THE MORNING FOSTs WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 1QQ2 STOCKS LOWER Ti CLOSE trading Was Active and the Prices Were First- Up and Then Down ytw York, Feb. 11. Good fractional -,,s WPTe the rule throughout the rail . ( i list at the opening, and there were ut hoary takings of some of th- jrin stocks among the coalers, grangers, r.i . iScs. and trunk lines. '-low 1 Central r l1 number of the industrials vrc-rQ :iiiined to sag, Amalgamated Cop ,.eV Ioik ;!4 within the first few.min American Express. jumped nearly ?vnzi the purchase bf 100 shares. t4 'p;h.:I selling of the specialties h were weak yesterday after a time io'ed realizing in some Of the western ,,, ! pacific railroad stocks. . St. Paul An t Sru:hern Pacific were most affected, te" fitter yielding to 67. The . general iU';k i then became "spotty ,'f -some r;;:il,V inactive &iw.iva uciug yusucu in' Bo. pref. . Leather . . ... Do. pref. . U. S. Steel ... D o. pref. ., Western Union. W abash . . . Do. pref. Wis. Central C. C. C. and St. L. 90 ...11 siy4 ... 44 ... 94 ... tl ... 23 y2 ..- 43 20V4 104 89 iiVi 81 44 94 m 43 193 New York, Feb. 11. Vireinia-Carolina Chemical common 6V.Q2i; do. pre ferred 121(2123. fcettboard -Stocks Baltimore, Feb. 11. Seaboard Air Line Mr. John L. Nutt of Mt. Airy is in - ginia, February 25-27. Tickets for going the city on business. , 1 trip will be sold February 21-27. Tom Price was brought up from Dur- These rates apply at all stations in ham yesterday and placed m Wake coun- North and fcouth Carolina and Vir KODAKS, CAMERAS pron ty jaU for carrying concealed weapon, i For any further particulars write or He was recognized by the mayor for hi" call on T. C. STURG1S, C. T. A.. ! " me d appearance and failed to show up at I Raleigh, N C. j ?.lms ' F.C the last term of court. He will a.wait the next court in jail. 1 Mr. H. W. Burton of Charlotte is at the Ya rborough. Washington Complimentf d Her Already much curiosity has been man ifested to see a stage representation of "Molly Pitcher," the gallant country girl who so distinguished herself at the battle of Monmouth that General George Washington personally - complimented her anil made her a sergeant. The role Railway preferred stock at 46 closed , is said to be one of the most engaging upward. Reading stocks were confidently, the .second preferred i, , n:g with a rise of 1 to tuft. Hack Kuvl Iowa Central, Minneapolis, St. ew York Central, St. Iouis If -utbwestern preierred, unicago, muian sn and Louisville., Wheeling and Lake j;ne 5itt preferred, St. Joseph and ( Inland first and secc'ad preferred, J.,akti Erie and Western preferred, Texas Lard Trust, People's Gas and Brooklyn i.Vi..:i Gas advanced between 1 and 2 rmhYts. Nashville, Chattanooga" & . St. Xyui 'tnd Lackawanna gained 3 and runsw-dated Gas 3M, but United States pL-r i-s diopped O'ii The breadth of the i.i.iik-tr and the pronounced gains es tab- ex entually checked the reaction re and the market was steadier tot 11 o'dock. m u: purchases of the 'Readings, tupi'icn.entod by a large demand for AtVbison. Louisville and " Southern Rail way " stacks, were offset by active real izing elsewhere. Beading common and the first preferred responded only frac tionally, but the second preferred : was tuorant and reached 68, an advance over last -nh' "ht of -. Southern Railway pre ferred "and LouisVille preferred rose a poii!. American Express lost its open in: bu'.se of five points, and United Stat?? Express dipped a point lower to 115. 