- r - - i RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1900 No 124 ' lEI OS HAVE PEACE Corse:1 Keceives Instructions to Negotiate with China : i We. f therefore, espedally delegate i OUT envoy CXtrnordin.irv Ami T . plenipotentiary, Wit T.ug Fang, to per- wnaux aeirver this telegraphic letter ta your excellency, conveying our sin cere expressions of thanks. " We beg that your excellency, in tho interest of peace and ii;eruational food relation, will exert your friendly influence with the other powers towanl the complete 'ffarnent of all ill-feeling! and the soerdy determination on their ! -MINERS MIX MATTERS OUT EARLY AND LATE More Demanded Than Oper-jThird Day of Bryan's New ators Are Willing to Give rjV: ARTICLES 'APPROVED ; moVVSJTiIiJwe' San FL!!?! DEADLOCK IS ON AGAIN - gratitn.le toward your excellency, whose, .j. hi MiKlnley of the Xlplnlon I'rupus.tlons of China Are till Ke llxpected or He- .kit it . ii i;- a t C ... mt lnitnnilnllr If of Other roitiri 11,! good offices wc are now earnestly be- i-eechinr.' i The Powder Question Injected Id for War that Lrarci JHne otniin and mine-workers a Far Apart as Ever i r- V V f .:. Oct. 10. Secretary Hay the final step in the to res tore ivjice In ;. rvo the stability of the . rn.nrntSiud the territorial ; . .-tupiro. ir.-virro nns forwarded to r nt.iining the otlici.il . ;!!.. -.'ii:ent by the IVesi i 4 n-offer of indemnity . f fntnre good conduct, and American diplomatic ivp ..i I'ekin to iK'iriu negotia nt. . tomorrow. The mes that the ncgu;iations I i-ul at the 'Auug-Li- imrerial city.' and that 'Comniunsrated to Minister Wu transmission. October 1S..10OO. " 'Wa.-diinsrton. 1. C. Oct. IS. " ?hi?irTi?InW.ttI,S En,Perr fi "Jolclns.n th. Coal Re-Ion l It has afforded me much pleasure to receive .mr imperi.d majesty's tel egraphic letter or October 1-1. which ha boon delivered rry your majesty minister in Washington. . " I cordially share your majesty's win that there may be a peaceful set ret Way to a Senso or Sore Divappelnt fuent Ilazleton. Oct. lO.-The settlement of York Campaign VOICE HOLDS OUT WELL Crowded 3Iasa TO eating Hears Him In a Republican Town He Visit a Lode or Elka in Syracuse-Three JLeadinsr IOee of the Campaign Ols enssed Fire Mlnntes at the Center onheSalt JVaklns lndastr the statne of William H. Peward, the speaker said: "There .tarHls the greatest man your city ever produced" ma ti 1 Jr. AletcaJf arose. There that fincer points upward. and inscribed on the base are Seward's famous words: 'There is a higher law. When our friend. Colonel Metcalf, ' is called to his fathers, I suggest you hare a statue erected .and haTe his finder pointing: -downward and inscribed: 'There is a lower law.' The' president. said Mr. Bryan. .spends more time warning yon not to hurt the gooH trusts than he does tellins yon how to meet the bad ones. The vice presidential candidate spends more time ; tntsts- than he does . in denouncinff the t . m. , f Xt 1 TT- 1 nusis uiesvi es-- ju.r. . irianua says mere are no trusts, but they all know there is an ice trust;" - iMr. Bryan's reference to imperialism -tras practically the same as in his New York speech. The special train bearins Mr. Bryan, left at 10:30 for Ithaca. VEllED IN MYSTERY Words that No One Is Able to Fathom PUZZLE TO THE CUBANS Syracuse. Oct. 19. Mr. Bryan began tb'inont cf all the ouvstion between the lug strike of authracite nunc workers , the third day of his Empire Stats cam Lmm and the powers whose interests and national have f-i grievously suffer ed wrong in your majesty's dominion's and that the outcome may be the com plete eflfaceinent of ill-feeling between Ihem. ' 'The -desire of this government that such a settlement may be brought alout speedily has been made known to all the lowers, and- I trust that negotia tions ma 1egin so s as we and the other offended governments shall le efTc:-tively satisfied of ' your' majesty's ability and power to 'treat with just stcmnes- the principal offenders, who are duly culpable, not alone toward