THE MORNING POSTpATtJRDAY, NOVEMBER 10; 1900 3 HABEAS CORPUS WRIT e;ot. the dry roods store of I. D. BRYAN STILL LEADER Diailelon, fc Co., the L. Lopez Grocery Company, the Orleans Hotel, the offices of the Biloxi Herald and the BiLxi Re view. In all 8S buildings were destroy ed. The loss is .flOO.OOO. Insurant J 120.000. Biloxi is the ol.'ef settK-r.ient-on the gnlg coast and a prspoi ous town. lh? center ;f important lum ber, oyster and fish iuhistrie's. Proceedings Instituted Before Judge Montgomery. Reorganization is Not Neces sary Says Richardsorf HEARING AT 10 A.M. TODAY Ball Dtmanded for Samuel IHamrum and Oscar O'Acal Pending Tnolr Trl- al for tb Killing: of Feuney F. Grinia . ... t October Tlh-M.noeiiTr.. .a ..... mnrtt Vesterdar Justice's Trial Poitponeu Until hot. At 10 o'clock this morning, before Judge W. A. Montgomery, of the Su preme Court, there wiU be a hearing iu habeas corpus proceedings instituted by con use! for the defence in the case of Stat- against .Samuel Morgan and ti;.-:ir O'Neal, charged with the killing . Initv il'ete) P. Griffin, near the Fa IN oi the Neuse, on October 7. There v.-.-i-e several ' legal manoeuvres'' yester day in tii caso which led up to the iii.viitutlt n ui the habeas corpus pro- ling- ehif among which was an order by a magistrate postponing a trial of the two men uutil November 27 and declining to release the prisoners on bail. Renders of The Post will recall that Criilin was shot and killed near the Falls of the Neiwe, October 7, by Mangum. who submitted himself to the officers of he law, and, after an investi gation by the coroner, was released, the cowuer deciding that the evidence aU avowed that Mangum was justified iu fcli.iotintr Grifn ii. However, about two weeks ago Mangum was re-arrested, an4J ffiiso one - ar U Aeal, w no was present, when the Killing occurred. The latter is charged with aiding and abetting Man gum in the malicious killing of Griffin. The-e warrants were issued by Justice. Rarbee, and the hearing was to have been in his t-ourt, on Martin street, ye-terdiy at 11 a. m. The .warrants v. ere isi:.-,l ua thv ground that evidence shewing m:;!h e and criminality on the part ol V.'rigr.m and O'Neal h:ul devel oped iiiv the investigation and dismis sal of Mangum by the coroner. Roth men have ht-cn in jail here since their an:-t. iv.o wo. ks ago. When the :a.-e was called in Justice Tlai ! s eourt yesterday morniug a mo tion, with ailidavits. for the removal of the c;i' to ;iii other justice's court was r.i.:tIo by coust'Ci for the defendants, and the c.w went To Justice Marconi's court. . for the defendants wt-ro Arg V Sii ) v aml'J. C L. Harris. Esq. G. Ky;..i, L;.. represented ihe t.tic n !.;. . ' lit":' a. It was j . -1 yt terday when ju-! tlte .u.imiiii op t.te ease m tin commissi ui- rs' lo-n in the county court house. Then eunil for the State rep resented to the court that their must important witi: ss -;ts not present, and "that tmy v.-uu'd ihejeforu. have to ask for a coiii'inmo'-? of thr case on that ground. G' 'tinsel for the defence in eistel on a trial or at least the prisoners be admired to bail until the case is ready for trial. Justice Marcom, how ever, continued the hearing until 1 o'clock noon November 12 and declined to allow the release of the defendants on bail. Thereupon their counsel gave notice that they would institute habeas corpus proceedings before Judge Mont gomery nt once. It was found, how ever, the judge was out of the city and would not return until late in the cvelung; so that it was not possible to the ease heard last night. Quite a number of witnesses and inter ested parties were anxious to return to their hon es last night, but were obliged to remain over night to attend the trial today. , The witness whose absence is th? ground on which ? -utinuance of the trial was asked -:day is Charles byman. who was the only - per-on pres ent when the killing occurred except the two defendants in the proceedings now pending. He ran away immedi ately after the killing and has not been heard from since, so far as is 'known outside of official circles. Dr. Moore, the county eornner. wt,n rill'LAtll- tnn-ni.l . 1.1 1. lun.ini JllMlIia'Jie iiociicitie Oil the iart of Mangum, and he could dis cover nothing that connected any on else criminally with the a fair. 5Ingu'irs house intoxi.