THE MORNING POST, AUGUST 27, 1890. - J' i r- i RALEIGH, N. C. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NORTH. CAROLINA PUBLISHING CO hrinburg." The reader will please take this correction la connection with tne article, "Consider the Cause Without the Effect." Sucdi mistakes are more distressful to the publishers than to others, but, it seems that such are unavoidable at ROBERT M. FURMAN Editor :tlmcs- SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1899. THE WEATHER TODAY: Fair. The 'Wilmington Dispatch takes this view of the situation: There's a lot of .money wasted by the government in salaries paid -to offi cials w&io if they couldn t get more than a third of what they do get for their services would take it. be satis fied with it .and discharge their duties just as .acceptably as they do with the larger salary. It is said by some that George Green, of New Bern, who has been appointed United States Circuit Court Clerk will hold has position as United States District Court Clerk, ami that his salary will be $4,500. This doesn't seem possible, but if it's true Mr.. Given is getting too much salary Says the Asheville Register, (Repub- J Fox The Morning Tost. lican): ixvc -The Raleigh Post, 4n the vxst twelve 'months, lhas done the State LoTe's agate lamp is filled Trith prfce- luoaJculabiy more harm than all the I less nard calamity howlers combined could do That never burns to waste is never in that many years, and it still con-1 quenched. tinues its crusade." Ills is a vestal rOUMOIO 183.1 And this because the Post condemn ed fusion ,aud urged white supremacy and good government throughout the State and won in its contention in both instances, ana now Insists on em amendment to the constitution which will guarantee a continuance of white lamp whose virgin flaino Illumes the dark with pure and steady glow; And should Its feeblest scintillations loll. It would not lie unheeded where it fell- It might not perish there or other where. Cto.Ejti:n;n t 'E n 1 1 c 5 Tea KiiooU 13 THE POST SUPPLEMENT. 'Some days ago wihile looking through unless he is a -man of exceptional and Now we 6trbmit to our cotemporary ia w.i0 ? r lihrirv -ire imoruiuaijr www. r-:y.Lr! nn n- -whiell Attracted OUt AX- v.. .. h- ., s i i a .. tention for its "long forgotten lore. " " ' u t a o f snorts, .messages, any so in cne instance men- document, copies of bills, and me- utuwu concerning i rvrpspnt to the General As- government officials. In the case of .1 . ill. I 1.- I semblv of the State at the session of ciexnuiip .x-ms saxary is xue ui.- . . . .1 l.mnm onlrtTpflji rfctr lotir Ann rvn n!r n.u-?.4?L Ammir the memorials raere muuj v -". wn n.f t.h Mecklenburg Mona-Pe gotten wnen -tne xees ox tne omce. . . ,-. liinirl vitisomi An lv "Via l.iHnrr In ti f- anent Association, embodying uie pro- ,iT1r f n matins of "a large num- ce, results m sucn sum. xnis saaary vv-vu"g v I 1 1 i j t M it I ih.r rtf nitiKns of Mecklenburg and 13 MS on Iees nxareiy; 11 uie worn . . ,;. ' -n-in-h rKvnrrpd in there, the fees result; if not then adjoining counties, which occurrea in r.hiAtfA thP 2-tth dav of August, . .... -V-.iiJ.l iW . vv, v - - . . ; 1 a 1 , 1842, petitioning the Assembly for a ox toe laoorer woruiy or mS mrc; suitable appropriation to aia in tne 1 , , . prifln of a monument to the signers renxirs acxuai aaooxi f the first American Declaration of Our friend -will be saying presently irnflPnPP. We reproduce this doc- that our supreme lourt juages ou3it I il . n r i nment in full, knowing that It not 10 xeceave tne ,.ou salary now ai 1. 1 ,1 1, A. . 1 -3 1 mrove hishlv interesting to all who love -"o uuuut wum una ouiers w . I 1 m 1 .31 J t . . i t the dear old State, its history and the wu WUW1 Sia-aiy xase tne jod tor ava r. v, hpirwi mnifp it. hmuch less. We do not think the plCUUiU uicii i " Dr Battle's sketch of "The Old u salary aescrves con- Schools of Buncombe" will revive vi-cxun, j quaaii.) ui yin honvfl-hiA mpmaries in the old county, rendered that concerns the .public. The (While the -maior Tortion of these t clerks rererred to earn their allowance. ci..Vino Kir rir Ti'fittl haw fl-nnp.i.rpd o, -I T -1 . A correspondent of the London News in Superintendent Mebane s report, as 9 a f siting from .Naples, qnotes Admiral I T ,nii va 4 11a. niiAMAn i-U. TT M ! , r. , . r-w. io.t uic uucuvu vi liiv A i I i i J I r- &Klitrons. J-ne out in tins iNur Wu- n, mrt a . . : OTi onw . . - itams an anecnoie oi .uoveruur v ante American, because I know the Fill i i l t LLC Jl I ? A? i - "1 j m never netore m print, wixn xne saaa pmos lniwnaxeiy, ana xn-ey Know l am itt in n.w an,i rofp.rTirP to the law their friend. The Ulipinos are capa- i , j :.v. .