TIIE MOItN'IXG PDSX FRIDAY, MAItCH 1G, 1000. LEGASPI A llflTfirn fwt, and f:iitl in re-ply: "I awert Hll I Lit LI m e111p.I1atie.1Hy tot, Itlie Senator Thq two Senators wvre but n few 'fee-t arxirt, and whn th? le p:issHl Inciirtrpntc ThpTP Nntpd fOT Senator Penrose showed ffiva-t e-va- insurgents mere inouju iui nc of atntion. Mr ,1. - Jpe&ted itfhat the Senator froui I enn tsylvaaia. Isid not stated the truth. Mr. Penrose thereupon remarked: "If what I hare stacl was not the ilia not Pernicious Activity. IIYPXOTSM IN COURT MEN AT GUBAT NOT HURT . n j intend o tell me the truth. Mr. Gailinsren rcaiarked tliat that own stafement," retorted Mr. . i.-tfrvvas lln unmanly statement. How the Import of Desperate Str.it, fa u,umauy ,than yi of the Garrlsori Ordinate samar , and Ieyte SciUIns Down nd Trade IXerlrlns Gorernor of North Cimi; rklneaBdAsiIaldoaeetarFSur- render Disappearance of a Sailor our Pen rose. ApihLs imommt of excitement 'Sena-tor1 Hear" arose to speak. He, 'too, appealed for prompt action in the Quay rase, imd nroved that one week from next Friday, immediately alter the routine fo-wsrness is disposed of. trh fimv r-i9 Ik .ta.kn nn a'nd eon- Manlla, March 15. The troops ' gid-ned. His motion contained an ex tent to reinforce the garrison at jcoption as to appropriation tetiU, t..k .milt', nsh' AHyar. i which" "were o be the only measures , , . iTJ. kti permitted ,to intervene between the tfound the mon unhurt. It Jiaci oeen . i reported Chat the garrison Tvas 8Ur" rounded by insurgents and the town rwas tnirninjr. The trouble started i nthis -way: taking irp and the disposition of 'the Xuay case. The people made an attack on a om was made 'that a time for voting -be fired, but Mr. Hear stxi.l he feared jfcueih a motion might not Judicial Cognizance Taken of the Oc cult Science in' Kentucky Lexington, Ky., March. 15. Iij.tfbe famous Dinsmoav murder itirial today the District Court wenit : on neeord clearly as re-cogniiing (hypnotism as practiced and denned, py those- who affect tlialt occult science. The decis icn was called forth by the representa tion's of ithe attorney for the prisoner, -who was cliarged with mtirderinig bis ow.n wife and his friend, Hred Law, in order to marry -Mrs, Lane, request ing .that Mrs. Laue's Jtesltimany be stricken from th'e record because she was attired in a great veil 'that cov ered her eat ire person while (testifying and because she wore heavy cotlored glasses, so obscuring Qier that the prisoner was denied his eoms'tftu'tkmal right to actually face hi accusers. The Staite'is attorneys opposed the mo tion and declared ttfhait tlhe court could take judicial cognizance of the fact (that these precautions were necessary to prevent the prisoner hypnioltisSng the witness and preventing her testi fying at all. The woman told a horrible story of the crime how she had consented to ito'ibald crowm is covered with a growth of soft, dark hair. He says it is the, aim color as that of his childhood. the double (murder and how she (lay bv ithe e?ide of her husband while he desired his own moftion I Dhrspmore crepit np and iblew out his nrwn inile-nendentlv. S'c'n- .ivT-ilnvs svrufl hmiw ith'ov t1h.pTi Tumcedd swindling foreigner, whose .warehouse ;tor IIoar marked that he was sat- to ur's. Dinis.mca-e' 'bed roam , and she were burned. The lire spread to other jgj 1 ,,he Senator dcsirel unl.v h-ekl the struggling wornum while bnild3ngs, and this attracted the in-! the end that he liimself sought, and ;DinsniK)re forced pirusslic acid down her BUr-ents to the place. When the people j because of that fact he was willing .throat. She said as 'long as Dmsmore saw in reikis .vaiiiii; iurj siauii'i.M-" Open Door Policy In Danger. Shanghai, March 15.