V, f ..-A., Vol. V. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY JANUARY 20. 1900. No. 48. L.HijKd . GOT THE GUILTY MAN ing Sherron. rctt hoM ofilces! under the McKinlev ntimjulstration. doimr serviee in nol lector Carl Duncan's peach on-hard. Dr. 11. A. Cobb is as good a Republi can as tiHTe is in tiiv Xt.ite nf r rri Mrriiire Arrested for Kill-m A'nis of nrJerson, reacc of LU ,..ww t.ranville ami Dr. Hamriek of Cleve land. Dr. Thompson. Otho Wilson. McArtlmr and others tight under the Umner, "Anything to lcat the Demo crats." which H really a Republican banner. Then there Is Marion Butler, wno trots for Butler, and Butler alone. Republicans are! telling him that they intend to return him to the United Slater Senate, and that is he secret of Butlers unusuil activity. Every body rtvnembrs;how the Senator held out of the last campaign, and lie could not be Induced to take the stump until the tw.tol was ; nearly at an end. It was srated yesterday, from Repub lican sources, that Congressman At water, who was in the city Thursday, was told that (lie could not enter the the Populist Executive ee. f HENRY HAMPTON IS IN IT ,1, Mraf k One of the Men with a Piece v( iron-Holh Men Held for Trlal- Tbe To White Men Encaced In a ItotT lib sroes Itemalna of J II. Halliburton Drought Home for Dart lenhan CJets Ten Year X- l T -t f C ! 1 V ...... i... Jan. xo. levuii. i ... Hollow murder f .. :u-ky Hollow murder case js a . : I' cleared-up. TJie coroner's ,.: i:ipicst was in session yester k ! again today. At the inquest i. . . r !..y facts were iirouglrt out . r.- to a negro who was then at .t- murderer, and every effort :; i-lf t appreheml him. . r:iz Iat night he was arrested tm.i:tv county. His name is Ed. TOO SHARP FOR RYAN. Existing Seaboard Syndicates Wiped Out and a w Greater Seaboard Syn dicate to Take Their Place. ltaI;imoTe. Jan. 10. Messrs. Wil- Srttne liam and Mkldeiidorf, managers of the .V-aUvrrd syndicate, have stolen a inarch n Thomas r. Ryan, of New York, and are no longer armrehenslve stole trie Horse or -Mr. mm lie can -aue them trouble. They IVrrv on the nisht of the killing, have wiped out the existing syndicates PH'rtlve evidence that Mc- ;Lfn? .i F?1? V.e f . .., , , . , . Known as the (Irt-ater Seaboard Syndi- Mierron. nml there is ei- rat OnirtitM of beneflciary intcr ;oiutin? to the fact that Henry est 1n tlw Floritla CcntraJ & Penin . . ti was mixetl up in the fatal ular and SmlMkml & ltoanoke eymli- l thiit -lio assaulted one of T. "... lum?1 n' nu" ln Vaee or - . . uiem win h stiustituttHt certlflcates .h: e men with a pnxv of inn. u tll ntny svntlicate. TJley huvc nl. I-;'; will lie held for the prand Jury, ready received he assent practically I - r.ero McClure was brought to f all the signers of the Stalwaixl & t. ;.- ,i:u on the Indate! 2X7 train this J10:1"0, asMnicnt and a lar?e ma- n -r.l imniiitoif f r.r-i r.U J1ty of the sixers of the Florida - . If nntr.ll A- I'.nnnciilir n imuviiiin,t okuts imiuest was continuw.v". i lie eiieei oi inis ino will lie more p vara tipoa Mie of the syndi . r.. Litilf Hint Vjl Afr'lnre ,! ihe fatal shot, but it is also quite fantlcbl; tIu,n ux , ,-, h.. tvT,r. mn won f Jsirrfac. Hie nwnapTs freneral jtaic w,u n,so w vun? trusroiw or tiie ' ' t . : : ; ! - - . . - - , ACTON HOMES ACTION Dundonald Occupies a Kopje After a Hard Fight, AFFAIR "ON THE TU6ELA Reconnolsaaneo a Complete Success Hoera Kracnate Foremost Trenches Parties Seen Carrytns tbe Dead and Wounded from the Scene Klmberley Asks for Heliograph Dispatches and Wants