rore'gnvrs. but toward your majesty, un der whose rule the mirnose o China to Great DemdnstJation in Rochester Amblgaoas Clanseln the Proelamatlen Calling the Constitutional Cenren tlonoOelesates Desire to Be Free to Frame a Coastltution for the Island Alone Without Reference to Rela- ' tlons with the United States . Kochester, N. Y., Oct. 19. William J. T j i. . -w is undonbtedlv Wor ked hv tho nesti-m patgn his morninff. His SDecial left the ' i1? au .,VOUBU P ay at ocnester .f .ho price will beirted i- fu-innton depotit 8:20 o'clock. Tfe ih ! FiltXt ture to pay fr ov ler. ivmpltiyers have ! J aP-ous and the sun was ,not ; him since left New York, lie arrived had a confei'ence this momin"- with, the iT-itTiuL milt; u-t-iuvK to una rne crowa fo -...u,-,. . t h iff firnn nil iha. donnf fhat (lia P"1' Washington, Oct. 19. General Fit hagh Lee, who arrived several weeks ago from Cuba where he commands one of the military divisions on the islauo. agreed to give their men 10 pe" cent. UUL uut' UJ cipuus, as jc was yesier- mnfH in vv O rrpc t Vian fVAv trnra no?r1 V- iltle J S 1 X t . L . . fore the strike began, but they iasi.st ""ougn ootn Syracuse city ana tne that in figuring tne net advance of 10 conty are. Republican, Mr. Bryan re- per cent the reduction of $1.-5 a keg in ceived a mo.t enthusiastic welcome here. The miners appa trt WTIr frtt til A v, rc a11 sreeted by the wildest cheer- are to get their powder cheaper as. an were powerless, to resti-ain the people. L General Lee does not JiazaTd any as ne came off tne tram he was rushed guess as to what the Cuban constitu- i(LilS,?arria: T,the CTOKd .Td?setL iTl tiottal convention will do when it meets about him, and he was . hustled about . TT iU TT , . pretty roughly desnite the efforts of his in Havana next month. He points, how- suite and the police to protect him. Two ever, to the tact that, one wing of the arently want to go back a JJ v 7 wS ?M dert i pousand , men in -red and white uni- Cuban partyVjs talking of a resolution ' m ,r,f o,n-o j ure from the lates House this morning forms bearing torches marched behind a fu . , , , . . 30 per cent, advance and c l, eheer-;bis carriage "to the Powers Hotel be- demandms the rawal of all Amer- . jng. tween streets crowded on both sides a icaa troops from the island. dozen deep. Main street in front of the " It is understood that the president is x' 'l f, "u I1. " i. i "" ! dwl in concord with the world has r1 ' hitherir found esp r .V ftvf rnnieiit. ..." r .nthri7cd to f-ign any ; . . y whih iuviudes the five : in tne Chinese note. . I - .i.e an follows: . .: Caina expresses regret for : . . . .: . i-, and 'makes ! . ; ;ha: .icy hall nover recur. ;. . h t t'hina :idci!ts her guilt p.ry iu'. nnnity. u i i; r-i;:l t commercial trea- : u ; r.z i rv.iarm or :.. .M 'i.c "T make new trea In the -ven: of these general - ''-".nz .-..'in- Md. China asks 1 ' c-I i -Vamen- be permitted i: f:;n. "!-Mi. and that v the br wiLh.lrnwn when the ins of indemnity have been T! : p-nding negotiation", the r ,n t r .h'ild declare an armis- f i military action. IV. id.nif has found the fore- . 'titions to K satisfactory. rent of c arh of these being ! n. an agrrrment this g"vern- v. Il'.ng to enter ino an imme- rr. S.retirv Hav is al-'o i " lJh the prenositions an! the nd of the Joosr inud- v in jiihr. and that a ireaty ben !gncd Wfore many lrcsi n in the welcome and protect: assured to strangers. " 'WILLIAM McKINLKY. " s n . . a .' is iot be.ie.cd I T' 25 ookinS forwavd to the wo of the CO,, that the mine owners will grant any such lods0 t Elks and delircred a happy being estimated at 20,000. Mr. Bryan vention with keen interest. He feels IIAIltuI'.Tl 1JA(I;S r r f r-r. se demar-1 that Prince I . ;--i.iel pending a n c . rv." ep - . !- orerniret is of the r:h'rr ro-e than has ltcn , - e.re l rnd noth'ng more I t'ie ,-.i,r of a dNagree- ; f.h-r p-Jwrs to the f I!.- rfr-i. Mr. Conger i . ; : -.v-rd , h ieg"t:atior . rnn "t v.