ilffi MORNING "POST: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1900 IS fifWERTO RAILROADS r-vs for the Corpora ) Commission t:aT10N CASE NO. 2 umtit to Assess nd Vain . : r- operty -I..aT Stroma on the laeti al She Ji;ni Scs i . i.iH.a"iire-(on(fnllon ::. iirc;.l Vropcriy 1 Not . ,t -j .-:r Hun ft Value. s .': the corporation 1 1 -1 the answer .:. . the railroads in . !- '.',. 2. t.i the original n.-. r I:::-". iN deny the i.:i commission' to n.-:it or' the-ir prop- . . ....:!:!, a'.'.ejsing that . ;.;.r..ry an 1 : i v'oh .! ;.; " i ! bv w hi-h th? :P State is :. ir.xti: tite.Whist ye-nr .! - ;:. by tlv.'' c--rpir:i- r.:-c N. 2 involves i I i. o s'r.r; ling ma- j . v. ii'-ii.-;i.K... 1 by J ; . t -j'.ihtviy rel.i-; . '.'- oi th. s- J : imo. The hear- I ... . .h-.l.- 1 Tin I .- the same ji -.; : ii-ally det-r- - : - :;ii-.r J i'rm - : in-.; in the lirst .a-e i:i whirli thf an--. : "i S iithe;-n Railwny t ( ' inini'imi. The . II. G. .! h-i W. Hinsdale, .v Ward ami J. C. L. . . - A y,- k. : vd that the net cro 1 '.nim:vi'in ;ik1 the ; 1 1 :-r ' ouifors upon ;.'.iiiin the pwer t for taxation: -.'. e..mmissio:i is the - railroad "rnniissiiin. .:u: hiving been ' ,"cr: that it is not ; w au'.i the b -ard , -:.i.-r was ereattl a. t of 1 '.'.': that (he rail;- ad property for r.f er : e 1 on t ! i e ;;a l.ea.lmcur to the ', !i a nitilie.l" Jure -m il amendatory a t. - was made to read as i - .n:n issionors elected ; :e iia.i.-r the authority f t!ie X'rth an'in:i i ..aM-ion." .shall -ojisti-:' . ; ! :i "ers .".a ! astssors . aih, canal and sioaui- : ' i": :icr sftys: , :h it under tho taxinjr ; ('.li 'Iiaa, ti) tovnshi ':-r takers of the evM-:il :, S i t 0 .jj-o cliare l with ; . ia sto.l with the pow taxation t!ie real and ' ty --f the i-itizeas f the - i .-s .i rule the valuation tax iayer of his -er- a-.i-eted and adopted a that from time imme- ! iiath-fl-ities liave inten--aedly. sytematieally a'- ! 'i aral for tnxatio-i i S.ato the said r al and . y .f the tax payers, aiul .a. it ill.- v-il-iarion jut upon ;t i 1 :oj-s.tjaI Jtfopelty S;.--re. froai time iuinie : !:. a 'v with a well known : -x "e'if I the sum of .0 !i" re.'l alue of the prn i t "M - that -aid property 1 :": :!io purpose of re- i"ti aate harden of the S..tti- -o , crnni'Mit wiih'h eaa:y w-.u',! have to o-iicr p-irpos,. That it i:it aay rule of reduction i ay time iteon known to Ji!- Legislative and exe-u-"f th" L'tvornniout or to :'ia '.rp'.ratitii 4 'onunis- o.r.H'.v. the iler'endants - i i rustoin of underval - i exists in -iliis State, itKi-o-. itpon infoiuiia " . : aa : pr-p'i-ry .ther than y is .:-.-.s '. .y local - v s list t.ikers in " a ; or.iv imately its ' i ' : . y ;t s t ,t lV ro j n j.PS ! a -i'pt as herein ad- - "-s the : inth para " '-Jinplaint are un- e. that thO1 defend a.i aay knowhljre of "!:! r aluatiou, -nor - 1 ia sai'! tentii para i' ad jiroperty as ro i .'. a ; :i a :i t for taxation ' ! !-y ' i" i.l. f.-ndant cDin- ;, V:;:'!. Ji'r is it true " 'ao d--:"'i.d:nt roiiiii.i.. ia the !a'i:ir of 'he e, witSioat. due pro a L t i ; i t h ' coin a.,i in : ;-ei of the- laws. " ; ; a men dm-'i'it ' '; iho ITaited -' -hat s;ie:i action ti e c tiuplamant in ; : '- o!K- cia---es of " Svite. On ;!ie ; ' 'li c .mp'aimnt is j;, , r,: ; ('TJ-oilJia ! at 'es ; :H true ' er o'.iss of pro ive hcen assessed at - 'a-ther ans-werine tlie h. s;,y, that, as they -e and so say, : value f the ' ia:'al stock of the : ' " : :y an.l t!ie prop ; for taxation, have t tiieir true value. - !' the -niMnher of a u.r's road in this :h s total mileajro ascertaining the ; as a unit upon ! del.t and its cap ''. ty aad the property ,: v ' been ns-iesod That upon the f coast ruction and i fair allowance for a aalU'e property, its ' property returned by se-sl at their tnie ' the basis of what . .