2 :i U IC MUKN)Js(iQf, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1900 j, I WHITE IN WILSON Baptist Divine Preaches Serm3n that Thrills EURE HEARD AT NIGHT A !Vrih CUrollEia lr.-aI: r, Kctiirnc 1 from Jlisscurl, 0;:on. wltu tli. I'cwfr of Simplicity-War ol Word Wu-ed Ov.-r tUe Ord r for Hie De :ru tUm ol I i '-eT.-c.s-C Irciis Com iagu.l lit, e.-j bcly Happy excellent company anl, all in all. the ntn action, wnun will .present .1 cnaii'.e. of hiil nightly for this entire wee i an exceptionally iU serving one. Ketwceii th- acts of the drama a m: :il.tr of novel specialties wee in tro-.:m--d. The- VnUc Siyiiers. Ve ot. an funny junior, and William Lang, an :. r :: aric dain-er. Tonight "Tilt? Country Girl," a rural comedy drama, will he presented, and Wednesday a matinee at 3 p. ni. ol lorn Sawyer. CANVASSING THE 0TE The Senatorship and -Presi- . dential Electors- POSTSCRIPTS. Will X. Coley, of Henderson, is Srringiield arrived in th - ci y W. Hinsdale has gone to expected back to res c r th - H.i: and "' lie hum-nous, S');)!lsi; o w:u.n. x. a, xt. lj. mleiwe of The Morning Post: .1. K. Wh'.te iw'.el the pulp:t o: '.it church on Sunday morn'.a.r .iched a in -'. .admirable sermon, a line v iv -c . i h, re;iant, v-u-niii'.i-. anl felicitously' :c io ail the varying emotions . r' the h!i!iaa hoait. i a. And be has an e li lting, iaot fascinating -delivery. v. hich thrills and electrlt.es tne feenng with the fervi I and soul-moving 1 ;w ings of its dramatic passion., -van h's language is adorned with th-- alluring blandishments of richest rhetorical ele gance, and resonant with the sonor m -ry thin of poetic measure anl beauty. And so, with a lich and musical vol'.-.-; with language chaste and elegant aii.t pjeric; and with a delivery most .ervid and dm re. -i tie and inr.d essive. he stands shoulder to shoulder w:th those sneakers who are entered ty Mr here. Re-. J. O yesterday. C.hmel j. Halifax. Senator Simmons is the ntv totlav. J. It. Cariylc. of Wake Fotest is in the city. . Graham Andrews, George Cun and 11. 1,. Rankin returned to i'crsity yesterday. A. Lvon. of New York, who i..- ;.. .New Yo.k Life h. av arice Lomnanv. is a visitor m tlie city. Airs. Thomas ilium and Miss" Susan Moses, who have been visiting in the iiv. reiurncd to the I 'niversity yester day. .Mr. I. M. Pearsall, the secretary of tin Democratic f-tate Kr.eeutive Com- iu the city yesterday TO KNOW RESULT TODAY College. Ingham th:- I'ni Mr. M. i- c c The .state xoard Here Yesterday of Caivvansrs Mot at JKoon and Ad- joursied Uiitil I'oday-Uney UnraTel Ilns Error The Senatorial Canvai- In: Hoard Meet Here Today and Will Announce Itecult thr id dyna a nee. At lii'ht wc h:M the 7loa- t. iu the itev. Mr. Kure. f irmtri county, but more recently from when he has 'been laboring f irif e I kins in tne eloipaent utter- of hear y of N:1 -II Miss )u: i, or twelve years in tae caue ot tne '.Master. e were charmed and edlhed with his s"r mon. and so were all others who heard it. There was nothing profo ind or scholarly in it. There were no enchant ing passages of towering el iuenee. There were no electrifying -atbursis of oratorical passion. There were no bio. ni in. rl vers of poetic fauty. There were no &ems of meta- aor sparkling Iikc the quivering blush of a brilliant diamond. .No. there "were none o fthese seductive and conquering and overpowering agen cies. He made no attempt to scaie" the lofty Andes of poetic beauty, ana cull Those precious flowers of thought that UM.m amid the auroral stream'nirs u. brightest fancy: but his utterances had the .ioquencc of simplicity, and were sweet and winning and charmimr. His manner Avas plain and unassuming ard unarTc -tcrl and delightful. And the tijw of hi- .' .