i - V THE MORNING POST: SUNDAY, -OCTOBER' 21 1900 - 16 A ri lLETIC ASSOCIATION Or STATE COLLEGES President and Secretary Reply to a .University Article Re ding to Differences Between the University .and the sociation. and the action of clay soils under vari ous conditions. The knowledge obtained vrill be thus, what is called physical and mechanical, the former beinc chemical and' other familiar methods, the latter being derived from actual tests in fields as shown by practical cultivation. The two methods will thus blend and prove the correctness of each. The benefit must be great as the information will be both practical and technical. One of the great uses of the book will be its use by educators. The uses of this soil survey can thus le divided into three. First, the imme diate use to the farmers, giving them the practical experience of many men gathered into copvenient form for refer- th( Athletic Associa-fihc rules of. eliirlbllitr of ht Vnrfh Hfiro. enceT second, its use to boards of irami V '.. th .n.na M-hcoIs and col-J lina . Asociatiou and the rules of the Ration .for selecting and., advertising , te:Iou t the reasons al- uthern Association are that no jn- localities and for prospective buyers p.v the I'nivemfy of North Caro-: etrr.ctor can play in the North Carolina "bo may obtain accurate information on ; v. Hn n to mett M-itu ctsi.eges .vNMx-iauon. ana mat graduate students uses vi fuus ior itiiam c-rupsi iuuu, ti- . the association m am.e.ic van juay out one year and otner stn- u euucauonm siauuptwui a iue 1 ic tuition f the Unhersity dents, can .play but four years in college book-will be used by professors of agri- 1 -ri ii an artkl- from CaapJ in the North Carolina Association, while culture in class work, as there is a lack ;i ai i eared in The Post two in the Southern instructors may play, ! at present of books of .this nature. It 11 graduates may play two. years and other "l-also show to those desinng to go ' totlav the position cf students fire years. After this year no into ,the trucking business the location of m-v v.co-at'lon in a signed student will be eligible in the North Car- railroads and shipping facilities in rela- VA 1- Walter Sikcs. of Wake ollna Association who 3s not the equal tlQn to truck lands, where quick shtp- ' " . 'i r'w r 1 cv, of Tr!ni:y. of a college Freshman-in preparation , rant is required. . The design. Is to ex- i .uA.i K,., r', t4rv rrspec:ivcly and work done.. . . j tend the map system until ,t he . entire " . '; v , ' ition The follow- This statement is issued with no other State is taken in a task that will require iU rwaiti.m. nurno-e than to eorroot the iiyaeenrnto ' time and considerable expenditure. ig- I: 1 , i r A Hill, in w !-... th- Tar Hivl a statement nzax. : ,n..itimi of the Lnlversity . tate. .."i.r,., in th,. matter of I Won is a v t-k., .r..trm.nt u full of rlar-I l he re - ill -"B. a a k.aaa w - w . . nr n k and does great injus- atnietlcs is one among the many educa- .', . vM -tie YwK.irion of North tional advances that make us all hopeful V, and collies. As officials f the future. The North Carolina As- ,L.M-;:it!on. we had deiided to raj nation, we think, should be enconr- ;.;',; lrt this communication; but ijrrd IjT all who love amateur sports and '. vmM from various source ill who are interested in educational . , ''. ..cintmn in n bnil progress. r , m j iiii i .it- j. .