POSTSCRIPTS Mr. T. B. WiMer is here from Louifi- ' burs:.' '" .. ;. -; Mr. W. "X. Jones has returned to the citj ' '.. ' Mr. G. B. Harris 'A here from Hen derson.. . ; . Dr. NoMe of Sehna, spent yesterday In Raleigh. Prof. Charles Park has gone- to Dur ham m hiiKinpSfS. . B . eTerd has.returned from a bosmess tri;i. .... . s Mr.. B. . (Jreen, Jr., of Warrentan, was here yesterday. - Miss HattieB. Green of Parmele, is at the Yarborouarbr-.,, , Mr. 'William Gattis wras here from GoldshoVo yesterday. Mr. Ed. G. , Paschal! of .Charlotte, was a Raieiph visitor yesterday. i -Mr. C. H.' Owen is at the Yaitoorough, 'registered from Greensboro. Mr. W. C. Cram went to Durham last nirht on a business trip. Mr- J. 31,; Smith .of Rockingham, was a 'Bileleh visitor yesterday. Mr. F, H. -Busbee left, yesterday for New York on a business trip. . Eat-Judge ,-Wro. R. Allen. . returned to Ins iome m Goldsboro -last night. . -'--'3tr!. J.iWl Dempsey- and ; wife, of Henderson, are ueste at the Xaroo- rough. , .--. ' ; Mr.' J. N. Holding returned from a professional trip , to Carterett county yesterday. - ' Mr. J. - El wood . Cox, a leading manu facturer of 'High Point, was in the city yesterday. .Mr. F. W. McDaniel has received1 a telegram airaouncing the serious illness of his father. Mr. 'Bruce White returned to Frank . linto-n yesterday 'after spending a day or-two in the city. Mrs. P. M Richards and .Irs. M. L. Newhall are at the Yarborough regis tered from Pinehurst. . Prof, and Mrs. MeOullom returned to Wake Forest yesterday after spend ing. Tuesday night here. Mr. G. G. Watts is here from Car thage" attending the sick bed of his fath er, Capt. J. T. Watts. Mr. S. Brown .ghepherd returned yes terday, afternoon from . Duna. where he had been on legal business. Mr. Rowland Hill left for Baltimore yesterday after spending several days the guest of W. T. McGhee. Mr. H. S. Ward returned to his home at Plymouth yesterday. He was here attending the" Supreme-Court. Mr. J. J. ; iDorsey representing the wed!' known Flusclmran & Co., was in the city yesterday, afternoon. Dr. T. P. Jerman of' Ridgeway, ar rived in the city J aserday afternoon to visit his 'son, Mr. "H Palmer Jerman. Mr. Charles Bennett is spending a few. days here. . He was formerly a resident of Raleigh, hut is now located in Atlanta.. Miss Mary Johnson and Miss Elenor .Vass returned yesterday afternoon from Xew. York where they spent the past several wepks. .. ' ; " ' - ' Mr. Edgar Bear arrived yesterday af ternoon from Wilmington to represent that town in the base ball league meet ing last night. : - Hon. James R. Young1, insurance com missioner, left yesterday afternoon -on a ' business trip, to ibe absent from the city several days. , Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Rand returned fo Atlanta yesterday after spending the past 10 days, with Mr. Ran-d's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rand,-on Salisbury street. Mr. E. Broadhurst Griffin, proprietor of Hotel Kennon -of Goldshoro, return ed home yesterday afternoon after a day in the city.- He was accompanied fcy Mrs. Griffin. Capt. W. X Eat man and wife ac companied by' -his father, Mr. WV R, Eatman and F. A. Weathers. Jr., re Jiurned ; today from Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Matanzas, Fla., where they. have "been for several weeks. Miss Martha Mann of Hickory was here yesterday en route to Louisburg to enter J the Louisburg .Female C?lege there. 