to Ilear from Iad ysmlth. .a m - Tmnes slowly . on the British flank DDnriTO A fir I AHOm towards Skert's Drift. There was very j HK II K II A K I- I A K ll T K little firin? cUtt Tf -Je tTint, l 1 1111. i krtllU Lll olenBO T-JTlage lhas 'been, evacuated aodJurned ly the Boers. ; , SYMPATHr FOR BOERS. London, Jan. 19. General Duller ca bles the War Office as follows: "Spearman's Gimp, Jan. 18, 7:15 p. m. I received this message from Gen eral "Warren yesterday afternoon: Dimdonald, with mounted troops, was Senator II ale Says the American Peo pie Are tvlth Them. . Wasfhington, Jan, 19. The Trans Taal-was the dominant topic in the Senate today. The matter came up in connection with Mr. Allen's resolution requesting informaitkm in regard to the .atti'ttrde of the government to- Tirds recogni'tion of iepresentatives fwm that South Af rican republic, and there was a rather warm imerchange of remarks between Allen and Spoo- ner over the latter's amendment to the resolu'tion modifying it cfco the extent tfliat tlie information be requeslted to ibe furnished by the President, "if not incompatible with the public inter- est." Mr. Allen charged iSpooner witth at tempting to "strangle" his iresoliiition, and Spooner intimated that Alien was a demagogue. The 'latter resented the V mi . Business Yields Better Re turns than a Year Age NOW A CREDITOR NATION D. D., one of the foremost Episcopal minSsters of Corfch : Carolina, saTd, in the course dt "a fervent and -'able prayer - during J the j ceremonies : Th o battle has "been fought, oil! Lord, and "we su'bmdt - to " the ruling of an all wise j Providence; aye, we rejoice no w in the fact, that .the, people in this fair, rich land are one':" 1 THE WAR IN LUZON. Last Year Completed the Process of Taking the United States Out of the Debtor Class Exports Mot Arrested by Advance in Prices Cotton Goods Nearly Thirty Per Cent. Higher Than This Time Last Year. intimation, lie also took-occasion to!OT-bee'n,.!Pace witn .the old is the ques (New I York, Jan. 19. -Dun's Weekly 'Review of-Trade tomorrow will say: Whether Whe new year will surpass refute the assertion thait the party he represented ill ad gone to racces, dec la r tion which gives especial interest to every j week's returns. As respects profits,' practically all 'business done this month yields Sairger returns to amount yielded last year. It as not much itlliat the volume of In action in the afitcmoon west of Ac- in !hat 'the Populists were capable of t t t , , , - casting two anu a maix imawion. voies. ton Homes. I reinforced him at i Mr, IHale made a lenbv and some- p. m. with a detachment of First Dra- what stirring. speech on the resolu- m v m - - ' - - J A I . It 1 goons, lie occu-pieti a Kopje after thel -non. . xie saw lie couia not .oeiieve fight, and now holds his position. Field at, an accredited representative of A ... , . , , A the brave jeople of (South. Africa had Cornet Heilbrun wis killed and twenty ieea refusetl a hearing by tne Fresd- other lioers. were killed or wounded dent, but i if it was so the i people ; exports and dmports laisit year, for the and fifteen prisoners were taken. Our should know it. He declared hat the first ''time, exceeded $2,000,000,000, i but losses were Lieutenant Shaw, severelv sympathies of Americans throughout 1 ... -J- .f l w woundeil: two privates killed and one the 'land ere th the Boers ;m their L .. i -f . ! , , 1 - struggle, and asserted .that the war latjons; that the year i completed the V V U VS V VA " ' " ' linglana was levying was the "most