-air. d v, Icn 3-e w&s jx.leer; and frightimd his wirv y -'vl tmvoh, iristing aii the time that t-h.-V ' mirsi see ner nusbanti. Sh o to 'go away, but they wcuAl not. Fimilvl Olnnguni came out and ,pe;vx;.id.d ,h' ' i to go away, teliing Miem that his wi e1 was very nurvous and xcitaWe. Howev er, one of t-iem throw a .rock on Man gum anfj cuived him before they went orway. Very soon they came -back and a sice 1 .Inngiim to wailc donvn the road wi'h thoitn. He we-it. and rerv sou there after the l;i!':!-g ocxnrrre;!. Man.gum and O Neal say t int thev had gone about K-m y.T-.v.: v.hc;i (;rtffin aT)li LVtta.., ?t ,rted to go back to the house iind .?a"gnm r;d him he mtisf nvt --. -i Mangum fo-Md. h:m to ndnrpn-- qt- nearer and told Lim if he did he "would k:I1 him. Tnffiu nime on and Ma3"um hht him dend. . " e -These are the oirt-nmsfainccs about ns t!iy wereasKvrtained 8v the coro.nor " It seems to be K-hr.rgefi now that Ma'n- 'tnam and Gnftm had been gaanblji-r i few day before ami Griffin had wen $30 from him, and that diffi-mrl'ty be tween them was oyer GJriffhVs insist ence npoii the collection of some bal- jarace of this gambling debt. TWENTY BLOCKS BURNED Disastrous Fire. Takes Its Start In a Negro Crap Dive. New Orleans. Nov. 9. A fire broke out at Blloxi. Miss., early this morning in a negro crap dive, consuming a large ptrt of of the business district and de stroying twenty blocks of buildings. A high gale of wind was blowing at the time and the tire department of Biloxi found itself unable to cope with the flames. It finally became necessary to tear down several buildings in order to stop the fire. Among the buildinrs de stroyed were the Catholic chnrch and jcpnrent, the Louis jile and Nftshriile first investigated the case and dis- ! " in ilw 01 tle '"ai?tlff f.dl mised Mangum as justified in the kill- i Coril ,A- J'-'hl!.?s'n, vs- JaZt H-3ilu-iug, spent last night at the Yarborough. S!11' judgment an laTor of the pla-n. He will be an important witness in the L ?Jiv?i'.t'e nx. c. T investigation todav. In discjusgiug the - ll- .1,"ttKl ,vs T1Je, SjJaJ. Prison, effitir last iiight, he said that every bit 'promised and settled, and judgment rf tiie evidence that he could discover i1 acoid:aig.y. Xhm he went to the Falls of the Noii , J K. Moody v,-. the State prison, ver to make the ofiieial investication 'r,oh r-w- of the dt-fendant: an appeal no wouivl hare fnoni ii-rt- cured. GrifTin .-:iid: The heM you Viil'" a il .made as thong'i to aa'mlt AIpti gum. at the time anovin-g hi "ri"-ht ham I aw.ind towanl his lip pocket Clirysantlieimnn Show The Chrysanthemum show under the auspices of Sr. Mary's Guild will b held Tuesday, loth from four o'cloclcHiil twelve p. ni. in the Parish rooms under th r-hureh. Many beautiful "'alliums'' will be shown, grown toy the Raleigh growers and from o ir n-.'ighbo; ing i towas. mJll. tnc asntngion uoriM r v;1J makc j,n Tempting re- f reshments will bo served at reasonable t Kbcr the piace, the Parish , :onms under too t hitrch of the Good .Shepherd. Admission 10 cents. VAN WYCK'S AKSWEIl Governor Roosevelt Replle to a State ment Paiiluiifd in New York Papers New York, Nov. aWhen seen at Ovster Bay today. Governor 1 looser el t -rave out the following statement in re gard to the story which appeared in the morning1 newspapers lo.lny to the efrct that Governor-elect OJcll had telegraph ed Governor Iloo-vitlt to sirppre-s May or Van Wyek's answer to the ice trust charges until after election: "I ha-Te nothing whatever o say to this particular story. Every State jead er of prominence and most of th? na tional leaders of prominence, at one time or another spoke to and ad vise I me about the ice trust case, and 1 doubt if there was any no.csib'le course of ac tion which seme cue at some time did not recommend. I listened to all the advice, gave due weight to it nnd thou look my own course of action. The dav before the ( lection I am mnc-'d publicly throughout tlie press ttiat 1 was eutir Iv willing that Mayor Van Wvck should' make public his answer, but that so far as I was concerned I. would fol low the usual course and make public the answer together with any statement by the attorney general that was ner:i nent an.l necessary when I announced my decision." MAJOKITY FOU BGCKHAH He Is Elected ni Returns Indicate, tout Republicans Dispute It. Iuisville. Ky., Nor. 