1 THE MORN .TOEBPy--. -JANUARY 8. 1001 V. " -- -rrr. -. , W Ma ai - , - f Lu la 1l Pavnter. their terms imug the same. r i,. ivifn..,-. 'the newly elected iu'i": Vs. i wnn.r, on -the bel'.cll 4111 Chief Justice Ilazehpp retired, j ; ( TO 8 E S PE A KE R M 0 OR E Manila News from London J Representative S. -M.-Gattis Withdraws from Race last of Seven Brothers of the ' : ' Scales Family Ieynolos' bad guess Jim Headen Arrested ton the 4 '.Murder of Doiph Causey Dr.' Gregorys Latest I n- "' vention London, Jan. 7.-A dSni'te!i tr&n Manila mjs that tut. iit munie-pal election was. held sneer ; f.;:.!y at i-S-1 mo. province of Benguct. Saturday. ; The U'MTotes took iai in ,1 tUM-" ; ti'U). - . The construr-tinn of a idd nn-- n at OV.napo. in addition to those? arMinila, will 'be begun shortly. ; A Kic napper Scared ! I Greensboro. lews has bee kath of Cai ' F Sirred at -his h"''- 'lay "iught Joungost b;"'ii 1 I. M7 Scale- a:.- Jcftles of this : (even brother?, a . K:it men. ''Lieutenant. ; Wr this morning H Winston from to dOtVn .0 Kan:- b th me aiders " fc-is 'jo: su.rpr p-,iyc Furvhe Aud . iv.v . ' vppjntvs.". a---.-"' j,v.im : rehip ; - V- through his Senate, prc- t .Tan. T.-Special. . .,,,1 here of the i. S.-a'.es. which o. , Paris. Texas. Fri , Scale was. the ho late Covornor :, !, of Hon. -A. M. 1 was the last of i whom were proini- I Omaha. Neb.. Jan. 1" ; lcmr mailed at Lincoln, the writer, .who rep- j ,...,..nf liimulf one of the kidnappers , of Fdward Citdahy, Jr.. has made a for . tl ,,lY..v t .fm-ii State's evidence asamst his cout ederate . in return for immunity j 4- i,!,aJ Thu irii.irjiiitv has been i made by Chief of Police lonahue ami Mr. Cudahy. MANY MEMBERS ARE HERE x The Seat theJWember. of Both Branch- e Will Occupy-The K:e:tlon of Mr. W. E. Woore, of Jackson, as Speaker of the ilouss ol 'Represeutallves will Granville "NT Gnham Greene II. P. Jenkins (lit. - P. L. 'Carr(l ;, Hairtax-W. F. 'Parker (!) I'.5 White U" PILOT MOUNTAIN llUUltiA " " - ,In Harnett W. A, JStrt '-'y--Haywood-.! oe (Jollin Uf - " ' ' IIendeion-0. V. F. BlytheK). . . . Ile.tford-ll. J. Lawrtme (U). .... Hyde Julian S. Mann ! Iredell A. L. Watts (- - Iredell Dr. S. Stephnoa Jackson W. K.i-;MHl,e (! Johns ton-C. W. Richard-on Johuston-John M. Morgan (D.... Junes A.. H. White d" ;,--Ix-noir W. WCarraway V);Tv.-" Lincoln Jack F. ItinehariH (!) Macon H. D. Dean (I Madison-I. X. Ebbs ,(H-j - ' Martin H. W. Stiibbs t I amw-II-M J.1 Mnrnhew r unanimous-Candidates for Office j ; , p(.i.ipT;bni e P. M. Shaniionhoine but Arc Not So immense as In the Pa t , Mo(.kteul)U1T(V -jinVlz' (D) ' iSlecklenbnrg-W.'F. Asdrey (I) Uii,V.,H I T'V Vinrlison (Ut...- The Legislature meets Wednesday At Montgomery 11. X,rage (I) School ljibrarv Association JEei last night-'and perfected" an organizaticra. 