the morning : cost. ."WEi esday, lauch 7, loot - ....... ... - PLAN OF GOEBELITES Wholesole Indictments for Conspiracy Threalened. WHITTAKER CONFESSES Alleged Assassin of Goebel Said to Have Admitted Ills G ntlt and Impli cated Prominent People In tno Crime Sensational Developments Expect ed at Ilia Trial Whieu Is Dock eted for Today. Louisville, -March 0. Acording to the Goebelite plans, as announced to day, an attempt will be made by it hem to indict every man who was in the State executive building alt the time Goebel was assassinared. The accused will be charged with conspiracy. In the executive building at the hour the fatal shot was fired were Governor Taylor and hU ix-veiary," Treasurer Day, State Auditor Sweeney and all ofher State officials of the ivsurpon. Harlan Whittaker, tbe man charged "With the -murder of Goebel. broke down tihis morning, and, while weep ing, ia said to nave made a confes sion to the jailer of Franklin county, accusing prominent meii of complicity in the assassination. WEritmker is said to be the man who sent this tele gram to Iiutier .county on the day of Goebei's assassination: "The mule will cross the stream to day letweeu 10 ami 12 o'clock." Morgan town, Butler coumty, is off the railroad, and the message had to be telephoned part of the way. Sensational developments are 'un doubtedly only a few hours off, if Whittnkers trial, which is docketed for Wednesday, is not pOponed. No Jess than ithirty arrests will be made before the case is finally decided. It is the purpose of the Goebeliies to indict every man who can be con nedred wrrh the crime. Snyder, a boy shot while iittnfting on Fleming's land. Fleming was tried recently. The jurv disagreed . anu Fleming was arraignexl' yesterday, for !the second time" and 4 continuance vas granted -until Morcn p. He was incarcerated , in " Princess 'Anne Jail, pending the trial. " Talk, of aynching:rose-lat-night, and the prisoner was brought here. Indignation hereabouts ran !hign wtien Snyder was shot, and Ms friends at tempted to storm Fleming's house and lynch him. Fleming secured aid, bar ricaded himself in Ms country home and fired upon the mob, killing one man. SUIt IS OF THE 51 AN . Gen. John B. Castle-man. who-was appointed adjutant general by Gov-!inconrt -Iler father vows she shall be Miss Bradford Identifies Win. Black as Her Apsallant Baltimore, Mdi, March 6 .Miss Jes sie Bradford, who was ravished at Aberdeen, Harford county, Md., by the negro (William Black, under arrest here, came to this city yesterday morning, accompanied by her sister uncle and Sheriff Kin-bart, of Harford county, and at the Eastern police station fully identified the negro as her assailant. When he commitbed the assault, Black wore dark urousers, a white sweater and a round blue cap. He afterward went home and discarded these clothes prior to his flighit to this city, where he shipped on the oyster boat aboard of wihieh he was -arrested. The discarded clothes were brought to the city, and Biack was made to d rests in them. Thus attired he appeared before Miss Bradford, who instantly nodded to Captain Teague that she fully identified him. She bad been pre viously instructed to say nothing in his presence. The captain whispered in her nir. "Be sure ihe is the man, for his life is at stake." Again she gazed long and earnestly at the negro and again she nodded. The captain then ordered Turnkey , Mittendorf to take him out of the rooni, when Miss Bradford eaid: '4He is the man. I coul pick him out of a thousand, as I saud before." The unfortunate girl is a handsome, well developed 'miss of sixteen years., who seems crushed at her awful ex perience. That she has suffered terribly is told by the haggard expression of her face, and sne has told 'her parents she wished the- negro had killed her. as she would rather nave met death than to 3iave to relate the awful story erwor Beckhiam, was .called to tne State capitol today. Tiris is signifi cant, as the resolution of Senator Trip let!, calling for an appropriation of $250,000 to be used by General Casstle man in raising an army large enough to maTcb to London and recapture the kjUHCO VftAllii LiXl- AIll tliilillUUU.UU en,t "there by. Taylor, will be put on Its