I Jllli . l!n4. Ai Armthor, In. 5f5- sion Half the Year HOUSE BURNED DOWN Sunday Morning Marriage- Judge Boyd Goes to States- uiiiA to Hold Court Sun- day Services rwensboro, X. C, Oct. 21.-Speclal.- chnm is setci'ig to be a great ,',n for courts. There are annually reeks of Tegular terms of feu- fourteen w ....rior Court and eighs of Federal ,,jrt, to saying nothing of llie special turns' of both State and Federal courts that are held every year. Some kind cf cour: -is in session over iiolf the ' ' The two weeks' term of .October Fed eral court adjourned Friday, and this nomine the regular two weeks' term of October Superior Court convened, Judge Shaw presiding. The first week is for ti'e trial of criminal cases and the recond for civil .business. There are ab..tit 100 cases on the criminal docket, clrcli is expected to be disposed of by the' .end of th- week. Ex-Sheriff John y Cook is foreman of the grand jury, Tvh;ch is composed of men of a high order of intelligence and integrity, livlze Shaw's f harge to the grand jury "was" listened to with the closest atten tion, and was easily one of the ablest nnd clearest charges ever heard in the Guilford county court house. He went fully intoithe duties and responsibilities of a grand juror and explained clearly the different phases of the law with, wlnA the jury has to deal. Tbe residence of Mr. Marcellus Jef freys, in lower south Ashe street, just bprond the city limits, was campletely destroyed by fire last night. The mem bers of the family barely had time to make their escape from the burning building and nothing whatever was saved from the flames. An alarm was turned in and two companies of the fire, ricpfrtment responded, but it was impos sible to render any assistance, as'tihe dwelling was beyond the reach off a water plug. The origin of the fire is unknown. The special sent from here to The Tost Friday concerning the arrest Of Jnhn Terry, in which it was stated that 'the Ilaleigh officials declined to pay the expenses incurred by tfhe offi cers here, was inaccurate. The Post correspondent: -wrote "the message upon v.hat was considered good authority, rnd without going to the sheriffs office to make an investigation, as he should h;m done. As is so often the case with second-hand news, it was distorted. Esquire J. A. PriMhett was called on it Lis home early; yesterday morning 1 1 unite in marriage Mr. Richard A. I'nenian and Miss Lula Devinney, of ih' city. ' Judge Boyd and Marshal Millikan went to Statesville this morning to open the October term of Federal Court in that town. Marshal Millikan was ac companied by three of, his clerks. Mrs. Z. V. Taylor has returned from R visit to New York. Rev. Livingstone Johnson, secretary of the Baptist Stat.- Convention, preach ed to his former parishioners in -Washington Street Baptist church, yesterday niorninz. i On account of the illness of the pas m, rhe pulpit at West Market Street Methodist church was filled vesterday morninir by Rev. H. K. Boyer, pastor o Centenary church. There was no treacling at night. s i Big Blaze Started in the Early 'Morning FIGHTlNulrir FLAMES Hew Water-work System Tested With Satisfactory Hesults New Buildings Expected to Replace Those Destroyed Gastonia, N. C, Oct. 21. Special. Hre brake ont this morning about 4 'clock in the livery stables of Floyd & Mers in East Main street. The fire wrned fiercely, owing to the quantity of bt and other feed in the building, amid e stables were destroyed. Two small wellinsr houses and the tore occupied T V C' Campion were also destroyed. companies arrived promptly, ? three streams of water continually Ti on the fire and prevented the pading of the flames on either side. " one time it eeemed that the store f 'UWed by Fordham! & Moore, furni !e dealers, would catch, and the build l in the Davis block were once on TK- weTe Quickly extinguished. 