fell, blow at hnman liberty that has 'been struck durinjr the centurv." .Motiuer luyer, Jan. is. me general ir. Kale emoted fi-om Balfour's Insurgent Towns Captured Nearly Et- ery Day Filipinos Safferins tiosses of Men and Property. v I ' Washington, Jan. 19. Two impor tant ; dispatches were received at the War Department today from General OtisJ General Otis says, under data of the 19th: ' ;' "McArthur reports on the 17th in stant that" thirty-fi ve rifles were sur rendered ait FJora JHanca; that an lanlbauig, McRae; of the Thicd in- f antiry, capitured three insurgent offi cers, the wife of - General Mescardo and i considerable insurgent property, and liberated three Spanish prisoners; that at Calang he captured ten insur gents and oorned : seven tons of rice and the insurgents' barracks; that Sul livan, of the Thirty-fourth infantry, near ' San Jose, suprised an , insurgent laiboT,. production, tiding and trans-n """ , ' 8 , (sideraible live stock; that Lieutenan'ti poritation than -business of .the samejHonle, of the Third infantry captured) Iteconnolssanco a Success. progress of the United States from a debtor to a creditor, nation. . (Exports are not arrested toy the rise roconnoisance made yes-terday is re- sieech asserting that the .South j of prices. Kven this ; week . there is ported to have met with entire sue- African war had knit together : every .reported, an export contract for 50,000 cess, 'llie itoers evacuated tneir fore- (branch of .the English sneakinr ,neo- . i .,:, .-iJ ru . . . , ... . i , - r . ; ' . r3 x. I wuo wieci rans laivtfii uv viiitxiii'U dropped shrapnel into them. After the hmence: "1 deny that the -American artillery fire groups of ten or a dozen people are in sympathy with the ad- Roers were seen caiTjinig off their ministration of Great Britain in this; dead and wounded. war to stamp ont niiman iiiberty. 1 The Highland 'brigade took iposstsskwi deny that the section of the English of a position occupied hy the Guards Rpea king race that lives on thxs con works.! This week .one contract of 10,000 tons for a Western road and :two contracts for bridges requiring 11,000 Itons, are, the only large trans actions reported in iron products. ! - Perhaps the ... most . important indus- ?.,-i!irv ml t.-r lnt n . ... r - - i ... i. i i. . r with two or more negroes. The l" iTLV. lw ' ,V" tT SJt'a knr Thorr . tinent is to be drairired at the oh-ariorfc 'trial event is the success in. market !-rol uuin had a large rock in his A. t at the time he was killed. remain of Mr. J. II. Hallibur- u !,i died at Johns Hopkins Hos- cecds In h iv n- trarlsfiTTed to K Um their second "position at the Ixise wheels of war against the republics ng woollen goocls foi the new season eeetis m n.ivmr xransieTreti to mm ii , .u. nn Lf nnhh aMm." iat prices averaging 18.4 per cent high- rtTT lWni.l.Hil0.k W .ill k4 111 L IVUII r. a'11 UUt 1 V lllTiliHY HIltT CUirAi I v- - vvii.uiviutNr cviiiviftiri, ii iiiiifL- i " " ; tTitc u-kini, .t.i.. i m tne n ace wnere tne iiirse laasreT ,1 rUv arriVed in VhTvirr to- amounl-of tock of 4he n oomptiuy, was titca imesaay, wiuon is to m e . ii .enuy am veil m tne ciry to-i ,., . . " Amnt. nir ifho rtrr. TTio a. opposed to and were taken to his resklence " " i- jUllu TCL , :iu :n it ivas the result of the doings Of a wnn tne pians or the promoters. be-r""vc i' A cause the voting power' of the tftock note being taken of the enemy's a would be vestl in the trustees. As wool quotations t V . Male exDressed the belief that thai last year. ueen of the En:rlish neoole was average 34.9 per cnt i higher than a Arr 11 I - . . . . T . .. I vinAAi a .vrvrk - n -r rA -v-h I .1 - r f v t-'l I H l'll. l il.il-" 'I I Til I M 11 J I 1 id A h. ivnnl.1 1 .ir-w t. itt southeast, near tne river, ine us- y- w ,A, Uw uevxa. rr- f " "r"" , r i J:i-kn street. Mr. Halliburton .j- .ne tf Durham's 4est known citi-r- ? a it I hail a large circle of friends. u.s afloat 44 years of age and wns j n f the late Wra. Halliburton. I I.