-.o irse w:s clear and pure and limpid and pelhicid. :!nl freiglite-l w'tii ar.soii s of pre -i cas (lospel truth-; tlnr wv;e t wh ies r.uc and edifying a -d soul -:(ti fying. for he held forth ihe pre b.:im fo.- hing he.irts : ; ,r bleed. ;ml si.ok, cf Ide.-sed Jesus who died that we .might jive. His refer. to (.leth.-etu.iuc a:: ! Cayalty was tetids-r ami iathtt'.c and heart-', caching and tear-starting, an.l many a glistening e e became a shinrnvr rivulet for the lachry mal of res; on-ive grief. Yes, indeed, the whole seitn n was a prec-i-ms otic, for it was sweet with the aroma of the fullest blossomed flower of religious con secration, and 1-mz will it and that go d man of God be remem'beied by our peo ple. Y ilson peord? r.re enthusiastic, and when they kindle the tires of detcimi nation the flames rage with interns-st heat and passion. Io the senatorial i on test between Simeons and ( air. there w.i5 a fierce and f;:-;:is b.ittlr- fraught with fierce and fi.rious zeal and a d .r a?' ong most intimate tr.ends av. t r: l.i tior.. And scarcely had the smke :f 4-o:i!lt drifted from our sky ibefore an other contest was invoktd. and now our people are arrayed in a fierce warfare of woids ov:- the order re i-rttly is-ued by the city a'derme;: f-r the dest u -tion of our 'beautiful elm trees the i.r:de and the glory of Wils n. In a frn;e.- nport we t -hl of th ed the a!dv:n;:-n to mittce. arrived fnun New Hern. Mr. Richard Rusibee. who is now a citizen of ( Jiarlotte. returned home yes terday after spending a few days ht re with relatives and friends. Mr. A. iMighi, tiie well-known caterer, left yisterday to till an order at the cele bration of th1 golden wedding cf Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Noble in Selma. A prer-s club is to be jrgiiitzcd ;hia afternoon at ." o"dock at the nnyor's office Organization will le prf.c.ed and otficers elected ihis aftecno n. Among the lawers here attending the Supreme Couit a'v K. I. (Jaither of Davie. W. W. King of Stokes. C. li. Watson. K. I. .Tones. Lindsay I'atterson ami A. 11. Iv! : of IVsytli. Mr. S. T.j I'atierson. the Commissioner oi Agrici'i ire, Ictt yesterday for Macon, (la., to attend- the meeting of cotton growers of the Southern States. Sena tor 1 A. Whitaker of Wake Forest also expects to attend 'the meeting. DEATH OF JIIS5 .71 A It V LEE A Sweet Young Life Gee (lack to God Who Gave It The deepest f-orrcr spread from heart to iheart among a wide circle of admiring friends Sunday with the news of tne death of Miss Mary Moore Lee. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. JL R. Lee, Avhose sweet young life went nvt just before ' o-oek, after an illness of sev eral weeks. The deceased was the eldest da tghVr of Mr. and Mrs. Lee and was in the seventeenth year oi her age. was an especially attractive girl, giving abun dant promise of development into the highest type of young womanhood. I'os osel of a charming Christian charac- was loved by all with whom associated: ami tne bereaved younger sisters and other le three hav e the sincrcst sympathy wit. t'l cause that vrom.i' issue the order: t- had en ni- the : ts the tien th? s...f- Tin's atid y clc.ggv-.l thm that rl.ey had be vei.v defective, acid in the iu l2t ter. -he "was lare:tts, i ; relatives oi tne enure community. The funeral, conducted from Edenton Street Methodist Chui( h at li-AT, o'clock yesterday afternoon, was largely attend ed. There were many beautiful floral tributes, loving testimonials to the sym pathy of sou-owing friends. The service was conducted by Dr. Smith, the pastor, the interment being in Oakwood Ceme tery. The pallbearers were Dr. Hubert Haywood., Dr. Hubert Rovster. Mr. John Morgan, fMr. J. W. Crawford, Mr. X. Spencer. jMr. Kd Pe?cmL Mr. William C.reen. Mr. J. D. Turner, Mr. J. F. An derson and Mr. J. I. Brantley. DOl'GUS A t TOIl'2V G!:ERAL ct rated p.eti.' come Titent of the otit.