THE MORNING POST, AUGUST 27, 1099. SUMMERELL OWNS UP (Continued from Third Pag.) T tnrak i amputated all except The Tmth Wrung Out. n What is your opinion as , to ;those Were tney arotui Spon'mn? I ask you as a physl stice to everybody, A i thev were coldburt, but I t'jpy a'i L1Jt- am not ask for your opinion justice in this .matter. You are 'Jn to -ive ithe facts. My question svi-oin to i nhvsician. oc tor yoni .um-" : 1 ... think they were O-You think they ere? a o-You think if they had been cold- Under John R.'s administration? VI- . :i hove. 1vplfynpfl . - . . m have developed hurt uexui w curlier? . Yes. . You statea just, -"-' - Rumnieren was a jiuuraue 1,5 trMment of nrisoners, did Q. Where did you buy most of your A. Yes, I think eo. supplies? Q. Did be die in the field? A. From Richmond, Norfolk, Baltl- w. Yes. lie died from overheat- ' more and Raleigh. Q. There were no other deaths from Q. Did you buy anything from overheat that day, were there? Goldsboro? A. No. When John R. Smith was super- Q. Would Lowe have died If he had intehdont considerable was bought remained at camp that day? from GoldsboTO. A. No, but I don't think the whlp- Q.t From whom were purchases ping killed him. made? Q. Do you think Summerell over- A. Weill & Bros, and John R. bearing and harsh? Smith's brother, who was a member A. No. of a hardware firm. Nearly all of out Q. You never saw a convict whlp kardware was bought from Smith's ped unmercifully on SummereH's brother. farm? Q. All of these purchases were A. Nov but I liked a whole lot of made by John It. Smith, were they seeing everything going on. not? Q Don't all the convicts stand In A. Yes. great fear of Summerell? Q. Under Leader's administration, I A. Yes, they fear him right much who made purchases? Q. -You don't think it cruel, then. A. He allowed the supervisors to to whin a convict like he was and 1 fltTh make some of the purchases. He al- causc.hls death? frozen at tne ug to h closely j a. Summerell had to Norfolk and Richmond and pur- with that. chased stock for my farm. Q- Do you not think It was cruel to Q. You did not purchase any 6tock send men out In such cold weather? . It looked like it. nothing to do Q. Ton ere certain that none of tbre convicts sent from Castle Ilayne were frostbitten when they came? A. les. They were not frozen. Q. Under whose orders did you go to work In that cold weather? A. Supervisor Summerell. Q. in your Judgment, was It too cold for hands to work out? A. It was very cold. Q. Had the matter been left to your Judgment, would you have taken your force out that day? A. No, sir. Why were yon transferred here? A. I wouhl rather work for Captain Mclver than anybody. FINANCIAL kW COMMERCIAL Daily Review of the State of the Markets at Home and Abroad niiY coon. New York, Aug. 2d. Thi-re have been no Mlos of regular cloth at rail Itiver during the week. The market fr odd Q.-Dld you eveVk-now Summer! J'1? , i a i me wees, nnce urai. ne cv.iu " ieujer m-u ""'"S vu- ,.. T?,..r. U . . . i Til n t-ot Kiinn r no cai.i.ii( vicis ana get mriousiy mau; - , fr .!... waront. IlalHgh Cfton Market. Jtrfct middling Middling 51 Low grade H to Tinge i to c leu tfcncorrtipoadin white gTade. Theie prices pii for cottoa froa A. I think he was times, a iitue on at I STOLEN AT THE ALTAR thought man in The witness here gave a voluntary explanation of his evasiveness. lie said he "was not taking up for Mr. Summerell. There Is no reason why I should, for I am not there now. A. No; John R. did all the purchas ing Q. Did John R. buy all the stock? A. Yes Q. What kind were they? A. Pretty sorry stock, sir, Q. What was theie avrrage value? . Yes." A. About $G0 a head. Stock was was a non-partisan witness. ..i.