THE MORNING POST, AUGUST 27, 1899. 13 THE DOMAIN Or WOMAN COVERS THIS PAGE OE THE POST n.hern woman no rod for herl nia-n ivini larv cup lf-U The Latent l?nglldi Seaside Fashions. (Iondon Daily New;.) Even bathing suits are now cut tvii rr.lilj i'-i ;tnifr - f'inct itiii . from one iiwirt ot good snenj dowu -tdie back, neeeeu taring the ser- -v 1 minplifts. reconi- Zu ihc folio wins tea jHitneh as a r'"".",.,,.,v i"-i-e.i!lc siiniiWT drink. It .. - -i .. IniLirrcr oound'S of i . -I'tiiri rf'iii una ted sugar, six leiiHMis, of strong green a t- hot upon the peel. Mix the. .... - .,,,,1 ti,,. mrar to set her. ,m . A ,the wane. When 41" to svrv e. n : . ;,iu.i- or hKWl tilled with ia f i' i .rn. nn r Till- i.ninv.u "ivi .-usaeu ev ia"- . . . , I can be kept bottled in a cool nnv lengtn 01 uuu-. ..c l1 'riv, the ream red 'M ill L'l 'til .- - vices of a maid ito do on and do off. In France, black silk stocking and white shoes are wem with smart. 1 thing costumes, and the art" di'.-pkiyel in rendering wnteirproof bathing cajs be- com in g growis subtler every year. Oninge and gray form the- coloring de vised for deckled brunettes. A blight green or a 'turquoise blue, blended with l a pale tsepiia tint, characterizes the caps intended for blondes. iSomo very coquettish ladies have a "bathing fringe" attached very firmly to their c-aps. others lhave the hard out'iines concealed by means of a colored hand- The system is, 1oubtls, a errarcn ience to the few. Imt on tlve whole, rt seems to me itfliat it bo nd vantages are out-weighetl by the disadvantages that is, the tendency to lower the vrice twbrted o tt the bend in front, but must not hide the hnir: a deft hand can nrrangv the fokh -so tint they will fail 1n a flimsy c4ot.l to the nlvnilders. The lace is sai l to make a charming background for the wearer's head, ati.l the conibiiration of bride and Sni-sli coiuette which tht woman thus colffed sug?est is not unatt: active. THE FALL FASHIONS across tn Uo brmd:h. 0:her hare rows of lciii fMit ria ,a rwrluni itjl Just lelnw the Ii'.p. or t"aTe are 8v gradtut! rows n r!ie l-tf.:n of th fklrt. There i. however, n lls.n-lvan- ;A Subiect That s Dear to rn?", ln aV, tW.,-vlJ f,,.r, xv,,u, n wuujui ",ul ,w kv I THntlNT tall f e.iT. 3JI fnr t nigs. If whon veal lo:if is ready for the J kerchief twisted, turlan-fa.hion. lound mer a veritable stus.i - -r is mcUed in a mehn mould, it tiu edge, and tied in two "dogs' ears" are not sit all "eorTect" Xbe Jewelry Fad. The Jewelry fad is on. and women are tricked out in' it morning, noon if imtium 1:i 1 Mir .ill fr.,iin,l tl.o ti- 1 UlgUT. Il VoU 1 lC OlUle Up ll kx-te-d txMiditiou of the homes '.ai ninnv date, lose no time In jwrocurin a rases, and the danger of nhe spread of ,Mvaliiere,' iwhleb is a slender djubh diseases by meau of the articles cha'n with two ornamental end. Its which are made in such surround- uw uri various, jo noia uie r.iau coai logetuier u is nne. laKiug iw fhee of a clasp. You may eirber run It t It tki f rrli 4lk ls fi i 4Ja t fot .-Il Airy Frocks That Defy Kvcn KlnZSol. it r. k.,., t,,i,wJ i,i.i The smarht thin frocks are made the loops of a Lice varf. it is gra.- up over white silk or of wilk of the ful, and caught in the knot of a fou.-- ame c-olor ;us Ue oveavlrfss. Violent in-hand, it ir moastrously fetchiug. contmsts in linings are not couute- IhuH thla a utility article for fair? The n-auced this sc:ison. aihl the gray mull chain is dull gold, and the ieudant over yellow, the lilac owr piuk ami the are aniefliyt cule. green over rose, which made fcvst sum-1 Tlie liking for hearts Is on the in Every Woman's Heart. WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW the Women to Illg Their Form. n of rainbows, oreaso, and the latest whim of :h " I ti j.iii:g fabric i- in r.n;ng. Ti.e p- , nr tltH at rlie ellnjw In a tninid to bike in a much better that stand erect above the brow. The ii-.'" . I Wot the mould and closely shady hat worn by some French- (IVf: will ' 1 .i - .-li.vv-f tinit s:ilfHi-cl ..... .n A 1 ... , .i.l.. in rue nil iiu .i .m-ii niu-ii i iiil iuivhi n 1111-1 vnt.i ' . i . . ...... ii i . vt l T r n i -l r I . . . t l . . i .i-.. . I .. 