0. The Ken tucky election will again be fought out in the courts, and if the case does rot reach the Court of Appeals before Jan uarv the Republicans say they may win. as they wil. have a majorityof judges in that court after January 7. On the face of the returns today. Gov ernor Beckham has a plurality of 2,'J'27k 'Hie official count will be made in every county hi the tstate today and in each countv will be bitrerly fought. The ic sult will not be known before tomorrow night. DRAWING TO A" CLOSE yhreer Week's Term of Su- perior Court Adjourns Orders Issued and Evidence Heard Yesterday In Twelve Cases JudS Robinson's Rapid Dispatch of Business The Wake conrnty Superior Court will adjourn 'today after a three weeks' term. Iv! even easos -were taken up yesterday and variously disposed of and a twelfth ease 'was given to the jury jus-t before court took a rex-el's until txlay. The case wias the Sua T-ife Insurance Com pany ts. the United 'States Fidelity and Guarantee Company. The suit is for $250. Sun Insurance Company funds a-kno-'ledged to have foeen misappro priated .by an agent of the company who was ibonded in the Fidelity and Guarantee Company. Cases were dis posed o-f during the day as foulows: J. B. Sfordeva-.. ; vs. .Samuel Watts, order for rc t'eience to Alex. J. Field. Rsq. Mairy Drsgger vf. Jno. Dug'ger, judg George C. Deposit.i- v. W. A. Gi.b- Hon. Jr., and Carpen Utr Broe., jadgment P. A. Iewis. administrator of E. O. TOvv:?, rs. J. M. Moody et al., judgmcait conlxiuiing the inort of sale. Daviil St(vcnson vs. L. E. Steven . r.i et -al., judgment in 'Conformity with tac report o sale. t & Uun'ter to. C Dodd and . T.. HoweM Tiidsuic-nt in favor of tho main tiff for $500. A. J. Blake vs. J. C 'Mw.-kham, ad-m'-lnistr'itor for Ma rend a Blake, "order ccnfirrr.'inig the Topoat of the arbitrator. Q. B. (Jiiily Trf. J. B. I'erreiil, three lases, judgment ' fr iyl-aintiff in eneh. When court took a recess yesterday evening the jury in the case of the Sun Life Insurance Company vs. the Unite! States Fidelity and Guarantee Company had just received their charge by Julgj Bobinson. Later in the evening they, rendered a verdict ' awarding to the plaintiff the amount they claimed as having been misappropriated by their agent whene surity ths defendant was. Court convenes at 9:30 o'clock th's moming. Very little work remains to be done and adjournment for the term will probably Ue taken before noon. Dr. Alderman at Tnlane (Mr. Fred IC. Cook, of Louisbnrsr. who is attending Tulane University, of wlrch Dr. Edwin A. Alderman is president, writes The Post from New Orleans as follows: "Dr. Alderman made an address be fore the student body yesterday on cel lege spirit, Which was published in the morning papers here. Dr. Alderman h?s made a wonderful impression on both the faculty and student body. He is just the man to be at the head of this great institutions." Trinity Collets Offers - undergraduate and fcradnatJ courses. Large numbers or elective. Eight scientific laboratories, equipped with modern and advanced apparatus. Large addition to library. Complete gymnasium. Expenses low Fifty scholarships to be awarded; 50,000 spent in improvements 'the' past year. Send tor catalogue. . PRESIDENT KILGO, . Durham. N, 0 laKeu u tiro' ouyiuiuL- wuu LET GOOD ENOUGH ALONE The Present Organization Will Control the Democratic Party and Write ltm PJatiorni, and Thoso Wbo Do Not Choose to Stand Upon It Ittar Stand on the Republican Platform Would be New Leaders Get Cold Comfort New York, Nov. 9. Representatirve James D. Richai'dsxm has made the fol lowing statement orf hia views of the !iheme otf Damoerati-c reorganization: "A political post niorttsm is usually profitless. In this inta.nce the; is mo advantage in discussing the jjresuimptdve reason for -a falling off here and a ga.n there, and "why ;this .Stat wn't lie publican and some othor State did not ero Demooratie. The Democracy is strong and time. Its .principLes are au chauged .and unehangeaibile. (No tempor ary defeat can oboure its brilliant ree wd. The genius of Jefferskm created it. His spia'it animates it. It cansot die. Today it is as dajuntless as in the days ?f its greatest tiiu-mh, &ni it ad vocates piuposy to go ahead as unfal teringly as they have .gone in the past. "Its future will 'be as creditable as its past. It oannoit change