexander, Samuel Morrison. Davi.1 White. Dr. D. T, Caldwell. Alexander Caldwell. Dr Kiah. P. Harris. William F. Phifer. Robert Kirkpu'trick. are such others as may lie hereafter named, he apiolnted directors of the 111011111110111: association. and that they proceed to collect sub scriptions, and take other measures for erecting a monument on the spot where 'the Declaration of Independence was made on the 20 th May, 177.". That the alwrve named gontlmen. or a majority or them, cause a memorial to le addressed to the next Assembly, praying to be luNnorated under the name and style of "The Mecklenburg Monument Association; ami that they proceed to appoint agents in the different parts of the State for the punose of raising funds for the above punoso. Resolved, also, that rhey petition the said General Assembly for an appro priation to assist in this truly iiatrlotie undertaking. These resolutions were advocated by the mover, and Messrs. Caldwell and Jones of Rowan, in pertinent and feel ing addresses. and unanimously adopted. On motion it was ordered that thes proceedings 1h published In the Char lotte patters, with a request to the other iapors of the State to copy them WM. J. ALEXANDER. President. FOX. T. I. GRIER. Vice-Presidents. J .W. HAM ITO X. I. S. ALEXANDER. Secretaries. At a meeting of a portion of th members of the Association on Thurs day evening, the following resolution was adopted: The Baptist Female University, OF NORTH CAROLINA, At RALEIGH. Ymtns ladle of any building ! Owned and controlled by the Baptist of the State. denomination received. Oiwn hs first session Sent ember 27. INO- The I'lilrerMty possibly the most iM-amlful and symmetrical in the South. Everything new. ebgautly furnished. Latest UHKleni conveniences, electric lighted. lct ho.iting and ventilation known, closets, bath-rooms, hot ami cold Uith- on ra h floor. Faculty of NINETEEN men and women from the colleges and uni versities of this and other countries. Resident lady physician. Board will 1 excellent an 1 elegantly served. Course of study elective. Credit giveu for work done In colleges of good standing. A. H. and A. M. degrees conferred. Board, furnished room. heat, light and literary tuition. $li.r0; mule. $45 to $J0: other subjects like rate. Thorough business course. Music, Art and Elocution. For prosjiectus address PRES. JAS. C. BLASINGAHE. The Peon flutua! LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. COMflENCED BUSINESS 1847. Alabastine Thj 9U ani Rdiit!; WALL riNISH. Ready for use by adding Co'd Water. Healthful, because it does not stop "wall respiration." You can purify, sweeten and beautify your room at a trifling cost. All tints kept in stock. Information and color cardd j if desired. !Irby& Young Assets January 1, 18o9, Surplus January I, i899, $36,565,222.96! 4,4o8,074.22 j TOLICIES ABSOLUTELY The BEST Company for the Insured; therefore For liberal contracts -write to INCONTESTABLE FROM DATE OF ISSEE. the BEST for the AGENT. R. B. RANEY, D4Ul0h H.c General A sent for North Carolina. Ready ? 4 . ' 5 St. Hary's School, Raleigh, N. C. Establishel I842. i 1 Attention, Magistrates and County Officers! Resolved. That a committee com posed of the following seutleinen. viz: Frederick Nash. V. J. Alexauder, David F. 4 'aid well. .1. W. Oslnirne. II. Jones. John Phifer. 1 Barringer. John II. Wheeler. Michael Hoke. Isaar T. Avery. Charles Fiher. Jos-ph McD. Carson. RotHTt. Strange. James Iredell. I). I . Swain. William II. I lay wood. Jr.. Burton Craige. nioniflers of this asso ciation. Ih' appointed to prepare ami forward to the iievt reneml Assembly of North Carolina a memorial on the subject of granting an act of Incon tion to this association: ami also to ask of that lxxlv an appropriation of film! to assist in accomplishing the objvt of -this association to erect a monument a1. to the memory 01 me siguers 01 iu Mecklenburg Declaration of Independ ence. The Advent Term of the Fifty-eighth School Year be;3n September '21. Courses In Literatim. Language An cient and M.Hlcru. Science. Art. Mtiio and Bu;nes. Mod ern Sanitary convenience la each Dormitory Building. For further information apply t the Hector. "A thorough and honest s.