rrCTB iMOHNTXO POST SAT UR1?AiY, FEBBUiAIRY 24, 1900. 3ost RALEIGH, N. a published daily by the Korth Carolina publishing CO Robert M. Furman Editor SUBSCRIPTION PBICB: One Year 51-99 Six Months fJJX Three Months- - 192 One Month - One Week 10 Office in tlie Puilen 'Building, Fayetteville Street. iKeeley and toe wart he engaged In, toe practical results of that work stand out today to toousattKis upon thousands of living, active, useful and updrffcins testimonials- to the good ef fects and efficacy of M9 labors. And 5t imay be toot still other thousands would today 'be (the happy and useful beneficiaries of (this sorvi'ee hut for the derision and opposition iof so-called seientific experts, and others as thouioht.letss nr d rraran.t or seHtish. If Mr. Iveeley made aiiomey out of 'his methods at 3s no (more than all others strive to do 'by the methods they use or prefer -to aise; brut the amxney in- lvolved canniot be weighed wii'llli the The Post Trill pnblish "brief letters on restored manhood Which ne wri subjects of ireneral interest. ter's iiflmf must. ftivoniDanT the let ters.' Anonymous' communications will not be noticed. Rejected manu cript rill not be returned. Brief letters of local news from any section of the State will be thankfully received. Merelv nprsnn.i l controversies "will not be tolerated. Address all business letters and com munications for publication to "THE POST.' The telezranhie neiws service of TSIE MORNING POST is absolutely the Kwikn' Cure has nccwnnliished. for which toe retry name of (Keeley wffil Ibe and is blest by thousand's today. Mr. Kee ley's "work will go on, bles'$tiug bu mianPty and raising up other thou sands to revere and bless 'his memory. doced. and w!hAch ;will give "the lie to I of truth. And if our ase wotdd In .the claim of christian civilization of crease in oratory and eloquence alt whlMh our people bare st aggxessiTeily Kai ? THJSfS" 1 , f "en Its faith and enlaao Its knowledge. boasted. lOinr linTrT. nrA iHtwo At trmastn of truth -o ' A utuv vivuuv 5 will make us more powerful, more CARNAGE AT FRANKLIN Persuaive' m etameot THE LION'S WHELPS mm (Minneapolis Tribune.) -In his address at the unveiling of fa seartet Us forehead, There are scars across bis face, Tia .the bloody dew of battle's drip ping down, dripping down, But the "war heart of the Lion TVum - 4ivn i-n life irvlfleift- successf ul career as a lecturer, as well f disaster, when as for his repu ta'Qan as a brilliant turns to meet disgrace, the manument to the Confederate sol diers who lost their lives in the bat tie of Franklin in 1SG4, -General Gor don, who is well known in this section and throughout the country from his Opportminity Porto Rico is a aiMle island of 3,500 isaquare miles, lust about as large as The counties of Columbus, Oumber- land, Moore, New Hanover and Robe son, dn thJs Sta te. The popula t'Ion of full and complete and is unequaled by Ufoe Island 3s about S00.0C0, jusit about any morning newspaper south rn if tht- f .nm.irip. Rmshi. wew lork. This service is furnisnea i ns under racial arrangements with 'imagine one-naix me pcpamxum c . I i a , i i l THE DAPFAX NEWS BUREAU our .wnme. craw ciwaea upon one or the Aew lork Sun, and is the same territory of tlie five counties abbve !rr,aS, ttat U5HVby the ?un.itelf' mentioned; and one may have some idea of present conditions of .the pop- whlch is known to be superior to any service m any newspaper in "the United States. This service is received nightly by wire in the office of THE MORX- 1XG POST direct from the Xew York Sun. and includes special cable and domestic nerws and full commercial and market reports. EASTERN OFFICE. 