ro lLfc s Now The apparel that goes out oi this store is always surpassingly 1 i fferent from the styles generally shown by others, Its more ex ? usive, more tastily selected more up-to:date and no higher priced. Never has our stock been larger and shown to better advantage han this Spring. Quality makes our offering worthy of your at :i Mition. This Spring s offerings are really extraordinary. You'll .av so. They are the seasons best productions by home and for ninn manufacturers. There's x nothing for miles around that can approach our stock in magnitude, style and beauty. One point we desire to emphasize: QUALITY IS NEVER LOWERED HERE to lower price. The highest standard govern our qualities. So you may shop safely and profitably here. Here are some items of interest to the economical as well ds effects will be shown he best dressers, tomorrow. Many new and pleasing BLACK GRENADINES .iii'"-t superb showing, all the l i rt- in stripes and small designs late also lion Irani--' grenadines and ier .tli, 4.i inches wide. Price $1 to $3.50 BLACK SILKS A jv a it icnlar strong this season; many tl, w vi:ivs we've .showing. We have FANCY FOUtAR So wardrobe is complete without one or more costumes made of this light weight snimner fabric; The colorings perfect, designs numerous,- from the sta ple polka dot to the large geometrical design. High colors and large figures are. best, trimmed with Arabian lace, make one of the smartest gowns of the season. , Price 59c t,o $1,39 :i I' attention to pure dye Taf- 1 ui. and arc showing exceptional value j WoOI CREPES ;i; i ' .. (.. ;uu u o-nn.u j-uu.ti.ii 3; si. I'.". In soft silks for waist and ji.i t- we arc showing the can't tear kind. Ma-k water-proof silks. These are wor . of your attention. COLORED GRENADINES 'I'lii y are among the best "materials lm Miiart dressed women, light airy, and in the best colors. One dress niir 4.1 inches wide. Price $2.00 LANSDOWN I v. th" plain colors for street or even f iiir wlar, also something new in dotted .;iii-down. This is positively the first t-lii'vinr. and they command attention I'miii all w ho see .them 08 inches wide. An crepe effect is considered "O. K.' this season. Our lines embrace several grades and all leading colors. The line starts with a 2lMnc-h crepe at 25c. -and wider goods up to $1.50. Some exceed ingly pretty - plain crepes . with satin stripes. Wool Veilings And Batistes, ' Black and colors. , all wool, 3S inches wide, pvice (iOc. The higher grades are here also, even in the silk warps, Your color, weight and price is here. SILKMULLf In plain and fancy fig'.uv.l d signs, also mercerized cotton are among the best of this season's styles. Taking the place of stiff organdies, the line is a va ried one; -prices range From 5 Oc to 75c CREPE de'CHINE If you really want an aristocratic i dress this is the material: the best qual ities and colors are here, also the new linish Panne Crepe. Price $1 to $1.75 . : -v- FANCY SILKS The latest production in Roman Stripes C'henie effects, all weights . and prices. In plain colors we. are showing a strong line, embracing everything that's good this season, also a beautiful line of striped wash silks, At 48c SUMMER. . & & BONNACHBURN Summer Honnochburn. Tufted and Stripes, in Brown, Blue and Gray mix tures. The best styles for early wear oS inches. 