-i ty and the prop jt would .mU for In ave not been assess '.i'.ue. That uion any - J just basis .th(j coxa,' plaihant's property and the property returned by it Lave not, been assessed at their true value. The defendants, further answering the said tenth paragraph, ay, that in the Liirht of the investigation which have been made by the defendant commission since thr assessmeit by theni of 185J, as to .methods and bais of viiuarion of rai.road properties in other S.ates, and a pr roved by mrts of last report, tie pwperties returned by the complainant for taxation have been asses.el at a lower proportion of their true value than the proportion thereof, at which it is claimed by. the complainant that all oth er properties in the State have been assessed for tax.vtiOT. The defendants further answering the aid tenth paragraph, say that even iZ property in the State other than rail road property lias been assessed at less than its true value as. and in the propor tion of its true value alleged tv the com plainant, which is'vdcoied by dei aidants, titero lias roeeu Jho licnmm:mon, by the Corpora tiani iCoiTimission against the com plan: ant. because it is a fact that raiaoad property has been;el at a less projMrtion of its true valua than t!ie projortLon of true vaiuo at which tho complainant alleges an 3 cot. tends all tho other property in the State has been assessed for taxation. That it is true, as alleged in the eleventh paragraph of the bill of com plaint that the constitution of North Car olina requires that -ill 'taxation shall be by a iiniiforai rule, but the defendants deny that the appraiseaiient and valua tion of tho complainant's property was at its Xu!i valne. or at what the said commis iir-n claimed to le its full value, or that the property of the eili'.en of the State was appraised at less than its full V'.due. The defendants, further the s;iid sixteenth paragraph say, that tho evmplaiiiant has full, adequate ;nd cimp'et ' remedy at law tinder section 7 oT 'iKe act of the (general Assembly of Ni-rth Carolina, entitled "An act to provide Xor the assessment of property and the colled ion of taxe," ratiritl March S. 1N!0, whirl pnvides that in evety ease whore the taxpayer -claims that the valuation of his property is ex cessive or wrongful, he -may pay the tax levied thereon to the tax collector or other proper officer and in thirty day3 thereafter demand the return of the same, and if refused may within ninety days thereafter institute an action at law fr the recovery of the same. That the complainant is amply solvent, and via.. t, ovaj itself of this plain remedy. Cotton :Xew York, Sept. 29. The cotton mar ket opened steady, "with nrices 7 to 13 points higher and scored additional ; gains immediately following the call on neaitny rvrymg for all branches of tue trade. Sentiment was bullish on . re ports from the ror) centre that indica tions daily .pointed more clearly to a short yield, to top crop of importance and to an exceptionally early