r y fHE MORNING POST.- SATURDAY, MAP CM 22 ig02 i POSTSCRIPTS r Mr. A. D. Ward is here from New Bl7r. Donald McBacken is here from Whiteville. - Mr. J. A. Tate of Greensboro was h RevO? it Stringfield returned to the citv yesterday. .' . . ' Mr. J. B. Dawson of Kraston is a Raleigh visitor. '.' '.. u'i' Mr. J. A. Bryan of ew Bern is a M" Marks of New Bern was h MerSyeA.eF.a Pattern of Durham was here yesterday. ' , Rev. W. B. Morton of Louisburg w as hMryit Uikrto of Greensboro is ' MralT!bGinertrpearson of Greensboro was here yesterday. ,. n Mr. and Mrs. George P. :Norman are rnests at the Yarborough. Mr and Mrs. J. S. Boggs of Troy are suests at the Yarborough. 1 Mr J F. .Stephens of Greensboro was a Raleigh visitor yesterday. . Mr R. T. Gray returned to the city yesterday from Fayetteville. Dr. J. R. Rogers left yesterday for Wilson on professional business. Mt. Oscar J. Spears, assistant dis trict attorney, - spent yesterday in ua- feRev. J. W. Jenkins returned from the -District Conference at YoungsviLe yes terday evening. - Mrs. Janet Dortch has returned to Goldsboro after a visit to her unci, Dr. T. D. Hogg. ' Mrs. lT B. Evans is reported very ill at her home corner Edenton and Mc Dowell streets. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Webb of Westfield, N. J., are in the city, guests at the Yarborough. iMiss Jessie Holloway returned to Mill brook yesterday after a visit to Mrs. Fab nolloway. Mr. P. B. Wilkes, route agent for the Southern Express Company, spent yes terday in the city. Mr. Stephen Mclntyre. a member of the Senate of the last General Assem bly, spent yesterday in the city. - Miss Mary Hassman of Dansville. N. Y., left yesterday for Washington, after a visit to Mrs. Annie Parker. Mr. W. C. White, an attache of the New York World, is in the city in the interest of the circulation department. The Thimble Club was delightfully en tertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. J. R. Chamberlain at her home in West Raleigh. Mr. Zeb Yanee Walter and wife and Miss Adderton returned to Lexington yesterday after a two-days stay at the Yarborough. State Auditor B. F. Dixon returned yesterday, afternoon from Youngsville, where he attended 'the District Meth odist Conference. Mr. W, D. Mclver of New Bern is here appearing before' Judge Purnell as counsel for the libelant in a suit for salvage in saving n ves.sel.and cargo. Miss Robards returned yesterday from Wilmington and spent last night the guest of Miss Mary Andrews. She will leave for her home at Henderson this morning. While in Wilmington Miss Robards was the guest of Mrs. Herbert Smith. ! " Prof. John Duckett. chief clerk to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, went to Cary yesterday afternoon and delivered the acHress' last night at the closing of the public school there, which was taught br Mrs. Chloe Blalock. Dr. Tait . Butler, State Yeterinarian. went to Henderson yesterday to have a conference with' Dr. R. P. Sleddon of Knoxville, Federal Quarantine Inspector. ur. liutier says tne quarantine lines are being erj generally observed by all cattlemen, now that they are realizing howmuch advantage it is to them. Mr. Thaddens Aiken of Granville county left for Henderson yesterday, after "spending several days in Raleigh. Mrs. Joe IMason returned to her home at Emporia, Ya.. yesterday, after spend ing several days with her uncle, Capt. Thomas Arrington. at the Yarborough. Mr. Samuel Webb of Orange county spent last night in the city, returning from Fayettevillo. where he' attended the State Sunday School Convention. The Raleigh delegates to the State Sunday School Convention at Fayette vill4 returned to the city yesterday. Sheriff T. R. Walker and Deputy J. F. Summersett of Brunswick spent last night in Raleigh. They came to bring two convicts to the State's prison. The Linwood Manufacturing Company of Linwood, Davidson county, was char tered yesterday bv the Secretary of State with $6,100- stock subscribed and $50,h)0 authorized. The incorporators are L. Y. Phillips. Grimes Bros.,- J. R. Roper, F. H. Ball, George WJ Montcastle. Miss Kate Arrington. daughter of Mr. J. P. Arrington, institutional clerk in the State Treasury, returned yesterday from a visit to relatives at Rocky Mount. $ NIht Wm Her Terror "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of ' Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but. when all other medicines failed, three S1.00 ! T" T.'