THE STOCK MARKET y prices Started Downward and Closed the Same Way WEAKNESS IN WHOLE LIST Utilizing TioTcment Continued from 1'reviona Cay Bull Effort to Force lr;cea Up Met "with; Indifferent Sac-Cft-Slandnrd Oil Sold Up to a New II i-U flecord Slelgbt Advance Ite corded In Spot Now York, Oct. 25. The realizing r v, -limit developed In yesterday's stock t . k-'t was still in evidence this morn- c:iuinr sharp declines in - some v ;. Northern Pacific was quoted si : i ho:1.v at 57 1-2 down to 57 1-8 , iTt'-of 3,000 shares, compared .",7 3-4 last liifcht. The bull party up other stocks for on advance to t- the market, and bid up Brook- Transit 1 5-S on a rumor of Metro- i ::iu control and lifted Southern Pa , .:. iioarly a point. The opening, as a . .... .-.luence was very quiet. Ihe gen- , market did not advance apprecia .y, notwithstanding the' buoyancy of y. M,kiya Transit and Metropolitan Sii'ci Kail way. The stocks improved and 2 1-2 respectively. Active i . I. ling for Southern Pacific and Pacific raised .them 1 3-4. Some i: tae Southwcsterns advanced, but t; . v were not well held. 'New Jersey . ntral early lost 1 1-4. At 11 o clock market was on the down grade uu .! li avy realizing in the tractions, Su- j. .r. Tobacco and some of tue railroads. Uiiit vHl manipulation- of Brooklyn 'S ; ;usit brought it up an extreme 4 1-4. ':h-r storks were sluggish and barely Buness in new Chicago and Alien stocks and bonds was very large. i! :. common ranging from 31 to 31 3-4, ;h- preferred from 00 1-4 to 70 and the 1 J from 81 1-L to 82. Siandard Oil sold in the outside mar- u; to 0X). a new high-record price. J i:.' bond market was dull but hrm. The more important of the iron and s!vl stocks were suddenly advanced 1 '2 points, and Sugar, Tobacco and iv.mle's Gas were subjected to the f.inw treatment, the last named gaining J 1-4. The rise m Brooklyn Transit as extended to 5 1-4. The general l:t hardened in 'sympathy, but in a .'.nsreish and apathetic manner. After midday Southern 1'acinc was n rried up 1 7-S causing sympathetic rdvances m the other Pacifies. Bead ing First Preferred moved up 1 1-4 over ihe lowest and New Jersey Central h.M up a point from the opening. Chi cago and Alton advanced 2 points from the opening ami 'the preferred 1 1-4. The pmeral market failed to respond to the advances and drifted downward. The market closed weak. ISew York Stock Quotations Open. Close. American Cotton Oil....- 3 American Sugar 125 American Steel and -Wire. T3."Vj Do. pref ... American viteel Hoop ...i American Smeling American Ice American Tin Plate ....... Atchison ...... Do pref. '. American Tobacco : llatimore & Ohio Do pref 3.rklyn Bapid Transit. . "anada Southern rural of New Jersey... i 'liosapeake & -Ohio ...... ('hie.. Bar. & Quincy... . ('.. M. & 6t. Paul ....... ( iii.-ao, B. I. & Pacific hirau'o Great Western... C. C. & St. Louis.... ('ns ilidated Gas Continental Tobacco D pref. , rado Fuel and Iron.. : I.. L.nk. & Western. lVi-ral Steel VM'j 1 prof (kSV4 fllin is Central .......... 110ft 11SV4 I national Paper UMi 20V Brie & Western .... 35 35 3. lisville & Nashville v.. 70Vi 7.V& Manhattan . . . .. 07 1)7 i'-tropolitan Traction ... M ., Kan. & Texas pref.. MNsnuri Pacific i National Steel National Lead ........... Nw- York Central N.itwial Biscuit ......... V Y.. Ont. & West.... Norf .Ik Sc Western ....... I pref .. iN-cthera Pacific .... Do. pref. ... ... ... ... . . .. Steel I''4 ;'ie"s (J as ............. Pa- itie Mail S. S. Co 1 :.:iylvania Bailroad lltiiblic Steel 1 . pref. . ... ... ... ... . a-lmg Do first pref ........ Satli.-ni Bail way D . pref. . . S u:hern Pacific I . :. a.'ssee Coal and Iron.'. 1 -i o Pacific today were 10,000 bales of which 500 vese for speculation and export, and Vcei R400. 1,a,les. American. Beceipts 11,000 bales, including 6,900 bales Ain erican. Futures opened steady and closed steady; American middling, low middling clause: a ScJ..ber 464 a' October-November, 4 01-04 a; Novembei-tDecember, 4 57-G4 a: December-aJnuary, 4 5-G4 a: January-I-ebruary closing, 4 53-G4$t4 54-04; Feh-ruary-March close. 4 52-04 a; March- AF&itSPIX 51i April-May. 441044 5M4; May-June close, 4 48-04 rl&i ; June-July closing, 4 47-G4Q It-?!1 JulJAugust closing 4 40-(:-i(i 44i-04 a; August-September, 4 41-G4d. If oath , October. November . December.. Janutry.. Febrnarr.. March April May.. June July Augmt ... September- Open- High, tow- Closing nz. est. , est. S 74 9 90 8 73 8 89 8 78 8 90 8 85 8 88 8 75 8 8G 8 75 8 93 .8 75 8 97 8 75 8 93 8 70 8 93 8 92 8 94 8 75 8 95 8 90 8 93 8 72 8 85 8 85 8 90 8 72 9 94 8 90 8 93 8 73 8 93 8 71 8 89 Port Iteeelpts New oYrk, Oct. 25. Port receipts es timated for the day at 50,000 bales. against 50,224 last week and 31.409 la 1221 :5 75 74 23 24 V. 4Hi 4iy4 32, 33& 31 34 32'i 32 74 74 99V 9S 75 '.4 V; 81 r3 30 127 115, 108 12 ( 170 2J 82 17S 3'.ii, 53 1X5 30 128 110 100 11 ;2 177 30 82 :t 17S 12 .12 5:3 ... 30 ... 20 . . . 133 ... 35 22 ..... 37 . . m in ... -57 .... 73 ... 43 .... 94 43 . . 135 14 ... 57 ... 17& -CO . . 13 Mi- Do. nref. S. Ilubber S. Ioather D 1. pref. ............. "ash, nref -Mil A: Lake Erie'. A: B. VL. ?A Trof , 1' - . w ti-m Union r. r. w w . . 57' .. 330 59 02 70 34 12 33 55 30 20 133 30 1 37 78 W. 72 43 83 43 135 13 .V. 18 559 5 19 10 27 81 37U 59 01 M 70 : 72 19 10 2iV 81 'i 7 Tloney TIarket N-ytr York, Oct. 25. 'Money on call 1 finally 4 1-2 per cent. Prime mercan-t--" paper 5it per cent. Sterling ex ! : firm, with actual business in -Hikers bills at $4.83 3-4$5-$4.84 for de J, 1. and at $4.S0 l-2f?$4.80 3-4 for GO : pasted rates $4.S1 l-2frfS4.S2 and l-2rf$4.85. Commercial bills ' 3-4$4.SO 1-4. Silver certificates ,ii:t 1-2. Bar wlver 04 1-2, Mex- ai dollars 50 3-4. Government Bonds N '-v York, OctT 25. Government ;; :- easier.. refunding 2s, reg. ...... ...104 s refunding 2s coup .r.104 :u rn? 103 3s coup ... ........... .110 new 4s reg ......133 now 4s coup .....134 o!d 4s reg .115, f.'d 4 coup .............. .115 I reg 112 5s coup ....... .113 Cotton st year; fo rthe week, estimated at 335.- (HM), against 3CG.159 last week, and 241, 201 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans were 10,013 (2,500 due, against 4,321 last year and at Houston 19,058 against 12,410 las't year. hlcaso Grain and lroril3a Chicago. Oct. 25. Tlie wheatmarket started nervous and active today. Liv erpool was lower, the jveather favorable and receipts were liberal, but the cash business here yesterday, (S23.000 bush els) caused apprehension among-shorts, who made a scramble to cover. Local receipts were 222 cars, four of which were graded contract. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 511 cars, against 539 last week and 46 a, year ago. Corn was dull and easier on the bear ish tone -or the Price current. Beceipts were 414 cars, 14 cars over the estimate. Oats were steady with wheat. - Be ceipts were 151 cars, 39 cars under the est mate. Provisions were firm under the influ ence of smaller hog receipts than had been expected and high prices at the ysrds. Packers were good buyers early. Mec. Dime Savings Bank. Caraleigb Cotton Mills- Preferred .,....... Common Raleigh Cotton Mills.... Citizens National Bank.. Baleigh Savings Bank... Commercial and Farmers National Bank of Bale'rzh Odell Manufacturing Go. Va.