THE MORNING POST FOKTK CAKOLIKA PUBLISHING CO THE MORNING POST' WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13 190a n ROU1KT M. FI K7IAN Editor M&UiriIO PRICE: of what Judge Brown did at Statesville. We wish, however, to cordially endorse IIis integrity in the case before mm no- ..gnt SOme will say that a franchise one questions, nor hte power within Is an intangible sort of thing, whicl1 caQ the .aw. We me.n to sastain the ftt g i. and power of the executive in cases wbieh cost in the construction ?'.uw' of contempt as well as others when but which is sold "for $135,000. know puldu., uder the law h, been ' tarf"S& JK The pronounced against. a citizen. Judge nnKitinn nf rimtneo: the rich t of way Shaw so thinks and found "authorities" through the streets of a progressive city, . Tjsej fty people of refinement PERFECT Tooth Povjdor. One Year Pit Months. . . Three Months. One Mouth. . . Office in the Pullen Buildlnf, Fayetteville Street. il. m - l. , ..IT., nocwonirpra a L ll WW $5.00 as well as his own common sense to'' nmfiV- hp Pmin caoacitv: the protec- ot over a quarter of a ceatury sustain Tiim. Ani wa think tho HtirPTis iom oil fVioea ml vantages which n of the MmmonwMlth will sustnin both gave it a certain earning power and made - ... ii : ...aswi on 'npsi - . T , . ;H a prontaoie euuM-pnee upu - - the Governor and Judge Shaw. ' men ?eveQ times as iar?e as the ongl- ! oi i., TUa TMnihfe in this case The Republican caucus "adjourned" and in manv another case is the thing of l The Tost will publish subjects of general intere b ef letters on aSain Monday night after some more greatest value, and it i TheTnv!.SP0Uting b7 a members who em J; ha name must accompany tne letter. - not capable of rising to higher or more ent advocate of francVse taxation ana KrriSK&IM" the ne- to Pft"- .hat the Scheming for a Kcnomlaatlon (Louisville Courier-Journal, Pern.) Here we have a President in the and it is a very proper White House who, though a professional . reformer, is naturally honest as times go. It is natural that he should wish to stay where he is as long as the law FOUNDED 1842 "Sing Their Own Praise." s been a persist- all ows. From moin to noon, from noon Jrief letters of local news from cessity of doing something out of the roittee of rne Convention. i to Dewey eve to Schley and Miles mid- tion of the State will be thank fuuy ordinary or shocking to honest sen sibil-I While the new plan is in a sense an ex- night there is one dominant thought Jn ities that attention may be directed to ' pe-nment, we believe that, the JJ mina-me succession. e goes o . . jit may be in a measure assured if the bed with jt. He gets up with it. tie power to assess the property, of all suca waiks with it, talks with it, sings to corporations is vested in a corporation jj- plays on it. It is his meat, his commission, or some sucn tway, ro ".UrjDk nnd his respectability. ciujiu.if a ui uieii wuo wm unucisiouu the principle and how to apply it. i sec rpf'pircir! Merely personal controversies will not be tolerated. Address all business letters and oonv "nunications for publication to TUi Mnivrvn PACT news service or itt& themselves even for a passing moment. There will be no "cutting down" or force bill" legislation. Uncle Joe Can ine telegraphic news service 01 f non reminded the younger and impetu M( RYivn Tnr i ohn nt v, full and " " ' u u 8 p complete, and is. nnequaled by any morn-! ous members that if they had never ing newspaper s.onth of New York. This : learned, he had not forgotten the expe- eervice is furnished us untier sycvia arrangements with THE LAFFAN NEWS BUREAU of the New York Sun, and Is the same service that is used by The Sun itself, 'Which is known to be superior to any service in any newspaper in the United States. This service is received nichtly by wire in the office of TIIE MORNING POST directly from the New York Sun, and includes special cables and domestic news and all commercial and market reports. rience of his party a few years ago with these same fool measures. . $ . Two negro soldiers of the United Were it not bo.ter he were spared all this? Were it not better the constitution stepped in and said: "Six years shalt thou so and no longer ?" We think so. Prrfanilon Azainti Flr (New York Sun.) Thus far into the bowels of the South States army were hung in the Philip- but efficient." As Colonel of the First the Cook County Democracy has marched une continuous The Roosevelt Clarification of PolllI . cia CNew York Tressi.) As Governor of New York Theodore Roosevelt put politicians into two divis ions, "crood bnt -" iueffieieiK" and "bad WASHINGTON III KRAI': Hut? bin Ualldtns, lOtb V O. St. N. Xf HASTKRN OFFICK. )CONaMa