THE MORNING POST" MWi JAY. NOVEMBER 17190 1 some pertinent ques- in hotels and n trains, or to waiter- " . " a Ov Pv 9v a. 4?v ri replying by sskin M 4& W 'Vk"TS TW-VJl tti'W- ww y W T V-V . . . . . ...... . ., t ... T jbJ&VSTTir w w w y w w w . - - . tion.s ant ciung Miue Tperimext,.. fact. .. ships . .in - ; notew . auq restaurants, as ; . " . i Tliv . rutin t i:tr.- thn t'ac-r thftf northern tiiovn'h rfpc-ro linotvne onerator (in anr a iff "RT .- - t ' - - ..... ,. . -- : - K I Pi & o. i love for the negro is tonnned to oeetiari. greJlt daily paper in the north that is so iay. now mm) MUfhi umws u iu j oun( . ..enouncing-v-toe south for- it ;north employ negro clerUs.' ilow many, attitude toward the Roosevelt-Wasb- uegro trammeu are enpioyeti on cortn- . . dinner incident? Does any one 'era railways? How many negroes hare been appointed postmasterships in the THEATRICAL WORLD W W V V - 1. Manner Hirers will open this weekV, srs,' will be here at . th-Academy j rJ ractioas with the c.elebrat- of . M,c early January.; A stranger . , . , ,!UJ,l,vl .! employed -ia northern 'mills and facto-,, ize that he has notnmg to' gam from tae "f-n' t 1 1 1 l ies alongside white mechanics? North j alleged- friendship of men who seek to blgs . , iiie is limited to the position of porter I use him' for political purposes only." latter conies to Washington for .his in auguration. John.' Adams resented the call uiMa the"-Presidentelect when .-the failure of Jefferson to pav him the reJ qui red n'rst visit .aurius awem-cu elf fiejui the 'inauguration of the Father of Democracy; John Quincy Adams acted similarly when Jackson. Ms suc- IIow many irkmnWy saccessful drama 'Wo Little Vaunts. "on Atlanti success as this one. It had continu ous run of over !X presentations in raris, and, after translation into Eng Ush was given to crowded house m London during a run of over 600 con secutive nights. , . . Although the production brings, into mm 1 M f TWO LITTLE VAGRANTS would -never pick .the haiidniaster otitj of a crowd as a musician hit upon as. one of the and most successful of commercial men However, liis joiaI, ruddy face and fashionable von--- dispel the im-J pression that ne was a staid business i man, though his glad hand, his broad'j of these northern Kepublican daily northern states; uewspapei ce.. r fn-rp- negro reporter, or .a negro cuy eaiTOx.- mecbaiiic8 are ' some ui uaj mc usm iii i ' eeswr. refuel to pay him -the cus'tom- i Some Things That a PresicSesit Hay Not Do' arv honor. The first tail of -a I'rfSHlent elect should be returned by his prede-! fcisur within an hour. A Pit sldcat must not exercise his rr-f-cmal .choice in escorting -ladi'es to 'his fccroal dinners'-. Cei'tiin s-trict ru'.cs poTei'ii the seating o guests "at tho function. At his diplomatic, dinner lie must pay the first honor-So the wile of the' -..dean of the diplomatic corps t.t Ire.eut Lady Paunoefote; at h.s Su preme Court dinner, the wife of the Chief Justice: at ii's Cat'ntt "dinner, the wife of he Vice I'rr:der.t. lie does not .make. ns?a of coajnlj- nientirv forms-in Oiieuiu? vanl ctOfX-g olTiclal letters. lie Fromthe Ladies' Home Journal. rftmn'ncpf; h GaayWrrH 1NNS7 BAND. service ran immense amount of magnifi- J gauged smiie, and roaring laugh would cent 6cenery ana man iciusuv.- . )an a suggestion of his being fae startling stage cilects, us potency lies principally in the virility of its remark-aoiy- story and nsoimtding plot. It is a bold picture of au c-veutful life of thrill ing vicissitudes, containing the essence ct true French -romance worked out vita good taste, and giving wide scope musical genius tuat he is. Get Inues on Ids --feet after dinner ana you will feel certain that a mis:. I take has been has been nyde i:i intr - uucing aim as a musician, tie will ti stories of the road until his listen ers are -n an uproar, and then wU for acting. While it