1 "is is the first real test of the city k ,u works iu case of fire, and the . ,1C rrovc the value of the svstem -t no time could the livery stables nil i- 11 ;lVed. nor 7 of the wooden Ji'imKS war by that burned; and but ' .nMrvif'e- wn-nigh perfect, the town have gone up in smoke. B & Anders Jost eight uij a jjriajbcr of vehicle Their Boylao, Pearce& Go Will consider it an call while in the city during Fair week and make our store your headquarters. Room for afl 206 and 208 Fay etteville street, running back to Salis bury street. - , -... Gloves LadiesV Cashmere Gloves, Black and Colored, Jersey or 4-Buttcra Length, ex cellent qnaHty, good fitting- and fast black, per pair.. .....25c. Black Silk Gloves........ .50c. to $1 Children's Gloves and Mitts 10c. to 25c. KID GLOVES V The ,best makes ever in Raleigh, also the largest stock SUEDE AND GLACE KlD, in street and evening - lengths, PIQUE, WALKING and DRIVING GLOVES. : .. '.', siiiiii Neckwear LADIES STOCKS. 50c. Black, White and Fancies. LADIES' WINDSORS. Black, White and Fancies. 25c. LADIES' CLUB TIES, 25c. Black,1 White and Fancies. LADIES' NECK RUCHES, $1. Black and White. LADIES' LIBERTY RUCHES "and Capes, latest styles and very nob by, prices .......$2.50 to $5.uO Linen Collars Special SO dozen Ladies Linen CollaTS, slightly damaged or soiled, 15c. quality at 5c. Furs See- our line before buying. Underwear and Hosiery For Ladies, Misses and Children., . Everything wanted in the Underwear line, cotton or wool. LADIES COTTON VESTS and Pants, from. ...... .33c. to 50c. Prices CARPETS At the lowest possible prices. We make and lay all carpets free. V Brussels Carpets, per yard. 49c. to $1.25 Velvet Carpets, per yard ........ Axminster Carpets, per yard Ingnain Carpets, per yard . . . WELTON RUGS, SMYRNA RUGS, . ART SQUARES, OIL CLOTH, total lops Ss estimated at $1,500, with no insurance. The other 'loss is estimated as follows: Thomas 'Allison, one store building and one dwelling house, $700, . partially in sured r W. C. Campion, stock of groceries, $500, no insurance; G. W. Ragan, livery stable, $1,500, no ansurance. The town has grown in this direction, and 4t is very probable that substantial new . business houses will be erected at once on the site of the burned build ings. ' : ... ' - , r; V M. Pearson, the evangelist, arrived Friday from Salisbury, -and began a series of services at the Maim Street Presbyterian church last night. The church, seating comfortably over one thousand persons, was full. - The Loray mill starts Dart of , its ma chinery today begins . grinding cards in this large five-story building wiSl hs in motion. . COLORED CONFERENCE " " 'V --!.. - - - ' Tb Ctaareh Pro:rulBc tid tbe Preachers Improving; - High Point, N. C, Oct. 20. Correspondence of The Morning Post. The .North Carolina Conference- of the M. E. Church (colored) which has been in session here for the past week is attended, by a large, number of minis ters and -delegates. Bishop Goodsell. the presiding officer, says he is -pleased with the progress ..being made by thj honor to have you ' 800i Lower Than Values Positively Offers Surpassing LADIES' WOOL VESTS : and Pants..... ,75c. to $1.50 LADIES COMBINATION SUITS . 50c. to $2.50 LADIES' RIBBED CORSET COVERS ! 