-hool. the kind of school to which parents may safely sen I tin ir daughter." REV. T. D. BRATTON, B. D., ;.s.; nccTon. The State Normal and Industrial CoIIejj OF NORTH CAROLINA. Offers to young rromcn thorough literary. clalca1. nelentlfle. and InJn trial education and special pedagogical training. Annual Expeaes to $130; for non-residents of the State $ir0. Faculty of GO members. Mor than 40a regular students, lias matriculated about 1,700 student, reprc sentiag every county in the State except one. rractlce and Observatlua School of -bout '2SO pupils. To secure board In all free-tuition applications should be made before Aast L Correspondence Invited from those desiriug competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT McIVEF, Greensboro. N. a jj After a desperats stmla w fcar completed our rerliaJ of the Lawi of ISUO. and prepared ti , North Carolina Manual of i ,Law and Form. With All AtneadaenU UP TO DATE. No Magistrate or County OScer can afford to Le without tal splendid book for a ?!ns'.e day. Trice by niai S2.00. Address, EDWARDS & CROUGHTON. CARROLLTON HOTEL. BALTIMORE. II D. psm art Acacrr. t4. Ket iMsnrd lb raanairrmeat of "Tun Cabbolxtom." I uk itni p;nrli aaoa acctovoa toat tt toroathlf owrhale aad reormlrl darttf tK ?rret naart mm4. sow t FitA-cU U iu ptoottai 1 rnt4ar aed aeroc? frcoBl to mm Ib tb Csite: The .Ctna Life Fifteen-pa jr men t Life and i:ndo. ment Follrlea In ompe lion. Those policies Issued bv the Aetna enables its agents to offer strong in ducements ti nrosnecti ve insurants in - competition with those -of other ooui- Diuiies. Takimr the avomare rate of ten loading companies at an age or tweutv-tive on the twenty-payment life pL-in. we liinl that the premiums average SUlMEi for a .S10.M) jKdlcy. or $ri,ir2.fi0 for the twenty years. The Aetna's tifteeii-paymeut life, at the same aze. oosts S'JliT.-O. or S4.4oS for the fifteen yetirs. the diff )remium for full term being equal to a dividend of .JI per cent, on the annual premiums for the whole premium period ofter the tirst two years. The comparison eorrespatids with this for other ages. The simple presentation of this comparison ought to bo a convincing argument when clearlv made, especially in view of the fact that paid-up policies are more favorable to the assured of the fifteen year than on the twenty-year plan. The large dividend paid by some of the companies lias long been one of the strongest claims made by them. A dividend of 3! per cent, deducted at the beginning of the year has so much to be said In its ravor that tne Aetna seems clearly to Im? giving points to its competitors. Mr. J. D. Boushall. general agent Raleigh. N. C, can give further iufor ination. WE ARE AGENTS For the Following Steam and Hot Water BolTers : Gurney, Spence, Cottage, Tropic, Florida, Ideal, Mercer. Get us to give you an estiaiatk. (j tin ot elt-ewBete. aal I retd'rtf a)v taoUctt yxjmt Btad ttroaag a ad that of yowr frwadi ! arbitM ntUc oar city. Tb Hotel ra bilt rem!? or from lae f ousydattoc ta itr. U eta Lo chamber and crrrr modera imprrrrrmm liorlndlBC a lr r Bad comraodSoa K"-ra '. t ! baa b?B aal4 of. to make tt coste lit 'rotnfonablctoUafraea. It ta pieaaaatly aits a. ! nl ta the ceatre oi thertlr aa4 erraptra aa a lit )uif, wilb aa iitn. wbtcb ia boaaded by BiUiaor. Icbt. Curasao aad Craat atrrrta " Tbe Cilj raaweret Railway front all poiaupaaa i he Jot. or wilbta a fe te5 of It. a eoaveai- a?cethatraa acarcely ett-ete1. The raut tae f r . Ftrrtaad tVecoad Floora S4-aaperday I ThUd a ad roartb Kkxya ... yoa iflh aad JilBtb ruxxr x y ath tom aad Tailotalo H lb teutl af lubBataeaaat raaab'.e ettra rates. Terr rrpciTur. .P. SANNO?t. Vtaaatt. JSUS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, hand and tripod SOUTHERN PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY, HARRY A. HART, Manager. Inter-State 'Phone 444. 224 I 2 Fayettevllle Street. .... All prices from $2.0 Up THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF against tyranny ito raise and op- aw WEEK-END RATES. 2r 'la fen an, with VZ1 'll ?ul)lurt from any quarter, and usojve the Dolitioal lyands "'I'lltrv." !lnl .i ...... lui-ir VJl'Vlilltr lliflll- 1 five and independent T.eonle. lit oiitfh't to be sovereign and 111 Vi r i i i it -.x l n . i aTn? State mrUle. 'at this vtnt shouW be deemed bv w,,' ,wlll). ignorant of our historr. are 'f'!'l of a doubtful authen'ticity, ifiv.i origin, is not to be won- e-K, P,UI tli at steady but lyi- "ia-t,? 2:1,1,10 of trutb, ihas sefcfled this tj, "1- ''.voiwl the reach of doubt or y''iliiijis of envy. Gi. , L'iHixi-aneous evidence of "null, -VJI. Vtl'TL. . I U. IV ilJ flli.l j. as a I IT ...1 . 