is devoid of the K0aerly discuss some question of the lightest exaggerai iou in its thrilling j fay Cut ne never talks shop, and yo.i Fituations ana exciting ennuiAes. it i full of rapid, even explosive, action. Many of the old favorites of former reasons are in the cast, including Miss Xeva Ilarrison as Fan-Fan, Katherine Vincent. Arthur Cogliser, Del La Barre, James Baam, C. Eodden. Prominent amoTig the new members of the com pany are Ray Scott, who as been spec ially engaged to play Claude, Lillian ;-merv. Jessie Lansing. Alice Lthel will never, hear a word about music and the Baud unless the spread is i.i relation to them. THE OLD HOMESTEAD. Tie more one sees of Deaman Thompson andhis delightful play '"The Old Homestead, the better we like them,' for they still exert their old charm. The simple Va'aightforward- ness of the story; its humanity: lackinj Hamilton. Seats go on sale Monday 1 any miracles ui ptui, jet aoouuuin ot rpmlar nrice,. in the mOst natural of touches; its THE WRONG MR. WRIGHT There are few things that better at tract r.n than one of liroaa- hurst's comedies and it is certainly true enough to say that nothing in the com edy lino is -more popular here. Mr. Broadliurst . has enjoyed such success with his plays that when a piece with his name to it is announced it is cer tain M command wide attention and t ilfl the house to its utmost capacity. It is easy to takeit on trust and feel con- fi.Icnt of having good and wholesome .fitn for the trouble of going to see it. '"The VV'rong Mr. Wright," is the title "f'2Ir. P.roadhurst's comedy which pre .ssnfs in the title role Mr. John Allison, who hss been Jaughed at when playing i hiit funxir character,' "Jones" ;n "What Happened, to Jones." The part of "Seymour Sites"' has fallen into ex cellent hands from all accounts with .Ur. -Allison wno i es.ceeumgly wen w- fPnt,lrp. TTiP-stn nirtnrp, ni- ,.r rl.- ted for it. This piece has been pro-usunl Klaw & Er!anger ftantlanl.Vhieh means that they are of startling effec viinsling of sentiment and humor nat ural and unrestrained the dramatic picture fortned is a delectable one. It teaches a moral without preaching it for it exemplifies mercy and for giveness, virtues in which our every day life is not too rich. FOXY QUILLEIf. Much, interest is aroused ior the forth coming engagement of the Klaw iS: Erlanger Opera Company, with Jer.ime Sykes in de Koven and Smith's' "Fory Qniller at the Academy of Mit;; in this city. The organization of sere1. y fivfe people, inclndirg Miss Elector Kent, Miss Grace Cameron. Miss :- Marian Christie, Mr. Julins St3er. mira Forest. Miss Lillian Seville, . Miss Mr. Adolph Zink, the lilliputlau c-::ie-dian, Mr. Harry Macdonough, Mr. Lou is Cassavant, and others. A special orchestra, under Sig.A. De Nvo'lis is a communications wi ll "sir," not "dear sir." He simply signs h!s name i:i clos ing. . In his correspoadcace with foreign mcaarohs, however, he beglr5 h's letter with the salutatica "Great and Gccd Friend." and ends them with "Yoar Goml Friend." He". does noit ne h:3 name upon his personal cards, which slurp! y bear the Tavm -iha Twrlifx' TTrvM.e Jifii-irfil.1 Once in the Old World, even today, he A President of the United States 4 might successfully - perforin, his duties , two words, 'the 1 .resent. . le cable. ! inus, to- a cenain extent, tee m?iMi the only law-abiding and reason-pas- by aid of the -sctsiag citizen thereof wuom cu -iocii hnJds ns n misoiier within limited The President cannot enter any Our ' Ssnt Free On tis&uesl. Dreg us:cf IKE KEELET " CKSY!Tir 1 fiHO. raJHtotm of jnotheri for their children ijiJO! f'?'