-j. A : - i.VkM I . . a new comrruuior apwaxs iu uns tton or time, -but the only way to settle Sssue, "Eugene Hall of Louisburg," the Insurrection and assure prosperity rwhich readers of The Post will be to the archipelago is to concede elf- n.V rrt cuA.i' -Without the Jttect is rrom tne pen tions. and would satisfy all, especially of one of the state s giitea -writers, I tne t iiipmos, who believe themselves 'who has already taken a prominent worthy of it, and are o. I have never r,;-; it, tho a itr-c Tr, oeen in iayot or viotence toward tt:o I It 1 1 1111 ru-vt2 I h r i1 r -- 1 .ia rt !.: . Jiinnv.i. - ur jpiauua vi i tr L LUIS IJ1J- ment blockaded by a fleet, and war supremacy and good government, the! For Love, coeval with the throne of elimination of the ignorant negro vote for his own good as well as the good of the State, and which will relieve the editor of the Register of the heavy burden he and his associates have been "toting" to the disgrace of his own race and humiliation and injury Of the colored people. Shame upon you for charging that such work as ihe Post has rendered, is rendering and expects to render in this direction docs harm." God, Is co-exlstent with eternal life! He moves on earth a page in Beauty's train; He follows her a rapt Idolater Basks in her glance feeds upon lur smiles- Lights with his lamp her pathway through the dark. And keeps a londy vigil while hc sleeps. He only knows her worth, and spies in thousand graces others may not see. Beauty would live tor him he die for The Tost this morning gives other her: chapters of the conduct which has dis- cannot dwell apart; they came graced the management of the con-Hi nf 11. ,i .1 vlcts ana provokea the just InUtgna- lcngtli tlon of all good people. We confess She vanishes from the earth, he flics , . t iiney sees logetner unaicoverca suocKing. now sucn couia nave Deeni i,t, commitiea or xoieraieu in xnis oay They float like Summer birds, on passes our couiprehention. We are! halcyon plumes. I rwy 1 t a i t t I graUfied to believe that Senator 10 "icna iae iae orange Brown and his committee will let no t0 build in brighter climes, their bridal - K s. p.;iutton, x Childen's School Shoes Arc one of the largest items in a finh expences -1 We have, by paying special n:t r.:i:n ;o this line this season, arranged to n 'v .1 duce this expence by buying h.r ties of the lest the market aift r-.s. tf . we can sell them at extremely low :l:t FALL SHOES ALREADY RECEIVED. guilty man escape. bower. THEO. II. HILL. The Danville Register thus puta Jt: "The whole story as regards trusts may be summed up in a very few words: Those who are interested in The Monroe Journal says: The Biblical Recorder makes the point that land and houses have not them are for them, and all who arc I been assessed at anything like as near not in them are "agin 'em." their real value a have railroads. This Should a law to control or desroy n doubt Is true. them be based upon such Judgment of Of course its true, but you want to S. C. POOL, AUil orders solicited. Raleigh, N. q the two classes and the Interests !n- volved. say it mighty easy, cautiously suggest the Charlotte Observer. GAS LIGHT SUPERIOR TO LAMP LIGHT! ELECTRIC LIGHT SUPERIOR TO GAS LIGHT! this short contribution the finest sen sibilities ot a true Jieart are Drought reigns in the interior. This abnormal finto play. state Of .tilings should 1 should Mr. Strong's paper in this issue will see autonomy first conceded. he found valuable to all, specially stu- a(DOxit dent Th ranhirh of Memphis will thrill i.v.vtr sion of eclf -government ousrht to !e tne most jusx ana most logical solution." and then annexation may be talked This is my opinion. I should BGFOIIE THE INSriUl F.CTION. OPENIN3 OF General Otlits Speak of the Conrace of the Troop at Ianlla Washington, Aug. C General Otis, in an order issued to trooj in Manila .Tuly 1, commends the patience of the troops luring the trying times Just be fore the breaking out of the insurrec tion, and explains that his action In not moving upon the Filipinos when they first became troublesome was in obedience to the government's com mands to avoid war. In regard to this he says, in part: Emergencies have made it Impos sible to transport to the United States volunteer organizations of the army m of The Light Given by The Arc Vapor Lamp, SOLD BY ONE NIGHT AUG. 30. The Event of the feiscn, III. GJLD 6RU1 MINSTRELS An impsrirl programme 'eminr wl:h doviltiea ml f lion; 1 p.