-:taoiiL reference . n l to tak the in:t!atory ?"M td br the dmin"tra "' ;: n rf t'je 1'eitcl States "-e it.T i' tOM en Tile ..vors. Ij is known that ? tbf fHH o.Trrol br ' v v.-!th the Uniteil I rtn'o;r li.-is no reaon r.. fj-oti P'.in thr.t ':V'z fe- the Titmishmert T't n "''t o'hrr Chinese hi?1! a -.r rr. Copies of thi--fl'r-l by the d"nirtnent r or.er and Wti Tinr - fiT-iivr,( re'n'otr.r here, nnd " r. accents the impriaJ com- as jentdne. n- bln t oi1 tera the Proposale v .1 hi ir. n. Oet. 19. The message M;T:t.r Concur announcing the r-r,. proposals receivel almost ' r':ni'.o:i of the cabinet mom t :hIr mating tlay. '-:nt r.ns d:p"scl to receive "! .!uiti--n as indicative of a - .i in.- iiiri oi uir Viiuiw. ;'r!fv nnd his ;rdvi'rs take the Chlng and Li Hung Chang - in h1 f;ith in formulating '-.!. ail this government i ' che thf-ni in a similar spirit. " :ft w.i of tbe opinion that - tl cril" l!ed the chief points iua should prevent. Having p..sitifn of Wing in the i: - Th- TV K v r,f;oners and indemnitv '"n nffrr?n:. the Chinese gov . "n thi ores of Mr, MeKin!ey, ! a snod which makes future 'is easy. t:, , s ; o i- KWANK MV LETTER r.mperor lTrltes to the President and llrrrlrrs a Reply -irtip., o.t. 19. The letter of " - r of China to Presiilont .Mc " 1 the president's respouH were 7 :ir by the State Department K rans S i's communication con- ic'i'ttest that the president use ; 'tTi.cs with the powers toward - ;e .-. wii!i China, and the i. ia anrinz the emperor that ' .ready iiccn done, give notice ing Su mut show his ability ,v, r to p inih the leaders of the '' '':ing. ; 4-ej-ndc-nce in the form given r? fate Department follows: '-v of the Chinese cmjeror to b'nt. ursing earlr negotiations Flyer ttant: Scored t-sterday and Some lht CVin Trv Today New York. Oct. 19. Results at Har lem: First rare, s mile C!rey John 3 to 1. Zacatoa S to 1, Lucille Bramble o to 1. Time 1:02. Second race, t"A furlongs Royal Vic tor .i to 2. Rio DrAltnr 12 to 1, Wall 9 were for to 2. Time 1:19 4-r. uTiiiami, auu mcir reiuui may raeuuuc .ir-,. .i rfiu 1 n maae a saorr spfeca ana was anven to ubi it is 10 IK! one oi tne mwi aecjsive indefinite prolongation of the strike. IderoW of Ucs He toU T their i that TitA?& gf"' .hf ",he made another cvf-nts in. thf hiTy f the isld VUe 5i Th!i-i.! --f w aevoia oi ponucs. lie toia tnem tnac speecJi an hour m length. . action of the delegates regarding tne Since the I hilade.phia conference of he diOnot have the epportunity to at- On the run back from Svrarasa over ! relations of Cuba and the United States official and operators President .Mitchell ,tend his lodge at Lincoln as often as: the Lehigh Valley road from Binghamp- is considered of particular importance, has become very reticent, maintaining an " he w-ould like to hough he promised tion' tue train was delayed and great The proclamation' calling the couven absolute silence on the iowder question. : tntm that in. fnUire he should attend SHorts ere madeito get in on time, tion - together, issued by the. president WLBn Ua xm.n ncioA ,i ,i;wvf e.t;rtr, r !' i nature, ne snoum atceno engineer hit up the speed rate to through the medium of General Wood, (When he was asked the direct question ; the lodge oftenerr wherever hemay.be. sixtv miles an hour and in rounding a contained the significant clause that the "whether another convention trill be' The Democratic candidate's voice . double curve -near ' Onatama,- -the 'train -.delegates should be chosen .to'frame and called to ascertain the wishes of the men ll0i?s remnrkably well. . ... I Khali hold out for tl on tne newest complication, ne replied: "I prefr not to answer that. i 3nr1hArl ao '. pit" th.o r1iba nn t TiTi?nf adont a eonstitiht i)n for the ieonle of the campaign, ; tn M in Prrnn'a Mr wcro tihiTc-n to tTia' -fJiiba. and s a Tiart. thereof -.to lOOVldfl t h 1 n ff dm l 1 Iw Ut-t n v . n 1 t n rr . . ....... . r t . i i 1 . . . u x.xi. i.i u iu mviuiuB-, noor. Alter tnat tne engineer stowed ior Tina agree wun me gQvernnicni oi il- t.pcopie naT, now n du"n? thS down, but Rochester was reached at the United States upon tho -relations to behind .schedule exist between that government and tne AVhcn he was asked what the prospects !"P xnax tney wisn 10 near ine isspes 0:06( onljP six,minntes an early ending of the strike, ! oi xne campaign aiscuwea. aii i wanv time, over an hour havin .v f ' IS II I1V 31H IHIIIIIIIIIIIII V 111 lUKfL lilt! , no saia: .o man in -vmenca is more " v: "1, " . ir ; . T 4. - 1 l A j ii.ro race, .imtiiv nase simn muroc ui-miuus ujvii- buaiuus m enu iuia - . 