? vhtVtePthhjfl- with ierfi T I L ' J f I U iicc?m. It gfHX hp tlmoliil'L fn (IT LI I if r sren the irini. lla.T nil auu 1 jiiuu Per uuiii; furct r1nd le.'nd U C l't t ') 1 ne est rcuietl? or liarrfco. t"ld OI1ui ! Dni?f:.stj in every part of the irorM. Es kure and ak for 'irs. Winslow's Nothing Syru?." nA tAhtt kiai glii.MP": l bounds. Ia how he -speeds his kCsnre cign embassy or legation. This time he is more lestrk-te I than the col- other unwritten law. the omcia.i ie ored janitor who daily emptied his waste deuce of an ambassador or minister ac basket. That the man at tho head of tveO.ted to Washingron U frreign tern any great institution, public oa- private, tory, technically, if rented; but actual should consult his personal taste as to ly, if owned by ils jjoveiameat. Our his whereabouts in vacation times, or as laws have no ho'id upon diplomats or to any enjoyment - outside of office their attaches detailed here. Their hours, less than the humbliest menial abodes enjoy immunity from our legal employed under him. would at once ap- processes. Seven foreign countries own iiMr ns immi'iiv. Th-voucrh TirR.'-rtlt Clt ..inl,.itc i- pn.Lwx in Wn.shi'lJff- j.v... . .' v,. r ... '., . , ... . 1. n". . . 1 .1. - such a paradoxical condition has come fon. The patches of land upon v. h.oji ine latter, tnew 1 i-niy.n. oci hj -.. ine to exist in the executive branch of oui .they are built are exempt from taxation, j right-hand seat. Simi'iflV.y. the ch'ef gew ernment. ' I To' all in tf aits and purposes they are executive must r.ot occupy other t a. m The President must not leave the ...-..n ii.V.houzli none is 1110. e lb- seat of honor at any V rmtil tJ.nner. country, even for a dav. This U in txt.-nsive than a acre or two. Frame ! He must not cciVt irifts of great; old, nu written law which has been re- 1 -ndv purchased an open tract of J; u: d value from "-.nferiois in tii? I ?ler.u fr spected lv all suecei.-'ors of (ieorge fvn ti, outskirts of tb? capital for the j vice. , Thu, when Pre 'dent Mr Kinky Washington, with pcihans one or two pHrrso of building a legation thereo'J. I received finm the IVo;ule:;t of France exceptions. M.-.-nr people otherwise -j'jie ,. -.ndiries of this lot are lines ovrrjvo handsome royal Scvns rj-c it. was well informed, have the notion that this whith it would be deemed improper f', r 1 eons?dered frroner f-r him to accert restriction is imposed by statute. Such tn.e President -to step. Aairth-r reasr.n ; tli.-n. But within recert yearo a 1 res is not the case. ' f0r this rule forbidding the lvidenr'al i idrnt who .feptwl a 5en. '.'le cott-ige President McTvinley emnhasCzed his ,)ie.oice at a fordism diplomat's abode ' f-oni a Cabinet -Hirer and sere-vl -chc-r respect for this rule Last spring. Bc.'ore it fuunded upon the apJfekcusion that H!,e-s h:v' h'-aj--4 '-;! Ms departure ujon his tour to the Ms acceptance of such hcUpirality might- considerate abuse, the-' cu ef niags South and West it - was wt'ofJitially an- ,lV,i-4., hin imlol e1 to Ms 'ho.vt. A pru- . tnvic -n e.ue-iioii put an end to the liti- - . - - - - - uiil jiivicr n yuiu --l. - ..--.-i CRACK el O - IT? j of state krscs' his idr'ititf as 1 iv l-.rite, for- I c :'t-. The card of one President may suffice for all of his successors. The President does not occupy the left i 4 side, ot a carriage seat. Adherence to! this rule is appareut to all who have witnessed -in-nuimra'tions. Thus, "on March 4. 1S07, Mr. Clerelar'.l occ-u-ilcd the right-hand seat of !lh Prcsident'-al victoria oa passing from -the White Douse to the capitol, whea he v,as still President. Returning frnm the c.ipito. after Mr. MeKinley lad taken Ms oa'h ' .-!! offering th famou M1 IOSS M I LIv : : fcSisCUi 1 Ma!e at New Haven. Tii liesi i;ods ever on , this market at the sam price ytiu par for souti- no.; Sv good. Telephonp .88 . A Skin of Baauty tea Joy Forevp r , TVK. t. FELIX OUACl'S OPiFVrTT . "'M i if I S1.U S" RnnoTi Tun. rimnlr? . FrooH.. diiieate, and ev.ry bUmih oj "1 tbe t.i ,. e . , v U 1H 1 er.jr mde a.c, !miU r hmw. i., a l1y fihpl H(, ton (.apMltiu i - a, yu Indies tji-m. I rrfooiB,.,! Q.M au,r Ci .nl a t!. Kst h;u . toi of all fkiii ,TM pn'tiniu." Vo ite by el! FECD.T. J:CPKI.S. Prgp'r. i7 Ciraat lone$ t.. r E Diaz of Mexico somewh?"e ne:ir the boundary of that sifter IJ.:-pnll:c. A coutrove-ryy as to whether Irr. McEIn ley might properly crirs the Mexl'.an line, even for -a few hours, avoe. llaily in May, when he vi-ited El Paso, Texrs, where he was greeted, by President c:.