-ials it was cvid.-nt that one or the other must go, and h.-nce the conflict th.it is now raging in our p!a re. Some insist that both cair he i -.i. preserved, an.i tant tee pines can l e ' made so seiure as to io impervious to th- penetrating power of the jo ;ts. Others t?.ke the contrary, position and say that the trees must go. and so the battle of words go on and on. and neith er will give up. It doe-s seem hard to rive un our -rlorious trees. and -it rnd- the pco- heatth is preferable to ibeau'y which fla?. oil Bezonian." will p;e or ilson !e marching. And now. grown pen-pie and young people, big hoys and little bovs and gl -rions Women anfl bewitciiinz maidens aie beginning to rcj,.ice. for a t-iivus wiil be In town on Wednesday, and the- are already standing on tip t":e to witness on ofSuprcnic Court Judjo Sneered Z. V. Mailer Ooverr.or Rus-s.n ye;terday appo'r.t ed Roiher.'r D. Douglass, of (irren-b- ro, Attorney (lencral of tJie Stat1 to till the i!ne:irl term cf Zeb Vance Wa' si : . reig:i"d. Tl;e :ii.i-oiivt..nent of-Afr. Ion"-ln-s! r.i j anticipated in The T'os-t last .-ek. 'I he r.ew A rto:-;io-y (u ncral is a sen of Jit ' Dowglas i-f the Supreme :urr. H.'is a young man, but !ias made quite a repu tation in th? piv.eticr of law. Th anpoir.tmenit is fr.-r twx nvmiths. Mr. Walsr. who resajrn-ed to nr-iA :, th positio-n of Supreme Courr tvp rter, would live gone out of offie-" in Jan uary, when his -term ex p.' res. Th "resig nation of Attorney (Lneral Walser is effective next Saturday. STATE ( O.T1J3ITTEE TONIGHT the imposing parade. Sav what von about the circus, lot preachers pour their bitterest maledictions upon it, there is an attraction in it -for masses that cannot be resisted. will cut yet the And we are not surprised at the. eagerness of the populace to witness arenie exh ihitions, for there they see physical manhood in its highest state of development. Th" iron mus -le of the herculean gymnast, the thrilling airllity of the darimr aero bat, the graceful posing of ' the well Trained equestrian yea all these excite interest, and place t h-e thoughts for the t;me upon the windy side of care, and make us forget some of. the trials that float upon the current of every human life. And so. people will continue to at tend the circus, and particularly when if has the reputation of 'being an excel lent one like the Rhnda Roval whi;-h will the :in Wilson Wednesday. good judge, who htis seen it, informs us "that it is a very tine one. and that you are sure to get .the worth of your money. And the alert and wide awake iTivett will have at his or.era house Wednesday ntght-the renowned minstrels 'x.usco "c Holland's combination of finest artists, and we know a crowded house will greet these despots of mirth and music and Tvtt and song. Democrats to fontider TCatttrs orim porlnnro to tbe Iartr The Demoera'tie State Executive Com mittee meets hero tonight. Tiie nuVting is calk-d at this ft'me -io consider matters of importanee t ihe party. A goxl attendance is expctel. Among ine matt.r.s -that will -be d s ctissixl is the quest:on of -legalizing pri maries'. The 1'i.s': has given the views of a la rare number of ir.embvis of the committeio on the subj t of primari s. Tlie majority of tluse who cxp'res-ed Inemsclvcs are against Mie prima'rj- sv: tem. " The State Board of CanvnssiTs are in sh ssion in tics city for the purp .so of canvasising tlie Preshlentlal vo.o of the State. - , The loard m.e't ye terday at h.xn ; t t'he capitol and again I a -1 night, when adjournment was takeni until niiiiv o'clock this mom in g. The re-ult cf th' vote for Presidential electors will n -t Le known until this aftornooi. T. e r.ii-mbirs of the canvassing board ari Ills .Excellency Goverr.or D. L. R is sell. Dr. Cyrus Thompson, Seertst.