S STHE MORNING POST.- SUNDAY. DECEMBER 1 1 c C i t t v i A i ----- X i V - Trtf Official Acts By uovernor .Y.csii.uuy i Reward for Murderer or Ab ductor of Miss Cropsey New Solicitor Appointed in the Seventh District. Moses C&ss Par doned Able Coun sel Retained 'Governor Ay cock had a busy day at ,p o-iecutive office yesterday. He had w returned the previous afternooa fSnm ac educational tour in the eastern irt of the state and "there ere a num L,r of important matters awaiting his zLion The following is a brief sum "of thejnost important of yester Jjay's official-acts by the chief execu tive: Beaplte CranUd J respite was granted urttll December 12, in the case xt Drew Vaughn, color-. el, who was to haveen hung at A m ton tomorrow. Vaughn vas connoted 0f murder and was to have been exe cuted a week or two ago, but the meni ters of the jury in his case, and others, BPted the governor to commute the sen tence l:o life imprisonment in the peni tentiary. Pending a full examination cf the case the governor had granted a respite until tomorrow; but being absent from the city for a week he has cot been able to CO fully into an investi gation of the merhs of the request for commutation and this second respite is given that these things may have proper consideration at his hands. Moses Cuss Pardoned The governor yesterday pardoned Jloses Cass, the Wilkes county man, whose peculiar case was related in the Post a day of two ago. Briefly staked, jt is this: Cass was convicted about nineteen years ago of stealing a horse jn Surry county and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. He served about half the sentence and escaped. Going back to Surry he took his wife and went to Wilkes county to reform, as he had beeria drinking man and wild aim reckless. He reformed, and became a good citizen. "Recently he had a dis pute over some land with a neighbor who became angry and reported Cass as a deserter and he was arrested. Most ill the good people in that section asked ?or his pardon and the governor granted it. Tn this action he will be liberally sustained. Reward for Abdnclor Governor Aycoek offers a reward of three hundred dollars for the arrest of the abductor or murderer of Miss Nellie Cropsey. of Elizabeth City. Tliis ease is one of the most mysterious on record in this state. The young woman dis appeared from her home in the night about ten days ago and nothing has been lipard from her since. Many different theories have been advanced as to the cause of her disappearance. Pasquo tank river has been dragged for her body but without a trace. She was last seen with a young man who de clares he knows nothing of what became of her. Able Counsel Retained The governor yesterday employed Messrs. Burwell, Walker and Cansler, , f Charlotte, to represent the state in the mandamus proceedings instituted by the sheriff of Washington county against the corporation . commission to compel that body to require that all intangible railroad property be listed for taxation. State Senator H. S. Ward, of Plymouth, represents the plaintiff in 'this suit, which is to be heard by the Su preme Court some time next week. The continued illness of Attorney General Gilmer renders it impossible for him to appear in the case. C. C. Lyon Appointed Solicitor Mr. C. C. Lyon, of Elizabetntown, was yesterday appointed by the jrovernor as solicitor of the Seyenth Judicial district to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Colin M. McLean, of Robeson, which occurred a few days ago at Fay tteville. Capt. E. R. McKethan and A SPONGE Taken offhand does not make a very interesting: study, but there is a good deal in a sponge beside water. If vou are inter ested, drop in and let us talk' sponge with you. It isa little hob 6y of ours. We understand a sponge. We have them to sell. SURGICAL, SCHOOL, , And give good value for every cent charged. 