1 ... :f to iraKe -nie im iu. iu iiHxse no u 111 u-se OJjeiuiv es 111 uw i irn-jf.M-red to a baking pan and shallow waves at the edge of the sea. lieik-' l as usual, it snomu iwieu Those who really "up would nnu tne rt' t' l Willi L . - ..-j juj X i VU XJIA lir." 1 L VJ A.. 1 1V A.c. ... - .. , . i u., I ... i i. llinio ot ouuri'r jjiis nt.a uauiu, convenient. rome uaaicra wear ;i i vatcninrr can with a iK'aK. inis is better ithan an all-round brim, and it IT.-iuekoepers nmi ui;u ii'm i aiows tne water to run away wrrnour el lliniiy and pa nor unut m--n iiu- spiasning into tne eyis. ism uio ear.-. !i alaiO'St as mu en as uaes uic cheek's, and neck become more sun- , .-v.. . X. . . "V-.vl - I . . ....... ... , ., fii!ii;irr-rim ixarn. uiu- - uuruea wmie hath rug man miring uo v.naan acympLishes this by the use whole of the re,t of the day. A crop s .1 1..., tl,.. 'ni.vm -J! c - , . - : .1. of ;iki;s oi sici nil k-ii if.niiri. irccKies comes out liu ;iumlisii- ni;it nimie in various sizes, ana Hug celerity din ing a shurt lip in the ,r,i nn t l on tlie un-dersnie wtru oaiiTcm waves. t)ne sensible and not too elab flTiiii,' oi ajeoior to li.uiiHunAt- "mi oi-ate htttning cos-tume is inane oi i- ..i.... 'ri,.,f n 1'n n run i rvii f"jinl ...1. . . , . . . 1 ..',!. 1..:.1 c it' lr.'iniei. i in-; vvnuvmvw uiiiie scijie, iiiuuiinn i 1111 it-11 ui.mi uso wlierevr they are needed to pro-1 The vest is gathered into a line of the i,v: the polish or handsome ta Dies Him id. The i-ap is waterproof, with a f:.iii ti-'ia"euitiii "2 i;i'i " 1 large tow 01 wa-sniug ruiwu iur mui lui. -a-linu-. The problem or tne pro- mings. The rovers on the dress are t.H -ioii of the dining-cable from tihe omily isiniuhited bv the lines of trim- iicit of hot plates and dishes has been ming. The girdle is red braid, and a snivel bv an up-town firm. At tlioir little i introducetl -to form the centre- s'.iop niay-be had a perfect heat-proof hand of the bow on the cap f:!irii.of asbestos antr canton flannel, j The rich and the great have been The material is manufactured m displaying at Cowes the high ideal of -widths which permit the widest table yachting and seaside tailettes through ta Iv covered, and it is also cut up iiro oUt the wevk. The men were in fault oblonsrs. squares, and -small circles to less nautical rig. many of them wtir slip under doilies, tray, and centre Mug white duck trousers, and a tew cloths. One ingenious housekeeper had with duck jackets a.s well. The heat nl ready partially found a way out of I was sso extreme at Cowes that even tiie same dilemma. For use under plat and dish doilies for luncheon and breakfast she bought the round asbes tos mats sold at hardware stores for sorviee on ishe range. Their tin rims which would have scratched the table were easily pried off, leaving a torn paratively soft surface. These are however, much sniffer and also les smooth at itfheir best than the fabric already referred to An ice-cooler of corrugated glas presents an attractive appearance. It necessitates, however, the placing of (the ice in the water, which is not al lowed by the modern teach iaigs of sanitation. One of the best coolers and filters is that made of natural stone the upper jar holding the wat?.r, the men carried large wlvro umbrtlMis. The ladies wore costumes that had, at least, the merit of looking -ool. A cornflower-blue canvass dress wa worn with a white silk blouse and a ir-vw. iwo or summer ciri ls to -oiieci iiiem in tu- .... 1 n 1 .. . --.I 1 .1 in. rn "i iaii 111 iumi i:i 1 1, t in r. 41 . it - 1" - - three shades of one color in a gownlber and gold aire charm in and odd contrasts as navy blue 11. -Ye 11 . ' l,r,,,":is ttuule of the W.lit .ir J.l ki t UUUT- when skilfully mauaged. are wognlzwd monumeaix to deiM-r. . ,, . . , ,, . , .... f5f...i and violet, are very ef- ograms as T.,taphs. A s,,ng of a slrl!,.. wljo. ifJl r,:u.h w,. ..v. r the e.wt-,... i.,.. 1. mings of one color on a frock of a a svries of .silver wire in brace,,-: ! J. ' ' ' . " ' . ",.,,.,,., ,J i different tint are now -alhM inmistlc form, from which ik.nsle hearts ' f"ri I I ' ti , 1 o and ohbtimey. a-plenty. Her preference is for nu:i''2, lY , xw r cowi, Tucks re seen in every kind of thhi uies. wkh the bisrteir a or deserted i . . "... ...,- , !..u - material. They are very line and set hirthstoue Mantinl ou their smooth nxul ""T" : "T. i. h.V cnsswise, lengthwise, on groups or In surface way pretty Of conrs that frwkletl - .112 . : t . I i .i. w . t . . 