with every shifting wind and tide. The present or ganization has done effMen,t 'and faith ful -work. It has tbeeu free from the spirit of comimenciiail'iam. It has per formed its duty in a way thtat, in nvy jiulgmerrt, has Avon for it the respect and admiration of the people. The preseat organization will continue to control, iis it very properly should. "As to this scheme of re-organization, I can say that the party wants ail the supporters it can get. livery ,man who believes in Democratic princrpUs is welcomed into the (foil. But the Deano'crptie party fan nvake no suireu der of princi'pile for expeidien'cy's . aake. it caii lnalce no yurrenvler to the ' feoaa mercialism of the moment. When it nioes that it ceases to be. Democratic, and if it veers to -catch every favwing breeze it will soon be as far fmm its oiigiii'al moorings as the Republican iKirty is from its. Seven million voters revere the doctrine of Jefferson .and tadv-jcate his principles. These men will not aban don their IbelieC to please a minority erf the party. The majority rules in a Re public and in our .party. The majority will continue to ml e. "No one can say on what issues the next battle will be fought. The.princi ples of our party are immutable',.' issuers are created by conditions. The Repub lican party has been invested with a solemn trust. It will be held to the strictest accountability. It has the President and both branches of Con gress. It will make the laws and exe cute them. Upon its wisdom and upon the economic conditions that .develop will the issues of tho next battle de pend. "The next Democratic convention will consider all pending issues and sub jects and frame a platform. It will be a Democratic, a JeJiersonian one, and all true Democrats will stand Upon it. Those who do not wish to do so can stand on the Republican platform. Un doubtedly the men who call themselves Democrats, but who have been: Repub licans during the last two national cam paigns, wiil not be permitted to define the issues and shape policies for the Democratic party. I believe the present organization will control. It exists in every hamlet, town and city in the na tion. It is honest. t It will go right ahead, just as it has done during the last four years. . " "Mr. Bryan is undoubtedly at. present the national leader of the people. He has an immense following, to whom his sincerity, honesty and patriotism are an inspiration." F LINE HAL, OP IHKS. D. F. FAISON Th I oniatns Laid to Rest Yesterday Afternoon. The funeral of the late Mrs. B. F. Faison, who died suddenly of heart disease at her home on Davie street Thursday night, was conducted from the residence yesterday afternoon, Rev. W. D. Hubbard officiating. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. H. Holloway, N. B. Broughton. T. W. Bla'ke, A. Michelow, W. M. Utley, W. T. Harding, C. F. Snider and John T. Pullen. The funeral was attended by a large number of sorrowing frieuds, who ex tended to the grief-stricken husband and two sons W. E. Faison, Assistant Labor Statistics Commissioner, and Mr. J. B. Faison, of Chase City, Va. the most sincere sympathy. The latter ar rived here yesterday afternoon in time for the funeral. Mrs. Faison was a consecrated Chris tian woman, and will be sadly missed among quite a circle of admiring friends. i ' Two Hales of Cotton Unrnrd About 3 oVIotek yesterday afternoon there was an a'5arm of fire oocaskrae.1 ry the burning of two lba:e? of cottcn on Wilmington street in front of Gapt. Thomas' cotton ware-nornse. The .cotton had been left there by a planter for s.'tor'&ge and some one in pasi-nig the street threw, a match .with which he 'had lighted -a cigarette, upon one of the hales, thcrt'by setting it on fire. Ihe (ire department, wSt'h apparatus, re sponded pTOmip'tly. Two .bales of cotton were badly damaged 'before the fire could .be extingnishckl. The loss ,was cov ered by insurance. A Faculty Recital 'l he music faculty of St. -Mary's School will give a recital on Monday evening next. November 12th, at eight : ? An. friends of the school are cor dially invited tj attend. Seuator Simmons (Richmond Dispatch ) yi congratulate Chakinxau vSimmions, ' i iwrrn varonna, on tie ondoisecnent he received. He did fine woi-k in the caimpaign resulting in .the election cf Ayeock, and deserved the approbation of kh3 Democratic felw citizens. Be sides this, he ha.3 is'hoA'.