AE MORNING POST: TUESDAY. JANUARY 8, 1901 ; jit Pice h i Tailored Suits Golf Capes4 Veiotu' Jackets Cloth Jackets Valuta Extraordinary Ladies' Tailored Suits, ivorth $20, 25 and $80 for $15,00 each TIE y -AND M idwinter Sale. Carpets The entire line of Carpets have been reduced for January selling. Specials for this week are Ingrain Carpets Ladies' Tailored Suits worth $10; 15 and $20 S7.50 for each Ladies' Velour Jackets worth 10 and $12, S4.00 Every department puts its shoulder to the wheel and every effort -will be exerted to close out all winter goods. While all the goods are not here represented the missing ones are equally attractive. Spring goods 'are already arriving and room is needed. However, if you are ready to start with your spring sewing the new lines ot Embroideries m CamDrics, s -n-rnfn si nn. The new wmxe urooas surpass any snowing, uoiov, Qdd iecand short i - T J 1 1 - - made in Haleigh and prices are m keeping witn xne auality. Matting FOR: ANYTH1NQ ; side. Kevert!h:les God aked What is itt hy hand, etc.' That rod Indicted , to Moses that he would rueeeed in all Lis undertakings ot : taking the children o Israel out of bondage- He tiiustrated by saying every man lias a rod; that rod a talent given Mm: that rod would pro tect. It. might (be- the rod of the pen, needle cr hoe, and it was the duty of every man to rwork ' -wirh it. tile n larged1 upon the fact that if man failed to use the. rod a talent given him it became, of -no use o- Mux and (possibly, the time might ame wheen he would li'&e to call ditto requisition the ta'kar, but his desire would be' of im avail. Mr. Bradsh-S'w said he came to, litis people with, the hone of do?ng gojd, to up build Hie ean&e of C'hiSst and hoped to hare drem" help'? to. -t3tft end, 'Jtiat his labors, mi irht not be limitless. He made a nio&t fat arable impression npjn his ipeoplo and will, don ttle?3 do a good work here. cmarles Kelley of .Grand Rapid?, Mich., an experienced furnitur:?- txac. has arrived to assume flSh? duties ot sup-tcintendjent ?f the Golds boro Table And verytfiffi NEEDED IN irnt-ih rrif nnd t,5r for Op lid -'mrpany, -whoselarge plant, .will exn ILOrtll. WC anaCJOr aVCyu in readilless fyr the machiaeTy. The j company is pretty well fixed in raw material, .having already several mil. i ions of feet of hard wood luxiber. t regret to ciiraraele tire ssvicus il ness pf General W."'G. Lewis, wh is suffering An attack of .pneumonia. Mrs. (IIead,o Brldgers, loo,: is quite i(?k. kast evening she suffered a stroke of paralysis and lias not spoken Ingrain Carpets worth 60c and 75c for 50c yd . t- lengths at 50c yd for each Ladies' Golf Capes ivorth 0.60 and $12.50 S5.Q0 for each ' Cloth Jackets worth p.oO, 9 and 10 for $5,00 each hs. Cloth Jackets tltti $12.50 and $26 Sf.OU each i Dress Goods and Si 69c Velvet & Brussels Carpet Odd pieces and shore lengths at '75c yd 88c 98c 50c for Remnants Remnants WOOLEN GOODS COTTON GOODS TABLE DAMASK WHITE GOODS in fact all classes of Dry Goods, marked with quan tity and price. CREPE DE CHINES -3 in. wide, worth 90c:, for Colors are Creamy Pearl, Gray, Black and bky Blue. CREPE DE CHINES 24 in. wide, ivorth 1J25, for Colors are Ueurl, Gray, Ashes of Eoses, Cer ise, Lavender and Corn. CREPE DE CHINES 24 in. wide, ivorth $1.25 for Extra heavy Crucible. Colors are Old Rose, and Black. PRINTED LIBERTY SATINS-- inches wide, tvnrth &7 00. for Theseare all silk. A splendid range of colors and exceedingly good for ivaiis. PANNE VELVETS-0 wide, worth $2. 