-Carolina Chem. Co. Preferred , Common S. A. L. pref. .......... common. ...... Greater S. A. L. cert A. C. L. pref, com . . . . . . common 06 119 102 115 130 - 150 . 13J 116 112 ;o7 56 VI 12 124 103 70 tm .ad 130 ... 117 57 so 15 126 105 80 . WHAT IS 16 TO I ? (Continued from page six.) Open High Low Clos'g fuuiMiW.MiBMM mmmmm m .gjjjWHM Wheat November.;. 72, 72 71 72 December.. 72 73f . 72 73 Corn November... SG 37J S6 37T December ... 861 85 J 84 j 85 Oats November.. 2U 2H 2H 21f December ... 21 J 22 21 1 22 Pork November... 10 50 10 75 10 50 10 75 Jamary 11 15 11 20 11 10 11 07 Lard Novembqr. 6 97 0 97 6 90 6 95 January 6 5i 6 65 6 52 6 63 Ribs November... 6 15 6 20 6 20 6 20 January... ' 5 92 5 97 5 87 5 95 New York Grain New- York. Oct, 25. Flour. Receipts 20,484 barrels; state and" Western was steadier in tone, but dull and unchanged. heat Beceipts Ii7,3o0 bushels; generally firmer on foreign buying im proved cable news and complaints of Hessian fly damage. Bye Steady, , state. 52(g53c, c. i. f., New oYrk; No. 2 western 57c, f. o. b. afloat. Corn Receipts 249,225 bushels; fairly active and steady with wheat. Oats Beceipts 53,200 bushels: neg lected and nominal. Baltimore Grain and ProUli Baltimore, Oct. 25. Flour Dull, un changed; receipts, 8,521 barrels; exports, 51.550 barrels. Wheat Steady; spot and the month, 70v7(F'- December, 7373;" May, 71.79; Steamer No. 2 red, (J808 receipts, 21,732 bushels; exports, 40,0;0 bushels; southern by sample, 0572; do on grade, 00q1i2. Kiorn Easier: mixed spot and the month, 43fa43; November old, 42fr 43; new 42ro42: November or De cember, new or old 40Ca41: January, 40V4(40; February, 49(rU0; steam er mixed, 41?11: receipts, izs,4Z-s bushels: exports, 205,714 bushels; south ern white and yellow corn, 45O40. Oats Dull: No. 2 white, 2727; No. 2 mixed, 25. receipts, 20,331 bushels; exnorts, 20,0(X) bushels. Bye Steady; No. 2 nearby, 52; No. 2 western, 53; receipts, 4,991 bushels. Hay Steady: No. 1 timothy. $1G.50; grain freights steamer best active, and parcel room dullness and steam to Liv erpool", per bushel 4d. November. Cork for orders per quarter, 4's ld. November 4's asked, December. Butter, eggs and sugar l?irm and un changed. Cheese iStcady, uncnangea. CofPse New York. Oct. 25. The coffee mar ket opened steady: Opening. jiosng. September... ,..7.4oi.50 7.457.50 October . . ..... .0.70 0.90(g;0.95 November ..... .0.()0(gG.95 G.90TrttJ.95 December ....7.007.05 7.007.05 January .lOi-ii .ID t?.i...:a. March .. .7.20:7.25 7.20(7.25 April .. 7.257.30 7.25Ca7.'30 1 l r r. T r. r v. s. s s s S S. I A: iv fpool. Oct. 25. i p. m. Cotton ""creased demand; prices easier: good low ordinary. V--;rirj-n middling fair 511-lCd; ? ': ; in-. 5 5-HkI: middling. 5 7-32 J; Ac;;,,;i--- 5l3-32d; good ordin; junp . . . . , 7.35(7.40 7.357.40 July .. 7.407.45 7.357.40 A1IKUSC i.iuviji.t-j .ivvji.-x The market closed steady. Sales 25,250 bags. December TV beat Open. Close. New York 77Ss 78b Minneapolis 73 - 74l Duluth 74b 75b St. Louis ..70b December Corn Open. Close. New York 4ib 42 w Louis o4 J4;b nalelgb StoeKa and Bonds Bid. Asked. North Carolina Ga. Knrth Carolina 4s ....... .. Ga. Southern & Fhu 5.. Carolina Central 4s W. N. a It. ILlst....... Southern Railway first 03. Seaboard & Roanoke Cs., Seaboard & Roanoke 5s.. Atlanta i & Charlotte 7s... Ga.. Car. & Norfn 1st 5s itoUiVh Water Co. 6a.. Alb'm & Ches. C1 7s..