THE MORNING POST, AUGUST 27, 1899. NEWS AND VIEWS EROA STATE EXCHANGES CLIPPINGS AND CULLINGS. I interest. Especially .will this be true an a -manutaetunng oen, wuere ui and curiou. Cnronlcles Care- ; consumption largely exceeds the pro fcSSSd. duetion, and in the Spring and ram- mer, the relative value between aeie Current fully Condensed. Lumbefton has been getting aiou0 . . rt instead of beinsr lower. HOW SINCLAIR DIED . His Body Blown to Piecesby Explosion of Dynamite. LAWYERS AND BANK CASE without a constable tne past inonui. . f u . hg,. ja the Xramiberton Robesondan. spring and summer .months. This nat- Thmrsday night at nearly 12 o'clock, ... advance, ordinarily would justi as the second section of No. 72, a fy tne storage, and If the system of .freight train northbound, arrived near stOTage AVas made general, 'the pro file crossing on this side of Harris'burg auc&r would be in a position .to dictate St struck a negro, who was suppos?d poes instead of the consumer, (to be sleeping on the side of tihe track j cavCt our farmers organize and es Coneord Standard. jtablisih warehouses? Several teams are now .hauling cop- aer and cold ore from Mr. Solomon (Morgan's iand to Spencer, from which place it is Shipped north. The men who are working .the mine will soon hut forty teams to work hauling ore ito Spencer if the mine holds upf.s es is now expected Salisbury Sua. Judge Brown Filling Guilford Jail and Reinforcing; tlie Chain Gang Suit lie eun Against Southern II all way Northern Capital furcated lu Greens boroTrain Stopped by Dust Daniel AVotrli Dyings-Co rn Crop Cut Short. Seasonable Snake Stories (Wadesboro Courier.) Mr. Joseph Lowe, of Lltesville, re cites a thrilling experience which oc- last night, given the particulars of the a0(l curred lost week, in which he was the a j death of Mr. David J. Sinclair, of Chief actor. ANni'ie oriving along a country road, his attention was at eec that It has a general wholesome cleaning. Solicitor Brook ha informed roe that Jadfre llrown has already dIootl of 113 rases on the criminal docket here, and that out of these there wera 90 conviction. There is a very interesting matins being conducted at the Friend Church by the well known Quaker evangelist. Iter. T. C. Hodgln. A good many con verts have been made. Xraln Slopped by Daib North Carolina need not aow remain silent when Kansas throws the gaunt let down with the episode of a train being stoiped by grafhopper. For yesterday a train on the Cape Kir and Yadkin Valley was held up by dust Just oonmxm or garden dust, it got In the engine and under the en gine and In the mouths of the engineer and fireman. And It enveloped the cars and came Inside and blinded and chokel the passengers. So the train admitted defeat and came to a dead PASTEL AND CRAYON PH0T0GRAPDIC ENLARGEMENTS. When ia need of work In above line, why not give Instead of sending valuable photos to Chicago. t i, ; again? All work Riven us will tie promptly flalthed an 1 r. ;: is not entirely aatlsfactory. you ore not required to uk ,. if you cannot call and desire our agent to show yoa bis m;. ' 1 UNION PORTRAIT CO.. Greensboro. N. C. Az. 20. Sneclal V telegram from Joplin, Mo., received Utandatill-waiting for clear breath and uncoggea wneeis. An unannounced nurrlge took place at Hisrh Point last night at the lUlle- Greenstooro. It seems that Thursday vue Hotel, when Mr. C. W. Watklns, wedded to Miss Nol- 332 Fayettevllle St., Raleigh. N. C. Beit door to "Moa:; i An agent wanted in every town in tae state. " , We respectfully ask a portion of jonr printing. -1. Bob Horton of -Happy Valley Jells the - large t In' the ' afternoon Mr. Sinclair waa In a mining of n. -s w.Med to , Wiat wls unearthed . by M wxds a -few ft by. Thinking it pro- camp at Cartervule, six miles from ,, -B. GlS of Winston, was If hat was uneartnea oy m?n .u j r ,to do the person of the imn. At 4 o'clock there was an ex-U wk. rrh m. eadrin f'! COO pounds of d. -S"K jKr.., Ibauk of tile river. Wien cashed out " ?' T Xr.,,,.' minlns powdw (the cause of ttaia . S lmme. WLJ. J.uw 1 jassem'bly of snakes who were engaged gram), and Mr. Sinclair and four other jir q Townsend. in MciJhee street. 