'making its loss in all 7. Min neapolis and St. Louis preferred and Minneapolis. St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie gained a point. The Pacifies and "acthe railroads and specialties generally sagged to below last night. Sugar losing rearly a point and St. Joseph and Grand Island first preferred reacting 1. Rub ber goods preferred lost 4 points. The market was dull and, steady at noon. Honda were irregular. The transactions in the United States Sreel stocks- were very 3arge,- but-the pains, did pot. reach , beyond - fractions. Hocking Coal, Colorado Fuel and Ten nessee Coal rose 24, the last named lead ing. --Kansas City -Southern preferred rose 2, the common and Biscuit prer ftrred a point, and TexVs Land Trust 2: These advances did not avail to lift the genera! list fiom its sagging tendency. Brooklyn Transit pave way to Go. -- Room operators tested the market in spots, and, as there proved to be a limitefl demand, they doubled their ef forts against -the specialties and attacked . .... 1 I 4- i tie railroad list, ueennes irom me uesi reached a point in Reading second pre l.r;elli' -Southern Pacific; Rock Island, CWcaco, Indianapolis & Louisville, Min neapolis & St. Lours preferred, Manhat tan and Brooklyn Union Gas, .while Met ropolitan, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Glu cose, St. Louis and San Francisco - and St. Joseph & Grand Island first pre ferred sold as much under yesterday. Lackawanna lost its 2 point rise a'nd Northwestern preferred broke 6. Tv pressure azakrst the market did not de ter bidding"up Amalgamated Copper, and after it reached 72 buying developed- in the iron and steel stocks. The United .States Steel stocks had gained large fractions and Tennessee Coal and Colo rado Fuel a point up, which infused a somewhat confident tone all around. The feature of the final hour was a l.eavy demand for Pennsylvania, which lifted the price 14 over yesterday. The market hardenl in sympathy and gains reached for Wheeling and Lake Erie first preferred 2V2r Iowa Central 2l, Tera and Pacific 1, Pullman l1 Pittsburg C. C. & St. Louis 1, and Colo fado and -Southern first preferred 14. Net -leciines of 1 to 2Vs were scored by General Electric, Pacific Coast second preferred. Buffalo. Rochester and Pitts Wg preferred. Chicago Terminal pre ferred, C". C. C. & St. Louis, Delaware snd Hudon and Lackawanna. United States Express rallied 4V. The closing as active and irregular," the local trac tion stocks and St. Paul running off to the lowest. Sew York Stock Quotation Open. Close. 2Z 27 up, and the common 'stocks at 23 was unchanged. . V J totton New York, "Feb. 11. In spite of lib- j eral receipts at the ports, cotton ad vanced, for, the Houston and New Or leans estimates were light. Spot mar kets were strong. Liverpool advanced, interic towns show declining stocks, drj' goods reports are favorable, power ful interests are identified with the bull side, arid there was good buying by New rleans, the South, Wall street and Liverpool. Besides, bears were nervous, fearing developments unfavorable to thefr in terests over the holiday, and covered wkh considerable freedom. It is true that the receipts at the, ports were larger than last year and that some Waii street houses, as .well as other sec tions of the bull party took profits to some extent, but the significant fact 1 was that the market took the cotton very readily. New York, Feb. 11. Cotton futures opened steady.' Open. Hi?h. Low. Close. .... S.5l 8.35 8.41 February . , March Apiil ..... May June July , August . . . September . October . . . ... 8.33 ... S.35 ... 8.3(j . S.3t ... 8.20 ... 7.87 7.81 8.46 8.48 8.45 8.43 8.4G 8:3f 7.9G 7.89 8.32 8.3G 8.34 S3G 8.34 8.18 7.JM) 8.45 8.47 8.44 8.44 8.45 8.29 7.93 7.89 Market closed very steady. Cblcae Grain and Provision Open. High. Low. Close. WHEAT: May ..... . 77?; 78 77?4 7S July 78 78 77, 7i CORN: . May 6lii G2 Ql 61 July ....... 61i -62 61' 61 Sept. GO? 60-i 60 60 OATS: May .4214 43 424 43 July 36 37 36 36 Sept. ...... 31 31 31 31 PORK: May ...... 13.S3 4 16.05 15.85 15.92 July 15.82 16.1Q 15.92 16AK) LARD. May VAo 9.60 . 9.45 9.52 J nly -. . . . . . D.55 9.67 9.55 1.G2 RIBS: May '.-.'..; -8.52 8.C2", S.52' S.57 July 8.62 8.70 8.62 S.G7 Sept. ...... 