Tim MORNING POST, SAT URDAY FEBRUARY 24, 1900. 5 MISTAKE OF A LADY She Makes the Common Twentieth Century Error. A THIRD COTTON MILL Goldaboro Taking a Strong Hold on the Textile Indutrj Knife and Axe Handle Allalr-Ttae Bal Poudre a Great Succeee-Ladlee Aid Society Gives a Supper JJowi Items and Current Notes. GoHsboro, X. C., Feb. 23. SpeoSal. 'Referrals' to the s'fa'.t anient of the ed itor, in my notes Eta today's Issue, 4nmt this da not leap year," a lady flriend takes the position ttuiat I did not sav that it was1 the inference, ItoTCrer, m i glut, flra-ve been snich ind suggests that it this be the twentieth century, why not, by the same rule of reckoning, Thiis be leap year. Weft, the iUil poudre, which is, under another name, but a powdered ball, was a Ixnilliant success. The young men of the cfity are loud in their prams'. Some twenrty-five couples took posses sion off the Kennon diuihug' 'hall. Miss ILollie and Mr. Earle A. Humphrey led off to the sweet entrains of the graind anarch, after whEch the nnen on bend ed knee a. trailed: the favors, which -were soon by delicti te fingers pfcruned km 'the lapel of their cowis, eaoh sport diKr carnation roses. A general Avalrz (followed;, which opened the gerrm-m. At 12:30 a very dii'mty tnipper wis vpread, which the boyss stay surpassed . their fondest hope, -being one. such oniy as our g-irls Could 'get up. A mong nlhe visitors priwiit wen? M'i-sses 'Mebcine ef Marrard. The festivities of tnlne evening exitemded far into the aiigbt. Indeed, -some of the boys were so elated at the pleasure given them that night was permitted to da wn Into day ere sihimber was sou-girt. This is Wot 'the 'twentieth century, either. Ed. There are 'but 3,000 bales of cotton stared in our warehouses, as eom 3ared with 8,000 baies alt the same tEnie Qa-t year. The imJarket opened here this morning at Slj cents per pound. The quiet "of CQaetnfujt street was a fort dishrrbed 'last craning. What prom ised at one time to be a scrimmage fortunately was brought to a teraii wation wijth 'but little d'annage result ing. Mr. John RrOrt and son, Henry, wlho resdkie some distance an the conn It ry, hfcud a few words with (Mr. John iS. 'Powell ct Sontherlands -stables, Mr. IPowell .toiok exception to the (remarks taf th-e younger iBrtitt, -telling hilm he wouil-d mat take it. Mr. PoweM claims ithat at 'this Mr. IBritt ran to a near by stand, gra'bbing an axe handle, when he, to protect hiimwelf, drew a (knife and proceeded to cmt ki way. At this point the elder Britt took a hand fin the affair and dealt a sledge ham imer b.low on rhe Qeft cheek of Mr. tPowefl m-ear the left eye tihait brought ithe trouble !Co a fin:. At the -trial be fore Justice Broadh'urst the evidence was slightly oonflictting, the Messrs. (Britt taking the position ithat Mr. Powell attempted irfhe use of his kntfe "before the axe hiaindlc was brought finto irequisiition. HL-s honoo." the justice dismiissed Mr. Powell and iniipcrsexl a time of $5 and costc upon -botih the elder and younger Brttt. When the total wa-s -footed up and Ofiicer Tudor was givein Uhe pa'iers Mr. John Bri tt Bettled .the $lS.4o. witilr the remark that it Was pretty heaA-y for one (blow The interesting part of the ttrial Anas .the evidence given by a young man, ain eye Witness to 'the difficulty, who, when on ithe s:and, knew very lit tie, "but when others he gain theCr 'testimony Ibegajn to "jine in' with additional in formation, iwivich called tforth the dis- pleasnre of Justice J3roadhur'st, wiiv promptly ordered the young fellow to sflrafc up, with the remark .thait he ipiaced no confidence in hiis evidence Ahen on ithe stand; being convinced tihat jhe was n'ot giving .the whole truth, as was quite evident. Mr. Powell's iL-heek as badly bruised a.nd his eye fs dis-coloretl. Other wt'se he W3 getting on Yery nicely when I saw ttaim thlrs mornfing. It tovrn-g been ihmted that cotton milll No. 3 was am early possiTjiility for Kroldsboro, The Ttoist man intervflewed Mr. tflemry Weil early this imoming, peeking inform'atEon, knowing 5Ir. Wtiil to Ibe always 2rt the front rank iwith ialnythang good -for the commun ity. -Mr. Wled! a-dlvi'sed me that there was serious talk on the pant of the ownefrs of the Wayne co'Dton imolll, which eniterprise'has been paying so Ihannisomely, to either double the pres ent ejapatfty or buiM an additional xnOl. It is possible a deterunl imed! move to ittosa end is being (made, ots ibbe out put of the present mill does not "begin too meet present demands for the pro-d-uet. 