S aHE MORNING POST: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 8 GRAND JURY REPORT County Institutions All in a Good Condition WAKE ROADS CRITICIZED Borne Read Near Ralelsb Entirely ISeglected Roads Generally In Good Condition Court Adjourned for the Term Jury for Second Week. Not lVantad-Cases Disposed ol Yesterday Convicts SenttoCouuty Chain Gaujj Situation Wanted. By a man of fifteen years' experience in the hardware ami store business, as manager or clerk. Address II., tare of Kaleigh Christian Advocate, Kaleigh, X. C. Rids Wanted. Bids will be received for repairs and additions to St. Luke's Home until Mon day, October 3, 12 m. Plans and specification can be seen at the home of Mrs. F. A. Olds. Mrs. U. S. LAMBETH, .Sec. Board of Managers. Wanted. A registered pharmacist a man who knows the Kaleish trade preferred J. W. M'CJEE, Jr.. & CO. Wanted An experienced baker. Address CON COBD BAKEIIY. Concord. N. C. WA NTEI). To buy a second-hand typewriter in fair condition of good make. .I. E. Pill -IPS, Cameron, N. C. Salesmen earn ..MH a year. Liberal salary to 1 ioiriii with. First-class refer ences required. Bex Minneap dis, Mimi. i 0 b Just received a fresh stock of ; California, Bartlett and Sickle Pears, Bananas, Oranges and Lemons, CALIFORNIA AND MICHIGAN TEACHES- Wake county criminal court adjourn ed yesterday fur the term, bavins bet n in sesbn only one week, and it is espe cially announced that it wLJl not b ne -tjary for citizens summoned as jurors for the second week of the court to have begun Monday. October 1. to attend. The most important feature of th" court yesterday was the report of the grand jury, which was as follows: T His Honor, Judge Robinson, pre siding: "We big leave to report that we have carefully heard and deliberated tu all the evidence given to us and have found triif liills iii TSS i-:ises :nwl b:ivt returned them to tlie court. We have visited ti.ej -J;i W .r l .-.Hint,- iii.l t..Hli.l i. Ill ' Jtllt M tint 'uu ij t-v g..d order, and in good sanitary ond'r- TOKAY AND DELAWARE GRAPES tion. antl all of the prisoners report thai they have no complaint to make as to treatment, etc. "We sent a committee to visit the Home of the Aged and Intirin and ;h--Work House quarters and found that all matters pertaining to them in first class order, the inmates reporting that they were fed with pood, wholesome food and that they did not have any. cause to complain of anything. "We visited the office of the Register of Deeds and made investigation in re gard to property, solvent credits, etc., listed for taxation. "We visited the different rooms of the court house and found them in very fair condition. "From reports of Road Supervisor the roads seem t be in fairly good condi tion, but a great deal of complaint has been made of some of the roads in the Road District surrounding Raleigh. N. '.. while some of tin in are receiving permanent improvements, others are en tirely neglected and have not been work ed in two or three years. "We alo visited the office of the clerk of the court and found all of his mat ters i.i good shape in regard to bonds of guardians, etc. " Respect mllv submitted, F. A. WHlTATvER. Foreman." Before the court adjourned yesterday Judge Robinson changed the sentence imposed on W. B. Emory for assault on a boy, from ."! days on the county r : id to an order that he pay, the costs ;n the case which he ascertained were on. to heavy. On accofrnt of this suspen.-d- of -the judgment the appeal to the Su premo court by the defendant. noie.;.f which was given Friday evening when the sentence was imposed, Avas wiih d rawn. Shade Wilder, the negro youth who hy reason of reckless driving ran over and i.ainfuUv injured Mrs. C. II. Weathers a few NOW READY State Agents for Maillard's, Wiley's and G-unther's High Grade Candies. days was convicted "and t J,i- Remember Our Famous Ice Cream Any flavor and any quantity, delivered anywhere in the city. a A. VURNAKES, Bell 'Phone 30. Interstate 'Phone 227. t.Tii'e.l t. t months r.n rh' rnimtv .o.ios. I CouneI for the defense gave notice of an appeal to the Supreme court. Eilie Baugh. colored, for the lanvny of a clock, was s -nt to the county roads for two years. Judge Robinson h ft for h"s nr. v. s- torday. lie is a popular a?id i y .