-try -f State: Mr. Walter II. Xeal. of Sc-Mland; Mr. Wiiswi G. Lamb, of MaPtn; Mr. L. II. Wilson, of Forsyth, and Mr. J..me-, D. McNeill, of Faycitevi.le. All of .the members are present. The secretaries to the hoard, who are assisting in t:.e ti uiation of the vote aiv Mr. W. AV. W;li sicn and Mr. C'harle.s Iambeth. Many irregularities in nttm s and IV ure are fouml in the re.tirrns, w:hiIi necessarily delays the canvassers in ar riving at "the lesult. Some cf tlrcse er rors, especially t'hu-se which occur in 'he names of candidates ate b in:; . oni'ectcd. The board is doubtful j wh.thf it has 't:be right to coirect ati j errt ii. ligures, such as exi.sit i;i .th" v. - j tnnis fivm Wake. It will lc recalled tha t tlhe county can causing b ai:l of Wake made a mistake in iha " e io. the Mcl-vinley ebxtoiv, givii-g B-yan a majority of $-7, whereas it is o:.'lv 51'. The question as to the rig hit .f the ca:i vassdng board to niaki tihis f.fr.e:-; on has been re-ferre! to (lovernrr Ru-s; li and Mr. Walter II. Xeal, th; (hfiirmin. l oth of whom are lawyers. S me 0 the membin-s do not think tlie Stase Board can correct the wo'k of the county Ivoaeds. A report wl.'l be trade on this, subject at tlie mett ng of ttic board today. Tho vote of the Oongre si-:ial can V dates will not be citnvassod uirt i the L'bih. T'he election law provides for two meetings in a Presidential cantor, th -ote for eiectoi-s to be eanra'sed lirt and iiiat for Congressman Liter. No d n't ! the law will be changed, as both vet.? cotiM le can' -:sscd just as wrll. if m.t mor" co-i ve;i ier. fly at one meeting. The Senatorial canyasrig boa d. , which wa directed by the State Ex-en- ! t;ve Committee to canvass the vote of The aspirants for Senatorship, will met. t her;' today. The members of -the Senatorial cin vassing Iruard are: C. M. Busbee, ef Raleigh: J. S. MaiMiing. of Durham; II. A. Io-ndou. of PittsliM-o: E. L. T.iavis, of Halifax: A. D. Watts, of Stati-s ille; James II. Pou, of Kale&h, and B. S. R ).vst r. of Oxf?rd. The returns of the vote for the s'ra tcrship have been received from eery county save and tdios? are expected today. In miking provision for the canvas? or me senatorial vote, rue J lemo i'a ic State Executive Committee pass.d i;'. e following: . Th e Democratic County Executive Ciumivi'ttees of the several louhtks in the State -hall meet at the ctijiily sett (;:i the day provhled by law for twnva ;s ing ttho returns for pres-idtntiil e4te ors and cxHigressmen, wlun and wncre t'hey shall o;-eu and canvass th" re'tunis f otii the several pi-etincts in their eou:.'tLs of the votc-s in the sa;d TJnitetl States senatorial primary. They sh-all p.-t pare abstracts of said 'ie;nrn.s ami cer.ify til- same over the name of the chai'tmaa acd secretary, and irnnit vlia tidy transmit the same in a sealed envelope to the chairman of the State- Deiiivxeraltic Ex ecutive CVmmitee. Tnat the State Ex ecutive Oommirtee shall, at n nueting jo mm- i'j ine erecr.ijon in .vovemher, ap point a sub-committee of seven of its ntemlers. on wJiclroach several sen-it o rial aspirants shall h-ave representativ. s Avho shall constitute a board, to wlimi duplicate cvmnty ieturnsj shall Pe t by the eoimty chairman by registered mail, and the said lard .shall met at Raleigh on the 20th day o? Xovemb r and canvass the returns and announce the result. . Notice to TBX-payr The city