5c to $2 50. Cro well , McLar ty & Co., Hen r none 219 v nni Trsrsvoer - r- ... jDMi-aiaiePbone 510 'V - "WUUIOIO, 120 l-ayetteVlile JUST ARRIVED. UPCHURGH & Mr. D. T. Oates, of Pay etteville -were mentioned in connection with he solic itor shin, -but. both of these gentlemen' intimated to the governor by wire yes terday that if Mr. Lyon wanted the place their claims would not be urged against him. , j " M Body Sent to Illinois The body of Mr. J. M. Richman was this morning sent by express to Mr.'S. O. Eichman, a brother of ':he deceased at Camargo. II!. The' remains were em balmed bv Undertaker Brown and plac ed in a beautiful casket. A telegram re ceived yesterday by Mr. F. N. Bridges, Mr. Richman's room-mate; directed that the body be sent to Camargo and. that the personal effects of the debased be shipped to his mOrher at Terre Haute, I nd. A FOUR NEW COMPANIES Aggregate Capital Stock of! the Four is $157,000 Mr. Wilson, corporation clerk in the secretary of state's office, is having some new business these days. Almost every day one or more new organiza tions are chartered and yesterday there were four, with an aggregate,, capi tal stock of JfloT.tXHJ. They are as follows: The "Iiumbertou Cotton Mills" wlch the principal place of business in Lnm Wrton,. Kobeson county. The purpose of the corporation is to build, own ami conduct cotton milks and engage in other business. The capital stock is .$75,000, and the principal incorporators- are (. C. Noiinant & Co., A. W. McLean, A. II White. J. X. Biiie, O. T. Williams, W; J. Privatr, .1. P. McNeill, Geo. B. McLeoud, Mrs. J. A. Branch, C. D. Townsend and Company, T. A. Mc Neill, C. B.- Townsend and Brothers, R . Vampill. Caldwell and Carlyle. L. O. Carlyle, E. K. Proctor, Jr., S. A. Ed mund, X". A. McLean, J. F. L. Arm faM, J. It. McEachern, Mrs. J. II. McEachern, R. A. McEachern, J. A. McAllister, L. Shaw amiL. II. Cald well. , . The '"Carolina Electric Company" of Maxton, in Iobeson county, which wiil furnish light, . power and heat and has many other privileges. The capital stock is $0.000 and the incorporators enumera ted are W. S. McNair, M. C. McXair, Mary S. McNair and Susie M. MeXair, all of Maxtoa. ' Tlie Wilson Hotel Company" and the. stockholders are J, C. Hale, J. I). Davis, II. E. Thompson. G. W. Stan ton and W. L. Cantwell. ; The capital stock is ?20,X)0, and the company has the right to coiuluct a hotel and many other privileges. The place of business is Wilson, in Wilson county. Articles of agreement were filed for the incorporation of the "Parham Broth ers Company." The principal place of busines-s is Oxford, Granville county. The business "proposed is that of" a gen eral mercantile and supply company and the capital stock is 12.000. The incor porators are'S. S. Parham, J. II. Par ham, W- B. Parham, J. D. Cooper, D. Y. Cooper, J. B. Owen and A. C. Zol iicoffer. The company is incorporated for fifteen years. . -s- The Successful Candidates The following named candidates for license passed an approved examination 1 before the: State Board of Pharmacy on ! Tuesday and Wednesday last, viz: Dr. James Wardlow Pelhani, Ashe- ville, X. C. James Malcolm Hall, Wilmington, X. C. ; John Gnstaus Grewe, Marshville, X. C. Walter Delbert Turner,' Reidsville. X C. X. Thomas Ennett, Richmond, Ya. Lndoiph G. Fox, Asheboro, XV C. Lawsou P. Trotter, Mt. Airy, X. C. Edgar Eugene Williams, Brevard, X. C. ? B. Frank Page, Asheboro, X. C. Frank L. Taylor, Oxford, X. C. BATH and CARRIAGE. We hare purchased from James Cun ningham, Sons & Co., 'amous car riage and hea o builu(i S3 "iochestar, N. Y., a nice Bevlin coiicb, vhich"we hare added to bur Livery,' and are pre pared to give our patrons better service than ever. Our city has long been in need of a first-class coach of this kind, and we are prepared to serve our pat rons in the best (Xew York) style. This