s .. THE MORVllNG POST: SATURDAY," OCTOBER 27 1900 6 J G0LDSB0R0 Cltade Kttetaln Captirat a Large Au dience Dlaod Spilt In the Plaj of the "Two Orphan" Aycoclt Goes to the Springe Goldsboro, X. C, Oct. 2G. Special. Claude Kitchin spok to an overflowing house Here last niifht. He fully sus tained in -this speech, the reputation al ready made as one of the State's best hpeakers. Many regard the ffort as be ing one of the best ever delivered here. He held his audience as few men can, and was loudly cheered. His picture of the hypocrisy of the present administra tion ou the trust question was tinely drawn. His presentation of imperialism was a masterpiece. His effort for the "man rather than the dollar" and his proposition; "Who should ' haul down the flag? was so timely and pretty iu thought and eoiu-eption as to suggest to several the thought that if McKiuley could have heard it he would have been converted from the error of his way. There was a large number of ladies present. Our people Are more than evor convinced of the wisdom of the conven tion in placing their banner in the hands of the brave and brilliant young man from Halifax, our own well-finished Claude Kitchin, of whom we will be prouder still as our representative in the next Congress. "So chaste and elo quent, such a speech lifts up a commu nity," was the relnark of an elderly gen tleman who heard Kitchin last night. .In the scene of .the tirt duel in the play of the "Two Orphans' at the opera house last night there was blood spilt by the vanquished, but, fortunately, the the pins are made is abundant through out this section it means a good deal to our people in dollars and cents. W e have good reasons, to believe that an other large furniture factory will be es tablished here at an early day. n, The work at the granite .quarries is being pushed with the same energy and diligence that has always characterized the proprietors-Xessrs. Woodroffe and large Shipments' go out each day to Nor folk and other cities. The beautiful residence of Ex-Mayor Hadley is nearing completion, and when the finishing touches are put on it will be one of the most magnificent homes in this part of the State. The first and sec ond stories are built of granite and the third of brick. . . , The friends of Rev. A. H. Love, who came here from Rakish, will be pleased to know that he has started off .-well as pastor of the Baptist church, and is de lighfng his congregations with some fine gospel sermons. He expects to begin a series of revival meetings the 4th of November, assisted by Rev. C. J. D. Parker, of Durham. HERTFORD NEGRO DEMOCRATIC CliVB New Bern Ha Something Unique In the Way of a Political Organization New Bern, X. C, Oct. 23. Special. New vBeru politics have been treated tn .1 snmrise. the organization of a ne gro Bryan, iStevensan and Thomas dub. Ht must not be taken as a joke for there are forty members already in the club, the best .known colored men of the city. Captain Tim York is president and other officers are well known. The only also declared for Simmons for senator, audience were not aware or the racf; . Unt whn ,toM th.it thev could not vote ana mere was no exciremeui. aw as uul an accident, and, after all, while painful, but a flesh wound. In the presentation of the play by Palmer's New York Stock Company it is due them to say that the large - Audience went wild at t;mes in appreciation. Dupont, as comedian, was a side-splitter. The company will give a Saturdav matinee and flo-- Saturday night with "A Celebrated Case." Rev. J. F. Hill officiated in an ordi- to Lenoir. Yesterday Thomas -HcnnRl Alderman Johnson, the rfored ramber of Lenoir countv led to the hymenial i from the 'Sixth Ward. The Republicans flltnr Mrs. Xpttio Vinson of Wayne. Mr. ey voted ior in qiuieuuuica Hill pronouncing them man and wife. -m - Vw - . I' 1 1 AK. in tne primary rney put j. nomas lvl Congress in the place. Whatever the sentiment may be in ether parts of the State, it is a fact that nearly all the Republicans here and in this section favor iSimmons, such as ex-Sheriff Hahn, Clerk of the Federal Court Ceo. .Jreen. Also Deputy Collec tor Bobbitt, 'who is a Populist. ' Isaac Smith, the celebrated colored Represen tative, is also for Simmons, as well as Mr. Horrinsr is fifty-five, while the blushing widow is past forty. Governor-elect Charles B. Aycock left today to spend some days in the Seven Springs -.section, where he will hnbibe freely of what nature there presents as a tonic, rnose spanning waters nave great virtue and. the Governor knows a good thins when he sees it, and he is going to take it in. Let us all hope he and Aycock and ckiiin vot'e at the primary Considerable curiosity has been aroiused by the organization of ithe col ored 'Democratic club, especially s they claim they -will have 200 members soon. Reasons given are various, but the gen eral idea is that they want to be in the "push." It