17 j- - nf w var 111 a mS,011- Without instantly killed. The tele- last'night. and a nwnber of hams anl Alford, Bynum & Christophers, PRINTERS, Phone 438. II5 E. Hargett Street ROCIBRIDGE ALUM 5PRIMC6,';vi an-nouncmar 'His xurtneir ourpose row G!au"ge, who was trailing the Le- nip,-,,,- a hastv exit as exbedieat. Bioir-bound passenger train Monday, a-0 i0 t Wias necessary to kill hte gram states that from the waist down w ui "-re iru. Mr. Sinclair's body was blown away. ' VJ .uJ w.m, f r,n 4v was stricken with pairailvsis in his cab way 011t IIe dispatched seven of the and was hurled 200 feet. The body Lfn ot ott t2,e cro ln Guilfjrd i was Jdentined by two Duluth frteads, eountf atleast one-third while 'tihe engine w;w running between "varments." and beat a hasty retreat Hickory and Granite Falls. The train -without counting the remainder. This Was held at the latter place until an W1.8 not good ay for snakes either, engineer could come by private con- savs jJ Lowe, veyance from Hickory. Ldneolnton , Journal. ! (Concord Times.) im'eie a rauiier uuusuaa suitmc Ajast wccn jii. ia.iac .uicunau, . ArWk . ni J HrM .at tl,o iiam rfHtiATl J?.-kl-l OIW intO HtOJIlS a V,VW uiu0 Uiu. I3ie ldeatiflcatlon being made faaler. by their recognition of a ring that "Mr. Sinclarr wore on hl little finger. The j explosion waa terrific ln force, and Tomi'r necro of about 20 years, was ir- mine in Montgomery county, saw the Mrs. braciarr wae compiereuy prob and upwards of wlnkey on his preni- T .Mrs. sraciair w-as comiuticNy but w changed by the 1V- X tra-ted by her 0ereavement. and her T7lnr- of 17. yich m.kl. - r.a 2 goods the side of his chicken coop. He quick- journey to Duluth is delayed until tuts . ; . t Wilkcrsoa claims f bere Saiturday. George Skinner, tested by 'tthe police for the crime of hea'd of a big rattlesnake appearing on Barcenv of clothing, and rhe Were found in his nossess'ion. Qy got a hoe. and going un near lus afternoon. in the hands of the officers he feigned snakeship with one blow severed the The three prisoners who were urrest a call of nature, and was permitted to head from the body.- -Strange to tell ed yesterday for breaking into th dis retire. Soon a pistol shot was heard the ihead of the enake hit a pig near tillery of J. E. Meredith, near Thorn is land he was found wHh a bullet in his bv. and the animal died in about five! ville. were examined by Clerk Trog- 5nain. Elizabeth City Economist. inrtnutes. The snake, was one of the don. of the Federal Court, and their Persons coming up from the eastern largest ever killed in that section, and counties report great damage to the bad 16 rattles. This is a true bill. crops corn, cotton and tobacco belug There w HI be twelve separate charges Salnst "Wilkcrsoa. iwho runs a govern ment distillery sear Greensboro, and has 4eo arrested for selling wh'key on hi premises. Under tho old law a 'distiller was allowed to sell a quart CELEKRATKD FOH IT5- ITIgh Altitude. Shaded Ijwc of llfty Acres as 1 i: Mciliclnal Waters that for M year have stood witLwa; Chronic Trouble, will ojca June LsL Thoe Water are endorsed by Mich eminent phy:c:aa a Ir rs Itt A Thouia. New York: AJne A Tepper. Flilladf!;.! !; I s i WiUon: Mctlulre Jt Johnson. Kichuioad. Va.; Laa. a:,j;a Cartwright. Mo., and hundred r others. e Lave volumes, which Mr. McClure'a Va- of ,pr;l lvv Is a fair sample, lie write: 1 am in perffct hea!:h. 1 . OtLer weighing 4S pounds more than woca I arr.t, j tlcwn dawn by the storms of , last rweek. So far as can be learned there was, foirtunately, but little daamage to Halifax county. - - e leaira Developing: I-oekvllle Water Power. (Pittsboxo Record.) Tho above is the nSme.i5f the com- thai no damage of consequence was g?. done at the State fa-nne 011 Roanoke l .JJS JSJn Hiver, and that the crops were never - T' " " l,it ro nio. f,, toe lat .Legislature and was recently organized at 'Durham by electing Mr. cases were continued until September 8tth. All of the men easily gave bond. In this .matter the government will be represented by District Attorney Holton. Asbevllle Dank Cases. Mr. Holton. will anTTe here today from Winston, -ne purpose of JiU visit is to consult with Judge W. T." Bymim, the special attorney for rhe govern ment, in regard to the Asheville bank cases. 