-MtsSiimmereirs Mistake. cheap in1897. Q. Was Summerell confined to his Q. What .was raid for this stock? bed at this time? Q.-iour o.. l A.-I don't know. A.-He was sick, but was out during u. A hnmhto Q. It was irettv hard to find out the day untir T - (bands frozen? Bridegroom Spirited Away by a Boisterous Crowd. mettle consumption. Bleached cotton have been Jokl In con'.'lrable amounts. There i a goad market for prints, and a remarkably well u talnevl demand for gingham- and woven colorel good. The market lor Ueccipti bmlet. ftalrl:t Mok 7IHtU Quoted bv Griae 4 Vt. lUeUb. Ac rna 20, ISJJ I to Kid. Did AJted denims and similar hues of coar-1 Nonb Carolina C The witness offered a voluminous CHAPTER IN A SCANDAL statement in an effort to snow tnat tie t hirtk there was m,,tip Sometimes that way it may i, MMffl- than a man thinks what was paid for anything during Q. Are you sure? mii,t John Rs administration, was it not? a. l lie rtay Lowe died I am sure A. Yes, it was. We never knew he was out of the house. I carried the here. dead man to the barracks and Mr. -V -W-V 11B . It .11 . A . W h sfl nnit realize uo you tninK it necessary to oe oummereu was me nrsi man i eaw. yi , "7 - cruel to get the best out of condcts? matrimony Pot a Suit for Seduction Out of Court Tlan M ho Took a Nap on the Ilallroad Track Had a Had A wrakenltnic City's Slock In the Dur ham and Northern Ilallroad to He Sold-An Old Citizen Paral jed colors! zood have been advanced slightly, sales being quite heavy. roiTO. New York. Aug. lM.-Cotton qut: sentiment generally balli?ili; price ad vanced. Llvenl advice were inci ter than exje':el. There wa wme for eign buying here anvl jk'.iort- vered. Furthennore. weather advU-cm frt:n Texan say ri.u damage ha b-a done by the h jt weaiiu-r. Spit c:tu unchanged. Middling upVind t;C; New Orleans and t;ulf, ti'-. 12) HOW cuiu ii " ... a -That, is what I think yes b As a physician, is it your opin- tened by being exposed in that cold UJ not. T-It is possible it might have been unmercifully in my life and never al A u . lowed it to be done. Bliorteneu. Q.-I ask you if, in your opinion, you a not think his death was hastened? A It did not aggravate his trouble .nthnt lip was confined to bed. He n-.i aittiii'r iit) everv dav. 0 Then I am tol understand by your assertion that it did snv effect? A.-I don't think it had a very good effect These Two Bosom Friends. O. Doctor, tou and Mr. Summerell are rood friends, are you not? have always Deen Q. What did you say? A. I told him I had a dead man. Q. He asked what was the matter? A. I He asked why the overseer did not let I never beat a convict him stop work. I said I didn't know. Q. What became of Sears? A. I do not. firm. Q. Do you believe in severe punish I believe in being Durham. N. C. Aug. 20. Special. said he died from overheat. Down jn ist Durham there Is much excitement, comment and commotion over the kidnapping of a wouM-be A. He hit the bushes next day. lie youthful bride-groom but night Just Q. Did you ever whip convicts so has somewhat scared after the doc- fla tne worti wvre about to be pro- they could not sit down? tors report. . o iM haro hound, as UVMUW VS V v far as law does bind, until death hall Mootka I Opes-Hits l Low- CCU Ctostsc. North Carolina U City of lUleighCi 5t AtUntaA Charlotte T IIS Cics. S. Jt Florida 5 107 Seaboard & Kmnoke Cs Wake County 5j . Wake County C 1?3 lUleigb Cotton 31111 6 Southern IUllwar lt 1 W'.S. C. H. It. l't 6i (. A Ala. I'ref.St 1W Ga. d:la,ConoU Oa . Ca. A North-, lit 3... 101 Carolina Ontral 4 Kalelgb Water Co. It6... 