might have been considered an act of ithe imagination except that they have signed their names and or- CON'CENTKATION IIiAN will come back to us fully restored to dered the club formation published. fcis wonted good neaitn. The attack of Charlie Vance on F. M. Simmons will, it is thought here, add greatly to the strength of Mr. Simmons. The people do not take kindly to such attacks upon their peerless chairman. ENFIELD Weekly Newspaper to lie Established Tlirousnthe Efforts of the Chamber of Commerce Methodists Will Build a New Church. Enfield, N. C, Oct. 2G. Correspondence of The Morning Post. The Chamber of Commerce has been successful in securing the services of an up-to-dnte editor and by the first week in November we hope to mail you initial copy of one of the best weeklies Sublished in North Carolina. Mr. J. X. onverse come to us well recommend ed duly and truly enquipped and to him the Chamber of Commerce pledges its moral support and promise of such pa tronage as its members can afford and his efforts merit. When the North Carolina Historical Society will have gotten into working harness we hope to help it with some Enfield and Halifax county sketches. Gov. Branch of Enfield as secretary of the Navy in Jackson's cabinet; Lafay ette's visit to and speech in-Enfield;. par tial war record of General F. M. Parker and our present legislator, Hon. W. F. Parker and other facts. The. trustees of the M. E. church South have decided to erect a handsome hrick church near their present site. A Second Circular to Be Addressed to Southern Cotton Spinners. Charlotte. N. C, Oct. 20. 'Special. The special committee on concentra tion, appointed by the board of governors of the Southern Cotton 'Spinners' Asso- n! o ti rr in c-ii-wj wi"t- lvinirk trwlnir .i t r Aur swr1 that a second circular letter would bei sent to those cotton mills which have so far not seen tit to state their position in reference to a selling agency and the concentration plan recommended in a recent letter. President J. H. McAden, of the asso ciation, in interview, says: "Mills representing four hundred thou sand spindles have said they were will ing to sign a contract to dispose of their yarn product through a Limited number of commission houses as recommended. There are about one hundred thousand spindles which have failed to answer the first letter. We desire to have them give an" answer for or against. Mr. McAderi stated further that with the mills so far (pledged to support the concentration plan, he thought this plan could be made n success. Farmers In Fine Condition Financially Skinner and Shannonnouse Address the Democratic Club Tne County Solid for Simmons. (Hertford, N. C., Oct. 23. Correspondence of The Morning Post. - The farmers of Perquimans caunty are in a better conditio, financially than for the dozen past .years. The yield of cotton has 'been greater than their expectations, several farmers reporting a bale and over to the acre, which, con sidering the dry seasons, is something remarkable. No doubt this county has raised more cotton iper acre tnis year than any of the counties m eastern North Carolina and -with the (lint cotton selling at 9 to 10 cents a pound and the seed at 23 cents per "bushel, there is no reason -why our people should not be prosperous. The corn ami peanut crops too, are bet ter than, were expected. ' Tenants and small farmers who have been in debt for years, will pay. ojl o debts and still have a "good surplus to work on next year. 'Hon. T. G. iSkinner 'addressed, the Bryan, Stevenson and 'Small Democratic CliVb last 'Friday night. There was a good and enthusiastic crowd out to hear our distinguished townsman and he made the best speech of his life. Mr. W. T. IShannonhouse. the sub-elector, also ad dressed the dub. 'His speech, as was iMr. 'Skinner's speech, was of. a 'very high order. Mr. Joseph E. Txms, of Kansas City, (Mo., is visiting friends and relatives iu this torvfn. Mr. Toms is a former resi dent of 'Hertford and has friends here by the legion -who are much 'pleased with his success in ithe western city. Cards are out announcing the coming nuptials of Mr. I. O. McMullan1 for merly of Hertford, and Miss Flora Brackett, of Elizabeth City. Mr. iGeiorge iMajor's handsome, resi dence in Main street is nearing com pletion and when finished, will be hy far the prettiest house in the town. . People living in the country, report game in more abundance this year than for several seasons especially quail and squirrels. A good many wild turkeys that they will are. found in the big woods bordering i j iJie 'AiDennarje sounu. Aiie jjiame skisuu opens Govern oev isr. Oysters are said to foe very plentiful in the lower sounds. Every day or so a new boat comes in loaded with the deli cious bivalves and they find a ready sale in our market. - , ' . . Mr. Dennis Cox is having two houses erected in King street. Mr. Robert Knawles of Winfall, will soon open a general merchandise store in Elmo White's old stand. ' . ' Politics is very quiet in this county. The people don't talk much about what they will do or how they will vote, but when election day comes, the knowing ones tell ais the county will go solid for Bryan, -Small and Simmons for the senate. So may it be. Tint v. ant w postmaster herd .for about three years. ' ":. ":- - C : ; ?. --V-v Company JD, Captain Ellington's com pany, of Reidsville, has been disbanded upon, the recommendation of Inspector General J) P. 