passage. SIX C05SPIBATOHS INDICTED. All of Them Found audJPlaced Under Arrest: - JS'eUf yprk, .March C. -The special grand jury which has 'been consider ing the conspiracy to lower the mar ket price "on Brooklyn "Rapid Transit stock,' that . culminated in the raid, on 4hat "stock "December 20 last, returned indictments today against six men. The indicted men' who have been ar rested are: Alfred It. Goslin, two In dictments for felonious misstatements and two for conspiracy; (Henry J. "Alexander, one indictment for felony end two "for. misdemeanor; Charles Thomas Davis, editor of the Wall Street Review, two indictments for tfelony and one of misdemeanor; Eugene L. -Packer, of 35 WinthTop street, Brooklyn, two indictments for conspiracy. Goslin "was arrested at the Hotel Walton, in 'Philadelphia, Monday, and 'Alexander 'as he was returning to his thotel from the theater very early this ttnorndn. Davis was arrested at his office at 34 Broad street today, and Packer was found by a detective at the office of his lawyer, 'Frederick House, of (House & Friend. spared that ordeal df it is in his power, and swears he will shoot the negro on sight. Black still protests his inno cence, tile will be this afternoon de ttvered to Sheriff Kin-hart, who will re quest that he be confined in the Balti more city jail subject to his order. HELD WITHOUT-BAIL Whittaker Charged with ihe ... Murder of GoebeK WHAT WITNESSES Rhuniatism Catarrh Post Readers Will Find a Positive Cure In B. b1 B. Bottle Sent Free to Sufferers. It. Is the deep seated, obsrtintaite cases of CataTrrli and Rheumatism that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Bahn) cures. It - .. ,--:-v,-; rv-. I m-ajtlfcars not what otoher treaitmetn-cfa, jdoctoziS';-niDd 'remedttea have failed to The Evidence Tendi' Mort or Lew ; do, B. B. B. always promptly reaches - r. ' ':'i:,w iitJie real cause and roots oult and drains Stronsly to Connect Him Vlth tno m:sy9t&m specific poison in Crime Tne Prisoner Wanted, to S the blood tm-aSt causes KlieuamaiDsm aaa Know Why Other "Ware Not Ar Catarrh. B. B. B, is the only remedy strong enough tto eardh out rtbe poi- reated Colonel Jack . Chlnn - Snes sont not only in tne blood, but the jboaies, mucous membrane and enltire Mrs. Banta for Slander. I body, and eliminaite or drive out the . , - lest vestige of tlhe disease so thei-e can - ' ''' never be a "return of the symptoms. If FWnkfo-rr. Kv.. March G. Harlan; TOU ave been disawrointed in sprays, Wbittaker of Butler county, was this : linimenlfcs, medicated air, snuff, blood afternoon held over without badby B B B i, U Couwty Judge Moore to await the e- jias been thoroughly tested for the tion of the FrankKn county grand past thirty years and has never failed jurv on a charge of . murder in con- to permently cure obstinate Blood JU v " rw, IJseases es Rheumatism, Ulcerrs, Ca- oection with the assassination oir Goe- Kirphf Baiting' Sores, (jancer, Scrofula, bel. The charge of -malicious shoot- pimples, Eczema, after all other treat-in-- originally entered against MWta- meats bad failed. Ask your druggist ft v . . ' ..flD for B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm or ker was changed by County Attorney 3 Large ?1 six utiles Polsgrove to murder before the pris- (fun itirealtment) $5. B. B. B. ' is an oner was 'brought from his cell into hotnest remedy that makes real cures. So you may teat Blood Balm we avIII tiro courtroom. . Ignd a trrial botitle free on request. The courtroom was packed at 11 personal medical advice free. Address o'clock when the examining trial be- Blood Balm Oompaixy, 108 Mitchell can CourJty Attorney Polsgro con- "tree-t, Atlanta, Ga. Write today, gan. ioumy ttiri rj (b Don't delay, as B. B. B. is performing ducted the prosecution, while T, -b; AVon,de!rfTll Clires. All we ak is for Campbell.- of New York, sat iby nis f ,t t exoense. . - , ITT ,1 Ti41n 1M1T1- . . 