-t'o'.e jud go". Mr. Jnmes !i. Pui. who m-ied ; as solicitor, ov.ivg t!;- illn.v; oi In brother II. a. E.iward 'V formed t;" ties of ;he o w.is !:n:i: o many m-'Uts ltr h'.s A.-nrk. The te-ni oT tiie cotirf just clrsed h Special Rates via. ofSotnern Annual Meeting Mississippi Valley Med ical Association! Asheville, N. C., Oc tober Ith to 11th, 1000. On account of the noove occasion the Southern Railway - will sell round trip tickets to Asheville, N. C, at rate of one tirst class fare for the round trip. Tick ets on sale October (5th to 9th, final limit October 15, 1900. Rate from Ral eigh S.S0. Annual Convention North Carolina Daughters of the Confederacy, Ral eigh, N. C, October 10th to 15th, 1900. On account of the above occasion the Southern Raiway will sell round trip tickets to Raleigh at reduced rates. Tickets on sale October !th and 10th, bnal limit October 10, 1900. . Poii, ir- !fiM .v; Pi Mid h gh eo;ii:!i- i;u- boe:i retua: K:-Me for :he absence of portani er.s. Only one convict sentence.! to a ter:i in the penu and ho -wa.- !:r.t given C years on the enmity vm 1 and The scr-.ionce af'.ei w.irls i h.ra-.t J to ?'. am rnuaie- of years in the penitentiary. The offeneo of wbiih h" was .-onvictt il wr.s t. aTng National Convention of the Christian October . nurcn. Kansas City, Mo.. to iJHli, 1IM0. On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Kansas City., Mo., at the rate was of one first class f;tre plus .$2.00. Tickets ftiliary .,n .,),, October Sth. irh mid Huh fin:il limit October 23, 1900. Rate from lial eigh 5f:jt..j0. uggy. However, the eoun- gmg. rh.' nei"giof of . !iich sre at a lii-iv-f ; ty chain dovore.l roans v.a inrgtiy ;;ure..sea as of the conr:. Annual Ctmventior. Colored Odd Fel lows. Louisville, Ky., October 2d to ,7th, 1900. On account of the above occasion the :o li.e iniprov-ment of - p:: db: i Sourhern Railway . will sell a rt.mlt nn AVER GOES TO NEW YORK Has Purchased a Seat on the Cotton Exchange Leaves This Week Dr. J. M. Ayer, the well known den tist, has given up his practice here, ard leaves this week for New York, where he will engage in the cjtton brokerage business. Dr. Ayer has purchased a seat on the "Cotton Exchange. lie will bj wkh Daniel O'Dell & Co.. S Broadway and ." New street. Dr. Joel D. Whitaker has purchased Dr. Ayev's practice and will occupy his offices over loylau and lVarce. Dr. Ayer commanded a large practice in his chosen profession and he had es tablished a lucrative business. lie has a host of friends here, who regret to see biin leave Raleigh and he carries the r best wishes with him. Dr. Ayer ha splendid business ahiaty and his friends predict for hint a successful areer. round trin tickets to Louisville at rate of one first class fare for the round trin. Tickets On sale September 29th. 30th, October 1st, with final limit October 9, 1900. For further particulars write or call on T. C. Sturgis, T. A., Union Depot and Yarborough House. Street Fair and Carnival. Danville, Va., October 1st to 0th, 1900. . On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Danville, Va., at the rate of one first-class fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale September 29th to Octo ber Gth, final limit October Sth. Central Carolina Fair, Greensboro, N. On account of alwve oeerion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Uroenslioro at rate of one first-crass fare for the round trip, plus ."0 cents for one admission to the fair grounds. Tickets on sale October Sth, 1Mb, lOth and 11th. Death of an Infant Louis, the infant son of Mb. and Mrs. L. C. Bagwell, died at their residence Saturday morning at 2:"o. He was Y. weeks old, being a twin brother to the tittle girl who died a week ago. The funeral will be held at the resi dence this evening at 5 oVloek. corner South and Blount streets, conducted bv Dr. M. M. Marshall, and the remains Mill be taken to the city cemetery for interment. Platonic A regular communication of Hiram