50, for $169 In plain colors and figures and are of the latest productions. Wool Goods Some Extremely Good Values for Eariy Spring and flid-winter Wear nillinery Ladies' Trimmed Hats worlh10and 12 for $ 5 00 French Felt Hats worth $2 for $1-00 Toques and Turbans worth 1.50 and 1,00 for 50c Ribbon Special, 5 and 7 inches wide 9c yd UNDERWEAR Low Prices Exceptional Value $1.00 Quality for 75 c Quality' for 50c Quality for 75c 59c 42c to TTanrtu Blue Serae. worth $1.00, for 7? CI 51 inch Cassimere Suiting, worth $1.3o,for 9fcC ; T - i -r- 11 . - 0...,"j"-v,y-. ti.nvth 5 .? -Par- fKr ' 54 inch Camels Hair Suiting (imported) worth $1.50 for 98c , Combination bUltS 45 inch Cassimere Su iiing, ivorth 90c., for 5 9c j T ADIES At Cost Evt re stock of BLANK ETS and COMFORTS xr. .n tnrr.elx Hair Suiiina. worth 1 5c, for S8 inch Wool Albatros, worth 75c, for Colons are Cream, Pearl Gray, Cardinal, Laven der and Nile Green. - 49c c9c Two Specials 19c 43c Hi 111, Pe 'JOKING BACKWARD FayeiteviilePresbyterians Cel ebrate Their Centennial Consisting of CASHMERE, SJiJ-U-Jv miJLXUus.o, F AlNCY .WORSTEDS, TRICOT FLAKNELS, COV ERTS, ZEB ALINES, HOMESPUNS, &C. These prices are for CASH ONLY: $1.50 Quality for 1.00 Quality for 50c Quality for : MISSES 75c Quality for 98c 69c 39c 49c 1 me 1 1 WHAT HAS BEEN DONE Biitory of tbe Church BcTlewed and Addrcssaa Dellreroihy DlattnzuUhcd DlTlBDB-Xlie House of WorsUIp Ke ently Renovated and Beautified Louis Council ConTleted of Criminal Afcsault and Sentenced to Death 1T55, and the regular organization, of the Church under itev. John ltobinson iu the year 1800 down to the present time. Very proud of the august occasion vhich brings them and their friends to gether, the Fayetteviile Presbyterians have made their venerable house of Avor ship most beautiful in floral adornment end artistic decorations; and, under me supervision of Mrs. W. It. Hall, organ ist, and Mr. H. 11. Novitzky, leader, have arranged a progrm of sacred music to .please the ear and gratity the taste of the most finis-bed connoiseurs. Tondght Iiev. Dr. Engene Daniel, of Raleigh, will be present to deliver the address of the occasion. He is not a stranger to the people of the communi ty, whom he has more than once de lighted and thrilled by his grace, polish and eloquence in the pulpit, and tuere are very pleasurable anticipations of his visit. Tomorrow night the services v.'il close- Tvith the address of Rev. Dr. V. W. Moore,' of Richmond, A. a., ona of the strongest men in the Southern Presbyterian .church. Following is a summanzed puipu ms, Fayetteviile, N. C, Jan 7. Cotvc-irniuence of The 'Morning Post. Th(. .Mmmomftpiitive services of the r ! . i . r.? r rtffniM I r. ,1'mSirV LflJdU : t - - vu yji. lUL' 1 ajKlltiii't v- thn.h onened at 10:45 o'clock yester day njoraing with the usual devotionai x!-i-tc nfrnr whirii Iter. Ul. rl. Or w nonrma onillltT. from IbUU tO 1802; Rev. Andrew l-iynn, of Hillsboro, from 1803 to 3805; Rev. John Robinson fseconl pastorate), from ISOo to - V5' ailcl ' W L Turner, of Virginia, but at H-il, a niember of the board of trustees pReA , .' 1iW,h. 1809 to I xuat miiu 111",, - of Union Theological Semmary, (and one . 181o. Rev. j. H. Turner, af Richmond, of the most distinguished divines in the , Va.f 'i814 to 1810; Rev W. D Snod yvih Carolina Swiod, delivered an a'ble grasSf 0f Pennsylvania, 18W-1S ; ivev. eruj.vj on v!ha Chuvch the House of ;Kobert II. Morrison (father of .Mrs. 'taking his text from 1st Timothy, stonewall Jackson), 1821-lh-0r Rev. J. ta.rd chapter and 10th verse. G. Hamner, 1830-1829; Rev. J. J. Knk- lu the afternoon 'there was a large patrick (died .after four montas Qryice), ceti-onnial anniversary of the orjaniza-; i830; Rev. A. H. Rowland 1831-18d4, ,;ii Kev. R. U. Jteid. of Columbia, S. lReT. J. TV. Don4Y? oTm 0.. addressed the children in i-e aosencejn). McX, Turner, 1SJ:1S49; Rev. Acam of J-.,v. T. 'P. .Barclay. At the night j nhrist (longest pastorate in history ot v,,., ,. . i j Ahnwvh huildinz. -uhV 1841-lSfl: Rev. J. M. fcber- ii ui; .uuuy . r,: ! v-"u,v"'., i j:- xw.. P.