150'&saa Pt.. w Vork. WESTERN OFFICE 1208-9 Boyce Bl'd, Chicago In charjr; e of the SteTe TT. Floyd Special Agency. i m Mm v dUDscriDers to me fum are re quested to note the date on the la te! of their paper, and send In their renewal before the expiration. This will prevent missing of a single issue. All papers will be discon inued when the time paid for ex ulLation of tnis new (hsiland acquisition. Until tlhe jirrisd'i'ction of Spain was ended by our government talking forti- 'ble possessiion of the island, these pee pie enjoyed free 'trade wi'th the anoth er coun'try, atnd ail the (rest of the world so far as pennl'tited. Wlrcm Ouba was lin revoLt, dnring all those years itlhese Isfkraders rennained l'oyal to Spain. iXb ddstirrbances of any cJiar- aeter occurred among them so far as rests tenee to the soTereignty of the Spanish government was comcernled As la result of the War Vliis govera ment seized tne dsdand and assumed its soverei'gn'ty. 'ine pejopie, -with a sl-mplfciilty which wals charming, -wel corned our flag and became almost hilarious 4n ttheiir expressiions of joy at tlhe (prospect of becom ing a part and parcel of trhis greiat land of f reed'om At -best it is a. pain fid struggle for tliese peopHe to support tlheanselves To do so they must iliave not only al enconxairemefnlt to uabor. but given such xVcedom of markets ,as will as sure them an opportunity to dispose of ftihe results of their labor. They had such wltb Spain, amd now thii is denied to them, tihey necessarily mnst depend upon 'tlies1 States ttheir own country iby our own coercion for a market (for sndh things as they can produce. In the (face of tors, situation the toreat te impose a. taniff n,ion all the prdduefs of the island coming into i!his oountiry Ss no tilling short of in human oppression. "Ve do n'ot care Senator Allen, Populist, says Judge whether (the constitution can be tor L-alKiweliT, of Arkansas "will be aceep- tured -to sanction saich treatment or table to the Democnaits (for Tice-PresH- tnlt (there is a higher law, the respon dent) provided the Popniists (hds own rsihfility of -vNihiich we Voluntarily as party) .will accept him." Msumed, whieh demands that we at Senator Allen ds entitled to the least place no obistacCe Jn toe 'way of toanks of the Democracy no doubt this slimple and apparenltly helpless Ibut treally ougbt Ihe not "be sure he and conndung ixfeple suppoirting them can control bis own -household before selves. Tlie products of the dtdand in assuming to speak for 'Democracy? only compete to a certain extent witih the tobacco gmvrs of Cioniuectrcut --x x Miiauvipivia ixiiege nas added amd remteylvaaiila, an-d the saiga r-ca-ne mhe inevrfable IjI. D. "to tihe other at- and sugar-beet .growers of the Soumh icractfions of the LMiinlstw from' China, and West; Wt hese ieoile sancUon- Ul1 Uug'ong. Ilaviing .thfus fas- ed the sefoure of tCiese -islanders toy a-tmeoieu our seives naon China's rep- our government, and shonM be at resemtave, we Americans ought to least wdLlin- to sfiiciTe Jhavo an easier entrance throusrh that with pen debr" leading into the pockets, Confederate commander, gave a graphic statement of the losses sus- opposmg lorces on me Dutue were nearly equal in numbers, aggregating about 20,000 infantry on each side. iBut the Confederates were the attack ing forces, and the Federals were en trenched behind defenses hastily thrown up in tlie night. The fight was a desperate one, and the casualties were appalling, especially on -the Con federate side. Among the general and field officers they were greater hi pro portion to numbers engaged than in any other battle of the civil war. Six general officers were killed, six wound ed and one captured, making a total loss of thirteen for the Confederates. On that side 'too thirteen regimental commanders were killed, . thirty-two wounded and nine captured, while at the close of the day 6,000 of toe rank and file lay dead or disabled on the field. The Federal loss was about one third that of the 'Confederates. Of the Confederate forces engaged the infantry 'loss was 33 per cent. The loss in Stewart's corps, by divisions, was: Doring's 23 per cent; Walthall's Stung and keen and mettled with the life iblood of his own, IDet .the hunters 'ware who flout him When he caUa his whelps about him. When he sets rrhe goal 'before him and he settles to the pace. fTricked and wounded! Are we beaten Though they hold our strength at play1? We have faced these things afore- times, long