'When this addition ffs made Goldsboro wiill httve three cotton mills instelad cf .one, as at present, for the pronators of the mill referred' to a'e eently aire a'teo determ-ined to buidd at a.a early, day. AHiaft if GoBdsiboro shonihl Kave even more than three? The markets of the world are opeii (to us. We grow -the cotton Why not rigibt here put the fleecy staple finto cloth? Ir. Carl iBtheridge has accentor! position w9tb Mr. George .Richardson, ! doctor belren-cs both the public and .the sfra'fcernity should be niiievea oi these danrou-s lts to society. IThe .Dadies' ADd SocCety oif St. John's dh-urch gave tin ciegalnit sup-per t -the pansoJn'Jige in North okls'boro this evenilng, 'fftolJ was largely at tended and ini'uch eu joyed. Pas'tcr Moyle sectms to 'be doing a good work with this church and has a go'od hod aip'on the hearts of 'bis flock, even trr mow and "then one of .them do visit the fortune tetler. SI. We'id 'Bis itta'veiling men, 3Iaj. W. T. -tlloCloweai land Ilonel Wefil, are both "out on the road hustling" the or ders in. . ..'Mr., Buck Hudson, a namesake of Presidenit Bwdhahan, came in froni Smilthfield Khiis monniing via Oaptain Cblliear's ivestAwile, and, making for a clothing store, was soon diked out in a -brand new "suat of clothes. Buck Willi gest after ms about putting his aname in print, 'but know he will excuse us 'when we say (he lis one of Snniitiilfield's fixtures, 'for- what would . Johnston county cottoon growers do if Buck was dead and gone, o3. A. C. Davis has just returned to the city from a professional visfit too iXew York city. Capfc. Gats IHoQloweill, Avhieoi charged Ai'th 'beCtng the man .that siheiled out the dollar tfo 'the fortune itei'lesr, gaive two reasons to proA'e that he was not the individuiaL Said he: 44It is known I am not the s'timglest mam in town, and, besides, I df.dn't hare tQie dollar." Mr. Gleun Manly of Winston is in the ctity todiay. Ex-JGbvernor Thomas J. JarVis pass ed through the city, en rou'te to the East Kev. J. W. Rose has returned 'to the citty from ilndiian Springs township, Avhere he officiated at the marriage yfsteaxlay of Mr. S. D. Byrd to Mites Effie iE. Brotidhurst, at the home of the bride. 'Miiss BroadhiBrst is a niece of Justilee D. J. Itroad'hursft of our city. M'r. Pose, who enjoys a. good meal, pe;iks very JJlg'hly of the dinner given just after the marriage. i CONCORD. SUITS BY WHOLESALE His Hands Full, South Atlantic Life Insurance Com- the matter. Tom Lucky,': the negro patient, -has passed ttfc secondary stage of -the disease and will recover, i'Lucky's wife etd child who were sent to the rvAst hrnc -wrfthi him have Durham Magistrate Has neithr shown any symptoms of the Mr. E. C. Junla.D. ithe pflumber, ief todar fri- ivrrorrt o attend the f uneral of ihia -neohew. a air. tBarnnart ' l-whrk Mori vWpnvisiv. Mr. Barnhat A SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE 'was agent for the Southern road a CNorwood and was a Dogmj juuu young man, 22 years of age. Mrs. (Xellie Blackwell is quite il with pneumonia. She is the mother pan? urganizea in uicnwood, wltn of Col W T. Blackweii, anu is aiuoui r.An. -T. r.rr nm SamiiH TU..v.. 80 VirS of age. I While at work on a new house in ldent-iuarriase oi laiss Fannie King nRast Durham a scaffold broke ane and Mr. it. B. Finder-Two Iflen Hart two carpenters, William Glenn and a Tv T?na -wprp tnrofwn to the arround - mm - . U.