1 . " "'" - '- ' Miss Mary Nash has returned to her home at- Portsmouth, after a visit to Miss Belle Hay. - Miss Blanche A. Lambert and Miss herw6od, who have been at the Yar borough for several days, the guests of Mr- Ashley .Lambert, returned to their home .at Washington yesterday. Miss Mabel Boydtpn, who has been the. guest of Miss Mary Armistead Jones, left yesterday, for Boydton. Va. Marriage license was issued yesterday . for the marriage iof Miss Mina A. Guy J ana jir. Leonard Adams, both of An gier, X. C. It was stated in the Post some days ago. that Camden was the only county that had never been heard from at all regard ing:.their needs if any in the ap portionment of the second $100,000 to bring npl all schools to the four months minimum limit. - Camden was heard . from yesterday through the chairman of the county board of education, who reported that his county would need, only. $6.67; for"; on school. It is ex pected, that the apportionment for the entire state will be made during the -present' week." ; ... the pottieary" when we should speak of Sending for toe aoctor. me .,. ..natiATi cmn 'ooman ior -.rr, Tifi whpii thev-were much obliged 'said they were much "obleeged. nn.ait" 'fnF 'hraoplpf and "di monds , UlttlV&ll. - . for diamonds, were common pronuncia tionSi . ..Tuesday was oosaay, Duke was. .a "Dook," ana nrst Vfnat" .Chariot was "charr'ot, ttm.; : TJarr'vt " and I have even "Tikomrxj" fnr .Tamps. (jrOOla gold and "yaller" for yellow were com mon enough. Stirrups were always caUed "sturrvps," - and squirrels "squ n eis, and wrapped was pronounced "wropped and Gertrude was "JertrUde." a was and ten for BUSINESS ITEMS AfTT.T.TVRTt V PARLOR.Mrs. ' Stur trio vnnn an 11 n-4-wl tf IlllinerV Pfl ai- Aira Wnlilrtrf's Boardinz House opposite hnion depot, and .will bring from tne norm a line 01 gnuiuraunu ui latest novelties ana trjmmings. An r 6L-o nrrlpra March 24. . V he, assisted by a finst-class miHiner from the north.. - r- be 11 TWO GOOD ; HORSES FOR SALE 41n pod amilv carriage honse, sev -'en years old, cherry bay, heavy main and tail, kind and gentle lady can handle him' (Wilkes family). Can go fnst Tion!rh: We'Erht l.loO. une T . 1.'' combination sadd?e and harness horse light bay; one white foot and star ?; T-oriri- wAiirht 950: full oflife !hnt ad ilv-controlled: and delightful singlef poter. Lady can ride1 or drive "him. 'fliise for selling TOO manj horses. , See or address T. B.. Moseley Raleigh, X. C. . SEVEX tER CEXT IMVJ5STMEXT u' nffa-r -frti- snl n fpw shares'iire- Intivp " vieldinir seven n fiw teai vear mortgage , - - i- bonds, on the basis of seven per ceui THE RALEIUH HUSIjCKX ovj., - ' Raleigh, X; C. Ask- for Bretsch's Mother Bread Take no other. It is the best. Agents wanted in every town. w A ViT'KD "RxnerienCed candy sales- mn for the State-of Xorth Carolina. Xone other need apply than expe rienced man. References required Address Candy, care Morning Post. WAXTED Young man. 25 years old, of experience and ability as dook keeper and stenographer, desires po sition with a. good firm. Have had difficult work for two years ana can furnish Lest, references; as to charac ter Mr Address "Energetic," care Post. ;;: . ." ' ' '' Ask for Bretsch's Mother Bread. Take bo other. It is the best. Agents wanted in every town. "RRMOVED. Our fine stock of Wines and Liquors, from 229 to 233 South Wilmington street, only two doors sourn of former place, and are better equipped to serve our friends. . . A. L. BAILEY & CO. WAN'TRD A nosition as office boy Can use the typewriter, and have had experience. ' Best of references iut jntohfl -' Address "Tvoewriter." Finch X. C. Ask for Bretsch's Mother , Bread. Take no other. It is the best. Agents wanted in every town. STRAYED OR STOLEX A Light Brown Pointer dog with white tip on tail Saturday, March 1. Keward if re turned to W. W. Fowler on South Fay ettevDle street. ; EASTER CARDS. We have some high-grade Advertising Easter Cards. Samples sent fo first-class advertisers desiring to purchase, on request. Capi tal Printing Co., Raleigh, X. C. lw WAXTED To purchase a second hand rock-crusher plant in. good condi tion. A. B. Hibberd, Durham, Is. U. 