25c. to 50c. LADIES' WOOL SKIRTS. I 50c. to 91.50 Infants', Misses', and Children'srweaT, all weights and sizes. Hosiery Special values in Children's School Hose, also Ladies Ingrain Hose, in Black and Colors. Embroidered Flannels A most superb line of White Embroid ered Flannels, full width, all wool, prices per yard. .50c. to $1.50 Umbrellas Gents or Ladies. The line seen here is equal to many holiday displays and prices much lower. ChUdien's School Umbrellas. Black Serge Top, 8 Rib, Congo Handles, 24 and 26 inches ...oO to 75c. Ladies' Umbrellas 26 inches. Black Taffeta, Silk Top, close roll, handle 8 inches long, Silver and Pearl, $3 grade for... $1.98 Ladies Umbrellas, 26 inch, Black TwHl Silk, Atomatic Runners, Handle Silver and Pearl; $2 grade for $1.39 Gents and Ladies' Umbrellas, 26 and 28 inches, Black Twill Serge Top, Natu ral Handles, good quality . ........ . $1 Umbrellas Of other qualities, with natural or fancy handles, Black, Fancies or Plain Colors ......$1.50 to $15 .........79c. to 1.25 ....$1 to 1.25 30c. to 90c. VELVET RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS, DRUGGETS. LINOLEUM, MATTINGS. negro ministers, that tfiey are doin3 ; good work ami the conference is in bet- j v a :ii a fhrTviao hnn . k v-n wnr. A I goodly number of white citizens have been out to hear Bishop Goodsell preach and look in upon the conference. Dr. McDowell of New York, who is with the bishop, is one of the attest preachers in the Northern M. E. Church. His sermon at the white Meth odist church this morning was a gem. This afternoon the appointments of the preachers were rend out by the bishop. The conference will come to a close tonight or tomorrow. I 1 . linn ir-r-li IUV C Lilly DANCING OX THE HILL Two Pleasant rtvents at the University Last week Chapel Hill, N. C, Oct. 21. Correspondence of The Morning Post. The annual fall dance of the Univer sity German Club which was held hist Friday night in Common Hall was tha most successful german he!d in several years. Large numbers of the mos prominent young society women in the State were present and the occasion was one that will long be remembered. The german was gracefully led by Mr. J. Lathrop Morefread of Durham, and he was assisted bv Messrs. O. G. Gal- loway and Sam StringQeld. Music was j iilKDillAllIKO antie f Fair or Beginning Monday, October 21st, and.Lasting the Entire Week. Ever Before Known Beyond the Reach A Silks and Dress Goods The Range Was Never Larger. Assortment Never Better, And Prices in Reach of All The Sflk stock ..embraces many, newfabries, which are only to be found here. Peau do Crepe, 27 inches, all colors, Satin Stripe Hemstitched Crepe, 24 Print Warp Taffetas, 19 inches, per Novelty Silk Taffetas, 2 O inches, per yard Swiss Taffetas, 27 inches, per yard. ...... .... 85c. grafde Black Taffeta, 27 inches, per yard $1.25 grade Black Taffeta, 36 inches, per yard WOOL DRESS GOODS This stock comprises all worthy makes and styles of colors and blacks. The Novelties, Tailor Suitang and Staples are in such varieties that the most fas tidious can be suited.: Among some of the new goods to be found are the Hair line Stripe, Pacca Cloth, Shark Skins Cloth, Etimine. 36-inch Wool Etimine, 55c. grade, per yard ' 28c. 54-inch Wool Etimine, $1 grade, per yard . SOc. 52-dneh Wool Venetian, $1 grade, per yard 59c. 54-inch Wool Camel's Hair, $1 grade, per yard. 50c. 54-inch Wool Plaid Batk, $1 grade, per yard 69 c. 54-3nch Wool Venetians, $1.25 grade, per yard 85c. 54-inch Wool Broadcloth, $1.25 grade, per yard...... $1.00 54-inch Wool Paca Cloth, per yard .... 