-m tv writing out a cnecK th-e Vii'vC ?f the Ttron?ity. T-'ae Presi'k-it do!i Dot nllo-r hinvrlf tv fix 111 nval attorneys conuutting crijo bfor him. i President- Arthur was also accused ; to re q?i,vt?.l in ir. nitv;s avi it news of breaking this rule. He w::s f-aiu -tu ! ::iKr vorrc -iomlents or re';o.;te.. have been a frcquerut visitor a ihs tier-i X rrly all Pr'idde.etf5, hwver, haie man ICgation, with who.e minis t?r he j made excertiiMis to this m'le. Mr. C'lerc iincui warm terms jciall.v. But 'hid authorized one intcn iev,- and -tw- Diaz's personal re; resent.i'live. he ex- ,;,( JtU proven and broucht to an issue j iTCted -the ' copy before it was tele pressed a desire to take a look into r'mt he had so stmvexl from the Prcsi- i graphed. It is rented durNi? Prt s- .Mexico. i mm r.1 iv.-o into Mexico the Iat-. i' spanning the Rio li the President would d-'' structure or not was the qnrsih.n whici ?! dential confines Lmiting his predeccs- ; -.1.1 1 I' S(rs jie conid not have been impeached Whrthtr flir bis action. : ; " cross this I. .nnssiilereil imnroner for the clrlel executive to no alHi'd a war members of bis party aUed e ':t- v.i,r ven -,,, nncli'ed in our harLrs. other. He did rot. II? vent t tbe, ..,,,1 v.-b(n Hvhi-r rhe coksrs of a friendly v.idge and caught a view of the Skne tRt8 Every nail anit' irpll-ater of.nrh yiadre. Half-way across ihs bvidie ;l vssel lis, "technically speaking, loWign lv. Madre. Avas a line. Stepping over this was putting fwt upn M"esic;;a !: " ''it- y. I'lesident Harrism had ven lured .:vj frr n.s this line ten years'; but Pii tler.t . Mc.Khiloy did .ii it so much as plac his foot' upon the briilgii. . President Arthur was accufvd cf th ident Tylers administration Ann Royal.'. editor of Paul Pry, a pensatlcnai shc-el, fo"vd the thr'ii dii?f iingr"-.ste into an inteiTiew by employing quire unu.-'nal means. PrctVldent Tyler o.a sivaally enjoyed a swim in the IVtc:!:ac. whose ba iks were then far fr.mi civiii-z.-.rion. Ann Roya'Il. strolling by the river, spied the Irvsid.ntial apparel ai d In ihe event of a de?liv de-'.'eatc l herself thereupon." Mie w-Onld . viseil plot aiiiK-d at us. when least sus- j not budge until the irate executive, up Hcting. bv a fu-fign foe, such a trr.pj his 'neck in the water, had gra-atid might easi'lv be laid to abd.n-t our I'res- the interview. All Presidents have rc it'enf. Mr." MeKinley. for instance, al- 1 reived newspaper men and given them t'h.mgh not 11 uniforiued ooinhalivnt inl .iu-h. infc-maf.m as thffy have deemed the i-i.-3M-r war- nn-hr n. !v. .r. iZi-' P-p? fer pubheats-m on. i-oiuktlo;! ihrt L- mm GAtLERY Flioiof ra'ph 131 FayettC-rilie Street. R.VLEIGII, X. C. THE FAIR PEOPLE ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND HAVE A . FrRST-CLASS PIIO i iKAPH 5UDK. POPULAR PRICES' RULE. ; MR. A. MICIiELDW, Operator. Wizard Air-tiglt Wood Stove; HART-WAkD-iiARDWARE CO, - A territory. unwritfa la w. Tn Ch h n:jtkiial law, 'ha. been nounced as the brightest and most musing farce that has emanated from the fertile brain of this clever play wright. Be that as it may,, the play . has proven most successful, testing the capacity of the largest theatres when played by the late Roland Reed several seasons ago. "The Wro'g Mr. Wright" will b- presented in this city -, next . Thursday Bight. Seats go on sale Tues day at regular prices. WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE. When Henry V. Esmond wrote, "When We Were Twenty-One," he con ceived oone of the most deaghtful com edies of modern times, and