t r Important Action fry the Chunnber of Commerce Formal Movement Enthusias tically Launched for Estab lishing Collar and Cuff Factory The Masonic Temple Other Matters The Chamber of Commerce met last night and endorsed most heaivily ne movement for the formation of a $20, 000 stock company to operate a collar and cuff factory in Raleich, and ap pointed a committee to secure' the re maining $S,KK). stock needed to briny it up to the '$20,000 standard necessary to organize the company. The commit tee consists of Mr. X. AW West (eh a ir raanl Mr. "C. B. Bar bee. Mr. Frank a'slature for twenty years but none here tofore haii had the courage to pass a measure so unpopular.! ' Each time the member who introduced it has failed of re-election. , . ' Minutes Wanted Washington. March 21. A resolution was introduced by Mr. Gaines of Ten BAD PRISONERS FROM BRUNSWICK The movement by the Grand Lodg of Masons -:o erect a temple somewhere in the State came 'in for considerable nessee callinsr on the Secretary of War and very important discussion ana l icMueiu "" minutes or several commences uemccu nhnspd the ind2 as he was Dass Sheriff T. E. Walker and Deputy J. F. Summersett of Brunswick county ar rived yesterday with two dangerous con victs for the State prison. They were Ii. D. Williamson (white) and Frank Edge (colored), each sentenced for seven ..ol wlfo, . ,1(lhrpM1 1 years for the reason that they cursed ,eral conferences between oWQq na was nnss- M. S. Calvert, Giro g mi RALEIGH, N. C. take up the matter . of raising stocn. enough to assure its location in Raleigh. Much enthusiasm was manifested in the matter and plans discussed give prom ise of certain success. The situation with reference to the question of cemetery road improvement now pending in Congress was discussed and the necessity of immediate step on the part of Raleigh emphasized. Messrs. C. M. Barbee, Frank Stronach and AA". H. Battle were named as a com mittee to take the. matter in charge. The following resolution, relative to the Southern' Railway Company and their work in the interest of good roads was adopted: "Resolved ,:hat the Chamber of Com' K. Ellington, Mr. Willis G. Briggs and n'ere hereby record its appreciation tailed by Gen. E. S. Otic and represen tatives of the Filipino people looking to the adoption of some plan for bringing about a condition of peace in the Phil ippine islands. TWELVE DIRECTORS Mr. Frank Stronach. of the work done by the Southern Rail- New Plan to, Be Proposed to Southern Railway Stockholders Baltimore, March 21. A special meet ing of the stockholders of the Southern Railway has been called to take place at Richmond. Ya., April 23, to increase the number of directors to be elected at the next annual meeting to twelve and ... . u..i ,u . vi art mn- ucii uuuuai uiceuug u Air. A. v . nest aaaressea 'tue nani- ... thnrl - nt thia cias.&ii lire uueciors 11110 tnree ciusc her at lensrth sertine forth the plan of r; 01 iour directors eacn, tne term or eacn operating the IJactory and telling of mber nnd ot tne t.K i c Lis conferences with a collar and cuff 1 " . .. jA, ...i-T. granting ine sieci;u iaic aancu tuul for coi';i;osies extended to visitors sessions of the Good expert who proposes to come to Ral- ?li on! tnl-o rarro of ,tlie ninnnfnc- tming department. The general plan attending the for ilie company was outlined in yester day's Post. The committee will go to work at once and raise the remaining stock needed ami as soon as possible the com pany will be organized. It is intended that a large part of the work of mak ing collars shall be done -by women at their homes. They will be specially in structed in the art of making ':he col- grtm To the officers of the auon.il Good Roads Association, and utliers v'ho Ac cepted invitations tomake addresses be fore the convtntion. "To the press of thecity and State for invaluable aid. v the city and coun ty authorities, and to the various com mittees who carefully arranged the pro- and carried it to a successful to run one ' two and three years rely. The board will also be em powered to take such action as it may deem expedient fro mtime to time to effect a