THE -MORNING TOST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 23, 1900. thought the Cncreatse in price was iue 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N I A I M T I t H A L L ,to w 'Republican a dmiinistra tlion,j re- Goldsboro Ladies Will Enter tain Their Friends. FORTUNE TELLER'S WILES The Stingiest Man In Town Induced to Shell Out a Dollar-Tne Odd Fellows' Orphanage Dr. Cj mm Thompson Speak Guardedly of Political Matter Telephone Business Keeping Pace TIUi ths Warch of Progress. IGoMsboro, X. C, Feb. 22. Special. In the dlining rooms at the Kennlon this evening Golds-bora's prettiest and most "elite yoain la'iies wild give a IRail "Poudre Colonial sryfle and bou quet, ckmpJimc-Titary to the young gem tttemidn of the city, in appTOeia'tion of numerous entainments grven them. The Iloeky Moumt Italian Band, will pKed'e knew darn welil it would be claiim-ed Hinder a iemocra. ministratlon, and Qie guessed fit anight go to Mclvinilev's credit. The Doctor Cs fond of Raleigh and Sicar people, ami,"' spetakiing cf Raleigh's steady growth, said, "And all this In the face of -Russellism." The Doctor is a good, tilever ftltow, wljlih, sjiaie redeeming taaits, end 1 would not be surprised )tx hear of bis supporting tlhe amend .ment after oil. Mr. El Ia 'EdmiinUson ha just sold to A.v J. H-arreCl & Son a large slice of the II. A. Pennoek: ffarm. Unnctte Jack formerly owned! this farm, and Itl'kely wanted to daim gin his first love. That hustling young dry go-ods and nation firm, iDennis iW. Cdbb & Co., in Walnut street, Iras purciha'sied of T. X. Waters & Bra the brick building now occupied by Mr. T. II. Stanton in Centre sttrect. A CORRESPONDENT REBUKED. The Post's Satlsbnrr Man Taken to Task In a Caustic lteply. Salisbury, N. C, Tb. 21. To the Editor of The Post:In your issue of 13th inst. there appears an article couched in the most approved style of (provincial wit, commenting (Newman's removal . . n .... . , 4. ,1..1 "I'WIJ. .'II. 11. V . cumasu une music am a muL from Salisbury. This article exhibits ful itfrne is anticipated. Miss 'Lollie IDewJa -will dead the gctrman followed .by others in graceful t traSai. Should our boys catch soane 'word of love whispered on tliis oecaton they mnwt charge it up to "Old 'Leap,". who once every twenty-fifth of a century gives tth-e gemtie sex a chance. But7 this is mot leap year. Ed. J Manager Griffin advises one that ire Bias positive assurance from Mr. Rob ert Downing, isfc well and favorably known ikcire, that he will be present wfrrh. hCs company tomorrow evening, the 2rd Miwt., and will take the lead ing role in an "Indiana 'Romance." This fact of -itself wiill draw a XuM flionse, for our people always turn, out an great nmnbcm when Downimg fluas hihe bca-Tdis. IIiv!:doi-, Mr. owning Hias e splendid isuppont aaid a tip top grood play. The conditdion of Dr. F. D. Swindell, 3atoT of St. Paul's Churcih, is mu:ih ihackneyed gibing at millionaires perse improved. The doctor may not, 5in is only cheap grand-stand play for the either an absolute ignorance of facts or that easy disregard for them, which generally characterizes the job less but strenuousfly hopeful politician. In either case the skit is an insult to the conservative common sense of itlie citizens of Salisbury. If there are any business men who regard with com placency, or even indifference, the de parture of a man w'ho, within the past year, (has turned loose over $1,230,000 In this immediate vicinity, while en gaged, in the words of the editor of the Engineering and Mining Journal, in restoring North Carolina