Post. HE ft PART TWO 1 PAGES 9 TO 1 6 teC eC Vol. IV. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1899-sixteeist pages. No. 73 SLIPS Or THE PEN y " LLEWXA3T." T.n II!! I U (lrn:ilitic .pack-horse has ne-n hnible tvr several ,ut a mitfliry lijrlix liffhter , hlv feels like starting morning 011 ,llls Aveeivij i.- tiiiU beaten nam uie lie bettor. , - will .leal very largely m "airy ;uul brief generalities today ..hour things. ome r WU!"h a-1'1 . i-. . ,.,n;iv mines worth ii i iii. ..... i i - i:. ,:ftV, ..,,.,. whether you read or not 'r we will preface these non-essen i wo contributed "essentials' t'r.e importance: week- ago I printed in these ... :,,t.M.a.-i;ii.r fpfiTincp-s to ..vil'lllis HL1C iuh it - ..0,1.1.. niihe ail OKI VOlUme I'l'Uiru and allow a little fresh air to creep in.1 Nine times out of ten the "ease" In liand doesn't amount to a row of pins to outsiders, and is hardly of the value of half a row to the' plaintiffs and defendants immediately engaged in "lawing" the other. But eriiierallv nt luo twn li for good work than at this particular make fees nnt'of it .mi ih. , .!...,-... junetmv yclept Mho present " gets his costs, some how. and mo the Gentlemen, the enquiry and the sug- insistent darkeys aiv indulged in their gestion are lodged with you. for your threats to nut de law" on ih.. .,th. consideii at ion Friday nijrht. fellow or as is more frequently the And there's another thin? I would case, t he other woman. awe 10 .suggest on -my own nook: ;hiof tutice Nichols had a case like Inasmuch as that extra S.'.oo has al- this a dav or two aim. in which trn. ready heen expended (in putting up .pass and' assault and battery were the old capitol fence around .rive ceme- charged. iery). uon t you tni-mc ta tew hundred ought 'to be hitched on to the "cemete ries" item in your "budget" for the "coining year so that tlhe interior of the old city cemetery can be made respect able in appearance. The gounds enclosed bv that iron bucolic and natural bathtub while he was preparing 1,1 highly commend- able toilet! Itcnlly, I do not think I ever ran up against n tliiuk unite equal to this along the long list of multitudinous ; "reforms.". And I take this method after seat ing myself ami taking my pen in hand (yon will please pardon me for not inking it in my toesi of entering my solemn, protest against a rejM-t.iiou of this hitherto unheard-of outrage and assault upon the rights ami pro prieties of. private citizenship and'pub lie mora In. Such conduct au.l official action on A STUDY OF THE LAW OF BUSINESS RELATIONS II IIOIII.ItT . .TIIOt., of the Itlr-h )Ur. We have e nave s-cn that can should p. Mii:r.ict. but o:ne ..sV-r :a:;, r obervid. in dealing with an agent. t. i i r.t degr e 11. nnig !. the eM-n.-. astrtaln the mkjh' or extent of an- of the; witnt under dl-prie. thority conferred by the priuctpil: 'io:c Str .n .-nnu-jr. ;U.u i:; a:d if an as tit he iu, t i n th- ll:u- .. r .iV.h :g a iu tli the part of our 111tmlci1v.1l chief tmvzi- No assault was shown, and the alio- irate uud the nolice force of the tin - gat ion of trespass was proved. Si the tropolis. is not only an Inva prosecutrix. one Ada Thomas (there ion of tlie rights' and fret being two warrant si had to pay theUknn of rhv free bathe but 11.1s costs in the tirt?t iise while tire de-jitivcly iletrinienkil to the good Giejli!i fendants. Lizzie Atwater and Arthur !nd t-he longevity of .1 ck-iss of oar Hunter. .lr.. jiald it in the other case. fence are not in keeping with the together with a small line reucc the general appearance u the interior of that cemetery, for which its onwer the city it responsible. is a dis-j grace to Raleigh and to civilization. And the fact that it could be 1eaut:- t.he fa mollis Colonel Bun- Men" of ye olden time, r-ikell iil" .', -v three generations ago. ' A..,is now hands me an extract ' "hi,'ir. lMiw of reeeivti Oft,'1 ' . . ;,.,w..t.iri'fie(l and m.nle an invitincr siu ireilir-i- 1,-.. iv ai'-i eoutaius Miuu- miricwnn - r, - - w A- ii wno. f cemeterv .nark, bv rhe e-oe.nli tn;-e tf a paltry sum. makes its continued neg- ect and disgmceful 'appearance iicx- cusable and (under the new conditions now existing 1 absolutely unjustifiable. after your attention has been calld to it and I don't 'believe it would have eimameu as it 'has so long it some ot you hiad been aemvainted' with its acttral condition. Till ere are a great many people in this city interested in this matter very earnestly concerned. I axu assured and they contideaitly expect that atten tion fire, in you which the subject mer ats and .they demand. I'se gwiue to wait twell I gits a letter frum dem niggers 'fore 1 fol- ;1 11! 'C oil' sud the ..... . ,r.,n l 1) .-ii!h' I i"i Whom nae couui. ih mn- iiiH'. N. wok its name. l'''i-!ie'rit'erenees are retuvMed by the Tfct'iit lea til. in Europe, of Ogden (ioe-ie- fiie New York multi-millionaire. ,1,1 In v frieiul. in handing ine the ex- :n (piestion onser e. Tire is a lady now resmuig in iwu viiee maiden uaane was (Joeler of this ugueii uoeiet. who ai i 1 T TI., 11 rt'.sit 1 e l ,;u i-iim-uiiiie liiiii he puolieaKon 01 tue nuni ri 1 - . ;V Clii.-ago paper in vne .Morning i',ii will therefore -ha ye ui local as wed S;.ii' inu-rest. 1 .refer to Mrs. A. C. Lehman, of whom I'ol. Kdw. Bun ..,i:uht' was all ancestor." The Chieaco paper's orrespondent is :,i c'toi'. however, in locating the old Rmve-.nbe Hall in 'Buncombe ounry Thf hisiovi' old 'building is s-till stand :r i asserted, but never was located in Kiineouibe county, t.he spot now "in iii- a jvirt of Tyrrell county. The i:i-nc of Mr. (Jociet. also, should read O.-ilrii not "Robert" as that paper prints it. 1 ji'.iblish die story verbatim, how fwr. as ir appeared in the Chicago Re . under vne caption, .-v ramous Nfi;Iibnrhood and the AWvy It Became Faaioiis:' Robert. Ogden Goeilet. the New York multi-millionaire, who died in Ku wjie rei-ent'ly. through 'his -mother was 1 direct descendant ot uoi. ivuwari Enii'-uuibe. rhe first citizen of North 'jiMiina whose name now appears iu w du-tronary to desert oe a noasrtu j;:fi huinhastic form of speeob. Colonc BiHii-eiulte was a native of the lslan n i. Kitts. in the W est Indies, an takinnrp a luirge Tfract oifland in Tyr re: 1 county, ana on tiding npon it a bwtrie mansion known as Buncombe Hall, which is still standing. Oyer N hp-; table portals lie inscribed the it-iend: Welcome All To Buncombe Hall. "He brought with him from Sr. Kitts feltow-citizen who cauint. iu the nat ural onler of things, bathe too fre- Three la wyers wimv engaged and hi uently ami therefore shonM In al- eacli was an attorney of gooxl practice -lowed, nod specially tniuisslonel to who doesn t take -ases for fun ami so jlwthe. aikl bat lie copKuly. at all the case must have cost the three dar-ititms and under all circumstances, kies between them fully $3t and) I move "yon. sir. that Kffer Battle's when they got through they found, fine 1m rnltte.l. ind that the mayor themselves in very much the name be direct 1 to lax JtinisHf a year's sal condition as when they started minus 'ary far contempt of court, and Impo-e the Jshi put lu circukition by means of a sitence of siniv nsiou for life upon 3 f':i:iD lain. a. ohvsician. a sheotherd for i,- Kiiecp. a superintendent for his fj'iii. a manager for his stock, more two huinlred slaves and a rare Kle-rion 0f silver plate, portraits, fur aimre aul other valuables. "Hi eldest daughter was ;ent to vi!"l in New York city, where she 'ame arquainttHl with Peter Goelet. tile ill 'e tnr nf t.ho (1c(Am ini11inn.iiitvi, wd married hiin. The (Joelets were H Alienors, who 'left France ui ft er the -'-arinn of the edk-t of Nantes and tt!r "eoa.! of arms was hung beside ii" Rmicombe 'arms on the avails of fe Riineoinbe mansion. They are Plural upon the panels of the fainily 'i aim engraved npon the ram 11 v Silver. i iie origin of the "word "buncombe" N traced to -a niem.ber of Congress ""Hi ili it county, who was notorious "iiifalmin" liairanges, and particu 'ly tor bombastic eulogies of Colonel '".icomhe .and the county which bears name. One day. while he was li'Tikii!" ,.i u '1,... ........ . .i .i..Hner member, who wanted to se ''"nsiileration foir some important .'n;ris and deckired that the nieui- 71 rom North Carolina was only L'l L-in.. r ; uiicoine. 1 lie same express wa afterward used to describe siweehes. until it flnially found "ay mto the dictionary. Second Congress-of the United '.,':,;'s v 'ted' a 'large grant of land to V. "eirs ot ( cd. Buncombe, in recoa '.'"n of his services and contiritbntions inonoy (lurinr til1(i Tvoliitinn 1 Tp lit '!'1 ani! 'l "ipped an entire regi- u, n yvi expensie, and servet M! commander until he receivol a ''l woumd. It is said that his v. ."UTins unmarked, although v .. ot ",s descendants -are million ,. i'i'la r The Post -tell me something W, lliomh J?o," he said, "tlhat -the ai ienmen had made proyis- 'iie appointment of an assist-tf-vt commissioner?" an-,, W f l"lln,t 1 see somewfliere that hi 1 '"'Ul Ali3ernwn 'Dave Hamilton iiian t;'u discovered to be ithe verv down ?l "S,ht to be made to hold j '"'at job?" he added. Weli 'him very favora'bly re- ber of ' H1 t,hat nneetlon by a nuni liiil '''Y11 whose judgment is good 'W ' wortih having. thra" lle oncludeH.1," what I knm. r" 11 ,l trt'l me and if you don't f al.ll you !tt a11 un t,be board in rw7ne11 s number and ask whv i-ii t he appointed and put The speaker had been standing under the carshed of t!he I''j depot last Friday morning, doubtfully watching the disappearing northbound Kealmard train as it vanished in the distan'-'. Indecision was written unmistakably upon his ebon and rather honest-look ing countenance, as lie talked with several f a dozen and more acquain tances of his own race. who were about to shake the dust of Raleigh from their No. l'Js perhaits forever: 1 ii pornaps ror not so nong. majme no 1 tlo-ks, than cer than thev will be able -to save up I him 1 ------ enougih nnmey to pay tiietr railroad fare back to Raleigh. Finally the expression of doubt van ished and his countenance assumed a more determined one. developing into that illustrating combined decision and satisfaction as the train pulled out. without him. carrying his friends to rhe North New York State, where at Cold Spring ILarbor they expect to en gage in brick-making on the promise of ,mv day. It was at this stage of his chang ing humor that he made use of the above quoted expression, and I felt the force of the old darkey's g-.wd. sound, -horse-sense" when I hoard li fer I recently saw manv negroes of lis intellectual caliber, unprofessional 'workmen." who were not earning M.zo per day in .New 1 ork ho. in deed, appeared to find it ditticult to earn enough to keep body and soul well together under the .nigged habili ments of poverty in which they daily presented themselves, and vainly ap lied for work alongside white foreign rod-carriers and the like, who decline to admit negroes to their "unions" ind who consequently and perforce cannot work .ou a building or at the same business." at the same time of any kiudi with the sons of Erin. Italy, der Fa del land, and the 'balance of th immigrants with white skins who mo nopolize all the labor of this character. as a rue, m ;jill the large cities ot the North. .Sensible old man: Yes. wait "twell you gits a letter frum nizgahs. and see if thev tell von a rosy and bright-lined story of life (as they find itl in N' York six months f.rom today. I'll bet you your railroad fare that you'll nor he irresisrably, determinedly anxious to go then And when you get that '1 otter, it is' going to read .something 'like rhls: the "trial." Then I was seized with an attack f "moralizing" i.lon't have 'em oft em ami could not avoid thinking for the one hundredth time, as on previous imilar occasions why it is that these Ioor iHople will continue to vent their personal spleen against each other by such a method a method that leaves all engaged in it poorer, indeed (in !0 per cent, of the casesi and which furnishes very little or none of the "satisfaction" they started out in pur suit of. What kind of "advisers" are the men of their own race, who pose as such, that do not point out to these ignorant and usually poverty-stricken crea tures, the utter folly of getting "satis faction" by this foolihardy method now so largely employed by many who can ill afford to spend a single copper in such a cause that f "lawing" the other fellow, the other woman most frequently, as I have stated. 