--The American Association here telegraphed ito the Unit eld States "Tovernxnent toaay tirax the attitude of the Empress Dowager toward the reformers will upset tlhe open-door policy. They -also say that rebellion and : anareiny are expecoeu, to the detriment of foreign interests, and advocate prompt and concerted noiHon on the parit.cif the powers. The China Association will; appeal to the' British mdmister, Sir Olaude M. Mc Donald, on the same subject. standard Oil Dividend. CNTew York, March 15. The twenty per cent dividend, amounting to $20, 000,000 upon the $100,000,000 of com mon stock of the Standard Oil Com pany of (New Jersey, was disbursed by the .National City Bank today. It represented ta reigular quarterly divi dend of three per cent and an extra dividend of seventeen per cent. Stand ard Oil stocks were strong on the curb, advancing to 540. Her Roy The to the ships. The rebels, Aho were ; i;tawiv afteT tne routine business, he chiefly bclomen, were easily repulsed i would renew it. notice tihalt tomorrow morning, inline- en the truth, hu't 'the mom'entt he . . t 1 1 I . - -1 1 a 1 It Iby the Americans. Brigadier 3eneral Kobbe has return ed from his visit to the tSouthern islands. He reports that Saniar and Leyte are settUng down and trade is reviving. The 1r.1t rws are returnHijrg to their homes ami the troops are well re ceived. Legaspi continues to be a hoobed of rebellion and constant patToi'ing is necessary in order to destroy bands of insurgents. The governor of North Oa marines, wfth his" staff, has surrendered to the lAmericans at Xuera tJaceres. 'He has also ordered runners sent out through the. country to proclaim American sov ereignty. Senor Florez,. who .was. sec retary of war in Agiiiualdo'-s so-called cabinet, has surrendered to General ifacArthur. Sailor Probably Murdered by FlllpInos Baston. Pa., March 15. The family of Albert Hunyon, of this city, a sailor on the United -States cruiser Brook lyn, has received word of Iluuyon's disappearance January 1C last. He was granted a furlough to leave his . ship, which was in Philippine waters, to 'visit his brother in a hospital at (Marina, Luzon province. He never reached his brother, and it is believed he was murdered by Filipinos, as the mutilated bodies of a number of Amer icans -were found the day after Run yon left Bacoor, where he was last t?een. alive. ItllODG ISLAND DE.TIOCRACI Forcible Annexation Denounced and Chicago Platform Endorsed. Providence, R. 'I., March 15. The Democratic State Convention .today. was the most exciting in many years, rxiie 'Bryan forces, represented by iMayor Green of Wobnsocket, who brought 'Bryan here a couple of months ago, carried the convention. 'Senti inetns denouncing the President's ex pansion policy, the "Porto Rican tariff and trusts, and denouncing British ag pressio nin South Africa, contained in I he speech of Chairman Pitzsimmons and in the platform, were enthusias tically received by a.-'majorlty of those present. The platform,, which was nnanLmous ly adopted, says in part: 4No people should 'be annexted to the United States against their will, and, however willing to come, no peo- pie should be admitted exceit to equal sights. A republic cannot afford to have a. subject population. The con -fcritution always follows the flag a government of law, and not of men. "When a corporation possesses the 5ower to arbitrarily raise prices or depress wages, it is in effect a trust. Every such trust existing in the United States should be controlled by na tional legislation. "The Democratic party of Rhode Island endorses and reaffirms the principles set forth in the pkCaorm of the Democratic National Convention which nominated for President "Wil liam J. !Bryan." Nathan 'W. Littlefleld was nominated for governor. Th5s ended the controversy over the Quay case. RYAN'S NEW MOVE Judge TFaddlll Will Appoints Special Master to Take Testimony Norfolk, March 15. W. L. Marbury, of Baltimore, and D. L. (ironer, of Norfolk, of counsel for Thomas F. Ryan, of Xew York, .made anolther move today in the matter of enjoin ing flie Williams syndicate from con solidating the eighteen Seaboard rail roads into, the Greater Seaboard -System. They appeared before United States Disftrkit Judge Edmund Wad- dill, Jr., and asked , that a special mas ter be, appoirited to take testimony in support of the plaintiff's allegation in his bill, praying that Ithe deferJdants be restrained from effecting the con solidation of the Seaboard road. The attorneys suggested the appoin'trmen't ns special master of George E. Bow den, clerk of 'the United States Court and United States commissioner. Judge Wafts, of Portsmouth, general counsel for the -Seaboard Aiir Lnne, who appeared for .the "Williams syndi cate, asked that the order appointing a special master restrict the latter to the taking cf tes'timony lvlatin-g to the affairs of