1 t . m-i-. " - iu ii.i uiiv.N iiiniuii inn wuggoi. uraie. uv xu gin. scrus a uraceiei t ,,.,. V pretty lHdk... tuck.,1 toss in hmndarnvtl by golting stick, hut Cere' ' 3 , . I w W groups, is trimmevl at either lde of no limit as to Jiow many Jie may . ( . .1 f e.i. . i... :ich gwup with black km hi biby riln wear, for ImUi arms are exten.l.Hl 10 .,,7.,,,', nyu puluPiyl siiul ti ul shod on tu?lrvrive hih-Ii tritt li-niaf fruui every I Mil:! u imivliiK itli fna.Mt. Itt-l-f tiin 1,-rru it. ....! ,..r- ,u ' ings of lav r lottel nil over wirhMHail are the really chie evidences of. lace incrustations, nre fair specimens the craze. They are thins of beauty of the ricihly ornanrentwl simplicity of in tinted pearl gr"en. blue and p.ih the S4ason's friKks. A muslin made pink or hrpaz. As many a a half dor. with a. tunic overdress, trimmed all en of them are worn on a heavy gold over with knots of Lice insertion fall-lor silver chain ing over an underskirt. finishM with three narrow lacee:lgcd mrtli's. ts very I Selenee and Health at fS. dainty ami effective. The full, soft I Anronos of TlirUtLin Science the -i- tinTe an nw trimming that htirate the ""kirt e.ini. r an mx t-i iu evera! unj frwui l-j ir h:j t. irt hern, thus giving Kmser I'.nc. A e:uan 1'n-tK'h viililng ot:ua:e tf wikhI lmiwn lruua lei i!jc atii covered with an aratMue jattem la snva velvet cut -work, Aammn Ktrle and Fnclerretlon I black cheuille. .iud ih ba an I ....... ...i.t. . ... t .. . oflheTHIllner-nJlhe Arl-.nd Artl- " . " ' J"" -ir ..n-13 -ii-ti-'i i,it nci irun- neer of ibe Ireuker Fnln 1 n::ng. Thre tire a few C '"! rvuf 1 Freh from rw York, I.rl- " """ i",""u "' "V. VJ.1UIU 141 c srini inaiiK;y ii i.r.a 1 ri-acu aa 1 and Undon Hlnt that Will "P Ihisii-Hi uiod U "-h on a l.ckci or 1cj1 cir.ii iu wuif form, ull very gr-icef:.! u;il iii:iri: eue !.iubh-bni.':d 3 vl f.itciiel n: the lfi ;.! with a tT.i .11.1 teifi'-l. ."i.y .rwi r w NVw York. An?. 2.V-Th rah!rtn of II,irt.l!,iv ,'r.j:..i t Mff.'j m iking the sbi-ves of Iw-licrs I'- Ullit or u:iU! LiI.tu:.! w.jIi and fancy X of two o:i- , yx , .. ... , r.,n-.i ...,,.2;. . .::. i.a v ;l:ti -l !ci . i 1 frv-at. ia Ihupan form, wiui ii.ii'.jt rv-rt the en,ir h-nih of ;je ja kct. .! joiutuz a jjf-'Milir lzi tum- !onn iv.r tie -ho; -itj-1. S:h rvi-r. U fa-l w5?'i -!-: a-l tn ilrl with a Ma i;:'iiel :ra;' of tlu fabrie firaJJU2 tin jj-ke-.. Tl: r i ti a:.i.itJy rtwlng nxiud in fabn- for ail r tifc-ru ut" t r the ij-vio;. !iagt.ial. Iiveed. :md oirt t'ilJ ore ab'liKt lr wa;rriof. I ":.. '.: .ire tudc of Ik-m uit va I liable, iOClu I Jug a tna; ll::l k.jue. whleh r-ad-r a:i uaibrclLi practb-illy iujtJIa-i'. a t;iie of thins mo; drabJv i:i cy llns. elM.:ij.jni. r lriv;az. T1.t ure oiua!!.' pr-i:y b:k1 t- nw .i. fr the autumn and wi:r.T .j.a. !-.Jt among the iua1-1 for v cry, t ti.jJ wtiiitijer iim wU5 b -'a 1 .j too! tHivf-l iiU 1 elimvaCiaJ dpfkal r imi1. sjibi. o-.?-r. chni hlba. an I !nr eutl fuj-. f -o:iiS'til Aui.Mis lb T-ty mi l normal lim. 1 n-iK u iciui-, 1 viuoie :ie ;u at whlc!i for n moment Hrnre the - i iu Hid for more elaborate tyli nre oulu' a MNM-inl: v. Some of he- an bvdiee. also adorned by liow-knot-s. has providence JouhkiI says: "It may Im a yoke of tucked white chiffon. that among these peopie ih.-re nre" shi- A dis-ideilly dd idea for flowered cere lxdievers in the lMdylte nonsene. muslin gowns 1s to have the tucktd nut it is not nnjnt. si far a mt lnxlice of plain muslin of the tint of cf the htiders nre ooncenunl. to ngard the flower in the dign. For example. t as a game, the end of which is 10 a pale lilac muslin with a yellow extract money from the credulou. We flower, a yellow boil ice. ami the res: of l(ir much of tlve desire of the healer he frock -sleeves, yoke, skirt, etc.