8.72 8.77 8.72 8.77 ana forecfnl ever put on the stage, and in.' the-handes of that excellent artistic Kathryn Kidder, it should receive ; per fect treatment. Miss Kidder has many friends and admirers already in this city and this numoer is sure to be great ly increased wnen she presents "Molly Pitcher" here Tuesday, February ISth. . ; Reaping the Harvest The splendid press notices given the play "Reaping the Harvest" led those who went to the Academy of Music last night to expect a little too much, for the play i yet young and the different parts not perfectly broken in. Nevertheless- the performance was good and held the closest attention of the audi ence. The author of the piece, Mr. Torn Fitch, appeared in -the title or leading role and added good acting to a perfect interpretation. His part was especially enjoyed. Verily, he "reaped the har vest" and was the winner ia . the end. The play was well staged and supplied with special scenery adapted to the story and making it more realistic. "Reaping the Harvest" deserves the success with which it is meeting. .. s , Check for the Cotton Crop The State's Prison management has received a check from the burchasers for the crop of cotton raised on the ctate farms last year. It is for 27, 5 6.61. It will be remembered that the cotton was sold a few weeks ago to McCabe,' Bogers & Cor. of iorfblk. There is about ?5,000 worth of cotton yet to be sold and they have on hand also about $10,000 worth of ground peas. fr- A FI reiuan's Cle Call - "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a $100 Invested in eur Cotton Combinations will give yoa a steady, regnlar income. TlOVU mo.MTk UrtttND WON PE,0?iD Combinations begin 1st and 15th of every month. , Write us. and we will tell you all about Cotton, give you references, iind show you what we have paid 3.,idivi3ends for the past year. iiiiEU' i8s!iii. 44-46 Broadway, Mew York. And protogranhic suDDlles. Eastman ! Kodak Co's. goods. Can fill order as received, especially for Developing 35c, for 31x31. 12 Exp. Printing and mounting 6c. each. If jou are interested send five lc stamps for catalogue. W. B. Sorrell, Chapel Hill. N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE ROAD COMPANY. RAIL- JACOB BERRY& CO Members Consolidated Stock Exchange. N.-Y. Produce Exchange. STOCKS. BONDS, il, COTTON ESTABLISHED 1865 44 Broadway, New York. 209 Main St.,Durham, N.C. Telephone No. 7. Send for market letters and pamphlet. Direct wires with the Postal and West era Union oces ensures prompt atten tion ou al! telegraphic business. onl! ern Railway Special Kates i $6.55 Raleigh to Wilmington, N. C. and ' return account Annual Meeting State Council Junior O. U. A. M., Feb. 1S-20. Tickets 0:1 sale Feb.. 16, 17 and IS, with final return limit Feb. 23rd. Special low rates from all points in North Carolina also Danville, Va. $7.30 Raleigh to Charlotte, N. C, and return account Annual State con vention Young Men's Christian Association, March 8-1 1th. Tick ets to be sold Mnreh 7, 8 and 10th, with final return limit March 13th. Special rates from all points in .North --Carolina. ','. I: ' - American Ice ' American Car Fdy, American Smelting . Do. pref. . . , . . iuear African Cotton Oil. .. Atchison , Do. pref. ....... ..' Amektarnatea. Copper ' " wookjyi; Rapid Transit Baltimore and Ohio. .. D'j. pref. -,.'.... .peake and Ohio. . . M I- and P. J- ft: w . wnsoliflated Gas i 5H' 47H 128 31V2 78V4 71 67 21U 47Vs U7V2 127 31 7SJ4 ; '08 71 lcsgo Terminal "SJ Lack, and" West".!!! elaxra-r and Hudson..., t,; lk- yr- prei. ., t, V?- iSt pref 'ckjne Vallev Ijmi: -,r a ........ Slgnd Nashville. ?iul?Pyiitaa lv- t. .....!.!.!. ! sourl 1 105 .: 105 . 46 i 40 163 105" J 168 167 234 2314 21814 221i2 8614 87 16V4 10 31 31 286 2Siy3 173 172 93 13 .... 7oyt 0! 143 105 13414 172 r24v2 40V. 70 60 142V2 105 133 171 o 1 72 tie 'ral Norfolk v Yf ,t- u.. and W. . Nevn,J, Western. T 'J- -entral. , z south we,;;.; 1 ? l':i.-; k 1. 53 '53 103T6 104 29 16 45 28 16 40 . llaltlmore liraln and ProTlsten Baltimore, Feb. 11 FLOUR Dull and unchanged. Receipts, 12.9S3 barrels; ex ports. 