1 Price $1 to $1.25 DRESS TRIMMING Are here to match any kind and style of dress goods; and we take pleasure in showing them. New Laces and Ciarni- 50c tures. BOYLAN, .P-EARCE & CO. THE SOCIAL REALM Hny nnt the struggle nought a vaileth, Tin- lalmr and the wounds are vain, Tlif t unny faints riot, nor faileth, Amla things have been they remain Miss Xellie Murray is visiting friends iu Henderson. Mrs. Hal. Worth who has been at Mrs. McPheeters,- has now gone to Greens- If hopos were dupes, fears may be liars; Iboro. may he in yon smoke concealed. Mrs. Frank Willingham is at Mrs. J. V. Ferrair. Mr. J. P. Caldwell of Charlotte, spent most of last week here. Judge Douglas and Judge and Mrs. Furchess have gone home for a few days. Colonel John S. Cuningham spent sev eral days here last week. Misses Lydla and Francis Hoke are at home again after spending some time in Baltimore. Mrs. Martin and Miss Annie Martin of Asheville are at, the. Yarborough. . " Grey has returned from V '-ur comrades chase e'en now the fliers. ti'i. hut for yon, possess the held. Fur while the tired waves, vainly .break-in-. , -' Hi here no painful inch to gain. I-'ar hack, tii rough creeks and inlets mak- in::. ''-lues silent, flooding in, the-main. And not liy-eastcrn windows only, When daylight conies, comes iu the liuhf. n Hon!, the sun climbs slotr, how slowly. 1'ut west ward look, the land is bright. Tn,l;,v ; I'jilm Sunday and will be i-'n-,.,i i,v the Episcopal, the Greek 3)'I Human Catholic churches thrcngh )'it Jhe world. This is the beginning of ll i'iy week. The significance of Paim Nui t .i - i. traceable baca. to where in St. '' .itiiiew we are told "and a very great iinilciiidi' spread their garments in the hvi- t Mrs. 11. L. Chapel Hill. Nread them into the way, and "' 'Hill; if wdes tliat wont lfofnvn nnH that l :w-i; ,-ried, saying, 'Hosanna to the r'l'f havid! Hlessed is lie that cometh ;." "''' of the Lord! Hosanna in the lliidK-K.' " The b'omau Catholics bless Ihl' I' liniv ;i,i they are then distributed "'' t le Cfllini.uo' T!, 1 1 .1 "'l.CIUDU, J. lit" clllill illlll 1 1'.'V" ' 1 "f the Kpspal churches will " a,iki d with palms in commemoration The week win ba observed t ( It- li'iv b it!. . Hie most inmi-nojiA r l lidav the .nltm-c x-fll. 1 1& ...i.iic . iit ul i 4 .( j "a aj 'IV OirF,.1tP! mnm n?n- t ' ' ll',.i;.' the relirrfcrin-.i' rf rnr Sn-rinm- P(''i-i . ; -,i , ... . . ill ill' :i ii'nrnr itnntiri- fMl ;., Ji)--'.. will h(. .1 i -e cuurches as possible. Grad u't wiTI take the place of 'ho sad l hjud Fridav. Mi' f'il;'. A'arbo The last issue of tjie Lincoln Journal said: '"Mrs. Margaret B. Shipp sailed 'li' is. cut -down branches from the for tuba on the bth instant, where she will visit the battlefield on which her husband, Lieutenant j, . E: Shipp, lost his life. Mrs. Shipp's two little sons, "William and Fabius, are here with their aunts;, Mrs. Anna McBee and Miss Kate Shipp.' , Mrs. J. S. Atkinson is iu Richmond vis iting her sister, Mrs. Z.P. Smith. s The Current Topic Cliib met with Mrs. Ed. Chambers, Smith 'ow-- Wednesday The Book Club mt with Mrs. I. McK. The following is tasked to Ije published. St. Luke's Home is a worthjf charity. St. Luke's Circle of the King's Daugh ters' hvill hold a "Handerchief Bazaar" on May 1st for the benefit of St. Luke's Home. The ladies wish to ask all who will kindly contribute: a handkerchief to do so by May 1st. ' GREETING: "To all our friends, though far or near, We crave. your kind attention; So please to lend us now vour ear, While we a subject mention: The ladies of this Circle will hold, ' On a day not distant far, If we have been correctly told, A "Handkerchief Bazaav." , " . -- I' " V mila ;i. i M, .... ... . ,., W1U1,S relatives in roiiiut. m ?Vu 11 ' P,a.loy .f Washington, V ,. Uonry u- BagTey of Norfolk; - '1 0 MUiui: Mrs. Josephus Daniels. t h 1,llle1' of Xew Yo. was J.'iri " ' -fGeheQ- and Mr. - ilLV i liniok i n' nrn of flu roui So this, then is our plea in brief To help along our enterprise 5 You each shall send a handkerchief Regardless of its kind or size. To be without a handkerchief You know is quite distressing, From every State let one be sent, 'Twill surely be a blessing." Please send by May 1st to our presi dent. Mrs. Jos. Blake. Raleigh, N. C, or to any member of the Circle sending out the above greeting. i