-of to 4lo good, of their shrinking aversion the lilac flowered with yellow. Plain- to profit. Hut Mrs. Kddv herself ha colored nmslin with white is ome- f-itheriMl well her nest, -ind her lieu- times very effective. For instance, a tenant lrave not been far Itehlnd her in white frock with tucked lodiee and worldly prudence. In the first plare kirt rumcs 01 rose-pinK, luac or iaie every ChtKlan Scientist must Join the white niansV-war ctip with a da.rk blue I green. j "mother church' at a cost of a dollar a riblKn. A prerrv A-oung i-ountss wore Embroidered muslin in white, cream year. As there nre fifteen thousand white serire with a lKile blue shirt ami and ecru is very smart for cool gowns. I members, it is said, this means n neat a white yachting cap. An American. It forms the entire underdress. or Uttle income for someliody. It I aUo now married to a French count, ehow-1 enough or it to simurate one. ami tne necessary to purchase a copy of ed us what the Hue de la Faix thinks tunic or sloHl-oirt lnHlice nmy In- of 'Science nml Health at five dollar. yachting divss slnmld be: n something veiling, hue barege or any other thin am to subscrllie for the Christ tin tabric. I Scienc Journal nt two dn41ars. The true lellever will wish to own a pic- a M r- 1 .1 1 1 - m Tooled Leather Danrlnc Shoea. 1 ure 01 .virs. riuy. miiu m ni- pent-cT iy ruinous Tate or one dollar: ami. to not millinery in the triet sen or tne wold, fcr thy are ioin uiiifhins the tailor costume. fe;neI of Wo. Kayllsh -hvk:-rge. ravenette. mi l nritiy kin I of cloth. h falirie l-l:ig nrrangf I iu fold by way of trtai.ulug. iwhh orilv a eiioii of velvet or ;i bind- sttne buckle as a !ini!. Neither fl ivv ers, fentht-r. nor la tin mple.l itiH-rtt 1! ti' tf cu'.part. ijia ! -:ii". l!o!il:o:i. n:nih. al -r rjn l.i'-. Tlie roph-t of 1'ari Jjuve iilntidy hcraSJel thi jL inrly blnl luijt-rtcr are . hof:ng th ir lennt vy uum ;ng :.rJ:ajT t on traveling and m 1 l. but ,:,-ui. da UIu:r:i:kiJi f wu thev will simply fold and loojts if b-in velvet or fsttiti rtbbm. with tin added Inukle rr a ttvlih pin or two thrit at riglK tingles tlirotizh the ribbon lyp. It gra: iinmitny ati I gen uine comfi-tt to lmve Ui!i a trim, little tnndby for gennil fall and win tr wear. fT thre i :iliiltey noth ing rn Ik ruitd by ex-fwure to Klovv or rain. Licer place ki ile. M-niioa will not tloW In Ulldc of the t".Jire Ja-tl al de;gn iti dsa-U h rj'. but mT-ly t!e very ebajve iiovi-:se. whh'.i. like ! :irl:y. w ill -ov.r 3 tuulli'.u le S arc'ril "i:!. for the na'-irUy of thent are ti iiue u.el iiiigmfiil a tlc-y are cuive. M.i:iy of tLe- ns.l are -tst w.tli .1 Ion.:. dep lin l-lik? an.le at the lil. Kirt -oni-. fo? far too fine and spruce for human na t tire's daily rse. Wiry different was the white Kedfern of -an Fnglish mar- choiness. tin tunic-skirt liordered with cornflower blue and a. i'ine of blue braid above ir on the white serge, blue re vers on the smartly cut coat, worn . I VI I I l "J I III II I 1 m .mm ail iv llllll'll I IUW II1IIT 1 J . lower and large one haog a compart- open over a w.hit'e wastxtt dotted " "1 " ... H ' ,m-4v Trom n" ID,'!P purees must ie a meat for the ice. The water percolates with blue. One of our beaut,ies-nnd 11 r 1 VV -,",11IV1; llt Ke " J,Sntiv Adorable sum even at the lywest trough the strainer, leaving all sedi- she is lovely indce-l-changed her s'n" i " e IVrsons who luive se,m ment behind, and falls into the lower Uowtis three or four times a day. I r''"1 '-"Z New i c Tr. , . l.,..,,,, ,.. t.,-, .. or prose, and the exquiMte tooled iatu-1 hr m ,1lt nMtrt t,,rt atii-. caamuer oi me jar. iieie xi is cooieu i mr.uw -wo.- nr.u i.- -.-w nuvu-. by the ice, but does not come in con tact Ttith it. and is drawn off as need ed through a faucet at the base. Xono of these filters, of which this Is oni of the many admitted to be good.