completion of picking and marketing The English market adviceS were decidedly better than expected. Europe bmight in our market as well as in Liverpool. The weekly statement of the Chronicle was readily summed up as strikingly .bul lish, and private cables declared to re port of that paper had done much to ad vance .prices there. As for the crop j movement, receipts at the ports and I many of the interior" towns fell belov J predictions, doubtless due largely to scarcity of ears, as exporters fire known to have purchased enormous lines of staple for shipment during the next three months. The inability of railroads to .meet the demands of shippers bids fair to .become and impartont factor in the near future. Wall street appeared quite conspicuously as a buyer of the winter months. The South purchased the remote deliveries. Liverpool. Sept. 29.. m. Cotton Spot, limited demand; prices higher: American middling fair, C 13-l(d; good middling, (50-10,1; middlinsr. GVjd: low middling. !Vjd: pood ordinary, f 15-.5'2d: ordinary, f 7-:?2d. The sales of the day were 2.000 bale, of which 0 were for speculation and export and included L 200 American. Receipts, 4.o00 bales, all American. Futures opened steady and closed steady: American middling, low middling clause: September seller, o Ci'2-CAffT: buyers, (ft,; October-November, sellers. 5 39-0-1 (." 40-(14, buyers a; vember-IVcomber sellers, 5 33-04 a: buyers, ri; IVeemher-Jahuary, sellers, a, buyers, o 27-04(la. 2V-04; Jannarv-' eb ruary. sellers. a; buyers. 5 24-0(?T. 2o-Ot a: T-bruaT -March, selleis. " 22-045 23-4: buyers a; March April, sellers, a buyers, 5 20 04 a: April- Mar, sellers a. buyers. 5 18-04.") 19-04: May-June, sellers a, buyers, 5 37-04 a: July August, sellers, f 34-4J4 a. buyers a; June-July sellers, 5 15-G4S lG-04d vahfe. 6.9o7.00; November. 090 a closing. 7C0 (j.Oo; December, 7.07.10: 7.0.V.7 10; January Ky. ir. 7.fo7.i.,; Februa ZyA I'-Uz7'' -l.(r .i,vf- March, 7.2C i.ou; April, 7.2..r' f.2o ; 7- ,, ..(; May, t.:)V,Cal.4(); 7.307 ..; .Inn.', 7:fi.-4r" 7.3.Vri7.4."): Julv, 7.4u(7..0; 7-40Ca,.o(); August, 4.W FOR SALE Scholarships In leading business an rersities of the South, at special rates, lnquira Box 54. Raleigh. N. O. ine market closed steady. nags. B ank Statemet New York. Sent OO .TKp weeklv bank statement of averages of the asso-iT)1. ! A Powder Will Explosion Sales 975 Removes everything " in sight: so do are the 11 A 1 Ml.. .. . i urasiic mineral pins, out ootn. mighty dangerous." Don't dynamite delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes T)ills, when King's New IJfe Tills, which are L"luu Ul, liS snows: gentle as a summer breeze, do the Work Loans decrease. $r,66S,400; deposits : perfectly. Cures Headache. Camstipa deere.tse, .V , iA 70i ) : circulation m- tion. Only 25'. cents at all Druggists, crease, $2t3.:ioo: legal tenders, decrease s SiS $2,158.50): specie decrease, ?4 .'.00; ' ' ' " 1 reserve decrease. S0;oojuu). reserv- ie-! . quired dercao. S3.iy3.175: surplus de crease, So,0(:;.725. -ioney 7Iarket New York. Sept. 29.