1 ti s THE. MORNING POST: TUESDAY, AUGUST-IS 1900 NO TONE TO MARKET Little Trade in Stocks at the Opening. CHANGES WERE - SMALL jiraeklyn Transit and Southern Paet no lrnl Down While Rubber Sola t p-riour stocks AlTWcloa by a Death lu it arullT Steel Group lnipreveu Aurr oon-Clolag llour Saw a t Lne lor Uae ISctlor v VvrK. Aug. 20. There were very ;ra Jivi in at Urn opemug of ;o:. the changes cither way .t ... . .iliy small. Brklyn Tran-At - .:.uiu P.icne made extreme de - : 1 while Rubber sold up 'jurt ntue old u che tui- t ol tae death of a hio:uckt of ..it. !-. svd raogvl from to x w.ux linki.ii Trauit, lYdera . lHk Ls:ul tiii-l Atchison moot '1 the vvder nauiod. Synipi'heuc f.uivil in MctiopvVitan JS civet v.i. I vnj.Aiuted 1 1 as,- Smelting : J aud .New i'ork Central. iioiuUs ::u lor rt'S-urc, but sio important iro made. icne Meel group iwcre ud t .t!I aiouu.l inter iUwul.t tn sym- .;.a uo duu iovemeut w: rtcol nd LDiUvl States 5k. no United States 5's, oou 112t$ POSTSCRIPTS. All banks will close Wednesday at 12 o'clock. Col. P. A. Olds returned yesterday u-'3from Beaufort rconey market Mr. T. II. Briggs has returned from a 1W Yortc, Ang. 20. Money on call northern trip. -Hiss Stella Banks has returned from nominally at 1V4(UT per cent.; piime nKsrcantile paper 4o per cent.; sterling .naure hrm, wi.n actual business in bankers bills at $4.87X4.S7$i for de- "Jaw wna ai f 4.i4.4i4 for sixty days; Wheat Septvrnrer... 72 . Octo or 7JJJ Coru B ptember .. 88f Ocioor 3? j Oats fe umber 215 October 2'Ji Tork- Sepumber.. 1 20 11 OcioLo.- .1 22 11 Larj Sej te nber 0 TO 6 vyctber ti 72 C lth.s September 7 10 7 October... JO? i Open High 73 73 40 22 1 22J 72 7.1 12 00 Low - 72 72 8f 37i 211 22 11 07 11 10 6 68 6 70 7-00 6 92 Clos'g 72 72 3 1 37i 22 1 11 07 11 10 6 67 C 72 7 00 6 92 liaJllmar Grtlu and Prttlikta Baltimore. Aug. 20. Flour dull; west em sujm-t J.-KKtrJ.OO; do extm $2.tXti mu; vio family ;i.UtKfi3.0o; wurter wiit'.it patinrts ?;i.7'Kfj4.0U; spring wheat pstwt ?4JMj4.25; firng wheat straight ?3.NM.uo. lletcipu 31,501 barrels; ex ports 71 barrvls. WikMit firm; spot aad the month 70 7()"ic; Se;rtembcr 7l171Jsc: OviLober 73V4,'i73K'-': Hteauir Xo. 2 red itt-GOVirc; r'-ciitM ."c.s:JsSbusthe-'s; southdm by sam ple vi5rf 72o: tKVtfti grade 70tft72c. DQ.r.tnXl Aflf u-T w - - " h-ivvih! vt ir.i rn twniier;-iiiuxvu, &pot and month t n lSiic5i8epmber 4345c; No- . i . t -i . ft t ktit s..,i.h. -1 he latter, however ' ir I tecemlw, or oki.- 3lXti t h .u iau r-'H'. Au rttuck on z' 0: tuca put it ikwu, but the general l",;,.' . i.- January 3Ue "A.ked; steamer. sout3urn rvvhate juJ yellow iwn ; . 4 v.i the ii'ias hoar. 1V vl iia, uu "the ioWoKt. 'aiiatr-Kr woivi - ... ..i: la eicr mil tae geaeraj ....... w lvaUy at the cud. eur ork nock UutfUtlont - Open. Cloe. , . vrl an Cotton Oil . . . . ....; aii -Sugar ........ .v -. iicau Strvl and Wire. A::r:in Mel Hoop .... . . i n au SuiCltiug A .. ii'-an Iv ..; ni au Tin l'late . .. , . V ! i li ......4 1 prf. .......... .' :..v rioan Ti'bafu . . . J'. ,;:;urc A: Ohi . ...f!tn ltnpid Tratiit. I .;..!! of Now Jert'.v.. ( llt:r. Ac Q.. ex-.Iiv.. i . M. A: bt. Taul i ... .f'K K. 1. A: l'aoic. i ..-iida'.ed 'Jas ..auoutal Tobacco .ratio r n-l ana iron.. . .oral buel l)v. irrf. . i...:toi& Contral ........ I..- .-i national Paper .... t .Ailii- A; Nashville .. 'iit'an 1 . Traction . . K :. iv Texa pre. ..i l'a mc r. . :;1 Stoel York Ct utral . . Biscuit ....... .. Out. A; West .Nor:h-ru lacific lo. pref I'rtvs StotM IVo lo Jas Pa. iae Mail S. 8. Co 1 -'.aylrania Itailroad .. Krp'ibllc Stivl Io. prof Rta!inf Io. first pref , Forh.rn Kailway I -. prt'f. . . . ; , Ar:ri,rn Pacific .r Val and Iron., i Pacific , I' prof , S Kut.lr , S Leather , I ". prof , 1 rh prof ., A I- E. 2d pref , oiion 1 :. r IV w 121 7." l'.Mi 2TS" 712 .rl74 1:5 1 tli4 174 173 4 ' j ; . 