'Hobgood. . . ' i Robbed in the ltoad - Winston-Salem, N. C, Opt. 26.-Spe-cial. James Li. Marshall, one of the county convict guai'ds, was knocked down a.nd robbed north of WinstO last night. He lay oh the ground alone and unconscious all night. His assailant got a silver "watch '"and fifty dollars. Mar shall's condition is considered - serious. He is at tthe hospital. His skull is frac tured. .A white man named Sam Mar shall is in jail charged with the crime. - ' Sucb a Xbouslitf ul loans ITlan (Washington Post.) The thoughtful young man went out fo Gilen Echo one evening last week, and there wasn't a thing that he could see to do for anybody's comfort that he did not at once proceed to make an ac complished fact. He was fairly bub bling over with a desire to help his f el lowman. One of his fellowmen, who happened to be a woman; and a young one at that, sat directly in front of him. His eye caught sight of a large spider on her neck h ramec crdd ffffrfffth on her fluffy black hair. He leaned forward. ' "Pardon me," he said quickly, "don't move; I have. him. There!" And . with the triumphant, "there" a shriek from the girl startled all the car. The helpful young man sank baci in his seat, and an auction flag wasn't a circumstance to his face for color. A wire and enamel spider dangled fnm the girl's disheveled hair. A Life and Death Fisht Mr. W. A. Hines of -Manchester, writing of his almost: i iraculous escape from death, says: ; "Expostrre after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. ? I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and daj'. , All my doctors said I must soon i die. Then I bescan to usei Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, which completely cured me. I would not not be. withont it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used j it on my recommendation and all say! it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." . Regular size 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at -Jil Drug- j gists. 1 . . ' .' - - . . ' j iB'Ni OF RALEIGH, N, C. Adelaide You know love laughs at locksmith, Adolph? Adolp'h Yes, but it doesn't go into a burst of . merriment over your papa's No. S boots. Ohio State Journal. "Well, Daisy, shall we pay; the house rent or give a dinner?" "Why, give the-dinner, of c6urse! What good will paid-up house rent do us. if we lose our social position?" Life. Capital . . 100,000.00 Surplus and profits .... 60,000.00 Deposits 710,000.00 No Interest Paid on Deposits. Total assets. .......... $925,000.00 Ample facilities for handling accounts of farmers, merchants, manufacturers and all others. L -j J Liberal loans on cotton for other satis factory collateral. Correspondence and personal calls in vited. . . ' ' SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $4.00 to $12,00 per annum. JOS. G. BROWN, President. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. r r FOB SALft . (Scholarships In leading business onl versifies of the South, at special rates. Inquire Box W. lUleigh." VN; Gt FOR 40 YEARS Dr. Worthington's Remedy For Colic, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, and all pains of the stomach and "bowels has been sold. jNo cure no" pay. Used in three armie, endorsed by three Surgeons Gen eral and more than f 100 physicians. For sale by W.'D. King Drag Co., Wholesale Agents, V RALEIGH, N. C Send orders to Carolina Chemical Company, Agents, I Wilson, fi.C The Only Mantel Mem AND TILE PEOPLE IN THE STATE MURPHY MT. AIRY Factories flare Enjoyed a Prosperous Season Another Furnltnre ITIanufac turius: Plant Projected Itev. A. R. Love Jlakln; a Good Iinprcsilon. vMt. Airy, X. C, Oct. 23. Correspondence of The (Morning Post. Oar mountain people are not exercis- PLYMOUTH Carr Billed for a Speech Monday PSIsht The Hale for the Sew Bank Arrives Artesian AVell Yields Health-giving . ."Waters. Plymouth, N. C, Oct. 26. Correspondence of The Morning Post. Gen. Julian S. Carr will address the people of this section at the courthouso here next Monday night. A large and enthusiastic crowd is expected to hear him, as he has many ndimiors and ear- nocf cimiri 11 rkrw 111 -fill-; iri?ii?,f o vr.rv Hn.;mnc ih it ho hnii Ho ohncn I through the tvodT. lie had been at Locke Crals: Iflakes a Fine Speech-Hez-eklah Cadger Talks Prosperity An InoQenslre Negro lUnrdered. v Murphy, N. C, Oct. 2G. Correspondence of The .Morning Post. 