-cialiict from every wrcic. it U tte ulr cntl u. rr iwimp ,lrt,. .. , . ... . - h w in its line. Bigjjtr anu bettcthan BU?rr,aT t0 LLLCTIUC LIGHT, nd lt oslj fJchjr la bri.Liirj li u J. C. 3. LUMSDEN all o.berf. in the Philiimines as oon ns de.sirtd. Notwithstanding this unexpected de- 60 PEOPLE ON THE STAGE 60 tenuon, tne souners nave uncouipinin-1 ingly given their government uniuter- ?a,P isinK European f p:cia'.t'e runtotl military servk-e. attemWd hr 8 c me aMc tomcil ccafis 10 deprivations and dangers. This spirit 81 P u inieri. : 0 driigbtn 1 d of devotion to country has animated I ihdg danctrs. -0 matcn.t ti musiciai . them from the d.iv thev omniencei eciirc ir;u oi i aiar- oar lUc light. The Lamp is guaranteed to cost lets than oseLalf the ecu cf xzj Lamp. On exhibition at Lum!en' every clstt. tid soldier of the Lost Cause. The other miscellanoeus articles, re ligious matter, Woman's Department, iwill be found up .to the usual degr?e of excellence arid interest. The entire issue will be found good reading. TVEILL'S COTTOX STATEMENT. We give elsewhere, copied from the lA.tlanta Journal, an encouraging analy Bis of the so-called cotton circular re cently tesued by Mr. Xeill of New Or leans, which seems to have had such depressing effect upon our farmers. According to the deductions of the Journal, and they seem entirely rea sonable of themselves as well as place Mr. Neii'l in a better light, in stead of a 12,000,000 bale crop the "contingencies" and "possibilities" sug gested, many of the former of which have occurred,, a crop one and oae half million ibales less may be much nearer the true mark. As we said the other day we would regret the Hoss of a bale to a single farmer, but would rejoice to know that a much better price than now prevails would accrue to all. aehi w s or tne law concerning agencies, like to see violence at once put a stop their long vovnge to encare an lhiro- ,nrSCfct m n r.l on pi j in tl Mrorld e account of the daring Forrest's to. According to my view, the eonces- pean eneni3 It displayed its greatest c ,m'nS your tray, leu ctn tdidge it hievement during weeks of waiting. Cee 4UR IK., Noori'dflV Pat nit hen, contineil within the llmlrs of a PCC lHe D'k 0"0ay I araQC single ity by untie Hues of a self- Hear the Great Concert Band. vuu!uiun-u t'liemy, rncse men oiiercu I . f A . .1 u",uri liin-.ii uur nun-nee ior insuusi note no nav ana uatc. cn onr ,"",ru nuMue oenionsrrntions ;en m aiTincc at lu ddui- Vvnc.cs which menacMHl them. On the contra- Dr g S'ore. Enjoy yourtetve. 1'ricca r., ivsiHJuuiag to rneir government s 1 2o, o i, t, i l.Uv. comma nti to avohl war. thev vainlr f ' lEatabJiibei However creditable to the judgment of Admiral Dewey the above senti ments may be, .we have very serious doubts that 'lie gave utterance to them, for obvious reasons. The above re marks constitute so severe an araign ment of the government and its policy as so far indicated, Ave feel quite sure that the admiral would not indulge in such however much they may be !n accord with his feelings and judgment. The solicitous 'Chicago Tribune says there are "signs of regeneration in Georgia." If regeneration means be coming like Chicago, iGod save us from St, says the Atlanta Journal. We would remind the Journal that Chicago has never fancied . Georgia Bince iBob Toombs sent his telegram during and concerning the great fire 5n that city. The irrepessible general happened to be in Chicago at the time of the fire, and while it was raging .jwith every prospect of destroying the entire city he sent this telegram to his iwife: "Terrific fire raging. Half the city destroyed ,and wind still in our favor, thank God." j A short time .before .this when some Southern community was suffering the effects of a terrible callamity and the generous of all sections were sending contributions, a number of Chicagoans sent as .their contribution a large quan tity of 'Confederate money. ?Wfr,?toer the fire was the response of Evidence to this act we do not know. We were shocked to find when too late t correct that the charming con tribute of "Eugene Hall of : Louis Siitrg " on second page- of suppemeut; was credited to "Eugene Hull tf Lau Referring to the bond cases 'pending in the courts, the Statesville Land mark says: "If the decision is sustained, and it is mare than probable that it will be, then look out for an epidemic of bond repudiation that will not only be a dis grace to the State but that will do it irreparable damage. Meantime, inno cent purchasers of these repudiated bonds will be wrongfully deprived of their property, and doubtless in 'some instances the saving of years will be swept away." Yes, the bonds passed promptly into the hands of innocent purchasers soon after being issued. The University holds some thousands of