1.50 SACKINGS A handsome line of Wool Sacking, in Plain Colors, Stripes, Figures and Novelties, covering everything worth having in Sacking. Prices range frpm 25c to $1.50 per yard. Also a complete stock of ENGLISH CORDUROY in staple colors. Trices are .40c, 75c, 90c, $1, $1.25 per yard Flannel Waists Made of best French Flannels, in the latest improved styles, plain or fancy, stitched or embroidered, open back or front, black and all seasonable colors. Prices range from ...... .$1.25 to $5 Silk Petticoats ne newest i-reauuus m vjwws quu Black, aiso Black and white sikrt., which are much in vogue this season. Prices -range from t; $5 to $14.00 furmshed by Haywood s Dana 01 i.ai- eigh. Tiefora the dance the members of GImslouhl order gave a banquet to their . " w ladv friends at their quaint lodge. Beautiful favors were given. ; Quite a number of the visitors who were at the german Friday night, re mained qver, most of them returning home today. Saturday night the members of S. A. E. Fraternity gave a highly enjoyable dance to the visitors and their f.iends. The dance, was held in Commons Hr.ll and Mr. G. H. Andrews lod the ger-f man. ' ; Dancing begun at 9 o'clock and end?d at midnifit and tie event was a most pleasant one. " The couples in attendance were: : Miss Alexander of Chapel Hill, with Mr. A. L. Cox. I : Miss Lois Holt of Charlotte, with Mr. W. O. Heard. Miss 'Faison of Charlotte, with irr. J. Taliaferro. ;; Miss Andrews of Raleigh, with Mr. R. S. Hutcheson. Miss Bynum of Chapel Hill, with Mr. Stevenson. Miss Re-ba Brjdgers of Tarboro, with Mr. Whitehead. - Miss Hay of Raleigh, with Mr. Mc Aden. ' - Miss Taylor of Oxford, with Mr. H. Skinner ; Miss Annie Hinsdale of Raleigh, j Sales W oflhe Most Powerful Compslitoiu Records per yard .... $1.00 1.75 inches, per yard yard .$1 to .$1 rto 2.00 1.75 l.OO 69c. 09ic. Silk Waists Our new fall line has just arrived and many new and nobby effects are here to be seen. Leading Colors, Black and White, $4.50 to $10.00 r j- . c Dressing Sacques In good quality, warm, Eiderdown All the best colors. Also Flannelette Sacques. Prices .50c. to $1.75 witn .air. ienan. ;MssNell Hinsdale of Ralegh, .th Mr. Thorpe. Miss Busbee . of Chapel iliH, wna Mr. Hanes. Miss Thompson of Raleigh, with Mr. Stringfield. Miss Dockery of Charlotte, with Mr. Brenizer. Miss Annie Hume of Chapel Hi.!, with Mr. E. Alexander, Jr. The gentlepien in the foregoing Tst were members, of the S. A. E. frater nity: those following were guests: f Miss Phillips of Tarboro, with Mr. J. L. Morehead. Miss Flacide , Rridgers of Tarloro, .with - Mr. Lewis. Miss Barbee of Chapel Hill, with Mr. Cobb. Miss Gray of Raleigh, with Mr. R;di ardson. i V . Miss Haywood of Raleigh, wirh Mr. Lewis. Miss McRae of ChapeU Hill, with Mr. (Jalloway. ? , - Stags S.I A. Es. Messrs. Morrison, K.hore, I-emly, Hiiske, Gordon, Bynun, Cnhler, Beall. Graham, Trof. Howell, Beasley, Bunh, Ajidrews. (Quests Messrs. Ransey. G. W; rth Geo. Graham, Cocke, Baiky, Stev?:s. Cheshire, McNidtr, Cannon, Tu-ue:, E. Alexander, Haywood, F. Th l,i s. Staton, Meare;, Douglass, Emerson. H Worth, Graves, Niehols, l!ren, Hill, G. McAden, H. Haywood, H. Phillips, Boylan, Ko Buy and soil more tail than any other firm in Raleiqh. We buy more because we sell more. We ,W, . ' y ., 0 sell more b:ciuse we sell cheapest, and 0$ we sail cheaper because we buy cheap- W er. Ve want to supply your wants. for Such of the Past, CI oak an Suit Depart meet No Other Store in This State Can Show Such Values and Rarity of Stock. Ladies' Tailormade Suits No other store in the State can show such values and variety of stock. : BROADCLOTH, CORDUROY, SERGE, VENETIAN, CAMEL'S nAIR, ETIMENE, HOMESPUNS, etc., in the latest styles and th-e most perfect fit." ting garments obtainable. , Truly Tailor- made and finished to the high standard of excellence in every detail. Prices ..... . . . . T ........