-aves a wife ami twos sons. His was a Mis Alexander, of Cliar : . laughter of Ir. Alexander, who In die State Snate In 1S07. The ; . r.il was conducted from the resl this afternoon 'at 4 o'clock by J. It. TursbuU, pastor of the FJrst r vvteriia church. Tlie remains u t- interred ra the city cemetery IS .TJE.TIOIIY OP LEE. r-ici1t1a The fT?iitish sustains! r.n toiH-euiaiors losses. The resolution, with Mr. iSpooner's A hospital train removed xa number Tn Tr?? V UI; a a cessive. But the n opes or wool specu lators, for, a f uTither rise .were dashed by a fall of five per cent in merinos at a. Txvndan ssiile. : ' ' (Business in cotton goods begins to of soldiers snfferinsr from enteric fever to Wynbcrs today. f near Malolos one! officer, twenlty-flvo men and six rifles; that Van Horn, of the i Seventeenth infantry, -struck ft band of Ladromes at Santa Cruz, kill ed seventeen, wounded -five and cap tured thirteen men, and nine rifles. ' 'iMaeArthur aeports on the 18th in stant that a strong mountain' position west of Mahalaoa-V occupied by Gen eral Hizen and fifty Amen, was cap tured yesterday tby Mcltae, of the Third infantry. The enemy left a lieutenant and four men; dead in the trenches; MdRae captured a captaan, one man, 130 rifles and several thou sand rounds of ammnnition, and de stroyed an arsenal and a quantity of rice. Our casualties, one man wounded. " ' j : j . "Bates report's that Schwann column of . cavalry is refitting at JBatangas to move eastward on the 19th; infantry is how imovfing in that direction, and the enemy is retiring, snffering loss of men and property. Our casualties few, mostly slight wounds. He re ports that part of Wheaton's trooi.4 will enter Demery and Taal tomor row'. They are meeting oposition In the mountains; which iinipedes their march. ,. , ' f ; : , "Six officers, fifty-four enlisted men, four civil employes and eleven friars. Klmberley Wants News. (Modder River, Jan. 19. A message Confederate Veterans In New York Cel ebrate with a Danqaet. New lork. Jan. 19. Confederate k f r,., has been received from Kimbeiley ask the annual banquet of the Coafetler-, irzJor news daily The ate Veterans' Camp at Uie WaWorf- 1ITiwI? !,nnxI?"s1 1S details Astoria toni-ht in honor of die mom. l nguung nx iiiiysimui. r..e tiurrLig of Mr. Frank IVrgn-1 ory of nolHrt K. Ix?e. Mrs. Jefferson of this city, and Mis Mary I Davis and a party occupied a box. II .. ilanghter of Mr George Kit-I She was loudly cheered. iAt the speak I. of KittlrvII. ha lxHn announcetl.l ers table among others sat John TeHu ueM:ng will rake nlaee at thel pie Graves, of the Atlanta Constitu of the bride next eilneslay.l tion. who made the speech of the evening, the toast being The man on was taken up. Mr. Morgan made ar29.7 per cent hi-her than a year aMerifASSw ?"rvu" VWi , 'rrr- . r.. , , . , TCTllast eveniinir. .'Nearly, two hundred adjourned.' GimiOANY AND ENGLAND. VIEW PRO 31 MOUNT ALICE. The Relchstas Hesitates to Imperil ' Present Friendly Relations. iBerlin, Jan. 19. -In the Reichstag today, Herr Moeller, while interpel lating the government on the seizures of German ships toy Great Britain reached - Manila the day' (before via Oalamba. 