'Hon. (Locke Craig, of Asheville, spoke to a court house full of people here yesterd'aj'. At the noon recess sevei'al hundred citizens from all over Cheroj kee county crowded the spaekms court room and heard Mr. Craig deliver one ol the very 'best speeenes ever heard in Murphy. IIe was often applauded to the echo, and at the elos-e he was given three cheers -and a tiger. Everybody, Democrats and Republicans alike, agree that this young champion of Democracy excelled anything that has been heard here in years. Today at noon Ilezekiah Gudger, erst while (Democrat, but now Republican, delivered himself mightily to a fairly good crowd. lie talked prosperity, which he doubtless has felt since he was rewarded with an office by the Repub licans, after forsaking the faith of his fathers. It. was thought that he would counteract the effect of Craig's speech, but, Mess your life, tonight the people are still talking of Craig's speech, ex cept when they stop to ak if this i the Gudger who went over to the Radicals. "William Cannon, colored, was, fen ml dead this evening about dark with two bullet hols through the head and one Are Too Busy Filling" Orders TO EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR, Out Roirit . Vith Riide ; to our work in the finest specimens of 'modern Southern archi tect! r 2 both "business and residence structures: In every in stance we met the largest houses in the country as our com petitors. We name the following : W H Sprunt Maj Rutzler, 4 Gs Building, Charlotte. Charlotte. for the son.itorship. Th" new sale for the Bank of Ply mouth was moved in yesterday. The re maining nirntsmngs win lui piaeea in ing themselves very much over national ! order in a day or so, ahd the bank will politics this campaign. There is, how ever, considerable interest being mani fested in the senatorial contest, with 'Mr. Simmons decidedly in the lead. Gen. Carr is billed to speak at the Galloway Opera House this evening, lie has some warm friends here. All of our manufacturing enterprises have done well this year, a .good argu ment in favor of our town as an excel lent place to establish factories of differ ent kinds. The'Mt. Airy Furniture fac tory has run on full time all the year, and has been behind with orders most of the time. Capt. Reed's factory for making tele graph and telephone pins is runnins: to ife f;dl capacity, and when we consider the number of car loads of these pins open its doors for business next Thurs day. Some of our people who have been drinking the artesian-well water regu larly say they have been benefited there by. It is thought that this water con tains valuable medicinal properties, though the analysis from the State chem ist has not yet been received. Carr at Greenville Greenville, 'N. C, Oct. 2(5. Special. Colonel J. S. Carr addressed perhaps the finest crowd here today at noon seen hfire for a seige. The court house was full to overflowing. The ladies were out in full force. 'Sentiment is chan&injr ran- iniy to uarr throughout this section He that have been shipped from here in the made a very fine impression on our peo- 1 1 M 1 1. m 1 . pasi year, ana xnai wua aocust. 01 wnicu pie. . . tending court, as a witness against a man who was charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Cannon was a quiet, peaceable negro,' iwell thought of about here. He wias found .t the side of the public rwvd, about a mile from town, in the direction of his home. Bailey Owens, W N Reynolds, Henderson. Blind Iiistitute, Winston. . f Raleigh. Elks' Temple, Wilmington. c BEIDSVILLE A Former Resident Returns from Ills New Home In Nebraska to Claim a Bride Company D Disbanded. Reidsville, N. C, Oct. 23. Correspondence of The iMorning Post. fllo'bert iMI iMalloy, of Broken Bow, Nebraska, has arrived in the city, pc tober 31st he will he united in marriage to JkLiss Annie ,Lee Turner, one of the town's eweet young ladies. Immediately after the ceremony is performed - the couple will leave for -Nebraska, their future home. Otlr. tMalioy was a&sist- I" We employ a competent force of mechanics skilled in Mantel and Tile Setting; and can estimate on you goods put in place thereby insuring satisfaction. Write us for catalogues and prices. McGLAflROCft j if'i BROS 1 .jLL 1L I.L ts ?PTT ( ) H By our largely increased "business we have become prominent in the Piano industry and gradually become associated with the most prominent ries as a natural result. Our stock today incudes the finest line of Pianos ever shown in North Carolina, Our prices on - ' factories THE ARTISTIC Shoninqer.j Smith & mmm. f i v7;iVt:rv- THE EIRST-CLA5$ THE HIGH GRADE - - . v. - BaiTfcs. Kranich & - v 1 - .., 'Bach, i t And Other Reliable Makes .m proux.omy possible by pur increased business. A full line of ORClANS -Sheet Music and Small-Musical Instruments al-wavs in Rt.nrTr tkt ,-.- ' n , . . . , - siifix& DARNELL AVii VUllUg Civ?. THOMA R. C & Raleigh;