dollars worth, representing a fund the interest of which was to aid poor young men in obtaining an education. This, if the decision referred to is sustained, is lost, both to the University and the objects for which the fund was given. Others were 'purchased by bankers as a "safe investment" for funds belong ing to widows and orphans. It does not injure the corporations to which the bonds were originally issued, as some affect to believe and even rejoice in, though we cannot see how even theif loss by such methods can gratify honest minds. It is all humiliating, the least that can be 6arid of the matter. J. C 5. LUN5DCN, DEALER IN- endeavored to placate the enemy by peaceful and friendly assurances. To all the soldiers of the department, the department commander desires to ac knowledge his great obligations. The country owes them a debt of gratitude which it cannot repay. Te depart ment commander desires for them a speedy and safe return to their homes and that merited rest and public grati tude to which their exceptional ser vices entitle them." WA E. ASHLEY. MECHANICAL EXPERT. Housefurnishing Seasonable Goods, OFFKRS HIS MANY CUSTOMKUS Fly Fan. Fly Trap. Ice Tick. Ice Sucarcr. U-uioa quecr. Cm3 Freezer take le Ice and leu time, mike more ice creasj frt.3 - amount of custard than any frevrr on the market. O;! aaJ Ga - (Summer use 7.V. an I up. Water Cogent. Water Sprinkler. Wa'.cr H'. Ice Cherts. Itcfrlgeratora that sell oa :sht: bct la t!.e c'.ry. RAVAGES OF AKIV WOR.TIS. We are gratified to learn from a special dispatch to The Post yesterday max xne rear of a lynching in Hay wood county was a false alarm. There is no better population on earth than the people of Haywood, and we felt from the first that they would main tain both law and .their own reputa tion. We are truly gratified that our expectations are confirmed. The Dreyfus case reached a climax yesterday, ua exposure of Mer- fier wiic oc, mess as it was de structive, yet thrilling withal. As the reporter of The Post suggests, the A Halifax Deputy MierlfT Think He Has Caught Red Nprlns .Tlurderer. Scotland Neck, N. C, Aug. 2C Spe cial. News comes from near Hobgood that the presence of worms similar to the army worm Is causing some un easiness to the farmers. Already fod der has been damaged by them to some extent, and there are fears that they may attack the cotton fields. Yesterday Deuuty Sheriff C. W. Dunn arrested a man here who an swers in every particular the descrl' tion of John Monroe, who killed Town Constable Thomas Atkinson at UeJ Springs, July 21st. Mayor A. It. rear Sail, of Red Springs, offered a reward of $500 for Monroe, and Mr. Dunn thinks his prisoner is the -man. He says h'i-s name Is Lewis Kearney and that he came from Reaman, Va. He graced tobacco for Mr. Jack Keel in tMs community a short while last year. He asked that a colored man at Beaman be telegraphed to and later asked that a white man at Suffolk be communicated with. Mr. Dunn has wired to Red Spriugs, but has re ceived no reply. CUBAN INDEPENDENCE. Census of the Ikland to Re Taken With That End In View, Washington, Aug. 2G.-Presldent Mc Kinley has signed a proclamation which Is to be promulgated In Culxi shortly, stating that the ed in Cuba lately i the beginning of a movement looking toward the estab lishment of an independent govern ment. The proelamatlon says that when the census Is completed arrange ments will be made for holding elec tions throughout , the Island with the ;1J ishinS c'vil government, thereby affording Cubans an oportuni' JJ? ?3?ntrate thoIr abllIty in duct their own affairs. As fast as 2m fSTnt 13 ted troop will be withdrawn. The object of the proclamation is to contra diet stories SSSSS1? tlmt Amicaus are not K aCCrd C thelr.W eia Aiteadid. Tobacco Flues a Specialty. men's iugjjciicu. apccai ii en ion Zlvin o rcdurirg t'u r sks. c ai ed cUimatcs cf co.t of same subnittid. Hue 1 s c. insreacj and diia c; aJcs cd. Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work. Tin Roofing and Cornice Work. 'Phone 165. 226 Faycttcvillc Street D u Most people do. Why not make most luxurious as well as comfortable? end. "How can this be so?" you ask. this part of your life the It costs no more in the Buy one o our is p b si mi There you have it. If you have the bed alreadv, then put our No. 27 Spring, 3.50, and the Felt Mattress, 12.50, on your bed. Both will last you always. We can show you many things in our store to add to your comfort as well as those which are a necessity. OUR TERMS CASH OR INSTALMENT. ) ( LOW PKICE5. EASY PAYV.tM Corner Wilmington and Hargett Sts Raleigh. N. C. " 1

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