105 Albcu e Cbca. Ca'l Co.Ti atocks. A. I think it was too cold. Q Do you know of any other mis takes of his of like character to which you can cite the committee? A. Xo, sir;' I do not. Q Xo other mistake? A. Xo, sir. Q. Don't you think it was a mistake to hit that man over the head? A. I think it was better to hit him tnan to snoox nrm. Q. Then you think he has made other mistakes? A. Xo, sir; I do not think that a mistaker " Q. You think it is necessary to han dle a man rough in order to handle him at all? A. Yes, some of them. Q Were yon called on to treat any convicts in any of the other camps that were coidhnrt? A. No, sir: I did not have but one other camp. Q. Are there any other reports which you would like to have venti lated? A. Xo, sir; I don't know that there is anything, i I thought there might he something more about the '-Sears matter. You only asked me about the post mortem examination. Sears Ran Away. Q. Was Sears discharged? A Xo; he ran away, and a reward of $200 was offered for him. Q Did the man die on the farm? A. Yes. Q Did he die while the man was shipping him? i A. He died not very long after "vvafcl. He was whipped three times during the day; sso I have been informed. Q. Do tou knownvthins: about the Ho ft? Cian's physical condition? A. Yes, sir, A. Hp -TO-asi in flriwl eonlHrvn. T Q- Was he tor's report A. I never did. Q. as he discharged? Q. Did tou ever knock a convict A. No; he ran away. down with the butt end of a whip? Q. Did you see signs on any of the part, a young man of eighteen winters A I never did. I have never even convicts maae oy tne lasn.' nnj a Elr of premature Moasoui who not have Kruck one with the butt of a i . U In her fourteenth aummer. The af- rr k t -r-v I - i-x I ii :i I ii t I in I rii l I i- I m i am " ' . r . . In tint Q. You don't subscribe to the opin- A. The straps on the farm were iair nas crraieu uiviv- ion. then, that vou have got to be three feet -long and very wide. They quiet cotton mill town than any rrev- severe and rough in the treatment of wm fanned on a lmndle. If yoti ioll!l oicurreme In Its history. convicts? would hit hard enough they would The facts appvar to be after thi A No, I do not. break the skin. Sometimes I saw the er; (ne Sumtiy. imie two week Q. Is it jour observation that one skin broken that way. agone. this youthful Itlarlo. cbrU- farm gets more bad and long-termed tj. What kini or a nanaie aid the tened Dallas Scoggins, and hi youug strap have. Otihella. reloielnz in the mime of a. 11 whs ulmjui me jl uu nil- handle. The wood part was about nine inches long. Q. Could you knock a man down with it? A. Yes. sir. Q. Could you kill a man with It? A. Yes, sir. September-' ' October. ..! 6 06 November.' 6 03 0 U 0 on u Ralelr a A Garton December... 6 10 i l'J, o la u i. lU'.elgb A Aoguita ianuary....' G 20 C 24 8 19 0 12 Durham A Northern February..! o 21 24, 7 G 23 Boutbera lUilwsy Tref ttarch I 6 26 6 80, I 2 6 29 -octhern lUUway Cora.... A.niil 1 --- f'-Ll ; I Mechanics Dime bavia Jlav on e oi. o lone.-.-...! July I An gut t ...i Vrth Timlin ILtilroad 1M 6 03 6 0? I Seaboard A Itoanoke M 53 53 i i Banks ... 1M Raleigh Water Company... M Ha'cih Gat Company . drain eh Cctloa -Mi Hi I'reJerred 110 4 Common Ralelgk Cotton MUIi A. les. sir; l 0 You say you think Summerell convicts than another? made a mistake in sending tnese a. l nave never round it 60. rney hands out? all get about thesame number of des perate prisoners. HIT THE DYING TIA. Witness Scars Ran l'p Beblnd Lowe AVlth Ills Lash. Mattle Creel and the po.eslm of a well-leveloiMHl form, were caught In a eompromising sitnatlon. The boy and girl were discharged from positions tbey held a employee of the cotton mill, as oon as the facts reached the enrs of It manage ment. ml tbev were absent froiu J. H. Marks, who worked as guard 83 10 the best farm to go to, would w I I'iMl t" Anil 111 WM YY Y-1 AfAl 1 Q.