'The .association elected officers fo-- the eurrest year and adopted Nrules to gov ern ihe library, thus potting it mi a busir ness-Uke "basis. The officers elected for this year are as follows: Prof. D. P- 102 ! Parker, president; Hc. Thos. West rax. 110 vie president; Dr. C. II. Brantley, sec Uliretary; S. H. Brantley, treasurer; and "JyC O. Finch, librarian. This library w primarily for the benefit of the Sti'i 2 hope Ili-h -School .and community and IS)! is highly deserving of the degree of sue- 51 KM 'W VSf J) D. Rockefeller. J. Pierprnt:Morgan and DK. W. E. WE IHE. James j. urn ; are s Veterinary Surgeon tO TDpen up. a trans-contyieptal Jine from ocean to ocean, bnt also, to contiai . fMnsnnptarinn line from- Hing Kong. Graduate of Cornell University. China, two-thirda of the way around t i . JPAKK KOAD, WEST KALHILUi JO 114 4 109 12 cess Haw assured it. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap tist and Methodist churches of FLuf-h,-combined, gave a Twentieth Century en tertainment at the High-School building last, evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. globe to Southampton. If this seneme is finally brought to completion t a travel ler may start from lpn gland an dtrave' t j China by -way ot th'. country md pay Rockefeller, 4 Morgan and Hill for crery mile" of h.is.ioii5 journey. intrcst&t 'Pboaa 42. O.-il v One Deatlt Last Vcar In a Popnla- ; tion of Twelve Hundred Furniture j Factory to B.) Unlit- Hotel aud Cot taces to. lie 8ircct?d at-Vade Jlefum Sfrr;isL Pilot Mountain. N. C. Jan. 7. CurrcHtondence of The Morning: Post'. Pilot Mountain 'ha? -one of the best health records for the past year -li the State or in the United States. -There was only one death here in P.KMj. which witli l.l'OO inhabitants, makes the per- ceil cage .ess man i-iv oi uu i- i Reynolds was! Mr. Jo'b lie:f has recently ciccrea home' two larsro r-r.Cii .-:-u- cuuuings ;ii .u.u.. jet ji ii ;i o;o:iCa ;. are genera i siort. Dodson' iiw. JiuV5 ?',.ri.-ai a stocii ot oneral u-;Mn ' 'Smith s noon. .Many oi iut- ijiumnnuv . arrived iu the city yesterday and today will witness the arrival of practically all the solons. The Democratic members caucus to- j night at the capitol. There is an earner ! disutwition among the .members, already here to get dmwn to work.. They are well posted on public o.uetions Of course, the fellov.J who waut office are on hand. They are indispensable at the inauguration of a session of tue Legislature. This year, ho-wever, there are fewer applicants for office than for .many vears past. Some of the old offi cers "of the Legislature are not opposed . r.t 52 . . 53 . . KMi . . 7(5 . . 71 . . 4.-J 7 2!) S'J 1 rniiig to hi hingtou. He will pornw to call the i.day and swear Heyr.dds .says he .tlie elevir.ion of chief j;ist;veship. ...uc a. v;v;iv':":0'. and U...-i'. Mr. Itey- stre frr ro-eiectioii. Mr. Walter E. Moore. 'of Jackson, will be the Speaker of the House. The elec lion of Mr. Moore was made certain yes terday by the withdrawal of Mr. S. M. Gntris of Orange, who was the funr..- m 'jo ; j,to:v b ::UV.i a: .:2.) M.-.:n ttveer. A f :;-vJ':e i.v.-to,-? is o;.f 'cu'our now speaker's only, opponent. I .v.',ro?.:Mjs vctieh -3 'ire ;o 'have built i n,.imv is Mr. Gat'tis letter of ! ut o'i:-t 0. J. !:ii:ry is one of the awa-l from the rare; ;.:v.!-;.;; a; f.r..v'kh:;e:K The capital stock iMr Eaitor: i .; b'Ci,-;:: with -.v;.i t.e i 5.000. 1 take this method of announcing that i '.Vo '.; .- p:K.;r.