3?-. ': : . ' "Young, at Vigan, reports a, number cases in hree weeks-over 20 per cent: . . . ..w ,nt, 1'jn.wffPn1 , Shipments of shoes from the East in execut ion of old -orders continue larger than in any previous" year, ' 2S0,i3S larger jithan last year. I : ' The market for hreadstitffs is not ac- . V T ''Sliffht casn;iltics "among his troops, ive, nor have change m prices of ele- '.Kobbe ; ei)edition-liiand61ph V- lVrru.on i a well-known sales n who recently moveil hero from iiii-:-!i. T J. S. Chrr branch of -the Daugli- Boers cannot lie Enticed to Waste Any of Their Ammnnltlon. Spearman's Camp, January IS. T1 lit I J I the monument and the memory of . UV.. r 1 w J' Germany was generally favorable to I!olert K. Ixv." In closing, he said: uie xinu.-n ax jiui ai.x uuviy Boers, as His life was a benediction and his spoke in a moderate strain, while at, u- fi jeaij-racuM: vra V1 lAlbay the same time severely condemning wreKb -.u j uu, dms-c .a,- Hi Ffntish TLaval ainthontjes. He said OJOJ uwiu -jwr. i . Stocks have not " been active nor organizatiori and 1 irohber bands, with. and ves fori province and Samar and Leytd nds yesterday." :. - ... ); The second dispatch was as follows:! Confederacy held memorial I death like a sunset. magnificent view of the River. General liyttleron's - in eonimetnoration of the birth- u of Wn. IL II thi afti-moon.l was read, in which he wild that the T M-n-ios were held in the Durliam onlial feiling now existing among all lettt-r from' IYerfdent McKinlcv occPi a hill called One Tree Mill: seizures had created great excite-ago, TTtTirr-Vi n-kn-kyxf rf nrt.ni Con f TdT Chm fill eia eoiiTi tries. The brigade ffoirs. Von Rnelow. in renlv. said cents per share higher, than a week - - - i - ' ; ,dU U were most civilized j strong; railroads . closing J5 cents Pj ; Bnena Vista, on the western 'coast off Minister of Foreign 'store Ihigher, and mdustnals Mit ,3 P that he crossed the mounmin. nortliwesterlv direction from iSam l Joaquin, southern Pu'nay, on the 41th Library. ae of Alfred McClenlian. the gratifying. :.-- a--UMil of attempting to out hi" tepLiuchter. lias lnen dis l ..r. The Jnry fountl liim guilty ' r U-inz out live minutes, and h!s : r k:i:encil him to the public : vi U of Durham county for uine j-'t al eleven months. He dkl not the ieople of the united country is THREE RANKS ItODDED. Seven thousand eight hundred yards fc thronzhout Germany and there-! Considerahle failures follow speeu-, c ! j.u,, ,,t4n,J from Mount Alice there is a h.gher fore would state only that which 3ative;excesses, and defaults for eleven cartna rifled cannon auA kopje held by the Boers, covered with AVas absolutely necessary, in view of days 1 of January were ..072,f"'M trenches. There are apparently two tllft riminess of the oolitical situa- ga'in&t $3,623,209 last i year. Failures t l K.t:-. J . wl -nin on tins Id 11. On the British left it.- on,. fi,n f .v Blflri- .hU,, 00 h ri-uiousu . Aiiuque iua .a.u oaxyix, " ",,, , , , , . iiuu. . iuc vivuAiiinALi v1- lil- n'tii'ii).vi.,ui .v.. . rilip p einiif-al 'mirHuHl to Sslll .lose U1S v " " ' I tLW-lliirertllLS Ul t Oiau XIUU UICVWUMJ U'HILTru. uww;i5 aiuu a.vn.'ty x-u vaiiuua. . - ' k IB f i ! 