'O 'X 'qSpIBH '181 xoa ssejppy uoiitpuoo ssp jsag tif '8i3)y:Saj Tt jbuorbx Jno.1 YHHOa ITS HO GAS EXG1XE . for ; sale Four-horsepower Otto. Capital Printing Co., Raleigh, N. C. Room 4 Pollen build ing. . AMliaot Oar UreiGrtttt-ittoihr - -(London Tattler) ! Iam just old enough to remember a great-grandmother who said that she "lay", at a place: when she meant that - she had slept' there, and spoke of "using Toilet Articles AH the leading : Perfumes, Soaps in great variety. Powders of every " - purpose, ' Dentiflces, ' Combs, Brushes. Growell,GL(irty Go. DRTTGO-ISTS, s 120 Fayr-He ' Street . WAXTED A nice young driving horse and rubber tired buggy in first class condition, write stating lowest cash price. H. Care Morning Post. FOR SALE A pony and buggy; pony sound and gentle; drives 20 miles in ; hours; buggy in - good condition. Ad dees, B. C. C, Drawer H, City. BUILDIXG LOTS FOR SALE. The old Dexereux place to-be divided into building lots. This property i situated just outside the northern limits of the city, approached ; by 1 West .Saunders street. Especially desirable lots to be had on Saunders street. Terms easy. See J. W. Hinsdale, Jr., over Citizens X actional Bank. ' , Elegant Lots fr Sal r' . - .....nil i 7 1 ' t 1 L.V adjoining Mrs. Tucker's and situate on r-r?,, i i. a , S niusDoru suea una royian avenue is. to be sold at auction Monday, April 21. There are seven lots, two on Hillsboro ctroat HT( five On Rovla-n - TT: - f - - n.ituc:. xJr of them have a frontage of 70 feet and ' A M .l.Alti 1 if A. Ml aepin oi huuul aw ieet. xne two far thest north on Boylan avenue have 62 feet front. . Terms pf sale, one-fourth nacVi VinlflTire fVlth lnteraa T.. 4 1903. A plot'of ,ti- lots can be seen at Mr. Frank -StronaeTi's office, and per sons interested are invited to examine the premises. These ire-elegant lots for residences. ...... IAXIUSK PIANO- for more than thirty years has stood every test and Is unexcelled by any piano on tb market for beauty of finish, quality of tone and durability Will stand in tune longer than any piano. ' ; . -- Ludden & Bates Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Organs ' OX EASY TERMS. - WRI TE US FOR CATALOGUE. Ludden , Bates SotitHerrk Music House, RALEIGH, N. C. .. .. . . B. F. MANIER, Manager. Mm Stroffiach C - ( 1 -1 - J. E. CARTLAND 5 Merchant Tailor, Greensboro, N. C. Our Spring Line is ready for Inspection, and is the most attractive ever seen In -this section- Selected for wear as well as looks. -.- We will be pleased to serve you, guaranteeing you perfect satisfaction.-- l St. flary's School, Raleigh, N. C j ESTABLISHED IN 1842 LEXT TERM BEGIXS JAN. 27TH. 1902. FULL COURSE IN LITERATURE, LANGUAGES, SCIENCE, 'ART. MUSIC AND BUSINESS. EXCELLENT KINDERGAR TEN, CENTRALLY LOCATED. UNDER MISS LOUISE T. BUS BEE'S CHARGE. COMPLETE MODERN SANITARY CONVENIENCES. FOR CATALOGUE AND PARTICULARS ADDRESS REV. T. D. BRATTON, B. D. 1 x J - . - t "We Have Some Bargains in mm i rales If yon contemplate, the use of any of tiiese goods this season it will pay too to get our price , before buying. Oat increased trade is substantial evidencs of the superiority of our goods to any others on the market today.- : Our prices are as low as many others whose goods do not compare in workmanship and v ZACHARy & ZACflARY lOS West Martin St, RALEIGH, N C, - 'PHONE 3S2. Mention the Post when writing. ; . Seed Irish Potatoes KING- OF THE EARLY. CLARK'S EARLY, BLISS TRIUMPH, EARLY . ROSE. .V : All pure seed and adapted to this sec tion to raise early potatoes. J.R.FerraH(&Co.;i CONTINUALLY ADVANCING . -In mpdern life advancement is everywhere evident. In the Drug business too great advances have been made, and we always keep pace with progress. We have devices and appliances which aid in dispensing prescriptions quickly. We continually add new remedies to OUT s-tnlc a nl ft en Hofnro i-nii tha Jatest In sick-room helps and nursery conveniences. Un one point, however, we never change; that is. regarding purity of medi cine, in all prescrintions diSDensed here we use the hirhfst nualitv oht.iin.ihi BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO., 233 Fayettevllle Street, : : : RALEIGH, ft. C. PEACE KMM MMMM BLACK TAPPETA LKS The