consolidation of the Asheville & Spartanburg llailroad Company, the Sontb-Ojwolina & Georgia Railroad Com pany and the Caz-olina Midland Raihfay Company. DEATH ANGELA! DUNN Mrs. L. J. Best Finds Relief from Sickness and Suffering )unn, X. C, March 21. Special. lars and will be paid by the piece, ccn pletion. . Their average earnings will lie from There was also a resolution directing $4.50 to $3.fi0 per week. About 10O attrition to the fact ":hat one hundred neonle will be eiven employment, girls yef.iw ago the legislature of North Car- and women from 14 to 23 being pre- o'.ina set apart the square now occupied ; The angel of death has again visited us ferred. In the event the undertaking th- Governor's Mansion for the location and tonight a deep sorrow has settled is successful, and there is every indica- of a male academy and that the aead- tion now that it will be, it is intended ein.yhns been running in Raleigh every fco make Air. N. AA. AA'est president and year since 1802.. secretary and the enterprise will be The resolution called for the appoin't- couducted on strictly business priuci- mcnt of a committee consisting of Mr pies. The stock canvassing committee will begin their work at once and get to gether the needed $8,000 subse'ri:tio:i at once. J. A. Fields. Air. R. II. Battle and Prof. Hugh Morson. present principal of the M-jdemy to report to the next meeting of the Chamber ome appropriate notice :o be taken of the centennial. WiSmingfonsoiis Viewisi' Some Pin Human Skeleton Exhumed in Excavating for Fishery, Supposed to Have Been a Revolution ary Soldier WVJTF I H J?? JL wurKS or j-wi Wilmington, X. C, Alarch 21. Special. The exhibit of the reproductions from the Soule Art Gallery of Boston, now on display at the High School building, is meeting with the most popular favor and patronage. The collection of photo graphs iii the exhibit represents the most famous works of art of the masters. The exhibit will close, Saturday night. The average dally attendance has been 1,100 and the people of AVilmington are manifesting a deep interest. The col lection in one of the finest ever displayed .south of AA'ashington. In making excavations for a building for the Cape Fear Fisheries Company at Old Brunswick, the site of the first colo nial settlement in North Carolina, a force of hands exhumed the skeleton of what was evidently a British soldier of the Revolutionary period. A few military buttons were found among the bones, .which bore the imprints of a Liverpool manufacturer in - the seven teenth century. The skeleton was re interred, but the buttops were preserved. The discovery of the grave recalls many wide and still over our little city. Mrs. L. J. Best died this evening after a long spell of sickness. She was the wife of Air. L. J. Best who came here from Goldsboro in the early days of our town and for years was a priminent attorney in this county and today is spresident of the Bank of' Dunn. Airs. Best was a niece of Dr. Sexton of Raleigh. Sheriff AValker savs the white man is a professional cow thief and has stolen caflle in nearly every county in the State. The two made attempts twice to break jail and were unruly all along the route as they were brougnt to naieign. LEAGUE RECEPTION Attendants' at Edenton Last Night Pleased and Refreshed A delightful reception was given at the Edenton Street Sunday School room last night under the auspices of the Ep worfh League. A large number of young people were in attendance and a pleasing musical program was rendered. Among the selections were two piano solos by Mrs, ,T. Hal Bobbin, vocal solos by Miss Belle AVatson and violin" solos by Miss Bertha Kleuppelberg. AVhen the musical program was com pleted choice refreshments were served. Those present were pleased,, entertained, refreshed and satisfied. They would be glad of an opportunity to attend such meetings oftener. Court reporting dona anywher la North Carolina. Price - on application. W.C.STRDNAGH SONS Agents for CHASE & SANBORN'S ru.imoiy uured at Your I completely remove avervW.Jil?