2:; 71 31 r.i 2.y.; I3it 31V 2lAt ri 7ii 4 t7 32 12!! r.i 17 in - r24 :li 7n 7' 23 12.4 74; 2 '.Si 3 2i 2It 7-s !3;. 71j 7;-"'h 13 P. 12-hV 1 I3--S 173 2oh Oats uive: No. 2 white 2Gi'(Z27c; No. 2 mixed 2ir2P-c. live steady; No. 2 Dear by 4Wj40e; No. wMcrn rK': rttvijits 114 buht1!. Hay dull: N. 1 Titnoth- $lo.50(iilG.00 old: iww $!.". Ml. (Jraia freight finnlr helol; steamer to Lirerpood, ifr buhod, '41, , September; crk for nh"TS, ior quarter 4!i, August. Siiff.ir linn and unchanged; . fine and coaife. granalafi?! $Jl. Cheese firm ind uuchauged; Jarge ll((f 1114ns medium IVfulVjc; ic-sics ll-' llc. Butter steady and imrfianged; fancy imatar.on li&alOc; fancy creamou-y 21 (i 22r; fauoy lud'e 17c; good ladle 10o; store packel 13iirK-. Ktzi nrni aud tmohanged fresh14H to l."c -ir York (.rain and Provision New York. Aug. 2. Florn Receipts ! 2'".3.s bam-i: somewhat steadier wdtii out Ihsji. actually higher. Wheat Kiceipts 11S275 bushels; firm, rotive and lughei on suoiig cables, Kng lih Tiuyiag aud the iie in corn, Kye Steady; wtate u;ja4c u ew York vir Jots; No. 2 western 57 X. o. b. afloat. C.iru IleceiptA 337,57 bushels. In-flueju-il bv hiirher cahlt, active oovec- !ng and damage news from Kansas. Oat Keeeipts 13l,oU0 bushels; sJow but MeadieiT. Butter Receipts 0.01S packages; firm; state dairy 10Ta-0c; ftate creamery 17V4 L 21c; currant iwi'L-keJ factory l4(aioc. Cheese lleceiK T..819 packaigea; steady; large oocored lbv?; iarge Milute, HVil0.V; small colored 10"ic; emali white. 10(!C. KiriT Ite-eipts 9.554 pargakes; firtn; state and Pennsylvania at mark ISc: weftrn regular uaekdng at mark !2!Ai 10il4Vc: western low off l(17c. 11- Sugar liaw steady: fair remung 4Vic; centrifugal, 0i test, 4ifec; molasses sugar 4c; refine. 1 steady; crushed $0.50; pow dered ;.20: granulated J.10. Coffee Dull and easy; No. 7 Rio 8?ic. September U fatal Open. Close, New York 77TV&7S 77Vib TiVXSt. Louis KKi 34 Minneapolia 2 tn Uuiutn no nvi September Corn Open. Clrwe. New York 43b 43a St' l'kl 31 25'a 12:Ts 3P. rit; 71,4 4 32 54 17 r-sT; 1H4 52.i - 7S IS 24 Vr York. Aug. 20. The crttn msr-. 5t. IiOois 37 irrer opening weak, stiftened on a vp .f short started by rejtorts of ' wy rain in Texas, where dry weather - -feiod. Ptirt receipt eLimntei for r i iv at ST) bnle against 1.5iC 4a.t k and 7XK5 Its year: the Troek estl- at ."..mil against 3,.M: last week ' J131 Jat year. Today's recra'pts N-w Orleans were 2S2, against 2.IH1 ' -ir. and at Houston 00, against ."2 !a-t year. High, en. Low est. Cloag 9 03 1 9 01 9 16 9 03 "trttin t-T-v KB" sO 66 a 73 I i-.... J'a it' 11 i' a r.n m ft? btctu.ter.. -i ry.... -i:ca A; t 8 31 8 5l ... 8 50 8 M 8 47j 8 33' 8 46 8 8H b 48 8 36 8 47 .... 8 2, 8 41 8 41 lllZ'. 8TS1 market cV'd strong, -i. A nr. 20. I'd. m. Cotton'. 134 100 110 91 118 ioo 107 htVj 102 101 6 Ralelgb StocK ana Honda Bid. Asked. North Carolina Cs North Carolina 4s (2a. Southern & Fla. 5s... Carolina Central 4s W. N. C. It. 11. 