1 nave neeii toi.i that the negro the inHlceman who -made 4 he nrreM. Iil.HWN A.M. Frrurti Jull e. rt 11 rl.M . .- ... - i.t - 1 . ' . 1 ... . ' .... . - ""J""... nt an ir in riu-ii;u. .luu ;i iiiii-!! nuiy ;--U ni ; h 'C- ; St'-i -.. :it to bhj I :i pr!jj-Jpit ur ilu-J Jlut thi re ;!!- In:ne- :),, d-.-Ura- t! of a pr!n. ;il are fnad:iii-v:i.le a - id in-i nf a -i Ti:r.ic;. wij-n ;he ac king t l.e aid tif u -!i d"-LinH3oij ;a a l-in-ii.t lrje io how n:i intert la tie Mibj mattiT of a :r.ral ihat iut rlv !-. n vm.- ,y ar-ut of the prineijul. isjd la whi a f.i priu- ijtil kid :i. a:re.i a: th m-.i d--!.ir.i:J. n- nrr.- 111.1 J--. o n.-:i hm the ileelar.iiio:i of t!o prlnijul. nide at:-r lie wrfortiiaue nf an j.-s by aa agen;. :ire lie; imiet.ut to cl.w :!4t "h" :z in Icid autliority to rtu?ia xii.ii a.:. i..te Jo!inoa . l'ralric. '.ii N. i'.. - A !' r.:i a-rius n agent !i a twr- I Ii 1 I ..t od . ; t;ii '. In trri tit I sn l For till purpose Hie !- .,; !.. t'.i !. !.flU if e-f'uin of property fur the tirin ::- 1 1 .i.-. :,. ! ..-r ,i- .t,..s ... ... , prb'. qui. whether it !- iy no-liur Is uUtakeu. the principal will nt ! ifnind ttn! s b; :i-ipi;e-i-nef or ratl:i sulequently binds Ikih. atld 'Iti U"s ih,. agent Ih- a general one a.-ii ig Wilhlll the tlOlal of the dlKie .if agents .if Ii kf character. Ii i t!c-"-fore an iuiproudcnt thing it :n-t up in the dcekiratioii of the agent a to uiuhxrity li bind hi to an iiuits' :r:iieai-:iii:. j-jd till will 1 more dearly by looking further into the law rog.irdoig ihe .1'--clrimtious of an ag,-nt a to h! iln:i.- a u.-h agetn. What an agent .ay in the o.Mtre of doing an net in the -.-ope of hi ageuey. ilrjr.icterizing r qualifying the ..t. 1 adtll!iible eviib-iiee l.ii the trial of the i-a-e. (Note lllaej.- y. '.jv.. N. C. .VJT.i Judge: Did you say your name wa Alfrel or Alplione Dreyfus? Be i-areful liow you reply. Dreyfus: Alfred Dreyfns is tny name. Judfe: Ah. ha! Why did you s;iv Alfreil Dreyfus is my name. Instead if my name is Alfre.l Dreyfus? Dreyfus; Rmlly. iiioti colonel. I don't Judge: You hesitate. You look con fitted. I note the fact that you un crossed . your legs when I akcd you this question. That is proof of tin un easy conscience. Wlnit have oii to 4y? Dreyfus: 1 can't Judge: He cau't. Thi i a ctinfes mIou. He Is guilty. (SeiKitioti.i Dreyfus: No. nion oilonel. 1 am Innocent. Judge: If you are iunoecnt. ierhaps priMcln-rs ("our pasture." as manj good you will tell when you were night Ih- old black souls call tlieini have morel fore last at fifteen minutes iia-q ten? 1 illfiu.'lice over the women of their all other agencies -om- Certain it is for I have known of many such cases -that thev exercise Mich a great intluciice in the direction of collecting the weekly instalments of money from these old washerwo- Dreyfus:.ln jail Judge: Where were you on January. 11. lttid? Dreyfus: Iu Jail. Judge: Where were you on the night of Matvhtt. INI7? Drey fir: In Jail. Judge: -.Where were you when the i an aet. and wh.11 the agent .iy while in poseiou. eluraett-r.r.iitg any ac. then beln done to projry. Is .ld lli-iLle. iN-ite I IJre-n. oil '.., ll"..l Filler the a-t doll. by .l!l ag.-it is Wlthitl the IKU.lI om of l.-l e.ij- ploynM-ui. tne ag.-nev will J.a.e to ! hown befr any declaration of the .i ir: will be .1 l.u;;ble: -and if !. agency U -M.IW II. . : iiy : !ie ii.-. i i- rrtti.j'.i of the auent made a: ihe iini. of the 1r.1ifaei.ou. t'ae le. laraii on ..f , t'n agellt w ill U;d be re Ve.. h ' already ln-eU eej llbj.