--oMney on call nominal no loans; closed off-rod at 2 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual business in bankers dulls at 4H.V '?48'1,i for demamf, and at 42,-' for 0 nays; posted rates. AKWiW- and 45n-? V-': commercial hills, 4S21 ;-a4.s2:V4 - bar sil ver, o.'i:tH: silver cerv ifica h-s, '''r'V-2', Mexican dollars 49; tate bonds, weak; railroad bonds irregular. iorcrimieiit Itoml NeW York, Sent. 29. Government bonds steady. Refunding L!'s when issued, rei . .104 dtef'in ling J's. when iatd. cou ..l!'i T'nited.Stat.s .,'. re- l,,'-i:t T'nited States 3s, cau W' T'nited St; tes 4's, log .R'-'.s I'nited States 4's. con Cnitenl Status old 4's, reg .114 ;i United State ; ohl 4's, can 31-V. T'nited States 5's reg 11H.T-V United States .Ts, o.-u .lloVi Ceccmber TIieat STOCKS RISE AGAIN Appearance of Bank State ment Has Good Effect OPENING PRICES LOW Vigorous Attack on Recently Weak Features Was Followed hf Lostes in Leading Specialties Granseri Fell Steadily a' Good Part of the Day. when the Advance Set In the Market Lifted About Previous MIits Level New York, Sept. 29. The course of prices was downward when the stock market opened, but the selling was not large or urgent and changes were small. Some of the recently weak features of the market were attacked with confi dence), and a loss of about a point fol lowed in Sugar, ISrooklyn Transit and People's Gas. Declines of equal im portance were made in other stocks, but the coalers (except for Jersey Cen tral) and steel stocks were well sup ported. Missouri Pacific, Northern Pa cine, Baltimore Sc Ohio and Union Ia cific liecame steadier after a slight fall, Lut the grangers and Ivansas & Texas preferred fell steadily, the latter los ing Vs. The-professional character of the sell ing was disclosed by the disposition to cover before the bank statement came out. The market fell into dullness at a bunt last night's level, but well-distributed buying appeared with the bank statement, lis the inroad upon the bank surplus was less than expected. The market lilted well above last night's level. The recovery from the lowest in many leading stocks reached a point or better. The closing was quite active and firm. And net gains reached a point in some of the important stocks. New York Stock Quotations Open. Close. ... Month, Ovea- High- Low Clotinx inc. est. est. September.. October. .. 10 1010 2310 10 10 18 November . 9 87' 9 90 9 84 9 89 December.. 9 72i 9 75 9 71 9 72 Janutry.... 9 72j 9 Ff 9 71 9 72 February.. 9 73j 9 73 9 73 9 71 March 9 7l 9 74 9 71 9 72 A.pril .. 9 75. 9 75 9 71 May 0 70: 9 75 9 69 9 72 June 9 63; 9 73 9 68 .... 9 73 July August ... ! i i 1 Keeeipt, 4,111 timothy, $1G . American Cotton Oil .... American Sugar American Steel and Wire. American Ice American Tin Plate Atchison Do. prof. American Tobacco Baltimore & Ohio Do. pref. Brooklyn liapirl Transit. . Canada Southern Central of New Jersey... Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago Sc Northwestern.. Chic. 3ur. fc Quincy.... C:, M. ec St. Paul. Chicago, Ii. I. fc Pacific. C. C. C. & St. Louis Consolidated Gas Continental Tobacco i Do. pref Colorado Fuel and Iron... Delaware & Hudson Del., Lack. Air West Denver fc 3L G. pref Federal Steel Do. pref. . Tllinoi Central International Paper.. Lake Eric & Western . . . Louisville & Nashville . . . Manhattan Metropolitan Traction . . . Mo., Kan. & Texas pref. . .Missouri Pacific National Steel ... National Lead New - York Central N. Y., Ont. & West Northern l'aclfic Do. pref. People's Gas Pacific Mail S. S. Co.... Pennsylvania Kailroad ... ltepublic Steel Jjo pref Beading Do. first pref Southern llailway Do. pref. .. Southern l'aclfic Tennessee Coal and iron.. Union Pacific Tin nff. ........... U. S. Rubber -a Do. pref. , U. S. Leather d-ft Wabash pref 3Yegtera Uflioa 3ir)i i0Yj 'AO 2; 2i?i ts;4 N 07 27 i2i 112V2 104 165 246 111 3194 70 80 147 27U 47?J 17i 12GVa 20 45X4 G7H S4i Market closed steady. Ualtlmore CSralu and ProiUlit Baltimore. Slept. 