tM'MOiPtrarPOST: $tmfAYt DECEMBER I IQOI . ; i-A 4 -t. 1 Or TV 1- i M A-4. J G AND THE LADY. "Come here, dear, and pick my pocketbook up at once." ,V;I ' ffcl - . Xow, darling, pick it up."- .Jk .fir,;i.,; j "Certabdy. Miss." f v- N- - ''Good dogde." Nurse "Far Hit!s safc&f inat are ye Jlouaie "Ohl .vreto'tofcr Bdman Iflrench airship an' "Willie it- .Santos-Duniont. "A PATIENT DOCTOR. She Ma-rried life has, improved young-Dr. Squills very much. He Yes; he takes it aeccording to directions. THE - DUDE, THE DO n-ofn' ?" "Are you looking for work?" . "Looking!. I should .say so! In does eyes peeled fer work or he'll run right TRUE.' j - 'The jury was out two davs.anrt thn failed to ngree." 'That proves "conclusively that we ouSh.?t to have women juries.' 'Why so T' 'Well, you know a jury of women would have disagreed sooner than that. 8 Affi2i33 Mr. laOi!nff "T i H IX Mr:DSiiYlierhpha"d - viea ut he had to sell " . .,1 6 3 EC. I3.v " JStgiS& - 1J troublous times a feller has to keep his into it." ,l ' ' - - - . . 1 ?. 1 - 1 A NUTSHELL -n automobile coat, has automobileto do iU'V "WISE WILLIE. ' " Caller "Your sister expects me to stay to supper, doesn't she, Willie?" Willie "Sure; and she said If you stayed 'as long as you did last night, she thought she would ask you to stay to Mr. Hopper I declare, but if this for an overcoat. , "You snv the father madly pursued "After -two." ! CHRISTMAS PIIOPriXG. Here's -good fun for. girls and 'boys," Taste the candy and buy the toys; - : Jumping-jack and -fhatrer-hox, Wooden man an d naier ox; Rubber doll and dancing cow, Christmas shoppi ng's line just now, breakfast." - weather keeps on Til have to look around , , - the eloping couple? Whnt time was it?" . ... v.- There once was a careless old chv,-n Who tore a large rent in. his imwj. The rent, was in view. ' So the bet thing to do Was to go away bac kand sit d ",vn HER S.HANUOT DIAKY A Lore Story and a Jnarrlace Hitor4 Recorded bj the Camera 'At 'a recent luncheon the subi(.- (, snapshot diaries came up, and ;i it Ln.. pened three of the eight women n th,,' table confessed to hnviug such di;inH Tlie hostess had kept hers for yen in," ever since her debut fourteen y.-ar ago, and after luncheon she yielded rn persuasion and showed an exjiui-a edition of it. . V "It's absurd, of cour.e." she siM blushing as though she was a school ej,. instead of the mother of tun snmiv boys, "but I've a sentiment about sum" of the pictures places you km.nv aiiJ things," AH the women who had been in ,v nodded understandingly, but one brnvr. lor girl looked frankly amused. The first picture in the book wms a-' rather blurred little photosrnpli nr :i pretty girl who looked like a slim younr'.i er sister of the plump hostess.' "In my debut gown." explained thy owner of the book. "-There are tin. bouquets that, were sent me. 1 earned this one of pink roses! "I" quite adored the boy who seat It ta me and hadn't a doubt that, ae was ilie most altogether beautiful-being ;n nJ world:' He did dance like an aiupl anrl his West Point uniform was more ':had girl nature could resist. "Poor did fellow! he's out in Am-mal now only captain" after all the ycar "These are all first sensan piiVuvcs? Heavens! how long ago it all ') "There my summer at XaiTttsanso'ti begins. .This i.s my first picture "t' Jack.! It was taken the day I net him.- . j "Look like .the human centipede,' doesn't he? He moved at the wrimg time. There's a good deal of Jack, af ter that cay." There was. Jack was practically: uliquitous. Few scenes coul i jrt aka -without him. However, there were dozens of pictures of the camera's own er. - ! "Where was Jack?" asked one of the guests, pointing to a page of feminine solos. . .. "Taking the pictures," said the hos tess, sweetly. There were others. A fierce looking hero with a dramatic air had 'given the camera some exercise. "The Count," smiled the little woman.' "Jack loves those ' pictures. He loved the Count. It was a most exciting epi sode." She turned over a page hastily, then1 hesitated, looked dubiously at the other women and turned back to a picture of a sandy beach and an overturned boat. 'T don't mind showing it." she said; definantly. "It's where Jack proposed, I went back and took it the next dayi "There were prettier places along thf shore, but we weren't interested ini scenery. There were other people in ail the pretty places, and it was a nice old, boat to lean against, and well, I'M fond of that picture." , The -engagement pictures presented a.', Sahara of monotony. Even twelve years ago, before his hair thinned and his. waist did the reverse. Jack was ut sufficiently beautiful to lure an unpre judiced person through one hundred; pages of diary photographs. ! With the advent of the wedding party, the nictures once more became interest! insr to the general feminine public. There were flashlight pictures of ant3'; nuptial dinners, snapshots of the bride- maids' luncheons, of the bridal party, and all the house guests, of the trous! seau, of the wedding presents, of th last bachelor supper, of the weddm; supper tables, of the 'wedd-iue bouquet,! of the bride in her wedding finery and, without her attendants of the church., A younger brother had thoughtfully, contributed even a photograph of the; trunks, ornamented with white lUr ribbons. The first volume of the diary ended; there, but the camera had evidently; shared the wedding trip and hmey' moon, and later had begun . work , pa the new home. If there was a square; inch of that home and its fnrnjehitip and surroundings that hadn't been ptrn-, tograph&d, the thing was merely oversight. 1 Jack, and the Irish maid' and a ' leiraj lAar-k eat shnreil' honors in the pictures., The first" guests entertained went iri-oj the diarv - Kverv star! ling event wa-. chronicled there. The Irish maid disappeared' cany the action and a lonir kaleidoscopic train, of successors to her trailed through tje, pages of the diary, mutely suggesting i possible thorn in the rose collection. Then, on one page, appeared a, neve, character. He wasn't much to looh. au if the photograph can .be trusten. mu. from' that time on . he donrmiitcu u n diary. Jack and the maid and appeared 'only as chorus or backgte ,n-1., lie was a most astonishing !;, he didn't look it. The bacue, -,rr vawned visibly over his -pic tares. 1 his christening party and his tirt -'. dothes failed to interest her- j When a second 'baby made his ifr shot debut she picked up the tirv-,"''r nine of the dia:-y and turned hac. the Count. . " "Our last wedding anniversary Af nor," said the hostess as she showei ui last mounted picture. e tned tu ---f as many as possible ci the iu-i'iai t'- together for it. . Four of the bridesmaids were in tavf anniversary picture. The' bachelor r 'JJvUCU Ilt-i lfVtt dl. 1 r bridal party at the wedding supper laid it beside the later phot.ogra;.ti. IMt',-. taotc hail liOb lM il A. tit: X. t:i ill .: " " . , iSome of tnf TTdmnn lrtfiUln" at the two I'i'-i--' Ji 3 tdghed. softly. .i, SEthelEg.Wms.fffOrhadveeO thw t- "(Chicago Tribune.) "What do you know of tue: - , river?" asked the teacher. , fhf "The Chicago river," rfsor-n'-- -bad boy of the class, "'is LaU vermiform anneJ'-'is1 ' V !. f -if f ft y, --iskJ 1 ' - -- - - r. y .