-ct to h-; aboe exception au agent may not bind 1 .... i . . . 1. . , im iii ".i ip.n 11 ne. un am. i- i j hi.-, I hdil aM:ii..;i:y that he did no h.ixe; and that the lw i.n to avoid' ihe inedibility of i-..tli.ii b.-iW.-.-U .1 tipNk.d jg-ui and ; H-rn dab Ing w iih liiui.. iNoie . Smu. Ad ui r.. : lrd.. :;i N. f.. p. -r.t s It i- to Ih npi.i.i thai :u il of the qti.-siioo of thf kind will arie iu t'.i- ae of particular agi-ut. a s; w'll 4w ely ay 1.1 prove a gen eral agency !H-fnre proving tae i'e Lirati.m of an .i-ent made .-onc-ru-ing matters wiildu the umu! j.-ok of fli dlltle. Tlierefn. llppe i!kii A " lell you thai he . the ag-Hl of It to irau.ict a uLir, trade, and you tvlv on the declaration of A cono-rti-' :ii at ihorrix or 1 y p . ;;re :n5xij.luc:. b Hi.-re le-g! e:c e r ollii:on :il :i.n !. i.r p-i -r f ii - i. i. men. for instance, as to make some of Suburlwu was ruu lu 1S!ih? them lielieve they will "go to hell a kitlu'" If they ever fail to niy tluit weekly qtrarter towards the "pas ture's" salary. And they DO believe It. my brother, with the certainty of death and taxes ami they are tolerably certain, you'll allow. I've got an old washerwoman right now (aim i nave had like cxpert-wo with a seore of othersi that -would no more think of permitting a Sunday to iia i wuiiiMii piiiuiig nil uer o cents a week (that's si:i a year, and the amount would more than par for the poor old soul's entire earthly IMssessious) to pay that .sleek, well- fed howler I'm speaking of the ave nge colored "asture" now: some good ones in the lot. no doubt aliom that--than she would think of mailing a bill of laden for her old carcass to His Satanic Majesty. If she is taken sick and can't work some week, she'll borrow that qnarfer from me if she s able to talk; if not . i t. in t . ... .I.. . . men sue win oe eriaiii to setld a proxy who ttn has done it too often for me 10 doubt it at this late day .mw, wnat i want to Know or von this morning, you great greasy, well fed. sleek and fat old rascal, is this: Why don t you use some of that "in fluence" in this good direction stop these poor women from "lawing" each into the jmorhouse? If the weekly "quarter" of the old washerwomen should fall to find its way into your exchequer next Sunday i i i . .... ...i i i . you u gie uer .in aiiYiMTr.v lecture a yard wide, but as you've got her and the balance fixed so that nothing short Ig.-Uey. tr ' to JU ; his priii. he l ieiiiSi.. ?ii.-r Jo- and i l-.utid ta make full in -! st: i v. The a,-z t,f u, agitit Hiy i jit.- 1- o ili. prupa-Tiy 't the prin. -qtil. and. t we luxe --u. in.t b nd the prin. -spa I o a so mak him r.-p -n.ilile !u iLitjuge ;.i thinl p.-r.i .:i .1.111111)1 .,( iu,. a-ai" x- -.e-jhig h! ai'!hjri:y to -..;i;rat for him. I: I in.-umt-at ap a an agent i ' ai .i r.rivi:i jiiiv u.i-!-;: iuii XXoIlId .1.-1 tllt.l r 5)ie ' . . 111--.- ..f t i.-li pir;i. ii'.ir .n. ai. I if ..- fail ia :o ihi. and iiiii.-. !.! io h' prjal I 'I. be ! Ie M f. p .''.!.. It H it u-.f,iry tii i: .!'( . , r l.i. reitl: n- iy ..r iaicn l.atil.v fr.iyi ihe a. i of the ag j:; f,.r i: I iii!ii -at lo o.n I hi!ii if fairly inr buMb!- io It a a iitural reor. ..r a jur-t ...a-qiitM-i-. It i al irie :h.:i ihe dun age iiuki l actual, and iiie . r-aU and iaat Ih :he lir- : "a'tt-ui' f the j.-t If Hie los ; of a .e-iiJjiut if.-ira-ter or reaiot1y -.;iii. -,-t.-d ixith aea a - pr oi.