29. Flour Quiet, un changed. Receipts, 14,lb2 barrels; ex ports, 34,051 barrels. Wheat Steady. Spot 7575; Oct., 7orti7oi4: Dec, 78??7S; steamer No. 2 red. 73(f:7:iVi. Receipts, 48,040 bushels; exports, 20.000 bushels. Southern by sample, 0N(cr70; do. on grade, 74ff"70. Corn Unsettled. Mixed spot, 47; Oct., 44-7.1r45; Nov., new and olr, 43 asked; Nov. or Dec, new or old 40V440M.; Jan., 394; steamer mixed, 46. Receipts, 106,!01 bushels; exports, 00,056 bushels. Southern white and yellow corn 4Cd;4S. Oats Quiet. No. 2 white, 27Ura2S; No. 2 mixed, 25i4(25-'4. Receipts, 03,681 bushels: exports, 244,085 bushels. Rye steady. No. 2 nearby, o0rnl; No. 2 Western, 52 Va bushels. 1 1 ay Firm. No. 1 10.rO. Grain Freights Easier. Steam to Liv erpool, per bushel. 4Vld, Octk Cork For orders, per quarter, 4s Td. Butter, Kggs, Cheese and &ugar Firm and unchanged. v Chicago tiraln and Provision Chicago Sept. 28 AYheat opened to day dull, and cay under the influence of lower cables, large danubiau ship ments and clear weather in the north west. Ixcal receipts were 273 carsf 7 of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 408 cars, against 4."0 lat week, And S70 a year, ago Corn was quiet and easier on the receipts, 74 ears, 140 over the estimate. Oats eariy were inactive and lower in sympa thy with wheat and corn. Receipts were 236 cars. Provisions were quiet and steady on a fair local demand. New York Grain New York, Sept. 20.--Flour Receipts 13,5 barrels; sales 2,500 jackages; States and western dull and easy, in svmpathv with wflieat; Minnesota pat ent ?4.10fSl4.50. live Flour quiet; fair to good $3.10ro 3.30: choice to fancy $3.35(ri;3.65. Wheat Receipts 173.250 bushels; de pressed by moderate liquidation based on weakness abroad, illeav.y Danuibian shipments and clear weather in the northwest. Rye Steady; .State 56-57c e. 1. f. New York; western 61c f. o. b. afloat. Corn dtcceipts 147,225 bushels; sold off today under bearish cables, big Chi cago receipts and favorable crop news. OatsReceipts 64,400 bushels; tales ; dull and easy. New York Minneapolis Duluth . . St. Louis . New York St. Louis . Open. . . . . . 8"ri 7Sis 801) tf's December Corn Open 41:i 33 Close. 41 a 33b Raleigh Cotton Market Raleigh, N Cotton. . . Receipts, 244 bales. C, Sept. 2D. 9;i to 0 15-10 Raleigh Stocks and Ronds Bid. Asked. North Carolina Gs North Carolina 4s Ga. Southern & Fla. us... Carolina Central 4s W. JN C R. R. 1st Southern Railway first 5s. Seaboard & Roanoke 6s.. Seaboard & Roanoke 5s.. Atlanta & Charlotte 7s... Ga., Car. & Nort'n 1st 5s Raleigh Water Co. 6s.... Alb'm & Ches. Ca'l 7s... Raleigh Cotton Mills 6s.. Southern Ry. pref " " common . . Stan'd Gas & Elec. Co 5s. Wake Couuty 5Ms Ga. & Ala. consols STOCKS. N. O, R. R. Stock Seaboard & Roanoke Raleigh & Gaston Raleign fc Augusta Durham & Northern Mec. Dime Savings Bank. Caraleigh Cotton Mills Preferred Common Raleigh Cotton Mills Citizens National Bank... Raleigh Savings Bank.... Commercial and Farmers. National Bank of RaleVgh. Odell Manufacturing Co.. Va. -Carolina Chem. Co.; Preferred Common S. A. L. pref.; it .4 tt common k Greater S. A. L. cert A. C. L. pref.. " ' " common 133 100-74 110 91 118 100 107 117 102 loi 137 i32 93 320 313 330 iosya) ... 