Lodge. No. -P. A. V. and A. M.. will be belt! Monday evening. October 1. RXHl, at S o'clock. A full meeting of the mem bership desired. Members of sister fodgos ami visiting brethren'in the city are cordially invited to le present. W. W. PARISH, W. M. E. B. THOMAS, Secretary. ' BUSINESS ITEM Meeting Presbyton- of Fav'etteville X C. Red Springs, N. C., Oct. lst-lSth, On account of above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Fayetteville, X. C, at reduced rates: tickets on sale Sept. .50 to Oct. lsi, with final limit Oct. 9;h, 1900. Third Annual State Fair of the Virji! .tn Srate Fair and Agricultural Associa tion. Norfolk. a., Oct. 2-5, 190O. On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Norfolk at the rate of one first clas limited fare for the round trip plus fifty cents for one admission to the fair, grounds; 1;1te from Raleigh $5.95. Sporting Club Cigars have world-wide epute. WOOD TURNER wanted to work on Balusters and Columns. Address Wood, care The Post. Annual Conference M. E. Church. Clvde, N. ".. Oct. 4th. llHiO. On account of the above occasion th Southern R;: il wny ' will sell round trip tickets to Cl.v.le. X. ('.. :u i,. hteed rates; tickets on sale .-t. .. 4. .n-.l r- tin i) I'm. it Oct. $llo. ith. 11MMI. latl. f ,. ,.u It;,l, WANTED A first-class sewing: ma chine salesman wanted at once. Will pay good salary and exjenses. Cood reference demanded. J. A. Burden & & Co., Wilson, C- The C hickamauga and Chattan og:i National I ark Commission: annual re union of the society f tho Armv of the Cumberland. Confederate Veterans South: annual meeting National Asso ciation sj.an.sh War Veterans, Chat tanooga, lenii., Oct. 9-11, 1900. r,cni: octStiYtfh c(K"uo11' Raich' ?i?heI-ntM,.lt !0ihc abovp occasion the Tickets to iWrtf wi" trip titkets to K .lci-W :u ,.0tiU).0), r f f! k. ets on sale n-t. ft in i , limit Oct. lolh, 19tu ' lt 1 hUal Raleigh's Greater Store Fall and Winter stock larger, grander and better selected than ever. NOW READY The New Far.l and Winter Millinery.. Feathers, 'Plumes, the Braids, Or naments, the Velvets, the Novelt ies. Walking Hats, Misses and Children's Millinery entire new stuck. All All new bow a-eady. NOW READY The Taylor Made Suits, exclusive and .controlled styles. Automobile Co.afs, r he New Opera ('apes, Separate ami Rainy Day Skirts, Misses Suits. Ladies' Jackets. Uolf Capes, Dressing Sacks, F-urs, the pretty Silk Waists, Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Wrappers, Silk Petticoats en tire stock new bought by ladies, sold by ladies. All new now ready. NOW READY All the new shades in Broad Clo ths, Venetians and Covert Cloths, the new Pebble Cheviots, Plaid Backs for rainy day Skirts, Fancy and Plain Dress Goods. All the aiew things in Flannels far Waists. The newest 'weaves in Black Goods. The largest stock of Dress Goods in the City. All new now ready. NOW READY The new Linings, Flannels. Linens, White Goods, Outings 'and Flen nelettes. Standard Prints, Upholstery Guods, Curtains anil the special sale Counters of Doe rustic Dry Goods. All new now ready. NOW READY The New Silks, the aiew Trimminss, Gold Braids in great variety, Silk iB raids. New aces, the New All, Overs, the New Nets, New Embroid eries, entire new line all new now ready. NOW READY The New Ribbons, all the new t hings in Veilings, New Handkerchiefs, sNew Renassiance Pieces, Ladies' Neckwear, New Belts, New Faus, New Leather Goods, New Kid G loves, Windsor Ties, small Wares and Xotions, Ladies', .Misses and Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Nor folk and New Brunswick Underwear the kind you want now. All new now ready. NOW READY (Men's Furnishings, New Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, New Half Hose, New (Neckwear. Men's Leather Goods. Men and Boys' Underwear in Cotton, 'Merino and Wool. Norfolk and New Brunswick Underwear for early Fall, the New Stetson and Dunlap styles hi Soft and Alpine Hats, dkiy's and Men's Caps. All new now ready. NOW READY The New Fall and Winter Styles of The Queen Quality Shoes the fa mous Shoe for women. The new s ty'les Walk-Over Shoes for