a work bar ing all the elements of longevity. There sre situations in it which might with advantage be preserved and handed down to posterity. " ; The author chose well the time to lay a play that would interest all manner of men.The most entrancing period in any man's life is the day when he re i' that in the sight of the law, as xe. as in the sight o the vorld,, he is twenty-one, the age that aives him his! inalienable rights of citizenship and when he may for. the first time exer man. cmfwypvbgkqj xj cmfwypshrd cise all the prerogatives of a man crown. The plly brings forth al that is hu ainn. m the audience. Smiles and tears intermingle throughout. There is a wholesome naturalness about the entire production that causes everyonewho e-ijoys the best in dramatic art une quivocally to endorse it. It is a play tor all people, the worthy wise and the religiously inclined, and an extraordi nary stretching of imagination is not required to bring one to a realization ' the fact that such things as are here portrayed really occur. The play is -xti&somely mounted, a point that adds i.ijch to the success the play enjovs. . : The Academy of Music has the best r.e of attraction ever secured for one V-atin ,aEj ellom equalled in any city a.i tne population c. Raleigh. .The f-novvmg are booked: . 4V'e" ATe Wci'f Twenty One." . : , H of New York."' ; iy Qniiier." with Jerome Sykes. ag II arbor." "Iniiess r.rmrf " ; . . 1ober. lSi3. he wenMipcn n pie 0 1 . : - oner hy Se-ain. President Arthu t AlexanidriaV lv.iy; Ni-wutf. :,j t0 i1:lve dis-. egarled h'.s rule, His, political -enemies accused t;vtn riin : we;i the ' two others mentioned. of vein tiring; across the Caua-'uv.l -i.v.e t was ri.,loqtel that h? partook of i::;lietui while on a, fl.-hjiig exctns-. -a. Tr.c aho.,rl : foreign warship anchored at! onunusry fetween l.'auaca u'.vi rew Xcwpcft; .1 , a 1. 1 tai'n 1;' - ' p f iiniiai nor oe mrai t n ur is ' ' rcs.iier.ts tiU'insdves hare mau? t.ic .,s;rucv. . ' . It-" : . N iUre of al York exteibls to the middle of tic trt Lawrence river. President Cleveland wis riiulLirlr but. as in the oilier cases,; Under and by virtue of a power of j ensed. On rnre, of hi hunting trip's to North Carolina" he sailed bv tii- o 'c-m route past Cape Hattera-'. li s t ;civU s conienlfd that he vent' 1 .':t--;(! 'n. three-mile limit. According t" inurn.i- a i-.aiiitTy's m .-:3.-'sb:;:s r:-:- l-kjlil. "1 . inf houses, the Klaw. 0; Erlanger Opera linp. I'lvin- the seas fartlisr t' tkhs vuiwu u,u!i oe unnmi to pii . :u 1 is leaving home ttvritc the regular prices for ordiaay first-class attractions. . The record of the NewsYcrk C;cino was held for many years by "The Pri i- Ms artio-a was net illegal. Such a re-. contained in a deed of r.rust exe-' strietion is iKt imposed by any foreign cted ot mo on the '2d day of March. ' liner or executive so rar as as Known, It the fad of .Emus vr.r William of iicnajuy to inspect c.aft. fotciga lighting tiveness and of the most striking beau ty. Were it not for the fact that "Foxy ! , j J 1 " Quiller" invariably draws bver3owing i I"',Vi" f1",.Ut',.' 1.V?H, by Nannie fr. Wilson and husband S. Otho, Wilson nnd recortlod in lmk RJU at page 470. I will, on Monday, Decem- I 1-e.- llJth, l',)01 at 12 m. o'clock at tho r 1 is R tn tJmi MADE !N THREE SIZES Above stove, is one of the most attractive air-tlghts , made. r 0 m ca H 3 O m tV) I I m in H 73 m tJ a r A P,tidet of th. United States muourt house door in the crry of Raleigh, KZ-A m.t make a formal call upon jia.n te , expose to public sale for cash the fol- u ,unde of polished blue steel, with heavv steel linin-s .-vic .: a lyesi.lent-eect. an ctc-IVi si- j lowing described land, to-wi:: nished with every stove. Nickel-plated urn and knobs. This rule doe not npplv to ::'sv o'ber official of the Unitrd Stares. Ore Vice President went so far as lo ?. inavi gurated on fordism soil, 'lliis was Wil- leut. a President of a foreign State or a rtig.i.'