-v.. - . ... .m C , L' p. , of'lt bunday a wiek account of the matter that has been pub-j are will also; be given on climatic and Vlli 'a communication Hsheil. and to ret the North CaroJina ' market conditions, as well as social con- h.cxi was re pro- i"w.iiruuu ui ci-uooi? aim vwieges in , oun - i tv i:cni -oerore Uie people Of tne auu iiuurvu races num iuu muuu- The formation of this associa- point of agriculture. ery encouraging sign. I me Mate board .is particularly inter- formation of school and college ested" in the results from a fertilizer sianapomr, as is Known mere are. several experiment farms now established for experiment along this line of work.. It will enable the board in its estimate of the value of the different fertilizers of fered on the market and will protect the farmer as well as. the honest manufac turer of fertilizers. All manufacturers will be on the same basis, actual results obtained. Mr. Harris left for Raleigh Thursday and Mr. Smith will return to Washing ton in a few davs to submit his results to the Soil Physicist, Mr. Whitney, chief' of this new and important depart ment, which is a division of the Depart ment of Agriculture, whost; head is one of the cabinet officers of the President. State Chemist B. W. Kilgore is ex pected here from Italeigh Saturday, and he and Mr. Smith will make some study of this section and will drive across the country to Tarboro to the experiment farm there and examine the tests be ing made there. They will then go to Raleigh to be at the State Fair, and then, as" stated, the season's work will he submitted to the department at Washington. The issue of the book will ft . tj A J no awaited wirn inieresx. it reqmrpu i five and a half months' work, the party- r in jm "- -- 'ir t be erions!y tn!sjn Iged. e "r. .1- t-ra it necessary to gie ont a i n cf the statomcnt of the ca?e ,'., htvt- tiuMivIuhI. We are not ,,. ui;!i Tlu ptition which the ?:-s of th University see . vA wo should not care what , ":. ... ,f th tr position thv . v had not misrepresented '.n. .' ; Association of North i i S. h.wN anil Colleges was or- ' ,j Mnv lnt at a meeting, held j -:t.un.Vonpoel of representatives: :h- "imminent colleges in iup nmic WALTER SIKES. President. W. P. FEW, Secretary and Treasurer. NORTH CAROLINA DIRT Survey of Soils Between Ral eigh and New Bern iv-vil an. nnd nil tho leaumg WORtf TUflBmiHUI V nHMC .ib.ols. The University h vin i uuuuuuiiui uuiiu ... . ' - i .-v , - vr " r. -t. .entativo present enrolled hi !S1 :! !.-.! anl the association was f7.-..i. i x it li tn members. T.-r Ilifl. as qnoteil by your cor in. -.vs the University decided -i a t. j-in the Southern Intercol '..l A-h i.itim. and when the North '-:... A-xiation was formed the I r v. :sv hid to decide between the r ;: -.. is:i:r;cl rules' of the new as a. -playing only State teams. - i r prcMntative association of ex . .. nud stability, thus giving our Th Country Aeeuralely Mapped and the Character of the Soil Ascertained and Ilorded llesulU to Do Pub lUhed In Dook Form by, tUe GvTrrn raeot for 1'reo Distribution to AVlio vr ?lar Hare !Ved of It - . t . ?i i iinrc to compete on enuai -V with college that were our Decetilber meeting of the eonrention. in the facerof a close and spirited competi tion, from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Louisville, Knoxville, - Birmingham and Jacksonville. - The Southern Industrial , convention j propose to establish, an Industrial Bu reau to distribute literature throughout this and foreign countries, calling atten tion to the immense agricultural, mineral and manufacturing advantages of the South, the need of capital and immigra tion, nnd the allurements presented -for commercial snccess by present conditions at home in this section and In foreign lands, eager to -obtain the output of Southern fields and drivers abroad. A cordial and suitable welcome awaits the Southern Industrial convention f rorh the progressive .citizens of this city when thnt distinguished body will meet V here on December 4th. The session is to last five days. ' THB BEST - PUKSCBIPTION '..FOB CHILLS And fever is abottie of C rove's Tas 1 less Chill