the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad Company and excluding tes timony relating 'to the Raleigh. & Gas ton Railroad. The coui-'t took this Lift matter under advisement. Tlie appoinitinenl of a special 'master will be granted and the master will be appointed Monday next, March 19. The Raleigh & ' Gaston Railroad, which the Williams interest does not want included in the investigation of the master, as has 'been recently made evident, is to be, under President Wil- liajBs' scheme, made the pi rent anoad of il'he nrcmosed tww svst?m. The control of the various roads formerly vestetl an the Seaboard & Rcanoke was avcemrly transferred by the Wil liams or majority faction to tlie Ral eigh & Oaston Company. Against this shifting Ryan has vigorously protested. THE AMERICAN OFFER EXCITEMENT IN THE SENATE The Lie Paued in Blunt Terms With out Leadlns to Ulows. Washington, March 15. Shortly be- Secretary Hay's Cablegram to Mr White Made Public London, 'March 5. In the 'House of Commons today Right Hon. A. J. Bal four, 'first lord of the treasury and government leader in the House, re plying to a question by Mr. William 'Redmond, Nationalist member for Cl:ire East, as to whether the United States had offered its services to bring about peace, stated that on March 13 Mr. White, the American charge d'affaires in Ixradon, had communi cated to Lord Salisbury the following telegram from Secretary Hay: By way of friendly good offices, you will inform the British Minister of Foreign Affairs that 'I am in receipt of a telegram from the United States consul at Pretoria, representing that the government of the South African republics requests the President of the removed his gaze she wanted to tell till. The 'State rested today, and . this evening !the defense amnounced that they rested without introducing tesiti mony. The prisoner is hreakJing down. Prisoners Ordered Rack to Frankfor Frankfort, Ky., 'March 15. Orders were today issued by County Judge Moore for tthe return of Secretary of (State Caleb Powers, Auditor's iCflerk W. H. Coulton and Capt. John Davis ito Frankfort tomorrow. They will be !held in the Franklin county jail until a date for an examilnjlntg trial is ar ranged. The examining itrial of Haz lipp will 'be had probably at the same time. LABOR DISPUTE CLOSED Operators Agree to an Advance of Twenty Per Cent Altoona, Pa., 'March 15. "Delegates of the bituminous -field of central 'Pennsylvania and Maryland practical ly closed the great wage dispute by arbitration today. rrms arternoon. a miners' committee met a committee of operators and ithe decision ' to ar bitrate was 'arriived at. Each body then aiamed a committee of seven to act. The board of arbitration met to night, and the original scale went through with modifications, the oper ators objecting only to the differen tials. The igeneral advance of twenty per cent was aigreed to. Tomorrow each committee will report to the gen eral bodies. There is no doubt that the action of the arbitration board will be ratified. STRIKERS STILL OUT Officials of Mine Company Expected to Refuse Their Request. ' TVilkesbarre, 'Pa., March 15. The 3.000 striking miners of the Susque hanna Coal Company at Nanticote are still out, and will not return until the company grants theiir request! V'rThe officials of the conrpany have as yet made no answer to the men, and" it is expected when the answer is received it 'will be a refusal. The men say that many of them have been suspended, evidently on complaint of the' mine foremen, and non-union me put tin their places. 'If the officials refuse to regard the grievance seriously the Glen Lyon miners -will probably join the strikers. . , Tlie employes of the A. J. Davis. col liery, lin 'Warrior Runn, vho struck Wednesday, today refused the slight concessions offered by the operators and today did not return 'to work.- Another Ellen Peck Victim New York, March 15. 'Franz Mayer, who two years ago was the president of a prosperous sign manufacturing company, told today in .the Essex 'Mar ket Police Court how he had been de frauded of property of the value of $100,000, practically all he nad, by the notorious Ellen Peck, "the confidence queen," and a (gang of swindlers asso ciated with her. Mayer appeared in court to prosecute Hugh Mason and George N. Van Zandt, who, he alleges, were m-embers of the gang. 