1 u riders tana unax some nue that he waa ignoraut of the change la phe law. Dave' your prcscriptioas flllel nt McGee's Pharmacy, where they will re ceive the most careful art en lion. We never subrtlrute. not o. I can t realize 1 am tte unie tnaa. NEW man; place." Write for ctrcnlar If yoa are seckia; a pleajxat aatr , need be made welL J. E. TAPPAN - - Alanagcr. j 4-S-t-3- l-i-i-i-s-i e i-i-i- -t !-3'f -l4-f-S-t--Ve- -i 4 4 Dundee ecarengers demand 10 cents per hour. ISILVER DOLLARS GIVEN AWAY RIGGAN'S u. l - x V...J. 1.rl ,7. uis;uueu itt TOW iW u "ut"f. Wiltiaim M-.-Morfan-bresident -and Mr. News. The fire pump for the water works ,last $-nitei and Saturday looking af- lhas Jbeen iDluced in oosition. The sur- iface reservokr will soon be completed. IWork on the water mains is being tpusihed. The tower for itJhe waer works is expected to airrive in a few ter the intei'ests of thelr company, anrl arranging for "the extensive work to be done there. ' Their engineers for some time past have -been surveying and preparing for the worK"te4e done days and will be placed in portion as the dam acro5s the river and en soon as possible. 'i.he mains win Lro- largg a,U(i cleaning out the old canal iDaoiy oe ruvi 01 water oy tiie nrsi 01 the BTeese and DIckerson cases over the bill of exceptions sent by Judge Pur nell to the Circuit Court of Appeals, at Richmond. It Is not allowed me to make full we of what intelligence I Qiave In these bank suits, but I learn from good authority that a fctmrag ef fort is being made to compromise the case against Senator Cocke outside of the courts ----- . " Judge Brown Filling the Jail. of the da tip and Deen River Nav October. The water will be ready for igation Company. This is' quite an un cse none too soon as not a few of. the dertaking -and 'will employ a hundred people of 'tthe town now experience , or ,m0(pe laborers until nearly Christ difficulty In getting drinking water. ' mas- Sanford Express. When this work is done the water It is with Dleasure that we announce irwwp,r -wiiii Ha .n&vTfn 'nfjilfTi .fnetn- (that the Southern has at last decided ries at other places instead of opera-1 negroes that were Indicted for gamb- fto give our people a daily freight ser- ting a factory at Dockville. The ofti-111' Wltn die- eriy all or them vice between Winston aiiui aihis point. ! cers of the company ay tli:- the com-! Sfiven thirty days on the chain fVVe have been working for jfds for a pany can make more money and do- sang. The Judge haa filled the Jail Hong while, and this step will fill a clare a larger dividend on their invest- here- Thwe. are over forty prisoners Hong felt want. The new train will be anent by transmitting power to run 'there now; and up to last night con- put on next weeK. une "every otnar" factories at other places than by build iservice waa very unsatisfactory, but ing and operating a factory at Dock- mow our business men Will be on an -ville. We much regret that no factory Inventory now complete, and we will begin to push back in our New Annex within a week, and we have a good many odd lots to close out. If you wish Dinner Ware. China and Glass Judge Brown is etrll busy with minor criminal cases This morning full Jjnner Sets Or odd pieces, he sentenced the last of the seven equal footing with ithose of other ,wilbe built and operated at Lock ville, laces. We rejoice with them. It will as had ibn srnMnllv pinpotpd. fr a benefit everybody on .the line. North ifactory there would have been of great , same offence, and, with different wit iv liKe&Doro usner siderably over twenty recruits were Jc now the nlapf tn vUJr fn a A Aoci tn thi viTntv ronrf fore. The I only negro that escaped conviction on a charge of retailing whiskey was brought up again yesterday for the Dighrning struck three -trees in Mrs. 'M. J. (Ruscoe's yard during the storm Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. P. Pen- ton, - who was visiting Mrs. Ruscoe, benefit .to all the surrounding country. 1 messes against him, was convicted to- j aay. a strnna r-nHiH.t. I An observant lawyer says mat one Co Cream Candy fresh every dayatlOclb. W hire placed fn oar tore a batidoae Oak Money lr ecu,: silver dollar-..'