-If a convict sought your advice East Durham street for several lUys and overseer for five years under Bradshaw, Mclver, Wheeler and Sum merell, was next examined. He tes tified that all these supervisors were good officers, being careful and eco nomical. Q. How long were you under Sim- merell? A. I went with him in March, 1898, and stayed until September. The board put me off and I went back in December, remaining until June, 1899. Q Why did you quit? A. liecause I got tired. Q. Were you asked, while on the farm, to sign a paper stating that Summerell was not cruel in his treat ment of convicts? A. No, sir; I think not. I was be fore a little investigation once and signed a paper as to one instance. The investigation was held by Mewborne. Q. Do you know Mr. Ed Clark? A. Yes. Q. Did you ever see him on the Northampton farm? A. Yes. Q. Were you asked to sign a paper when Clark was there? A. I think not. I think there was such a paper there, and that others were asked to sign. I heard of such a paper. Q. Did any one refuse to sign? . I heard Mr. Russell refused to sign it. Q. Do you remember Gabriel El- you send him to Summerell? A. I've teen men I had rather work under if I was a convict. I would Yesterday there wan a conference between yo'ung Soggln and the father of Miss Creel. The tu man dingonwd the eas and prescribed rather work under Mclver than Sum- marriage, Insisting that hi prcerip merell. I don't know that SummereJl tkm ukoa jnstanter. Scoggin CIIICAtiO fill MX AND FltOVIMO. Oh'rnro. Aug. 2 Wheat clved -Mk rtt le deeline. Cora wcrtk an 1 Qdell Mannfartcrine- C". " 107 u lower. Oat weak and fractionally t tra!lb rboipbate W-aa. lower. Trovlsions eakr. ruturva: Vs. Carolina Ubetnical Co. llj IreicrreJ Wheat- September... December- . Corn September... December- . Oata September... December-.. Lard September... October Rita. September.. October- Pork September... October Osa. KAh. J L. C:o 711 Til' 73 'H T.s TJt i I 311 211 21i' 2H 2H 2i! i 20, ; 20J 20i 2Ai VJ SO li l'-'l 5 23 3 2) 5 17 S 174 5 27 5 27 5 25 5 25 5 5 13 5 12 5 12 6 17 3 174 5 15 3 13 9 27 8 00 8 25 8 25 8 40 8 40 8 S2 8 Zl STOCKS. 1C9 103 lt-5 101 VI 103 12 13 200 215 110 2lT Now York. Aug. 20. (Stock opened Common TO Citlcn National Bank. ... 133 Haleijrb Hiring lUak 153 J. M.Odell Mf.Co 101 cw lark IrUlon ?lrti-t. Nkw Toac. .urut 21. Wheal Sp-ttedj; Nol Northern Dulctb4 ovir S-pt'tatrr fob aSoat; No. 1 hard l.ufctb 74 over. No. 1 Northern Nir Yt.ik i'coTcr. Kutcrr tJecllned I i lr cent; ckinr, teptcmbcr 75; Dc mbf r at J l. Oat .Mci'lr. No. 2 in elevator 25. Corn ruy on tpol; No. 2 ?i orcr fepinrUr is Chlcaco; white 81 otcr. ruture declined i cent; doicg. Stp lemter ..: Dcaibtr ZUi May til. Coee Itio tp-ot dell at ' lor No. 7. Kutaret jeacrally cncLa3cd,iliag tea'!v lafd Steady) prime w tit era 1 5. 5. Tork Steady at t-.TJCOO far cut. leaU Katy. 13 ctter Creamery. Wetrn eitraj. does more work than Mclver, but Mc- a?mi to take the aiedlclne, and IUtj iver snows more ruvors. Ixrrt kul bv Keg Mer of Ieel Jolm Q What do you mean by showing e. Sultt for tin marriage. Iait night lavors.' when a company had gathered to wit a. i mean xne Treatment or in em JSiness the marriage ccremny, an ietter. UrMU ih vrrmM-ho bridejrr,om and T'. irniiKtrlal iiuartcr wa rxtrmicn . Captain nhem Testifies. expectant bride were advancing In! dull and ahowel only entail pri" Kice DaJJ; domrttic 24C5J; Japan 1 i generaUy lower and tau traders jwl l 2J. . eirax0f21. t- in nntieipatioa oX unfavorable bank bo jar Haw call at 4 statement. Sugar declined abarpty- acd a 13-1S fcr 