to her an cient enviable position in the mining world, I have not met them, but I (have heard it unfeelingly remarked that the permanent absenteeism! of the author of the article in question would no materialy militate against the pros perity of our town. Of, course, your correspondent's I niiP M I n II T 0 CO 0 1 n II ! against inspectors, itfce author Lunu muni olooiuii State Council Winds Up Busi ness and Adjourns. I NEW OFFICERS. ELECTED Jewel Presented, to Retiring State Counselor The Next Session to De Held In Winston A Young: Conple From West Durham Return to Work After a Hasty Marriage Warehouses Crowded With Tobacco. Durham, N. C, Feb. 22. Special. The State Council, Junior Order Uni ted American Mechanics, was in ses sion over half of last night and ad orer Mr. 3M!mflTVfl nflxne. Iliad to re- sort tio tshLixg and fflaJssefliood, ed'tiher "wil fully or ignorantly, as s IDJ0't a Jd-en't V Thie articie ooanpCiadinedi of -wiast In The iPcst Jsannary 2Stli. It -was fh-e, anid jheirdfore iiuirt. Your cor iresipondenjt not only asserted rt&e -traitih atoitt !he cull but can sustain all be stattfeti to Ate artficl toy idhe very be!t of eriden-ce, by as; many vritt nsesss&s as may be inieeessary. uinSdi fur ther, fce. is mona-lly and legially reispotni SfibJe for all he started. Tue creply was a (farce, aiuti tnereifore acftnaHy un--worthy kf ouir motlice. It really admits ttOrait the cull tow - is nioit . obeyed. Fur thermore, the law required some- one to keep a, record or recorda, and re port to the cterk-si of the court. This imay 'nott be a .part of an inspector's duty ibut, If it i-s, fch imspetotioris at thjis place could not make , a true re poait of the number of buslhteis of oys tefrs 'brouignt Iheaie, not Within fifty thousand bushel as tne small oysters are anott ibein'g conicited, and thousands of "busiheJs of t!he'in aire ibedng d,eis,tiroy ed, eitiheir carried ouit on shell banks, or bo ttna'ke mailrciad beds, wiheire anany poor persons go every day and open R. C. WWW I HO. Hill Architects & Engineers, CHARLOTTE, NC. SHADE TREES' That Qrow and Give QuickShad8 Sllter Leaf Maples. Sur,,, .. Carolina Pepiars, Lombard Pon?"5' Young, thrifty stock Biraigni tne tind that &Di promptly and live; no old ro?8 5 Hive list of wants and writ trev Transplanting can J Vor PriCe, .a t .. - uuue at any time now Peibmiary term of court of 'Beintu- ounty wJiia e teld an Washing- T lis wieelk. wit2i two capital cases X on- ilflxe dockteit; one white mam for (kill- 3 ing a white wtoonen, and the otner a nJegTo for klilling" & negro woman. Also WILL dp ON YOUR BOND! TBe JlfiieriGan Roniina 5 Trast 63! OF BALT1MURB. petonrees Over $2, 300. 001. oi. ftBsifiess Confined to Surety doaifa. Accepted as So e Surety by las V. 1. Govt., and State and Conatieaof M. 2. Solicits the Bonds of Bank, Corporation and JR.. R. O fieitt, Coanty, City and Federal Officer. Cotton and Tobacco Bayers. Dep. Collector, Gs ers, ets. Insurance and f i"' ilizer Aenti. Postmasters, Iett ?r Carriers, -ts. Salesmen, Clerf and Bookkeepiri: Administrator. Executors, etc Guardians, Rectivers and As?la5Jl. Contractors and Builders. . Tobacco and Cigar Manuf actarers. And all persons occupying positlaai o! trust or responsibility. Cents wanted throaoaoot ta State V 1 out .of the ground, if inr.u rrost . fruits, ask for free catalogue nV, T1 phlet on "How to Plant an?'1 I rate an Orchard." d Wl J. Van Undley Nursery c0. SEASONABLE RATES. APPLY TO Z R. B. RANEY, dsi'l Affea i BALEI9U, N. C. obed'ience to "his physician, occupy fhls pulp"t nSt Sunday, but ttDe ii now able to Bit up. Mrs. .Ice Hann f .New Bern fs xtelt fing her lister, Mrs. 