-ssvi at ade-Mec.im mv name will not be pmsented to the i S'-v:-:j.l-s w:.;:h 'ivii: l- Opened up for ; Democratic caucus for speaker oi j r'-j,. ...::: '.:. tiie U'm:uer. The proprie- ! .House of -Representatives i i- '";(. tV Je:ik::is. of Winston, are jhank the members who have given ex wi til th 1 desire itn tin v'.'.tC;: vt .11- , t . i -.it : . ,,, 1, .it-,.! nii.l Ii.:ive enl h :id liC tritcts out for "o cottages. The Vade-rrc-'"..'V 'f i Meema is uuJoubted'y uie of the best" last of this juiueral springs in the State. il.f W. L. Cohoon is- out j ,i;,ic !orlc or t lie il? citrus, ui i - jug JCIICIOUII III n C VY UUOII1DOO ,.-ieciUon eon to oe , -o ihwe is no more j Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. . Joe Jefter Coiioon is v, i'il ; son 'has located here and will lie a prop- has a 2 i 'xa erty-ownei. Jsatumay a (teai was con- !';-: eluded whereby he and .Mayor W tiildon notice t the-position oi :t Ani I feet v t . . .. t ...:.,,M. -.:T:i'( in 1 i 4Xy-t"'-X . 'vUn no uianitine lot it' is Ihtrlr it'tJ .;.'": 'jV the great cause i huge winter liotel. ' I in1 . - f this Citv. lor, t.-. ri 5 f.-.l ' 't -..-'V.i. I '.Id secured fifteen ncres of hue property. must of it in it lie city limits. On one intention to erect a Ir will have a large t.-i v-Tf .v-irs a .Bia-.r & -". v-.,r,., vr tne business i -' - - ... . .1 If"'! woi'sa oi . jis: 'i- ( FOR THE 'INAUGURATION oj i: -wiitiSis" Important Meeting of General .. ;S4 ffec'iSu '"john - Committee sterday - V-V ' s r.d Ait Graves. , . . . -;, . r '- "'' ' v" iLV' .v: ' ' vwvlay for playing ..'.. . "i-,- y i i: '. i-)ti '.Hi. Nxai -r.i u:orn:niC i : -sriie Sub-eomiuittees Report-Bxcelleut K e ' it I T i . T . ' j Froxre BeiiiS 7Iatle la ihe Pre- were rcieaeu ,se by with a iwo ot tticm on Will Caldwell . i.u ,!3 n . i. limlnary Arrangements military Kates arrested early this ::. i town.- by Con- t a tid Deputy SiierilV aud lodged in jail, it j'i be reme:.;o.rea tnat uoipu oau.-es wh.wt a-.i-.-i hilled, ii was ssi'J. t V'!H' llwuters. t: appears that Jim ' o'clock- iu it ho mayor's office a fiacie or V ui. nrcu tne "i-:tudanco'was large, and very gratifying iy-h Dist There was an important meeting of the .1 general committee on the inauguration t ,tli Dist of Governor Aycock yesterday ... l.r...ll.. 1. i.il mi ir jU'ession to llieir kiuii..s n;rniis iui uiv and assure them that 1 shall always re member with gratitude their considera tion and kindness. M. G ATT IS. Mr. Walter. E. Moore. wh is to b honored with, the speakership is one of the nioi-t popular young 1 lenioci ats m the State. Mr. Moore, who is a. typical representative of the west, enjoys a lucrative practice as a lawyer. As grand master of the Grand Lodge of Mason he made a splendid record aud citizen of the State, and no one is lienor quaiuteu to wield the navel ever tho House than he. The Post gives this morning a list of the member's of both branches of the Legislature, together with the numbers of the seats they will occupy. Th.s Re publicans ami Populists seat to them selves in the House, save in one r two insninces. Old familiar faces in the General Assembly of ISttU will be f nind in the same seats this year. Mr. Fraiik Thorn p'sofi. the 'representative fronV Ons leov. has seat No. i again, which is in the front on the extreme left., MEMBERS OF SENATE. r No. Seat 1st Dist.