lUKUAV, NOVEMBEK3ipji THE MOKNlNl hOls Sxrv Commissioner Young Hands a Shrewd One "L Several times during, the preset rear lusismnce 'Commissioner Youns 1,3S found it necessary to eu force the lav in various ways pertaining to ahe conduct o: hi office. Incendiaries It expedient, to PiMr. m?' fun in ostler io-cscap r.:s Mgdnate. Sd compos and agent, o do business in the t,.s "f iense have been ovarii or run o-t !!t4 of one compnnv. the Old Wayne Life. In-ovauce Cora mo ,..,.,i5, hirj erven the pany, or wmvno.. department more trouole th otners. Last spring thcra we e complaints from imnn r , other points, some in Johnson and W il- counties! or the.opern , o f l- ... ir.,n Tvnif.T IS t;Ca kCccseu of tne uia y." lit o.ota d is regarded a fraud, and Mr .Young rot " "a' their trail that they gar u About a month ago information , . w fiW with the CommifSKMier ihat tte me Wctioa. trough a man named Hell. In some P'aee' he wns Haell ..4 still others a C. . " sell c)pcasiont.iy ne -----Sf as an fluent of the E,itao h did not -solicit business for that com nanv His operations were eonhm-d to the Old Wayne. It is -hawed that he cSSeXed money and delved ooes Win some instances took tha money w;tho..l.delivciing policies. He worked Rocky Mount,; Hawra Wil son. Rowland ana Asnpoie. i. two plrce? in Robeson comity. Most of his work has been among the eoun r p-ople, and despite the fact that seVeral warrants hare been out for.h'tn -the D'st month he has snrewdly eluded tli officers until this week. . a, Tuesday Mr. Young located h m t Howled, near the South Carolina Tne and went down to have him arrest hV'??. ,nnnA Snm distance from th town and was in tied, with a man Banxed Mccormick" and both had been drinking. Deputy. Weriff UcLeod, armed with warrant for C J. sell, went .to " - linT the Hassell claimed - ryll r f nr away and sell. Air. xouufc officer was communicated with. The otn was lnsrrucieu iv - the he way to 'Rowland Hassell begged the dcruty to walk win n - j h rr-nnnit wucic to hve some whiskey hid, that : he rdj nearly dead for a. drink, T je of nc w soon surmised tQt- seareh for the hidden botUe ie sham. andeanea a ; ed tlasseu was iu , , in the. with heart trouble and lay down woods. The attack of heart trouble was , , . u:u nnt worK. a It was then up to the deputy, who a smT man. while Hassell la a two a sra , M ho denutT stuck to his job and as he could not make the mL walk he dragged him a ahort d.a tance and called for help. Assistance ,? or, Hnsseli was carried naa' Vnnn, there took fcOU T.' r. W . Pon will ren- nary, --j ; - - g Abe1 5'2 appear for Has.ell. The prelim.- uary hearing win ui y.-. . - J "V::". ' TTnsiell is a shrewd! fellow, apparently about fifty years old K is recalled that a -'Doctor'' Hasseil figured in the noted graveyard w ind- .. n.T.avot rountv a ew vs ag t is not at all improbable S. the man Mr. Young now has mate? i ; iil0 snme individual. nen arreted 1 this man said his name ws C R. Hassell. and if memory is not f,it nr. C. R. Hassell is KHLe the. noted swindle. wo was connected witn tne gisanyv. - nmnanies by insuring TO LOU iusiu"-v ' - . men already on the brink and some who 1 ,i : oT-nvA Tf this :s were ' aetuaiij m i . the same man he has already served a term in the penitentiary. o H " ' " "'" i i.l. II II llll 'B EiMlllI'llWIM'"""1.-1 1- r- im-J r.friiii stood tl One Mlli on Six Thp Weldon air a Treoiendous Success Weldon, N. C, Nov. L-SpeciaWhe fair closed today and tfie venlK-t is that in point of atteudance it was a tremen dous success. Fully five thousand I peop e vis' ted the grounds yesterday. A gwu ; Se t hear . Governor Aycock nnfl they were not disappointed The Governors idress was paracunii.j u-ir-m and well timed, and he spoke jut en- enough to please all who heard him. He" was escorted to the grounds by lead in- citizens, and was shown thj mo?t marS attention during his stay m WTnde exhibits were not large; in fact they were far below the average, but the crowd was in the humor to enjoy the -i ii .' i,.wv.Vi1tt nirTel every hour of it. The balloon ascension, t o Wc?cle trick rider and the man who tures and were well worth seeing. The side-shows were in th main about like ii;o.h Trrvt stirietlv stteh tnev . were iu i"'c,s"' . - . 