Men, Woods School and Dress Shoes for Chil dreJi. Special line of Shoes manufac tured especially for this' house. iSomething new wiM arrive every day from now oi. We are going to make things hum this Fall. Entire stoc k bought and sold at old prices. There will be no advance here. Lest you forget jwe tell you aga in you'll find it at CHANGES CLAREMONf COLLEGE For GIRLS and YOUNG WOMEN, A HICKORY, N. C. A noted Health resort. Pure mountain air and water. Magnificent buildings; pleasant home life. Under Christian influences. Ten schools in one. Faculty of 14 University Men and Women. Best advantages in Music, Art and Elocution. Rates most reasonable. Students from nearly every Southern State, also from Canada, Western and Northern States. Write for catalogue. W. M. HATT0N, A. M., Litt. M., President They are Beauties! ' t -.' l-r. OWA ft 1 And I am readv to show you the FINEST LINE of Suittngs and Trouser ings ever offered to the public. My line of Woolens are up-to-date in style and quality. My work and fits are second to no one, and prices are way down. You can find me at 21G Fayette ville St., where I am readv to book your order for a Fall Suit. J. E. BRIDQER5 Merchant Tailor, 216 Fayetteville Street 0 Sillies -1 1 At Riggan's. At Rjggan's. Proposed changes in the firm and in the ar rahgement of our store makes it necessary for us to turn our business into money by January 1st. Prices have been and will be made for quick selling. ST RON AC H 1 Gocds That You Nee J at Prices That You Can Xford to Pay.... READY FOR YOU READY-MADE TA LOR SUITS $9,00 to $16.50.. English Homespun, Cheviots, Venetian Cloths and Scotch Suitings, y;t0Q Blouse, Box Coat Fly and Dip Fronts. Walking and Kainy Day Skirts ..$5.00 to 50 Gray National Blue, Navy and Black Cheviots. Dress Skirts $1.25 u n) Jacquardsj Venetians, Cheviots, English Serges, Homespuns, Habit t'lmh Flave and Flave Flannel and Pleated. Flannel Shirt Waists, Dressing Sacques, Misses and Children's Ibvfers, Jackets and Coats at economical prices. If es in p will lb ThenColored Dress GoodsNow 40 inch Silk and Wool Mixtures, -73c yard, were $1.00. 40 inch All AVool Boule, 75 cents, were $1.25. 40 inch Two Toned Mohairs suitable for petticoats, 05 cents, were S5"ceuts. o7 inch All Wool Mixtures, 48 cents up, were 75 cents. o inch All Wool Tufted Novelties, 50 cents, were 75 cents. Dress Plaids, Stripes, Fancy and Tlain Weaves, oO inch, 25 cents yard. Satin Table Damask, Snow Flake and Flower patterns, two yards wide, U5c and 75c yard. Table Napkins, $1.00, $1.35 nu Spl. 50 dozen 18-30 II usk Towels, 5e each, 00c dozen. OCTOBER 3 and 4 n p p On the above days I will have my Fall Opening of Frenchand Domestic Pattern Hats. The attention of the Ladies is called to these seven named hats:' 1st. ALICE, 2d. BEN HUR,' 3d. TROLLEY, 4th. VIRGINIA, 5th. LOUIS XVI, 6th. UNIVERSITY 7th. JULIA MARLOWE. - We keep everything in School Supplies that a stndent, either large or small, needs or desires. Everj thing is new and stock is complete. PRICES WILL SUIT. 0 u sswore Cannot be equaled. The latest novelties, designs and patterns, all new and up-to-date A FULL LINE OF FRESH CONFECTIONS. sro-in Wholesale and Retail Dealer. These Beautiful Hats have I ecn desianed bv our own 3filUm n r and ive believe you will say that they are prettier than any designed e7setvhere. We do not ask vou to bun a hat these dars but we want W j - - a --- .. to see thim. I know if you attend the opening I will please yo mid nive vou somethina to think about. Tlany Pretty Styles of "Ready to-wear" Mats will Be Shown All things considered, I think I can come nearer plcasM you in Hats than ever lefore. SUCCESSOR TO WOOLLCOTT & SON. 14 East Martin St. The Piedmont Iron Co. Manufcaturers of Construction Castings for Cotton Mills and Architectural Iron Work of every description Columns. Rill-PIatPS. iTiirtIs. tf "Rrns Tastintrs. Boa- -i-- , -w- TT , 7 vw w -' DSs, uarpet-stnps, uar tioxes. . Wrought Iron Wgrk, Bolts, Anchor-rods, Trust-rods, U r Sash-weights, .Steel Beams and Channels. Li. ' .Write for estimates on anything in metal work. GREENSBORO, N. C. : I