coach can.be had only by the best people of our city, and is the latest fad for wedding parties, etc. We also can fur nish anything in our line, day or night. ! by calling Bell and Interstate 'P .one 81 at our No. 1 stable, and Raleigh and Interstate 'Phone at our No. 2 stable. HOLDER - Sallbnrrt. morgan 379. THE GREAT HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT x One of the most important public announcements made by this store in the course of the year's merchandising is the news of the opening of the Christmas stocks. Previous demands in previous years has prompt ed us to a supreme effort, and without boast we candidly believe that-this 1901 Christmas opening . excels all like events ever attempted by this store. Every available toot of selling space is filled to its utmost capacity with a most .carefully selected stock of things useful, things ornamental. Just the suitable things for gifts, and every item justly, fairly, honestly priced. TheVtore is garbed in its brightest audits best and thus the great Christmas selling begins.. Cards, Calendars and BooRlets These tokens of regard and friendship are much sought after ami are strongly featured here. We arc showing a dine this season that will 'appeal to all tastes, all ages. These artistic beauties will cause you to wonder at. the' littleness of the prices. New- Year Cards and Christmas Greet ings, beautiful sentiments of friendship and good wishes, ! fine lithographs 'and embossed illustrations, lO and 20e. kinds an1 -1'0, Hundreds of hfindsome "Calendars, ap preciated kinds gems of the brightest thoughts from the best-known authors; scJcctions from ' Dickens. Tennyson. Longfellow. Burns and others; II ." and Itrio. assortment at 17 :t'. U)c. Scores of Booklets, Folding and Swing ing Calendars, Wedgcwood Panels, Flower Fancies. Gems of Eaut.v, etc., etc.. 70 and 7?c. kinds for tiTi 4rc. Largo-size Season and Bi-monthly Cal endars: quotations from Shakespeare. Longfellow, Dickens and oilier noted authors: Golden Memories. Cathedral. Heavenlv Light. JjsT. and goods at, .s SOc. The Doll Showsng . This Doll section is big enough, com plete enough to be emphasized by itself. Hnndreds of little hearts can be . made happy here. Bisque Head. Kid Body Dolls, largest for the price. U and i25c. kinds, l'Z and 17c. Larger sizes for 22.-40,.0 ."c, up Jointed Kid Body Dolls natural hair, sleeping eyes, uamatchable. worth 7rc. and $1.50; two sizes. ,."Oc. and $1 Dressed Walking Dolls (hoys and girls), and Jointed I)o'!s with natural haii and evolashes, 'Belie Miffiioii"; values. $1. .. 2: our priee. SI and $1 Air Undressed, 7oc. and ?1.2r kinds for 13 and OOc. Baby Dolls in long dresses and baby caps, Oc; undressed -12e. The Toys The Games The BasRets" ? Almost endless seems this -collection, utterly bewildering in its variety. You'll have to see to understand: you'll have to investigate to appreciate. Soldier Drums, 40, 7."c. and $1.25 values are. .; 2. "4Sc ami SI Shootlies, Hcbby Horses, Tricycles, worth .a fourth more. SJ, $1.25, $2.25, $y Tlionnandicnt Into Fxlle Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's Xew Disco vi ry for Con Sumption will eure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs. Colds and all Throat and Lung disease? on earth. The first dose brings relief. .Astounding cures result fioni persistent use. Trial bottles 10c. Price ."