. . With I'very.ccisb, purchase of 3LfO will N given a fc-y tvj-.) t t.12. K r.111 tried the t'.rst -.on lay Ja exch tconth. WsSnsic i. , ; Monday? In Ortt!er. ism. and ho.4o aC keyn that ualo lit- It.t v given a PRESENT fn rah. . For tie first Monday in October; we have m! xM tip with th 1t Irer ihil will unlock th hii. an.l rr.!.I- f th Lt i.3I m X t- . , each. With every cai purcha of '2Z ceau we give a ticket. Four .f :4.' tlckns cntitb'S the Lol ler to a KEY. The key nmu be haudcl in the first Monday ia each raoat. Tl? iij after wfd not do. Opea All N'.ght. Bobbitt-Wynne Dru Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. 233 Fayctteville and 445 Halifax Sts., RALEIGH. .V C I may put it down as a fact that ninety- nine men out of a hundred who ore in dicted for retailing are guilty; but the visit Roxiboro Courier.) We nublisfli in another column fhi .' u., a vxlu .wk, an article taKen irom -nie .uorn-' ne-,hnndredth mfln -ivn found veter- aoout reet- trom tne trees, was se- ing post, which is exceedingly coanpli-1 dav ?n Welev Smith a nozro with a merely Shocked and knocked senseless Jntary to our esteemed cunty-man. t rmtlumw t! 'JSJt K jKL2ShXr. ,-W J .S; Cunningham. We are glad cllrrdiSanUy tSt Jht iad't , 1 " r, -j o wsee-mai vuv ioionei is so prominent- I nld whiskey rthat h xsrus. ... . - " -m-v. cu,. - iy meiiuwutu lor cue align omce ui liOv- lightning struck all three of the trees, ernor. .He is heartily endorsed in all (Mrs. tPenton did n-ot entirely recover sections of the State for this position, tfrom the effects of the shock until for there are not many men in North (Wednesday morning.- Wadesbotro Mes- j Carolina with a wider acquaintance, Eenger. land to know him is to be stronglj m- Tbe young -man, Charles lA'tQ, who 'pressed with ihis ability, his amiable was carried to the Morgantoh hospital j disposition, and his knack as a leader. Ifor ti-eatment last week, died Friday I If he goes into the -fight for the noml O'f hydrophobia. The hospital physician oa'tion, .there is one thing sure he will so diagnosed it and stated thait it was make it mighty warm for somebody, Upchurch & Holder We have recently equipped onr stables with a special llae cf fa tv of every description lluckboards. Burgles. Ilaroucbcs and Till". VlL? LANDACS. especially adapted for funerals and marrias: al "e U polite, courteous, reliable and erperieaced drivers, uniformed aaJ -;;;fJ la metropolitan style. Wc also have an extra fine ttock of ttyllib driving an rxillt Istpx WE INVITE COMPETITION. A call day or night will receive t be best attention. A full line of Picnic Wagons, aad we are aUo prepared ta d txzz; i any kind, and heavy handling a specialty. Contracts taken for brick, sand and excavating. Interstate and Iiell 'Phones. No. SL a ery.piam case. ALKu't two yea-rs ego a dog, seemingly in play witih Llt Itie, dropped some foam on his hand. Bore's fbroke out on the hand. The dog proved to be a mad dog. A few days before Little became mad he started if he does not carry off the prize. Honey In a Rabbit Gum (Wadesboro Messenger.) After the rabbit season was over last winter, a son of Mr. J. II. Maner, Ito Albemarle, but after coming about V ;' ' lfourni!ih refusal to em t n r. ' f . . Beey neighborhood, put & raiaoit box away Jn a fence corner to four miles he refused to come any far Ither. He srtpped at a ho,use and stayed all night. Next morning ihe was ac companied, home and sseemed well. lAlbemarle Enterprise. A curious freak of the storm last Week comDliea.ted tihtnsrs at TnfflA. uThe telegraph wires and the telephone save until the coming winter. Noth ing more was thought of the box until a few days ago when Mr. Maner, vn passing, discovered that a colony of bees had taken possession of it. He investigated and found that it was well filled with honey, but as the hon a prooa- .tloner." He further persistently tated, ln oracular fashion and apropos of nothing, that ,fcthe 'Possum Paul said that while Jeeong and John kept a wrltin' ev'y man had er right to his own opinion." He was too much for the mayor! and the case was not sent up. J Suit for 2 5,000. Mr. J. A. Barringer, as counsel for M. M. Wagoner, administrator, of this county, has Just brought an action against the Southern Railroad for $23, 000 for the killing of WirWam Wagoner, the plaintiffs son, about three weeks ago. The young man Wagoner was a brakeman on the Southern, and was killed at the coal chute near here by a shifting engine on the main line. At the time of his death he was en