-'ster ilizes the water. For absolute protec tion Avhere they are used, ithe wati-r should be boiled first and tlien aftei hltermg aerated before using. This is quickly done by pouring it rapid! y froni one vessel to another. With wa ier, nowever wurn wnicn mere is no need to le suspicious, the filtering pro ifss is probably adeiuaDe, and excet at times when an epidemic is tvvatcn ed or existing, the boiling may be dis peused with. Streamers are now made .instable trays provided with of cups,' The cups of one set and are used for individual puddings: the other set has 'ups in which eggs may be Finally, the trays may be and the steamer used for its usual pur The successful making of an omelet is. according to experts, a matter of precision of detail. The Avord, there- tore, of a French srent.lenuiTi mr-d for First eiie is in white alpaca with u green batiste blouse, with openwork embroidi ry in biscuit tint over white. Tiieu she wears white serge, the whort cfnit reaching to the waist at the back and cut. away in rounded corners in front, over a yellow silk blouse just visible through white chiffon and lace all fretted down the front. A touch of yellow shows in die wirite hat. Again, vtihe costume would be navy serge with a little braiding In pure while, the jaunty little ivit turned back with a dainty embroidery of shaded ivy leaves or white silk. With this suit is worn a white straw hat with ivy leaves for trimming. Simple as some of these surge gowns look, they are far from being inexium- - , . a lr i vti iivi u i v v i sistiBiati'' Totdtnl leather sho4. are the inpim-1 , .(,a , ,,rt M.lrt,., tiorx of a fhwinakpr w1k ii awake o' hH fnm nn j.M(,r ,wuvenlr H nights thinking tip new idea. with lce flve dollars The money derived con-estl-Mrs. Hamp- t t nn rs once usimI only for lk bindings Vrt !t r,or ,irirti ..i ... l. j nrr ui ...u. ...t.t- t(.stilnonv of unlielleTer to form an shoes for the woman who Is proud of opinIon of tho woimn who vaU herself her feet and likes to c;H attention to fhe -feminine principle of the Messianic them, (.old bronze. Ayjilte and bright- expoctalion: aml nulk herself equal colored ki 1 lends itself we 1 to tooled ,th th Motner of ;K No nnt.r designs, and a jmir of w hite danc ug iMnjSfi i,aVe been said of her than some snoes were ni:ii i.-iu.ti wiui mil cf bcr foniler followers say. I . . . C . . .. . ...1. . ..1. ... . -. n a.1 ...1. I OUCIlt OI HIM -J illl-ll Hl-lf faiv nitiL- Tin fT'fr -i vrirv ne.ittv invl ,f o.wioedlv" Hn...l 'llbdi Japans Craze Saln. .lancing shoes of atin to match theL'Il10r0JS ,,4flnUo Plan ont toot ,.t t in .iirow o rlthfr Ifevive the Japanese craze. In early side, thus showing the stockings aud. kimonos flountM their scdm- b.idcT,t rilv m-tkinT tho Kot. nill(.h tlve ohanns to w.n the day. Now.l v t -v -- T J - ---"- cooler than if it. way up. Some of .these high shoes nre like old-time sand lis. and the enyire Among the clcgmcc of the dress example, ti very wj le fur B t;ue. einttume for the aiitumn and winter glMilag iti a ! i-'i -iulias flLir ilwiut are Iotiis XIV. wi:t ; and refer iV t!ir.;i. Tbi .inw b"j la a of white or cream sai'n. eivTl with ui.inuu v.p. !t.rderjiis t n;Ii.a lVrsIan embroideries atnl lfrtli-rl ga'men-:. w iv i':2j.Li:c.i lttxy with n narrow line of nl. utter, ert.imy -nt.i. Abv. tl.i fur fJoux-j ermine. che:iill. ruhing or date.l an I Lipj 1;. u ur-h a unb race. Any wonaiti w ho knows bow to n!.-et:t tne o:ie ;a jt.-ti: i:ue. -.i : embro'.tler e.i:i make for her If the fl nirvla up -h .r totv.-ird il - i ami effective fletorations n: j front, ami woc:i t :i !-ga to -ti I verv little oxt. Indol. enutnted with I tip re iu a final lgau: e..dl ii. IVmr the exeesjdve nrlce akl f th-.u I ab'Tti.itlli jje. aa l far IIoij:- -tni when Added to an Imported cloth, satin, faille, ilrnp le chine, or velvt i tume. All the various silk, chenille, nnd braids uod in tlise trieaial deeoratlons nre sold at the lte: fatiey drygisnls hoiist ami gold braid should ,vl the wrap, ntla a ch row. A nsoad tto-l-1 l a li is". clr olaa t.tie of royil a:Sa n-jt-lee. in Per 1j:i coWi. with ii tw lve-5:i h t3oua arntn l the c-ttilrc v.-rap. a tfnr MMiel .f li ii ;iv of fur down ej-ii . a. 1... a, en r. .New liiaeK eivel J-K-kei whle Kitln vests and rever embnid cnsl In jet nnd chenille or Jet aKn. From present upiearans, the Myles in millinery will ln ju!te as varc-I. wish 4 grexi: a seoie for p.rmai choice, a they liave ie-u for several 4as:ns vt. No jrinieuLir mode w ill b absolute. Tliere mtv tura-up nml tum- lwn si vies for long. bort. rmm I ..! wl. n.l..r rtlii( tlltd model tO WC.lT tv inm iii.avi.i . . .ill -... - - - were c1os.n1 all flie :,nHf an Miiers. novi UVt. a ,m,.i.,ur .W.fTnre nnd tb always tie ehoe1 In prcferenee to Jilt -i b- of lJe front en Thr efT.