.ig mcivareh Situn:e in Wake and Franklin conn- ! as desired, at same price. small rooms. . . . medium rooms, large rooms. . .', 1 . oar cai.'.lal. ! ;. v.-.-ti, c.irni; ,.i K.-.,,niaa tnt. i Tins is aa. ancient .law laid down m i..,;,; in i,v.w-a C?' ii, l Wa-shiugton s time. I was held bv his VT"' ,r """7 "l " .7""-; ao. i j-r or sot-kil advisors that there cou.ld be ro!lwce? hue Mrs. Polly ta- sons or- : Xo. 22-For imiro'ii'ietv ia the President's m.-.kinu ur. . thence N. 4 degrees, E. .:0 4-3 receiving informal viilts to or ' from I,es to a James Pearce's corner; cess Nicotine," with Lillian Russell, ! nam Kuius King. In tae .January i.c that played to ' $222.12.50 on Washing-; "T hj3 aug.iraticn he had g :.e to ton's birthday. On Thanksgiving night YVl V' IVl T' . . --inArt T- ; , , . 1 - " of office before tbe United Stales or.- 1900, "Florodnra broke the record oy sul (?eneral at Havana. In this ca.e. playing to Mi,lk. Un Saturday, ucto- Dtn: r-an Thompson, in ' the "Old Homestead." The Great Hermann. Sousa's Band. "Florodora." Mary Maniirrin" in lne Casino G-i-i " ditk" " 'Janice Mere- V?101- r eng -ie ij'.irgo-nator." agement. "v in "A Royal Rogue." , I-N"i:.S AND HIS BAND. J? V"- r'd. flushe ' with: the n.uiyuj, ot thW v,o. ' r n.ui. sea'Soa P-in-A fitcompame at the Little Dutchess." brog cmfwyp vbgkqj ber 10 no holiday Anna Held in "The Little Duchess," played to $3,303. the largest house the 'Casino ever held. - j The coming of "Florodora," is an event of first importance with play goers, for it is no exaggeration to stite that the American stage has seldom known a success -to parallel the tri umphant run of the Hall-Stuart play. In New York City it reaced the end of a solid year of continuous presentation on Tuesday evening, November 12, and from all accounts there is every indica tio nthat it is good for the remainder however, it was deemed a pass through Congress a personal frit 11 .Is t h:s pleasure. But. Ii was. deemsd improper for him to make such cii'.is-in full ceremonial dress crl wita a ret. nue of attendants "The li t sidint's pleasure should absolutely ib'.o to decide concerning his attendance at tea parties in a privata character, and no s::e ''al nit permitting the cfith-taking on alien sril. j gr.'tlcir.a-n or - lady ought ever to com But had he de'red to visit Cuba ini- 'plain if he -rarely even attends," was the mediately after his instnlktioa he advice given to the first lVesident. But might have don? so iviihout sucli '.oj,:.s-, th ? aacient. rules are llfi'le respected ' latioii. by The chief magistrate of these days. Kings. Queens and Presidents of for-! For a Prsident to accept aa invitation eigu States are generally unrestricted i to dinner is an impropriety. This wes by such rules, wrKfea or unwritten. Several" reigning monarchs visited Fng !;ud to attend Queen Victoria's funeral. Th' Queen lierself traveled extensively ir.t France, ami was not loth to venture into ether countries. King Edward 'VII recently visited his invalid sister in a rule respected by Washington, Adams and perhaps by other early Presidents. Frequent informal calls upon members Of the Cabinet only were deemed per fectly proper. But later President have called mi in and dined with whomsoever they have seen fit. lor each memler Germany. The President. 