tax book for the year 1900 is now ready, and has been placed in my hands for collection. The charter re quirements relative to the penalty on taxes will be strictly enforced. There fore, it is the desire of the collector as j well as of the finance committee, that j the tax payers call and settle at once,' i and thereby save themselves this addi- j tional cost and at the same time, spare the collector the unpleasant duty of having-J:o carry out that portion of our chatter. Very respectfully, CHAS. P. LUMSDEN, City Tax Collector. fSt. navy's School, Raleigh, N. C. I .....ESTABLISHED IN 1842 51 7 c Advent term begins last week in September. Lent term bo gins last week in January. Full courses in Literature, Languages, Science, Art, Music anl Business. Excellent Kindergarten under Mir; Louise T. Jiusbee' charge. Centrally located. LompIete modern sanitary eonmiencies. For Catalogue and particulars, address. REV. T. D. BRAXTON, B. D., n2 nscr 4 f t V " v .- i . AT; BERWANGER'S Store full of Interesting values Buying is made Easy by the "- r Ta:t that Everything Offered Possesses Merit MEN'S SUITS An all-wool (20-ounce), correct in snuare ond four-button round-cut U ashmgton Mills dark blue breasted vests, regular $lo values; our price, $l'.oU weight for winter. Clay's Diagonal Sack Suit, lined with sack, for $10 a suit. Sizes from 34 to 42. Regular value 20-oun ce Serge Suits, double and single .breasted sacks, with Italian cloth $12.50. double N or Complete L,ine of Overcoats For man and boy. The Boys' starting at 3o and running up to 50. are 'short, medium length, long sack are m demand; we've the right sort. Coats as small as four years and running up to nineteen years. -The mn's Latest in style, fullest values, and our prices will suit everybody. The siyh-s Overcoats. Taddocks having a good run, especially ours; they tit best. Ulsters Swelfest Overcoat This & S Is our Vicuna Sack isn't a tailor could low as $10, $12.o0, with Coats $13.50, $15 -and $18. Overcoat, lined duplicate these heavy silk throughout for less than $45. Our You can spend an hour and running to the edge, medium length. TIkto prices as .;u. umer JtsiiK-nneil UvercouU pleasantly in looking at our Overcoats, lu) Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Night Robes, Knit and Flannel Overshirts In fact, everything belonging to comfort for your winter's dress is here. D. BERWANGER, ONE-PKICE CLOTHIERS. HE T A UA VL4 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S GAIN IN BUSINESS IN FORCE IN NORTH CAROLINA last year was over on Mars "TIIE CAPTAIN'S MATE" A C arming Play at Academy of.TliisIc There was a large" audience at the Academy of Music last night to wit ness the presentation of "fae Captain's Mate" by the Southern Stock Company, headed by Mi-- Mab-d Paige, tne win some young ac;i .- ,vho xuch a favor ite throughout the country Miss .jaige and her, company nrnt with a Untterurg reception last night. The characters were well taken throughout, and the special scenery car ried 'by .the company is artistic and beautiful. r : t , , ... Fih from Ihe Clouds dolc?t. 111., Xov. 10.iAfccr today's shower a large number of smill white iisli were found ia d'lffermr iart of the city and loea.l sciciitis'is ar at a loss to account for the'.r a-;ivara-:ie.