1 fl. C - - - A I I PF.NION RILL PASSED. A Citizen Shot Daring a Flsht rlth the Thieves. Indianapolis. Jan. 19. Bank robbers entered three country banks this morning and -blew the safes to. atoms with dynamite, Securing about ten thousand dollars. The "banks entered were the Commercial Bank, of Silver iik 5v h.mk at iillettsvirie anu a bank at AkTon. , After leaving the Commercial Bank -the rolihers were met by a night wrtitelniKin and a 4iitizen. A tight en- the Boers. The British hold Swartz- hbeenVatalned and force stHl prevailed Kop on me ngiu. ueuerad nurren over riht holds a position on the left. There is onrnt Von Buelow read the nrin- only desultory fire from tlie naval rcilles of belligerents' rights submitted guns and a Howitzer, ot a single ,v flermanr to England, who nad not shot has been drawn f rem tlie Boers. vf. rnlied. The British novern-ment Warren and Lyttleton arrived at had rnroni'ised indemnity for the seiz- Mount AMce this morning. They irr and .ad gaid shins bound for found a captive balloon above One Mrts near the seat of war would be Lnn JnPPl1 js de-eision I in the case tof Tree hill. The IJaffan correspondent L-fp 4 the least, mossihle Iwav. LfH - . I - w - - " w I d 4 v. " n "V - m. -v 3 M-m w i - ' - - I ADJUSTMENT RATES UNLAWFUL ; ' : ! . ! ; .' I Decision of Interstate Commerce Com mission Affecting the Ii. 8c N. j Washington, Jan 19 The "Inter state f Comimerce Conmnissiion today casualties,, one wounded; the enemy's loss considerable;-: entire population fled to 'the mountains; heat oppres sive. MANLY AND HONORABLE. Administration of the Pension Rnrean t nder Evani Warmly Dlcnaed. V :t-a;n-:.n. Jan. 19. Consideration r n.-ral jtension bill for he year i to Commissioner cxcuan n. .t- v.u ""r." u it is tH'lieveu one 01 uie 'uuriars whs wounded. The roliwrs escaped, car rving their woundef ctmpanion There is .great excitement in the localities where the" robberies curred and lynching is talked of. antagonism to tJomuiissjonc administration of the Pension i' a :-.-iii to manifest itself. It ap :. -. .-?ifetly in a s-peech by Mr. Cur- Kan-us, whose criticisms were y h eud.rsI toy 3Ir. Smith, of - ti. Cornmisslaner Evans found : ;t i.-r r.mong the Tennessee Demo- n..'a!,iy Simms and Gaines, nnd " !: publican skle in ILiy of New .r. l Mahon of I'ennsyivania. Tlie '"'-r .-:iarg-l resixnsib3ity for tlie i' :i nminst the cvmmi?ioner ; " Washington influences tharacter : " i-non slurks. The remit of t ! tr-itm was me "passage of the ;i :rhou: division, and wicli an r .!. . 1 'i m. xrKw.. -:. iwrr to wlrlihoMpayment ofi 1 " fntn an attorney when he Js sat- : ! : i it the a was not prepared "1 :n .r he had not done 81U full u'-'.v t. the claimant. Views or One Who Wrote a Letter Con cerning the Clark Rribery Cat e. . . . - . . V-i cli in frf n Jan 1Q TTn-rt"hr tAStl- noticcd in the far distance evidence England would not touch the shiis . Transportation and others against the mony was taken today in the Clark of shell explosions. These had prb- north of Aden and would not stop j Lo-uisville & Xashville! Railroad and Sbribery case before the Senate Etfec- amy ieen nreu iroiu iiauounu. imml steamships merely on suspicion. i others, resrardinz rates on cotton, rosin '.tns r.mmiRftf: Th most interwiW riring ox 0)?g guus was neara m me Germany. Von Buelow said, toad .ro-:,fin4l.tinMenthie--nw emn.missjnn holds'..., f bntirurfnfr wad 1? n. rn.. 11 .3 I " .7.' .. . " i " . 7.. :" cuiovuv vi. ..v. ra s;Miie uirtHrwou. xue weaiuex hoosed arDitration to nx tne amount 01 r. that the rate of. $2.75 oif the Ivouisville ' lwlnirin nif !om 'of. the, wiunes-so very one is anxious .to engage tne indemnity. England hoped that arbi-& Xashvalle-to Savannah ds not un-j,to ratl a ietter .