-W. II. Bray (D) 1st Dist. S. U. N'ann (D) v. 2d Dist I. W. Miller (D) 'd Dist. II. S. Ward (D) ..... 3d Dist S. J. Calvert (D( 4th Dist E. L. Travis D Dr. R. H. Sjieight (D).. at ONhdi Dist. F, G. James (D) 1 7th Dist. I. .M. Arlington (in... Moore A. A. r . Seawen Nash-C. F. Ellen (D) . New Haiiover.-( Jeorge Ronntree(D) W TT:,,,nvPr-M. S. W illard(D.) . . Northampton-F. R, Harris ji'. ... Onslow Frank Thompson yu- Orange F. M. Gat.tis PasutiotaiiK-T. IV Aasn ' - Peuder J. R. Banuerinan (D. Po! k-J ohn W. M e Karl a n ( U L Pamlico George peesDL Perquimans Thomas It. Ard (D). Person W. T. Bradshaw (D :- Pin-W.I. Nichols dVVi'ViV"" litt Thonuis II. Barnhill (D. Randolph-John ' -T. ? Brit ton (1 .... Randolph Chnrles Ross H. Richmond A.-,i. iuie '";'' Robeson J. B. I attersou t t Robeson J. S. Olive (u . .. Rockingham-J. Robert Barrett (D) Rockingham-.J. H. i.tuie v" Rowan-K. Lee N ngm: yu) Rowan-L. H. JtotfirocK ";-.- Rutherford J. r . Alexanuci x, . . . Sampson N- inincau u Sampi-on-E. B. Owen Stanh W. V. KUiocK y StokeV Riley J." Petree (hi... Surry Samuel G. Brinn (K) Swain John. Burnett 0L ........ Scotland-Hector McLean (D i . . . Transvlvania-R. U. Zachary tD). Tyrrell A ngUNi YV." Ow.ui (DL I nion -Jotin . nnci: ;" Yant-e W. B. Dan.?is - - - Wr-,,ke E. C. Beddlngheld (D..,.. Wake .John P.. Pearson (D) Wake R. V. Samns tin... Warren-S. J. Daniels (;. WashingtoitThos. W . Blount (Dl. Watauga-W. II. Calloway (.1).... Wavnt W. R. Allen (Di Wa'vne G. E. HOOd (D Wilkes H. L. Green (1)..... Wilkes Edwin O. Masttn (R Wilson H. (i. Connor (I Yadkin F. B. Benbow (R). . ... . Yancev W. M. Mcintosh (R Great Transportation Scheme New York. Jan. 7. Ihe on t com or the. great railroad deals which marked the world of finance last "veek are re maikable. but even more remarkable ae the possibilities "that are of en to tnse Good for Sister Lease Topeka,. Khn., Jan. 7 Mrs. Mary E. lease has .written friends at Toaeka from New York that f-h-e wilil Avithdraw her suit for divorce-..and re turn to Kan sas to live with hir iiusband. She "vvLil quit the W'twrs field- aiid wi-1 : derto the wmaimlei-.cf h.5r life to an ai-de-avor tv make a Tuappy .hcaae for her husband and children. - Smoke rurts, the latest an.', best 10c. Cigar on the market. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOll ''...-' CHILLS. ' Ynd fever is a bottle. of Grove's Ta-t?-Jo?s ".Chili. Tdnic. Never fails to c r then why experiment with wo. -, ;,1 s, imitations. Price 50 ccote. Y'cur ir.-ao back if it fails to cure. lid ion i 70 10 ,. . 34 S.-,j 40 ."( .). !." 10 14 so 87 11 115 113 !3' 18: 101 . XI 27 43 48 no 4i. 00 07 120 21 ed Prices.: At Reduc All of 'em Boys and Ulsters. We give you vou usually have to pay finish. NoL prices- Boy's Long Pants Suits TO.OO .' S.00 stee and Reefer Suits, Bys' Overcoats Long-pants Suits, Boys' Short-pants Suits, Boys' Y a chance to buv Boys' Clothes during this week for less than reguiar , pay "or the poor kind that is sold in many Stores. Then yon buy wh Eoy's Shurt Pants Suits regular prices. les, ctu aper th:;n t is best m raoric, ct uu $12.50 go at. 10.00 go at. 7.50 go at. 0.00 go at. 6.00 4.80 $.750 go at. . 