1st Southern Hallway first 5s. Seaboard & Roanoke Cs.. Seaboard & Roanoke 0s.. Atlanta A; Charlotte 7s... ;a.. Car. & Nort'n 1st 5s Raleigh Water Co. Cs.... Albm & Ches. Ca'l 7s... Raleigh Cotton Stills Cs.. Southern Ry. pref " common . . Stan'd Gas & Klec. Co 5s. Wake County 5Vjs Ga. & Ala. consols....... STOCKS. N. C. R. R. Stock.. Seaboard & Roan ok e Raleigh & Gaston. Raleigh A Angnsta Durham Sc Northern..... Mee. Dime Savings Bank. Carilelgh Cotton Mills Preferred m Common Raleigh Cotton Mills..... Citizens National Bank. .. tfalpiffh Savings Bank.... ! Commercial and Farmers if 95 150 80 vLoo 137 mm 112 93 120 113 110 lOSVfc 103 105 104 103 102 100 50 50 110 102 115 130 150 11U visit to Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Partln left yes terday for northern points. Large lot of California fruit received at California Fi-uit Store this morning. Dr. R. II. Lewis returned yesterday from a delightful trip to Western North Carolina. Mrs. Charles Gattis and Miss Jose- 1hine Mitchell have returned from At autic Citv, J. 1 An owl, measuring six feet from tip to tip, was shot yesterday at the Mordccai place by W. 1'. Littie. State Chairman Simmons is back from Beaufort, where he nas been spending a brief season of rest. Messrs. Fred S. Merritt and II. F. ISuiith left for New York yesterday to spend their vacation. Mr. Edward Battle of Wilmington will spend tnis week in the city with his fatner, Hon. It. H. Battle. Elders Roberta and Gold are expected to hold erviees at ninitive Baptist Church tonight at 8 o'cIock. Miss Marian AJlen has returned from Duruani, accompanied by Miss Vivian Norton, who was her nostess there. Mrs. Donald B. Partin, who has been visiting Mr. Partin's mother in this city, Partin will remain some time in Raleigh. Rev. J. O. Alderman has gone to Car thage to assist tae Baptist pastor, Rev. G. T. Finch in a revival meetiu-g this week. Mrs. Barlow of St. Louis is here in the interest of the Lost Cause, issued in the interest of Confederate veterans. The price is Jfl.UO per year. A gentleman wno came in on the east bound Southern traiu yesterday reported that one mile of his journey was made in 42 seconds over S5 inilevs per hour. E. A. Johnson of this city left yester day to attend the meeting at Boston called by Booker Washington to organ ize an Industrial League of colored peo ple. The Standard Gas and Electric Com pany have removed their office froai Hargett street 10 the store on Fayette ville street, lonmerly occupied by W. G. Upehurcn & Co. Mrs. J. P. Wright of Richmond, who is visiting Mrs. Maxwell Gorman, and who experienced a severe attack of illness Suuday night, is greatly improved, her , inHJ1? ns he settled back friends will be glad to learn. his peddling wr.gon. ' n The Missionary Book Ciub will hold its oij pants uro cbmpie.iy inira mommy meeting mis aicernoou (August 21) at 5 o'clock at tne residence of Mrs. Baumann on Halifax street. It is hoped all the members wi.- endeavor to 1k present. Mayor Powell yesterday gave Annie Walker fifteen -days in the workhouse and Sallie Hawkins was fined 54.25. They engaged in an affray about Sal lie's 'ma-a-n," during which each had her ears soundly boxed. -.--w .Agricultural Department audito rium was fitted up yesterday with 2- comfortable chairs. The sessions of the State Board of Agriculture and other meetings connected with the department will be held therein hereafter. A regular convocation of Raleigh Chapter No. 10, R. A. M., will be held this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work in the R. A. degree. VI si tini com panions cordially invited. F. W. liuhhl-': cutt, H. 1. D. Hamilton. Secy. Rev. J. M. Cutbreth. who graduated from Trinity Colleee last spring, preach ed Sunday .night at Edentou .itreet. Meth odist Church from the text "1 came that ye mi,ht have life and that yc might have it more abundantly." The young minister's magnetic manner .held, the en tire attention of his congregation. Itas a splendid effort "Xow I Lay Me," , If you want to Lj-p vour children