-e - . Iff t 11 I. . - t bmld. for the former, although more is ie imu-- -n nan oce noun xiji- exiM-nslve. d.Hs n.n tanil-li. un I gil: l' wit:i - ie n zirr ntnee. braid ile. Very little jroM ltii go.-1 i..mie. .v :..- . u- ., u -mi.j - . ...... -i.. .1... nrUr,' .mli-o .! '.Iii-.-ue.w-? i:u ier iiunj w- ivitr- o amnhrT wrap tell mot efff;velr r. .he Iutrrion Mini sotal of a eliunvi wrap, wkh the Ice outbnevl ta gM and prl qulm. A vrr wj; fliiuae?, tiarrowinx toward the throaty bviolera tllis elegant cajie tie luxe. tiik oTiir.n mr. of tiik pic-Tini. from an artistic and serviceable stand- front -riss-crossiHl with strap poiut. sh-ipe. They The come round and oval iu newest ones are of sil- ,..,rl,t -lth Imr onibro'-li.rtr v-ti I '''-"".. s'-i-. t ... -. 'U.lJi ll'f I .. T--v l.i ffii":nvin.. TfiiVI 1.. -.reo 1 1 r 1 4 J I Ami lfiP 111 mVv,wv fft Vi'f 1 r I - itwo sets 1,. , r . with sparkling Mvpnii-s or outlined I. ,tw, , ,o,.,.....K..i t.... . I ! It II Hill 1111 f 1111 tfllt" .fl (IM-U1.I ... . . ....... ,1 In-m, 1li.l, I J '. . I 1.H,II1.I Him til . i -r .-. . are deep ,,ifl, (, ,w,hvi5h jet ir crv.-tal. In on-high . Cw1Mj.,r: , ......u,... v ..f n..... r.U smaller . . 5..'..i V:" ' ' ... ' , ' .Ci.. 'tomary four are exceeiinjily pretty it . , ' ' ' ... tl' steamed. "r , 1 the c,iss-ins of narrow straps . . " . Z" 1' Z taken out i.iii.i i.!Uiist the m.k King ioiks like an,,., 4t.u., wii r. .amii!..ti '1UM nut iti 'i iit ii ci.i. i iii- i uie . . . design, or. if they are bead- IV" . li. " ... r" ,. . '..' ;.' I am the Man will the !Irw: I tut not the IV:' bra in -elate, oh. sol price is con-idcniblv ennanced. 1 wen ty guineas for a yachting costume! Yes, this juice may le fairly taken as the "foot of Hercules" from which to construct 'the remainder. The yearly niitlay on dress may thus Ik roughlj erstimated by tad-ding ui the relative t i emiKMJne o.u. .... ,i u.v inuu- . ..j of !llMn Mj iHt, a sparKHU star. mos.i-S-in MvitiHl -ifier the fWiioti of her country women lcide her love .1 a n....iir..l 1 1 Tt-- I ......... . .jKl or t a jiotuu. vase ami a Many of the smartest evening gownslwarf tree. The lacquered handle are are very simple in design, but trim-1 in keeping with these pretty pUturr. med with the mivst superb Lue. which las well as l!ie rural omt of r.ed luu W i;h an- nis skill in this line is of value vlTei! cost of the nt:her nnd nmre evtifiislvel makes the cost of ihese youthfully or a pastoral done iu gray He advises that tire salt and nenner m.m.w of tin. -vn,i,.nnn 'n4 ,viMtnv d.-iintv frocks mount up to an umxtll- Pivciative cunning the Vankee-.Iap snonld be sTirinkled in after the ecrcsl m.-iv f-ii.rii- i.u r.,vwi i,., hi!? fisrnre. One is a frininle little frock I gives us a study In speckled trout itl'l. 1 i v I r --r - ... i nave been begtun to cook when the "nifdet. inded, -shows signs of setting. to salt the omelet lefore it is put on the stove, as many do, is to add to the ciianccs of its com fag out heavy. a .x ew i ork Avoman has brought rrom (Termany a cleansiiig fluid tJiat -ep;ns perfect. It will t.hnronHilv ':ni the most delicate fabrics without may fairly be propundod tha was dress more exiem.s.ive 4 ham now: and never yet was dress so cheap. The economical can obtain materials and ready-made garments at prices that seem to be wickedly low-priced. Where Some TCngllsli Women's Dresses Are Made. (Lnondcm Daily News.) A 1 ' T It" W S ' T.... ..4-1. ye- 1.. . ln;,,,.;., .i . , , , . 1 .'nw .1. .ii. irllill, lllPliti i Ji a v S Sin 1 ' !' f male Workshop and Faiories in will remove Errease rmts fmm r,- . 1 . t t "nul"r SJUIS inrai uimffim, o i-mnt TVt A V. TTnr .t. l.... ,tf tlio Ldrt JiKiu -colonel silks and ribbons with m leaving the telltale ring after its tyico. For gloves and much of the lace neckwear in common use it is pe nlinrly satisfactory, although it is not of white silk, with a baby IkkIUv mount sl In bainloo. not Minted, but veiled in white moussWine tin.l a emltroldere.1 so deftly that only nt ,ti-iiplino flounce on be nolntitl tiose ransre can il le detecte.1. Pan tunic, falling over an underskirt oflof ixaiier ruffles r.innlug diagonally mousseline. The bodice is encircled by two narrow lmmls of silk galloon em broidered with tHaiis und Uie tunic flounce Is beaded by this galloon. Around the waist Is "i double vlnture of narrow black velvet rlblion. wlilch is cauglit In a small low at the left side, the long ends falling almost to The decol-l AH YOV HO TllltOt ; L1FK. . .... n.llno tf.i'iti-i4rM 1T5 :li-.