-. 134 100 110 91 118 100 107 117 102 137. " 112 03 120 113 110 108 Raleigh Cotton Mills 6s. 101 Southern iif. pret common . StanM Ga & Elec. Co 5s Wake tkmnty 5s Ga- & Ala. consols. BTOCKS. C. R. R- Stock........ Seaboard & Roanoke : Baleigh &;Gfttan..-......-i R.ioiirn & Augusta Ipuxham & Northern....! 103 105 104 103 05 150 . . - 80 103 1C0 . . ; . . 50 . 9 one million and fourteen thousand of the new American dollars. With these in hand, and they being legal tender, he could pay off iiis-deposits with 500,000 of the coins and keep 518,000 of them as the reward of his shrewdness. His real profit would not be '$518,000. They would be cheap dollars, and compared with gold dollars, would possess but half their purchasing nower, so we must divide the $518,000 by 2, which gives him a net gold profit of 259,0o0 on the transaction. You will ask, then, why with such possibilities before them, the bankers oppose the measure. I will tell you. and tell you truly. It is because they foresee, as everyone who under stands the matter must foresee,, that with the adoption of the measure gold would disappear into private hoards; the reserves of the banks now largely in gold, would be drawn out; they would be forced to contract their loans; a'general and exhausting liquidation would take place; merchants and manufacturers would fail, and in the eneral wreck and ruin the banker would not escape. But do not flatter yourselves that you would be exempt from the general disaster. Shops and factories would be closed; a sharp halt would be called on all enter prises; labor would go into idleness; wages would be reduced, and general misery "realized. There would be a re surrection, no doubt. Our country Is too great, its resources too manifold, to lo'g remain in bankruptcy and idleness. With the old wnecks cleared away, we would begin again. The new silver money would be the money standard and the common medium of exchange, and after inconceivable disaster we would have the chronic condition of a fluctuating cur rency now enjoyed in our neighboring "Republic, Mexico. ; Value of the New Coins Mexico has her mints open to the free coinage of both pold and silver at the ratio of 10 to 1; but all of her -gold goes abroad. She is -hopelessly on the silver standard, and her dollars, heavier in weight and finer-in quality than ours, have a value always rising or falling as the price of silver bullion rises and falls in the world's market. The average value of the 'Mexican dollar is about 50 cents in gold. It sometimes falls to 48; it sometimes rises to 52 or 53. Com pared to gold, the extreme fluctuations in value within the limits of a single year are as much as 10 per cent. Our free silver coinaga advocates, nota bly Mr. Bryan, assure us that it will be different here:. they tell us that Mexico is a small country,, while we are a great people, 80 millions in number, and that the demand here will bring the new sil-. ver dollars up to par. They forget that the Mexican dollar is current money in all of China, the Straits Settlements, the Pbilifmines, and all the islands of the Pacific. Not less than 400 millions of people, use Mexican dollars in prefer ence even to gold, and yet the power of those dollars the world over is sub stantially 50 cents in gold. No, my friends, values will not respond to the Bryan reasoning. Neither parlia ments nor congresses, kings nor presi dent, can change or annul the natural laws of economic relationship. Effect on Present Sliver Stock ' i y There is another