-n poiitiaS Gener alship on former years, and we liave no doubt .mM make an aMe, rredl as a most worthy, sen'afor. General Carr has the approval of a ood conscienfe, and m due tume, doufbtless, .wUll be given all he -could idee at the hands of .the Democracy of h'is State. ; ! Taxes Now Out The time for paying taxes for 1000 expired November 1, and Sheriff Page announces that he will fin i to begin ffarnisheeing iTlhV are noi paid befcro November 15. ouoj V j weather or fair, the biscuit f jFy Mjf or wafers packed in the " In-er- yvft IZJ if seal Patent Package" are always r rBg0&h iff delicate, dainty, crisp. The best ffPA rfZffH J If products of the best bakers are sold iMJ&r d f-zr fr Wl in the "In-er-seal Patent Package" U M 9 iZSSsSi- I (I Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Butter I 2 1 Crackers, Saltines, Banquet Wafers,. l 'IJlltl I ft Sultana Fruit, Graham Biscuit, ; I I j : 5 Ginger Snaps, Handmade B Its p I Pl ftl8LooV W Pretzelettes, Vaniha 1 IM I & VV HATIOHAL BISCUIT Jjf I t W&i ffitoSs COMPLY. . k ACADEMY OF MUSIGlfiitf lll lPflEl OF MUSK Monday Night, Nov. 12 MR. HOWARD GOULD IN p I IU Sequel to The Prisoner of Zenda (the Daniel Frohman Production. Complete in Its Magnificent Entirety. SEATS NOW ON SALE. Prices: 25c, fJOc, 73c, $1 and $1.50. n i Raleigh, N. C. Handsomest Restaurant in the State for Ladies and Gentlemen. An up-to-date place. Open day and night. NEWMAN & DOHSETT, PROPRIETOES. Entrance through Yarborough House. ON'T FAIL to order Branson's AGRICULTU RAL ALMANAC for 1901. $6 ver aross. Order of LEVI BRANSON, Raleigh, N. C. Corn Mills and Mill Stones If in need of corn-mills and millstones you will find it to your interest to cor respond with Carolina Millstone Com pany of Cameron, N. C, manufacturers of Corn-mills from the famous Moore county grit. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB CHILLS And fever Is a boltie of C rove's Taa . tass Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure, then why experiment with worthJojjf imitations. Price 50 cents. Your money back if it tails to cure. HP TUT h nr 1 11 LIFE INSURANCE ' COMPANY'S G-AIN IN BUSINESS IN FORCE IN NORTH CAROLINA last year was over One Hundred IN EXCESS OF THAT OF ANY OTHER COMPANY, owing to its SUPERIOR MERITS regarding SAFETY, LOW PREMIUMS, LARGE ANNUAL or ACCUMULATED DIVIDENDS, EQUITABLE SURRENDER VALUES, ATTRACTIVE and Incontestable Contracts -and OTHER ADVANTAGES V Several Special Agents wanted, and Local Agents where we are not now represented. .K:y,''-ri '. -' :. Any one can write insurance for the Penn Mnttial. Send for copy of Penn Mutual in North Carolina." ' Address, " ' , R. ;B. RANEY,: Sg' RALEIGH, N. C. ' '.- . ' ... . .. . ' ."...' , ' - '" " OF R4LEISB, N. C. Capital ...a $100,000.00 Surplus and profits ... GO'OOO.OO Deposits . . . 710,000.00 No Interest Paid on Deposits. Total assets $925,000.00 Ample facilities for handling accounts of farmers, merchants, manufacturers and all others. Liberal loans on cotton or other satis factory collateral. . Correspondence and personal calls in vited. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $4.00 to $12,00 per annum. JOS. G. BROWN. President. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. Raleigti jVEale Academy RALEIGH, N. C. Thorough preparation for college or business, small classes and close Indi vidual attention, especially in elementary work. Represented and endorsed bj a large number of former pupils, who are prominent professional and business men of the city. Terms moderate 22 annual session begins September 3rd. For catalogue or other information address ' ' HUGH YOU ARE Invited to call and see the most com plete, varied and nobbiest styles of FALL that the market affords. Eniirplu Jif ferent from the styles of any previous nmrt-w. 71 f "7 7 T ' l f r" ywi . uraers S. C. POOL'S RALEIG fits T3rM m m If in oosae ONE SOLID WEEK COMMENCING Monday, November 5th Una Cla3'ton Co. AND Ladies Symphony. Orchestra SATURDAY NIGHT. Why Jones left Home Also Numerous and Novel Specialties. Change of Bill Nightly. Prices 10, 20 and 30c Matinee Saturday at 2:30, at which time a fine Gold Watch will be given away. See small card. MORSON, Principal SHOES soiiciiea. SHOE STORE, - H, N. C. 15A Dollars

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