0? Mexico of the Cabinet formally to entertain the for awhile contemplated, a visit to the President and his wife at dinner each Pan-American Exposition. He mk'ht : winter has now become an established of tne present season, h isher 5c Ry-ihave done so with pror.ncty had he I socii! custom.. ler's company, which will interpret ' seen fit. i The 1'iesident must not receive any "Flonodora" in this city, consists of eighty-seven people, with Isadore Rush, Bert, el ma 1 Our Presidents cannot delegate the'r powers . to anyone, not even to their Vice Presidents. "In case of the renio- Bertaa Waltzinffer, Helen Royton, G- u e A-roni. ". ot aae remo- . r,,i r ' , . t, A-:n n vai of rhe President from or of lma Baker, Frances Tyon, ill C. hls deathf waition fll. bilitr" oulv. Manueville, V, . P. Carleton, Alf C. PBn dnt!es lernlve pon the Vi(.e Whelan, and Will M. Armstrong as its principal member. "The costuming, scening production, and all details of representation have been provided on a lavish scale. As for the musical mer it of "Floroodora," every ono'e is fa miliar with the charming melodies .with but intimate friends on Sunday. This was another rule, of the early days. Even today reasonable consideration for the chief executive forbids disturbance of his Sabbath rest, and few iffieials pay him al Sunday call unless they 'Ic on the most intimate terms with him. ine 1 rescuent mmt not noirt n;3 an- t'resulent. A desire for pleasure or rest could not le inteipivted as "ina bility to serve tha nation. Congress nival State recentions or State dinners has never prescribed how this tnabil'ity during Tveat, This rule is stJll respected, mentioned in the , Constitution, .should a'ihough imuiv recent masters of th be determined. While President (3ai- White House have been worshipr.els at held lay id a conrrorerar ftrcse ns to churches prescribing no social alst-i- which Leslie Stuart has surrounded sumo the fancti3 0faS iidW , Wediies Vv lind Ea Itma, This uea. Arthur refused to do so Jong ' as a relic of the mother country's re- a- tne liestaent retained a spark ol Ksiouk 'intinenco -unr.:i her rarlv cobwvfe life, home high authorities interpreted , Washington, as is well known, was a Ins suability clause of the u- j communicant of .the Church of England, turn to refer soiely to permanent d'ls- The I'resident never pars n first call. Owen Hall's clever libretto. Some of the above cast will be pleas antly remembered, having appeared here last season in The Rounders. H. V. Eamond. the author of the '' ?leTJ.i ' PVrin? hVi wvk "Pr'n except upon the arrival of the head of gerat- success "When We Were 21," is "' UCttL" "eu v.arneiu atnxea iiis a foreign State in Wa'skingtou. When expected to .-rrive in this country' from j signature to a. State paper. j President Dole, iwf Hawaii, and Pre.i Indon oa Seiurdav next. -fie comes) lbe aawmteiirule forbidding foreign ' dent Iglesias. of Costa Rica, visited the over to put on n new plav. "The Wilder-'i ;rave! , y j resident will doubt'Iess capital a few years ago President M c i - : A...5 t i i ih made a dead loti'sr hr fnt k iiov : ,i . .ir urrr, . ,ii in: riiiiHji; Alien lie. It nisi ... . luiiiiuiiuj, wv,., imm tne . . i ujvii ciiru. s half as good as ''When c,,MUtu , ' v - V m the days of Hapr ly they were Quartered at hotels. ine eaiij iiWiUdHs, wnen there we:e Had they been guests at legafj ns of no railroaos. steamboats. itenhanp tlifii- MuniM. ',, rw-i,ii mu.;.-.. telegraph lines, oh exit from this eoim-j might have arisen IVrhaps I'resident hftes-t effort i We Were 21," its' success i a foregone conclu-sion. The Burgomaster is one of the recent bookirngs at the Academy. This musaca coiiiedy was one of the best of f eringo at the Acadeuvv list season. - .- W , i. "... Mr.; Bryan -on the Negro (The Commoner.) r -"It-- was to have been expected that northern papers . would wax wroth and grow bitterly, sarcastic in l-eplying , to southern strictures upon .the president try necessaniy entaueu dangers, hard- j MeKinley would have seen fit to desig- ttuu w.uu ueiiijs wnicn meant inate a hotel wherein to pay th;n fi-ist months, when iekoning from the seat j courtesy. When the Princess Aribert ol of govern ment. But i tod ay a President i Anhalt. granddaughter of Queta Vic might travel through Ccn.tral and South torSa, visited Washington she paid -the America or Canada equipped with a .'Presi.l.f tKa u mB5 uu. mans m wheels, pmg at the Brithdi embassy, amd, more and might trairsact his official business over, was traveling Cncoiro. tdcr rUti''-a ?1glett'?f t,ie name of Cbaatesn of "Munsterherg- tm,:,iM 1.2 f-- - , ; Ami.s wouui ne oommand -'th several well-known- at dinner- lint tne sautucrn papers are ;-8tate" to the literal sense of the word tZul1 .f' telraphy and British throne he would have owed telephones it wid before lonir lie nossiia uA t-s.i .