'Mrs. 'Peck is in the Tombs under a sentence of five years for swindling'. Only a few days ago another swindle, in which a North 'Carolina farmer was the victim, was traced to her. Several other arrests in the Mayer case are ex pected. Gatacre Occupies Bethulle. London, March 15. The following dispatch from General Roberts has wSh L ? oTh mte7ntft; 'been received at the War Office: with a -view to a cessation of hostili- r u 1 Biioemfontein, March 15 7:55, p. m. 5eneral Gatacre crossed the Orange rivesr and occupied Beth-ulie 'this morn ing. General Pole Carew, with 2,000 ties. A similar request has been made to representatives of European powers. "In communicating this request 'I m eiskpl to T.nTpr. itli .Vina -f.Vi.it o way of bringing about .peace mar be of itihe Guards briigade, two guns and found. 1 will ibe glad to aid in any rt w '"weu lraautry, frk-ndly manner to bring about so!. . TUree trams tllis morning to join nanus wimn li-atacre and Clem' fore 3 o'clock toihiy there was a wry . . , . 14 J happy a result 7,:: ri::, r??.-luwA l Salisbury, in reply, reouested.8- pas-ea iiietnany at 4:05 p. m. 17 xrr Vaiirager:Mr W(hite to Cnv,ev tne sinf4.re - without meeting opposition. We Qiave epn-juen atvie to supply from the troops tne enigine-diriyers, flremea, fitters, mould- communlciation ,ers smites, carpenters, etc. 1 ' f SmatPr FtiT" rment to the United States for nks had just made a moftion that rtendly tone -of Its communis .of rose J!""- toay that the govern Z 4 1 T -not propose to accept intervention ules dekiy in order that he might Xpom anpower in SoutH African af speak of the Quay case. 'fairs m r T-m 1 ' jir. tenrosje snowea a great deal Of feeling, and said that he was con vinced that there was an effort being made on the nart of the snatnrc nosed to the seatln-ir ett Air n,rir. Amendment to the Constitution Pro- "procrJtJrinute this question" until the1 w VZ 1 HWtWnr end of tlie session. He made a stron M a-hington, March 15. Beiresenta appeal Cor permitting Pennsylvania t J6,3 J Km York, chairman of have two votes in rthe Serati na Tue .tlouse committee on Judiciary and TO REPRESS MONOPOLIES n . -I. 1 1 tt . asked that the Senate fix a time when l"'"ja spec.ai suu-committee the Quay case might be taken up and ? f ' produced the fol- Toted upon 1 lowing joint resolution, proposing an He said that the Senator from New mrw?tn: , , IT.LmrhJ- .had in-frm w Vl . Article XM. The Congress shall did not intend to sneak JZL 7x toj regulate and repress A Centenarian and Toon; Again Quav case, althou-h he Had" ?usVa eomoi-natlonsi to ere- Ellsworth, Me., March 15.--Nathaniel stated in the papers that he pronosttl JvLtS c;?1e -corporations and d Is- Bobbins, of -South Deer Tsle. was 100 din Tf Thrt ,Tr4!l- r5 01 U1,r Property; to make all ! rears old Tuesdav. His to Mr. GaDinger, he ianS oSi SScnfS 1h7fonW x" l'ym -w thS him whether he intended to sak Z wi nL J Sch je had to wear strong glasses, has' re- -nd Mr. Gallinger toM Wm thlThe lTtJIJ - tirrned, and now he does nc.t use spec- not. w 31k Sir "1 .l :Vl " con- tacies, even to read, ia year ago his friends noted with surprise that new hair was growing, and now his hither- i I Germany Apologizes to England. London, March 15. In the House of Commons today Right IHon. William S t. Joh nlBixxlerick, under secretary of fcreig naffairs, stated that the repre sentations which had been made to Germany regarding the insults to 'British residents of Dresden, the tear ing down of the Union Jack from "the Anglo-American Club and the dfsflur ing of tlie 'English church, had elicited from that government an expression of deep regret. The flag had been restored and the suspected persons arrested. Employment for Dewey Washington, 'March 15.Secretary Jjong will announce in a few days the appointment of what he calls a strategist ''board.. Admiral 'Dewey will be its president and he 'will have as sociated with him six other officers. The duties of the board will be to keep abreast of all modern improve ment in ship 'building and naval arma ment. Boston, March 15. The Republican State .Convention for the election of delegates to the 'National -Convention will be held in Boston April 26. Notice of Primary Raleigh, N. C, March 8th, 1900. A primary election has been called by the Board of Aldermen of the city of Raleigh, to be held Monday, March 19th,. 