33ft barrels.--' t- . "WHEAT Firmer. Spotv83 84; the month; 83 ftf 84; 31arch, & i 84; May, 83' g 83; steamer No. 2, 80 fa 81. Receipts, 13,430 bushels; exports, none. Southern by samnle, 77 S3; southern on grade, 81 84. : CORN Strong. .Spot and the month, 65. 65; MarclT, 65 65; May, 65 65; steamer" mixedT 63 63.. Receipts, 18,342. bushels;, exports, 300 bushels. Southern white corn. 66 67; southern yellow corn, 64 65. J.) ATS Dull and easier. No. 2 white, 49 49VzJ No. 2 mixed, 48 48V. Receipts, 9,187 bushels; exports, 40 bushels. RYr: Nominal. No. 2 nearly, 67 68: No. 2 western, 68 69. Receipts, 2.886 bushels; exportsnone. HAY-J-Steady. No. Xtimothjr, $15.00 15.50. GRAIN FREIGHTS Slow and un changed. ' SUGAR Firm, unchanged. Coarse granulated. 4.81: fine granulated 4.81. CHEESE Finn, unchanged. Large. 11 (ft in;' medium, 11 11; small, m dl 11. iTUTTER Firm, unchanged. Fancy imitation, 18 19: fancy creamery, 27 (n 28; fancy ladle, 16" 17; fancy roll, 17 (q 18: good roll, 15 16; store-packed, 14 15. EGGS Firm, unchanged 27 28. War Wbeat New Yrork St. Louis Minneapolis . . Duluth 1 Open. 83U 85 74 73b Close. 83 84 74 76b JWay Crn Open. Close. New York .............. 66i.b 67b St. Louis w.:.,., 62 66 Knleish Cotton (Reported by Job P. Wyatt & Bro.) Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 11. Receipts today 13 bales Receipts this day last year. v. ..49 bales Prices today.';', .... .... . .794 8 Prices this day last year. . 9 9 Receipts to date this jear... 8,451 bales Receipts . to ithis"fate last ; : " ..... 14,640 bales year POSTSCRIPTS w State Senator S. J. Calvert arrived fron?. Jackson yesterday to attend the Supreme Court and look upon the State Good Roads Convention Mr, T. M. Emery is here from Wel don. . - ' - " Mr. R. O. Gregory of Oxford is 'a Raleigh visitor. Mr. P. L. Murphy of Morganton is registered at the Yarborough. , Dr. J. F. Miller of GoldFboro is In the city. Mr. J. W. Stephenson of Smithfield is hQ. a guet at the Yarborough. Mr. R. D. Taylor of Morven is a guest at the Yarborough. 165 165 i -r. George J. Southwick In Registered Capt. S. B. Alexander of Charlotte arrived yesterday to attend tha Good Roads Convention. Mr. D. M. Boyd Of Morden is at the Yarborough. ' Mr. E, G. Duncan has renenewed his bond as internal ; revenue collector for this (the Fourth) district. The amount 33 ; Security Company. ; . 95 ' A" license was Issued yesterday for the 66 marriage of Miss Martha G. Jeffreys to 66 Mr. John B. AViggins, both of Wake. 4 I Mr. J. D. Elliott of Hickory is here 103 to attend the Good Roads Convention, 45 ' 43 101 101 150 151 40 . . . 5S ... a3 ... 65 ... 16 ... 26 ... 30 ... 33 . -95 . . 67 - 64 39 104 58 83 67'a 16 26 Rate of oncvand one third fare on Cer tificate pl'tni has - been authorized to AsheviHe, N.. f '.. awoimt Tri-Suate Med ical Association of the Carolina? and Virginin. Feb. ' 25-27th. Tickets for gO- ters and. after taking It, I felt as well as i trip v.-iM-e soul Feb. 21-271 h. 1 ever did m my life.' Weak, sickly, r These rutcs apply all stations in run-down people always gain new life. North aaJ South ('arolina and Virginia, strength and vigor from their use. Try i !r :iw furih.v,- ,v,riicni:i. wito or "I was weak arid pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I wa. about ; to give up, t got a bottle of Electric -Bit kju.-iaiiiuii Kuaramrcu dv all druggists. "i Price 30 cents. ' ' S Varrlnc Baifi Philadelphia. Press, i . But what that plan is still a matter for discussion. The diffprenif states call 0:1 : T, C. STI'RCIS. C. T. A. -, 'Raleigh... -N. C. tti $ ; - fer(at'fatrii on JR. A. L. JSaiiway Good Roads c o-ivention. Raleigh, N. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated January 15, 1902. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 23 Daily Leave Weldon 11.50 a. in., arrive Rocky Mount 1.00 p. m. Leave Tarboro 12.2H p. m., leave Rocky Mount 1.03 p. m., leave Wilson 1.59 p. m., leave Selma 2.55 p. m., leave Fayetteville 4.30 p. m., arrive Florence 7.35 p. m. No. 35 Daily Leave Weldon 9.3S p. m., arrive Rocky Mount 10.32 p. m.f leave Rocky Mount 10.02 a. m., leave Wilson 11.10 a. m.. leave Selma 11.50 a. m.. leave -Fayette-, ville, 1.12 a. ia., arrive Florence 3.20 a. m. No. 103 Daily except Sunday Leave Tarboro 7.22 p. m., leave Rocky Mount , 7.52 p. m., leave Wilson 8.31 p. m., arrive Goldsboro 9.20 . ' p. m. No. 41Daily Leave Rocky Mount 5.45 a. m., leave Wilson 6.20 a. m., leave Goldsboro 7.31 a. nx, leave Magnolia 8.37 a. m., arrive Wil mington 10.10 a. m. No. 49 Daily Leave Rocky Mount 12.52 p. m., leave Wilson 2.40 d. m.. leave Goldsboro 3.15 p. m., leave TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 7S Daily Leave Florence 10.05 a. m.-, leave Fayetteville 12.40 a. m., leave Selma 2.10 a. in., arrive . Wilson 2.57 a. m., leave Wilson 2.35 p. m.. arrive Rocky Mount 3.30 p. in., leave Tarboro 2.31 p. m., leave Rocky Mount 3.30 p.- m., arrive Weldon 4.53 p. m. No. 102 Daily except Sunday Leave Goldsboro 7.35 a. m. leave Wil son S.20 a. m., arrive Rocky Mount 0.00 a. m., arrive Tarboro 9.34 a.m. No. 32 Daily Leave Florence 8.05 p. m., leave Fayetteville 10.09 p. m., leave Selma 11.25 p. m., arrive Wilson 12.07 p. m., leave Wilson 11.34 a. m., arrive Rocky Mount 12.10 a. m., leave Rocky Mount 12.43 a. m., arrive Weldoa 1.37 a. ni. i No. 40 Daily Leave Wilmington 7.00 p. m.r leave Magnolia 8.30 p. m., leave Goldsboro 9.37 p. m., leave Wilson 10.45 p. m., arrive Rocky Mount ,11.23 p. m. No. 4S Daily Leave Wilmington 9.30 a. m., leave Magnolia 11.05 a. m., leave Goldsboro 12.26 a. m leave Wilson 1.18 p. m., arrive Rocky Mount 1.53 p. m. ' Yadkin Division , Main Line Train Jeaves Wilmington D.10 a. m.. arrives l ayetteville 12.20 p. m.. leaves Fayette ville 12.42 p. arrives Sanford 1.58 p. m. Returnins leaves Sanford 3.05 p. m., arrives Fayetteville 4.20 p. m., Heaves FayettevUle 4.30 p. m.. arrives Bennettsville Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 8.10 a. m Maxton 9.05 a. in., Red Springs 9.32 a. m., Parkton 10.41 a. m., Hope Mills 10.53 a. m., anives Fayetteville 11.10. Returning leaves Fayetteville 4.45 p. m., Hope Mills 5.00 p. m., Red Springs 5.43 p. m., Max ton 6.16 p. m., anives Bennettsville 7.15 p. m. ' Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78 at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs & Bowmore Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with tbt Durham & Charlotte Railroad. Train "on the Scotland Neck Branca Road leaves Weldon 3.15 p. in., Halifax 3.29 p.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.10 p. 'in., Greenvillo 5.47 p. in., Kinston 6.45 p. m. Returning ieaves Kinston 7.30 a. m., Greenville 8. 30 a. m., arriv ing Halifax at 11.05 a. in., Weldon 11.20 a. m., daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington S.00 a. m. and 2.45 p. m., arrive Parmele 8.55 a. m.. and 4.10 p. m.. returning leave Parmele 11.10 a. m. and 5.22 p. in., arrive Washington 12.30 a. m. and 6.15 p. m., daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily ex cept Sunday 4.35 p. m., Sunday 4.35 p. m.. arrives Plymouth 6.35 n. m.. 6.30 Magnolia 4.25 p. ra., arrive Wil-! P- m- Returning leaves Plymouth daily, mington 6.00 n. m except Sunday 7.30 a. m., and Sunday uaki a. m., arrives Aamoro y.oo a. m., 11.00 a. m. Train on Midland, N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro daily except Sunday, 5.00 a. m., arriving Smithfield 6.10 a. m.- Re turning leaves Smithfield 7.00 a. arrives at Goldsboro 8.25 a. m. Train on Nasnvllle Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9.30 a. m., 4.00 p. ra., arrives Nashville 10.20 a. m., 4.23 p. m.. Spring Hope 11.00 a. m., 4.45 p. m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 11.20 a. cn 5.15 p. m., Nashville 11.45 a. ra.. 5.45 p. m., arrives at Rocky Mount 12.10 p. m., 6.20 p. m., daily except Sunday. v Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily except Sunday.' 