in good health this l.O weather, you must relax the rigidity oi your rules of "early to bed," v;hich are very well in winter, spring and autumn, and not at all good in August. We would be wise if wo could arrange the business cf life to take a siesta in the hottest pa-t of a sunny August day say from 2 to 3 e clock. If possible, keep the little ones out of the direct rays of the fierce sun during these hours. Let them play in some semi-dark- or shady plac1, and never mind if they displace r upsf t the par lor furniture if it keeps the mcu; of the heat. Then, when the sun goes down, let the little ones stay up awhde and e;.ioy tii cool of the day. They .ften feel frisky and want- to play uftir supper. Do not remand them mercilessly to the pent-up heat of a bed-room, but let them cool oft' if possible out of doors. An extra hour of sitting up late is desirable in such hot weather, because it gives little folks a chance of outdoor play without peril of sun-stroke. Remember that, rules for putting chil dren early to bed are of no value unless administered with judgment. The hour of wakefulness in the evening can be made up at the other end of a night's rest. Close the curtains of the room where the little sleeper lies, early in the sunrise, if you are awake. It is so tedious for a child to be nut to bed iust when the cool of the evening comes to refresh. him home mothers seem to put the children early to bed with the idea that it is' wise to "get them out of the way," but itis not a good place when the mer cury climbs in the nineties. Before putting the little child to bed, remove every article of clothing worn during the day. Don't let the under shirt be retained. Probably it is soaked with perspiration. Get. castile soap and warm water and bathe the child with sponge or wash cloth from head to foot: especially bathe around the shoulders at the back of the neck, under the chin and beileath the arms and knees, ,aud wash the tired little feet thoroughly. This rests the child and prepares it for slumber. Winn A Sherlock of Bag Men A rng man who was gathering up worn out clothing in the country, says the Buffalo News, purchased a pair of dis carded trousers at a farmhouse, and re marked to the :nan of the house as he paid for the sstuT he had bought. "1 see, sir, that you -ire about to iose your land on a iiortgag?'' "Guess you are right," said the discouraged-looking farmer, "but will you tell me bow the Sam Hill you found that out':" "Easy enough," said the cheerful rag on the seat of notice that these played out so far as th? part of 'em yon sa: down on is concerned, but Ihy show mighty little wear r.dvw.icre else." The t'ntted Farms or Rhode Island According to a report recently issued by the Rhode Island State board of agri culture." which is also a catalogue of the farms lor sale in the State, there are 251 unfilled- farms with buildings and OS without buildings, making atotal of 31!) farms in the little Slate which are without any sort of tillage. The total acreage of these unfilled farms is30.313; tillage, . 12.U44; pasture, -1.51S; wood. 10,751. The total price or value of these 30,313 acres is $313,900. DURHAM & CHARLOTTE R. R. Time Table. NORTHBOUND. SOTl IS MC1IANEABL,n WBAT1IEB." Tae Unusnal and Interesting Record of the Weather Yesterday. The automatic machined of the weather bureau recorded some rare atmospheric changes yesterday, afternoon. At 1:45 o'clock the wind was blowing at the rate of twelve miles an hour, and yet the average speed during the next min ute was 3i miles per hour. From 1:45 to 1:50 the average was thirty-eight miles per hour, and