61 let; rel for f5 teat, ned fairde- l . emtuMi i rel v firm featur- I n,-'.i y, . , , , .! UllUai UllllV IU lltvr vur .w 'muil,r. - . , - I Ul-"l yayu o. v. nuem. in Bupcrriwr H tYrtn,.o the word which would f the rail way lit were I n:on i-aeiac, Mot, Caledonia Farm i o. 2 .was eanefl M. inan aud wIf0f here ftlNortheTn jcific. AUouri IVieiuc. At- 3235 Rhem, the frupervlsor of -m. No. 2, was examlnel He stated that three build- bridal attire to the one who was to :b woulJ ise Da!l, tteaJr; New Orlcas three duiki-i k. .). Amn.i nr .n.wtinrii!..i,u..n ni Srt!itiem Kailway pre ings had been torn down at this farm lvrj:y .w , fl ,Hi V:U-.r v h-im rise la Mobile and 1 4-1 . 4. TT UM 1. . I VU lUt ttiuviuft .w-M-vt " - 1 u. " Dallas was ruthlessly torn frc:u the thought the Northampton was most nf ' , Maw. Me. iaW; ?,? ISUtxI hustled off to part unknown. The' 1 l a uu kj a . . a t-va n kkt uuj v & ira iiu Tcrpentlro Eair at 4?Ci K sin bartlr ateady; cosnon to said Captain Day had not given him any orders to withhold Information from the committee. crowd wondered, and it la said wonie of them ued Lingua the Sunday-school dictionary Hednetlon Case a .as Ohio was a leature 01 iae ... -m..-. gooj (txilccJ (danger stocks w-re dull but steady. Pelrolema Mradt; reSnedew Tork Among t!ie r,ecalt!e, Tenneee foil 7 t0. phUAdelpbia and Baltimore 7.75. nnfi'.ilr strong on buying for CotLon Heed Oil Oubl? nrlras croAm ge not found in 'account. There were extremely wMjl comtaa!; prime yellow 2 rtlonary. Ideclinlng fluctuation in ino.'.daied I voitK iom'Y iaukft. F. nded. c3 lrn;1 V7MiT. The showing T". Acfurt 24.-Mone7-Call " ' ... 1 I mnnw nr rnf Tmm mrtr 1 WAS not too BRUTAL. There has been a liappy ending to f thP banu statement net general -T' ;,CTT, , " thrra and four what was supposed to Ik? a great n- Ltatloaa leing unfavorable, .surplus Jjf",1-'" ... 4- .nrt.M.m.i itnriuim. mi -1. '. tt.IKU) and the moDtbt; 44C3. per cent, for alx taoctba. That' what on or "ommerfU'i . ,rri , , -u i.iii in .tvu Commercial paper 44 per cent, for Friend. Saw In III. Testimony. r ? c1 POl or n,,,, now .oh. to to fiO dava endorsement- Tver t tt,w et n nTW iV , Mr v y ,i n ,PU of the lawful u.reu.euu . acceFUacT. and J. Hodges, at present an over-hn The Morning Post that bjerifT k (1otDS mkUi. choice alarle namea. and 4.C5 rr at Caledonia Farm. No. 1, who Markbam returned from Colum- rw 2? nrJ& JJSS' ,C an employe of the prison oft bia. Polk county, bringing as a prison- American ougar. " Pri " I taken to work in the don't think he was anything extra to extreme cold weather? "work. I don't think there was very much work an him. Q Was he inclined to beat, or was ce broke down? A. Well, he was A. Yes, part of the time. in Samuel Howell's crew. He was IW seer has been and on since 1893. added another strong link in the chain of evidence that is tightening about Lewis Sum merell. Hodges workedat the North ampton far mas overseer under Sum merell last year and a part of this year. Hodges shouldered the entire respon sibility for the freezing of the convicts last winter on Lewis Summerell, when be stated that the convict were ent The witness here stated that the to work on tna;t coia zero uay in tco- convicts sent np from Castle Hayne ruary upon the direct orders of Sum- were in a very "run-down condition." merell. And as a clincher. Hodges bold him wiiu a. koou vrowu rwoa xi,aT. rlr nnf Mild or C. Ii- Alkeu. cbargisl with seduc tion, under promise of marriage, of Miss CJeorgiana Evans, of Eat Dur ham. Mr. Aiken paid the cost la tne action this morning to Sheriff Mark- ham, got bis licence from Register or D(eds Suitt. and. after being married by preacher It. L. Wharton