CORNING POST J SUNDAY, 1 2 , 1901 CBUBCH 8BBVICBS IDA TThcra Visitors and PeI Alaf Worship CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP HERD. ' " Ber.'.I. McK. Pittinger, D..D Hec tor. Fifth Sunday fatter Easter. -Holy Communion at 8 a: m. Sunday School at 9:15 a. m. Service and sermon at ,11 . a. m.; at 8 p. m Thursday, 'Ascension Day.. Service, sermon , and Holy Com- munion at 11 a. m. The seats are all free, and strangers are cordially invited. ; . CHRIST CHURCH. Rev; M. M. Marshall;--D. D., Rector. Fifth. Sunday after Easter.' Holy Com munion 8 a. m. . Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine' service ; and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer 6 p. m. Service during the week: Wednesday 6 p.. m. and Fai- ' day 10 a. m. Thursday (Ascension Day). full service with celebration of the holy 4 communion - at 11 'a.-, m. Free seats. - Strangers cordially -welcomed at all ser- ricee. , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ' Rev. E. Daniel, D. D-, Pastor. Ser ' vices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Westminster League 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 930 a. m. Seats free Ushers in attendance. A cordial invitation is given to all ser vices; FAYETTEVILLE STREET BAP TIST CHURCH. A. A. Butler, x-astor; Sunday School 950 a. m.; John T. Pullen Superinten dent. Preaching 11 a. m.. and 8 p. m., by the pastor. Every member is urged to attend all services. A cordial invi- tation to all visitors and strangers. Seats are free. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. G. T. Adams, Pastor. Sunday School 950 a. m.; H. Woodall, Super intendent. At 11 a. m., the pastor will preach on the "Characteristics of a Gen uine Conversion." At 8 p. m. he will preach a special sermon to the Capital .- City Lodge of Jr. o. U. A. The pub lic cordially invited to attesd all these services. ( EDENTON STREET METHODIST CHURCH. v Sunday School 9:30 a. m.; Joseph G. 'Brown, Superintendent. Preaching at 31 s. m. by the pastor, Rev. G. F. Smith. Children's Day , exercises by Sunday "School at 8 p. tn. Epworth League will meet Monday night. SAINT SAViOUS CHAPEL. Sunday School 10 a. m. Night ser vice and sermon, 11 a. m. Seats all free. Every one invited. . r ERESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. E. Daniel, D. D.," Pastor. Ser vices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Westminster League 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Seats free. Ushers -in- attend ance. A cordial invitation is given to all services. HILLSBORO STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., con ducted by the pastor. Rev. M. W. But ler. At the morning service especially the pastor desires to meet all the members of the church and all members of the denomination living in the city. Oppor tunity will be given to any who may wish to- unite with the church.' The evening service, will be evangelistic. Sun day School 10 a. m., J. A. Mills, Super intendent. Junior C. E. meeting 9:30 a. m. in infant class room. Interme diate C. E. meeting at pastor's home Tuesday 4 p. m. Young People's C. E. meeting Thursday i p. m. Public cor dially invited. - WEST RALEIGH. Rev. Mr. Stevenson, the pastor, will preach at West Raleigh Baptist church tonight at 8 o'clock. He will preach at Caraleigh Chapel in the morning. - , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Services at 11 a. m., conducted by Dr. It. T. Vnnn. of the Baptist Female Uni versity, aufl at 8 p. m. by Dr. Sykes, of Wake Forest College. Sunday ScLool ft 9:30 a. m.; Mr. J. D. Bonshall Super intendent. A cordiaj invitation to all to attend these services. , V WAKE COUNTY TAXES loiount of Taxes for Various County Purposes Mr. (M. W. Page, Wake county's effi cient and popular sheriff, has settled the county taxes for 1900. The meet ing of the county commissioners for this purpose was held yesterday moruiug. . The total amount of taxes, exclusive Jof those for State purposes, which are settled with the State Treasurer, col lected by Sheriff Page in Wake county for 1900 is as follows: For schools $35,674.86 For schools (Schedule B) ... . 