Tonic, j Never f ails. to cjire then why 'experiment, with .worthier Imitations. Price 50 cents. Your money back If it tails to cure. ; ; Beauntlf ill Shade Trees The Silver Leaf Maple, the most rapid-growing maple and the most satisfactory-general-purpose shade tree. We have an immense stock of this variety of well-developed specimens young. and thrifty, smooth and straight, and beautiful branched . heads three sizes, viz.: 8 to 10 feet, 10 to 12 feet, 12 to 14 feet high. Also . other shade trees, su ch as Norway Maple, Sugar Maple, AVeir s Cut-Leaf Maple (very ornamental), Carolina Poplars, etc. Well-developed Evergreen specimens, large assortment price on application. If interested in fruit-growing write for our free sixty-page illustrated catalogue and forty-page pamphlet on "How to Plant and Cultivate an Orchard.'4 Ja Van Lindley Nursery Co.; - Pomona, N. C, SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Trains Between UNION STATION AND FAIR GROUNDS - ' Every Thirty Minutes. OCTOBER 23, 24. 25 and 26, 1900. Lv. Union Station. 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 m. 12:30 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:45 p. ra. 3:15 p.m. 3:45 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 4:45 p. m. a:To p. m. Lv. Fair Grounds. 10:15 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 12:45 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. Abraham "THE GENESIS OF Lincoln." A New Book - The genealogy of the Greab Emanci patot traced' by James .H. Cathey, , with fifteen splendid half tone cuts illustrating the sub ject riiatter. One hundred and eighty five pages : -.bound in neat red cloth. . Price 75. . ' For Sale by ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., RALEIGH, N. 0. In addition to above, the following nightschedule will be run on 'Wednes day, October 24, and Thursday, Octo ber 25: Lv. Union Station. 7:30 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 0:30 p. m. 10:30 p. m. Lv. Fair Grounds. 8:00 p. m. . 9:00 p. m. 10:00 p. m. 11:00 p. m. ' Fare one way, 10 cents. Round trip, 15 cents. C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A. ALPHA dCemc it starting on the survey from Raleigh the! first of May. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL CONVENTION (Southern Trade Journal, New Orleans.) On the 4th of December next there is to be held in New Orleans the semi-an- mini miuiHno rt ta Xi-ti t horn TtkI HtHfll The soil survey between Raleigh and ! c-onvention. that which no more impor- New Bern. N. C. Oct. 20. uN." The Tar Heel is al?o quoted Correspondence of The Morning Post. :.;:J: The soil survey between Raleigh f - - x- t i . . i.. 7 : :. ' . , . . i r . ilrli'I nilu unusual laws, u.uui i ii .vuiiriru 11113 crn. uuu laui lilt 1 iUfc lino ctvi j vv 1 i-'.ns ou mat ii'mwr5 ui iu.u u is now possinie to give an ouume 01 1 " L1,, vnj. . . . :.:r;.:i could play no team who th w k d A pmlmntinn With the dawn of a great commercial 1 n-r abide by their laws.- The :De 7ork ?on nnc1 -?mo exp,a1ut,?n 1 revival obvious on all sides, and the v far from being an unusual" for those who have not kept up with the! promise of a trade extension with terri : taken word for word from the matter as it has appeared in the press, tories and countries yet untouched by ti..n nf the -Southron Intcrcoiie- The two experts having the matter in tho merchant class or our peopie, xue suing-; n tni!. at tne erucini hour of its of soils destinies, acquires a significance of lin- !!:. :i ;! a wnoie is oaseu on ine unaer.-MHton Whitney, ciiief, and U. U. mense proporuons. :n:i..u r the Southern Association 1X3! Qf ifai..i-h C who is with For il uia not ,TC. doubted ;. that u; f.