7.00 go at. C.(K) go til. n.OO go at. 4.rM) go at. .: 3.00 go at. $0.00 5.00 4.80 4.00 3.20 2.40 Overcoats Suitable to wear for boys of all ages from four years up. .$12.50 Overcoats for. . 10.00 Overcoats for. . 7.50 Overcoats for.. 0.00 Overcoats for. . 5.00 Overcoats for. 4.00 Overcoats for. 3.00 Overcoats for. .$10.00 ...... 8.00 (5.00 4.80 ...... 4.00 , 3.20 2.40 and Ulsters This sale starts tomorrow- morning and continue.-, all the week or maybe longer. Evry ' purchase must be for cash;' but, to accommodate mothers", we've con-, eluded to send them out oa approval. 80 13 .10. 02 You have good choice as Some of the all this week Will Change" Motive Power I.omlon. Jr.n. 7.Tt a iineting of the London UndergVAuid Railway Company todav it was voted to issue bands fjf l',f.0JK!O iintiXlsJlJ6r the purpose of (hanging the motive power fr Ui steam to electricity. DURHAM Take Warning, You 1 Snt,rJ,,y .Wt. J.n.rr 12. the Spo-ial ,? ip0 ,1 J,; ,7 icn-doiiaf bSl : ...S..'& D. BERW ANGER, . One Price Clothiers. t yet to make your selection. rpi, i I I l J t 1 J lot. --- WX'Vt I 1 V I J. ' I iV)i Ti's; V;'J ther. gra:deI the ylsto .. vrifSwfs ihi).?. Will tvw-.r. -Mr'ia, but tac oncers j wumintu . 6 waliciDT or .Jjndiiig him s-joii. ! T J. 11. YV. Sugg (D). T. D. Warren (D. B. F. Aycock (IJ. S. Kenan reported for the pro-.'j iis-l George I.: Morton (D). . . . . .. ,. . . . i . - I f ., 1... llt-AI-ll 1 J . f ' . . 1 1 a i . IUM. Ti-.a '. 'A a roaiot-a. .or.it s-oaa vjji.o rgxam committee, outlining a proposed j nh Dhtt. John E. Burroughs (D) . ytos U ovmak lujojr.ffl. which will not be finaliy fixed 12th Disr. N. U. Broaghton (D). .. n u., to tl, legist g2 raehiM.:: v.5Nlvf.jf brlca for a no vr. tne x- 3 goQun!ttu. T?be ceroinaTiflss will prob-i-4 pt-I. W. S. Roberson (P). . , r.- . . . dm diii .kl n.zaMAtiiiy tk jls uaiu. ii,nr: i.'is;. uupcki .v. uivmi tuj.. Ooial O.dj fii:md Svra the inlU-i: ,V.:si' liOin i-'Ksl. Stephen Mclntire (D. James 1. McNeill (D. 1 11 45 30 43 37 0 . 7 21 20 10 r5 38 34 o 27 , 44 4j 5 4 one V l'VT Z1" K:j?tm rUvCv?"' wvviuu, 'T1,. , w "u"?!l7th Dist. James A. Loug (!..:. t ' viiiilw! kjuk i3ei ' ds pindt. lh 8eal-r oJlcer in j ,g.y Dirt! ifo va-4 Foiishw (D) 20 S ? df .oarjS tf- trtsaiicc r1 Jo eomma-L ander j:h t j " London (D;.. 33 ! i itj-s-!, 7 lurvajua, wimi W v.'ool ill). . . 4. . . tfTt. . ' . .- , . . . ! J ilS . ST. . fc.yi aiiuwr uu rija; rm. Aas-,4fese4 ti coav.?fl stee, uai aai-J ooopsiry D st. Came ou Morrison (Dl ivJNStSi. etroOfti. on & 0':'&'om all trna th Btat ware snriousi rJ- t....J 1 i ..a. iiv. h4 5?m ths g'5a la an itant aoi sijo comr and 1m per sj- Ueui- ? . tvrr.it H C, Vfe v lister' lVi" Dr. Orcgory elaitt that tntel President Winston of th a. & Mr Ot4-;" n Ut Jhn S Henderso-i ("dV! car t nrd it ta race of. sixty vt. br lE.riu.tiou -addrvsaed , the com- I.,;,. u 1 . .t... T' t.,tv, w in. fciu ehwllv,- - Th .inecaanlim, . Wch jurdia.f th military feature, . aasarins ! 