ago, long ago, From sunlit Sydney Harbor And ten thousand miles away, From the far Canadian forests to the sounds of MiHfted Bay, They have answered, they have an swered, and we know the answer mow. From the Britains such as these, Strewn across the worldwide seas, Come the rally and the fougle note that make us one today. IBeaten! Tet them come against us We can meet them one and all, French's 45. In Cheatham's corps We faced the world aforet-imes, be -Vl the loss -was: Bate's division, 16 per cent; Brown's 31; Clebern's 52. In Daring's corps, Johnson's division, the only division of this corps .that was in the battle and in tlie second charge, the loss was 21 per cenL !Pickett"s charge at Gettysburg is Of ten spoken of as one of the bloodiest episodes in history. The loss of Pick ett's division was 21 per cent, while the Confederate loss at Franklin of the infantry engaged was 33 per cent, or 12 per cent greater than iPickett's justified in saying that the battle of a u lu lJ S Franklin was the bloodiest of modern . r wuncii neu xvu 4;, -.r. inr rfnr-tw dt1 Ana woman-iiKe sne nasiencu to mt If any of the bloody battfles of the spiuuenng wim m m . . t " 1 1 . . I .r t feSS T m I II I III X ' III! .. I I world, irom .uaraxnon to vvaterioo, not in vain, not Sn vain, Twice ten ithousaind hearts widowed. Twice ten thousand hearts may fall, Rut. a .million voices answer: "We are ready for the call,' And the sword we draw for Justice shall not see its sheath again, Xor our cannon cease to thunder Till we break their strength asunder And the (Dion's whelps are round him and the CUd Flag over all." Queensland (Ausirralia) News SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1900. 3S333S$S$$3S$$S$ S THE WEATHER TODAY. $ 3 $ Fair; warmer. s S$5$JS33 Westward the Star of Democracy as iwedl as Empire takes its wav. Our CXatLonal Democranlc Convehtion goes to Missouri this year, Kansas City becoming the temporary seat of our empire. The 4rh of July is early enough as to time. ai nan it no nearts, of toe Celestials. It may thelp solve tlie ooaling-stlarion problem in Manilla. So far as the wiill-te peopOe otf Xbrth Carolina are concerned tihey " will Knecsrruiiy dispense .with the services of Senators Butter - a-nd Allen in se- opportuaiti'es them, the more so .when the very lives of 't.lie ilaliter dorwud union -a. J. this opportunity while our own peo ple can laud do have other (resources idle course propostiu to be apjulied to these islanders fe nothing short of bru tal cruelty, almost an exen-cise of sav age power over a. heHpless and entirely ininocent pecipie, Th: sni-gii our laws may perm jt them to ho itreated as florei'ga- iecting a Democratic vice-Pre-sCdwi tin l caudMate while employing toem-selvesr11 'tehn5oal 2Vse 5,1111 thejr on- more- s'rrenuousfiy in ItepubLi can i zing end negro'izLrag this State. The .Dem ocracy can select its own candli dates, as iwell as defi-nd and maijiitadm the frwtttie of the .people and the integrity of the government. Certainly those who assail the latter are hot needed in doing the first. 'Dast Sunday twelve inches of snow. Covered Greater CXew York. This, to remain even the number of hours tooit constitute a business day, meant the Bass to (business of many, ninny thou- painds of dollars. Cea. IXagle, Com- tndssioner of Street Cleaning attacked It before It had done facing, with 4,500 men and 1,S00 carts, and in ll donrs cleaned Brad-way from the Bat- Itery to Fifty-ninth street, besides shorter stretch es on other streets. It was cheaper to (remove toe snow and dump it into toe river toan, toe loss to business would otherwise have amounted to. uiiuon asm appears to omr generv siliould have om weisrlrt. 