-irolino Rev. Dr. II. A. Li. Phillips, been recently made to the editico, com prising auditorium, Sunday school rrm, alcove and handsome new organ, -ill of which have been paid for. The old aje of the church is a green, hale eld age, fivll of strength and of the spirit is to erown it with added honors-,ii the future. Louis'il, negro, charged with criminal assault on Mrs. Vet. in Flea Hiii township, whom Sheriff Bums car ried to Wake county jail for safe keop insr, was put on trial for his Irfe on Fri day morning before Judge Moon?, solic itor McLean aud Messrs. D. H. McLean, J. C. Clifford and N. A. Sinclair prose cuting, and ex-Judge Sutton aud Mr. A. S. Hall conducting the defense. The case consumed two days, with two night sessions, the jury taking it late Satur day night, and hanging unu. Sunday evening. They then rendered their ver dict at the opening of court of guilty, recommending that the. sentence be com muted to 15 years imprisonment. Judgfl Moore then passed sentence of death. The judge then took ' leave of the bar in f eelinsr words,- and was responded to 1 bv -Hon. J. G. Shaw and others, rie s much liked by our people. At little son of Mr. John Ferguson, of Little River Academy in. the northern part of this county, was very seiuously, perhaps fatally, burned on (Saturday while playing about the fire. 'Senator Pritchard jjives to Congress man Thomas his promise to use his best efforts in the cause of upper Cape, Fear river navigation. Mr. John Graham, o, fthis city, of Graham's extensive bock store and music house, will Ie married on the k2d instant to ;Miss Anderson, of Mobile, Ala. v ALL ABOUT G0LDSB0R0 The New Preacher at St. Paul's Methodist Church Charlies Manual, colored, has located in the city aigain. Seve;ral ytars ago b.2 was eonviebed of an attempt to wreck tlie Atlantic Coast Line "Shoo-ny" near the southern1'' Emits of tihe city, and s:e .tenced to a term, in the penitent jary. Having served his term ihe retnrns to the community. Harry Dobson left today on an ex tended visit To Augusta, Ga. Will Arrinton. colored, was uo t- fore the court of -the great til'Pnser this morning on the charge of being dis orderly and using profane ianguago ttt the .Sabbath day. Arriagton haLs frcin the county of !Nash and undf.r t2ie per suasive : influence of John BaiOeycorn seemed more bent 6a having a little fun than- he was to create a diftm-b-ance. Having secured an empty barrel he placed it in the yard of one Aniiie Adams and offered to wager mcney h could lean into and out of ths barrel- quite a crowd 'gathered. Amngton fail ed to 'get-up a. bet, but did create con sTderable langhiter. One witness saCd that Arringtou "wais playlnig monkey for ihem. He was ordered away, but be fore goinig AiTington; gave them a few leseons in the dancing art. The gieat dispenser listened chre'oilly ito the evi dence and thought soberly all 'the while. At the conclusion he put on that s'tern look and said to Amnston "The next time you -want to riia a circus you had best take out li'cetnse and be caTeful tto exihihlt on a. week day. This being the first time you have appeared be fore this court as an offender, I sus pend judgment on payment of costs. I.SS, Ohief I" and Arrington lcokei as blank as an exploded cartridge. "NixtP shouted the dispenser. Aiasl therft was no next and the temple was toon do eserted. Robert B. Shaiw wenlfc to Raleigh to day. To whom it may concern : I wish to say that "My Daughter-in-Law" will be in The city on Thursday evening next, 10th dust. "My Daught-er-in-i'w" U making a toiir of the State and is b: ing greeted by large, appreciative audiences. .Senator B. F. Aycock will s Con be come a resident of our caty. Theo. Ilerkeitt OX ia.9 rsew ior;; World "was la. town today. " . Miss Letitia Evans, a former ward