11.40 a. 'm., and 4.15 p. m. Returning leaves Clinton at 6.45 a." m. and 2.50 p. ra. - Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily, all rail via Richmond. . H. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. OO'arjEiKJRjV RAILWAY COMPANY have widely varying for legisla-j - February., 10-1... one hrst clasn faio tlve representation. Some prefer' large t trt? Mj)?:xt m North Carolina, in legislative bodies, while others prefer ( h''lm Uor-.notuh : and . hiu' smaller bodies. New Hampshire has !k-a- '1 v;tc:s to be sold tebruary the most numerous legislature of nn-Cs to 14 !1c!;,'iv fiUiU lttuni limit legislature of nnv state in the Union, with 421 members, or at the ratio of one member to ttich 974 of piopuiatlon. r But the largest legislature in proportion to population is Nevada, which has roity-eight mwn ters, or one member to each 8tt popu lation. Tlie next largest legislatures are Connecticut's and Massachusetts", each with 279 member, or one loejubi r to each 3,250 of population in the form er state and one to each 10,000 in the state, and Vermdnt s'tands next v ith a legislature of 275 members, or on-? to each 1,150 of population. -$ Charity (Chicago Record-Herald.), He Do you think men ought to be shot when they are forty-five? She No, I ihink most of theni deserve it earlier along about the time they go to college. Snmrstlc B!1m (Chicago News.) 'Mrs. Neighbors Do you and , your hiisband lh-e happily 'together? Mrs. Enpeck Sure. I'd just like to see my husband try not to live happily with me. "Foreigners should start Out right whenThey Teach this country." "Why so?" "I-'ecause they are reminded of their duty just as boon as they reach ths custom house." Low Hat! (o th nardl fin For the above occasion the Southern Railway announces half rates to New Orleans, La., and return; also to Mo bile, Ala.,, and Pensacola, Fla.' and re turn.' Tickets On sale February 4th to 10th, with final limit February 15th. except an extene:on of limit may be obtained by depositing ticket with joint agent on or before February 15th, at destination and 011 payment of a fee of 50 cents, to and Including -February 2Sth. The Southern has double daily service for these points, finest Pullman and Dining Car service, th following rates apply from Raleigh: Pensacola, Fla ... , .$22.95 Mobile, Ala.. 23.45 , New Orleans. La. 25.50 For further particulars, tickets and Pullman reservations, write or call on T. C. ST U KG IS, C. T. A., " Yarborough, House. Raleigh,' N, C. ftenibtrn Hallway aperlal Rates vu.-iry- 1 t j!. . S6.33 i:.ili':g.h. I ) Wilmington, N. C, and reii:ri!. :in.)Hiir Annual -Meeting S'ut-- C nu cil .Junior OC A. M. Fol-rnsi-;. IS-iM. Tickets to be " -,'A lrinnrv 16.' 17 and IS, final !;rri ,! ri Ff bn;;iry 25;h. Spe i 'fmia ail :her point- in Xdii f 'rti'oiira. CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 24th, 1901. This schedule is, published as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. - NO. U.l.-OO a. m. daily. Carries Pullman sleeper Raleigh to Greensboro, open for occupancy at 9 p. m., connecting at Greensboro with train 33, New York and Florida Express for Salisbury, Charlotte, Columbia, Aiken. Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida, with main line train No. 37, "Washington and Southwestern Limited," for Salisbury, Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta', Montgomery. Mobile,- New Or leans, Memphis and all -points South and 'Southwest. Also with main line train No. 11 for High Point, Asheboro, Salisbury, Concord and all local points between Charlotte and Atlanta. Connecting at Salisbury with train for all points in Western North Carolina, including Asheville, and for Knox viile. Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago and all points West and Northwest. Connection Is also made at Greensboro with train for Winston-Salem. Wilkesboro, Reidsville, Danville and local stations. NO. 35. 