-whicH he had enomy, ana strong noies are enter- tration would he - unnecessary, ibut hlawful. but the whole advance of 53: ?! wwk winred itliat if tainel of a decisive victory and the Uvould accept it. Ton Buelow said, in relief df -Ladyniith. oc- conclusdon, he hoped further hasty illegal actions would not imperil the friendship between the two coun tries. The discussion was then abandoned. WINSTON CELEBRATES. A DIPLOMATIC DIFFICULTY, Entrance Opened to Ladysmith. London, Jan. 20. The )atty Tele graph's correspondent at Spearman's Camp, in a dispatch dated this morn ing, says that Lord Dundonald,'s suc cess in occupying a kopje after de feating the Boers westward of Acton Thanks Voted Senator Moretn-Stab- ITClnlster f the Sooth Arncan Republic Homes on the 17th gives the Bntisn bins Affair at wainnt core. jttay Become a TronDiesome smoject eontrol of an easy entrance into Winston, X. C, Jan. 19. Special. Washington, Jan. 10. The .State Ie- iaoysinrtn anu mterrupis tue euemj Robert E. Lee's ibirrhday -was cele mrfcment has no inrormation t-iiut I umuuuiiaauuu u v.v. - t trateti nere xonignr. a. mass meeting MTmta'me White, former Transvaal State. Brltisli guns cominue to nxxni- wa3 Iot two purposes in honor ' - . - I 1 T -r M -l ll O S Tf TQ FUa I . J It I -a 1 1 nent in Lontlon; now in .ew lork. oaru uwr nnv -uu tr,. . of the anniversary or tne no tea soum- ls coming to wasuiuuu iu.an Oinciai W"n , v.... em general s wiriuuaj auu iv uiAutx Snouiu .-ir. nite present auvuueui. titxtvm,j. - I jsena'tor -uorgan or !Aiaiama ror jus cen t s a ha le aho ve ,th e rate in , force from the same stations in Florida jto iXew; Orleans is a violation of the ii wxititen, bribery was practiced it was ail on the side opposed to Clark. The letter also ta fpd that the contest for the senator- statute, -oie commassion lurtner mies- hip as condu)eted ,by Clark was a most wsLh a carriw cauiiui; m wiuiiy estab lish and : mahitain adjustment rates, wtlia ch in practice prevent shippers on its line from availing themselves of a ! .principals-market, which . they have long been using, and confer sub stantial monopoly upon new markets. in which,, for reasons of its own, l has great interest. credentials of a minister or diplomatic I able defense before the United States it DEAD CHIEFTAIN HONORED. Wilmington Pays Tribute to the Ittem ory.of General Lee. Wilmington, S. C, Jan. 19. Special. -ent of the South .African Republic. Warren's March Principal Movement .Senate of the white people of .North! "SS-T'Si te question wouhl arise whether this Ix)lldon, Jan. . so.-DundonaldV sue- Carolina i 5?!! 2Sfn. Robert SSj government, uy rixniAjng uim omciai- oessful skirmish westward or acwd maue aoiu ,im viiS - birthday ever held in Wilmlng- Fr. would violate its neutrality in the IIoimx ia the principal feature of Bui- thanking Senator Morgan f or re-, fSX under the aut present - iijiwuu una Aiijers advance, it is lmpoisu ij ayivc-xi. t-... v . . . - - - Di;n the cfisc OF POPI'LISTS I withdrawn her claim of suzerainty Aether the importance attached to It tlon. s ' TiiLCiwcoFroiiLm pu Traajjvaa!, rt-cognitlon of br th? Telegraph's .correspondent, is W. P. iHallyhurton, for several years, ton wn that tod a v. under the aus pices! of Cape Fear Camp Confeder--i tr VofPM.ru and the Daughters of i the Confederacy. All business was that country laud as an affront. i t i wi ' i j i mi " i iiiii r.n i aiir:. 'X & i I Dfopcati ) i vprv stalilP.; man. frwieG i."