-.X JLV - " - ' CJ Jocated and was considerably shaken Ob. while iMr. Ross escaped with a 23. Special. few (bruises. The wonder is that both An F.rent or Interest in the Social Whirl and Movements of People Who Are Well Known. Concord, CST. C, Feb. 23. Correspondence of The Morning Post. Mrs. tB, E. Harris entertained the Beethoven Club in a most charming Durfhm, N. C, Feb. It is no unusual thing for the atten- ,the men were not seriously injured tion of some of our magistrates to I s a remembrance of Washington's i , . . (birthday, Mrs. L. L. Morehead, one of rw i.rr curt IHtt o emofl l off cm J 7 ' j y Vi the leaders of Durham's fair sex, pre- unimportant civil acuon, hut 'Squire sented two pictures of our first presi D. C. Ounter has just completed a dent to the graded schools. The pic- series of cases of more than ordinary tures were presented througn Mrs. u. interest M Walker, vice regent for iNorth . . , Carolina of the iMount Vernon Asso- A few days ago Mr. A. J. 'Roche ciation- Gen. J. S. Carr, also pre and wife of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived sented two very valuable hooks to the in the city and toesan to consult Judsre schools. The Historical Society of Trinity , . A 7 College held its second annual civic lights. The result of the consultation ceflebration ,last niglbjt. The address of was that a summons and attachment tke evening was delivered by Rev. T. were issued against Mr. John R. if. Marr, pastor of the Centenary Cochran, an officer? in7 the North Methodist church of Winston. His State Lumber Company. When the subject was "The Philosophy of Hu officer went to the hotel to serve the anan History," and he showedl deep papers there was nothing found to at- thought and careful preparation. The tach, not even an extra pair of socks. ime of thought followed up in the ad iAs a consequence of this discovery the dress was that the philosophy of his action was dismissed by the court, itory was Christianity in its most vital Another summons was then issuxi aspects. At the conclusion of Mr. by 'Squire Gunter against Cochran Marr's address Dr. Killgo, who presid asking for a judgment for $188. The over the meeting on account of the trial of this action was long and illness of Mr. 'Boyd, president of the tedious, Ibut was decided at 9 o'clock society, announced that the trustees this morning hy a judgment being iiad conferred the degree of Master of given Mr. Roche for $185, -with inter est ifrom 1897. Cochran appealed the case to a higher court 'Immediately after this decision was rendered, Mr. Cochran turned plaintiff and started an action against A. J. Roche and Judge R, W. Winston for Arts 6n Prof. Jerome Dowd, THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB CHILLS. And ferer Is a bottel of Grove's Taste lKs Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; m.,nn of Jior Ti.m an .Xnrfll iMflltl "VWU1" 'L,lat --" " "" iuaiiuv " -x j. n J the i 'U5 security ou xue uiiaomnenc wxiii with Mr. lioche. After hearing the 200 as damages sustained. in the first " r , .IT- i imnnniuiai a. x ivv v.uv. - junge winsrou! . ,0 i4. action. In that case Rtrept vesterday lalftera'oon. At - w conclusion of a most interesting pro gram, dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, after which the club adjourned to meet with Miss (Leslie, March 7th next Washington's birthday was observed here today hy our Ibanking institutions and the schools. Exercises appropri ate to the occasion were held at the Central Graded .School building this afternoon at 3 o'clock. - Mr. James W. Cannon went over to Albemarle today in the interest of his cotton mills at that place. Mr. "Bradley, recently manager of the Western Union here, is now em ployed in the office at the depot. money back if it fails to cure. I C. B1BERSTE1H J CO. evidence the action was dismissed at the cost of the plaintiff. But the end is not yet, Mr. Roche cCaims that Mr. Cochran is indebted to him in the sum of about $1,200 and it is intimated that he will 'Dnng sev-'. t p. eral other actions against Cochran, Mill ArCHltCCtS & 0lfl&3rS uvming 'Wie original lnueuieauess inxo many suits. From the evidence brought out on the stand ib seems that Mr, John R. Cochran, who has lived in this county for a year and half, has also lived in Xew York and prior to that time in (Michigan, where his wife, ngainst whom be has' divorce proceedings in CHARLOTTE, N 3. WILL QQ ON GUR BOND Tne ieriiii ii Ml 63! OF BALTIMORS. Peaoorees Over S2. ir Accepted as So e Surety by lbs O. I. G0Tt-,and State and Coantietot . 