-. trom the face or Wv V- lfm,sh the skin clear. imoSh an ffihSf8 Consultation free. Write for fV JOHN H. WOODBURY (I i wi Mr BY THOS. DIXOX. JU ' 51.50 postpaid. a . All El" BY-MARY JOHNSTON. $1.50 postpaid. : in ii Hi FFEE FIFE'S MOTHER SHOUTS Scene in Court on a Verdict of Acquittal interesting things to the minds of the students of history. The movement on foot for the con solidation of the three commercial bodies in - AVilmington the Chamber of Commerce. Produce Exchange and Alei- unanimou Savannah, i Mo., Alarch" 21. Stewart Fife, charged with the murder of Frank W. Richardson at the home of the vic tim. Christmas eve, 100O, was acquitted today.- It is said that only one ballot was taken and that the jurors stood chants' Association is meeting with much favor and it is not at all unlikely that the consolidation will take place at an early date. The truckers feel easy now that the cold wave is passing away. Of course some damage was done to all render vegetation, but the farmers had ample warning to prepare for the cold, and hence protected their more tender crops. Fortunately the cold has done very slight damage, although this section hail three nights with the thermometer below freezing. The remains of Dean Lee, a AVil mington Celestial who died several years ago. were exhumed yesterday ' and shipped 'to New York at the request of his brother, Sam I.ee, a wealthy Chinese laundryman of this city. From New York the body will be shipped across the ocean to China, where it will be buried in the dead, man's native soil. All the expenses are borne by his brother. Sam Lee. The following invitation has been re ceived by many friends in the city: "Airs. Eugene Alurray Short invites you to be present at the marriage of her daughter, Bessie Stone, to Air. Samuel Jennings Springer, on AA'ednes day evening, April 0, 1!M)2. at 9 o'clock. Presbyterian Church. AVashin-rton. X. C. At homcu after Alay 1, AVilmington, X. C. Fife's mother sprang forward and em braced her son, shouting joyously. The widow of thu murdered man also gave vent to her emotion. Fifelwas so over come that' -he could not speak. This was iii - second trial in the Kiehardsjn mur der. Air. IJicJiaJus.oi, the widow, hav ing been acquitted only a few weeks ago, Xo other indictments are pending. BOERS WELL SUPPORTED k WH IS KEm The SchSev Controversy Receives a Pino! Quietus Washington, Alareh 21. The House Committee on X'aval Affairs, by a vote cf 7 to 4, today adopted a resolution concurring in the conclusion of Presi dent Roosevelt as to terminating the agitation of the Schley controversy, in definitely postponing all bills and 'reso lutions on the subject. The report of the sub-committee as adopted gives all the various resolutions which have been introduced, and says: i'Your sub-committee, -to whom the sev eral bills and resolutions introduced in the House in relation- to Rear Admiral AA'infield Scott Schley were referred, has had the same under consideration and presents the following report' thereon: "The unfortunate controversy in con nection with the Santiago campaign has attracted wide public attention and has been the subject of four official inqui ries and investigations, vr,.: By Presi dent McKinley: by the United States Court of Claims; by the Naval Court of Inquiry, asked for by Rear Admiral Schley, and by President -Roosevelt on appeal from the finding of the Naval Court of Inquiry. "President Roosevelt concluded his finding in the following words: " 'In concluding their report the mem bers of the Court of Inquiry Admiral Dewey and Rear Admirals Benham and Ramsay united mi stating that thev They Have Plenty of1 Arms and Ammunition London, Alarch 21. A dispatch to the T.mes from Kleiksdorp, Transvaal Col ony, says that the Boers in the western Transvaal are well supplied with guns and ammunition and have unlimited sup port and a large amount of stocki that their numbers give them confidence, while the block house system has not yer been extended enough to alarm them. What is possible has been done, con tinues cthe correspondent. - but owing to tho insufficiency of troops the British columns have been too small to cope adequately with the Boer. forces, w,hich are all composed of fighting men with out any intention of surrendering. NEW ORLEANSRAGES New Orleans, -March 21. Results: First, 1 1-1(3 miles Gautama '.i to 1, won: JLoves Labor 4 to o. second: Rose M D C Mas en tl!,a for over ,,xt 7eKr Ml NO millions of mothers for their children UflliCI niJU'O wW'e teething with perfecf VllfloLl'll O snecesa. It soothes the child. OflflTLIIlIP softens the rums, allays alt a UU I mill pain; onrf wind colic, and is C V D 1 1 ') the "st remedy for diarrhoea. Sold O 1 n U I by Druggists in every part of tha irorld. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'i -,oothing Syrup," and take mo etaar kiaeV '.vemy-nvc ccais a muci News and Opinions of National Importance Tfte Suit ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail... "....SG a vear. Daily and Sunday, by mail, $S a year. The Sunday Sun in ! is the greatest Sunday Newspaper the Yv orld. Price 5c a copy. Rv mail. $2 a year. Address THE SUN. New York. Messrs. W. C. Stronach' s Sons, Raleigh, N. C. . t Gentlemen: We - are pleased to have received through Mr. Randolph your order for High Grade Teas. Regarding the execution of your order we beg to advise that we have used special care in selecting your different grades, and have given yon Teas of such quality as will -surely impress connoisseurs most favorably. Of course, as you know, we make no attempt to cater for business in low grades. Thanking you for your esteemed order, we remain, Most truly, CHASE & SANBORN. We have just received from Messrs. Chaee & Sanborn a full line of the highest grade Teas and feel no hesi tancy in offering it to those who know. W. C. STRONACH'S SDNS, .Wholesale and Retail Grocers, RALEIGH, N. C. GrioieE Cut Flowers, ROSES, Carnations, &c. FLORAL. DESIGNS at short notice. Receptions and Wed diegs furnished with Flowers, Palais and all other decorations. CHOICE STOCK OP PALMS, FEIGNS and other display and house decorating plants for sale. Hyacinths, Tulips, Fnscias, Narcissus and nil kinds of Bulbs for indoor forcing and outdoor bedding. Hi SI EINHETZ, Raleigh, N. C. Telephones 113. 5G0.00 win delivered with case, This leads them all. Is equal to any of the high-priced machines. Send for descriptive catalogue, AH orders filled by retnrn mail. I) Raleigh, N. C. iiuTstrd&d Handbook S',iit Frea On RoOUeit - - THE Vrrmpoa aoQUUuc' tiEELET WSTITlTi i aspfc firtaiuboraJtUi H0TEL D0RSETT, RALEIGH, N. C. Thirty Newly Furnished Rooms, all Modern Conven iences, European and Ameri can Plan. One block from post offlca Two blocks from Opera House. Next door to Com mercial and Farmers Bank. Up-to-date Cafe for Ladiei and Gentlemen. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FOR PARTIES. W. L. DORSETT. Proprietor. J. E. CARTLAN erchant Tailo Greensboro, N. C. "Our Spring Line is ready for inspection, and is the most attractive ever seen in this section. Selected for wear as well as looks. We will be pleased to serve you, guaranteeing you perfect satisfaction. M hX ; ti. r1 '"I ,V", lu- 10n 09 of May 2 to 1, third. Time, 1:53. 1 7. nf.nV 8t mattel; ,lth th,s r?m- Second, selling mile-Step Around1 A t IvnJoinJht,,h0!lrt!y P0Ti71- Th?Ve :' 1, won; Julia Lislem 0 to 1, second: WW H nv ?n te' r-r0m fX'V R"-T Deceiver 5 to 1, third Time.! M I I V for any further aaritation -of this un- .--V -J nT'T?';,, J,0 kfPtlit: alive "'Third, sellinfr. 1 xniles-Dr. Stephens! r, : '1! Ti r1ZJ3,amage to the nayy 10 to 1, won; Swordsman 6 to 1, geWiid; .uansir to i, tmni. lime, j i. . "Your suh-committee, harrag in. view .-Jv ":- '"icn-.-iL ,u un- .lmenran navv ano oi all concerned; fully concurs in the con ditions expressed in. the words of Presi dent Roosevelt above quoted. 'We therefore' recommend that fur ther consideration of said hills and reso lutions he indefinitely postponed .and that no further action he taken thereon " The vote on the resolution was as fol lows: Affirmative Republicans: Foss Day ton, Loudenslager, Butler, Watson. Cou sins and ltoherts. Negative Republican:' Mndd; Demo crats: Riley, .W. W. Kitchin and U heeler. Mr. 'Bull was paired with Mr Cnm mings and Mr. Taylor "with Mr. Van-diver. Time. Fourth, handicap. 