4l,-.w1 k t or Frond 5 to 2. Sallust 3 to 1, Mr. Dnnlap contest than myself, and have done all J' & hllSilt and in my power to bring aliout an honorable . f;1t in .o-- Votnr " ti to 1. Time 3:41. I'onrth race mile .mil Tk -rards settlement." Knight Banneret 4 to r. Golden Sceptre, , This non-committal answer erf the t to 1. Yenetta 7 to 2. Time 1 :.V 2-5. ' leader of the strike helps to strengthen Fifth race, 1 3-10 miles Hylo 9 to 2, the impression that the labor war is not Kdith Q S to 5, Light Ball 8 to 1-Time ; sn near a solution as it was thought to 1 ."OTlv. have been. Sixth race, 1 mile and .0 yards De- J The spirit of jubilation that prevailed ponan S to .. Fhilia 20 to 1, Brown Veil 0 to 1. Time l:l. Three Subjects in Five ITItnntea Solvay. X. Y., Oct. 19. The first stop or Mr. Bryan s train after leaving byra PARALLEL. ON BE FEW g been made up. government of Cuba. 2dr. JicKinley Jia never given an explanation or wnat the clause means. The' Cubans,. uhem-' selves, according to recent reports from the island, are placing various construc tions upon it, but they are united in op posing any action by the convention thnjt Entries for Today' First race. FteriTechse. handicap, about 2 miles Cock Robin li$. Plato 107. Trilfion lfiL Somers 150, Baoy Bill 135. CJoveruor Bndd. 130. Second race, celling, last 7 furlongs. Withers mile Scurry 109. Gladrun 108. Ntoor 105. Kdge hold 105, Lief Prince 105. Tammany Chief 102. Kimberly 02, Ann Thompson f2. Little Daisy S7. B!uckia 87. Queen Carnival 87, Lestel ada 87. Third race, handicap. 2 year old. Tho New ITork Senator Talks on Both Sides of the Imperialism Question New York, Oct. -19-The auti-imperi- rould, incorporate in the constitution a alists. especially . -those that belong to . romai recognmon oi .vanencan reiauon-, the Greater New York Association of sh.lP' r . , .. . ."'J wt Cirths hflv cof hriA rme delegates assert tbat they should .minute speech. Solvay is the salt-works of two conflicting interviews when Sen- be perfectly fw to frame a constitution :tnm: H'horo xr w rATrH irtpntHntf ator Debew Dermitted to be Dublished for Cuba and Cuba alone, without re- the train.1 Mr. Bryan said: -t v as expressing his views and the anti- sard to the interests of America or any 'I dOk?'nortoow--mougkabotit'''Idtur Imperiaiatsr-'ti-are trorkiog.the: "deadly otner countiy. 1 hey. ate paiticulariy condition here to discuss - ther.' things parallel" r with great effect.". When De. opposed to tiie suggestion that Cuba vou .are- thinking labour but I-watit la-PC w.cme -back fiom Europe lat August should have internal autonomy while sav a word about 'threo questions of --:hoV waT -latervlgwed" itna ra&earod'1m1a, Rhonldt eontrrd the tieaty- great moment to everybody -in this coun- ties. It was then he made his break. ,ina;Ing;-xotvCr of the inland. - , , trv. First, the Rennblienn nartv an- He said: ' ? .Although the president has n6t' give ft .leJdo mines of (. 