2. Primary, Second n AAft nMCAtl . J vl I SS4l be tr.mt.d at ; h m.ail! . ...... m , ., " 1 dm r? .. "Cii nH atlll hv. m'i. Zl -' ooirte 'T" Copper Colored Spots Ulcere ' 'Hsu0" t the body. Hair or f& .Bn7e. write Solicits the Bonds of ' Xaak, Corporation and R. R. OSstr County, City and Federal Officer. Cotton and Tobacco Bayers. Dep. Collectors, G rers, etc Insurance and Pi ilir A.tntt. Postmasters, Iet r Carriers, et. Salesmen, Clerf and Bookkeeper i. Administrators. Executors, etc. Guardians, Receivers and Assign! si. Contractors and Huilders. Tobacco and Cigar Manufacturers. And all persons occupying positions of trust or responsibility. Afienta wanted throuflhoat t State- SEASONABLE RATES. COOK REMEDY Co 344 Aasontc Temple. Chfr proofs of Cures. aSitai ?S8X' u. A Elicit the most obs?,Pna?ic$a5g0 000.' & f cured the worst cases In is?' g 100-page Book Free. 13 to 35 day,? LIGHT UP! X TO f I R. B. RANEV, flsi'l Agea J BALEiaa. M. c. f 4 QQ&&$&$&&& Why . don't yon use Light? Good, steady, certain a CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE. good business by night as veil as day. Be up-to-date-have your home your store well lighted. Gas Stoves in all sizes for Have just received a fresh ship- n, Latins? on PxhihiHrt iiitrxit vaiiioraia eiery una ii.'uii' flower, extra fine. If you wish tb have made a fine basket of Fruit, you can have that made at the OA1DIF0RINL1 FJEtUKT STORE at any price. cookln a at our offlce, S. E. LINTON, If you wish to buy fine Florida Or anges, the 'CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE has 'them always. If you wish to have a Grane Fruit for breakfast you can huv it at the CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE. 'Buy Wiley's Oandies, always- mire and fresh. CAUIFORNLA FTtTTTT STORE has that California Pears,, extra fine, for sale at CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE. next to Tucker building. Malaga Grapes, extra, fine, at Cali fornia Fruit 'Store. 7 " A. Vurnakes, 232 Fayetteville St. NTERSTATE 'PHONE 227. Gen. Mgr STANDARD GAS AND ELECTfiM Roses, Carnations, And other choice Cut Flowers for all occasions always in stock. FLORAL DESIGNS AT SHOrT NOTICE, WEDDING DEC0DV. TIONS, PALMS, FERNS IN RET VARIETIES, ALL SIZES; WIXTEP, BLOOMING PLANTS OF Ipkii. ROSES, CALLA LILIES, Etc. Visitors cordially invited. Green house, North Halifax Street, neiP Peace Institute. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. : Bell 'Phone 113. Ilaleisi, x. SHADE TREES! Mr. ""flrf 1 VOT ris- S PhaTr That Grow and Give Quick Shade rt Vm-rlt.f trul.iv rfn liTsriness. Mr. Ben Craven, who until recently!"4 atw 01 -some o-iu iuss. ne says was employed in the office of the tPatterson Manufacturing Company at China Grove, has gone to Atlanta to take a course in a business college at that place. Mr. William 'Stuart aeft last night he does not owe him a cent. An organization has been effected in Richmond, of which Gen. J. S. Carr, of this city, is second vice-presi dent, that will no douht stay the flow Silver Leaf Maples, Sugar Maples, Carolina Poplars. Lombard Poplars. Young, thrifty stock, smooth and straight the kind that grows off for the iNorthem markets .to purchase ,fr thejSouth to the financial centres of many thousands of dollars annually promptly and live; no old rough trees tit .Dover, uenving ilatst evening fWr ik-'o ajew home. Oarl rs a bright young fel Bow, wfbx carries with hiim the best rwishes of mrumerorw ffrienda. IDtr. W. (H. ai. Oobh has returned to tthe city delighted with his vt?Lt tr Oharlesttocft. Charlestotn did the noble part Dy our excaiienit physician and VritTzerr. ond we are sure tfrom t-h clever reports ta the Oharieston. papers tfaat he did himself ond the firaterntty great credit Whcm tne doctor tackles . th-insr he roes to with gloves off. O tracks tfruba him with even greater -far eha-a