(V. and Sl.OO. Every bottle guaranteed. All druggists. . BUSINESS ITEMS ' WANTED. Electric Wiremen for in side work; good men only. To ensure reply, state wages. Florida- Electric Co., Jacksonville, Fla. KODAKS, CAMERAS Kodak Co's. goods. Can fill orders ; same day as received, especially for films. Developing 35c. for 3Jx3i, 12 Ti'vn ' Printin find tnnlltit-ill Tit' Pflh ' If you are interested send five lc ! stamps for catalogue. W. B. Sorrell, Chapel Hill, N. C. WAXTED Ladies to do piecework for us at home; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to x'2 weekly; send stamped envelops to Royal Co., 34 Monroe street, Chicago. WAXTED Experienced traveling sales man, one acquainted with the general merchandise trade in this state, pre ferred; must have first-class referen ces and give bond; permanent posi tion to the right man. Address Box 514, Chicago. WAXTED Two specialty salesmen for 1902. Good line,, good pay and per manent. Address Good-pay, "Box S90, Chicago." WAXTED Handsome American lady, independent rich, wants good honest husband. Address Erie. 193 i Wash ington street; 'Chicago, LI. j LADIES $500 reward for a case of - obstinate suppression, any cause, my monthly regulator fails to relieve. Harmless, vegetable, safe, sure Dr" Jackson R. Co., R926 167 Dearborn Chicago. ' WAXTED-A man for general work m repair shop run in connection with furniture and undertaking business. Must be ober and industrious; must be able to do upholstering, refinish old furniture! cabinet work and repairing. .State salarr and experience, with reference Smith i Chance, Reidsville, N. Jence- tonMtl Go-Carts, ' Tables and Writing Desks, 50, 60, Sue, $1.13 and $1.40 White Enamel and Wire Bedsteads, large sizes, 21, 33. 42c. up to $1 China Tea Sets, 25, 43, OOc, $1.J3 . and $2.70 "Ilalma" and "La Roche," worth 75 and SOc, for 45 and SOc. Hidden Book Titles, worth OS, now OSc. ''Logomachy" sells everywhere at' 75c, here for 45c. Lotto, 25c; Anagrams, 13c, and so on. Hundreds of others at 4, 8, O, 13, 17c. etc. Japanese Work Baskets and Boxes, Lunch Baskets, Waste Baskets, etc., round and square, lO. 25, 35, 40, SOc and so on HandKerchiefs for Gifts Xo Christmas show in this shop with out a big showing of Handkerchiefs. This Christmas outfit tops the record all ready for you, ami you'll find choos ing, best choosing always. Exquisitely Dainty Handkerchiefs for Ladies, Plain, Hemstitched. Hand Em broidered. Lace Edge and Applique, for the finest trade, 35, SO. 75c, $1. $1.25 and $2 Ladies' Initial Hemstitched Handker chiefs, all pure linen, put up half dozen in fauey boxes, for ...$1.M Men's White and Fancy Bordered Hem stitched Cambric Handkerchiefs, good enough to srive away, lO, 12!, 15e. Soft Finish, all pure linen cambric, dif ferent hemstitched -border widths. Lrinen Cambric Hemstitched Handker chiefs 20c each, or six for. .$1.00 Leather Goods for Gifts Pocket Books, Purses, and these two items alone cover a vast variety of styles. Then there's Shopping Bags, Suit Cases and Satchels of many sorts at many priecs.- Chillren's Leather Purses and Card Cases Seal, Alligator and Grain. 25c Ladies' Card Case and Purse combined Brown, Green and Black, plain and sterling trimmed. ..... .-.SO and 75c Steel' and Jet Beaded Chatelaine, Oval and Bag Shapes. .. .$1.25 to $4.00 Brown Leather Hand Bags at manufac turers' prices, $1.28, $1.58, Sl.SS. $2.18 Cow Leather Suit Cases,-brass trimmed. $3.3S, $3.G0, $3.75, $4, $4.13, up A HandsomeShowing of Umbrellas Experience has taught usthe value of having, a top-notch etock' trf Umbrellas A. MocSe-rn , Up-to-date Business Training School Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and English. Positions guaranteed under reasonable condtions. Railroad fare paid. Day and Xight Sessions. Twenty per cent discount if you enter before December 1st. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. White for full information. - Address St. flary's School, Raleigh, N. C ESTABLISHED IN 1843 ADVENT TERM BEGIXS SEPTEMBER 19. LEXT TERM BEGINS JANUARY 27. ' FULL COURSE IN LITERATURE. LANGUAGES, SCIENCE, ART. MUSIC AND BUSINESS. EXCELLENT KINDERGAR TEN, CENTRALLY LOCATED. UNDER MISS LOUISE T. BUS- COMPLETE MODRRN SANITARY CONVENIENCES. FOR CATALOGUE AND PARTICULARS ADDRESS REV. T. D. BRATTON, B. D. - Moedays WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF H AND SO ME : to i Let sets A.nc3 will be olfcreci on SPECIAL SALE ON MONDAY WE ARE SELLING OUT, AND ALL WILL GO If you. want a. Toilet Set, tHis will be your opportunity and our loss. We . Have too many to advertise the prices, but COME AND SEE. We Have a few of the JARDINIERES, BASKETS AND GERMAN COOKING WARE left, and to close all the balance of these out at once, we will continue sale on these Monday at SPECIAL LOW LOSS PRICE DON'T MISS THIS ' Our Next Announcement Will be .Outr NEW CHRISTMAS TOY.5, ALL, NEW and in place for the next. Watch the Paper. j&jZ? WE ARE SELLING OUT, to choose from, Mnd we have got it now, if we never had it before. Prices are bound rto please. Melrose Serge, Natural Wood Handles, all this week at - $1.00 Gloria Silk Umbrellas, German Silvei mounting, special. ........ .$1.4J Taffeta Umbrellas, French Horn, Pearl and Silver mounted . .$1.08 Extra Fine All-Taffeta Silk 20-inch Um brella's, Pearl mounted, Sterling Silver trimmed $3.00 Gift Umbrellas, with (Sterling Silver and Gold Heads, at. . .$3.75 and $5.00 Fine Array ofFurs There's holiday happiness" in a Fur gift, and it lasts. Suppose you try it. Scarfs, Muffs and Collarettes, all here and ready for the choosing. Black, Brown and Stone Marten Fur Scarfs, worth $7.50 and $10. for $5.00 and $7.50 Real Mink and Sable Fox $15 and $20 Scarfs for .$10 and $15 Astrachan and Electric Seal, Grey Fox and Seal, and River Mink Collarettes, $5 $10 and $12.50 Brown Marten Sable and Two-Stripe Mink Muffs $5, $8 and $15 Cifts for the Men FolKs These you choose from a holiday outfit cf Men's Furnishings; and if you choose here they will lie right in every par ticular. Xew Christmas line of Men's Plain and Fancy Xeckties. latest styles. 25, SOc. Gents' Genuine Egyptian Mocha Gloves, $1 and $1.50 Men's Smoking Jackets-rJapanese Silk Quilted and Golf C4oths. $3.75, $4 Bath Robes of Wool Blankets, with fancy borders and solid color, faced with plaid backs.. $5.75 and $0.75 Dressing Gowns of Fancy Blankets, Golf Cloths, figures and stripes, $7.50 and $8.25 Hosts of Fancy Articles Not Classified Will print you a "few of them picked from here and there. They've all got the Christmas flavor. Thirty subjects in Terra Cotta Statuary from which to make selection $3, $4. $5; good pieces at 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2.00. Handsome Framed Pictures at dry-goods prices... $1, Sl.SO and $2 -Medallions at all prices. Brass Mirrors and Picture Frames, gold plated. $1. $1.50, $2. $2.SO, $3 and $3.SO. Onvx Tables ...$4, $5 and $0 KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 330 Fayetteville St., Kaleigh. 'I Ri q o a mwmmmmmm A: B. STRONACH CO. 1901 G H R TSXM AS 1901 C H R. I S T- M ' A S , P RESENT S W'e offer a long list of sensible and useful articles, suitable for Chmtmat presents. ' N . J .. .... The assortments are complete. The prices are right. Ivadies Tailored Suits $27.50 to 7.00. Ladies' Separate Skirts $8 to $1.00. r Ladies' Raglans $15.00. Ladies' Black, Tan and Castor Auto mobiles $16.50. Ladies' Box Coats and Jackets $13.y0 to .$5.00. . V - Misses' Reefers and Coats $6.00 to $1.50. s Ladies' and Misses' Fur Scarfs and Boas $12.50 to $2.50. Ladies' Silk Boas $4.50 to $1.00. Ladies' Cloth Capes $12.50 to 75c. Ladies' Plaid Golf Capes? $6.00 to $5.00. Ladies' Flannel Waists $350 to $1. Ladies' Black and Colored Silk Waists $8.50 to $4.00. Ladies' Black and" Colored Silk Pet ticoats $8.50 to $4.00. , Ladies' Black, White and Colored Knit Petticoats Tl.50 to 75c. Ladies' and Misses' Dressing Sacques $2.75 to 75c. - Ladies' Eiderdown Kimonas $2.50 to $1.50. , ' Infants'-Fancy Knit Wool Coats 50c Ladies' Black and Colored Walking Hats $2.25 to SOc. Misses' Black and Colored Walking Hats $1.25 to 50c Infants' Fancy Silk Caps $1.25 to $1.00. N Children's Fancy Cassimere Caps 75c tc 25c Ladies' Black, White and Colored Kid Gloves $1.50 to 75c. Misses' Black and Colored Mittens 50c to 75c Infant's White and Colored Mittens 15c. " Ladies' and Misses' Do Skin Gloves Sl.oo -to 50c Men's Lined Cloth Buck Skin Palm Gloves $1.50. 