7.'- X)iJ.Jy ' i SriltelcatheV 'V) Up"S3 D? th riw, loids he;. eouueuitte -thii th atip X. Jk M. ,;;s.h Dlv.-S-tiiiut-1. Marhstl R 1 .' . . ' wwtrusioa . ! thai th? Cowari Os w?ortd thM JAt compa-Irt O Alclnto'. (P) frsli rt of SHbj of fehiA 0 ron to l4iea ha alrf czp-:-d -taelr a;.ir Di'-L" II 'Michael' ill).'.'. '. XC h'- A wjtaieot to attend. i3';, Dist --ud"r.n V. Miller H) M. H. Justiw (Dl. . . . . ?aa bre au-ty thouAsnd roujiaa . committee was making tho t trJa-Jtav. Tac c-;f of this r5t!a, t jftrrausfOmeu-u for ceoovatJoi;? : irwai5K cianaii. 4;i io KCCa ZliO COSldtoS, 1 : . 1 1 K T I I I.S I '-'.i 111 :.t l i 11 H lilt. fi th' fur. o U o t .th army..' 'i', B, Moselj was stibsti luted jfUf; tl V.' 8-.,-;-r, m h tdin L Ch'Jrch t-hlo -r l wee 1 . , 33d Dist. ' Or . o-.i i H'U ao v. 30 10 14 15 42 25 IS I (; 31 :;' 40 48 47 17 2-S i si.: L' i. ou rue w.'ivs una nr-a .u.i. . .m:". , . : - O-tlll lll Pw ST-I II T J 1.-.. . f. 1 'Jlilll .h oisre?atious ! vA wara ftnd n-.-a; committee, that the 11s rc- 1) ,s.i; tit i rj a:-ge .jjT er.g.ige-'t in a canvass of oI tfrvci... .-eJK i anticipated. A-jtyid rquesfi that the citizen reeit o. r.;c ia oetaa; ooserved by ;6po:i( ailv. 111100 . 6:'-.f Pinor'., .'.feftsee I' W ;',-oi ducted by ,t.. 'wiur-rhes. J fie funei;!., oi s.in , aoniac;er; fi t t The h-jn rour or tne aotuii j Ti,c :u-.x.fiSHa rr nniMint to entertain the Ltii tti j. -1 . t-. , , tohr.era "as guaranteed i!'i nuntarv com-1 meter ana i neiKts. ;.mitto,0i nnd tho 1. M. Oudger (Ir. 23 YV YV. Strinsfield (D). . . 21 -J. M. Cander (Rl 40 Dist. Joel I, Crisp (Rj 41 MEMBERS OF HOUSE. No. Seat. ;tors of 'those jr,ques'tcd. to' A'ij'jiaut Alamance Elijah Long (D)..... Alexander (1. J. Carson (R) Alleghany--Jo.seph C. FiM,(D). Ash e I lira m YVe n v e r ( R ) ....... (iVneru! was ! Anson L. D. liobmson U. . . nii niilitar; compa- Beaufort B. B. Nicholson (D).... . int'i Miiit -;ift..ra 111 ihf. Smt.s Hon le--I-. J . W instOIl (Dl. u Y. Thonilow was i j-si.,,5,.,,,.,,, , ,tt tin.' (v..,,,,,..,! Vi. I Ittftde-ii K. P. McCnlloek IL . . . . . el; this afternoon ;r.,,f:,.ri ,,,,,v,i.ra. nusnt .,t'ni,. iii,ivni.: ! llvOuw'u-k- -Dr. D. B. McNiel (Dl.'. t . A . . . .. t t 1. 1 : -ns. s.,1 IK 1 - ...... Curtis ( D) ' Spainhour (D) m (D. .- . ir..o iXw t 1 no v.i l 1 oil 1 1 1 f 1:11 1 111 111-r 11 1 ..'l riw 1 , jiiii t Li iii i,. , ' ......... iy to attenu theiji,, liave'inade the" following rates to j Chatham J. !. AR1 vcr (U;. . . ihe inauguration of tiovernor Aycock Cumuenanu- i.. n.. ajcivjiuou av. . Cumberlana-i'. j;, Dali (Uj. "" -c,'-,r- A. ( . Kiikman. In-- .tu r,-m,iirt.e f.i." w :xa nnd me.inA is Bnnortinbo--L C. Klv.J ':' ,-;,','i,:V H Mrs;'!feo nested to meet t the mayor's oftice ltu.'kc -J.' F l T ;: hi niutuer. air ami t f 0-clock this .afternoon. !Caindea-U, C. Ba .- i' il. , i. '", lUiU ru,li January 15: ad. was here last ;ch.M.lotte ., i . . ... ...i- ..! r "" loj. a tea near Mt. ajrifc-u fsr.era'.- ' Bert;ei!ii.t 'i tioacd a'. lvL.... wrealns, ko::;; djertr ivjvv October, bu: ; .,. Airy P.sr, T. M. Ir(;y. "Oiirlsitian Ado ;c. v .Mr, Andreir . , ir this iiioi Tlr.,- 'h.