i of the Ori'lhans' Home, font now a pu-iu1 of the Greensboro Female CDlieg1, after a pleasant visit here the guest. L Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 'Harrison, during the holidays, left today for Greens.ibo,o to resume 'her studies. Rev. M. Bradsha.w conducts th.3 serv iVps t the , Second Bantist chnrch Tues day evening, subject, 'tThe Gop"l fd the Ohurcli of tne awentnn century .' Tlie mseitins tonight ' at St. John's church wkasi a pleasant 'beginning of the week of prayer, Charles Pears-on and Mr. and Mrs. A.'D. Zachary of Raleigh were at the ICennon today. Fred and Charles Swindell have re turned to Trinity College. V Blank Hooks ' - AND - ' Office Supplies LAW BOOKS, T - SCHOOL BOOKS, &c, : write to us. Your orders will have prompt attention Alfred Will iams & Co Bookite'Jers, RALEIGH, N. C. eautifol Shade Trees The Silver Loaf Maple, the most raiud-srowing maple , and the most : satis factory' general-purpose "shade tree. We have an immense stock f fHTa"eS of well-develop; J specimens, young and thrifty, smooth and straignt, ana beautiful branched heads-three sizes, viz.: S to 10 feet, 10 to 1- feet, feet high. A!o other shade trees, such as Norway Maple, ougwr- mapie. Weir's Cut-Leaf Maple (very ornamental), Carolina Poplars, etc weu-aevei-oped EYergreen specimen!, large assor tment price on application. ... ... If interested in fruit-ariowiiiff. write for our free , sty-pago innKrmtea catalogue and forty-page pamphlet on " How to Plant and CultiTate an Orchard. J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C, v FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED By having your DENTAL WORK done at the - ; ; New York Dental Association iioileman isuiiaing, r ayeiieviiiw EALEIGH, N. C, - ALLWORK OtAKANTEISD. Interstate Phone 306 PRICES: The very best Set of Teeth guar- . auteed for ten years. Second-grade Set of Teeth. .... . .5fJ Gold Fillings ?lnp Amalgam Fillings 4,JC Cold Cown ., 5.00 Porcelai. Crown . .50 Bridge Work, per tooth... ,5.00 Extracting ..... i ........... 25c, EXPIIKT 0?EBATOBS IN C2IJKE t J 4 t i HE TALKS ABOUT TALENTS A Furniture Ifcan Arrives from Mich! gan to Take Charge of the Table Factory-A Farmer Citizen Beturns After a Sojourn in the Penltentiary- imatenr Circus Pcrlormor Get Off Cheap iullenes and lines of seats in the ; wood (afterwards editor were filled by a very large garner- presJhyterian;, ioax-ooui , people from all denominations iw )vt!,p ndreaa of Dr. llid Oil the !:.:i.:en'ce of iCalvinism in Civil Liberty '-i ;-vernment." 'It was a grand, and treated with masterly foree, Y'u -profound erudition, with thriilmg -i-ieace. Hi is morning there '-was aTery Inter meeting, during -which an fejs--a! sketch af the church ' was read the pulpit, embracing the meetings 1'rcsbfteriaas at Cress- Creek vipm r tt;h -iSftS-lRSi!: Rev A-"". , Dl 18SG-1889; Rev T. i. tsarciay, xooj-18- Rev. Dr. A. J. 31-cKelvay (now editor North Carolina Stan-dawl), 18!2 1897; Rev. 11. T. G'ram,. the nine teenth and present able and scholarly young pastor. The church building has a pleasant lo cation, surrounded by a large grove neaTly on the banks of Cross Creek, the beautiful stream which wind -through the town. Extensive improvement? bars i Goldsboro, N C, Jan. 7 The enlarg ing of the Post freni a 0 eeluinra to a 7 column paper and the improvement in type is a ..move along right lines and j win lr? appreciated hy the reading puo lic. Airs. Joseph H. Pritchard, Holt, wido.v of the Sate Joseph It. Pritchard, who die! a't Petersburg, Va., on the 31st ult., 'will return to North Oa-roMn-a Speetnl Kate Via Senthrrn Meeting Grand Lodge of Masons, Ea'. elgh, X. C, January 8 to 10. l'J -On account of the afcbve occasitm the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets 'to Italeh at reduced rates, tickets on sale January 5, 0, 7 and. 8, with final limit 'January 12. 