1900, for the purpose of getting an expression of the people on the sale of the present Market House. It is earnestly desired that the entire vote of the City be polled, and you are hereby urged to go to the voting places in your ward, on 'the day above men tioned, and by your vote express your views on this subject. This is an im portant matter and one which concerns the Interest of every citizen, ine method adopted by the board seems to be fair to all concerned, so do not fail to avail yourselves of the oppor tunity how given. We shall expect and look for you at your voting place on election day. Tlie following are the voting places: First and second divis ions of the First Ward, at the Capital RnsHnif ."Hmisie: first and second divis ions of the Second Ward, at the Victor Engine House; first and second divis ions of the Third Ward, at Jones' Warehouse; first and second divisions of the Fourth Ward, at the City Lot. A. M. POWELL, Mayor. mchl9 al Highness Princess of Wales I JL 1 AAA 6 ' 4 sr m m.. m -m r t4frs Jl A m A 1 8 "It is well known that the Princess of Wales ceived increased strength from Vin Hariani." , Court Journal, Jan. 13, 1895 111 'SLI ER Cures Constipation and Billiousness Price, 25 Cents. Rogers' Famous Chill Tonic Tasteless - and guaranteed to cure chills and fever, or money refunded. Price 50 cents. For sale .y H. T. Hicks, Bobbin-Wynne Drug Co.,-W. H. King Manufactured by the Aoex Mfg. Co Apex, North Carolina. NEWS AND OPINIONS np NATIOH. L IMPORTANCE. Ths Sun ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mall ...$6 a yeal Dally and Sunday, by mall.. $3 a yeai SBSjaSJBB THE SUNDAY SUN s tae Greatest Sunday Newspaper la taa Wortd. Price 6c a oopy By mail $2 a yes k d(Mria T3LU tiUN. Nw Yort. V ' M i k 1 k rtl I A1 k i Mariani Wine, the World Famous Tonic for Bod Nerves and Brain. FUR (HOUD IN, DELICATE WOMEN. SICKLY Vin Mariani is indorsed by the Medical faculty over the world. It is specially recommended for jji voris Troubles; Throat and Lung Diseases,Dyspep Consumption, G-eneral Debility, Malaria, Wast Diseases and La Grippe. Sold at all urugo sis. Refuse Substitution' VIN MARIANI GIVES STRENG1 SPECIAL OFFER To all who write mentioning this Mper we a book containing portraits and endorsements of bWPr 1 0 .S tMPl PRINCES, CARDlNALS,AHCMBISHOPSand other distinguished person MARIANI & CO , 52 W-ST 15TH STREET, NEW YORK. Paris 41 Boulevard Ha ussanann; London S3 Mantimear Street .Mcniin S7 St. James Street. ' v " " " Look in your I ttffl'I c6pyrjchtT!W. Wardrot See if you don't need a Spfmz In a Sack, Cutaway, Prince Albe a Full Press, and then go to an 1 date tailor and set him to fix yo for the spring. You can find su tailor at 216 Fayetteville street. J. E. BRIDGE Merchant Tailor, 216 Fayetteville Stre WILL GO ON YOUR BOND mm OP BALTIMORE. Pasonreaa Ovar $2,309.09). 11. aiias Coaftaed toSuiac daala. Accepted aa 60 e 8arety bylh; 17. I, GoTt.,mnd State and Coantieio? M. J. Toe American to. GtlUncw pretty g2ett Solicits the Bonds of Bank, Corporation and JEL R. OSstr County, City and Federal Officers. Cotton and Tobacco Buyers. Dep. Collectors, G jrera, eti Xnanrance and Ps' ihzer Acenti. Fostmasters. I.ett t Carriers, en. Salesmen, Clerf and Bookkeepsr i4 Administrators. Executors, eti Guardians, Receivers and AisizasiL Contractors and Builders. Tobacco and Cis;ar Manuf acturer i. And all persons occupying pssitlaat si trust or responsibility. Afisnts wanted throuaoat tic Stats. BEASONABLB RATfll. R. B. RANEY, 69'i Affa BALE16B.' N . C WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE 4Triumph Steel Ranged This Range has been on the markt for years, and is universally popula: With or without reservoir. Six hole: Large oven, Nickle trimmings, Warming ovei Well made! Cheap! A No. 1 Range in every r spect We have on hand a large number of Guj no Sowers, Well made, Right length. High grad Tin Roofing is our Speciality. Bumsdeii Bros., RALEIGH, N. C. PELL PHONs 103. GARTLAND " QUALITY. FIT- J. E. Herchant Tailor. Established Reputation of Twenty-five Yea and Every Season Better Than the Past. Samples and Blanks Sent on Application. GREENSBORO, N. C. Satisfaction Always Guarantee

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