-""---- --- -7 . - vrfMw n liin uwi iu ittoiu. uanuia jviv - . v , t I" a I - INulist liarty was practically out the nth show that the birthday u transparent. in lttk ami the effort of of Gen. Robert L. Lee w generally omltted from ti 1 -vtlioholdera who compose tlie olrvcnl In Columbia, 5. the leg- atclie3 1han Is Lees Birthday Celebrated. Ttichmond, "Va., Jan. 19. Dispatches from various cities an dtowns through Indeed, that more Is the corTespondents, dis is sent. Xothinir resrard- r -at. to make It antir that the islaUire held no Ion u ontlj a tablet tJie doInss oa January 19 has r "t I'oouli trtr is against the to tne .n - 1 " rived f ., r , k. wik ide. an ot wnom Avere : areilmcm is rather jJJoon unveiled in the state 1 few exceptions, the members ar erxi . . celebratetl the - o.;nmittee present f the P. Hni Vct- ; - r.mr-iay are f ull-fleilgel JRcpuD- J oainn flre and banmieU C. M. Babbitt and Z. T. Uar-Jcrans, a camp are nu ui nUreh as the prlnc-ipal movement of in the hack, at Walnut Cove. ; The the whole operation, out- oeyona tne I "wwutu . ixi a wuuiuvu i oaiuo fnrtthat he is still advancing nothing The difficulty originated from a dis- i allowed to he known. And his route cussion. i merely a maxxer ot conjecture. It theterans, ISons of Veterans, TJght J ed at ;uez .... . . -.1. , i.ii I . . t . L.oirAr ' rT tha PiflHnnntlf Snn H SJ - - Ur. the McKlnler Offlce-holdera I .ht J Jl; ; ,S,m, i Tl irl last niirht stabbed James suspended. lrobaDJy one tnouana par- -a oiiiers iire Thnrsday uib I,trtt1i. vkrimtA.vnwn .TrIlO Te- -. -. vtu wit v v " - I h.nrne yestenhiy were proudly I nnd iiml-sml lir Itenuldicans, nv ni'rrr been so solicitous manly, and honorable contest. Bryan Visits the Capitol. - Washington," Jan. v 19. Wiliam Bryan arrived here this morning. He visited the capitol, held dmpromptu re ceptions in one of the rooms of m& Senate and the lobpy of the j House.. He will remain in ; Washington imtil tomorrow, .when he wi'll leave for Bal- . - -m- I 1 .T- timore. in. an anrerview Air.i uryaai said he was opposed to expansion, and imperialism, and favored granting In dependence to the Filipinos. . Mr. Bry an's first caller ! this morning waa Chairman Jones, of the Demoeratic National Committee. Part of Cargoes Released. - ' London, Jan. j 19. The Foreign Office has notified Ambassador Choate that, part of the seized AJmerican car goes has been reiepsea. it wui oe janu uf ry Little Firing. Spearman's Camp. Jan. 19. 7 Gxneral Warren's liank niovententcon Tnfaiirrv. Xaval Reserves, etc. There were) 350 Veterans dnf line. An able address on the career of Gen. Robert E. Lee . was delivered in the Opera wvri bv .Timihis' (Davis. Esq.. of this mFoVr.u "'." -"m"'c city, ,in the presence of l,oUO people. Vienna,1 Jan." 19. The Emperor to-jitter, in the city hall, luncheon was day accepted the resignation of Dr. served to the Veterans and 'members Von Witt ek's cabinet and named a' 0f the military companies .by; Cape new cabinet with Herr Koeber as pre- Fear ! Chapter. Daiighters of rhe Con- mier. The latter was especiai'iy- ap- federacy: Miiss llodman, presaoent ox livered to the consignees. FItz Lee, Jr., Gets Ills Orders. Washington. Jan. 19. Lieutenant Fitzhugh Lee, . Jr., has been order ei from New York to FtCfc Mead to join the troops. Prisoners Caught by Bloodhounds Xashville. Jan. ! 19. Three prisoners. o f mrtrTirt?lixi ia "vt l. . rio-AlSmi r iric? nn 1 I T n l (1 fflClTrQlIK U tram ivLTLfrr, -"li' v differences berween Germans ' and Daughters of the Confederacy, is a the tentiary today .W.Q W', a- Czechs. -guest of honor.; 'Rev. Ilobert Strange, captured by means of bloodhounds.