-Illll V" i .. I ... ..-1.-1 1 n.M.-Vvvnv.-d 1 1 we lio'.MMly. ti Unill own me. t..,i.'. ...ii. ..V l,-iirlrinir. a .x.m h yl :u ciaieo: aal frv-c. ,ll vi " - - - fn-t iin-fh ltr.ibl. or a cLisle Iyti ii-r nic.Miieil. etc. The -liepher e I 3?11 tlie Man WlT"! the shajH-s mpbMe I by v.ryP.tit life i te.r till mil. ih. ti! rich mil pretty fall decoration. The I The tioonlay r-s; a long. vi h-: Inn.'i totine r aim': All eXael n-i.'t iie.ivu-!iJX mrw J".u.ii td!.-i of i he shn:e tt.ttiU'.ir two ye-ir I Covvrr. ii-n. The llnsll-h walking bit will in- rnie in favtr. ns i -.hape i very t the Man with the Hoe; bc-oncng to the majority of women, j nj ,y ly. are ir t dark. o'i. no! The lines of !i w tn-le an gm'-.ful It ..t jmtimc on c:e jfrrt and :irtiic. nml the iiat npjn-ar in I tbbl: l oth .in .m l f.iney lrnilds. T!cxhca. 1! h-iw the r-t.-r.. .icr yield. curling brim will this -r.ifa U velvet- . t. i brown or entirely faced wsth velvet. I j th uw: vvOiichevcr i unt ls.nmlug an I ",p.ut not iVme w j'b cay bur-bn. oh. r.! sulietl M th. wearer. Uuig plu-iie-1 x. . iuijt 'live by she eat of mi iin l short fluffy otrieh tip will Uithl i.r.lW- !m u.d uinai oiie h:t. the longer t'" I M he btramrr er shovel r plusr. grai-efully .IbiKe.! o thi: o:ue oi i ieni n-t on .nr '. "';' t ai. fv ian wi:ft :h 11: hmd Kiiln riol-on ih priig.inv mtuhiu ... I . .. i. j -tr klllltal ll?l I IlLlTA. I . . mm . sivm quite ajvpropriate f.u orvlinary ' '.:' ', r ' "" 17, . . b.w Jt my tiar:a am wir 5a iy use. since it is decreed that the elect tulb or black J' "V !, jjf b-,irt mut June a fan for every frock. M r- ca hJ;l". n llgl.tcn more than W.-ome par maids Ugure on gauze -Mint.! fa- r-.wltb iu n '' with mother of jearl sticks, w hile o. autumn tlovyers and f.d.ige. In. luhn. faa t 5 rtJVT., '-, TTor Vn- l-nrn,:: Vet my mind i n .,u,e al. oh. " aacja4a 1 i V I I ris, the local medical officer of health. J jotage is finished by a drapery of ex- nt-uni mended for. use on line laces. issued recently, says: "In visits to the J quisite iolnt d'Akrncan causht up on j Don't look for the flaws as you go ncmcisot lemale outworkers, wno the left side witn a p;ppy-iiKe cliou oi i tlirotirh life. work alone, or assisted by members of black velvet. Tlie shouHer strajs arel Anl even when you find them their own family only. I have f ound 1 0f galloon, with tiny frills of Alenconllt Is wbe and kind to he somewhat work being done in very varied sur-las eiKiutet. I Idiud roun dings. In some erases the workers I And lo.k for the virtue ltetiind them. Tic vagaries of. the cvflles-e bnv m- are fairly well-tto-do women, wiio only I n.iiv ltinti for tlie Thu. I For the cloudless nirht ha a hint of "-nutted to be many. One weeulinr wimt to earn a little nocke't-money. I . rs.. -i e-., I Jight ,to Princetoin undero-mdiTn'teis imt and who work in their KittlinLr-rooms ot I : . ... . . .1 SomeWJiere in it t sh.itlows hiding: meh. doubtless finds exnres.smm n.t. kitchens lM j n-S-t'l t niti ruFliG Hi! rt iVfV O riT-vT-rwr-vi! o 'f ',vn ' -:iihvay- liaggag checks for use as hood, aad is caiTicd on in the family N'ir,;h -fobs. The check must, of course, living and sleejiing-ro-om. In one such rrom the Alma Mater station, and instance I fourwl ladies' costumes be pmioiniing of these brasses is so vtn I faig machined in her one room by a a the openkur of tlie collpf vp-ir i woiuain who. tlhoucrh a srood worker. ? materially affect the returns from had had to leave her indoor jlace of station agent. The leather strap work on account of -her great waint of ""i.ii-aeu to tne handle of the watch Personal cieanimacs: the brass check, with its tmserip- "The-out -workers ha ye to work late don of Princetom, New Haven, Cam- and early dming the seasons, although 'n'-se, or elseAyh'ere, is in full evi- im their .slack time they are frequently u vvutk. iu tunr Kiwugiwuft ui ., .in.i tlit-.w friMi Dnri iivnainr in us nnatiow iii'iiim. Lace Sesrfs for tl Hair. Xow that lace (hats been worn for weeks without emtiloynient. As cliere I 5,0 -tT.i-H,ctVt-litv irf otii-rpkd nct.lOTl in one or two New York sfhvns ttv- I i mrm c .t'hm -Hi ni5ddcm:in is able to . . - ' 1 - - L ' I ...v. . . " ' " ---- . on is made for tin nmd -An.rvtpn-1 m?il.