--i. . u ,w for Mm :n ,-0,1 w V w "r - '" crown lalwaTs in touch with uMic " ffff as ha as "r 1 thenco N. 11 degiees, W. 51 poles 't a stake and pointers in the line branch, thence down wkh the various courses of aid branch about 51 poles to point ers In said branch, corner of lot No. l(j; thence with the line of No. 10 S. SSA degrees E. 132 3-5 poles to a stake in tthe north side of a path, corner of lot No. 15; thence S. 1 degrees W. 3511 poles with lo:s Nos. 15 and 12 to a stake in the line of lot No. 11; thtaice with No. 11 and Sirs. Polly Fai son's N. SO degrees W. 110 3-5 poies to the beginning, containing 319i acres as per survey of March 4th aiid'oth. lSOti. The Ws referred to in this descrip rtion are those made according to a map filed in the papers of the division' ol the lands of the late B. F. Mocre, Sr., among his heirs at law. BART. M. GATLIXG. Trustee. This Nov. 12, RiOl. d. t. d. s. r .$5.00 . ti.OO . 7.00 Baby Pony Largo Heavy cast- cover to fepd onprtinsr. and durability. The body IgS. Two font- rnila fur. knobs. Collar on back or top, ....$2.50 - 4.00 4.50 - HI 4 rl9!W';ii,'-np:tr--'vii-i'!V! I.' ii - m 'S inati!J!s?i :- it ii Weave S Home Bargains in innfplv Tiloc ..X CrntD? UM1UI0 UlbO U UllllbO If you contemplate the use of any ot tiiese goods this season it will pay you to get our prices before buying. Our Increased trade is substantial evidence of the superiority of our goods to any others on the market today. Our pricei are as low as many others whose goods do not compare in workmanshio and frish. . Z . CHARY & ZACHARY IOS West Martin St,. RALEIGH. N. C, 'PHONE 3S2. Mention the Post when writing. Wtl y Fay morelor Life Insurance Elsewhere When You Can Get Better Polici33 in ths Ten Per Cent to Twenty Per Cent Cheapsr.' COMPARISON WFTH THE NEW PREMIUM RATES Of SEVERAL LIFE. INSURANCE COMPANIES DO ING BUSINESS IN N. C. i UAL -a2. ge. 25 o -Payment Life.g f ' 40 Penn 1 Mmuall .$27.30 30.41 34.21 3S.J7 N . Y. Life. 34.7t; 3S..'!t 42.70 EQaitable Lire. ,$3LS3 3.S.U!! 4.tll .etiia Mutual Life l'ho-nix Mnmal Prudential $3t),43 33.4t 3r.'.N 41.34 .)U .1 'Ml ;:; 4i.4t; $3t.77 37.1 ii 41.54 $30,12 $30 (! 32.S7 33 50 30.22 3fi 15 4033 41 25 N. W. Mutua' $31 3.-. 34 21 37 N 42 2i 25 $32.47 -.-Payment Life.'fr! Jlr,!?- .; 40 46.18 41.7'S. 4.VU 50.U2 - $3SJE 41.S3 . "..14 tl.4G $T,G.21 30.iJ7 4;j.83 43 S4 $:i-,on 30.41 43.1:5 4S.S3 C"co 4i).2t) 44.::2 40.23 -Payment Lire. 40 $12.13 47.07 r.2.r.s 50.17 $31.67 5;.18 oi.5:t C7.90 $:JC40 30 92 3tu;4 40 2:: 43.51 44 21 48.22 40 05 $51.07 ,V.13 $4S.00 S?.ll ci.ei $47.77 52.23 67.72 C4.3U $4!).53 53 .00 5i).0 C5.30 $40.24 53.52 rs5s- C4.5D 4$ 71 M 05 5i) SL C5 35 37 01 41 ul 45 n 50 07 50 45 51 SO 00 HI fO 45 V-Yr Endowm't.i? 40 $17.07 48.X 40.54 RI.S1 ?-;- $1S.39 - $50. IS i1.3l -rfU)2 S.97 50.015 52.47 52,33 -JU.S0 52 1:: 5411 i 54 0(1 v 51 XT 53.HS 51S.33 J4S.15 40 15 40 3J 40.10 4S S3 40 00 50 20 5t).:?S 40.S5 51 22 51 43 52.27 M.4S 53 13 53 34- Al r Afj'!,t-i$;UUTUAL. "'. :tho restriction as to Residence. 1 rave. resi- onno nn. uaase w .unrsnpr ot iimj. TAR contain tabulated Cash -Surrerer, Lonti . (T. per csnt;. Patd-un ard ntonnrV Fttrnsion 'v'hMio!. -V AU P?3? ''Pate, la the. Profit of the Company Dividends VwTrlS or to Aretttnnlat. ! The President must not par -a- fiit f 'Vti'lT tc Ixieal Ast, or write lo '..v...F R i-.1D. A 1SJ Xr OIINMnL Raleigh ft Ali LIN'i'. 1 V .-'r . ' - --4 --;" f ' IXt. Agents wanted -. - . - ' . v a- v i