2,695.00 I" Total for schools...., . ... $38,309.86 For county $35,166.95 ,For ' county (Schedule B)..., 7,447.82 Total for county.... $42,614.77 School bonds TRaleigh) $47,995.00 iraded schools 15,997.70 For roads 8,933.21 Jury tax 90.25 t wOf course much of the money collected !or the various funds has been -paid over the county treasurer previously, and l making his settlements the sheriff was 'i edited with those payments an! only itw a check for the balance. L Sheriff Page said yesterday thjit. rel ictions for4-1901 taxes have not been Is he had hoped they would be. but he Is making very good progress in these Collections. He could have settled the 1900 taxes at the last meeting of the loard but for the fact that he had not It that time wound up the accounts which rere being adjusted by the sale of the real estate for the taxes. The sale was only held last Monday, so that the rec ords of the sale have just been perfected and the settlements made. .. , A Thousand Tonzaes Could not express the rapture of An nie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa!. 'when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion had completely cured her of a hack ing cough that for many years had made life a burden. AH other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she aavs of this Royal Cure: "It soon re moved the pain my chest and I am now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel tike sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trou ble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Trice 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all druggists; every bottle guaranteed. " . ' . CHILDREN'S DAY Program of Unusual Interest In Eden ton Street ChurcU Tonight The exercises "of Children's Day at the Edenton Street Methodist Sunday School, are always looked torward to with pleasure by Raleigh people. It is an occasion when the parents and friends of the school are expected to visit it, and renew their associations with .its members. These are cordially invited to attend the regular session of the school this morning at 9:30 o'clock; and also its special session in the church this eveninsr at 8 o'clock. The latter will be the regular service of Children's Day, consisting of responsive readings, reci tations and songs by members of the school. The program is varied, and will no doubt be very enjoyable. Plate collection will be taken, and the proceeds thereof applied to the use of the Sunday Scnool. ' niusle Demonstration " Miss Mattie" A. Higga cordially in vites you to a s Demonstration of the Fletcher Music Method c r and . Recital by' her class in. Olivia Raney Library Hall, V Thursday, May 16th, "' five o'clock. Notlee Each member of Capital City Council, No. 1, J. O. U. A. M., is especially re quested to meet at their Council room Sunday evening. May 12, at 7:15 sharp, to attend in a body a special sermon by Rev. G. T. Adams at Central Methodist Church. J. T. BLAND, . Councillor. Special Notice All persons having articles to contrib ute to the Handkerchief Bazaar to be given for the benefit of St. Luke's Home will please send them by Wednesday, May 15. to Mrs. Joseph Blake, 118 South Dawson street. Mrs. W. G. MARTIN, Chairman Bazaar Committee. The Handkerchief Bazaar for the ben efit of St -Luke's Home wi1 be held Thursday, May 16th, The Bazaar will open at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and close at 11. Refreshments will be served and sweet" music will be dispensed throughout the evening, and everybody who attends is assured a pleasant time. BUSINESS ITEMS Specialty salesmen of good appearance and address: must have a clean record and give bond; permanent position if sales are satisfactory. Address 5ox Dl4, Chicago. WANTED A salesman for staple line We will -give salary or commission. Ad dress this paper. FOR , RENT.