ithey do the angel of dark- jjees, and well they should, for the the spring line of dress goods and no tions for the mammoth store of Can non & Fetzer Company. He expects to be absent ten days or two weeks. Mr. T. E. Smith, the hunter and dog of the North. The . organization re ferred to is the incorporation of the South Atlantic 'Life Insurance Com-' pany, which was recently chartered by the General Assembly of Virginia. In several months, left for his home in New Jersey yesterday. Mr. ID. B. Coltrane went to Norwood today in the interest of the Norwood Cotton Mills, of which he is president. HENDERSON. trainer, who has been in our county perfecting the organization General arr was eiecreu one or tne turectors and later the directors made him second vice-president of the company which starts off with a paid in capi tal of $200,000 and a cash surplus of $T0,000. The object of the company can better be understood hy the fol lowing clipped from the Richmond Times or yesterday: "The company will be operated on regular old-line principles according to the best and experienced methods of the most advanced companies of to day, with rates adequate to provide a reserve which will give the policy holders the same protection granted by companies already established. "As its name implies, the company will confine its operations principally to the South Atlantic States Virginia. iNorth Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. It is not intended to try ex periments, "but to provide a home in stitution by which at least a portion of the money now sent North may be kept in the JSouth. IXo war will be made upon foreign companies, hut Democratic Countr Convention Called Cotton mills Declare a Dividend Sudden Deatb in the Country. Hcndersop, N. C, Feb. 23. Coirre-spondence of The -Morning Post. Wtndocn iE. Garey, chtaiirniiara of Vance county IDwrioeraUic execulfciive -coimm'l'ttee, has tsued a call to tthe towniaMp committees to meet at their rcispotctive preeemie'rs ion the 3rdt of March to cCeet delega tes to itth'e comnty convention, wiiwcn wai miecT, in we court house Saturday, the. 10th of Maivh. 'President D. Y. Cooper tin forms me that the diireetiors will meet parties owinOtig propemty Saturday fo eltect and purchase a -site on wtoicOi to il-ocate just as South ls man.Ufactliring a i .Jifet lid VlUip UiXU U1U3 saving profits which formerly went to Lthe iHarriiet cottcn mils. site is purchiais'edi wctrk wiill begin (as socin ate the' weather opens. The dijrlec&rs cf the Ulenderson cot ton mlUil's latit Monday declaretl a semfi4ann'ual divdd'end of 4 per cent. DairDng tire months of Jhtnirary and iFefbruary mainy famPKes ha.ve onoved to illeinderson, and many moe desflre to come, bait there are few vacant h'ouaes now in the town. Card&s are out for the marriage of Miss Birdie Ozellie Ctirron of Meckllen- iburg, Va., -to Ir. Wildiiam Eaton Moss, merchant, of Henderson. lit Js rumored, and not without foun- dsairSom, itfliat the Seaiboau-d: Air 'Lfine will soon erect a commodious tficket office, with wai'tSmg roams attached, for the act-ommodoitiion of ithe traveling pub lic. News reached here this m'orn inig that Mr. Sandy Buske'tit who Qived ta short duatlancte from town, while riding .with Mr. OharJes Buchatn from hdis house (to the front galte, yesterday .'before sun set, ffell tfgaTanst the back of the. buggy. -Mr. liuefiian, tMnking he had fainted. 'returned irnmediattely, but befoae re moving hi-m to the house it was found uiie had become exti-n-ft fmm ir. tfaiiure. Mr. Bitsketit, ctltJl'zeii and eulccesstful tfaa-mieip- nmirl was taJbouit 77 years of ae. 