1. Markle At Co., at pears as the defender of private mo- j Anti-imperialists are turtle Amen- any indication of what he means by in this regicn Wednesday has given way to a feeling of disappointment. This -is apparent everywhere. Strikers Attempt to Close, a. Colliery Ilazleton. Pa., Oct. 19. About S00 strikers made a descent o nthe No. 4 Oakdale, early this morning," and made nopoly. Vote with the Republican par- cans; the American eagle has no shell. "providing . and agreeing upon thtf- rcla an effort' to. close the colliery at that.tv if yon believe in having your daily The American people! will not stand for tious" to exist between tho governmen ; bread doled out to you at the caprice withdrawal from--out: rightful position of the United .States -'and Cuba, yet i We do not think it wise in the. . ii.ast, Mciunley win get tne js believed that he would favor the ap place. The march was well nlanried and was of one man. kept a .secret. The marchers came from to have the condition of the people de- largest electoral vote given in a gen- pointment of a delegation by the conven- Garry Herrmann 12 Ladv Sth-vr 1 1 H . Water Cooler 110 this city and from McAdoo and Anden- reid, on the so-ith"side and Bcklcy, High land and Freeland on the north side. 5"hior Silvcrdale Kach local union marched independently lI.-Tolamin lu.S, aximn.s 100. Fourth Iin-e. Morris Park handicapy. 2i mi;cs. Withers Kthelbert 127, Imp 122. .lar-kpot 1' S. Gonfalon K.t. Maid o-f Harlem 95, Bangor W, Imp Doubt ful. Fifth raee, selling, last G' furlong?. Withers m:! MacIxod of Dare ! to a point on the Jeddo road near Oak- tlale. The south eiders reached their destination at 5 a. m. and those from the other side arrived soon afterward. wnere yon go tnenrsx quesuon oi me ing of the new constitution. But in . German, Italian, f renchman, Russian, vjCw of the animosity among the Cubans, U ike. is 'Are you really going to quit? it ig believed that Mr. McKinley has !lont you consider yourselves equal to i;,Hi .ar.o thnt amIaii iriii i,p rtl-pn. - Sea Robber 111. F.xcelsis 107. Belamy ; There was a force of deputy sheriffs on nend nnon nnvate monoixhes. I do emtion. The people of .burope are t(m to confer wiLh the ' American nor- not bcikive in the beneficence of condi- .watching this campaign closely. Every- eminent "and ask its advice on the fram- tions m Ireland a few landlords and all the rest tenants. We want no such state of affairs in this republic. 'Then -there is the matter of a large army.' the enormous increase or expend- tne jon ' ve aon t tninK you are, . ,if jt be not, and if the convention agree tnpM for mi hfnrt nnmoses. w e believe in ity.t&. tne . anci-impenaiists ciaira, -f .,.;,.,. r,. i ru. . - , ,, . - j r l i "J" Luujuniiiuu uusiiujiattuij k:' .'lie A signal of three pistol shots was fired . ? r" "i VI " T. " Vt" JTk w McKinley, the latter is expected to nul- by one side and answerd by the other. i?r XI" ."puuut c 4t,-v "T" Jli5 I nTrtiP the self. same Sen- the worii oi convention by re- 'rt. . iiM ;a-a .cntixen- soldiers. two political parties, the seir-same feea- -lia!nn. rt nt h a' enncHfutinn In force. htm lup iov inviv nuwiuiui auu ,IT l : l-;, ,if o, I Inruiir fmm Annnsito - i met m front of the breaker in Oakdale. i... .. Tui;n nnrw ;f ,i t,i;- ' trflin for h AHifientfon of the readei-s J.. . i j a v . . .i i ,1 l -u s''i,: . tTou iit --, oo HI7. St. Cloud 107. Hawk 107. Isling ton 107. Hutcitpofhtlc 107, Alrarado II 107. Mariam Clair 107. Ieon Fergu- s.n !!.. Hammock 10., Matchim i V v 4 1 Ui,7 "f T wT ithat the United States sh duty, but they were kept in the back- th oxnmpie of England 12 ground. The sheiiCf himseif did not ar-L dealing with this grea rive until the affair was nearly over. As soon as John Markle, managing Ordeal 102. Wax Taper 102.. Captain partner of the firm, heard of. the marea. January 97. Tenderloin 97. Fluke 97. he went ,to Uakdaie from -Us homo Jn Beard entry. Jeddo. about a mile distant, and -.xpo Sixth race. Handicap hurdle Rafiaello : tnlateil with the strikers, urging them to 121. Intrusive 125. Favnln 128. King , disperse. They, hovver, remained fai Harieycom Jli. King liramhle l it. Cload 119. Charentus 117. Trillo 113. Goilfrcy 111. Greenock 110, Waitnot 10$. Annoy 10ti. Oneck Queen' 108. Mu- zctte 104, Handcuff 100. Asquhh OS. United States should follow of the Chicago Times-Herald. May 22, , new. YORK roil bkyati I 125 years ago 189a, the paper published an interview , sreat republic, t with Depew. The statements therein President of Anti-Imperialists Fisnres 'We are