Baseballists in their uniform attract much attention on the streets here. Ral eigh is surely a baseball town. iThe sea son opened up on Friday with a match game between' Raleigh and Wake For est, x ' .. Invitations have been received by friends in the city from Mr. and Mrs. J Charles K. Hancock, of New Bern, to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth, to Mr. David Sprague-Cong- don, Wednesday, April JOth, at 9, p." m., Centenary M.E. church. New Born. f Wednesday night at the home f the bride's parents on North West street, Miss Beulah .Thompson and Charles :E. Jones were married by Rev. M. M. Mar shall, D. 1). Capt. W. B. .Wright was best man and Miss Lucy Adams was the bride's maid. . " Mne Dricte was aamuiy .gowned- m 3 Dr. Harter's "WILD CHERRY B I T T E R S You Need It To keep your stomach in order. To stimulate your lazy liver. To assist your sluggish bowels. To clear your brain. To brighten your spirits. To drive away the blues ' and make life worth living. A wholesome stimulant and a pleasant-to-take tonic appetizer. Made only by The Dr. Harter Medicine Co., Dayton, Ohio. s Established 1855. - Its Age its Charantee Sold Everywhere. white with real lace trimmings, carrying a large bouquet of pink Carnations. The groom is a young man of many excellent qualities and he holds a position .with Aiford Bynnm & Christophers. In the apartments of Miss Lucy Mc Aden at the Central Hotel, Charlotte. Thursday night, Mr. J. R. YanNess and Dr. Charles A. Bland entertained a pleasant party at euh're. The guests were: Misses Mina Brem. Francis, Ella and Midge McAden. Lottie and Mary Oates Caldwell, Beulah WHson, of Mor ganton; Lucy McAden, and Messrs. F. R. Harty, M. Nisbet Latta, J. W. Wads- worth, Louis Bin-well, G. W. Painter. Willoughby E. Chambers. Gillespie Sad ler, Chase Brenizer, I. E. Avery. Jenks Hutchinson, Rob Y'oung, Julian Gilles pie, J. Ren wick Wilkes, J, Hj YanNess, Herman Dowd and Capt. Z. B. Yauce. The lady's prize was won by Miss Francis McAden and the gentlemen's prize by Mr. Robt. Young. s The marriage of Miss Daisy McDon ald of Charlotte, to Mr. George L. Pat terson, of Concord, at the First Presby terian church in this city on the evening of the .Kith of April, will be a very bril liant social affair. Mrs. Charles C. Hook, sister of the bride to be, will be lame of honor and Miss Frances McDonald m lid of honor. ' The bridesmaids y will be: Misses Katharine MeaJis, ( of Concord; Frances Mallory. Katherine Jordan and Alice Cowles. The best man for the groom will be Miv Charles F. Wads worth; the groomsmen, Messrs. C . L. Smith and Frank Smith, of Concord; W. E. Holt, Jr., of Lexington and Ed. Mc Donald, Jr., of Charlotte: the ushers Messrs. Charles C. Hook, J. E. Carson, Moore Pharr and L. J. McDonald. The wedding will take place at 7 O'clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. J. R. Howertou.-pastor of the church, and immediately after the wedding there will be ji reception at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hook, to which more than 400 people will be invited. ? The first of the series of weddings that will brighten the springtide in Chav lotte was solemnized Thursday night, Avhen Miss Mary Elizabeth Scott became the wife of Rev. William Wirt Akers, pastor of the Lauderhall Street Presby terian church, of Memphis, Term. Complimentary to her sister, Miss Liz zie Scott, who was married Thursday night to Rev. William W. Akers, Mrs. E. T. Cansler entertained a large num ber of guests at a tea Monday from o to 0 o'clock. Assisting the bride-elect and Mrs. Cansler in receiving were: Mesdames J. M. Scott, E. L. Keesler. Clem Dowd, A. S. Thompson. James A. Bell, and it. L. Gibbon, and Misses" Berta Oates, Nannie Ward. Hattie Orr, Julia Alexander, Norma Yan Landing ham, Janie Paterson aud Nancy and Carrie Marshall