- Brunswick' Inn at Sonthport, N. C, situated on river front. Money can be made at this popular sum mer resort. Good boaf service; finest cistern water. Apply to W. H. PYKE,, Sonthport, N. C. Brick machinery for Sale We have for sale 1 Stiff Mud Brick Machine (Steele's), capacity 20 to 30, 000 brick per" 10 hours, complete with hand cut-off, &c, and ready to make brick. Also tile table and dies for making tile and hollow brick; also clay crusher and 27 H. P. Upright boil er. Only used machinery last ' season, making 1,400,000 . No. 1 Brick. As we have a larger machine. Will sell this at less than half price. Also want 60 to 80 H. P. return Tubular Boiler and 50 to 60 H. P. Engine (Corliss prefrerred). BOSTON BRICK CO. : South Boston, Va. 1 WAKE fOCNTI BO.OS FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received at this office until 12 m. June 1st, 1901, for the purchase of fourteen one thousand dollar five per cent 30-year Wake county bonds These bonds run 30 years from June 1st, 1901. . They carry 30 coupons- of fifty dollars each, payable Juno 1st, each year, at the treasurer's office of Wake county, at Raleigh, N. C. For authority for the issue of these londs see law passed and ratified Feb ruary 28th. 1901.. - All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for one hundred dollars, and ba addressed to the Treasurer of Wake county. ', The Commissioners of Wake county reserve the right to reject any or ail bids. B. P. VTTrr AirrxT Treasurer Wake Co".' Raleigh, N. C. May 7. 1901. . OOCTORS ORDERS Are carried out to the letter and fig ure m our Prescription Department ought to be as a matter of course, but is not in many instances. We don't . substitute; we don't dilute, we don t adulterate; we do fill Prescript tions in exact accordance with Phvsi cian's Prescriptions. - Give us a trial and you will buy all of your drug store goods her WIDE AWAKE AND WATCHING. : v ;: - .... TWENTIETH-CENTURY MERCHANDISING DEMANDS WAKEFUL NESS DEMANDS WATCHFULNESS. "THE MORE WAKEFUL AND WATCHFUL WE ARE, THE MORE USEFUL VE ARE TO OUR BUY ING PUBLIC. IT PARTICULARLY PAYS TO BE ON THE ALERT JUST AT THIS TIME. A BACKWARD SEASONThAS MADE MANU FACTURERS AND AGENTS VERY ANXIOUS. (i OVERSTOCKED " IS THE CRY ALL ALONG THE LINE. PRICE BREAKS TO RELIEVE' THE PRESSURE ARE TAKING PLACE ON EVERY HAND. CLOSE TOUCH WITH THE MARKETS GIVES THIS STpRE THE POWER TO PUSH THE GOOD THINGS YOUR WAY, THUSf A Selling' of Shirtwaists. - Thers are here some stylish-! Wash Waists. They come our way? under n price-pinch. We pinch them again and send them your way. , . Laundered Madras Shirt Waists, stripes and fancy effects, full fronts, French back, stock col lars and Bishop sleeves...:.. 50c. White Lawn Shirt Waists, sev- .. - eral rows of open-work inner- .i : . tion, extra good Values. 75c, . V i 8c. and $1.00 Colored Chambray Shirt Waists, plain and pin-striped, trimmed with embroidery, some; sailor, collar effects, others side but- :' tons Bishop sleeves, 98c, . ,; $1.23 and 1.50 Stylish Lawn Shirt Waists,' ; white and colored, up-to-date styles, sailor collars, tucked . white shields, embroidery and clusters of tucks, laca inserted," 1 '. 75, 2.2 5X and 3.00 A Sale of Millinery. Pay you to pick from these Trimmed. Hats, from these nobby Sailors, from these Flowers. Prices were never more tempting than now. , Short BackiSailors. Our present favorite is made of . grass straw a combination of softj greenish and ' Panama coloring in braided effect. ..... . $1.UU and $l.Zo Same style in natural straAV.'the rough-and-ready braid wnich needs a crisp bow to give , it the requisite style, $1.50 and Prettiest of all are,- the Japanese Straws, in : light mode color, ' with strands of natural straw braided in to give a" glint of gold; they are. V. . . .2-.00 and Fancy Straw Hats " In all sorts of stylish shapes fiat, mushroom or Empire a full assortment in flat Tuscan braid, horse hair, smooth straw. or almost any kind one would want, in a large range of colors 3.00 and Trimmed Hats'. We've a large showing of Hats, 200 2.50 CS5S8ISH''- WANTED 200 SUBSCRIBERS TO We, will tell you how to, get yours tern aepartment ior inrormaiion if . NEARLY A QUARTER OF A MILLION WOMEN TAKE "THE DE SIGNER" because practicability and attractiveness characterize whatever gains a 'place in its pages, whether the subject relates to tike library, the parlor, the nursery, the sewing-room or the kitchen. tr The best-dressed women consultTHE DESIGNER fashions.