point, not yet noticed, of the weightiest consideration. When the silver bullion now owned by the government shall be fully coined therq will be outstanding in the form of silver dollars or silver certificates the sum of nearly six hundred millions. With the free coinage of silver on private account it will be impossible for the Treasury to maintain the parity now existing be- tween a 11 rorms or our money, vine sil ver dollaTs we now. have will inevitably sink to a level with the new dollars that is to say, they will sink to their bul lion value. This result might not be instantaneous. Instead of going over Niagara Fails at one lean we might go through the locks and levels of the Welland Canal. Whatever the delays or circuitous character of the route, wc would ultimately iind ourselves on the lower levelt our present stock of silver dollars shrunken to their bullion value,' or about 50 per cent of their present cost to Ve holders. This means that the present of future holders of our silver money are to be defrauded of substan tially three liunarea millions m tsiuc. And who are these holders not the ; banks, not the capitalists. The silver j money is scattered far and wide in the hands of hundreds of thousands of our people, most of whom live west of the Alleghanies. , Don't let ns worry about the alleged crime of 1873. Let us look in the face the actual crime which it is proposed .that we commit in 1900. , But Mr., Bryan waves this all aside. He says that sentiments are superior, to finances and that man is above the dol lar. His metaphor is a kind of misfit garment; but, accepting it, let us answer that if man is above the dollar, he ought to be above infinitely above this half dollar fraud which the Democratic party espouses. . We are menaced by the opposition with an expressed determination to en ter upon tfiat foolish and destructive ex periment. Every one of the three-parties nominating Mr. 03rvan has declared for that- programme. The election of 189b .proved that a majority of our people were still sane and right-minded. They then rejected these' proposals by an over whelming vote. "Warned by that experi ence, the leader of the joint alliance is reserved in his declamations on the money question. IHe and his supporters have 'invented a phantom thing they call imperialism. It is not a genuine issue. It is a wooden horse, concealed in which the op position hope to enter the city with a free silver captain at their head.yWill you surrender the gates to their un righteous invasion and thus contribute Id your own undoing, or will you aid to bar them out? The sixth of November awaits your answer. The Appetite ora. Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics -whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know i that Dr. King's Jsew Life Pills; the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid ap petite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that, insures perfect- health and great energy. Only 25c, at all Druggists. Ill b if Raleigh, N. C. Handsomest Restaurant in the State for Ladies and Gentleman. An up-to-date place. Open day and nignt. , , 3STEWMAN & DOHSETTj PROPRIETORS. Entrance through Yarborough House. Roses, Violets Carnatioris And other choice Cut Flowers for all occasions .always in stock. ' FLORAL DESIGNS AT SHORT NOTICE, WEDDING DECORA TIONS, PALMS, FERNS IN GREAT VARIETIES, ALL SIZES: WINTER BLOOMING PLANTS OF PRIM ROSES, CALLA LILIES, Etc. HYACINTHS. NARCISSUS. AND OTHER BULBS. H. STEINMETZ, Florist Bell 'Phone 