1301. riv.iriAf-t Prtnltrv and Pet Stock Associ ation, Charlotte, sY C., January 15 to 18, 1901. On account of ths ahove occasion (he iSoutbem Itatlvfay will sell round trip tickets to Charlotte, X. C, at the rat2 of one first class fare for the .jouHd trip. Tickets on sale January 14 to 18. inclusive, with finanl limit to ulan uary 21, 1001. Rate from Raleigh $5.05. For further" particulars, write or call on T. C. Sturgis, Ticiet A'gent, Union Depot and Yarborough -ouse. Members of th ' North .Caplina Socie ty of. Colonial Dames met at the Es chance Hotel on the afternoon of Thrjrs- day, the 3d instant, witn a v.ew t" form ing a Local Cii'c-Ie. or shb-drvisioT? of the society. An -aajorunea msiin LD HENRY WHISKEY is so popular because it is so ,jrood. Try it and be convinced. For sale by all first.class dealers. STRAUS, GUNST & CO., Proprietors, Richmond, va. -"' Ve'-' 4 VVV yy. STEAM H EATING HOT WATER HEATING When iu Goldaboro, etopat the luipe- j rial cat e. Convenient to all trains Special attention paid to traveling men. Meals at all hours. Private dlu- lng room lor ladies. P.1RKER COTTON COMPASS' Solicit mill Orders. Coltlsboro, N. C An experimental powermaking garb age oreniatoi-y is built in CU eag-o. The idea in -.mind' is in certa'ti whether the h'-'sC' dalopel by bmrfl iny the city'o gabase can be ctiUzfel to make an :ui..rji!?i:i' rc'ltum- ;pcn JhO capital invested, 'lh's pUn :w In oa?j4 t!on in- sccaI IT sii . (iti i i smaller gizs. . vriu ha hold at tl'. same place on. fncs to tiie home of her parents- a't Merry j da v nest, at 11 '. a:., whic-u all Raleigh , members of tho Kociety are requested Alex. P. McLean, the clever yotms I'o-st representative, passed -through to day goiivg north. , Aniong-tha me'bers of the Legislature passing tlu'ongh today for Raleigh I noticed Gecrge L. -Morton of ;New Han over and N. W. Taylor of -Carteret. The funeral of irhe Hate Governor IJrogden, lield dram St Paul's ciui'eh, j-e&ierday at 2 1 M., was largely at- . tided, the interment following in Vtl Ijw Bale cenratery. tnf inrrAKa Xvrpi hrPTi rA 'rehir ed -with their jiew' pastor. At Panl's flmrch, Rev. M. 'Braiisiiaw-, tJie new pastor, preaejred two most excellent sermoois yrerday. At th mornin'g hotrr ihis text was IJjo'Jus 4:1-5. Theme the proffer oi ' talents. ' T5e rod referred ta in the passage, the preacher isa'id, might have been a 'shepixerd's ttaff - or n r from ff the--m7ut,tai.,j'4 II D NKiini 1 IV HARRY A. HART, 224 Fayetteviile Street. i and those of -the -vicinity are invited to attend. Ladies expecting to join the society at an early data and those in tending to -transfer; their mem'bersship to it arc also ihrited. ' Cold Steel or Death, 'There is bef one small chance to save your life and that is through an operation," was the" awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B- Hun, of Lime Ridge, W;8 by her doctor after vainly trying to'enre her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of Electric Bitters to cure Stqrmach and Liter ' trouWei. tut she heard of it, took evn bottles, vas wholly .cured, avoided surgeon', jaife, now weighs mre lad reel betr . than eYM. .It positive" guarantee to . cvrre btomacn, Liver and: idey troubles aad never dianDCints:-Price 50c at all drug stwes. 'a ffi ,11 D ESTIMATES FURNISHED IN ALL BRANCHES !32'- -i' Nowfor the Road Nothing that goes on wheels caa excel car pleasure TeWclet, whlci show tha ep-to-date carriage ia Its test tyle, Jontl.faI couples and t&mlllea most en joy the stay days irhea comfortabl. casconced ia oni of our handsome tura cats, with a quick s-ippiaj rer&dstet ec team is front Oar liTtry is palroaixtl S the beat known people fa Biieiiis j- UPCHURCH & HOLDER."