greatest beauty of our yarJ-widc Blabk Taffeta Silks at $1.25 per yard is its wearing quality, 'that is what the dress-makers say." Best values in the market in yard wide Taffetas at $1,00 and $1.15 per yard. NOVELTv DRES5 FABRICS WE ARE SHOWING "A PER FECTLY LOVELY LINE" OF THE NEWEST IDEAS AND PRETTIEST EFFECTS IN NOVELTY DRESS FABRICS. . ' . '' ' SATIN STRIPED GRENADINES silk striped grenadines. satin and silk striped grenadines. plain silk . grenadine. siek organdies. silk: mousseone de soie. silk and satin foulards. embroidered waist pat TERNS. MOIRE VELOURS. CORDED WASH SILKS. FANCY WAIST SILKS. APPLIQUES. t-u BEAUTY AHD VALUE The combination of Great Beauty and Big Value in our showings of the "Season's . Newest" in "Wash Fabrics makes it a pleas ure to both buyer and salespeople. Ladies' Wftisti and Men's and Boys' Shirts lOc. f Printed Lawns, regular 15c values, at lOc. yard. A: B Strorsaeh Co Raleigh. N. C. Opening omesiic lifliii Monday and Tuesday, March 17th and 18th. Our esigners and trimmers have been "at work for the past six weoks ar ranging for this event. ' We will, show a larger and better assortuieul tliaa ever before. The colors are rich and shapes handsome. Prices Reason able. The Gainesborough, . Colonial, Continental, Florodora, Ambrose, Empire, Carnival, Gwynn, .Thelma and Nordica will be popular shapes for this soa?on. Without boasting we oan say that our Hats give better satisfaction eve:? season and the department steadily grows. INSTITUTE for Young Ladies CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Has no superior. Leschetizky system of Music; nothing equal to it in the State. Two .Music professors. . Advanced courses to suit any one. Specialists in all departments. Terms will suit you. Ask for free catalogue. Five changes after Christmas, two of which are filled Applicants desired for the other places, w JAMES DINWIDDIE, M. A.. Prinrin. RALEIGH, tt. C. 1 . ........ ..... ".li, imltttt"f''"'t,"""TtttllllMHItln'.'-- To the Public I want work of M7 kind vhlch my physical condition wili permit me to per fdrm. I have been sick for nearly three week and am in nee4 of gome occupa tiijn by.whjch I can t' Womethine. Being Physically incapacitated; for mai ual labor I- cannot work -at- such, but anything I can do I will do- I need employment, I want employment of some kind. I am well known as to efficiency tit clerical work of all kinds and. would be glad t6 get book posting and making out accounts for any one It ib employment 1 want and must hare .- , . H; H." EOBERTS. " ILLUSTRATION OP FIVE YEAR DIVIDEND PLAN OF THE - JETNA LIFE IN SURANCE ' COMPANY. ' Chubchill, N. C, Sept. 26th, 1901. Mr. J. D. Boushall, Gen'I Agt, Raleigh, N. C. " Dear Sir: Yours of yesterday received 'with notice of ac cumulated dividend amounting to $28.46 on my policy No. 247028. . I execute and enclose form 110 and 234, for which you will please pay the premium $27.73 due Sept 29th, ' -1901, and send me check for balance. y I am most grateful to the Company for the large dividend that has been accumulated under my policy. I must say that insurance is the best investment that a youDg man can put his money in, especially in the old JEtna. I will re commend the 3tna to those who want insurance as the very best Life Insurance Company-in America. Wishing the JEtna and all of its officers much success, I - am, Yours very truly, . J.J. Nicholson. Your Presence is Desired at the Onpnina x iy vi 111 x OUR SPRIH ST0(2K Is now complete in all departments. We have bought a better lino of rwis than for the. mah3' seasons past. Everything for spring is here, even the Taus. LESTER- PIANOS FOR WORKMANSHIP. ARTISTIC DESIGN. TONE. QUALITY .A.M VALUK Uiw Xtlia j-'ltlUia CHAKUriD, THE PIANOS HAVE NO EQUAL IN THE MARKET. OUR VERY PLEASANT DL IS TU SERVE ALL WITH ' THE BEST . ,'. ivtF.B- PIANOS MADE AT HONEST PRICES. IF YOU ARE AT A ESTED, PLEASE WRITE FOR TERMS AND PRICES TO DARNELL & THOMAS, RALEIGH, NX. 1