treating Porto Rico in the same ' reported, and from all existng evidence, j Ont n Saf e JaJority " way that England tried to treat us. his real sentiment would rurnisn ma- . . .' - . . We sav to the Filipinos, 'We are go-iterial for whole volumes of campaign .New York, Oet. 19. .It is my belief x j . Tiint'c n-iint litnrofiirn fnf iha onti-imripvifilisfs TTiir- that Greater New j. ork . will co f or Bry- J I'll. X UUL O I'H'IV illi.iUl.mi. iwi i.u. ..i.... ...... .... ... , - . , . -', V to his subjects. The ' thermore, i? these are Mr. Depew's ! an and" btevenaon ; by at least lOO.OCK) majority, saia r-resiaent kj. ij.uguc, k Association or at the national ing to be good to you every king says ry-Mlnana -foil- oVionr the nrofif- in ; rpnl sentiments be-mnst thus waive his major -ioitin th- PhiHnnine Islands. Everr allerfance to his present party or avoid of the Greater New York Association of t Af m.iii.'. mo..l.'-i . r.. . 4a nr.ni ;s . o Potior ! tho nr-zvialno' r1nr of bis mirror for . Anti-TmneriailSt Clubs, at the national IIIC Wllilll. il vyanw.ur, uiaiui "j. niu . C1U1UII Hint 1 1 1 1 - ; "f. w . 1 . i ' . . -T TT" . i YT ,v when-s out of this conntry. rJvery time--we tne next rour years. xne mxerview. neaaquaners m iue nuiuuu uyuse iw - -i 4urt.i, . nionf ! n-o o oo fAllnnv ... . . . i niorlit Afr PTnphp: Kfl id lho nwthofl bv i iiv r u in i i m i ii i 1 1 ' imu i Mil ii i. . r aLiti i.uuvi n n - - Presbfterlans t-ondent n-MrKlnley Pittsburg. Pa'., "Oct." 9i The Pitts burg 'Synod of the United . Presby ter'an church, in fesVioq yvsterrlay ut Turt.o. Creek, adopted A. rcsiltu in attacking the McKinley adm'u.istra Jon. It holds the. administration responsi ble for the "nullification", of the anti- down the road until 7:30 o'clock,v when: out of this conn . . s.y t i.t . . . . . : wk .-i t a mm t- -v c ji stn n t o c 4 i m No one was seriously hurt, but one there we make it less niceiy mat sncu i "if we should iceep the Philippines we Lif f-r-ji'-"- T man going to work was set upon lry!a plant wll be established here. We 'would reverse the traditons of this gov- ply that of adding two and two together. strikers And hp.aten. and others were sav we love liberty. Give the t nipinos ernment from its foundation. We would 'I have reports from all sections of n.tnaced. The strikers claim that they liberty. lct- them nave tneir own nag opcn up a new line of policy, lvet us weawr .rw ium, ne ",' ""Z and wont out. mcu owu umuuj. isee wnar xnai wouia uiean. xu me uim muiuuou " ....r,-.-. a shut the colliery np, but the informa tion given out at the Markle office was to the effect that the mine is still working Demand Amounts to Another Inereaeo Wilkesbarre, Oct. 19. The United g their the strike They now of. 18 per Christians the--tnrcment that, the tehi- f "J t?'u"J:F nerancc people tire aiding the liquor ;v""."- element, bv opting the canteen. It. " ' Vt trn m 7l-X:: ffi Not on the Program flMA- II .-lI'Ot .Nftol- t M K A LI ! M .... 1 I jK .1.1 .'1UK1I'11VII LIV4.-lt iU UUIUIU i t present course. Jhe end or . .,r iL..Mn in. the. nhiiinnino isi.il3 farther atv ay than ever. "At ".VVh.Vrt;; - fnriVft demand what is on an average . J s. J Ail a l r nt Aa V t r i- "acaI n tion tc all the synods of the country. l ,PF f Jd ?JL Tl.- Pittsbnrg- synod is- composed of sev- toti5V5 Yn m aJ 'orda4.nCe oral Presbyter m Western Pennsyl- with he general vania. u.uu . i u . . " , " i . " " v . i w .... -. - , , - .. T.. - - place, it-would mean the establishment tne reeling in ui . . of a ' military government over possi- "An election district in the thirty KItt rr miVlio-nc of rvoonlo siv thoiitsinfl fifth assembly district was polled and . - - I 17 J l'v U 111 J v. - Byvs " ' f-' - . . - . . Rt-ntples. Oet. 19. Although Mr.imiio nwar from us--it would mean the showed 30 Republican anti-tmpenaiists Brvan's train was not scheduled to make increase of our . navv to the proportion who had declared fonBryau and Stevern- a stop here, the Nebraskan. decided to of the navies of