4.1,., , ,1 u Tr ,is stated that in future the "bum," indecent exhibitions must go. fakk tables and three of the operators were arrested ami put unaer douus. uu; was sent to jail in default of bail. It now appears to l be the prevailing sentiment -that in future only the best otf shows must be admitted into the f ar grounds. ; v " sold -last yeato - r Do yM to v i aeiawaeaewaawMa . II1I1IS 7 Seven Grades Established by Stfpt. Clements OUTSIDE OF RALEIGH Another Step in the Direction of e More Perfect System of Public Schools Expla nation to Teachers. ry's Manual, Milne's Mental Arifhme- tic. . th Grade School History of United States, Modern English Gram-1 mar (Buehler, Appendix!, oiaw auu Eilwooil's Advanced Arithmetic com ith race 371. Maury's Phys ical Geography, Tedagogy Waymarks for Teachers, Civil Government. ExpIanatVon to Teacher Teachers will use as many pages in the register for names as there are tvm-fis ivri'Hnsr the nanies of the pupils ou the left-hand page and under the II Y WH1SK.F.Y foralbr all leadiBZ dealer. Xafce; no, ubu- tnte A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. kit. T. FELIX COCKACD'8 OKIESTAIi ' CHE AM, Oil MAGICAL. BEAUTIFIES. y RmowiTiin, Pimple, rreccw. Moth I'atcfiea, umui u own rtiffjiyi, aud every Dirnusn on toot the test ol 63 Tears, mod It to IwnuieM we tate it . to be ui-e K u prop erly mde.- Accept no counterfeit ot lra11ar name. Dr. L. A. Kjre acid to a lad; of the haut ton (a patient): "A yoa laaies win we them, I recotamend 1 Gonraad'a Cream' 1 awi the least fi arm ful of all tin pre parations.' " For &1J0 by all Dmtr- Uta mrt A Pan., Good Dealers to the United Statea.Ca.ndaa and TEnror. FERO.T. HOPKIMS. Prop'r. 37 Great Jones S...N.Y. carry the greater They may carry r a DR. W. E. WEIHE, Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Cornell Unlvwralty. PARK ROAD, WEST RALEIGH. Interstate 'Phone No. 43. ,H To Keptwi. Broken Arti cleanse Major's PaTTIAiIT Remember MAJORTS RUBBER CEMENT, MAJOR'S IjEATHER CEJIENX. OW MANY PEOPLE There are that have heen sorely disap pointed with their ' Grates and have con Y demed the open fire-places? All Decanse they did not consult a practical firm, which would have told them at the outset just HOW to proceed to Tin.vfi Mantels, Tiling and Grates ''one 'harmonious whole." That's our "business. Consult us- "Special Cahill" Grates, please. We guarantee them, wo Better system, better work, and con sequently better schools in North Car olina is -the proper motto to be In scribed on every banner, for therein lies the hope o the country .morally, socially, industrially and politically. The superintendent of public instruc tion' for. Wake county has prepared nnd issued a circular epply'mg to the public schools of the county ov:si-l of Jialeigh township wifch is alieudy pro. ,.;,irl with a eraded yiem. This cir cular shovrs tlic dilTcrer.t grades and j courseA of study to be purs') ed in each o the seven grades established throughout tie county. It is given herewith. a fohows: Firsr: Grad.-Holme' First -JlsscUr. rr-aWng lebteri and ngcues. The teach er will combme ; ih' alphabetical and the word- method, teaching both in connection with makraj the letters and the lignrcs. Second Grade. Holmes' . Second Jien-h?!-, Harrington Speller (Cook 1 writinj? easy words, adding and sub tracting, figures to 10, drawing. Third Grado Holme Thud Read er, the retiew lessons of HarriDf?n"s Speller (Book 1), Colaw -and Ellwool's Vrieiary Arlthinetic' and Overton's pri i.qry PhyslolosT, wrlrl-jg continued, driwinr. Fourth Gra.-lIo!rnc55': Fourth Reader, IIyde Lessons (ait 1). ?. reriew vf Colaw and h)I!