-w .huiigrs. and these changes or Kalian, L., wno is .itn throuh the , liberations and discus- i wi;a fa practices of all the th? late department of Agriculture, sjons of.the able economists, thinkers , .: -s and ua: vcr: ties In th-. This soil survey was made of a strip and merchants, assembled from all parts I S:. u. One of the? change, of land. from Raleigh to New Rem. fob of the Vonutry. to prob? and 4Jl,cltlate 1 . 'i h. Tar Heel complains is the . . y tU T , , . . the vital questions coming up for con- f allot? graduate students to ,ow,u- the "ilroad and extending four sMerntion, a light will be shed on local VMnr. .iii1 nl!-ws o:hr mib'.s on either side: so that the survey conditions and on those splendid trade t.je outnren imercoue- xhe two experts having the matt :. A' "union, of whuh the Tar Heel Ko U' ' r w m to think hu-hly. and of which it charP; fre ; Smith, of as . rh- I nivcrity is a member. The ton, 1). C, assistant in division of I: uI6 TV'E ARB RECEIVING DAILY LARGE 'SHIPMENT QF FINE APPLES BANANAS, DATES, ORANGES, FIGS, APPLES, FEARS, GRAPES, CELERY, CHESTNUTS t AND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES IN THE CITY. IF YOU WISH TO SEND A BASK ET OF FRUIT, WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF BASKETS TO SELECT FROM EVER IN THE CITY. PRICES RANGE FROM 50c. TG fPortIae NO BETTER CEMENT MADE The sidewalks around Capitol Square were made of this cement. e Thoiiais I. Briggs ' RALEIGH, N. C Jersey Cattle ale First Class Opportunity to Pur chase First Class Cattle, 111 FARM'S 2D GLElR3Ji3E SUE Thursday, Noy. 8, at Greensboro, Nj :C Fifty head Tlxorotighhred Jerseys, every one reg istered and pedigreed. The finest blood lines repre- :,!,r rnV onlr four vf-nrs. The covt-rs a strip mhcs louz nnd 8 oni.oi tunitics - nnd - rt: U rnfcrccHl by ncnrly " ; . ? "c "" w Ur,0,ll,s' . i s a "S" ' S3.00 EACH. GIVE US A TRIAL ; . . - A .li r;r-'-iI.i?s clire in tne country, J"'" u u uik ntiii'u;ii poH-rumi-ui centre, pre-eminenuy iiutt.c5, iSBHtoU u tliiB iScUOi A xuu tauuiaucu uouxi wm . ..: th. mrmlHTdt of thf? Southern id the Mate, but the work done by the interdependent interests of the A : i s. nnd thev h.ive a tire-year- vaeh was quite distinct. That perform- Northwest and the middle States with ;; r. ; r. sulation'as to graduate ?tn- ed by the State was in brief, the furnish- New Orleans,, by reason of cheap water l:.:- f s-m.ill importance. It will ins 01 a toss map snowing the railroad?, routes through the Mississippi ana its r .- ( : :. h in-en that a jrradnate ftu- country roads, houses, churches, and all tributaries, and the seaboard of the .i-v .11 ::Mid anv college in North other inudmaiks, also the streams and Gulf, will be brought out with luminpus i v :..r inre than one year, unless rivers marked with arrows showing the forcefulness as the su)jrct matter of The : - r : -inie titr.o an instructor, and direction of their current. All these addresses to be delivered demonstrate, .-trv- - : th North Carolina Associa- points were laid down on a map con-; The Southern Industrial convention, i : t .ii!rw instructors to play on struct etl by .Mr. Harris pn a scale of ; of which Mr. II. H. Hargrove is presi- . --I iv:i-?e teams. 4,WJ() feet to the inch, or obout 11-3 dent. Hon. Sidney Story, vice president oi t!i "wry strict 'and nn- inches to the mile. This large scale per- and Mr. N. F. Thompson, of Iluntsville, ::.! rnL's complalnetl of is, as the mitttnl the locating of "'all these points Alabama, secretary, is expected to num- 1 :r 111 misstate it. that af:er June, and the maps thus made were handed ber from three to four thousand dele- l:j'l. -::o student of law, metHcine. or over to Mr. Smith, the government ex- gates, drawn from all parts and swtions rr:ir;;vnv can play." We quote article pert, and the part of the work performed of the country; men who