-. The - most careful housekeepers profit by its domestic advice. The wisest -mothers go to it for help with the little ones, and literary and art fashions. .. The Standard 1'atterns for June received. . ' The Designer for one ' year. . . . . . . .24'. Standard Fashion Catalogues The Designer for June. ... . t FASHION Wanted! 1 200 subscribers . for signer at once! PEACE INSTITUTE, RALE Noted for' its advanced and thorough courses Female Education, for th hisrh sorinl Ktundino rf elegant m&nners" and superior cukure of its graduates. Its courses equal i those or our regular male colleges.' Excellent builings, beautiful grounds. . .- ' . . Session Beffins September 13i l90' Catalogue free on application. Of IBl Fayttym itrssfc. BALBIQ3. Tlie Fair People arc cordially invited! to CALL aal toy? ? FIRST-CLASS PHOTOQRAPfl MADE, , POPULAR PRICES RUiIe. MR. A. WICHEL0W, Operator. The Old Is Still Reliable m. cai v me ropuiarny ox a June insurance Company A great deaVof insurance may be written by high-piessure methods, but how much of it, "sticks"? ; ..;vr . - I . v The following tablef shows amount of gains by the leading insurance companies' mg tne year xuuu: ; Name. AETNA Equitable Penn Mutual.. . m m i Mutual Life. . New York Life. . . union uentrai Travelers Providence Savings i Sun Life. i Ji D. BOUSHALL. RALEIGH,! N. C. i : RALEIGH IQE AND ELECTRIC CO. 1 v 1 . , representing I the newest and. best designs I of the most fa- - -mous milliners, carefully, and accurately reproduced in our own work-rooms, 4.00, 5.00 jj . and 7.00, up Parasols-iUxnbrellas. Official, opening this .week. . Newest and daintiest work in Parasols, and some rare bargains fin Sun Umbrellas. Children's Sil& Parasols 50c. to 1.2o Misses' Silk aid Satin Parasols, 75c. to 2.UU s, all colors and high-class novel- .2.50 to 10.00 Ladies' Paras shades, som ties. Serge and Gloifia Silk Umbrellas, all paragon frames witn steei rods........ fl. 00, 1.25 and l.SO Some Items of Laces and Embroideries. These are put before you on account of, their special values. It's a Lace and Embroidery season, and there's economy in every ofrerjng here made. Nottingham Laces, Efges and Insertings, matched, from two to four ' inr-lips wide. I.000 yards or more: choice. ...... . 5c. Imitation Torjbhon Laces, from n:ittriiR nnlJ twn and three inches wide JL. ..5c, TViC. and 10c. Real German Torchon, all pure linen,- coarse grades and finest qualities. luL 15c, 20c. and Our annual gathering of . Em broideries is ready; the largest stock in th! city; all prices .... ....5c. and between 35c, A Sale of Belts. Can Belt y m to your entire satisfac tion. Hundreds to choose from in this big purchase, and prices all leaning your way Patent Leather, Russia Grain, A.llijrator an 1 Lambskin .Kelts, the new dip ! and colors. . Real Seal. Ca tyles white, black fskin, Suede, Pat- . ent- Vici aftd. Real. Morocco , I Leather 50c. Satin Fold a nil Persian Band, with Roman! gold buckles, oxi- dized silver, ting. ...... with turquoise set- f . tti onA s nn J V. , P. .UUU . W : - THE DESI NER AT ONCE . . . . free no canvassing, Call at the pat- . every member ojC the family enjoys its i :, ij and the advance styles for July just J ' ..... . .. . . . . .It : . ..'. SI .OO lOc. SHEETS FREE Jgh, N. C. in 'all departments of its, pupils and for the f JAMES DINWlt)DIE, M. A the. Univex-sity of Virginia, PrincipaL ograph in the Lead ! new'business Written, the lapses arid net doing businei s ia North Carolina dnr- j - . ' Ins.Wriften. 