at the residence cf the bride's parents, wa no longer a prisoner in the law' hand, the sheriff posihly thinking the fetters he had assumed for life.' tvIiUa not ralllnir. were sufficient to jEEEEEEti GUY L. BUNGH, Repair Man. of men to work, and I reckon it was AZi K Ul wea1 hard for him to keep up pulling fod- aoors der. it an extremely hot day. ft"1 1 th,mk " l It was not as much dead-beat as Physical inability? A I think he could not well keep Q-You think if' he had not been f r?m asUe.,Hae? tnere that day he" would not have Hied? was. Was it fit weather to work out said that in his judgment it' was too cold for nanas to worK. Q. Is Summerell a good supervisor? A. I think o. Q. Is he a humane man In his treatment of convicts? A. He is right strict. O. Have you ever known him to Q. Did you know of any convicts having their fingers frozen? A. Yes, some of them. Q. When did the convicts arrive A. Some time between the 10th and inn ict severe pumsuiueui on convict.: 20th of January. A- 1 aon 1 lul"K 1 uae evr r wium fl n fwj ATTinn-1 him betoo brutal. A Certainly not. He was all right Loo O. Were vou there at the time of nen they carried him away that A.-Never heard any complaint until the severe cold weather? Q.-Doctor, where did you gradu- q. Do tou ' think those convicts Q Did any convicts get their hands were frostbitten at Castle fctayne or xrozeu ntr Aeeldenton nallroad. Last night. John Jeffreys, a white painter of some forty-uve year of age, after filling himself with a lot of blue plzea, sold by authority of the State and eouuty n lawful merchan dise. iinn-lnwl be bad the right of way on the Southern Hallway track, Krio and sat down to take a nap. The . reacrai ow train Iwekerl dwn that way and uo. pro-- nref 1 Itckiaon ;JJ do pref. "1 drootiyn Rapid Traailt 10IJ w'.c.c.&at.L " " - - " pref Jan. So I o.&o 0. B. Q lvJ Cbicato. R. L & Pac 119 (jblcagu O. W .pref. (a) 1? Cblcaro Nortbwcit.. - 163 - pref 19S Con. G&J -J Con.Tob do. pref Del & Del 109 West Mirtin Strcrt. Ecll Thoas Na 1). DtTRHAV A2TD CTT ITU AITB TL XL Tim Tabls. d xarrticx auaic it. iuu Traia NORTHBOUND. No. Z. A. Mm T.vParkerwood JonCn (UaIlb3n)..U:tf in I " . ' 1 1. imtnam 93 jL-rGlendon A. At Jefferson Medical iladelphia. College, Northampton? A. The biggest part of it was done Lewis Said to the Contrary. at Jsorthamp'ton. O r,... , v- 4- I U. it any was done at vasue .with Summerell on the day that Ha3?ei wouldn't It have developed we man died? a. xes, .x xninK so. Q. Did you know a convict named James Lowe? A. Yes. A. He had bilious fever for about a week, and did not come out. Q Are you positive; about that? Q Do you know that of your own "aowJedge? A.-Woll, I did not stay there all the time, but !he was1 not out when I i there. A. Yes, sir Q. Some were frozen so that their hands had to be amputated? A. Yes. q. Were they frozen on Summer- ell's farm? A. Yes. q. How many of them were there? A. Three or rour. Q. What physician amputated their Q. Did you see him punished the fingers LET THE FAMILY IN. day he died? A. Yes. Q. With what was he whipped? A.A leather stran from a halter. Q. Was he struck over the head with a bridle? A. I didn't see that. Q. How many ttiraes was he wnip- A. Dr. H. B. Ferguson. q. How often do you find It neces sary to inflict punishment on the con victs In Captain Mclvers camp.' a. Well, sometimes more than others. q How about SummereH's camp? knocked him off. giving bliu scalp wound, bruising his shoulder. and dlsagurlng him muchly, for which the railroad Is In no way cuipanie.. The city council has determined to sell the town's Interest In the Durham & Northern Railroad, amounting to $100.fKX) and baa advertised for sealed bid up