Brown. The " handsome residence, exquisitely appointed in all details, was charming ly decorated for the occasion. The din ing room was beautiful in white and green, the bride's colors. In the parlor, where Miss Scott received, the colors were pink with a profusion of " La France roses: and in the library, where frappe was - served, the colors were red. The bride-elect -was handsomely gowned in tan chene with green trimmings and white, lace, while Mrs. Cansler wore a beautiful gown of pink and "white silk. ' ' ' . Dr. C. A. Bland, president of the Cotillion Club, has appointed Messrs. B. C. Fennell and R. S.-Busbee leaders of the german to be given at the city ball Friday night, the 12th of April. .. Miss Yiolet Alexander entertained at a luncheon Thursday in hwnor of Miss An nie Wiley, , of Salisbury. I Senator and Mrs. Gudgev. have returned to their home in Asheville. , Miss Lizzie Baker is visiting Mrs. James L Johnson on Hillsbero street. Mr. W. A. Erwin and family of Dur ham are here and Mill spend the next few months in Raleigh. Miss Kathryn Reide Thompson, one of Raleigh's daintiest little maidens, will entertain some of her friends at a birth day party on Thursday, April 4, at her home on West Martin street. Colonel and Mrs. Turk of Washington City are visiting Mrs. Henry Mordecai. Miss Annie Kenan of Duplin and Miss Stanley of New York are visiting Colonel and Mrs. Kenan. The following appeared in the Atlanta Constitution on last Wednesday, with a fine picture of Miss Andrews: Mr. and Mrs. A. i. Andrews of lia- leigh,' N. C, have issued invitations to the . marriage of their daughter, Jane Hawkins, to Mr. William Mathews Marks on Wednesday evening, the 10th of April, at 9 o'clock, at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh, N. C. Miss Andrews is the only daughter of Col. A. B. Au- Jdrewsi vice-president of the Southern Railway, and sne is a young woman, bright, pretty and a belle wherever she is known. The wedding will be a bril Ijant social event, attended by promi nent people from all parts of the South." "Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Andrews request the honor of your presence at the mar riage of their daughter, Jane Hawkins, to Mr. William Mathews Marks, on Wed nesday evening, the 10th of April, at 0 o'clock, at the Church of the Good Shep herd, Raleigh, N. C. Reception from half-past nine until half-past eleven o'clock, 407 North Blount street, Raleigh, N. C. At home after April 24, 520 Bibb street, Montgomery, Ala." . IN TENDER MEMORY.' At the meeting of the Hospital Association-last week much regret was ex pressed at ' the death of Miss Fannie Leftwich MeTheeters, and the following resolutions were adopted: "Whereas, It nas been the .wilt or Almighty God to call to Himself from earth our . beloved .associate and co worker. Fannie Leftwich McPheeters. of whom there will ever be tender and lov ing memory; anawniie we reverently and humbly bow to this dispensation, which, though we comprehend it not, we believe to be a part of His plan for working out His unceasing purpose for perfect good, it is with submission "Resolved by the Ladies' Hospital Aid Association:- y ' "That the death . of our be loved and honoued member, there is sustained a temporal loss of one whose association and interest have ever been of value and benefit, and whose never- failing sympathy for and energy in carrying out the nobler purposes of this association have resulted in restful and effective alleviation of much mental and iodily affliction. j"Tha't every thought, expressed tDurpose and act of this beautiful exam-j ly of 1 wisHT y off Pie Of voune womnnhnnd nrA worthv iicn remembrance and emulation. "That it is the hope and or tins avnation" that itsmemor i r ... .... . ner conecijr witn it will be an inspira tion .for making onr lives more