. -V T-v- wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds, La Grippe. Bron chitis and all Throat and Lnng Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles 10c. At all drug store. $ Health and Xjokc Life ad Work Senator Depcw:.. I have observed 'that health and longevity are indissolubly connected with work. Work furnishes the ozone for the lungs, the .appetite and the digestion, which support vigor ous life; the occupation which keeps the brain active and expansive. When a man from T0 upward retires, as he says, for rest, hia intellectual powers become turbid, his circulation sluggish, Ids stomach a burden and the coffin Uiis home. Bismarck at 75, ruling Ger many; Thiers, at 80, France; Gladstone, at S2, a power in Great Britain; Simon Cameron, at 90, taking: his first outing; abroad and enjoying all the fatigues a well as the delights of a Lonaon sea son, illustrated the recuperative powers of hard Work. Such men as these never ceased to exercise to the full extent of their abilities their faculties in tneir chosen lines. , $ , Altgld Wm No Prepoiitiiins , (Syracuse Herald.) In appearance Altgeld was pale and stooped, somewhat slovenly and awk ward, with coat hunched up in the back. His clothes were well worn, his trousers always baggy at the knees his shoes big and unpolished, and he wore a soft felt hat. His face .and head were uncommon. His eyes were an imnen etrable blue, usually dull, and looked out from under drooping eyela.s. His beard was unkempt and his hair grew as observing people say the hair of an Anarchist grows, in queer strings from the back of the crown to the forehead. His nose was pointed and turned up, and there was little animation in his face or in his figure. Last fall I was taken with a very severe attack of muscular rheumatism which caused me great pain and annoy ance. After trying several prescrip tions and rheumatic cures, I decided to use Chamberlain's Pain - Balm, which I had seen advertised in the South Jer seyman. After two applications of this itemedy I was much better, and after Rising one bottle, was completely cured. Sallie Harris, ,Salem, X. J. For sale by Crowell, McLarty & Co., Bobbitt Wynne Drug Co., North Side Drug Co., W. G. Thomas. Mrs. Noosens: My daughter's becom ing more proficient. She plays regular pieces now. Yob don't notice her play ing exercises now as much as she did. Mrs. Xaybor: No: bbut I notice her playing exercises my husband as much as ever it did. Philadelphia Record. "Your maple syrun," said the lady, "seems to be a good deal like the quality of mercy." 'How's that?" the smiling grocer ask ed, expecting a compliment, "It is not strained." Chicago Record Herald. Ss Towns: Do you really mean to say that he's happiest when he's looking for work? I -always considered him lazy. Browne: Exactly. When a man's in.-'-;- fn-r -work he hasn't any. Phila delphia Press. BUSINESS ITEMS MILLINERY PARLOR. Mrs. Stur gis will open an up-to-date Millinery Par lor at Mrs. Waldorf's Boarding House, opposite union depot, and will bring from the north a line of swell pattern hats, latest novelties and trimmings. in ready to take orders March 24. Will be assisted by a first-class milliner from the north. ' Your Wall Decoration stamps you as artistic, or otherwise. It reflects your taste as surely as the y earth reflects ihe sun. If you buy from us, you can depend upon getting an artistic paper, as we keep none of the cheap, ugly, "bankrupt" varieties under any circumstances. Write us if you want wall paper. WEATHERS (Q, VTL.KY, RALEIGH, N. C. Strom CHEAP RICK One hundred and fifty thousand extta large Brick, mostly Salmon, at $4.50 per 1,000, f. o. b. cars. Sample may be seen at our office. Pure coarse and unadulterated Wheat Bran, by the ton and carload price; best Anthracite, Nut, Stovo and Egg Coal, Thacker Splint CoaL Orders booked at summer prices if o rdered promptly. Remember we ar Stata agents for Thacker Domestic and Steam Coal, ordered direct to any depot at miners" prices. RALEIGH. N. C. St Hary's School, Raleigh, N. C ESTABLISHED IN 1842 LENT TERM BEGINS JAN. 27TH, 1902. " FULL COURSE IN LITERATUKP:, LANGUAGES, SCIENCE, ART, MUSIC AND BUSINESS. EXCELLENT KINDERGAR BEF S WIARlCLLLY L0CATED UNDER misS LOUISE T. BUS COMPLETE MODERN SANITARY CONVENIENCES. FOR CATALOGUE AND PARTICULARS ADDRESS REV. T. D. BRATTON, B. D. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY with five living rooms, all connected, for sale. Three railroads, several factories and crood schools. Address Box 11S, San ford. N. ('. Ask for Bretsch's MotheT Bread. Take no other. It is the best. Agents wanted in every town. PRINTER Situation wanted by job printer and all-round newspaper man, with 18 years experience. Union man. Address Box 77, Clyde, N. C. Ask for Bretsch's Mother Bread. Take no other. It is the best. Agents wanted in every town. SINGLE COMB Brown Leghorn eggs. Fertility guaranteed. By the setting or hundred. Jno. B. Stronach, Ra leigh. N. C. THREE ROOMS furnished or unfur nished, with or without board, at No. 427 South Wilmington street. Ask for Bretsch's Mother Bread Take no other. It is the best. Agents wanted in every town. GAS ENGINE for sale Four-horsepower Otto. Capital Printing Co., Raleigh, N. C. Room 4 Pullen building. FOR SALE A pony and buggy; pony sound and gentle; drives 20 miles in 3 hours: buggy in good condifion. Ad dees, B. C. C, Drawer II, City. - Gig OTJ& 5 and 10c Cigars are simply tqpnptch. None : "better for the money Dividend Notice Raleigh. N. C, March 17. 1902. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Caraleigh Mills . Company held this day. a dividend of 4'per cent on the preferred stock and 3 per cent on the common stock was declared, payable at the Commercial and aimers Bank, Ra leigh, N. C, April 1st. m02. to stock holders of dar March 17th, 1902. F. O. .MORING, Sec'y and Treas. Elesant Lots for Sale That part of the Willard property adjoining Mrs. Tucker's and situate on llillsboro street and Boylan avenue is to be sold at auction Monday, April 21 There are seven lots, two on Hillsboro street and five on Boylan avenue. Five of theci have a frontage of 70 feet and der-th of about 1-10 feet. The two far thest north on Boylan avenue hav r .ir. r rauK 01 roiiucn cs omce, and per- nuos ie mvueo. to examine the premises. These are elegant lots for residences. ULa . fcuJJlgi'i'.'uw.ll',"l'"'i'' Ut N ! Ir , i'- We Have Some Bargains in mite I liS If yon contemplate the use of any ot tiiese -oods this season it will pay too to get our priceJ before buying. Our increased ' trade is substantial evidence of the superiority of our goods to any others on the market today. Oar prices are as low as many others whose goods do not compare in workmanshiD - mod Irish. ZACHARY & ZACHARY IO8 West Martin St.. RALEIGH, N. C, PHONE 382. s Mention the Post when writing. - - I 1 IMIMMMMII KtlMIIIUUIIMIMt ? -: ' -:, s " Seed irish Potatoes ; KING- OF THE EARLY. CLARK'S EARLY, BLISS TRIUMPH, EARLY ROSE. All pure seed and adapted to this sec tion to raise early potatoes. . t J- Ri'Ferrall & Co. I CONTINUALLY ADVANCING In modern life advancement is everywhere evident. In the Drug business too great advances have been made, and we always keep pace with progress. We have devices and appliances which aid in dispensing prescriptions quickly. We continually -add new remedies to our stock. We place before you the latest in sick-room helps and nursery conveniences. On one point, however, we never change; that is regarding purity of medi cine. In all prescriptions dispensed h ere we use the highest quality obtainable. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO., 233 FayotteTllle Street, : s : : : RALEIGH, H. c. --- . INSTITUTE for Young Ladles CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Has no superior. Leschetizky system of Music; nothing equal to it ir; the State. Two Music professors. Advanced courses to suit any one. Specialists in all departments. Terms will suit you. Ask for free catalogue. Five changes after Christmas, two of which are fili J JAMES IWIDDIE, M. A.. Principal. If KALEIGU. N. C. - - -. . . Growell jVtGLarty I Co. DRUG-GISTS, 120 FayotteriUo Street. Ho nc to Let By the Raleigh Real Estate and Trus Company: 'A1U!