have at heart Sv. M'-fnn V of the constitution of the by the State was complete. j the development of this section binder N -i f arDlina Assciation: r This base map was 'then used by the ' the tremendous impetus of present favor- "N college tndent shall be allowed soil assistant uion which to record his ing Industrial conditions the world s t .;.Mr-any contest held under the an- observations. This consisted of a study ! urgent need of Southern cotton, iron, : of thin association who is not a of the different kinds of soils along the steel and wood, and American manufac- ! -lv admitted candidate for one of the entire strip, classifying them and de-1 tures will meet together to earnestly ""e d-srees. namely. A. B.. Ph. B., fining them on the maps with different advocate and push on all and every s I., taking a full years work, or who colored crayons, all soils of a like nature j measure which will aid in bringing abont - :vt a spc!al or professional student being shown by the same color. Of the . that trade supremacy which a control or so many preponderating advantages is certain to eventually produce. Annreciatinz the opportunity present ed for this State and city, Gov. Heard vhnm there hn been required an varieties of soil, 13 were defined and this i ; .::t of prrparat!on for admission, number will be brought down to seven ! r v -irk after admission, equivalent or cisrht, the others being marked as Vr i-: r.oni f il nf ilin candidate for variations of a riven trne. The use of ' .i- r'-or numhl decrees. tr.e Fiase map is thus shown as it locates has issued orucial invitations to fine trov- : -i i- pi "Jl of the last cata- exactly the situation of the soils ex-fernors of all the Southern and Middle ..t til(. lnivrity of North Caro- nminrd. Tbe reason that this strip was ; States, to prominent business men and - '.11 s!i''w that the requirements for selected Is that it cresses in an easterly j railroad magnates, to the mayors of the .. :-:i tf the B. S. course- consist direction what is known as the coastal leading cities, commissioners of agricul- r.. . h u'.'rt than a moderate amount plain formation and in that way forms a!ture and education, and distinguished '! K::.:iMi, History and Mathematics, i basis for a uniform classification of the;memlers of the press, most particularly Ar l i; u ouly the cquivaknt of this coastal formation of th? whole Atlantic memlers of the able country press of t -1.-1 1 il nnn-i il of professional stn- seaboard. One-other survey js now be- Louisiana, warmly and courteously urg i 'i"ui very mild scholarship test ing made through Maryland and this is ing their attendance. . !,.-. : .t ,frii rnrt tscnable in thewe the first work of tLis nature undertaken. Addresses on the vital commercial - i r. u. arly a.l tirst-clasn nniver- It is the difference between the new j questions of the hour have been .re- -: ' 1 l-.-ofi --ioual schools every- way and the old way. Soil investigation j quested from men whose ability, experl- 'v'. ; inStin that applicants for of the past has bien general but it is ence, knowledge and reputation guaran- i" to tb- ss ho.ls of law and now being made specific. To illustrate, i teo the importance of their utterances, r i;. . iiaU have the A. B. degree, of the old way was to select samples oft Among the subjects selected, for dis- f e-: ler.'-e o' an equivalent amount of soil, analyze them and store them away cussion are: "The South and her Present ?." !:::. This rule embodies the only in bottles to show their nature, the new Development, 'The Nicaragua Canal, r .p t-st called for in the North way is to locato the exact place where . t Aw.o;ation. It ought to be the soils are found on exact maps and fhn it is and before long it is show where soils of similar kinds arc : 1 that in o.dcr to be eligible found. in intercollogiato games a North Carolina is divided into three : r ii! .o requin-d to mnk a formations, mountain, central plateau j Merchant Marine," "The Southern Iim .r. - In his studies, yithol!t and coastal plain. The plateau forma- ber .Industry," "The Great Phosphate r-Vi. tists- it not pos.