-1 wood's Prlmrry Arithmetic a r.d Over-1 tcr's Primary PhyaioiOsX; wri'ing cou-, drawl-pg. . l'.fih Grde. Prtmanr Ili&toty i Noi:h Ctrohna, Miury' nicmchtary Geography. CViw and I'll wood's Ad varced Arithmetic, Bushier M:rii Englla Grammar (Part 1), Steele's Hysionie ' Ph;s;olopy. Sixth Grai. Advanced IIMoiy' of North Carolina, Colv and Ellwod's Advanced Ar;thraeti&,rlemcnta"rv , for advanced claases; liuahier'a Mod em English Grammar (Rart II), Mu- grade in which they number nf studies. Pf.rt of their studies in on, grade and the others in other grades. If they pas on one study in a grade and not on others, 'they may be advanced to another grade on the studies cn which they passed, and held back on those which they did pot pass; 70 will pass from one study to another. Always leave a note on the rejister against 'the name showing the per cent made on th study when they were advanced. Promotion cards will be furnished for the children. You vi!l run your grades of study on the register on the right hand page from to 1 to 100, .1 being the lowest. and 100 the highes:. On your daily grade book run from 1 to 10, 1 repi-eaentaug 10 and 10 representing 300. The names of the books used iu each grade, must be written at the top of ui page above tue grade. When a pupil, curies studies in a r:;d wisero his name does not appear, tiv-.vk by a leti'.er aud a number indi cating th study and grade where such a study is carried: Thus. Tom Blunt Is in grade fo'.'.r but carries English Grammar in gra-3c five, opposite his name on the liitkt hand page? put Th 'prudent teacher will know how t modify 'this giadation in case of necessity. The main thing is 'to make the register show the scholarship of earn pupil.- You will call at the office for promo lion cards. Respectfully, W. G. CLEMENTS. October 25, 1901. Hotel Brunswick No hotel In the city mora homelika than the Brunswick. None with larger (if as large) rooms single nnd en suite, with baths. An ideal hotel home for quiet people and ladies visit ipg or alone in the city. Only a few feet from Fifth Avenue's highlands, overlooking Central Park. In the heart of tho bsst resident district. Madison Avenue cars and Fifth Ave nue stages pass the Hotel. All night elevator. Rates, $5 per day - and down. American plan. CHAS. E. HOWLAND, Tropr. 1 CRACKERS. j are State Agents. Write us. McGL AM ROCK BROS. 222 South Elm St., GREENSBORO, N. C J. E. CAR Mereliant f ai O.t! or, Qrensboro, N. C New Goods. Up-to-date Styles. The Best Work rnanship, and a good fit. We use the best of every thing. : . ' Wizard Air-tight Wood Stoves. JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CO, We are now offertns tho famous Will Adorn tli Bench (Salisbury Sun.V- There is no questioning the fitness of the appointee tip: I Senator Pritchard has dona himself credit in recommending him.-' Cel. Osborne is n profound law yer and will r.doi-n the beiich. Our hat of? to Judge Osborne. Sontti Atlantic Asaoelailoa , Mr. Z. W. Whitehead, secretary of the South Atlantic Lumber Association, writes The Lt?t that a meeting of the j association will be held on ; -Tuesday, ! November 5.-.. -;. j : - j Top,' said little Timothy, "what's the ne of rivin' so much milk to our pigs?" '"So they may. make hogs of BOSS MILK BISCUIT Made at New Haven. The best toods ever ou this market at tho same price you pay for some nc. so good. Telephone 88 t JUST ARRIVED. or rial rvTwi'-!! m i Enf" .p bT i U P C H U RC H & H O W E R- We have purchased from James Cun ningham, Sous & Co., the famous car . riage and hearse builders of Rochester, N. Y., a nice Bei-lin coach, which we have added to our Livery, and are, pre pared to give our patrons better service than ever. Our city has long been in need of a first-class coach of this kind, and we are prepared to serve our pat rons in the best (New York) style. . This coach can be had only by the best people of bur city, and is the latest fad for wedding parties, etc. We also can fur nish anything in our line, day or night, by calling Bell and Interstate 'Phone 81 - at our No. 1 stable, and Raleigh and ' Interstate 'Phone at our No. 2 stable. Salisbury t UJ UJ 2 C) o - -I t' " rn 2 o rn a I C3 rn a3 m MADE IN THREE SIZES Above stove is one of ; the. most attr?ctivo air-tights made. Heavy iron top and bottom with swinging dome and swing cover to feed Temnfi The bottom is dished and ribbed to insure, strenzth and durability. The body is roadie' of polished blue steel, with, heavy steel linings. Two foot rails rur nished with every stove.' Nickel-plated urn and knobs. Collar oa back or top. as desired, at sama price. ; No. 17 For smal rooms.-. ... . . if 5.00 p,abv ISO. lit i! cr uieuium uuuis o.v l'onv 4.i"J JSo. 22 For Iarg rooms. . . .". . . 7.00 - Large ' : ' C . '

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