1 mile Lofter , 4 to 1, won; Eva Rice 4 to 1, second: John McCarthy 0 -to 1, third. Time, 1:4 1U. Fifth. milt Pyrrho 2to 1. won: Marc Bell ( to 1. second: Moderator L'O to 1, third. Time, 1:17. Sixth, 1 mile 70 yards Jessie Barboe 3 to 2, won: Imp A Inula even, second; Free Admission 20 to 1, third. Time, 1:19V-.. Pay More or L if e Insurance Elsewhere When You Can Get Better Policies in the Miners Have 'Nothing to Say RESORT TO ARBITRATION Failure to Adopt Report of Committee on Grain Rates Cincinnati. March 21. A meeting to day f he executives' of railroads that J are members of the Southeastern Mis sissippi Valley Association failed to ap prove the report made by the sub-eom-nuttee appointed several weeks ago at New Orleans to investigate as to grain rates from 4he- west to the southeastern territory through Ohio gateways and Memphis. I Shamokin, Pa., March 21. -After the anthracite miners convention adjourned this 'evening President Mitchell- said he i had. nothing to give out for publication i except that the wage scale committee had not yet finished their report and of three cents per hundred pounds for ' tna oe ua not yet received any mes Cincinnati and Louisville in such hi. sa?ffl from ay. operators granting com ments from the west t the soutnwe T ; He siid the report of the ern ten-itorv the 'Unw et-; committee, which would be completed ern teriitory -the. point of disagree- before final adjournment tomorrow morn nient. It was nnailv decidpa t in at 11 i.- .i,i m-i.. i.,. ----- ' v.. i i ir ---.i ' ' m ui&xva imci iiDi i v made public. J Pat's Long Nap Trenton. March 21. "Pat" Cavanaugh, the champion six-day walker at -the re cent match at Madison Square Garden, ew York, has been asleep at his home here since last Mondav evening arwt PENN f ... MU UA L-4 Ten Per Cent, to Twenty Per Cent. Cheaper. A COMPARISON WITH THE NEW PREMIUM RATES OF SEVERAL LIFE INSURWCE C0MFAN1E3 DOING BUSINESS IN N. C. wfii.suiwLMJi 20-Payment Life p-fia uie iiiiiiier inrougn arbitration. This settlement will of course not come about for some considerable time. $ ; Tired of Jheir Jobs Richmond. Va.. March 21. The Lesris lature today passed a bill which will Te- v-uiu iu mail)- oi me membe tirea to private life. Penn Age. MutuaL 25 $27.30 30 30.41 33 34.21 40 38.97 N. Y. Equitable Aetna Mut'iLife Phoenix Mutual Pruden Life. $31.83 34.76 38.34 42.79 Life, $31.83 34.33 38.00 42.91 Life, $30.48 33.40 36.96 41.34 N. Y. $30.25 33.20 30.87 41.46 Mut'l Life. Benefit, tial Life. $30.77 $30.12 $30.66 33.65 32.87 33..0 37.16 36.22 36.!" 41.54 40.38 41.23 Mutii'ii. N. W. $3i. 42.24 15. Payment Life 30 35 '40 $32.47 36.13 40.06 46.18 $38.35 41.7S 45.91 50.92 $38.35 41.88 46.14 51.46 $36.21 39.67 43.83 48.84 $35.99 39.44 43.65 48.83 $36.93 40.29 44.32 49.23 $36.40 39.64 43.31 48.22 $30.02 40.23 44.21 49.03 11. "I 4'. 1) ,"0.07 ID-Payment Life 25 30 35 40 $42.43 47.07 52.58 59.17 $51.67 56.18 61.53 67.90 $51.67 56.18 61.53 67.90 $48.00 52.62 58.11 64.61 $47.77 52.28 57.72 64.30 $49.53 53.90 59.09 65.30 $49.24 53.52 58.58 64.59 49.71 54.05 r.y.21 65.33 20-Yr Endowment 25 30 35 40 $47.07 48.09 49.54 51.81 $50.53 51.31 52.47 54.31 $50.53 . 50.92 52.33 54.66 $48.39 48.97 49.89 5L37 $50.18 50.96 52.13 53.98 $48.33 49.16 50.38 52.27 $48.1? 48.83 49.85 51.48 ?4:U3 .51.22-33.13 j every effort to arouse hii ! futile. A powerful electri All policies issued by the PENN MUTUAL are from date of issue, without restriction as to Residence $30. J 5 3t.s: a.v't c;.4" '.- 51.43 .33.34 Travel, itliJi: I H- ' I II ll'lQ a n ATt-rt-F I Ii. ' i. IT ITTinAoac - . 1 4 m . .1 1 . . . of a dollar on evert- 1 lu ruw umerent parts or Ms body. ,l 1 uu tery -female rtrxr o J sz-k ThPro wno o 4..:4.i,: em on e erv m nlo . i, , .. 1 n n ,i j.u i . , , . The auction of allowing a shrinkage The same bill has "teZ i F KKj I w ucuiu. m has proved ' Occupation, Cause or Manner of Death. All contain tabulated Cash Surrender, Loan (5 per centV Paid-up and Automatic Extension Vain"? the option of the insured. Apply to Local Agents, or write Iore Agents wanted. bria-up ana AUtomanc extension w , ( iridends may be used Annually or to Accamau.t. 'R. B. RANEY' GENS. Raleigh, .N. C 1 t

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