France and Germany; son. Taking this a's a basis for calcnla-. speak briefly to the crowd that en-, jt WOuld mean the increase of our army tion, and-deducting 12,000 for possibly thusiasticaliy cheered him him as he to 1 30,000. more likely 200.000, men; it changes of sentiment, there- will- b entered the town. He discussed the would mean the increase of our annual about 30,000 in round numbers of antt- nnramount issues of the campaign and. expenditures tq double what they are imperialist votes "cast in CO assembly now;, at wouiq ; mean? inac xne uuueu districts oi vue wt-au-i States aovernment would be brought in There are over " 1.400 election district Icloser contact With the people than ever ia Greater New York. - J 'it- was repeatedly applauded. AT STEWARD'S STATUS before in the history' of this country.' i. : Yontsey's Case With the Jnry Prnetieallv all "the Palmer and Tiucl ner leaders of 1895 in the Bronx, Rich mond county, Kings county and the borough of - Manhattan are working ac- ' Georgetown, ivy., uct. . iu. me xour- tivcly in the anti-imperialist movement, sey fcase went' to the jury at 8:30 o'elock which would indicate that at leant cent or the iroia x-emocraun An 4ttempt to Coerce Voters Receives Attention from Bryan - Aefturn. N. Y., Oct. 19. After passing thronsrh the rich crane country of central rw.,. .-u i 4.:,.- i.u:u m .- x-,v-i- xr Um-.n T-oor'hed this eitv toniirnt. DUt'Tne luryasheu uuie ua-iw , notvnpr Orators for '.NiVhols demandV vo te of 1S90 was hi line for rfryan and . . inSEES Tof 10 Tpei- cent? IfThloperatoron the The-V tiie napers to elr boaxjlmg Stevenson, and in addition a great many grant it, it means, so says e?JS 1 Sn-!raUve. An immense throng t : the house anma men iia tho aty pTrlntendent Lathrop of the Ihigh Val- train at the depot and purged 01r. mghv but tl be known until f date were $?J 111 111V UlILl-ilUit-li4il UIW1 tUlVlll. Greater New Yort. ana, are advo the election of Bryan and Ste- I lirill T V --; Ll UvJ bJ 1 A. v w tio Response to IV "Wilkesbarre. Oct. 19. Yallev and a- few other coal in the Wyoming vailev pos Yellow l-'erer Case from Cuba New York. Oct. 19. Joseph Mendel sohn of Chicago, n first-class cabin pas senger of the--Ward Line steamer Mex ico," which arrived on Tuesday, October 10. from Havnna. was among those' re moved to Hoffman Island for observa tion. He complained of feeling ill and was-removed tn Swinburne Island hos- Sital for treatment. Ia.fc evening h evrloped tiumistakable symptoms of yel- low loir. yr. xovj tajs iiiw is. , . .lllAri0S th s morn n? in -tehih tne J.osnv s"ramm . 5n j is normal in every respect and he has w rftta ,th T?e-' mild anu max me I'aireni is uuiu xainy :v.l"Tl .V' " "r.l so the democratic ieaaer cuiuu ui - tM,H: ;fnA1 rodsr. He is "-'i'" - . ,..Ti zt-tiI? ' -IJ-Tj'- ixiey injif lut-ii vn tiiii'iv., iu iciuru!.. .-;arr vtiLcu . . . . i nuDucan anu-imnenaiisis which . wonm today. lev Coal Comnanv. an increase -of .from Itrran s carnage to ewaro far., wiiwc. v oer 10 to 20 per cent to the miners of the the candidate made a half m-'sfepeech uoio ae .in the vnrions comnanies. - i I tnr nn audience of between 3.000 and for the defense today PteJr!:ch.2Z' eating otice. - Ueriaiism Mr Bryan remained here prosecution, was pronounced theaDiest. Takins an these indications into con etlcss ILJ-aJrJLi. the'neo- heard in .a ' Kentucky court room for R:rnrtnr mv oainion is that Brran and The .. Ltfilffh ! ?;y.""u:r ;;;; thp noliee yeareand iexpected to result in a ver- Stevenson : will carry 4ir-ater New York companies gfd 'diBcalty in oin- a path through diet of iwilry.: , -Youtsey-s . cond-ition. to- b at ..Jeasr 1Q0 (m majority-t;. . Haa aioicunj iu optiiiiio ydL.u t"r,j ;o-h tc hotter. : His r.hysacal condition r r ttu.. .i,.. vi- TLyneblng tn TLoutsIana to work at a -10 jrer cent increase-, in j "qhe Auburn democrats planned their waees. the same to hold good until April ! , L co. rflrk Lincoln's -aees. the same to hold good until April iStX Seod I. 1901. Few of the strikers went near bl Z a,IZIx Z i ..11 1 ,. adjoining the old mansion of Lti t - -i o m:i. . v . ... . .v nfi-ioinjn 1HIn ..rr: tne cwl,er! lo. eno"ce? wy.SrV of state, with the speaker's i 1 1 .J ni n i r iA' . - . .... v ' i .vi.. ,-iun hi,- irciiiciii. ! i; -j son. cosoreti, uo u c nuu mtjuuki.v newspapers inrDisiuns .; . Hau led to the president wounded a conductor on the Texas Pa- formation desired. Up . er Wu ti. t bcr 17. ciSic- Railway Wetluesda.t was lyncbcl xjlG companies porting '. '' ..i- r telegraphic imperial early today. O Ulcers were conveyiiu received tiny applicants . lit.