gaged in his occupation as brakemm. Mr. "Daniel Worth ,an old man who lives at Guilford College, Ix miles from Greensboro, is dying today. Six I mourns ago he was stricken with pa-- a j - - TAKE N AT RANDOM Odds and Ends that will carry you through the season ot only at less than half their value. Tory small ot all from orrr rera'ir j:.:J wires between Whitakers and Enfield j ey-making season is not yet over he .f19' and.he has been. confined to hi Were wrapped (together in such a man ber that the current was turned from the telephone office entirely and the central of the telephone company was Iburned into a telegraph office. The (telegraph operator was forced to take bis train ordea-s from the switch board ! let it stay where it waa for the pres ent. He will rob It later. Infant Victim of Religions Frenry. (Wadesboro Messenger.) The colored people have been earrv- of the .fceHemhono mmTMnv ik a.o.'S on a (big revival at Deen Creek could easily catch the little dots and hUTC,n' Gulledge township. Lat Sat Idashes as tihey were flasHied in by the mdAy they reached the climax of reii operator at the other end of the line ious fervor, and so wrought up did This was certainly a curious com-nli- wi;fe 04 Jonn Huntley become that eaxion, ana as (permaps, the first of the . v w aitar ieu uuiu -tnrew tne kind on record. .Weldon News ; infant, which she heild in her arms. iiig'n m Tne air. ine cnrids he.ii Farmers Victimized. (Shelby Aurora.) bed ever since. Mr. Worth Is ft nrom- Out -rvrio- oa rt jiiciit t-iiizen or this county and is a brother of State Treasurer Worth. In the Cox libel case there were 125 witnesses, and the cost for their ap pearance for two days was nearly $300. If this action had not been dis missed, tlie two weeks necessary fr a trial of the case would have cost several thousand dollars. Senior Lieutenant Archie Scales, of the United States navy, who was re cently married to Miss -Harriet Gra ham, of Brooklyn, is now stationed at Newport, R. I., taking a course Jn tor Read Carefulso Coats and Vest. Creole Linen Suits. CRASH PANTS. n rV. 1 10 none larger thaa Cd ia wj t. Tjc -i NEGLIGE SHIRTS. 91 dollar Shirts for CO cents, or 1.25 for 2; $1.23 and l-50 Shirts for 03 cents. ' WASH TIES. Ascota and Imperials, 23 and D3 cent quality for 17 cents of 3 for 50 cents, f The farmers, by these exasperated Prce of a large crowd of ne- esui-uiaites w.xue prouuctlon, are made tne victuna oi speculators, and depriv ed of the legitimate profits of their Boil ami toil. The Aurora ha Ithe policy of estaMishlng warehouses struck a bench in its descent, inflict- pedo 'work. On the first of Sentember VTIlf ItTV-f -1-tTlS-M fltAtM ,..(U I aV. 11 J il f.f . - . I ne wm assume nis duties as professor at Annapous. Ready for Rail. ing injuries from which it died Satur day night. -Sunday it was burled in Pre-cmlnentlyPrper (Durham Recorder. The selection of Judge MacRae was i1? ,Vhe txxrage of their pre-eminently txroner and ,tha tt; SttebSnf8lv QUaUti- Si'ty 13 to 156 Watulated on hiving toarket at Sln3(Plac!? on the 60 wortJiy a successor to the lamented tote melns farmJ mS' 3V Man,- Jude MacRae ds nS only seated It to secure moVTm!' ' B?feT!! Personal contact fent demands d t , L!f ? fati&U wM have a most rate or jDeneficaal tonuence over 1Shem. Northern Capital Invested. School Salts, School flats, School Fnrnishings, School Umbrellas. fro. 1 t . 1 11 1 .... , . ... jv- . tT3 mi r-iiwii i,mi7reu:i oreauw liiey ore ny i irwi t . . Tlio inflnr x . a i.J 10UWe (JUT JVi(v. Thev nr a Ir nf AfnntifnMr V4 8naauir., awnn..: ' " V. 1 iiHrii nwvrrif nun i - r . ill k i v- ... . I 1 ori.nern capital into Greensboro is steadily increasing. -e town is grow ing with a marvelous rapidity. Every imaginable kind of manufacturing en terprise Is either in operation here or in the course of establishment. There la a good deal of slcknees in Greensboro just now. The police have repeatedly Warned the residents. here as to the sanitary condition of the town, and they have now decided to . raid the entire city- next iweefc aid FALL DERBYS AND FALL FEDORAS. For men ihrA .W,1 A i-ci-a c1iau m every hat. wrj uats. None Better at any pr'.oe. with every hat. Our ' S. &. D. BERWANGER, One Price Clothiers. 11 It

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