8:50 a. m. daily Connects at Durham for Oxford, Henderson, Keys ville and Richmond. At University Station, except Sundny, for Chapel Hill. . At Greensboro for Winston-Salem, "Mocksville, Reidsville, Danville, Richmond, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all points North. XO. S10:30 a. w. daily For Goldsboro and intermediate points. Connecting at Selma for Wilson, Rocky Mount and Fayetteville, At Goldsboro for Norfolk,, where close connection 1s made with the Chesapeake line for Balti-Ala-, at Goldsboro for Wilmington."" SO. 363:52 p. m. daily For Selma, Goldsboro and intermediate points. .,!. .i, . .,1 .4 r" v"k r . .,n n m -. .imlr 1 ,rriTiAf't nf nnrhnm ATPenf- Simdsvs. fnr I ITfOrrl. ,.. r.-'i At-.-viVit Annual State con- Ciarksvilie, Keysville and intermediate points. At University Station.' ex- M : n Vv ' fen Christian -ept Sundays, for Chapel Hill. At Greensboro with main line, train No. 7 AcnnMn-.Oaiig Menb i.tiun 1 High JVint. Charlotte and local points. With train No. 35, "U. S. Fast .Association. -.Ma mi liceib Man'f0r Salisbury, Charlotte, Spartanburg. Greenville, Atlanta and all to be cM -Jlarch 7. 8 and 10. final 'p0jnts South, including Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville and all return limit March- 11. Special int in Florida. Throueh Pullman buffet sleepers Now York to New Or- low 'rates from all other points m , Norili Carolina. For rates and any further infor mation write r call on C. II. G ATT IS C. T. & T. A. Raleigh, N. C II. S. LEARD, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Special Ratra Tla fionthern Railway Account Performance Floradora 'I batriral Co., Knleieb, . C Feb. 22ud, 1002 Account Performance Floradora Theat rical Co.. Rileigh. N. C, Feb. 22, 1902. On' account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round-trip tickets all stations between Mcbane, Goldsboro. Oxford. Chapel Hill and in termediate stations at reduced rates. Tickets sold February 22, limited return ing home February 23. The following rates apinv from stations named: Goldsboro $2.00 Selma ii. ........ 1.0 llurham 1.20 Chapel Hill 1.80 : " Oxford , 2.40 For further particulars call on your agent or address '" Raleigh, N. C. $ 1.35 To Wilmington K. C. and Re-turn-$4.35 The Southern Railway announces a rate of one fare for the round trip from . . r .1,. C!t4. Tl . : ! all points Wiuim ms niaiu tu wiiujiug- ton N. C. account Poultry and Live Stock Show. Tickets on sale February' 4th to 7th, with final limit February 8th. The above rate, $4.35, applies from Ra- leigh. For further particulars address T. C. STURGIS, C. T. A., - Raleigh, N. C. 3 ImproTed rHrnsfr Service to Raltl morePiailadelpbta and fimw York Commencing December 1, the Seaboard Air Line Railway inaugurated, a fast o.oo " 1" ' "r;,-,V:'." .hpdnle from points in this section to reuini, (.-u 'lii -.i1uuJnu.eeLing -uioa rUWh haa s:lo tTnnncil .Inninr ti. TT, A f I oaitlu ..wo " vphriiarv 18-20. Tickets or, Sfll i eqaaled by any railroad February 16, 17 and ,18, with final return limit February 23. Special low rates from all points in North Carolina, also Danville. Va.f- $7.30 Raleigh to Charlotte,' N. C., and return, account, .iiauai, estate con vention Young Mien's . Christian Association. March 8-11. Tickets to be sold March 7, .and 10, with . A- 1 : : 1. t 1. ..'ol mtps from all nnintft in VaitAJ Carolina. " Rate of one and one-third fare m eer- tificate plan has been authorized to Ashe ville. N. C, account xri-atate Aledical Association of the Carolinas and tVir- This train is the Florida ana Atlanta rast Alan, which carries first-class day coaches and Pullman cars on the following schedule: Leave Raleigh .10:20 a.m. Arrive Washington. 6:35 p.m. Leave Wash i ngton. . . 6 :50 p. m. Arrive Baltimore. ... : 7:50 p.m. Arrive Philadelphia. 9:54 p.m. f 7 Arrive New York. . . .