for the next five minutes thirty-two miles per hour. The high wind is attested by the large number of limbs and a few trees that were blown down. No damage to property has been reported, however. The most remarkable thing connected with the storm was the rapid fall of temperature. At 1:45 the thermometer registered 97 degrees, and the truthful ness of its record was not doubted in the least. And yet, by steady decline, the mercury in that same thermometer was all below the (9-degree mark just fifteen minutes later. It then began to rise, and at 4 o'clock told the observer that 80 degrees was the correct-measure of the heat. At 8 o'clock p. m. the tem perature was 76 degrees. These sudden changes came without warning, except that a short time before the storm broke some ordinary thunder- heads were seen in the northwest, from which quarter the wind continued to blow. The rainfall was insignificant only J22 inch. r . IN NEW BUSINESS 130 .... . .1 - .lniiriiin nviii - 1 . .1 hum v.tumii ltnl- of italeien. ,.v. .f which 30U were for epecu- Odell Manufacturing Co. and .-x-.rt a . included 1 fcarouu. v,.c-. A.uPTi.Tiu. Receipts .were 9,000 Ju.rLn- 2.20O bales Amewiu, s o4-icd teaxJy and closed duR. hicas'o Grain and frorlaloa ,-. Aug. 20. Liverpool showed va:ue In the face of the ticcaae s.tt.triaj. a-nd started fair buying ;:iing of the wheat market heie, as euitacdrab''e changing of Sep- r rr October at .c luaiTimc . . Preferred Common .. S. A. L. pref "-common Grettrr S. A. L. cert.... A. C. L. pref. common. ..... 307 56 31 12 124 103 70 Barry Cornish 'Will No Longer Train Athletic lor a Idvlne . New York, Aug. 20. IIarrr Cornish has srariraed hds lKvaifion ci atHWip director of the Ivnickerbocker Athhitic Club ud it iMts been nccepted by the brmrd of gorernoTO of the club, to take effect September 1st. It is understood that .the wll known trainer intends to 117. 're frcnn ne fi,eld of instructing en i tireiy amd that he has another business los In vdew, althongi he 'has refused so' far nTV. to divulge Ihe anatire of it i rru u. 30 15 120 105 80 TO CURB A COLD ' I ON- DAY ' Take LaxaUre Bromo Qolnia ableta. ..TZ,Z?iam refund money if it fads to ;.--ipL9 were 494 cai-s. 81 of con- .u dvJggistM refund monegr ir it zin to .'rude. M-nnapolis ai xmui-i mnr. -jzz. ifl' . Some cJe- re.tiTNl not. a single btaahel m Uis. In the pit thtnre nvus practii : - Septealber iuf iale. The demand ferrt-d futures was improved. Re vtv 110 cars. -- were stca.ly with com. Recespta There appears to be no doubt Mist tha unpleasant notoriety caused by his un fortunate connection with tihe Adams poinoning oae is the reason for - Cor aiash's quitting .the athletic woaid. Foarth District Conrentlon E. A. Johnson, a negro claimant to the dh airman ship of it he ltepulJican Execu live Committee of this Congressional District, says th-at 4ie will call a oongres monai convention to mieet in Raieisrh September 11th. This is entinely inde- Lv Parkewood June. (Hallison) . . , Lv I'utnam Lv (ilendon , Lv Liu wood Lv Haw Branch Lv Carbouton Lv Palmers Ar Gulf SOUTHBOUND, Train No. 2. A. M. ll.ir. 11:30 12:07 12:12 12:17 12:25 12:ti3 P. M. 12:45 Train No. 1. P. M. 2:20 2:30 2:38 2:40 BELLEHONT, SHERWOOD, Kentucky Rye. . - Maryland Rye. Either at $4 per gallon. We pay the freight. Fawndale Nelson Co., Eastern Rye. "" " Kentucky Rye or Bourbon. - at $3 per gallon: We pay the freight. A CMF WINF CO Wines and Liquors & Agts for RALEIGH, N. C, : When ordering please mention this paper. -'ryvTf) A Life Preserver is What good sanitary plumbing In oni home is. Good drainage and perfect sank tation will