11 ( M ! I'D.. We tue yiveeedhigs of the meetrag to Pnblle TIeetIng. in onedience to public notice, a large number of the citizens of Me Mdenbur and the adjoining counties assembled in the court-house 'lo Charlotte on the iMtn instant. On motion. Col. William J. Alexander took the chair, and Dr, Stephen Fox and Thomas I. drier. acted as vice-presidents, and J. AY Hampton and I. S. Alexander secre taries. T'on a csill from the chair, James W. Osborne, Esq., rose, and in a few appropriate remarks explained t'lie object of the meeting to be the adoption of the -measures for erecting a suitable monument in the town of Charlotte, commemorative of the 'Mecklenburg Declaration of Independ ence on the 20th of May, 1775. He concluded by offering t'he following resolution: Resolved. That Won. J. Alexander, Wm. Iee Davidson, Dr. Stephen Fox, Benj. Morrow, Thomas I. Grier, Dan'l M. .Barringer. John Phifer. Dr. Wins- Tow Alexander, Charles T. Alexander, Sr., James W. Osborne, 11. C Join s. Joseph W. Hamilton, Hon. F. Nash, D. F. Caldwell, Joseph H. Wilson, John Walker. Michael Hoke, John D. Graham. Epdirain Brevard. Burton Craige, George F. Davidson, Patrick J. Wilson, Charles T. Alexander, Jr.; Alexander W. Brandon. Oheiries Fish er. Hampton Bynum. John Hill, .fobn M. Morehead, L. D. Henry, David L. Saturday and Sunday excursions to Morehead, N. C, Wilmington. N. C. Old Toint Comfort, Va., Virginia Beach. Va., and Ocean View, Va., $3.50 for the round trip. Effective Saturday, May 20th. and continuing to and including Sunday, September 24th. 1S90, the Southern Railway will sell round-trip tickets to above points at $3.f0. Tickets on sale Saturday, ood returning until and in cluding Mondays following date of sale, exveept that Morehead City tick ets will be sold on Saturdays only. with final limit Tuesdays following date of sale. Tickets from Old Point Comfort, Vir ginia eBach ami ocean lew win De good returning from Norfolk not later than train No. 11. 8:35 p. m. Mondays. In addition to above week-end rates the Southern Railway will place on sale Saturday, July 1. and continuing to and including Sunday, August 27th, 1809. to the following named places. Tickets on sale Saturdays and Sundays on all trains scheduled to arrive at des tination not later than 2:30 p. m. Sun day, good returning until and Includ ing Monday, date of sale, at rates as follows: To Ashevllle and return $3.40 Black Mountain 5.10 Round Knob 4.JK) Marion 4.00 Morganton .4.20 Connelly Springs 4.00 Tliekorv 4.00 For further information write or call nn T. C. STURGIS. Ticket Agent, Union Depot and Yarborougb House. ur miir nirtirros made by Whar ton, Raleigh's popular photographer. JPCULTIE HP MECPAP! ARTS 1 Offers a thorough practical education ia all branches of Agriculture, in Cotton Manufacturing, iu Civil. Mechanical and Electrical Eugiuecrlng.iu Architecture and in the In dustrial Sciences. Chemistry. Biology and Ilij.c. Regular courses, special courses, fliort cotir. Total annual expenses, lacludiug board, furl, light, etc., $118.50. One hundred and twenty cholar!iip carrying frc tuition and lodging are open to needy .boys. Appointments made by any me:nlor of the Tegilature. Photographic Supplies o! All Kinds. We viihto announce the idlltloa fee abore line of goods aai luTlteyoi' ci J cart ion and Pitrocice. H. MAHLER'S SONS, i i i SOU lfjfl in ELEVENTH SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 6. IS90. Candidates for admission may be examined in each county court-house at 10 a. m.. August inth. ls:o. by the county Superintendent, or at the Codese in Raleigh. September ota. For catalogue, address PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON. WEST RALEIGH, N. 3--S t t 4 .S-t fi.i c T: THE 8TANDARD RAILWAY Z O TiLE SOUTH. The Direct Line to All Points ? TEXAS, : CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA and PORTO RICO. J. E. CARTLAND Successor to H. H. CARTLAND. -GREENSBORO, N. C. A Full Line of Fine Cloths and Cassi mrc alwavs on hand- A full corn: r .t i 1 - otmt-doe -inrl' ChStHotte. N. C. UI Hie UC51 wuininv.111 w.v- w. 'X"" - meres always on hand. A full corps j est workm measuring blanks. Satisfaction Guaranteed. travi:l nv tiii: soitukun and YOU Al'.i; ASSUUKD A SAFC COMroRT.VBLi; 2lS) EXrEDl- TIOUS JOUUNCY. Mrc:l FIILST-CLAS Unuipojrat oa all Through .nd Local Traaa. I ud mia I'alace hlet-pjaj Car a ail Mjat Train. UdiuaJoI diains car rjo on all tbrwugU iraJ-j. aai Sala acbHlulc. Apply to ticket sot for time-table,, rates aad eaeral laformaUa. ot addreas m h . . 1L U. VKUui T. T. A Til AD C. STURGIS1 a T. A-, Ral:zb. N. a NO TIIOUIJLE TO ANSWLB QUi- TIONS. FRANK R. GANNON. J. M. CrLP.