-ipil xxill Utit if re.iiiiiih'. i All example of d.i.n.ige ,,r l.i to Dear Jim: Somehow 'rother I doaa Lkf a.,.ltii sioo that evobiri i uu siauu uese lailKee IO Ks lip llea'l dey ain't 'Like our fo'ks an' dey doaa seem (to nu'stand us ni.ggahs like my ele white fo'ks do. an' I ain't stuck on de way mow' of dem .treats us. "I ai n't git tin' rich speedy 's I s'posed we wud, nuther and, I'se gwine back to ole Norf fa'linv soon's I can git misef staked for de price ob the year and among a certain class of lieve in the free coinage of silver at 10 ownership, you stop yourself this side of the good advice on more important subjects you should give her you old hypocrite! Bathing copious, free and frequent Dreyfus: Iu Jail Judge (trimuphamlyi: Always In Jail. yet thlif cnnaille claims to 1m innocent. Once, utorc. where were you on the 2!ith of February, ism? Dreyfus, in Jail. Judge: Sacre bleu! You convict yourself. There was no '.".Mh of Feb ruary, isw. We shall see. You wrote the liordereau? Dreyfus; No. mon colonel: I am in nocent. Judge (stenilyi: How long have you known William Patterson? Dreyfus: I do not know Monsieur Patterson at u 11. JihW: A iv not yon the mau who struck. Mm? Dreyfus: I never heard of him. Judge: He uever heard of Blllie Pat terson, the man who was struck. He dissembles. Iki you smoke cigarettes? Dreyfus: Yes. Judge: Is the tariff a tax? Ittvyfus: It is. Judge: You are a traitor to France. Prance imjmses a tariff, and you say it is a tax. Have yon ever felt like '.Mi cents? Dreyfus: Yes. mon colonel. I feel like 2." cents now. Judge: Do you still deny that tou wrote 'Curfew Shall Not Ring To- Night ?" Dreyfus: I never denied it. because I never heard Judge: You si. he claims that he wrote "v.urrew Shall Not King 10-Nlght." Dreyfus: But. mon colonel. I know nothing about "Curfew." I do not claim Judge: But you don't deny. Perhaps you also xvrote "The Beautiful Snow." Dreyfns: Really, mon colonel, you do not allow me to expL-ilu. Judge: o see. he cannot explain. Do you use Pears' soap? Dreyfus: I do not. Judge: The retiorters will observe .1... .-..1.. .... 1 ... 1. .1 1 11 -.. , i r . . M", ,1' ; .r. uotei where an ag. !, w !,.. . ,K,uible Tor thuuujces anlug out of n.nJi.r at.,.ul , ,,titrae Induced tWreby. B soys tlmi 1Uolll , w j,.;.,..,.,, , ,!3n;Mljr A was uot authorira d ,0 an as hi U;m. ,tUj . w,M.r. ,.r agetrt. ai,d the proof of the m-rtW itriiul ho,,U M unable to pV Is upon you. In a nii for d-imavr UN tMtt r fa fj3j bU ... tj. again.l U you would proboblv jave ,ra,.(- au! hullM mt,H, ,MyiJ),.nT lo UoU evideu-e of the .let I.,r.i- (l l,,,,,... r . i,jJur,., a uil lion of ... and if A"s declarations iry.,.ri.(li, x'mn-hy. lu thU ,ae ihe 3gat reJ.H-tiil on account of Ihe failure ofiWo,,j,j ,., u, jv.p. f ,r ,ut j:jjury. pr.Mif of hi aeiicy at the lime Hi-n--fr j, j hlll A r. ulo,,. r or. y.u con 1. 1 not rmiMM on ..,. wl,.,. t .1... i.-d!i-.-io iS:..r have failed ;o ..! ili.I the ei-ceii-e on .,.n,.r. ... 1M7 and iTJd.i of the ngeticv at thf 4 hue the dilaia-i ,r. " " " ... 7 ... ,-i . a ... 1 mm.. .... ! laere are JniajH e ai v:n.:i a pra- t ons ivb. I .a we made. Ihe que. . ........ ,, , , , , . , '.111 1 .1 s nt rep.iniliie for daai.ig-4 1 .111 for the court woiil 1 le. whether.!. ' . . 1 , , . 1 . 1 r - . . . .a.... r. 4 tn' -'"d. incurred by the agent 4 i.m. .... . ....... ..... , . .... . 4.x,lhv. in,;lirllv. ,.v,.u tvhelllhe had iMtn niJidi of the agency of j Ig.-Ht di-.irel at the t, .lie itj i-o:i- . .....i 1 . . r . . 1.1 j . I .... I ..... I.... j iv.inl I I . V , . . . .. ..11 1 7 tract that he wi acting u b, pr.a- r TUlMil' UV" t . u li di. Uie nam. and a Lire,, find the artirnsi.lve of ihe ., .es.iou. vriUi,v ;in1 w!l..3l .jSvnt (it ft iiT-mi-i f:li'e -. ll.i.l Infill. . I , : atnhonly to iN.atra.-t U1.1.1.- 111.-1.-..1. 'i.. a ag.'.H. iLi t'diig fMntract.-.! for in the nauie of It is also true that if a general agnt ; iiiaKfs ,e,1.11o.. ....,.,,. .. .h:, prin...;,;,!. unairu.or: d br :he pr.a- ii-!i.ui iii the usual scone of his dilti.- . . . ... . . - ,T . .. ,ii.n. wuereoT pritic.pu n and then-after his right 1 act in tJ'4H' tl rlv uf ..f, ,-aj, fi .. ...Li. ..... In itli paiiii ura. oj....... .t. f lS,,. f . , t, cs,a, f or. Vok.Hl. or IUI- ct-no-u. auo ..oi-.,o-,..-, T,Jf. rt.,,oa for xhU - t, IV ins utciaruiio;i an- "ium JV ht hat to le , bathing, particularly at this season of that he does not use soap. Do you 1h- the -olore.l pop-n-la-tlou is an enter- to 1 independent of anv other nation prise widen ueserves ine endorse in en t on earth? and promotion of all good citizens. It Dreyfus: I am afraid that would seem. Judge: He Is afraid to speak. He is Such an industry. I take it or rath- opposed to sound mouev. Whom do ticket to Rawley? 