- Seven-room dwelling, N. Salisbury St two squares from canitoi Strelt?"rm dwellin - Bloodworth Five-room dwelling. N. Bloodworth St Eight-room dwelling W. Jones S'- modern conveniences. " Ten-room dwelling. N East t . . j ern conveniences. ast St; mod" . Six-room dwelling. V ern conveniences; near Vintist rA," g HJgtoom dwelling, 'jJ.oSSSffi SUc-room dwelling. Harp St. Three five-room dwellings, West St modern conveniences st at., Five-room dwelling Harnett St ern conveniences. iiaiee" &t., mod- FOR SALE. Valuable house and vacant w r gan St., adjoining J G rJI' Mo? dence. It 115x910 V,B ro? houe with modem convenSncesS bam on lot. For term t , 'ood AND TUUST COMPANY. ILLUSTRATION OF FIVE YEAR DIVIDEND PLAN OF THE JETNA LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Churchill, N. C, Sept. 26th, 1901. Mr. J. D. Boushall, Gen'l Agt., Raleigh, N. C. Deae Iir: Yours of yesterday received with notiee of ac curnulat&J dividend amounting to $2846 on my policy No. 247028. i, I execute and enclose form 110 and 234, for which vou will please pay the premium $27.73 due Sept 29th, ' 1901, and send me check for balance. ' I am most grateful to the Company for the large dividend that has been accumulated under my policy. I must say that insurance is the best investment that a young man can put his money in, especially in the old iEtna. .1 will re commend the iEtna to those who want insurance as the very best Life Insurance Company in America. Wishing the iEtna and all of its officers much success, I am, --v Yours very truly, J. J. Nicholson. Lightwe New Spr uolonn ach Co ights and ing gs. This season's showings have many sensible, ser viceable, inexpensive and novel ideas. We havn purchased the combination and a general invitation i : " j.j j j j i c . is given u aLtenu our great uispiay oi spring iabrics va sct-io, luuiiing' or ouying. areiui axxenxion. Our New Popular Spring' Leaders in S I K S. Black, 36-in. Taffeta, in four grades. Black, ' 36-in. Morie Anting Black, 36in. Japanese Silk, Blac k and Colored Pcau De -Soie, Cold Rod. 36 in. Corean' Crepes, Silk Grenadines, Foulard Silks, Wash. Silks, Silk Waist Patterns. IN WOOL SPRING WEIGHTS Black and Colored Red Wool Crepes, Black and Colored Waist Specials, Black Wool Minstrel Cloth, Wool Corean Crepes, -. Black Wool Bengaline, Sil, Warp, Wool Canvae Cloths, Black Figured , and Plain Etanuine, Black Wool Hernanni Cloth, Colored and Black Lansdown, Priestley's Silk Yarp Clairette, Batiste, Albatross and Nuns Veiling. WOOL SKIRTINGS Sponged and Shrunk, all-wool Checiots, Silk Finished Prunella Cloths, Medium-weight Meltons (require no linings.) ..- ' s v Heavy Walking' Skirt Kerseys (require no linings.) IN-LINE FABRICS Silk Warp Linen Batiste, plain.' Silk Warp Linen Batiste embroidered. fttnped, I'lain and Fancy, all Linou Batiste, Silk Warp Linen Pongees.. Linen and Silk Mixed Tuscans. Trimmings to Match. ( IN COTTON MATERIALS White Cotoon Checiots, White and Colored Madra?. .Heavy and Soft Finished Welts anl Piques, Printed Silk Warp Parisian Xoveltips, Printed Lawns, Dimites and Batistrs, Ginghams, Percals, Cheviots ami Galetea Cloths, 40-inch. India Lawns. 43-inch Persian Lawns,. 68-inch Organdies. SKIRT MAKING We receive orders for special skirt measures. The perfect fitting of raoh skirt guaranteed. Prices and samples sent when requested. Delivered whoa promised. , " EASTER HATS FOR LADIES, MISSES, BOYS AND CHILDREN NOW ' ON DISPLAY. A. B. Stronach Co Raleigh, N. C. A NATURAL ... . V. SEQUENCE Tlfc outgrowth of Jntelligent and persistent effort ought to success. We are not the creatures of chancethe sport and proy f every stormy wind that -blows. Good buying, close selling, enerjictie advertisiog and polite and -honest treatment will make and hnh trade. That's why we have ea'rued and maintain our 'present ioi- tion. IThese Things Count We desire to thank our friends for calling during our opening and for the many words of praise that were bestowed upon the display , of Pattern Hats. We are -prepared to trim your hats now for Easter and the earlier you put in your order the better work you will get. Our stocfc is better than ever before. If you want a New Skirt we have a beautiful line :of Black Taffeta at 75c Jl and $1.25. Bis k i; ria and Crepe De Chene at 75c. Serges at 50, ' 75c.,-$1. . Bro'ad.-lotL r.i Venetians at $1. Natta Cloth at 75c. and $1. . For Shirt Waists you will find a handsome line of Percals, Ginghams. Madras, Whii- r."1 of all kinds, Lace; Stripe and Checked White Good., Organdio, etc 10 to 35c. Inexpensive goods, but liandsome. New White. Shirt Waist ' Fans and other accessories. Oiir New Oxford Ties are arriving and arP on sale. We have the goods to plea-v ' l -' " xe0'. as the masses. : . ... v" r: ' s

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