1 We liave taken the agency for a horn made Washboard. G-rooved poplar tl dozen just .received. Trade supplies V low prices. This is not a cheap pine boaivi it but a well made grooved poplar board "i nwmin'U OTTT rtTinTI1T, " a V Can furnish any quantity. PELL PHONS 155 7 RALEIGH, N. C. 4? Cold Steel or Seatb. "There as but one chancp 4o save your life and that is through an opera- Ll'KE Y A R ITI ENDOHSEMENT ricpubllcann of Brick's District Apa thetic Toward the Administration Indianapolis, March 6. Tlie Republi- ican convention for the Thirteenth In diana district met at 'Elkhart this af ternoon and renominated A. X. Brick, the present representative In Congress. The convention was preceded by con siderable friction amrong the delegates, there being a strong sentiment in favor of condemning the vote of Mr. Brick on the Porto Rican tariff. 'bill and also in favor ot wi'thho Ming any indorse ments of the administration' of Presi dent Mclvlnleyv This sentiment was intensified by the withdrawal of . A. P. Kent as a candidate, for delegate to the Philadelphia v conivintlon, -giving as a reason his opposition to. the policy: of flie party on the. Porto 'Rican. tariff.' Conservative counsels nnally prevailed and the administratk)nvwa3imildly en dorsed in the resolutions. '. - BILL PUSHED THROUGH Ilastr Action of Virginia LcUIature Arouses Indlsnatlon. Richmond. '3Iaroh C The measure known as the "Commissioner of -Valuation "Bill," passed in the rush hours a n-glJUltult, JO creating an immense amount of in dignation. Early action will be taken to get it in the courts, and it is stated by well known lawyers that the bill will result In taking from the State its revenue from all Jbonds and securities. The Senate spent all the hours of the closing session of business last night In placing itself on record in opposition to the bill, and the criticisms on, the governor were pointed and severe. The legislature will, in effect, be in session until noon tonroa-row to give the gov ernor opportunity to examine and sign bills. , DYNUITI SO DEMOCRAT Republican members of Finance Com mittee Recommend Confirmation Washington, starch C The Senate Committee on Finance today made a favorable recommendatioin of William D. Bynum of Indiana to be a member of the board of general appraisers of customs. The nomination was sent to the -Senate early in December, but met the opposition of the Democratic mem bers of the committee, who objected to his appointment as a Democratic member of the 'board. Mr. Bynum took an active part in the IsLSt presidential campaign as a gold Democrat, and the silver Democrats on the committee repudiated his claim as a Democrat. .The committee today heard arguments on the subject and afterward by.a party vote ordered the nomination reported with a favorable recommendation. J CRY TRIAL. WANTED Bspho People Apply for a Removal ot Their Case . New York, March 0. Abram II. Hummel went before Justice Furman in -tue -supreme court todav. nnd m .t , . " u. iwiuai application ror the transfer of Hus cafej of 01 ga Xotliexsole. Alar- cus .Uiiyer. Hamilton Revelle ami The- o.lore Moh to the Court of General cessions, wnere tbey may have the privilege or a trial WEDDING AT BETIIANIA Unsuccessful Attempt Made to Barn Winston's Smallpox Hospital. Winston, N. C, March C Special. Rev. Henry L. Powell, of Littlefton, and Miss Dora Butner were upited in marriage at Betihania; at high noon to day. The couple went to Greensboro tonight and will go to Littleton to 'morrow. - The funeral of Dr. "R, F. Gray, who died last night, will be held from Cen tenary Church at "2 o'clock tomorrow. An .attemrpt as made to burn Win ston's smallpox bospital last -night. The guilty parties may be arrested. A Crazy Murderer Dies Jail. Atlanta, March 6. Ed ward" C. Flani- Dy 1UTV nrn . . . . . hoT-cro (m i -n tn i " ot me mosx remarKapie crim- Funrran Wanted an Ie?atur, near liere, at 0:30 o'clock this vaur xut xomorrow morn- Ing Vhy the application should not be -granted. FLEMING IN NORFOLK JAIL Favorable Report on Cable Bill. Washington, March 3.-The Senate Committee on Naval Affairs today or dered a favorable report upon the bill to construct a cablfl tr Ar0-nMi .k CuamrlTllU' mdlw7 IsIands murderer of a Boy Taken There for '. Safe Keeping "Norfolk, (March C Justice of the Pefiice Oscar Fleming, who lay, in jailj ;.at .Princess ou House, . -was Wasbington. M, ra J, . jYTmrWt to XNorioia. tnis morning for Lawtn w J4i"3: vowu . SSeiecpii Fleming Is charged with check for Sram Jh?"6?1?? . th a ' Sfiurder in December of Clarence the AmScapipt. cFfttoxui of Mrs. Lawton Receives Her Check. 