- he -.v:;, . fieedlnS" fo: ton papers. . . Mr. T. L. McC Jng from i.-cxing where he ierformed ;be sau mis.ui ilU,.vmg his wife last ' P, eek. Airy after Durham . . Payetteville Uorest City l1lirtiiin . . a tile city to.;ay..GrP0,ls,loro of W mstoa iGoi.lsboi-o-. Jit th lit or of the Raleigh :s .a tno IIo'jsm pro- '""'ir!ot-. nnd Wilmbair iy returned this morn Kentucky Court of Aopeals ppfals,. on reo! ?.Ul;yiu? , foi. .tJ0.. Janu ary term' this lU'.niin?, seleGfe'd '"JnUge ,'Jhomas II. Payni,.,. Jls Chief Justice. 'Ihe.seieftion Vas i11;,ih. i,x casting: lots betwieen. Judges Ii. -l. D. -Dufl'jv and . , . . . S3.50 ' Cabarrus V. II. Morris ID) 2. GO'i('aldwei:-J0h:i B. Lstiell (it).... .50 Caiterer-W. N. W. Taylor (D). 1.5r.!CasweIi W. S. Wilson (D). -. . . 5.00 j Catawba W. B. Gaitbef Dj. . 3. J10 Cherokee W. G. Paine:, (R.L ... l.OO'ChowaiiW. D. Y'elch ())..... .5.1 Clav R. T. Coleman (R). ...... 2 25 Cleveland C. R. llocy iDi. , . 4.70 1 Columbus -D. C. Alleu (U. 4.(i0 i Craven 11 .15. lieree t uj 83 00 78 107 54 77 17 73 01 ' 8 59 38 75 47 40 OS 07 02 US GO 72 20 103 87 108 2.40 Cur rltuck-js. m. uensiey un 4.75 3.55 2.45 5.10 Davidson II. H. Hartley (Dl.r Davie C M. sheets (Kl . .... , . . . Dare-C T. Wi'.lWuus (D) Duplin D. J. Cavltou (Dl . . ...... ,55iDiuIiam--R. i. Russell (U Edgecombe--. L. iiauguiriuge (U Edgeeombe-B.. F, Bhelton. (D). . , . - i -i 3i2rt l.nt rUnoro , Mrriou Max ton . . ... . . , . Mooresboro . Norfolk ..i-.ih. ....... Rural Hall . .rt . Rutherford ton ; , iSeluiii;,: . ."i ...,.r ... ...-i . Shelby . . , v. .f r . . . .... Suffolk v Weldon .',11 , ". .'. . . ; 1.0 Wilmington :'.Vi'y ,V-v-. .. r, r05 siJ.W itrt lie sold .Tiirmnr' 14 find foV ! CHmvO; F MftSHm ( D) njflt-uins trains of the. lottir final limit jOatVs-r-L. .L. SuiIva (Dl. . . January 'V,lU01.;j ; 1 l.'Jiai.n ill; rA.,YY.J.irjiham (Dj - ,1.05 Forsyth J. B.Wfc$Wlrer (p r 2.VU5 -Forsyth P. T. V-fin (D). . . . . aj i.20 Franklin Yr H- m borough (Dl... 4 ,1 r.s. t a.tni, ft- -w. Afftsun (Dk-.. . ... Hudden Deallv:i W. W. Perklnaon l.lUle Interest Taken In the Proposi tion to issue Bonds for Public Ini provrmeuls - - Dniham, N. C. January 7. Special In the twinkliy of an, eye' -yesterday norning the life 'of 'Mi-. V. YV, Perkm son, an aged and highly respected cili zen of Durham.Svent out. He had been complaining several - hours of hert trou'ble. Noiwithstauding his feeb.e .mdiritui he ar.ose testeraa hiouj..w and as was his wont, started to irm.i. Methodist Sunday .-hool. Up on Ma.u .tieet he became dizzy and grew faint. Friends carriedif "tothe home of Mr. W. A. Jenkins, his brother-in-law, who lived near by. v,lle sat duwn and in a few minutes was a corpse. The phys-i cians sav that heart disease was the cause of his sudden death. Mr. Perkins was in bis Olst year of agi and Avas known and loved, by all of -our pens ile was twice married. His first ;W..fc died in Raleigh fiuite a number of years ago and todaj his remains were' taken to the capital eity and laid beside tno?e of his first companion. By his dead Wife he had several children all of w hom are grown. Later iilife he married a second