'Cause ef yo' does, er 1 at one time did so should 1 en- you consider the greater military gen I d be h'leeged to to' ef vo'd. 'member courageti uy tne cnj useu. on sanitary lu Mcrcler or Esterhazv? a ticket home. "Oh. .Tim: Does yo' kno any nig gah ob yore 'qahwance what feels like' lending a fe'ller 'bout mv size a little sumpin', dat'll Ihe'.p buy a skulper's rea.a ror i::,i npoa as evidence ag.Hut hi aull Vr ,,f ,.rj , ,:i T,f to principal. s, l, declarations. nuh: nrt?t.ll!ar ,1.. U.A n.,.r:jy utficient evidence of 1 l ie agr-ncy lui. nfl.r fllt?;tT .t(T :n a;i .patr-r iMii lir-t admitted .will be nMder.-d ; (.jnn,..v, u..Ih ,.ornrxn T:i as hearsay .nil I In- iuadmllble. h Wa j,,,,,, .,,re !n iNoie Sinhh vs. llailnwd t ..miwiny. ts,f af nz.ut aVtrurtV:tlS r5ni A N. C. Hi.i contract for ihe -ale ..f la:;d n-:thtiut Ali bi -la rations made by thi cn; j notice to t oe piin-'linl. when .h having the cfte ; of binding hi prhn i-jagenr only had an: "a- i:ty to nulte :h ki. and which have been made after contract. Al by ih cate howinj the cesa:io:i of the agency, will not Im j t hat an agent may !i.iv authority to i-on-ddere.! as any evidence by lhjre-ivA the tiling - nirjeiJ for wdh- tuiit. (Note ;illHrt vs. Jamc. n. C. "J44: Francis vs. l id wards. 77 X. C.. 271: Williams vs. Williamson. :M N. C.. 11. It is ncess;iry ta carefully bear in out "a:i:ng : lie ant h irity to disjvae xvlth the .. -livery ; hereof. For eaiiipi-: Dae Meadows n-s authorir.ed agnt of Smii'i ia eontract with i:.dMTiin for t'ae building -( flat. whlTi nie t o li I.iii . "Your old fr'en. say. Both of "11 3l)t Y uer ttnin '.rk 1 . IV ,1 M.-VOT ,7 ""ork 1 toe-iii. . "rrty it notice that, as a siren,. , 1 ,rhe -tJt't committee he llio es considerable time to at expediting and perfect f,i. . " l j'iujn-ivemeiii, woiK I fpn',,jV .nu' Ille assistant commission- t nnd ia 'more effective time "BIT A Just let Constable Potter step into one of the numerous magistrate's of fices of this city with a delinquent. grounus aione. 10 ?si. nouiiug or its I ureyrus: 1 cannot moral eltect uikui the huge army of I them, iwsslbly the great uuwaslied lu this com- Judge: Have you not been In corres munltyj pondence with Jack Chlnn and Dead- The sou of Ham who will deliberate- horse Jake since this trial began? lv. nremeditatedly ami with fore.- Drvyrus: 1 have not rhouirht vohintarily immerse his duskv auuge. iw you deny that tou re- . " I . . '. . -I A .-. .tl ,.- - and some duskv son of Ham will spy body in a stream or nouy or pure aqua, rnm - y,wer caniegram rrom iiiQKy him. deserves commeimiiuon anu applause, I 'u,k jinuaj luoming: Sand the municipality ought to havi I ureyius. 1 do. i I . . 1. . . . . I fA A"v.. t u. userl o i2-Pneronslv nniAiw 1 diii-kevs. ffold meuai shuck, .iuu. appropriately '""F- v.-uauge color, lourgum s.. .... . 1- ! :n.5i,- nsc.riled. ami -pivsent it to fh rare is now -iuotixnti. .nl c-. n cxniain 1 -l l. W1R, OUU IU illl iOClCVIlLll.l ----- - I .. V'., ..I..I .... Khort snare of time scores and often ana remarivuoie moiiiuaj. uVi"'".- . vmuu ine aiuuorsinii 01 - ' - 1 -. . ... . 1 . r j i . . ... . 1 .tr niAii ...... ... . . i.a,...i.-. nni Hiu msican "i "oiuir me emiiieujiv 1 i"-ui " " nr wriiieu nv Jinoe- eididi m! flo U t.. tha ,vin,.e n .rprv proper thing, the police authorltlei moiHelie tiki A heeler. on are always inch of floor space, and stop up all the have just arrested this cleanly ierson In jail, and jou -an t even prove an windows and cracks with their ana-and the mayor of this town (of whom alibi on the - t h of February. It Is. I really expecieu iH'irer tuiugsi nasiuirmuir, uhmisimii fu;u you corn- fined the sanitary devotee (forsooth munlcaiea icret ilocutneiits to the toniy. until there really is scarcely breathing room inside the "temple of justice." And such breathing! The odoriferous aroma of the mqb is such, and the ozone becomes so feafully close, that "his worship," in sheer -desperation (after repeated fruit elss requests along that line) has to -L ? - 1 . .1 it. i li rtt t 1. 