-. I tt li.i m i. i i i .i-Xfr r.-rtri nil Kitin Tfy-n.F.- vvi,.Tr i linn, iiiT-wn riipn i n m in ri i l i ..t-. m t a.vii i. vy council from Tung Kuan 0 an. 1 retrans-Tiittetl from -n: by Director ?cneral Sheng, ' r w" o.rot-er 1C has been re- r . 14" cf the Ta-Tslag em v. . J 4 LxreSlcacy. the President .. l States, greetina: i ''t ,r crly grateful to your v ?! -r rr takins the iaiUative In the ".-.n. a, OI tnn ffroio Pekinl ,1 to noon none of the notices had for work. . to Pert Allen. A hen the skiff touched sliore a nnmlr of men surrounded the oleers. compelled them to hand over Johnson rnd carried him eleven miles to the scene of the shooting, where they caused him. t ' ' , Ootli Sides OTsstlaate stand near the bronze statue of Seward. It was a large and enthusiastic crowa that greeted Mr. Bryan at Seward Park. still unable or declines ro answer que- he cast for Bryan and Stevenson fin the tions or to talk.; A lurrmay be asked & q Xew York anTroximate to inquire into his sanity before sentence 40000. ne said that, four weeks - ago is passed. . ; he did not think Mr. . Bryan had ' any - . ' j chance whatever gcT carrying New York Rooiveit Headed lor Ilomi hState . bnt that. Mri Brvan had mad TTintn W Oet. 19. For flie tremendous .strides in the last four weekM . Z. i.u- .'. t. " ". i". f f),a nMcant f!m ii- .r Tljurhes- where he devoted mostvox nis time 10 me first time since vrovernur iwusotn, it.-xi..- . " - trusts. A printed statement, credited Albany on September 5th his train has opimonthere seems be.no aoufats to E. D. Metcalf. superintendent for D. been headed for home, since he left to Mr.. Bryan carrying the State of Newt Scranton. Pa Oct. 19. Upon. . one M. Osborne & Company, to the effect Huntington, i.W.-Va.;'. little-, after noon, xork py a sare majoniy . ; . . , point, at least, today both miners and that in caee Mr. Bryan was elected the today. The? big meetings of the oay ; - operators agreed. Both sides of the Osborne chop, one of the largest man- were -at v:Huntington and .Charleston. British Xoss at Jagersfonteln great strilie gave out a storytoth ef- nfactories of agricuitMl implements in From Hnntington to Hi nton there were London, Oct. 19-Lord Roberts re- feet mat It looKea.as ir the strike-would the country, wooia De-ciosea. receiveu omy two or, yis: "y;pons irom rrprona uuu ib ut we Half the Steollnsr Heeoverea ; v- VnrL- Oct. 10. The EHzabethport t?i- whtVK tvis robbed of over 55100.000 ng. y-nax iuey naa rodo as. rat fuu'mu hr. has -secured a w ana wquia .concede nothing-ore was . nil- ,' ".i 1 -i41? VC-V" !,:i The men declared that thr. adhrir to.: no warned vonr tin.iir off wea Via- i m. Awns iinrr..ana enoun ' 11 iueir cuin cu- uu mo ukuivuj i--- , r, -v::::. n.i,-. . n.on T-..it t- .1: .....i. - . . 1. .... n.in 1111 1 uuii . fiiiu I. I r 1 1 1 A i rp i nrniTi rw I. t't r- i - kiihm ri iuF ill uriiiiu. uv liuiu ' ... - - - ..... - .... . ... nr 'u. , " " v - - -v- - . , i.vXV. VK i,nlo mstrna 11 , II n frhaa. I I o I ISfcT.f wniH i hrtll (1 l4f.i . worn unless the operators yielded "tho i common people the- ftetom: grantea- jnaTeacun.xvcuuM. . 4 iVrsfonte in to hnm n-r tnn -ennvTiTiiTion foinnii lvi aL v v uwi-a ...... i w j. . , V. v,- 1 1 the friendly powers other P'0jvrty that ic had. to bnmr "01 ,u .,fr, nd.x on arcount of , (he total amount recovered P to ,000. JJ" point jthem by th 'constitution. Pointing to at 6 o'ciocV . VI M f