'Massachusetts, it is proposed that her people may buy a part of their lif in surance at home instead of frurnish- ing capital to "build up other States. Give list of wants and write for prices. Transplanting can be successfully done at any time now when frost Is out of the ground. If interested in fruits, ask for free catalogue and pam phlet on "How to Plant and Culti vate an Orchard." J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., POMONA. N. C Bide Tor Construction of Sewer. Purchasing Department, Raleigh, N. C.Feb. 16, 1900. Sealed bids will be received for con struction of sewer on North Blood worth street until Monday at 12 o'clock m., February 26. Contractor will be required to give bond to the city in the sum of one thousand dol lars for the faithful performance of, and the completion of the work within sixty days from date of award of contract. Specifications and profile can be seen at the Mayor's office upon ap plication. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of Sewer 'Committee. T. 'P. SALE, (Purchasing Agent. Durham Dyeing" Go. DYEING OF COTTON AND WOOL IN BLACKS AND ALL COLORS Absolutely Fast Black and Lisle Thread Black a Specialty. Also dyeing Hen's and Women's Garments ..... Latest Improved Machinery. DURHAM, N. C. It is not so much your money that Concerns The PHOTOGRAPHER as his desire that you shall have the The :Rev. Dr. George D. Grundy, aged nmetyhree, is the oldest clergy man in England, and is still active in Irtmance of the duties of his pulpit and parish. Statistics for -th . iemr TAr ,ul Pwlkb wt umi art can ww.wfiw., r " ':tmake. His motto is "Perfection." show that in the four States albove mentioned, $7,817,211 was collected by non-resident 'life insurance companies in premiums. Efforts will be made to retain at least a portion of this vast sum in the South to be the conse quent upbuilding of her people. This is a move that will 'benefit our whole people, and as -usual General ! Carr, of Durham, is one of the fore in getting the matter started. If suc cessful, and there can be no doulbt ahout its success, the company will keep many thousands or even hun dreds or thousands of dollars dn the South. There was a beautiful home wedding at the residence of Mr. and tMrs. N. J. King in Alston avenue last nisht at 9 o'clock. Special nates via S. A. I On account of. the Mardi Gras Cele bration at New Orleans, La., and Mobile, Ala., February 21-27, the S. A. L. will sell round trip tickets on ac count of this occasion for one first class fare for the round trip, tickets to be sold daily, commencing Febru- jary 20, up to and including February 25, with final limit March id. On account of the Gala Day Celebra tion, Southern Panes, N. C, February 21-22, the S. A. L. will send round trip tickets for one first class fare for the found trip. Rate of $2.20 will apply from Raleigh, to be sold February 20 and 21, with final limit February 25. Winter Tourist rate from Raleigh to Old Point Comfort, Va., $7.60, with The contracting parties fiaal limit six months from date of were iMr. (B. ;R. Tingen and Miss 6aleJ to Southern Pines, N. C, $3.50; Fannie King. Both are well known .Pmehurst, N. C., $3.7o; with final young people. They received many 11it 31 handsome and valuable presents Rev Fvr urtne Information regarding C. J. T. Parker, pastor of the Second f0118 rates write or call on Tta-ntisf VhiTtv-Ti nffiAtaw xi- the undersigned. A- - u.v iw. LCI IXIO marriage a sumptuous wedding sup per was served to the bridal party and a few intimate friends. The smallpox scare has about died out and now very little Is said about Z. P. SMITH, C. T. A, tt o Raleigh, N. C. H. S.LEARD, T. P. A.. Etaleigh, N. C. C. H. GATTIS, D. f . A., Sleigh, N. C. MAT1- FIRST cms WHISKEY J. QUALITY. FIT. E. CARTLAND i flerchant Tailor. Established Reputation of Twenty-five Years and Every Season Better Than the Past. Samples and Blanks Sent on Application. GREENSBORO, N. C. SatisfactiorL Always Guaranteed i BELLEJViONT I A perfectly iure JBye Whiskey, ten years old. Price, $12 per ca W twelve faU quart ox $4 pet gallon. In gallon jugs, packed a TMUU Pawnd ale t Rye or Bourbon, six years oid. wen matured, In wood, at W V case of one dozen full quarts, or $3 per gaUon. We recommend. these whiskeys for family and medicinal nse and will prepay freight charges to Sy- point Tin North Carolina oa receipt of pnee. . No charge for pnekin? Acme Vine Co. Dealers in High-grade Wines and Liquors and Agents for rabst'i . ; Milwaukee Lager Beer. t r 1 .1 .1 , , , , t , 1 1 , t , ( ' M llltt9 , , M t r