ft.. Simvf York. WESTERN FFICE 517 C. B. Kmr'.J. B1M, Chl!i. Ii rhnrge tb bteve W Hoy U specie' Apency. Snbcr!b"r t THE POT ar re qnpfl to note th data on tbe labn! f tlieir paper and a nd In tbair renrnul before tbe rxpiratlou. Thia will pr--vrnt nilf ti o( a aln;Ii Uup. All pa . per will b di(routlnaei wben tbe time '.d up expire" i x. ; nines on the 7th for desertine and iroinsr ' Volunteer Cavalry ht, observed that 10 wunoui unpenimem many of his troopers cl?es who were bad at home nni very ' J - a 1 J V. J 1 . . . u: i aj rounu oi iliuru auu uuuiu, reu uic aim over to the enemy "in violation of the , uuub -u: lu red liquor. It is curious to notice that code in 'rime of war." So far as these two soldiers are con cerned, the war Is still going on. And : of the Senate Judic.-iry Committer, hav fiio-c roniivu tqii no thre tt-k. c- -: ing been nominated by the frcs d nt the hanging, that war is just what Gen nt Gi'cxfv crtnfmn whnro thft I hlf'!l bad to the Spaniards, therefore efficient. I atesmen are pTif-4 leal authori al r. lien -Daniels, now unaer scrnimj ; . .cs take tne precaution to nave a i for Marshal ef Arizona, wr.s a Rough WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1902. TPE WEATHER twfiiTi Continued cold. - THANKS, AMFfTLLY The Winston Journal says: "The Morning Post of Raloigh is . a pretty good sort of newspaper. It is up-to-date in ideas as well as in mechani cal appearance... The Post is. all right." I: is such- as this that reminds us of, the time wben we could blush' with more real good red than we can now. era! Sherman 6aid it was, and ie sti.I "progressing satisfactorily" in our new possessions. -8 Senator Hoar presented a petition to the Sena-re the other day praying the United States, government to "suspend hostilities" in the Philippines. This gure ly is a strange -request, and moves us to enquire what in thunder our soldiers have been doing- in the islands for the past three years but trying -to "sus pend" hostilities,' or something just about as good. The friends of Mr. A. D. Watts, ed itor of the Statesville Mascot and mem ber of the House from Iredell deeply sympathize with him in his present sor row, the death of his venerable mother. Mr. Wat;s as private secretary to Sen ator Simmons,- was in Wash ngton wlun the distiessful news reached him of her sudden death. Says the News and Observer: "Judge Avery has prepared and pub lished a very able argument to prove that the Governor has no right to par don a person sentenced to jail fur co:i ttmp: of court. Judge Shaw held at Iredell that he did have the right. If tbe Governor has such a right it is easy to see that an unworthy Governor Mr. Richmond Pearson Hobson has won distinction in the navy, but why he should wish to leave service tor which he seems well fitted to become a poor politician and office-seeker is as disheartening as Inexplicable. Richmond, my boy, Don't! - Rider. The charges that he dalt favo from both top and bottom, served a term for grand larceny and figured con spicuously in an argument with knives now seem to give him a full equipment of badness a? well as efficiency which For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Henry T. Hicks, Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co., and North Side Drug Store. Lady "And did you learn no trade or fili mi 11 m1i- hU ndministrir'nn Hiu-cess-: Profession? Iramp "jNom; I just ful, for ;bose qnalit es of ten nre requis ite in -Arizona, where, also it i no draw back to be a little quick on the tag ger. chose a walk in life." l ii t .e Tr:0' TUn B.ibcotk I. arn Lump (New York Evening Pest.) It whl be a very com dj'y ii; Mr There is as much probability of hav ing a .bad Judge as a bad Governor, and of che two the bad Judge is more dan gerous. And if the power to imprison for contempt the Judge being the sole judge in the case is "inherent in the Jnd?e,"Jthen why should appeals be al lowed from an inferior court Judge to t2ie Supreme Court? And because the latter decides that the lower coup; was "within the law" in its action, why should this particular class of punish ments be exempted from lhe provision of the constitution confering upon the Chief Executive the pardoning power? In a contempt case a citizen may be come the victim of a Jndge'e passion or his prejudices, or his fancied concep tion of "popular opinion." The Judge, in such cases, constitutes court and jury and det mines the matter for himself. A Supreme Court, naturally anxious to sustain the . prerogatives of the judi ciary, not to eay its independence and its power to construe laws to suit .its views rather than to meej the rea sonable intent of the people's represen- Smallpox is epidemic in several North ern States and is epreading rapidly in the Northwest. And they all call It smallpox up there and treat it accord ingly. Thorough and general vaccination is the only reliable preventive. Fires and accidents are abnormally frequent and disastrous of ldte. The deaths resulting at the fires and from lhe cUVJl'Vu the power ! accidents within the past two weeks me jUUIClai tmilirh nf (ho fi.m7r.rnropnf " o..".""