useful, and that we- are "constrained to believe that one of the great purposes for Which we have been subjected' to an earthly separation is that her sweet and gentle spirit might go to shed its beautiful influence from & loftier height. j- "That in the bear future we will place, in the hospital some fitting memorial to her memory; "That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the; association, a copy to be sent to the papers, and one to the family. . - i - "Mrs. J.: W.' HINSDALE, ' "Mrs - JOSEPHUS DANIELS, "Mrs. F. A. OLDS. "Committee." : . . DISTRICT CONFERENCE. "- - ... -' Interests of Snndar Sebooli and worth League Considered. Clayton, N. C, March 30. Correspondence of The Morning Post. Youngsville was selected as the-place to hold the next district conference, "th? Sunday school interest was ably looked after by Jos. G. Brovvn, who presided and had mapped out a most interesting program. The discussion on the vari ous subjects presented by himwere ably and eloquently spoken to by a number o? the . members of the conference preachers and laymen. The following Were eleeted delegates to the annual conference: Jos. G. Brown, Milliard Mial. B. B. Adams and M. S. Davis. Alternates: T.' R. Hood and E. B. M (Cullers. Rev: J. M. Qulbreth was unanimously elected for admission on trial in the trav eling connection. " Rev. J. W. Jenkins, superintendent of the Methodist Orphanage presented the claims of the institution to the confer ence. M. S. Davis, president of Louisburg Female College, presented its claims. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates of Trinity Col lege spoke on Christian Education. The afternoon session today wilRbe. devoted to the interest and advancement of the Epworth League, which will be conducted and presided over by Rev. G. T. Adams. A vote of thanks was voted to the good people of Clayton for the hospita ble manner in which they -have enter tained the conference. It is the unani mous expression that the conference has been a most successful one, and that much good has conference will been accomplished. The adjourn this afternoon. (New Yovk World.) If all those who are so enthusiastical ly applauding Mr. Carnegie would go and do likewise, "each. man according to his means, how very few "problems" civilization would soon have left to solve! : " Editor's Awful Plight F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca (111.), News, was afflicted for years with Piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He Avrites two boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest Pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by all drug gists. ' -4 .. THE G0LDSB0RO BUG6Y CO., Goldsboro, N. C, build Buggies for com fort, durability and beauty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Notics of Sale of Valuable Town Property in Wake Forest By virtue of authority vested in me by jaXdeed .of trust executed by W. J. Yingate and wife, Mary'L., recorded in Book 149, page 379, in the office of the Register of Deeds, I will offer for sale at the court house door of Wake county on Monday, the 22d day of April, the property described in said deed of trust, to-wit: 1st. Tract, being lot in the town of Wake Forest, bounded on the west by the land of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail road; on the north by W. B. Wingate's lot; on the east by White street: on the south by a lot belonging to Mrs. M. Purefoy, on which is now located a new metal-covered store building --V2 feet by 83 feet. . 