1 Sivat tlie advauoo Kard over the hoail . .!, "''r i 5 mind that the declaration of an agents kind of I mat known a a is one tiling and tin- testimony of an! had to be built and launched by Apr.l agent Is quite another thing. For hi-1 1.".. ls-.r. The flat was bad: au ftancv. It would be connM-tent for a, launched and ro paM 1-r by Mead wltues to tstify that at a certain iliueiowri. but Smith reud to aecrpi It. he was outhorlzitl to act as agent forjor to pay Meadow, urgiag tirat ta. B to contract certain busim-. . i.xii ! not t-en ln!l! and I.xunc'al Therein the witness hinidf would give a? the time arT--.! iq-tn. Th ag:it. Iirv-t testhuouv as to his niithorhy to' Mcndows. itiH Sa.j'h. th- prinej;al. act. and it would If upon B to offer ifr ihe money h hal paid for th tl.x. tesiimonv to ihe cmirarry. But if a imt the c-mrt -held that u couM not witness were ta teiify tin: a: a o r-! re.-over. The tpent did not iy o tain time A was authorize.! to act a the flat at "tln Juian- and r!i:-s:" ihe agent of B to trauae -er:aln bus'-'of bi principal: and ih- pricCpal hid ness Iwitiuse A s;ii I he had uh an-jibe right to refue to pay tb coll thoritv. tl.i woiiH le hnply hearciy .trai tor If rii Otn tract Lad not bra and iin-oiiipi-teut. Iude,d. ihe only r-a-jcomplS.! with: and o paymem r sou that can Ih given as to the a loil- the agent therefore wa an offilou im in evidence of the declaration of f lut rfrn-nce. CNote M. 1js vs. an agiiit concerning a traunc;jon by Smith. N. P: OfU.rm v M--s.iuie other person than the ageui hlni-jKoy. Bi7 N. C. 7.i To w!u:n th n nelf is lmel upon the Ideu f the .could the agent look for ri3ibure iidmidoii of the principal hltns lf a,uieut? It U true tliat tiie fiat wt3I to such transact."!. Judge St ary -ciys:-long to li:n. and be may kp It f.r For most prach-al pllrJM,wv, " unyjhi own ue .r ell It nd kep ditiling wl;h an ngeni who l u-tln pr.c.l of t!ie tale If b hull cho within the seojie f his authority auJ to tl . But -upi-a if diJ not trln employment is to Ih -..a!dered a to do either of tli thltijs. Woul 1 ilealing xvitii the priucipil hlin-elf. .If he 1h fore.! io do w? If tb r-it it Is a case of contract, it i :h m- lr::d derived authority to jay for 'h ira. t of tlie prludpal. If the agem. at flit from hi p-inclrml -i:her tte pr'.i- the time f the contnu t. make any cipai or ine a;rui .-woo i .,t (.uti'i 1T. lo linl I lor man i .1.... ....... minimi, ilela rat ion or aIinl- sir.! to recover i:j aujouni a 1111 jii .1 1 'v . - . . - .v ........ ... -.-. ..... ... ..I, u 1 in .it iuu mm" - the effrontery to wash hlsscr In a wrote the bordereau. sion tiu hiug the maiur ! coutrj.-w em' branch running through nis own . ureal appiause In court, mingled nremises for the "lave" executed In with the iolIte Invitations to "ctu -noil faith (bless Christmas'! under hi squez and "las" everything and very own vine and fig tree: everybody, and followed bv a few ... . 1 ..s.l'fifr-1 . ?T I fihiut.fnl . C-O n t - ... Fined aiim. geuiieiueu i m-.. Tv..i im-cuui --'-.iu.-inons on the outside worth of fine to him, ana ai neraiine , .l..i-.- famnlo iii:rhbor r.ictor. if paid unJ-r a mistake of it is treated as the rcpreen'a:ica. Hie facts .f the . iNy- Mory hi Liraihm or admli"ii of th- principal. As. ncy. c. :evi It is laatlul hiurflf. But the rcpreseu:atlou. iiec- whether the agent, not d.spuLXg :.! kinitlon or ndmlsion of the agent i1.hs facts that the .-ontrador bad cja uot bind the princiial if It is not made plied with the contract d tLa: h at the very time if the .tmiract. r If authority from hi ma ile unsi nnother ocnlon: or If It does not concern the subject matter of. (Cratlnud va IW 10-1 until they drou out ox the wiudaw,soi U1S " -71