-. Fro i tho fait that some of the ts'.i were found en the rotfs of i,he b'g ouildini's at the steel mills it is supposed t;'a tliey must have . dropped from .the clouds. Voj-ag to Itemember The many friends of Misses Bertha, Marie and Emma Stunkel are glad to note that they have returned to the city, after being absent several mouths on a delightful sailing voyage and vis iting friends and relatives" in Bermuda. They were three weeks on the ocean going, and just escaped the terrible Gal veston hurricane, and on returning home they were present in the midst of a great gale, which delayed them a couple of weeks on the water, e oiinorea rnousana. uo IN EXCESS OF THAT OF ANY OTHER COMPANY, owing to its SUPERIOR MERITS regarding SAFETY, LOW PREMIUMS, LARG-EfekNNUAL or ACCUMULATED DIVIDENDS, EQUITABLE SURRENDER VALUES, ATTRACTIVE and t - Incontestable Contracts arid OTHER ADVANTAGES. Several Special Agents wanted, and Lo3al Agents where we are not now represented. Any one can write insurance for the Penn Mutual. Send for copy of 4 Penn Mutual in North Carolina." 1 Address General A A 9 Asrent, RALEIGH, N. C R. B. RANEY, -pr jgT'jT jfr 'AT -j&r 'jr 'jfr 3. . Antl-Chrisilau Riots Canton. Xov. 10. Refugees wno arrive-1 here report that anti-Cli:rstian riors "have broken out in th.- niMi inn . Tlie non-Cba-;ti ii!.s are wear- Kiang-Si nau'-re-s. ami all persons do rated are in darxrer of d nth The viceroy of the province an. pointed a deputy to settle th disturb ance, and French' gnnlnvus will recm- iiuj ui- miter Avirn tlie view of forcing h?s orders. o d.co en- Great Price on Messollno's Head 'Rome, Nov. 10. The gove-nment has offered a rewaiVrf 200.PO lh-a for the caj-.tiuv. dea 1 or alive, of Mussil n th. noted briirand. who. afte.- kiMinz a .nidge, seven cf the jury which con-vie e I nm of the murdT of a peasant aul ev-I cry man who testified against tim. tied! to tne momi-tauns, where lie ha t s nee ue titd a force of a ihnusaiil tmcps c m ninnded by a general. Fnnd for Ooebel ItIonam?nt Frankfort, Ky., Xov. 19. The private subscript'! m raised for the erection of nn appropriate monnmtnt over ih' i mains of tlie late Governor Wi-'liaia Death or.TIrs Irene ITIcIiny Sexton Dunn, X..., Xov. 10. Correspondence of The 'Morning Post. The funeral of IMrs. Irene Mclvav Sexton was preached here in the leth- 0:11st rhiirfh vfst-frilnT- oftm-nnnn ' i o clock by Rev. R. W. Jlines, of Hmith fiehl. rpastor of the Presbyterian church at this place. The remains were interred in Greenwood cemetery immediately af ter the funeral. Ihere was a host of relatives and friends present, many more than could 'get seats in the churcn, and the funeral procession extended, with vehicles aqd foot people, almost from the church to the grave nearly one mile. 'Mrs. (Sexton was widely and favorably known in this State as a ladv of cu!- j ture and rare gifts as a writer. Shei graduated some years aso with distinc tion at Peace Institute in Raleigh and since tnaf time, as tne readini? nn h.iei readily recall, she has contributed her snare to our literature under the assum-! ed name of Alcyone. "She was the only. child and daughter of the late xj. McX. j M'.Kar, of Harnett county. In l&JS -he was happily united in marriage to Dr. C. II. Sexton, brother to Dr. Sexton, of Raleigh. ' Her early demise leaves a grief stricken mother and a heart-broken husband, her only child preceling ner to ' the grave by 'three days. She was much admired by the people of our tow tT almost unexpected death w.r the cause of quite a shock and mucV sadness. ai 'Shiw Neu lorkllor-PShQT ;;lv. 1?l...ov 10.-TJie rfxtemtlil ..uii . i-nioition of the National Ho.se W . o'-Iay, . . . . ?nnr.r,. HI''; ' ax -3I.Kli.-0- 42 & MeEBA.. 1 m timmm i it 1 iffss&m 4V P. ."sat. . nere isTite only way you can top that boy from wearing out 1 d many snoes, unless youTuiyhim "ARMOR-CLAD They everlastingly wear. The boy gets tired rf. them. $1.50 and $2.00 Wm. T. HARDING, POPULAR SHOE and TRUNK STORE, Raleigh, N. C it) iMi j. anje as weji luoportea by an .4 it niKimirLt fti, ,..1.,,. ' "A

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