'Leopold Oohen, in John streeit. Mr. A'be Co'hen of Athens, Ga., is K-rsiting n'ae city after a long absence. The stingl-et iman in i'oldsboro Fh-cflH out to the fortune teller. You E'hould ha've seen the old man -the otber morning picking an opportunll'ty to eiip in unobserved. lie sauntered tslowly in James sitireet, and having lo Icated itHie place, ne came to a dead (hal t ami craned ihis neck in every diirectDj'n votes" of the anti-capitalist, anti-rail road, antiquated calamity nowlers a class which the returning wave of prosperity has fortunately almost ob literated from the map of Rowan. The precise amount of this pros perity, which men of your correspond eift's. stamp have been instrumental in bringing to their community will be a subject of casual inquiry during the next legislative campaign. The real cause of your correspondent's dls gruntlement appears to be .Mr. New man's failure to confide in him regard ing the cause of his removal from (Salisibury. Mr. Newman once did inmkmg ni'inself trhe oniy Detng tn me make the mistake of confiding in hiui street, lie sprang tfhrougfii the gate a.ndj arKi the result was as disastrous to tip the flighlc of eteps witii (iihe agility toif a lG-year-old "boy. On entering Ma anind was not fully. made up to part witii the cherished piece of silver, but the fortune fcdller told just enough to Snterest ihim, and he forgot luimseif and took a whole dollar's worth. I tell you, when itlheise folks look a fel low straigCiit in the eye a nd ttell dim Le Iha-s hid away in a certa'in place a great box of coins it is enough to get next to him, and then, too, in .parting, ihe'is furnished wdtih a loads-tone that fwfill ever hereafter keep him in good luck. Mr. George Soulnherland Heft this morning for Raleigh. Mr. W. G. Brftt (has returned to the city from Dimiham. "While away he had a talk with Mr. J. TV. 'Bailey, ed- Mr. Newman as it was discreditable to the correspondent. In fact, a close inquiry into the brief business rela tions between Mr. Newman and your correspondent would probably bring to light the cause of the animus inspiring the latter's laboriously, humorous gibes. "Forgiveness to the injured doth be long, They never pardon who haye done the wrong." The mystery enshrouding tMr. New man's removal from Salisbury is not quite so impenetrable as it appears to tlhe bewildered brain of your cor respondent. !Mr. Newman furnished a house in Salisbury for his occasional occupancy, pending the completion of rfrinrr vf fh iT?PwtviP.r nnri Asm.iWi h residence at Somerset. Va. That ihv rur. RniW thnt (brrfh iRv. '.T. v. residence being now complete, Mr White anil himself would certainly !Le present at rt3ie Baptist Church in lour ctiry Sim'day next. Ex-Judge Jacob Battle of Nash county was in the city last night and talking with a friend -saad that from the best infiormatiion obtainalble the did of Newman, in accordance with his pre arranged plan, has broken up his tem porary Salisbury establishment, and removed to his permanent home. iNow for the change of site of the proposed hospital, equally inexplicable to your Salisbury funny man. AfFer the deatth of Mr. Newman's little boy last "September, the father expressed his intention of founding a hospital to not thin!k tihtre wals- a eihudow doubt as to 'Aycock'is nomtinalJion. Over at the Orp'han Home, where Joity DMght young ones are beUng the memory of his only son. As he oared for 3 nicely, everything is had very kindly feelings towards anovtlng on smoothly and well.