103 105 ' 301 j 303 J 13 102 150 1G0 ... 50 50 110 102 115 130 130 lo0 116 112 117 307 20S 5G 57V3 LI 36 12 . 15 324 126 103 105 76 80 flHARLOTTE I OnflERCIAL uollege in i?Tfti CHARLOTTE, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1391. Elegant Apartments in Piedmont Building. Wheat October December... Corn October December .. Oats October December .. Pork October December.,.. Lard October 1. December Ribs October, December Open High 76-. 717- 894 21 22i 13 00 7 12 7 07 7 80'- . - Clos'fr Low 70 77- SSft 8GJ 2H 22 12 20 11 35 7 07 6 77 7 77 7 17 120 15 r. 11 ml 54 72. Coffbe New YrA. ept. 29. Coffee Futures opened quiet, with prices 5 points high er on firmer foreign market news than looked for and a bullish turn of statis tics. Following the opening the feeling w-as steady with the initial prices main tained. Speculation was slack, and en tirely for the account of the local and foreign professional interests. The mar ket closed steady, with prices net 5 to 30 points higher. Total sales were 0,570 bags. Spot coffee was dull but stead with No. 7 Rio invoice lots quoted 8. Santos steady, good average Santos, -G $800. receipts, 52,000 bags; stock 1,031. 000. Hamburg pened unchanged; at 2.30 ntA?dlnged to PfS- higher, sales 18.000. Havre opened steady and V franc higher; at 12 o'clock unchanged; sales 9,000; Rio steadv, No. 1 Rio, Si'OO; unchanged 10 l-10d; receipts, 0,000 bags; cleared for the United States 3, 000, stock, 248,000. .October pDenjji fcQOOSS,; clgias Most Extensive and Thorough Courses in the South, POSITIONS SECURED. Ilundreds of Our Students are Hold ; iug Responsible Positions. Notes Accepted- for Tuition A Home for Young Ladies Under tne Supervision ol the l-esident and His Wife. Young Men Furnished Suitable Boardlns Places at S10 Per Month STUDENTS CAN E NT Lit AT ANX TIME. School, under Christian Influeneo. Catalogue free. D. M. MclVER, Pres. ATLANTIC & N Supersedes Time L RAILROAD. Table 12, of April 1900. Going East. Daily. No. 3. P. M. 5:30 Le.. 5:50 5:59 6:10 6:22 6:36 0:45 Ar. . 6:45 Lv. . 0.57 7:09 ..... 7:15 B 7:30 Ar.. s 7:40 Lv.. f 8:05 f 8:03 Passenger. Going West. STATIONS. Goldsboro . . . . Best's . .. . LaGrange . Falling Creek . . Kinston . . . . Caswell . . . Dover ... . . Dover . . . . Core Creek . . Tuscorora . . . . Clark's . . . New Bern . New Bern . . Riverdale . . . . Croatan .. Havelock . . ailr. No. 4. A. M. Ar. 11:03 ... sl0:43 . . . sl0:32 .... s!0:22 ... sl0:12 f 9:50 s 9:42 .Ar. s 9:42 s 9:30 . . . . s 9:30 f 9:12 s 9:0U t 8:37 x 8:13 f 8:09 s 8:00 s 7:46 f 7:39 f 7:35 s 7:27 IjV. .Lv. . . Ar. .Lv. .Ar. 1.1 Cd R c :o ...... g 8:33 rsewport .. f 8:39 ....... Wildwood .. t 8:44 Atlantic . . a 8:52 Ar..Morehead City g 8:57 Lv..Morehead City Atlantic Hotel. 0.-05 Ar..M. City Depot.. Lv. P. M. A I Stop on signal, s Regular xelegraph station. S. L. DILL, Superintendent. 7:05 M. stop. The LAUNCH "VIOLET"' connects jrlth all A. & N. C. trains for BaauforcJ FOR 40YEARS Dr. WortMngton's Remedy For Colic, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, and all pains of the stomach and bowels has been sold. JNocure no pay. Used in three armies, endorsed by eral and more than 100 physicians. For sale by W. H. King Drug Co., Wholesale Agents, RALEIGH, N. C. Send orders to Carolina Chemical Company, Agents, Wilson, N. C Tbe Prif (Life.) Nodd-It took tne an hour yesterday to convince my wife that I was right. Todd You sucdeeded then? O, yesi but she hasn't spoken .to mo since. Wheeler &WiIson Sewing Machine1. 