-.....$ J.O to $35 SEPARATE SKIRTS Walking or Dre?s Lengths, in C!oth and Corduroy...... Dress Length, .Corduroy, Velvets 'and Silk COATS, JACKETS AND CAPES LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S COATS, JACKETS and CAPES in different lengths. This stock is now at its top notch fullness. All "prices, ... all colors, all styles. Suffice it to say we can fit any figure and every purse. Far Ladies. Misses and Children. ' LADIES' RAGLANS, LADIES' AUTOMOBILE. LADIES' JACKETS, 27, 36 and 14 inches long. ' V' v LADIES' CAPKS. 27 and G!i inches long. - ' LADIES' T VI X COATS. - ' Millinery Never before have we had such sales hi this department. . STYLES FROM PARIS, , STYLES FROM NEW YORK, , STYLES FROM OUR OWN WORK ROOM. At this season new styles are daily arriving from the Eeastern market, and busy hands are constantly bringing new styles from our work room." WALKING HATS, ' . ' - DRESS HATS, V - . ; - v . v CHILDREN'S HATS AND CAPS, v Veilings, Ribbons, Ruckling, Wings, Feathers, Children's Lace Caps, Nurses Caps. t v F. Cox, A. M. Carr. Fisher, W. F. Carr, C. Carr, F. Ciiwlger, IM1, G-vyn, Rose. Gilmer, Bernard, lit 0 J ne Jenkins, Prof. R;per. Chaperones lr. and. Mis. Tho. Wil- ou, Mrs. Gilmer. Mr-. Dang 'rfield A Mistake Corr&cted Li'tleton. N. C, Oct. 21. To the'. Editor of The Tot: . In your announcement 'i.f the f tiff and mai'shnls of (icneral II berts, .chief inarshRl. you plr.ee fl.e Mines' of Gen eral Frank M. Parker .rad my self, w.t i those w;ho served on the : taff of tJeneral It(herts m the Confeilerat? : ruiv. Gen era! Parker was tli3 brave anl wniu.aui.ci '"f u.gia.iii, u- t"i It- g m;nt, of- ten wounded one . t 111 ? on t t of ;he nentl. ucncral ICofce: t E. l.eo wro el luni a letter of condolence and fdd him'j .. i ne nciu n;s neau .00 ui.ci wjon H3 was liciHing. I was a piivate in Co. C, Md Regiment. Yours very tnilr ' JOHN V. LEACII. - - - Any lack of iron , in the bipod shows in the face. Pallor is the sign.' Pallor also means much mure, it means ji -starved nervous system, a debilitated condi tion of the vital organs, poor circula- imu auu iijtijuireu aigesnon. iue nerves body get their energy and ill the Pearce MMHMMIMf merchandise at re- Qualities. r ..$2 ito $13. so ; .$12.50 to $25. ' terials for their repair from the blood. j Pallor shows that all these are losin- vitality. Not a day should be lost in restoring the richness and purity of the blood. Get iron, get it by taking the kind of iron your blood requires. The iron in Dr. ktarterV Iron Tonic is the perfect kind. It goes from your stom ach directly into the blood without any change. An hour after you take it, it has become part of your blood and is doing good. ; In addition to iron this time-tried rem edy contains other ingredients almost as badly needed by those who are sick or debilitated. It helps to build up nerve and muscu lar tissues, it aids your 1 digestion nA !enabIe3 you to get the d of the food Dr. Harters ur. iianers iron Xonic will fcn?M you up and make you well from head to foot. With the new liAolth . fc . n ill. I -1 1 T Tl strength and vigor that may havl been missing for years. This remedy has been endorsed by physicians and the public for forty-five years, . . Made only by the-Dr. Harter Medicine Co., Dayton, Ohio. Sold everywhere. ' : ' . Belgian Hares for sale cheap. Must sell. W. S. Barnes, Raleigh. . . , W ANTED By yonng man of r fin,. ment, position leading to r?sponsibi itn. or a. private secretary. Well aualifiS in nogiphy tjpewrjUng-and booS. keeping. IHghly educate-L AdSe F care Morning rost. - -"uiesj. , ( -

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