save doctors bills as well as life, and when your plumbing Is Imper feet there Is nothing will breed dangtr ous diseases so surely. Let us attend to your plumbing, and we will put in new, open sanitary plumbing at prices that .will be economy .where health is cx u-eidered. Southern Plumbing and Heating Company.' HARRY A. HART. 224 1-2 Fayetteville St. f : Bell 'Fone4e Altitude 2,550 Feet. The Dryest Climate In North Carolina. : - I i- " t.A HndpfcAnvillp.' - m. . w w vs. wa aaav 7 New Hotel : M "THE WHEELER" 0PEhaelVear Golf Links, Lawn Tennis, Twenty-five Acres Beautiful Grove. One Hundred and Twenty-five Bed Rooms. Electric Lights. Steam Heat. Elevator. Ball Rooms. Mineral Springs. Bath Rooms. Ten-pin j Alleys. All Modern Con veniences. For further Information and Rates Address BARDIN & WHEELER, Hendersonville, N. C. NO CONSUMPTIVES TAEN. ' LvGulf Lv Palmers Lv Carbouton Lv Haw Branch .' Lv Lin wood Lv tlleudou 2:58 Lv I'utnam 3:13 Ar Parkewood June. (Hallison)... 3:20 Connects at Gulf with the C. F. & i V. Railway and at Parkewood Junc tion (Hallison) with the Carthage & Western Railroad. FRANK D. JONES, Superintendent. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS And fever Is a bottie of Grove's Tax less Chill 'Tonic. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worthless imitations. Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. DR. W. E. WEIHE, Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Cornell University PARK ROAD. WEST RALEIGH. Interstate 'Pbona Kow 42 Trinity College Offers undergraduate and graduate courses. Jbarge nunmers or eiecuvea. Eight scientific laboratories equipped with modern and advancea apparatus. Large addition to library. Complete cvmnasinm. Expenses . low r irty scholarships to be awarded; 50,000 spent in improvements the past year, oena for catalogue. PRESIDENT KIL.UU, Durham. N. O. Textile School ! Plflll'SIl v hi flit, Mil n i fi. t Most Cii li Pttreie ii I - ! OpenThpOUglioutr the Year, 9r 1000 Gue i'H cars against 443 can ia-t, . nas trooig but qmer. Some ce- AflF. IN QKfcfclNtSUKU ir.iAT U""L" i! o.-rrn-rr a rr,-rT nnrmr, (Chairman of the district. "Southern Sweetgum '- "iA were quiet fcut firm. Re- rrTUQ CheWinfiT GrtUH ,i hon were T under the ttniate. W UUOWWi6 :-. at th yard signer, wimo strength contributed omc upirt. t.overnment ffonoe 20. G) rem men of otir Forefathers r eM wet.iruai ltV label on : v;t tika no other. Ask - York, Aug. .20.-tHvemmcm ii - -; ik Z&ZiVkSl ::jo southern Sweetgum Co SALEM Academy and1 OoJlego for Giris and Young Women. Best home care, to gether with full College instruction. Specialists ra Music, Art, Elocution, Languages, Commercial an. Industrial Studies. Institution : fouhded in l02i The Register showa 342 lr.t year. NeW term begins Wednesday, Sept. 5, 1000. Send for catalogue to - Rev. J. U. CLBWF.LL. Princinal. i aleri. North Coru'JA.! The Jdeal Place for Rest, Pleasure and Recreation. The finest fishing resort on the Atlantic Coast The ! most desirable school hacetjy'been opened in waters for surf and sound bathing, fishing oi1 uactS and other pleasures to be found in the State, the largest atici best appointed sea side hotel in the Southern States. The management is all that can be desired. , For rates, pamphlets and other informal tion, address College. SPECIAL OFFER. Send at once for free Catalogues. :j Address Department A. 4 - ... - 1 '.' : V . Of the A rag on, Atlanta, 6a. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Morehead City, N,C. SCO Vllie DrOS. Managers, l-.:,d Sutes o'a, re; i ltrj

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