1 kk 1 1 B' 1 - Rotary notion and Ball Bearings? V ft O If o . BALL (jiMPt5T r, Up f BAltA C A Wheeler & Wilson Hfg. Co., ATLANTA, GA. For sale by j W. BARBER & SON; raleigh, n. a Soutliern RailwayCompatiy CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUL 23, l9C6i GREENSBORO, RALEIGH. GOLDSBORO. This schedule is published as inform ation and is subject to change trlthont cotice to the public. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. NO. 131:00 a. m. daily Carries Pullman sleeper Raleigh. N, C., to Greensboro, ' connecting at Greensboro with train 33, New York and Florida Express, for Salisbury. Ckarlottp. Golnmhia. Aikeri. Aiiffiisfa. fSMvrttinab .1 irWsnnrillf nnil all points in Florida. With main line train No. 37. "Washington and South western Limited,'.' for Salisbury, Chwlotte, Spartanbuig, Greenville, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Memphis and all points SoUth and South west. Also with main line train No. 11 for Hi?h lniht. Ahphnro. SliRhnrv. vuiu ora ana all local points between Uiiarlotte. and Atlahta Connecting at Salisbury with train for all points in Western North Carolina, including Ashb vule, and for Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville Cincinnati, Chi cago and all points West and Northwest. Connection is also made at Grens boro with train for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, lieldsville DanVille and local stations. , ' NO. 158:45 a. m. dairy Connects at Durhafn.fdr Oiford. fitenberfebn, KeysvilU and Richmond. At University Station, except Sunday for Chapel Hill. At Greensboro for Winston-Salem, Mocksville, Reidsvillej Danville Richmond. Lynchburg. Charlottesville, Washington Baltimore Philadelphia. New York a'id all points North. rs-c,s1 10:30 a. m. daily For Gotdborjj and intermedifttijjoints. Connecting at selma for Wilson, Rocky Mount and Fayetteville. At Goldsboto for Norfolk, where close connection is made With the Chesapeake line for Baltimore. Alsa .,at Ooldsboro for Wilmington, and daily for New Bern and Morehead City. &Y i o -T p" m ' daily For Selma, Goldsboro and intermediate points. v.t o:o0 p. m.. daily Connects at Durham, except Sundays, for Oxford. Clarksville, Keysville and intermediate points. At University Station except ?ndays, for Chapel Hill. At Greensboro With main line train No. T for Hgh Point, Charlotte and local points. With trairt No. 35, "U. S. Fast Mail, for Salisbury, Charlotte,. Spartanburg, . Greenville, Atlahttt and all points South, including Columbia. Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville and nil points in Florida. Through Pullman buffet sleepers New Ytu;k to New Orleans via Atlanta. Montgomery, Jacksonville and Mobile. Through sleeper from New York to Jacksonville via Savannah. Pullman sleeper Charlotte to Birmingham and Charlotte td Augusta. Main line trains No. 7 and 35 con nect at Salisbury for Hickory, Ashevllle, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville. Cincinnati and Chicago. Solid train carrying Puiltaan buffet sleeper Salisbury to Memphis. Aiso connects at Greensboro with main line train No. 12 for Danville, Richmond and local stations. With train No. 38, "Washington and Southwestern Umitcd. and train No. 34. "New Ydfk and Florida Ex press," for Danville, Lynchburg, Charlottesville. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and points North. These trains carry Brst-clas coach to Washington and Pullman sleepers through to New York: also to Jiichmond, on train 34. Connection is also made at Greensboro tor Winston Salem. Lv. CONDENSED SCHEDULE No. 7 Daily. . 9.00 am . 0:20am f 9:3uam 10. -05am fl0:35atn fl0:4ram 10:50am fll :06a in f 11 :33am fll :52am fl2:00n'n 32:21pm 32:45pm 3 :25pm 1 :37pm f 1 :45pm 3 :38pm Eui-e . Tunis Ahoskey lv el ford Palmyra Hobgood Tarboto . South Rocky Mount . South Rocky Mount 4 . 2:20pm 2:33pm 2:41pm 2 :5upm ft BETWEEN NORFOLK AND GREENSBORO. Eastern Time. No. 8 Dajly. 5:55pni 50pm f5:l0pm 4:50pttl f 4 :20pm 14 :07pm 4:O0pto f3r41pm f 3 :10pm f3:00pm ri :53pm 2:31pm 2:03pm 1:44pm f 1:37pm fl:29pm 1:16pm 1:09pm . t l i , . 1 i . . . . . . Norfolk, Va. . t . . . i . . i. .. . Ar. Pinners Point 1 . i ... i ....... . . Bruce ............ . . Suffolk ,s.,i.ii. Vj a res, in. kj. k ........ . . . . . . . . lilKitM ..t.... .... Illlia Sharpsburg ..u.uiii niuiu. , Elm City ... .... mil . wiison ...lit intttiniiM! Cotntentnea ............ . . Lucama .......... v. , . . Kenly ...i. ..... .... .... i .lerome ........... Selma .... . h t ... : ... .-rt k . . . . ) 2:05pm f 2 :19pm 2:31pm 2:44pm 2:55pm f 3 :05pm f3:18pra f 3 :30pm f3:3Spm 3:50pm f3:57im 4:08pm f4 :15pm f 4 :24 pm f 4 :30pm 4 :37pm 4:43 pm 4 :59pm 5:10pm 5:27pm 5:38pm 5:45pm 5:50pm 5:59pm 0 :03pm f6:17pm C :35pm No. 15. 7:10am 7:21am 7:33am 7:44am 7:49am 7:59rtm 8:13am 8:23am 8:29am 8 :43am 8:51am 9:03am 9:11am 9:21am 9:28am 9:44am 9:50am 10:25am 10:33am 10:4am 30:58am 33:04am 33:08am 33:20am 11:24am 11:38am 11:55am No. 11. 1:00am 1:15am 1:35am 1:50am 2:05am 2:15am 2:25am 2:35am 3:00am 3:15am 3:30am 3:45am 4:00am 4:12am 4:18am 4:30am 4:35 am 4:45am 5:15am ... . . .... Goldsboro Ar. . . . . Rose ...! ... Princeton .. .. . Pine Level . . ... . Selma .... :. Wilson's Miil. Clayton .... Auburn . . Garner . . . Raleigh .... Method ... Cary . . Morrisville .. . . . . Nelson .... . .. Brassfield . .East Durham . . ... Durham . . . .. University .. . .. Uinsboro Efland . . . Mebana . . . Haw River . ...v Graham ... . . . Burlington . ..Elon College . . Gibsonville ..McLeansville . Greensboro Lv. No. 12. ... ... -.. .... . 4 . a.. ... e!6bam 5:47am 5:30ara 5:12am 4:58am 4:48am 4:30am 4:30am 3:30am 3:10am 2:55am 2:30am 1:45am 1 :34am 1:25am 1.-03SHI 12:55am 12:30am 12:01am No. 8. 12:10nn 11:56am 11:43am 11:31am 11:24am 11:15am 11:01am 10:49am 10:43am 10:30am 10:23am 10:15am 10)5am 0:57am S :51am :44am :40am :23am 0:12am 0:04am 8:54flm 8:43am 6.39am 64am 8.26am 8:22am 8:10am 7:55am No. 16. 5:10pm 1:57pm 4:44pm 4:32pm 4:26pm 4:14pm 3:58pm 3:45pm 3:38pm 3:23pm 8:13pm 3K)2pm 2:53pm 2:44 pm 2:38pm 2:31pm 2:27pm 2:11pm 2:00pm 1 :52pm 1:42pm 1:30pm 1:24pm 1:02pm 12:55pm 12:51pm 12:40pm 12:25n'n Train 41 leaves Goldsboro 4:30 p. m. arrives Raleigh 3:48 p. m. Train 42 leaves Raleigh 7:30 a. m., arives Goldsboro ll:5o a, 1 m. First sections of all scheduled freight trains carry passengers btwea ttatlona at which they are scheduled to itojn r ,VEKXOXation Plea8! Ca" n 0t tddcL STURdlrl Ticket Afent, r R' T. RAT, Chkrlotte. N. C. Union Depot and NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. . , Third V.-r. ana uenerai aianager rrr t cl 1 1 3 i. - .1 If Ii: it 1 vd V t K i - - '