- Super--Salisbury and the most cordial rela dnirendent Coble, who has the. hearts tions with her people, he at first de of tire CPttle ones, and who so tright- cided to erect the hosipital here, and CI O r - -- nfi A, Xk t 4 i-n n . rf-.- - . v vv iax ,x i i iKTy l yri. ins iiiiuu iiTjiis, OjnU ox Tiiie nam oruer tiarougnonit ithe ed The Walter -George Newman, Jr.. iSrate. is Io'oking carefully to the grow- Hospital, in the onlv building then ing of track and is jusit in receipt of available for .the .mirnosf Afr xw. a half ton cf h;5gn grade ft-a'tiilizers man afterwards expressed the desire uwKweu iij uw uiraiwgii r wiciaiser that the hospital should be built at SSr J???1" Charlotte-ille, Va., the site of the led hi ,grat.Ltiie of the gtf t, whfch gra.t- University of Virginia whither her Stude Unit voices the sentiment of the lbov ,Vould have gone as a student had enure orator. journed this morning between 1 and 2 o'clock, having finislhed the business many galloons, Whiicih iis only a sm'aill of the session. At first it was intended portion -elf what oys'fcersj aire thrown t to hold over and have a session this a': m like - - , , I geraition, 'out nevemtneiess it is true. morning, .Dtit on account or tne scnea- A,n acc!idierit t)he mvr mill the , i , i, 1 n i i 1 . I -, . ; "If J .t. I uies ix was uiougax uesi. no imupew cicineir oay resniDeo. m an aarjux-y w ruem. T'he sa'w-icalrriac?e ram away The next State Cot will meet 1??,$ TOn $ WH'Ilv 'li'UaLHU'ir UitiU' UUi'lC uo-j.ij . wit'h tne suDorainate uouncn at win- ston. Ibruarv 19. 1901. Several fort coun.1 unices asked for the meeting, but ita iVh vo Winston was successful, 'being chosen on the first ballot. About the last "business of import- fchle Shedl Fish Oommisskner, Vhite. ance'to come .before tne Council was was bound! over to this term of the tTiA WHnn nf nffirs for thft onsuinz cbtrot. and 'TooiHey, capuaim on uie vear. The dection resylted as follows: kCoop Bank, for dirediging contrary to liiLiiw; tiitait. T. T. Bradislhaw, ats no res- cilor: A. B. Homey, High -Point, ddteat; supposed ito be own'er of the Junior r as t Councilor; Sam F. Vance, 'Banks. Winston, State council ecretay; J. x. "TZZ 7 wnods and on flower, something extra Thacker, Greensboro, iState Council Wailing through, the wtoods, and on . Treasurer; J. D. Moore, Washington, ll.U mioW . State -Council Conductor; T. L. Sink, - - cret, K yt, Wilmington. State Council That keeps sweeping from us ever- set of Fruit you can have that intMo icanJi. nv P Frr-All fRnr-I ' ore. made at the California Fruit (Store at nnn fhrtsrid Rentl- reoeTOfc . L rixm ..A any price. Next to Tucker building. : r ; wildly havto-g bosom, iiei; . r. Kiwi4 ." ,tirunp,w frm . flPiPMe erafit its human State Council Chaplain. oonteatB toto the diepths below. A If you wish to buy fine Florida Or- ia goia jewel was presenieu to re- T nt 12 or 14 rears of anges, the California Fruit .Store has tiring State Councilor, (Mr. A. B. Hor- uwni!0,M a ibeti of oys- them always. 'Next to Tucker build- emblamatic of the rank of Jtinior "ICJ Primary, Secondary or Tp Dbvvf rv.