8 onriERCiAL olleoje CHARLOTTE, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1891. iv and others. aDpeared as -Cou for the defence, but declined to intro duce any witnesses or to place Whitta- ker on tne stanu. - rwt ct ,k0 t,t v Afiw Vynnkfoili iWnO "lull, -wa -i-v " " i'i"-Jfvv-" " ' miS fct wi fore Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of .Dime Ridge, a-rrwted lttakerJn Thnt Wis., "by ber doctor after vainly try- ness introduced 'nlesdTT in,g to cure her of a frightful case of Whittaker had become confused wnen trmble aid yellow jalxndioe. questioned as to his exact w'herea.bouts ffIe dIdQ,t on the marvelous pow- at the moment of ithe murder. ierg of ,Elex3trlc Bitters to cure .Stom- Detecrive- Armstrong, of Louisville, troUDie sne aYd aid the prisoner came to Frantrort . tool seveil ttles, was wholly on a ticKet lurjiiMrm vj , cured, avoided surgeon s Kniie, now brother, and slept 5n a room next to . .-jjg more and feels .better than layior ru iue aa-umc 'ever, its positively guaranteea tc Policoman Wingaibe Thompson 'test!- cure' stomach, iLiver and Kidney trou nel th-at -after his arrest Whittaker and never disappoints. Price 50c flmd said there were fifty., .or; eixty at all drug stores. otihci men as heavily armed tc inm- scilf in - the 'State house, and be said j . Dl nrvpq Whmnker iLsked why they also were, I liinivuvi not capiturcd. , V All of the witnesses except Miles testified that WThittaker had told them he had come to guard-Governor Tay lor, as he had been told Ihls Uf tf'was in danger. . ' n Represeritarive Charlton, of 'Louis ville, testified to having een four men, one of ihom was ttaker, and.'an other, Policeman Davis, run out of tne execuxivc 'ummuis juu anci shooting. r Elegant Apartments F. .M. TCowman. of Hardin cotwwy, .. declared that Whittaker looked8 gkg a L Jn Piedmont BllildinST. Most Extensiye and Thorongli Courses in the South. POSITIONS SECURED. Hundreds of Our Students are Hold- "-" ing Responsible, Positions. ' . Notes Accepted for Tuition A Home for Young Ladles Under tne Supervision oi tne resident and His Wire. Young Men Furnished Suitable Boarding Places at $10 Per Month. STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME. School under 'Christian Influences. Catalogue free. D. M. McIVER, Pres. man whom he had seto; raising a sec- ond-story window in the execiiitive buildin'ghalf an bjOUT before itbe shoot ing. SJftas Jones, of Whitley county, the dther prisoner, was put on the stand. He oid;,he whs sitting in the ante room ' of the- Governor's office when h6 heard several, shots, wbich seemed to "have come from the direction - of the Secretary, of --State's office. This closed the sideVf the common wealth. . Col. -Jacki C41iinn,:;t 4 o'clock this afiternoony filed ;uitj In the Franklin Circuit "Court agaihi Mrs. Kate 'Banta for $25,000 damagef "for alleged sland der. The petition? charges 'that Mrs. Banta -had charged him (Chinn) With the murder:, of Goebel. 'Mrs. "Banta 11 ve-s ; Just (in front of the State house. The bill appropriating $100,000 to be used by a commission in offering a reward for the assassin of William Goebel was presented and signed 'by Governor Beckham this afternoon, af ter "having been signed .by "Speaker Trimble and President Pro-tem Car fter this morning. ; "The Weather Today The weatlier prediction for today Is: ' "Fair and colder, with . westerly-' X winds." The maximum temperature yesterday was 70, the minimum ' 53, and the mean temperature 02. ", , ') DR. W. E. WEIHE, Veterinary Surgeon. 6raduateof Cornell University Interstate ''Phone No." 42. The California Fruit 'Fresn shipment arrived vtoday of California Celery; Toma tos and Grape Fruit. " J - ' Tangerines, Blood oranges, travel oranges, Floriad oranges and Malaga grapes. WILL GO ON YOUR BOND OP BALTIMOrS. ( Resoarcea Over Easiness Coaflned toSurscy aoads. S Accepted as 80 e Surety byths U. . GoTt,,and State and Conatieaof CI, 3. Solicits the Bonds of Z t kak. Corporation and R. R. o astri. Z County, ctyaad Federal Officer. a Cotton end Tobacco Buy era. 2 Dep. Collectors, Ga rers, ets. s, a It . . . A Postmasters, Iett r Carriers, Salesmen, Clerf and