1,208,424 Lapsed.. Net. Gain. 54,75 756,140 ftM7 i17 -too Tor 937.457 723.78G 6G4.550 1,05(1,850 ' 980,147 930,130 721,411 633,283 624,501 , 308,255 392,300 406,265 409,699 300,765 243,001 439,403 2G6.703 579,882 526,431 420,646 390,282 185,008 41,552 Qenferal Agent Etna New Line Our Popular Lawns and RUrk - A.B.S DOCTRINALS. tt iJTnJ OF OUR MERCHANDISE AS CHEPLT S Pn5T BLE, GET THE BEST QUALITIES WE CAN FOR OUR MOVPv vU SELL THEM' AT A FAIR, HONEST PROFIT. ' vMONLl, AM7 SPRING STYLES IN FULL BLOOM WITH Vivv THAT HAVE NEVER BLOOMED BEFORE. Scotch IL,aceurtains i In newest pattern, 24 yards long, at In newest patterns, 3 yards long, at (per pair). ........ .75, 85c. and In newest patterns, 3 yards long, at (per pair)..... '.91.25 and In newest patterns, 3 yards long, at (per pair). ,. .$1.75, $1. 85 and Imitation Point de Calais Curtains, 3Yj yards long, at (per pair). ....... Imitation Louis XIV. Curtains, 3 yards long, at (per pair) 2.50 and Imitation Cheny Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, at (per pair) $3.00 to Imitation Renaissance Curtains, 3 yards long, at (per pair) 3.25 to Imitation Irish Point, Curtains, 3V yards long, at (per pair) 4.50 to Imitation Egyptian Curtains, 3y2 yards long, at ' (per ; pair) 4.00 to Imitation Marie Antoinette .Curtains, 3Y2& 4 yds. long (pr. pair) 4.00 to Imitation Guipure Lace Curtains, 3XA yards long, at (per pair) 4.0O to Imitation Venetian Point Lace Curtains 3Y2 yds. long (per pair) 4,00 to Imitation Point Arab Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, at (per pair)T..... TambourineT-Muslin-Curtains,. 3y yards long. .2 . 50 to Embroidered Muslin for Curtains, 36 to 40 inches (per yard) lO, 12V2, 30-inch Silkoiine, the! best grade, at (per yard) .'. .". .... 2 7 to 32 inch Cretonne, at (per yard) ............. . . . .". 81-3 to 36-inch Bagdad Cloths for cozy corners and draperies 36-inch Plain and Fancy; Art Denim, at ...... ............. .20 and 48-inch Oriental .Tapestry at . . ....................... 48-inch Oriental "Striped Tapestry, at.-. .... ...... C .60 and 50-inch French Tapestry, ' at : If, 1 . 00, ' 1 . 25 and 50-inch Sadn-finished .Tapestry, at..... . .....;... ..$2.00 to TAPESTRY At 50c EVERY CENT CAN BE MADE TO DO. ITS FULL DUTY IN TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS and LINEN SUITINGS AT OUR STORE. :i.SStrbriaii- Co. rureislhiiii So often we hear people say "It Is tard to find anything for boys to wear." If you will come here .jpid will find almost anything you want. : Boys' Boys' Boys' Blouse Suits, 50, 60, 75, $1, $1.50. Summer Suits, 75, 85, $1, $1.50. Dress . Suits, $1 to $3.50. ; -Pant 25, 33, 40,: 50, 75, $1. Shirts, o25 . and 50c. r- Collars and Neckties. Shoes, $1. $1.25; $1.50. ' - -Hose, 10 and 15c. Hats and Caps, . 25 ' and 50c. Belts, 25c, , i Shirt "Waists, 25c' ':' Brownie Overalls, ! $25 n' Boj-s' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' 1 !DO NOT FORGrET OUR POPULAR Millinery Depart rtient ' G-et your orders in early as we are very busy. AGENT FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS. hi- 14 East Martin Street -mmm Priced White Orrfandi,. T. cm. vrganaies, waists. tr-onachCo. CURTAINS PATTERNS (per pair): .. ... ., . 50, $1.00 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.75 4.00 o.OO '5.00 B.'OO 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 15c. 12,c. 15e. 20c. 25c. 50c. .75c. $1.50 2.25 to $1.25. V'. for Boys If you do not want ready mad goods for tHe boys w canE sHdw" you a great variety of goods to make Pants, Suits,Shirt Waists, etc- . It is strictly and in ihe fullest sense a high-grade piano. It is not surpassed iu .any way- bv any single-tone piano. It-is all-and has all that will be found in any other high-rrade piano; and ia uldition thereto, its many tone capa bilities jrive it range and capacity abov and beyond all others. Write for catalogue. gs CROWN PIANO ICE M1IDMPRERS T. L. EBERHARDT, Manager. "' Bell phone 210C. Insterstane 510. Crowell Sz Co., .DRUGGISTS, i2o Fayetteville St YllPbou e 21!) Darnell & Thomas RALEIGH, N.-C. rhone XOi 1

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