to September 14tb. This road Is doing a very large and Increasing freight busine. nnd this, stock should bring a cod price. New from KXxx pel Hill I that uuini Cheek, ou of the ol1t nnd mot re spected citizen. of that place, and a native of Orange county, who ha resided In It for seventy-two year, was paralyzed yesterday, and Is not expected to live imrny tiays. William Latta. Sr.. a native of Orance county, died In Guilford coun ty Tuesday, the ITJnd int.. nnd wa buried at his old home at Little River 11. M II: 7 & TY. lf , i - t'arbontoa .12. H 1 . Lv raicaers .......... ........... U:X1 Ifi'.VrOttlf ai:tJ EOUTHBOUND, , No. L, P. U. r- . . r.-t . a badiOea. ectrlc --:-f i .its Hbora - - i L & N -ilLTOulf Man. Elevated j L.v P aim era ..... MO. IVa CI A - ------- ! f w T Imaa4 ' M M. W S. A KM Wm S pref 03 i 1st (i'.cn:on S: 2:21 2: 1:12 2:11 1:11 t p: National Lead T ::-t i xt I'axaerwoou JunCn (HalHsoo).. J:rj m - Bref 110 I Concsc at Oulf with lha C F. A: ral - 11M T. V. lUilrar ana at Paxatrwool lis tarn ktruui -onnR. Sniltli's Brother Sold tne Vn tne day he died? Its Hardware. A. He was whir CaPt. J. h. Mclver, the present su- Sears, the overseer, walked up behind V About the same; a little more church. Orange county, Wednesday. flogging. luv: - e leaves one aauguier buu eu xiie uay tue uieu; ,. ,, - iniMwtifln son. w. w I . - - . ..... 1 II 1 Oil SIT T I II II IU1IIJT-L1 L 19 lUUIViru ii,jrupir. a. tie was wninDed twice, ami . , . c r it .i,. . in j ,5i a little more vigorously ai oumuimn ---vj , ui uj . i iii aa m 1 i-urvuup uru i u &m i i 1 1 i ith i uik v i si v. j . u vj x uv. a is ua aa - - - i PervisnT- -c rvm 1 rhim afforn'-inia oT.ri him KPYpral I than nere r - - -v.. VvUlV.UViilW A. UiAUt vp 1 - - ' - " stated that, xvan fins atmornted to times for not keeninz un aaaiinistration. He said he had served cally able to keep up with hjs 6quad? cntinuously since In ithe capacity of A. I don't think he was able to supervisor, save during the administra- keep up with his crowd". wuns of John R, Smith and Mew- Q Was he whipped because ne brud. - ' - couldn't keen un? ' receipt of a letter from bia son in Ad v riT- . inirai arson s oommauu. in u? q To what do you attribute that? , rhlllpprae Islands. All m nuict little more when he vrote. Julv"12th. Since U-nv- lenient here than there. OIDe h iiad the tneaslcs and the TS there any dinerence m xne am". uv worae tnan. ooiu. - onvlcts? A. No, sir; about the same .not een a white woman since be left I Young New Jen ey Central NY. Cen - i jajy-uoa (iisinaoo) wt MorfolkAWe.tera.pref 1 ! " '.Vi Northern Tactic "c! .... no. nrci. ' faclflcilall ! Pnn!a'aOaJ li ReadUc 22f Paul A Omaaa i Ill prei.. 17J Son hern.. -- zl do. pref TeT al PaciflC 21 f Jnton racine do nref erred Rnhber . I9 do. prof - U. 8. Leather pre f J vf atatb aref... ........... -3 Weaura Dnloa Tel , ItalrUh r rod ore TlarkeU Grown caJckeaa '"l rRANK D. JONT 3 iit tember 5. IKKh 1 m To piij.ijp'j.. ............... $11.45. account Na peeUl Lo- Italia Tta ftte P. A. I4n fo Ittrhmood. A -be-111, rhlladel phta. a.h-UIe,Teon IUak tain, TV. and all ftararuer Ile.-srta To RJchmond. Va one fare and ea th'.rd for the ronnd trp. certiaato pLia. aceoant Nlne-itb Ananal !oa cjrabd I oun'jn l . u. J. u. rr .15 llonolulu last year X gp, pet dotea 1 CU Ia and retnm. National Koeampmeat IS. A. U-. SepTeaber 9- TJ-Hejs io b solJ Septembrr 1. 1 and 3. with final Umlt SepnjW 12. atx esienka of the final limit may be obtained uat'.l September 30 by oVr!iJJ ticket with Joint agent at Thila b-jpiiU bet we. a rViitember 5 aud t. bolb da tea iolu alve, and oa fayment of a fee of CO I cents.

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