-ib.e to tion merges into tho coastal about twen- j Industry," "Oriental Trade," "The Farm isi amateur nthl.-tics in college, ty miles east of Raleigh, although the) Lands of the South," "Stock Raising in who' is "ihditced to come to line of an old sea beach can be. traced j the Souths' "Southern .Manufactures," i'-r athletic reasons is apt to bo four miles eat of Chapel Hill. The j "The Coffee Import Trade," and other st .riraci d by admission exami- plateau formation is the red deposit - and ih. requiri-ment to keep formed by the decomposition of granite in his stn !s with the regular stu- and the coastal formation merelv covers iorrrecs. To guard against the this plateau formation to various depths v . f having men enter college and the basis 'of the coastal formation WILL KEEP YOUR; .,, ' i - "Warranted as represented, or no sale. Bulls, cows, heifers and young stock. All for sale without reserve. OCCONEEOHEE FARM, Durham, N. O, Col. D. Is. PERRY, of Columbus, O., Auotionosr. AND WE TRADE. A. VURNAKES, Prop. Bell 'Phone 36. Interstate 'Phone 227. t-. 8 em in IJie State opl aijl IijdustrM ( of North Carolina. Offers to yonng women thorough literary, classical, scientific and Industrial, education and special pedogogieal traia ing. Annual expenses $92 to $132: for non-residents, $152. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular student!.. Has matriculated about 2,000 stuuents. representing every county in the Stat.' except one. Practice and Observation . School of about 250 pupils. To sacurt) board in dormitories, all free, tuition ap plications should bo made before Aa;;, gust 1. . -' . , . "" . Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teacners. , For Catalogue and other information address until August 15th PROF. J. Y. JOYNER, t-aan of Collcga, CHARLES D. SIcIVER. President. , v THB STANDARD UAILWAX OF THB SOUTH. Harbors" "Textile Education." "The Coal. Iron and Steel of tho South," "The j ,f f- - aihlctics. representatives of is sand. The soils form oil by this sand phia Times, Hon. F. B. Thur ;r- . r!r. Ipal Amrrican univcrrf ties have as a basis are divjded as follows: Coarse York, Hon. Hoke Smith o : :; . ?s to!d in the New York Times sand, medium sand, fine sand, silty soil, 0m. Joe Wheeler,. Mr. II. II : . !..i.rr !). ado'prcnl a ruV that, for-' day soil and muck or swamp soil, with non. .Sidney Story, Mr. Thompkins of r. - i v; . ;.,! s:ndent (the only class of Intermediate mixtures of these, and North Carolina, and others, among t ;::t are nut submitted "to ad-geologists term it a water formation on 'whom a- distinguished gentleman from "The Kxnort Trade of th South," "Cot- tnn illiTi rr ' 44Tmmiprn tion into 4 he mt. n;M..A r : . t, . Ill n;M. South," "Improvement of . Rivers and lilUtJ LLP All rUlUlS TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CU&A and PORTO RICO subjects, of profound and stirring inter est, as their enumeration testifies. . Among the list of prominent speakers who have accepted to address the conven tion are: Col. McCIure of tha Philadel- Thurner of New of Atlanta, Hargrove, Raleigh Male Academy RALEIGH, N. C. Thorough preparation for college or business, small classes and closs Indl ridual attention, especially in elementary work. Represented and endorsed dj a large number of former pupils, who are prominent professional and business men of the city. Terms moderate 22 an nual session begins September- 3rd. For "catalogue cr other information address ;. i ; ' HUG-H MORSON, Principal. veiori. N. C o onartments of 1" to .iu andforttt V. colt U3 V"-ourses equal -m rw Till t v - wami Till a . thoseof ;. ?