..- I . .. V .. ...S.I. tar exceed tnose sinea in 'tne war wito. Spain, and the loss of property ig ap palling. tatives, may say that the Judge decid ing the case must be sustained because as to a question of contempt the Judge must b sole judge. Then of 'course, however, flagrantly unjust 'the action or ruling of the Judge may be, the citi zen 'must go to prison or pay a line or both, "wkhin. the discretion" of the Judge. On the contrary the Governor can neither imprison nor impose a fine on a citizen, but under the constitution he ctin extend clemency to any citizen when ill his judgment an unjust sentence, or cruel and unusual punishment, is about to be lnnieied. Hp ij tft nnlv nrr- ' tec-tor, standing between the citizen and t breast milk That Flan of Taxation (Norfolk Virginian-Pilot.) The Richmond Times notes that the Finance Committee of the Convention has incorporated in its report a provision that the tangible property of railway and canal companies, and their franchises shall be taxed, but their bonds and stocks shall be exempt. If this report is adopt ed by the convention The Times thinks Virginia will be placed in the very front of the States in the matter of sound principles of taxation. We are not disposed to combat the soundness of the principle involved. It is, of course, clear that if the tangible property of such a corporation is taxed 5tc nvm ri-rv will linvp Kon maml Ti to Washington Senator Cullom is now theoiy in the case of such companies is Ping slsepiess nights m arranging the that the difference between the cost of details of the royal reception, fo. it ftp construction and their outstanding stocks ,,een decided that the Committee on h&v and bonds represents approximately the ei?n Relation of which the Senator is value of the franchise. The principle i ihairman. shall receive the prince. Xhe therefore, equitable. capitol i-oiice are engaged in brushing up We apprehend, however, that ther their uniforms, the scrub ladies are pol- may. be some difficulty in the practical hing the tiled lloors, and an extra coat Lilt: uwtjjci Payne anu the ptoplo he rc-pieacuts aaopt the policy ot retail tion on -i.r. Babcock and h.s friends.' The ctuse of Tariff Reform would be pusaeJ for ward many miles by such -a falling out, nnd the gain that it would make would bn permanent, and nf. liifiVf;' as" it was in 1JS90-94. It has often bcVii said thflt the tar.ff ought to be reformed by :ts frienc'ts. Ther' are now some signs that this saying inay come true. Hajor Kobblna O, I lion of Presltl oailou and f iird C nyu (From the Statesville Landmark.) To the Editor of The Landmark: . In resionse to the lady who last week said Major Itohbins did not believe in predestination, lhe major beyrs to assure her that he does believe that, b-ys who are taught to play euchre jud other games of cards around the family fire side are almost certainly predestined to become gamblers when they grow up. , - It napprnrd In a RmsMor "One day last winter a lady came to my drn.a: store and asked for a brand of cough medicine thit I did not hrve in stock," says Mr. C. R. Graudin. the popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "Sh9 was. disappointed-ana 'wanted to know what preparation I could recotn mend. Osa'd to her that I could freely i"ecommend ChamlKJiIaiu's Cough Item- tdy and that she cou'd tali? a bot.le Of the remedy and af;er giving it a fail trial if she -did not find it wjrth the money to bring back the I ottle and f would refund the price paid. In th course of a day or two ihe lady cam in company with a friend in need of a congh medicine :nl advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." Th remedy owes its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the personal recommendations of people who have been cured by its use. It is for sale by Henry T. Hicks, Hobbitt Wynne Drug Co., and Northside Drug Store. . 