1 Men's Cashmere Gloves 50c 'to '35c. Boy's Knit Wool Gloves 25c Ladies' Shoes, Buttoned and Laced $3.50 to $1.00. Misses' Shoes. Buttoned and Laced, $2.00 to $1.00. Children's Shoes, Buttoned and Laced, $1.00 to 20c. Men's Shoes, in Box Calf and Vici Kid, $4.00 to $1.25. Youths' and Little Gents' Shoes $2.00 to $1.00. Over Gaiters for Ladies 75c to 25c. Lamb's Wool Slipper Soles 25c Toilet Slippers for Ladies $1.50, to $1.00. - Umbrellas for Ladies and Men $5.00 to SOc Trunks $15.00 to $1.00. Telescopes $2.50, to 65c Ladies' Gossamers, with Capes, $3.00 to $2.00. Curtains $7.50 to 50c pair. Tapsetry $2.25 to 50c. Drapery Silks SOc ' 'N' ' Silkoline 12l,c to 10c Large Shawls to Breakfast Shawls 75c to 25c -Windsor Ties 25c to 15c. Automobile Ties $1.00 to 25c. i V e have, in addition to this list, a Department of Xotions filled with ster ling silver 'pieces, shell ornaments, leather and steel goods for ladies' wear, and many other things that the public can secure to their advantage as tlio prices will be reasonable and very satisfactory. ' A. B. STRONACH CO., Raleigh, N. G. EXTRAORDINARY SALE One Of our buyers was in New York last week and bought j&j&j&j&j&j&jZ 25 COAT SUITS,-Samples Worth from $10 to $20. We bought them at about half price, and have them priced from j& j& to These are better made than the regular stocK, and rro a tremendous bargain. We also bought a Sample Line of SKirts, and are selling them at $3.00 to $5-00. They are orth more 50 per cent more than marked. The Coat Suits are in BLACK, NAVY and GREY. All sizes, 32 to 40. 14 East Martin Street FOR fl EN ONLY. BUGRLE v LACE ! 4 1 SPRING t Ladies' Silk and Leather Belts Si on to 25c. Black and Colored Silks $1.S5 to 5oc- Black and Colored WoUl Dress G.Kxis $2.25 to 25c. 8 Plaid Back Heavy Cassimere foi Walking Skirts $1.25. Ladies' Knit Combination Suits Si -. to $1.00. ' "r- Misses Knit Combination Suits 5V. Ladies' Knit Ribbed Vests and Pants $1.35 to 25c. Misses' Knit Vests and Pants 75c t 15c Boys' Knit Vests, Drawers and Pan: 75c to 15c. Infant's Skirts and Wrappers 50c to 15c. Ladies' Knit Ribbed Corset Cover SOc. Ladies' Cotton Hose 35c to 10c. i Ladies' Wool Hose 3oc Ladies' Fleeced Lined Hose 25c. Misses' and Boy's Hose 25c to 10c. Infant's Hose 25c to 10c. Men's Half Hose 30c to 10c .Ladies' Corsets, standard makes, $2.21 to 50c. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Pure Linen,. $1.50 to tOc - Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Linen Fin ished, 10e to 5c. Men's and Boy's Handkerchiefs 2." to 5c Table Damask $1.50 to 25c Xapkins and Doylies, per dozen, $4.,"0 to 40c. Hemmed -Stitched, 'Hemmed and Fringe Towels $1.00 to 10c Linen .Sheeting, 10-4 wide, $1.00 per yard. Union Linen Sheeting, 10-4 wide. ,"0c per yard. Art Linen for Drawn Work 60c to 35c. Linen. Lawns and Cambrics fop Handkerchiefs; $1.50 to 35c. Fringed Edged Damasks for Tidies and Bureau Scarfs 25c. Pure Wool Blankets. White ant' Grew $5.50 to $3.50 pair. Fine Cotton Blankets, White, Grey, Tan. $1.50 to 75c pair. Colored Comforts, Cotton Filled, $3.00 to 75c . Down and Imitation Down Filled Comforts $6.50 to- $4.00. Counterpanes, Marseilles, $5.00 to $2.00. Counterpanes, Crochet. $2.50 to Toe. Sheets. Hemmed Stitched, Pillow and Bolster Cases to match. Sheets, Hemmed, Fillow and Bolste: Cases to match. Cassimeres for Men and Boy's wear 75c to 25c Outings 10c to Sc. Flannelettes 10c to 8 l-3c. White Underwear, Flannel, $1.00 to 15c ' Red Underwear. FHannel. 50c to 15c. White Embroidered Flannel for In fan ts $1.00 to 75c Tickings 25c to OVlc . Percales 1214c to 7-'c - Raleigh, N. C. Suits S'lO ; - . ' 1 V " 'T