-S-. JfeJ i. in. any of taee; univers:- ocean uerosic. nxaminauon was maie Soutn Carolina, to Avnose sagacity and ? ' i.ikiiig part in any com pot 1- by ncaus.of wells, railway cuts and by ; far-si ch ted energy is largelv dne . the r ' . I l. hi lisvn a year at tho lorings made at the diffei-cnt locations, j splendidly successful cotton mrlling in- 1 ; . asd he N required to take t!ie soil varying from S to 20 inches in ; dnstry of that State. The able president an- 0. 1W UiLixy, Aceit ouiiua. A-e0 JL RAVEL BY THE SOUTHERN AN0 YOU ARB . ASS U BED A bAJiH, COMFORTABLE AND EXPEDfr TIOUS JOURNEYS Catalogue .free o Ot X niv il. nt t. thnt nrrseribed denth. licneath which is the subsoil. , of the Southern and Wost Tnd. 1 s f.i- n ile-Tre. This rule All these figures and work done will : ition. to be held in Chariest tin. ........ vn I'ufnm Krt In irl ilmvn on new mans to be nnhlish- nnw in rnn!l nrfwva t 4. n rnan - th ,, ! Vrti-th wl lit- th. rovei-nnent nnd tlm informn. . will nrtxont 1 tifiiffht Trains. UnedUaled OiniXUK " 1 1 ttiij v i r r- - - - . - i - - t - -m p v , , . T&e sontnern industrial convention ervica on au torousu uiuu& will convene In New Orleans nt th in- fiafe Scheduiee. ... t, vitation of the cltv. madie thrno AntW to tickt asrenta for. UIB T " ".,U1 nim lur i iwressave unaon. Mr. tttwea. raies Mia Eerier wwufcuaa. wh.ro flli"inn rwiniremonts tion obtained will 1k in book form in ; xpiTtrd of candidates for .ad- which the maps will be- folded. The man will be in. colors nua very valuable iformation ana rue dooks win De .ntsl free to farmers and others ipplieation to the department. The Th professional schools. n'r I-i-? objection urged by the Tar for in 1 ir.-t our association U that distrfbi .,i5 TO'S adopted by the State upon a i nn n nin rnrcrrpr inn rnnA L;.r.vtir wav of enforcing them.' seeking new locations ana mTestments. I-- cirhft.1 ,.r'A w v.,-v r.v rrua. e-ilefx; 'fron into, based nton flnes- rt -i-'iatiea again, taken bodily tions oskM the rm?rs and thers cm V." c'- tllt contimt!on of the Southern tha route, will Include the kinds of soil, .Mocat;oa. All that can b done by 'the vields obtained from each kind, first . 3; aar association is to suspend the without fertilizers and second wnth fer r; -it --:fe!idIng institution. tilizers, how tba dilTerent soils cultivate i enly difference this year between darin"g dry or excessiTC wet weather .presidentl c HuSTCLASS Eaaipmeal & 4&&&&&4&& n inoo. tnx mi Tiirougti ana icai v - . ivf- - cUaaI OlIU XT r Palace Sleeping cars oa au.X'T. ITV i LllUUl. ivalCIL' 11 & car 4 -.. - - v . ldner htory. tne accrenif'x-'l .m.K -r j mnA-mm. the Chattanooga convention, held in 1 VEKJIOS" TH1D G KTUROia. June, being their spokesman.: ' -T, P. A- - a -X. -A-X EarnestlT aided and vevnA ( Leon .TastrsmJrt uVf 7 i - uvLltxnie, a. C tviieissx, s. w. $ 6t Tvonisiana. and the able Ld T.ON r efforts of Mr. George H. Smith S iTttAWK a GAjiCiVH uii X passenger agent of the v OrleaM 2S VP. & Oen Mao. Tat U& t $ onneaPtern Kailroad. fr KfA . w i Xi. A. TUItK. U. R XL. . J laaneu mac mis city be selected ' for tht -...ESTABLISHED 1843.. . 'AdTOit term, begins last week in Septembsa. Lent term be ps last week in JantJarj. , . ' . I . Fall courses in Literature,. Langrtrares, Science, Art, Music and BnsTntss. - Excellent Kindergarten under Mis i Louise T. Busbee'j chRrseV Centrally located, , . ; Cosjpleta modern sanitary coaYIentaea, . , ,. . 'Fw'-catalosue -and . particulars, . Address, , . " r.'Ml REV. T. D. BRATTON, B. D., bect -: - Ii 0 n

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