--M r- i uianii y cured v 1 bo t;reatd at h me under same 0Ue If you nave taben mercury, lodn. r,t and still ttav ache, DPo,s ' Patches In Mouth. Sor Thri:,:ns.: uc,,: Have just 1 received a fresh ship ment of California Celery and Cauli- choice and If yon wish tb have made a fine Coope Colored Soots, uir-rc" 1 p Plt. .frt. body. ILIror Eyebrow, ,;',; COOK REMEDY CO 344 Masonic Temple. Chlcoa n, proofs of Cures. - apltal $,5lrt,nA, fr solicit the most obstlnafe cas Z w cured the worst cases in 15 in,- 100-page Book Free. 10 33 LIGHT UP! Why don't yon use a Light? Welsbacl ters. A colored man naimea vviuiam hjs. rj-i(rmo iir Vkii.PrfTiHTiKT ifi vwipths. came 'Past Councilor, which rank Mr. Hor- , rt ltln; neraveamost Good, steady, certain light good business by night as well as day Be up-to-date have your home ani your store well lighted. Gas Stoves in all eizes for cookinj rift liatlnfr nn pxhihfflnn of o .t uur oulc S. E. LINTON, ney nas now attained. The jewel was , i r ,!W tfirom If you wish to have a Grape Fruit fipn Mrv.. presented by Mr. Ivnther 31. Carlton, X. ni. Ar. T.,Tf ,nrtw hi nm,na!n- Kor breakfast, yon can 4uy it at the &1 of the local council. ' An order was jhrfn, wi'Jb'nir to do anything for Calif ornia Fruit Stiore, next to Tucker, STANDARD GAS AND ELECIRiQ uouncnor, wuio was maae sucn prior aualcincs and misigivings to carry it; io ioyt, a kiu jtjwti cuiwm.iiiwv w to s'hOTe in his7 Doait- 'me ororner or Buy nriiey'Q Candies alwavs oure the rank. Under this head jewels tlhe :boy irleceived IbGs corpse, wli.fch cries and tr&ihm California Fruit Store has were awarded one to Mr. J. T. imuirterable. WilHani Moore says the w rt k,,: to Mr. J. Jovce. of IterdsviHe. The I aa i5Ti lTwrftW. HiipltJi. Tthie onlv oaa-ts last named was not preselnt,. but his affectedl wemo the hands, which had California Pears, extra fine, for sale! jewel will be presented later. I tihe strange, wrinkDed look of great at OaMorn'la iruit Store, next to The. newly elected State Councilor, age. I suppose it annst ha've been the Ttieker muldm Mr. 'B. S. Nissen, was not presi-nt at .alkaline character of the watier which this session of the council, but as irr utreserved tihis little .body sun sncn jper- .Mexico on account of his health. He fection. will be installed into office upon his return to this country. Thirty-sax foreign vessels, having an A. Vu makes, From 10 o'clock until 11:30 o'clock aggregate tonnage of 57,556, met with Roses, Violets Carnations, the banquet, given by the local coun cil, was on. At the banquet Mr. Luther M. Carlton delivered the ad dress of welcome, to which Mr. T. P. 'Sales, of Raleigh, responded. This session of the State Council was a most enthusiastic one, and alu the representatives enjoyed their short 'stay here very much. The conncil is composed of a very fine body of men, wiU be required to give bond to the wiio imae a lavoraiLne impression up- City jn the sum Df one thousand dol IlfTERSTlTE 'PHONE 227. ; . - THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB CHILLS. disaster in American waters last year. Bids for Construction of Sewer. . .Purchasing Department, Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 16, 1900. Sealed bids will be received for con struction of sewer on iNorth Blood- worth street until .Monday at 12 o'clock im., February 26. Contractor then why experiment with worthies imitations r t'nee ou cents. xomr money back if it fails to cure. And other choice Cut Flowers for all occasions always in stock. 