Bookkespari; Administrators. Executors. t? Guardians, Receivers and Assigns 31. Contractors and Builders. Tobacco and Cigar Manufacturers. And aU persons occupying posltlaai si trust or responsibility. afieats wanted throughout tit State- SEASONABLE RAT HI, APPLY TO R. B. RANEY, 6ei'l Ansa BALBieU. N. c Cauliflower, Smyrna figs, Aaisens, : California pears and Apples of- all kinds. ' Everything first class. Call and exam- ine our goods and you will be much pleased with. them. . - PACKAGES DELIVERED FRED 7V1 A rit: im nDCCMCDnnn "Southern 5weetgum." The Chewing Gum of our Porejthers A perfectly "Pure Bye Whis key, ten years old. Price sio t f tirelve full Quarts,; or $4 pe? gallon, in gallon jugs wckLff t plain catres. Fawnd ale t Rye or Bourbon, six years o w. well matured, in wood, at S3 case of one dozen full quarts, op $3 per gallon. TVT . f,n,TY1 rrfOkYirf "HlHA Wll f ft 1- .-rr a 11 . we m:uuiui,uu i VI : J lvL io-i"iiy ana meaicinal iia0. i -wrin nremv freight chargesj to .-inv Twvmr in v-r-fi, ,, "ws M ! AhflVfyn fn. Oil receipt of price. No charge for parkins. Acme Wrin e Co s. 4 4 Dealers in High-grade Wines and Liquors and Agents for Pabsf. Milwaukee Laser Beer. 6,1 I JV. Oe In Olden Times when -a boy had the cioup, his mother used to reach tm tn shelf , over the fireplace and get the familiar black bottle f 11 i with the nauseous conipound that the cross-roads dru-it 'anu ten- had the measles, the same old black bottle was brought ,T use; and when the old lady herself was touched with the "rh matiz," the; aid of th same familiar cure-all was invoked Snin times the cure-alt cured sometimes it didn't; but it was' hanS and it 'was cheap, and so people kept on .using it, and the men III made it got rich and went abroad every summer. In pretu mn2 the same icrnorant way Farmers Used Manure nil 11 1W1Y3 l-Llfmf IICA Ul-. f k. .,U ... v-wi, uaC uue oi-u, piaugiDi compounds !t handy and cheap But, nowadays, fa;rmers know that the groJl ing plant requires the right sort of plant food, just as the grK child-requires th proper kind of food, ajLd so, -Uhea they Si tobacco, , Now They Buy a specially prepared tobacco f eitUizer ; when toe plants cotton, hi buys a special cotton ferti W; so with corn, so with wheat-sJ with all crops; he knows-that certain crops require much mm . . ma, soma but little ammonia; some crops require heavily botS utilizers, others only phosphoric acldf And the tJs ot t2 Old orth State have learned something else that is eouaSv A Durham Fertilizers .: are cai-efttlly . prepared l)y expert chemists wift renrd U fi. ..... As o Durham Bran, a bootlet fOTithe asking. Addresi Durham Fertilizer Co.: B ran c U Virginia-Carelina Cbemlcal Co. - DURHAM, N. C. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD A'.' for style, speed and elegance are tbs superb equipages furnished by onr sta ble. - Our horses are all good, stead, free goers, well fed, well groomed anfl never overworked. Our carriages art stylish, easy running and handsome, and in any style required. Our prices are always satisfactory. UPCHURCH & HOLDER. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, PH0NSE 8l 00k 10 your Wardrobe THE CAPE FF- VR; A ND NORTHERN - RAILWAY. . South. No. 51. P. M. STATIONS. North. No. 52. A. M. . V urnakes, ' ?our tealer for u- 4 :20 ......... .Lv, Apex. .... . ; . 0 sri 9:26 0:10 i 8U package, and tike no . other AsS ' 5S0 T. " " For price ana pW - ' . . -A . ! .. w.v. oofor "swe(t-gum leaf label on 4:zu ...... j-.v. Apex... . 9:50 Iottovcj nil f Hour springs... . i26' greatest layers on U LiUUIt' CAiAJkv. ejes r -OS . . . Lv. Blanehanrl n .v See if you don't need a Spring in a Sack, Cutaway, Prince Albert ot a Full Dress, and then go to an up-to-date1 tailor and get him to fis you up for the. spring. You can find sucH srnor at 216 Fayetteville street. J, E. BRID0ER5 Merchant Tailor, 216 Fayetteville Street, Black Hinorcas. High Class Prize Winners x lie pr ewe & t ov sale. ictilars - " U w - . 15:40- .. .Ar. Angler. c :Sn at)T)iV t0 . : " .-- Jfc . , 232 Fayetteville St. Southern Sweetgum Co connect with s a. l. express mali INTERSTATE DHONP -t rmvvr, itrains to anu irom itaieign. C.P.WHARTON, . Raleigh, N'0' GIlEEfNSBOROt N. 0. J. Ct ANIER, Gen. Manager