-o ,lvla o.-tn frmtrcivln witfli each ln- i"v .Tvut'o. vvii.TiuciauK; ai3 i ill -.11 ..11, tl 11 il iur ' ri r. av vi'h-ii ... ... f ... . j.A . 1'mcnt suitable for either anniver- for tine merest ntttiuce. and all ex- every conceivanie epriiu.o. . o.. .10,- l as kept, and the guest who is peTises . unieUly bidden or who is lacking in I mar, machine: "Mmuty mav find his neexls simnlied I Averker uiese places. I the ishop tnblesiKJonfuls of flour and then urir it The current of life runs every way through "the grand corn an 1 eggs; next To the licscai of tSavI's great ocean: stir in 'a half pint of sweet milk, neasxi Don't net your face 'gainst the nver'H with salt and a very little pepper and coursj fry the fritters in enough smoking hot And think to alter It motion, fat for them to swim in; droj the lnt- IKn"t waste a curse on the universe ter in with a large spoon. If tlie bat-l ueuienittr it lived lxfore you; ter is not stiff enough eo that it faolds lon t butt at the Myrtn together in frjiup. add a Lttle uorel iuny farm flour. Fritters jirejiared in thin way I But bend and let it g o r yen. are mucu nie imiui- - '" ITuie world wUl fl,ver adlust itself corn is cut irom tne ear. To - , brown, nml niiiliV i't,.-!n? crlm.i. Tin te w d al een w-allfiowcrs. pl.!v bl.n. nuiuac buJ. guTirtsitis .ahl:a M .'tn. biiHlia. mil tmiuit bl. :n 'i vid jiMrlct. ilv. r cniy - du-ty null. r. b-tvf In velvet, gulden rol epray. nn I hug' -nele or. hl l. .-artise roe. un l Slj boll blossom. TI.e Ilrst natiimn eosrtime tn make their tf ter :Iie :aU r mo-bl lit cn-im and w1d: s rge. ;i wtir a Ir-ig a the wettler remain warm, "ire the llsht-welgh !"! and wool has in numerott grab nil effet. j The d.lgn bwn i far ire .pi.te vari.1 Th" .f IUe Kir.s t ih.t nuter'.ally .Uff.rcnt frjm th'ie of tie summ.T. fur they can 1-e made m clintclng alnive the hste an e(T.-.t tlll pron.:tun:-aul the ilare 03 t ie l wer ..Mr 1 of the klrt i ouly little nn-r. with jour ..r.moiinced. Hut the general tr amv i al ju: the Thr- nn till n.inv ttimmcl :n;i i. bat th. it'.aia oa.-. after the ir.rd.wntel. r ivle of .he siitnmer. k jk more . . .. Some thingK mr e- wrnn- vour ilegan: in 1 attractive. H.m . i-mi .w-hr.1' lte 1-iHie lr.l foi l. ail 1 tO' lUlg 0 oe lvag, I ., . ., And the ..t,..- 1 , v,o !...!t.vlkr eo.tumc. nn 1 tinu i:.d j uu u" t-i. iiiv j r . , , . : .ieni:ur". tn-. ' 4 - unl J ttill The ;n..nthlr errej weeKiy Heart, ICie w, uer xli.1 are 10 1 am the Man W.rh the Jl: Ibi! I a:a not whlly a rjo.1. oh. n! Mv t!i itightf .via .4 far. far the efl. My r.nriecee ikciI cvuiasuae w.tii it I ;i. I jm the Man wl:?i the ITvr S'oi ! i.f a man for that. o!j. ti! N t le a pow.v In t'hurr-i as 1 :i; No: le. il.vtia:ding a tn.T;y fate. t I am the Man irltti the I! e; Pat I nKth-r dr-t; n- r crtise. .h. "5! Nature tnake h p.tlfcl lave .V the painter drew an 1 the j,-: gjre -Mr. M. 11 I be-. II " i . i a .. . wi t?id-n-ntM kt iitii it i! imir ts. m l. i.l .- i a . nri l tiptti: jiki1. of .H.9iBMwm, lighting, nea.t- lory W ... - , - tA k. ' .. "llu r "uu' r'.,. J: w..i..m.i. ! ft,-r bra Ming. " ctrnt'tonts etc fj-31 on thenounct max an m cu.-t-- " "vr at aast in uie wreir:c, ". ' . i , , , couoir, e.u., uu ic uu ... s - nm in Ym wwY-n Hi . , . ..... ...... , .i-i.- h.,iv inn rows of b:aI arouiel I If nil flea I . who br.'iT the work out from I Viveti 51U.1 vcus.o. nvx.".- uuu wiipes mio Mii, - i. and takes it back finished. I -witu evemu-j unrsjw. - -e-i - nu.T eaapea mio a ticsscu pu .t " - mmUrmf Fh Icon and Ml. AV"le ravh of ercj-? .1' Chlne. chif fon. hcmtlirheJ tafTe-a an ! f: Ii crty -.lks la eveiilag liaJe or la Ilosgin i-trlf ire irllinr lte-x.t t1U.f .lr-. Ti er fnr.:i w.t:i a r- Jem'dr p.ns. are ...far th- Pr!n -1,1 u ; io " :ra. caosihiU auS