'Wrtih-im t - - m but a -selffishness that knows no com passion can or wiidl tolerate a treat 'menlt of these ieople which makes nheir condi'tion fimfiniteiy worse than the so-caiied 2Tieities of Spain jro from Waterloo to Ralaklava and from Balaklava to Gettysburg, there was moie desperate daring than was dis- plaj-ed on same portion of this famous field." In comparison with this action none of the battles so far fought in South Africa can be elaiimed as anything more than hot skirmishes, while, the proportion of losses sustained by the accosted him with: "Sir! Perhaps you'd better preachlse what you prac - Japan's Llshtnlnc Burglar (Ghcago Record.) An extraordinary criminal, known as Sakamoto 'Keijira, xand famed in Japan as the "lightning burglar," is now awaiting the decree of the Court r.isjim to which his case was British troops when defeated are triv- , n his condemnation by the itl when compared with the losses lower courts. He was convicted some sustained by the beaten oonieoeratesi H d sentenced to death, the indictment comprising thirty-one dir at Franklin. The inference would . m . . 1 J I seem to ie tnat rue mo nanny dn war- f t comit cf v fare is not increased by the modern l af,ni1vllt h5m. ' Some had improved weaions, even when , troops --r- nrvW n. wll as. rohberv. and aix charging strong fortified positions invoirfti violence. After the defended by the most expert riflemen r-nt, rt . Anneal had eomflrimed the rhch had been in- in the world. The strength of : the Federal eniL . nc-hments at (Franklin could not compart with the strength of the Roe retrenchments dn Xatal, and and the Federals were armed al most to a man with the old muzzle loading muskets. The reason Why casualties do not increase with the greater and range of the weapons judgment against, him, and while his case was still before the Court of Cas sation Sakamoto appears to have de cided that death , was inevitable and he confessed. In addition to the thirty-one crimes charged up to him. he confessed to forty others, including tx?r .mnvflprs eighteen robberies ac- preciskm eampiiSiied iby means of cutting and is 'because I fW1lni.i11Sr. nd twenty others achiev- i,vvv oiicicc mm.tA f. L m mm mm J wunuui resxnciions or conditions, and offer to the a the greatest advantages in competition. Worki aire; JsOES not present Itself every day. It is nonn k.. . , . .. us,ness are cnts We are desirous of having a few first-class representatives in localities where we are not well renresenteri wide awake, well HiirAj ... aV r ttu gentlcmcn who will add to those qualifications integrity, ind and tact. To such we offer an engagement with thei est, most substantial and best all around Life . ffl dent Company in the world. Anyone having the above qualifications and who and will secure business for the AETNA Life, and poss a life-long, pleasant and profitable situation, we shall V glad to hear from. No others need apply. There place In the Life Insurance field for men who are too to hustle or too proud to work. y Write for particulars. J. RALEIGlY, N. C. You .will find them attractive. D. BOUSHALL, Oen. Agejit, Watson's Photograph GALLERY 131 Fayettevllia Street. RALEI8H. N. C. The Fair People are cordially invited to CALL anil have a FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH MADE, POPULAR PRICES RULE. MR. A. MICHELOW, Operator. 611 HI f I of the open-order formation of the line of battle now emploj-ed and of -toe practice of toe men in lying down and taking advantage of every available! cover, line iiiritisn troops unaer 3ie- thuen and 'Duller were not adepts in this mode of warfare at the start. (If they had been their casualties would have been mnch lighter than they we re. Tlie survivors have, no doubt, learned a good deal by their bitter ex periences, and hereafter we may ex pect to hear of still lighter casualties in proportion .to the number engaged and results achieved. wounding, and twenty others achiev ed by tatimidaton with deadly weap ons. The "lightning burglar," who gained his name from the rapidity with which he conducted his opera tions an Saitama and Chilba prefec tures, thus goes to his doom with a total of seventy-one crimes. Eagle Foundry Co., MANUFACTURERS AND MACHINISTS. , II U! High Grade Mill and Brass Casting a Specialty. PLrOW, PLOW CASTING, HEATING STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, ottt. PT,TES. STOKE FKUaiJL tUJLi U8. AAJJ Abb XlmJJS ifl. riHITECTURAlj lltuN w uitivr .ua, xivjjuiu xulJ-xho, aiv CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. GREENSBORO, N. C The Penn fltitual. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. COMHENCED BUSINESS 1847. Assets January I, 1 0, Surplus January 1, i9 .U, an round num! ers) U (( $40,000,000.03 5,COJ,O00.l0 Groining In Cue death of Mr. -Leslie Keeley, (the founder of toe Keeley Institute and treatment, the .world has losrt one of fta greatest benefactors. "Whatever Bcientists or experts may say, or have Euid, and anany of them have been jriruleot dn-their condemnation of air. Children must have just the right kind of food if they are to become strong men and women. A defi ciency of fat makes children thin and white, puny and nervous, and greatly retards full growth and develop ment. They need Spoils 6muE&ien, It supplies just what all delicate and growing children require. 5oc. and f i.oo, all druggist. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. . Tlie Decline of Oratory. Elon College -Weekly.) That oratory is really declining is by no -means a .settled Question. Be fore that question can be settled it must be dee idea as to what oratory really is. The art of public speaking, like other ne arts, Taries in its hues and colors with the varying ideals of men cnid f the times. (Ideals vary, develop, and recede. Measured by the ideals of the present, the power of the eloquent speech of the past has possi bly lost some of its charm anil persua siveness. , The fact -is, most products, both of commerce and of learning, .are frov- erned by the law of supply and de- nvand. Today there is no longer a de mand for the oratory of Demosthe nes, Ciceiro, Henry, Webster or Cal- noun. le results that there Is no sun- ply. iBut it is only the externality, the farm, the dress of such oratory that is gone. The essence, vitality, soul of H is not dead, nor withered, nor dying. The -soull of oratory is im mortal, lit cannot die. It is as much a live today as it ever was. The spell of man',3 power, -by speech or pen, over ills fellow men, has not been broken. 'Where is the man in our day, no Jess than in the past, who has a great .truth to tell and does not get an and! enee to tell it to? Where is the man with deep conviction, an abiding faith, and thorough knowledge about a sub ject who does not iget a respectful, nay more, an attehtjve hearing? Let a man learn well his theme, drink deep draughts of the truth about his sub ject and he shall be heard. Oratory does not consist of ibeautifhl sayings even about beautiful subjects. It is rather the earnest expression of a soul under conviction on a subject dn which there is an abiding faith and a-oout wnien mere is abundant knowl edge and perfect familiarirv rn have been, land are. elon those themes in -which thin tions are deepest, their faith broqdet and their knowledge mcJ nJ2S!5!V If we are lacking in owtr snee today, R i Z lacking to eonviction, faith nd S Affaln the Fatal Number. "How many girls did you make love to before you met me?" demanded POLICIES ABSOLUTELY INCONTESTABLE FROM DATE OF ISSUE. 'Mrs. Vick-Senn, at the close of her' jjsT Company for the Insured; therefore the BEST for the AGEXIr long tirade. yqv liberal contracts write to "'Twelve"!" groaned toe husband., D H D A MtJV ''But 'I never eounted them up until J K. D. KAiNtY, RAie0h, it was too late!" eneml Aent for iSovm CarohsJL Chinacases Hall Racks OAK and MAHOGANY. Bookcases Chiffonieres furniture busi that there is a It happens frequently in the ness like any other business surplus oi stock in certain lines. So it iswith us just now in CHINA-CASES, HALL RACKS, BOOK-CASES AND CHIFFONIERES. We had these goods offered us exceedingly cheap the first of the year and we bought them. A good lot its true, to get the terms, but we knew they would sell. Too hand ome for the money we ask, but we will make our profit and you save too. CHINA-CASES $io to $35- HALL RACKS $6.50 to $35. All Handsome Designs Beautifully Finished. BOOK-CASES $7.50 to $35 CHIFFONIERES $6 to $20. Cor. Wilmington and Hargett Streets, Open at Night 71