17 T AT 4 T TT,1C11 X-c m mtni,. aoa J? ayetteville St. notice, wedding decoda , TIONS, PALMS, FERNS IX GREAT And fever Is a bottel of Grove's Taate-I PeaCe Institute. less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure:! VARIETIES, ALL SIZES; WINTER- BLOOMING PLANTS OF PRIM. ROSES, CALLA LILIES, Etc. Visitors cordin.llr invifrwl n.. viicci:' house, North Halifax Street, near Mr. S. iB. Parker of Wilson is tin tare 1 naturall v n ; ii j- . . ere naturally paramount. Hence City, conferring watW GreeborcTs t3le mi.monails J hetf "" nsuace ageait, Mr. J. Sterling jjSJj Mr.' . Frank O. Landis of Charlotte ' v"? lea' ?y tllU snent list nihlt in the eif-v tw,time that even their grief has no Be busimd iMe-l which a prying, jeering phone Co. L? increang daOv.esare.v , to.re0t now in position and con nation will' Y correspondent announces that etoon be compk-itxl wrlfh three of our a? Sal,slllry s already the possessor inianx7.fiactr,ring enteirprt-tss jnst out- 4rwo anltarjllims- "contemplates Klde the city -limits. I reifer to Grif- he lass of a thlvd with chl eqna fin's es-hCugPe and lufmber mill 51 Weil nimity- Wlth a Purposeful suppressio Bro.' brick ymrd and the bnick and ver1, qilite ln Jine wilh ,tne 'teno'r 0'f tile works f Maj. II. L. Grant : the entire article your correspondent Mr. .Henry Oht-nuit of. Clinton pass- fiuar&edly refrains from stating that Iwi thtrough the city today on a return OQe of thftni the Walter George trip (from Ktovton. .'Newnian, Jr.. Hospital, for Mr. New- Dr. Oj-ras Tiiompsson, returning from man - while deciding to traild the new Onslow to Raleigh, stopped over in the P3'1 Jn Charlottesville, has already d:ty a few hours today. The dodtor is exPressed his intention of continuing a pleasant conversationalist and l en- tu institution, he opened here some Ijoyed a whi2e wtitih hdm today. I asked month ago. The entire article is a re Dr. Cyrus if he was out advocait2ng Action upon the common sense of th tlbJe amendment. ""Well," said he. "I (better citizens of Salisbury, ns wn n tun not out just (for that; im. fact. I've a Sross injustice to a kind-Timi-rtwi nrA jnst been down in Onslow on private- unpretentious philantrophist, and in business. I'm nOtmuVh i-n poUtios just submitting these explanations I anDeal now." "WcUl, 'Doctor, what do you - that sense of fairness which has itbink of the chances of Aycock's nom- ever 'been a distinguishing attrLbute of Snation and elwcnr "WelV says the , The Moraing P ost ox ply docltjor, 1 dtd" once think Aycock would hove JustJce' done him, but conditions have changed and at looks for cfetrtainty like Ayaock now." The doctor has ' dlone some considerable Sunday School work, and the iconver sation drifted from polKdcs to -Sun-sTnool iwork. The Doctor tells of ri,ITw rimld. o, ibale of cotton for r,r y'loy iSSC. tf ! .rtSkrSSS 0" dollar and Yours truly, W. MTJRDOOK WILEY. IBelle Glove Cleaner, for sale only for n,P?rcf&Co-. headquarters ior gloves and sob ant., on Durham people. A large number of the Juniors left for their homes on the morning trains. married In a minute. One of the shortest marriages on record was celebrated in the office of Register of Deeds Surtt this afternoon. The contracting parties were Miss Katie House and Mr. G. W. !Mangum, both of West (Durham. The ceremony was performed by "Squire G. A. Bar- bee, and only one minute was re quired to tie the knot. The young ;eople were both 19 years of age and the ceremony was performed in a mrry in order that tthey might get back to work in the Erwin cotton mill and complete the day's work. It was intended that the marriage should have come off later, Ibut the parents of the young lady are going to more away from here tomorrow, and the groom said he could see no use in in- curing useless expense by putting the matter off and having to go after his bride. After the marriage they went back to West Durham as happy as could be. Notwitsitanding the fact that today is a legal holiday the tobacco ware house floors were crowded with, the weed. The sales were very large to day and the prices paid above, the average. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. Bell Phone .113. Raleigh, N. C. lars for the faithful performance of, ind the completion of the work within sixty days from date of award of contract. Specifications and profile can be seen at the Mayor's office upon ap plication. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of Sewer Committee. T. 'P. SALE, Purchasing! Agent. BUSINESS ITEMS. Try . Pope's 20-cent Candies. . Lost. A pocket book containing a lot of valuable papers and a small sum of mohey, either at depot, tent or on the street, A liberal reward and no ques tions asked if finder will leave it at this office. It is not so much, your money that Concerns The PHOTOGRAPHER as his desire that you shall have the (Mr. J. J. Lumley, who was hurt in best pictures, that skill and art can the boiler explosion at the electric make. His motto is "Perfection.? light plant, is getting along very well. He hopes to be out again soon. BELHAVEN. Tne Recent Statement of Oyster In spector Edwards Receives Attention A. Well Preserved. Unman Body Taken Up From an Oyster Bed. Special Rates via S. A. I, On account of the Mardi Gras Cele bration at New Orleans, La., and Mobile, Ala., February 21-27, the 'S. A. L. will sell round trip tickets on ac count of this occasion for one first class fare for the round trip, tickets to be sold daily, commencing Febru ary 20, up to and including February 25, with final limit March 15. On account of the Gala Day Celebra (Belhaven, N. C, Feb. 19. Correspondence of The Momdnsr Post. In The CMoraiing Post, February 9th, tlon, Southern Panes, N. C, February Jiacoh U. Edwards, in an article head- 21-22, tne S. A. L. will send round trip ed, "Oyster Im-ipeciticin," 5n reply to a tickets for one first class fare for the staiteiment hy The Post's BIhaivein round trip. Rate of $2.20 will apnlv eoureispondent, dated Belhaven. N. C. frtm Raleigh, to be sold February 20 a' ruiruiuj uui. 1 wi vu uutu Jim 11 jjeuruaxy ZD. 'Now, your correspondent would not Winter Tourist rate from Haleigh to do Mr. Edwards any wrong; he is a ow at Comfort, Va., $7.60, with good man, amid has' a faimflly dependent flnal limit six months from date of upon him. Yet 'he is am, ftnawHrttioir sale? to Southern Pines; N, C, $3.50: and if he "undertakes to aarry the sins Heaurst, N. C., $3.75; with final of ail the dnspectcrs it will be more tnan. ne can .bear. He has RiiflPftrPd Ihim'jeiLf to he used as the cat's paw for the money, and it is genierally he- tJie wderalsmed. limit May 31. For further information regarding owumw iaic w mo or caji on believed that 2ne Ss not the real author or sowr article, 'in the first place at is or wouai not stoop .to such low lan- Z. P. SMITH, C. T. A.. T ' Raleigh, N. C. H. S. LBARD, T. P. A., Raleigh. N C C. H. CSA.TTIS. D. ji, BlelSh, N. 0. FIT. J. QUALITY. E. CARTLAND 1 flerchant Tailor. Established Reputation of Twenty-five Years and Every Season Better Than the Past. Samples and Blanks Sent on Application. GREENSBORO, N. C. Satisfaction Always Guaranteed BELLEMONT A perlecUy Pure whiskey, ten years old. Price, $12 per plain cajKq.- qnartae- gaiion, in gallon Jugs, packed l58 ia o Pawnd ale 1 Rye or Bourbon, six years 014 well maturedf in wood, ftt ?9 case of one dozen full quarts, or $3 ner -allon ' We recommend these whiskers for family and medicinal uss and will prepay freight charged Sy po?nt to North CaroUaa ofl receipt of price. No charge for pnokingf Ao Go Dealer in High-grade Wines and Liquors and Agents for Fabsfs Milwaukee Lager Beer. ror tno want of an onenmv to tho I A" " r i t 11 1