3. Raleigh, N. C. WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY LARGE SHIPMENT OF FINE APPLES BANANAS, DATES, ORANGES, FIGS, APPLES, FEARS, - 1 GRAPES, CELERY, CHESTNUTS AND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES IN -THE CITY." IF YOU WISH TO SEND A BASK ET OF FRUIT, WTE HAVE THE f s LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS O'F BASKETS TO SELECT FROM EVER IN THE .CITY. PRICES RANGE FROM 50c. TO 95.00 EACH. GIVE US A TRIAL AND WE WILL KEEP YOUR TRADE. A. VURNAKES, Prop. Bell 'Phone 36. Interstate 'Phone 227. Specialties at Glersebs' Restaurant for V ; Ladlt and Gentlemen Blue Points. Lattie jMeck uiams. Norfolk Shell , Oysters ' -Spanish Mackerel. 2 V ' , ' Live Lobsters. Sora. 1 '. v$ . Tsaot no liauq. . ' Regular dinner 25c. . Served from 12 to 3. --,:, . ':, .,::-,: f ,.v rrn . 111P1 ; YOU ARE Invited to call and see the most conu jplete, varied and nobbiest styles of FALL SHOES that the market affords. Entirely dif ferent' from the styles of any previous year. Mail orders solicited. S. C. POOL'S SHOE STORE, RALEIGH, 1ST. C. I Wf: PortlaiidC ement NO BETTER CEMENT MADE The sidewalks around Capitol Square were made of this cement f t 1 1 1 jiM. i mm 1 SSST :"-vJ V 2' mm IT - Jim 1 Our. . Iltustratld Handbook Sent Free On ReouesL For Drnnlcenness anS Drug Usmg. Please rrlte 09 CorrespondeaQB oanfidential. TKE , KEELET ' INSTITUTE 4 Ocpu '! , DR W. E. WEIHE, Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Cornell University. PARK HOADt WEST RALEUCrH. J isiurutAi Tlioaa No. 42, l.ft Mill Physician and Surgeon Office Cor. Jones and Blount Streets. Residence Cor. Fayetteville and Cabar rus Streets. , Interstate Phone, 403. RALEIGH, N. C. iThomas Briggs:;& Sons ilO RALEIGH, N. C - deoartments ot IV in Ji" .1 onrl ' fnr ttlB XP co.ts PVurses equal m t m a ah o' ol lts courses equai dAvvateSvutitui grounds. t Noted f!iiSn. tetio1 .$ ftcinal. ? I Female Educ---' d Ufege- c i-Vr-ig t elegant manners atae co sSe Vf ot eleganx Yat gi Principal. t Catalogue free T t STEAM HEATING HOT WATER HEATING ill ill I 111 HARRY A. HART, ' 224. Fayetteville Street. 0 ESTIMATES FURNISHED IN ALL BRANOHE, , - '-' - .-. ' " : 'I : IT. BELLEflOIST, Kentucky Rye. i - : Either at $4 per gallon. We pay the freight. , SHERWOOD, Maryland Rye. . .it".:: FawndIe Nelson Co., j Eastern Rye. Kentucky Rye or Bourbon,' ' v ; at $3 per gallon: We pay the freight. AfMD WINP fO Wines and Liquors & Agtsfor A VlVl tl Will C A3 . , Pabst Milwaukee Lazer Beer RALEIGH, N. C, 4When orderins pleasa mentioh- this paper.- B (10:1,1 M CORE - No knife, no blood, no pain, no cure, no pay. No pay till cored, at our Sanita rium. Also, Home Treatment at email cost. "Write or come at once to J. Sills Daniel Sa nita nnur, ; jOt. Frnklin and Seventh 3ts , Richmond, Va. Trinity CoUcs Offers ' ; ondergraduate and graduate., courses. Larga numbers ot clectives. Eight scientific laboratories, equipped with modern and advanced, apparatus. Large addition to library. Completa gymnasium. Expenses low Fifty scholarships to be awarded; 50,000 spent in improvements the past year. Sencr for catalogue.. ' ' PRESIDENT KILGO, v . - Durham Nt ft - Now for the Road Nothing that goes on wheels can excel trax pieasnra vehicles, . which show tha Up-to-date carriage In Its -best - stylu SToatLSnl couples and families most en 307 the svny days when comfortably ensconced in ona of out handsome turn cnts, with a quick svspping roadster os team in front. Oswr livery is patronized fcj the best known people la Raleigh. UPCHURCH & HOLDER. r- ordinary, 4d; sales of the sale