5 Bis Do n; Wbeu Henry Comes (Washington Post.) , There will be great doings in the capi tol when Prince Henry enters that his toric building on the occasion of his visit Write about these Pianos. Mast be sold quick. Some taken h txnU Very convenient terms. Two STIEFF UPRIGHTS. Two BOOTHE BROS. UPRIGHTS, Two KOHLER' UPRIGHTS, One KRANICH & BACH UPRIGHT. .One. PEASE UPRIGHT,., One MARSHALL & WENDELL UPEIGHT, One STIEFF SOP RE, One DUNHAM SQUARE. . CHAS. M. STIEFF, PianD Hanufacturer, ' ' Baltimore, Md. North and South Carolina Branch Wareroam 2 13 North Tryon St., Charlotte. N.O C. H. WILMOTH; Manager. CHEAP BRICK One hundred and fifty thousand extra large Brick, mostly Salmon, at $4.50 per 1,000, f. o. b. car. Sample may be seen at our office. Pure coarse and unadulterated Whf at Bran, by the ton and carload price; best Anthracite. Nut, Stove and Egg Coal. Thacker Splint Coal Orders booked at summer prices If ordered promptly. Remember we ar State agents for Thacker Domestic and Steam Ccal. ordered direct to any depot at miners prices. PHONES 4Iana " JONES & POWELL, RALRICII. N. C. J. H. -KINQ, President. F. J. HOLDER, Vice President. The best equipped, largest, most successful and progressive business college in North Carolina. Endorsed by tin R'.leigh Chamber of Commerce. Patronized and . :dorsed by more bankers, prominent business men and public "Tiale than all other business schools in the State combined. Finest shorthand department in the South.. Satisfn tion guaranteed. Positions secured fo r our graduates, liailioad fare paid. Board $10.00. No vacation. Enter acj time. Full information free.- ' 1 Address KING-'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 330 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Iclr en : - noes The Hardest Problem in Shoes Is that Child's Shoes. Ill THAT is Wide Enough and Soft Enough Not to Hurt HAT is Stout Enough and Good Enoagh to Wear Well. TT 71 TP "17 l 1 l. t 1.1 rnii is Lfleap rnouyn ia neasonaoie. We Have Solved the Problem. See It. DcSiiriiel Men &-Co,9 Raleigh, N, ble nronertv does Bot - - tional Guard. Mr. Bacon will present hope for the best results when it comes the P'rinee witn a Georgia watermeiou, to the assessment of intangible nronertv ani tne otner members of the com- Uillle Will LVUUiUUtC IUC gftJ,"lJ v- The royal procession will NURSING MOTHERS A mother's poor health is bad enough for the mother but worse still for the nursing baby. & Mothers find Scott's Emul 3i on a nonrick ; j 1 strengthening food. If tho the occasion march through the building in the fol lowing order: Platoon of Capitol Police.. Sergeant-at-arnis Ransdell. Chorus of pages, singing '"Die Wacht am Rhein." Marble bust of Kosciusko on wheels. . The Prince. Col. Ike Hili, beanng the maoe. Representative Bartlioldt, carrying the American and German flags. The Senate. Everybody else including members of . e House. Of course this programme is subject to alteration without notice, like a rail road time-table. Senator Cullom. how ever, hones to make the occasion one of IS Scant V fir tl-un great solemnity and importance, and the the unjust or prejudiced Judge, or the I Scotf'c; P 1 "ii final details will be announced in due infliction of unjust punishment bow-.! f-On VVlll make it time. The most serious question which . The i 1X110 more abundant. ! ator shall precede the prince or the prin j j! r . Tin -a ' er honestly decreed by the court. Governor may abuse his power, but there id no more likelihood, if so much, that the executive will depart from the proper cours Judge under the imme C'S-taiwapiaitupaf uiiij, nui CIO injustice acitiz,en. ' ri ai 'precede the senator. The preponderan t vvnen mothers take- Scott V!f sentiment at the present time favors mnlo,' ,1 1 1 - , . lue pnnce, out. mere woiuu oe tnejrery niuibion the babies share in dickens to pay if he did not visit the urse than that u , the benefits. Thin babies Wow " ' iediate pressure of j faf Wi - . b '"I am at tke tkor." said tl Wolf. " "ciuic,geu Strong, in a loud voice, "and I am coming in." It Will Cost You Nothing if You Are Not The Royal YOU ARE LbOKING FOR A GOOD BED? astic Felt Mattress FILLS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF A GOOD BED. IT IS ELASTIC, in that it yields to every movement of the body. When the pressure of the bolv is rrrf ' it .resume its smooth and even condition. " , 1S. HYGIENIC, as it does not absorb the exhalations which necessarily emit from the bodv, because th? Felt is chemically treated. WILL NOT PACK, being made of layers of Felt expertly tufted, which cannot shift. IT COSTS ONE-HALF AS MUCH AS H AIR. our guarantee: -' Sewed on sid.e of each. Mattress. 1 Del i vered, Use . the Mattress thirty nights, and if not entirely satisfactory rctr.rj 5 to ns and we will refund your money. What we herein av is um in V 1 street, Kew York. All right," responded the meek man, "but you had be-Uer wipe your feet, on ( the mat before my wife catches you." THE ROYAL & BORDEN FURNITURE CO Corner Wilmington and Hargett Streets, & RALEIGH, N. C.

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