time, his wife being a Miss Crockett, of Henderson, before she was married. By this union there is-one child, a uaugnieu Tho deceased had lived in Durham some ton or twelve years and was well and favorably fcuow.n to all of our people. Since coming here he has been in the employ of Mr. J. S. Mesley, the mer ehar.c tailor. His death was sudden and unexpected and it. has brought. ' gloom "a ad sorrow to a 'large number of rela tives and friends. Today was the time when Jhe people were to pass" their -verdict cli tha pro posed issue of bonds for street aim sewer I)urposis- iwo .hundred ihousiand (lobars in all. As n rale the peo;?!.-; did not seem to iiAvM the m"t-;r vru-of much imoovraiK-w .n:d dUS ao: y..are way or anoiher about it. Those wko -:i:J vote, or at least a la rye p-r rtmi. ) the cium ber who went 1.0 the polls. td;np'y did so because some of their ii'itnZH J'.sked them to do so. . As...i rosu't c ' thn careiessnoss it seem at this t'v.ev late in the afternoon!, that the. bonds vill go by default. Undr the' act'-a auajority of the qualitied voters of the city , will have to vote for the bonds or the" matter is last. YYThile the people did not so seem to consider it the question that now con fronts the aldermen is a serious one. Durham must have a perfect sewer sys tem, but tne. question now is,, if the bonds are lost, how .is she to get it? It will come any way. Tho county commissioners were in session today the first meeting in the new year. There was nothing - of spe cial importance done. . Only the routina work was looked after. Hon. H. A. Foushe?. senator-elect from this district, and Hon. R. G. Rus- JVk sell, the new representative of Durham, ymBJl county in the lower branch of the Leg- gA iature. went down to Raleigh this after-- J& Some time in the near future it. is an nounced .that Mr. and Mrs. Alexander- .Fiudlay, of the Southern Conservatory of .Music, will give an entertainment 0. concert. They both gave one here some time ago which was greatly enjoyed by. the people and the announcement that another is to follow is the cause of. re joicing among those "who like fine music- ii vMMPANV'Svi. LIFB.-INSPR$NQE GAIN IN BUSINESS was over y y'i 4 Dollars iiousaea IN EXCESS OF THAT OF ANY OTHER COMPANY, owinto its SUPERIOR MERITS regarding SAFETY, LOW PREMIUMS, LARGE ANNUAL or ACCUMULATED DIVIDENDS, EQUITABLE SURRENDER VALUES, ATTRACTIVE and Incontestable Contracts and OTHER ADVANTAGES. . y Several Special Agents wanted, and Lcoal Agents where we are not now represented. Any one can write insurance for th" Penn Mutual.; . Send for copy of "Penn .Mutual in Itforth Carolina. Address' ?B; :RANEY;aKg; - RALEIGH, N. C r. (IS m As 03 8s' 74 113 117 82 05 112 5 0 C3 41, 30 "Library at Stanhope IZlgh Wbool , . - , j--" - i-,F)nch, N. C, Jan. 5; CorresiKindenc-Q .of '.Jhe 'ilorn'mg Post. ,..The,.in;mteK o.thet 'Stanhope. High- Here is the . only way you can stop that bo from wearing out so many unless -you buy him "ARriGR-CLAD They everlastingly wear. The boy gets tired of them. 99 iris $1.50 ana $2,00 Wm. T. HARDING, nnnin ad CHHP nnH TDITMkT STORE, Raleigh, N C fjl ' &&&&&&&&&&& it) off