2d. Tract, being lot in the town of Wake Forest, bounded on the west by Willis Holding's lot; on the east by the line of C. F, , Reid now. deceased), and on the south by the -road. A three-cornered lot on, which is located a two-room dwelling house. For a more particular description see deeds of record in Regis ter's office, Wake county, to said W. J. Wingate. Terms Cash. Time of sale, 12 m. J. D. BOUSHALL, Trustee. Cotton Yarns. We manufacture for HOME TRADE ISs to 26s single warps from long staple cotton. Can furnish - in chain, ball, skein or on slasher? beams. New mill and latest machinery Prices quoted on application, ftesler Manuf Co., Salisbury, N. C. BEEF,WINE AND IRON For Spring Tonic. Nothing better. 50c pint bottle. i AT HlcksV Drug Stores, Tucker Building and Next to Capitol. A e mi Hr 1 (V 1flVr-cvrr-4 1 1 i ... - i - 1111 if . r on If 1 up. TrtJt Nrk RegisUrtd. THE MEDICAL VOIIDER .OFTHE I9LH CENTURY., 1 3 TOSTAY " ' " - : 'CURED. MANUFACTURED BY- THE BOBBITT DRUG COMPANY. RALEIGH, N. C. III ;n It Is a fact that -RHEUMATISM and" other blood troubles are mor'nr.UM - -. during' the months. blood ?ish. spnm? and early summ. iou uon 1 nave to becomes search far stagnant, kidneys slug.- n .HAY reasons. ,Puring tho Ijour liyer Is "winter your overworked, pores aU closed, you have colds, indigestion, cou stipation, all sure forerunners of RilEU MATISM. 'Acids accumulate in exeea sire quantities in your blood, and thei you are subject The way out of it MACIDE, 'America's greatest BLOOD rURIFIER. ' to, numerous diseases is to take RHEi: "JUNE 1 I SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. OLD HENRY WHISKEY Is pure and unadulterated mild and mellow from age. A FAM ILY WHISKEY, used for years . "by the best people for sickness ' and health. See that the cork , seals are intact and our name y blown in bottle; Sold by all first-, class dealers. STRAUS, GUNST & CO., - ..Proprietors,. Richmond, .V 1 I 1- The Old Is Reliable Etna Still in the Lead v On January 1 st, 1 9 0 1 , the -Etna Life "will issue entirely new contracts with provisionsfor lar ger values and larger dividends. The busi ness done by this Company in . North Carolina for 1900 has been 150 per cent greater than for any previous year. We expect' the busi v nessifor 1901 to increase in the same propor tion. There are a few localities in the State where the -Siltna is not actively represented at present, and good men, with or without experi ence in the insurance business, can secure de sirable contracts. For particulars, address, J. D. BOUSHALL, General Agent RALEfGH. N, C. Darbim Telephone jaanafaetaMDq i(o. DURHAM, N. C. ... Maiufacfaw f High Grade Telephones and Telephone Equipment. v, I" THE TELEPHONE TRADE 1 becomior every day more educated to thfcctjitt tte utw Knunva vuty win ymj m i.uc i'k iuh. - . M. We make a grade of Telephones that never disappoint, because we zerdse rreat 0 care-' ind use superior judgment ana me very best material. - .".- - JVe construct the most superior Switchboard opoa the. market, almnle in coaatruc 0 tion and rapidly operated. '"j' i We solicit the patronage of purchasers who are looking for apparatua In, which every ( ' detail in construction has been perfected, and in which design, workmatUbin and apeak- ing qualities are of the highest grade, ( 1 OUR TERMS: we sell our Telephones with an absolute cuaran tee tbat they, are as oood as the best. ' (i we further guarantee that our prices are as low as he lowest for-Telephoses ? of equal merit. . . - , r ft When in need of Telephones please write . and we will take pleasure fatjsending k you a sample Telephone, express Oharges prepaid, for your inspection ! - We are fullv satisfied that we nnn Ihw vnn KrfVi n iff mrtA i jt -1 us the opportunity. V " - r ' Xi" "' " VS if j irusting tnat we may be favored with your order, we beg to remaU onrtinljy DURHAH TELEPHONE VUNUPACTURlNa CO.. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN IN THE STATfi BY THE Oak City 5team Laundry j Best Work and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed. References Required. " Address J.K. MARSHALL, Prop. Phone 87. Raleigh, N C