- 12:45 Minight. ' For tickets, Pullman reservations or any further information call at. City Ticket OSice, Yarborough House. C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. H. S. LEARD. T. P. A" . rialeih, N. C, Tim nncs riu Atlanta. Montgomery. Jacksonville and Mobile. Through sleep er from New York to Jacksonville via Savannah. Pullman sleeper Charlotte to Birmingham and Charlotte to Augusta. Main line trains No. 7 and 35 c-nnnect at Salisbury for Hickory, Asheville, Chattanooga. Memphis, Louls vUl Cincinnati and Chicago. Solid train carrying Pullman buffet sleeper ri.,Viu0 Mpmnhis. Also connects at Greensboro with main line train No. 10 frf iisnvu p. liicnmona ana iocai sranons. -"-ton and Southwestern Limited," and train No. 34, "New York and Florida Fxpre" for Danville, Lynchburg, Charlottesville. Washington, Baltimore, PMHdelohia- New York' and all points North. These trains entry first tn Washington and Pullman sleepers through to New York: alsi tf Pii-hmond. on train 34. Connection is also made at Greensboro for Winston-Salem. No. 12 daily 5:25 a. m. For Goldsboro. Wilson, Rocky Mount, Tarboro and Norfolk and A. & N. C. R. R. points. Ar. ....... . . . . 1 ,. cnvnvvSED SCHEDULE BETWEEN NORFOLK AND GREENSBORO - . Eastern Time. No. 8 "r tw" . ............... Norfolk, Va. u:nmm ....... r;0- rrtinf . . Bruce ....... . Suffolk ...... Gates, N. C. ... .. Tunis Ahoakey . . Keifcrd . Palmyra . . . . . Hobgood . .... Tarbcro South Rocky Mount ...... South Rocky Mount . ... Sharpsburg ........ iUIILI .......a. . . Wilson , . . Contentnea . Lucama ... Kenly . . Jerome .. Selma 9:20 am. f 9:33am 10:05am f 10 :35am 10:15am 10:50am ril:06ani. f U :33am, f 11:52am 12 :00n'n 12:21pm 12:45pm 1:25 pm 1 :37pm C 1:45pm 1 :58 pm 1 f 2:20pm 2 :23pm f 2:41pm 2:55pm Daily. 5:35pm '5:30pm f5 :10pm 4 :50pm f4:20pni U :07pm 4 :00pm f3 :41pm f3:16pm f3 :00pm f 2 :53pm 2:01pm 2:08pm 3 :44 pm f137pni f 1:20pm 1:16pm lrODpm No. 35. 7:20am 7 -36a n 7:4Sam 7:59pm 8:04 am 3:14 am 8:27am 8:37 am 8:42am 8:46a ni 9.01am 9:32 am 9:19am 9:27aia. 9:32 am 9:44am 9:50am 10:25am 10:33 am 10:46am 10:5Sam 11:04am 11:08am 11:20am 1154am ll:3Sam 11:55am No. 11. 9:40pm 9:55pm 10:10pm 10:25pm 31:08pm 13 :23pm 31:31pm 11:45pm 1:15am 1:33am 3 . fAim 2:05am 2:15am 2:25am 2:33am 3:00am 3:15am 3:30am 3:45am 4X)am' 4:12am 4:18am .4:30am 4:35am 4:45am ,. 5:15am No. 12. No. 8. Lv Goldsboro Ar. 7:30am 12:10pm .... Rose 7:16am 11:50am ... Princeton ... 7:02am ll:4Sam .. Pine Level 6:48am 11:31am ....Selma .... 6:41am 31:24am .. Wilson's Mill . 6:24am 31:15am ....Clayton.... 6:05am 11:01am .... Anburn .... 5:50am 10:493m . .. Garner .... 5:42am 10:43am Ar. Raleigh Ar. 5:42am " 30:30am ....Slethod .... S :00am 30:23am .... Cary ..... 4:45am 30:15am, .. Morrlsville .. 4:30am 30:05am jj ... Nelson .... 4:1 Sam 9:57ani ... Brassf.eld ... 4:00am 9:51am .. East Durham . 3.55am 9:44am ... Durham ... 3:35am 9:40am ...-University .. 2:55am 9:23am ... Hillsboro ... 2:30am 9:12am .... Efland .... 2:10am 9r04am .... Mebnne .... 1:50am- 8:54am .. Haw River ., 1:26am 8:43am ... Graham ... 1:18am 8:38am ... Burlington.. 1:10am 814am .. Elon College . 12:55am 8:26am .. Gibsonville .. 12:45am 8:22am ..Mcleansville . 12:25am 8:10am .. Greensboro Lv. 12:01am 7:58am 2:05pm '2:39pm 2:31pm 2:44pm 2:55pm 3:05pm 3:lSpm K :50pm. 3:38pm- 3;50pm 3:57pm 4. 08pm 1:15pm 4:24pm 4 -30pm 4:37 pm 4:43pm. 4:59pm 5:10pm .'337pm 5:38pm 5:45pm 5:50pm 5:59pm 6:l7nm 6:35pm "FraTn 41 leaves Goldsboro 4:50 p. ra., arrives Ralnsh 9.00 P;o. Train 42 leaves Raleigh at 9:50 a. m., arrives Goldsboro 1:4a p. m. Writ sections of air scheduled freight tanns caiTj' passengers between stations First set at which thev are scheduled to stop. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH, EAST AND WEST, UNEQUEALLED DINING CAS SEPvYICE. - . No. S6. 5:30pm 5:J7am 5:04 pnt 4:52pm 4:46pm 4:34pm 4:18pm 1:0." pin 3 :58pm 3:51pm 3:33pm 3:22pm 3:13pm 3:04pm 2:5S(m '2:51pm 2:47pm 2:31pm 2:20pm 2:12pm 2:02pm 1 fOOpm 3:44 pm 1:40pm 1:13pm 1:11pm . 1:00pm 12:45pm

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