Scheme $dr Despotic and Imperial Power General Miles Threatens 'to Resign if Senator Haw iey'o Bill Should Be come a Law Washington, March 20. General Nel son A. Miles today told the Senate Committee on Military AfTairs that if the bill introduced by Senator Ilawiey at the instance of the War Department for the organisation of a general staff for the army. should become a law he would decline to longer hold his commission.- The reason he gave for the ttatcmcnt is that the bill is utterly eubvorsive of the interests of the ruili taryism, and he said that he would cot be a party to such a proceeding, to the extent even of continuing to hold his place. The statement was made in the course of a prolonged hearing by the committees which was conducted be hind closed doors and in which Gencr:;! Miies touched upon a variety of no jeets connected with the army. The portion of the bill to which he direVte.l his especial criticism is that contained in section 7 reading as fellows: "That from and after the passage of this act the senior general officer of the army shall be 'assigned to command ruch portion of the army as the Presi dent may direct or be detailed to ouy in the general staff corps. All duties prescribed by law for the eomm Hiding general of the army shall be performad by the chief of general staff or ot'ror general officer designated by the Secre tary of War: Provided, that so long as the present lieutenant general of the army continues on the active list ho shall be the chief of the general t;ift' find neon the separation from active service of the said lieutenant of the army said officer except as herein provided, shall cease and determine.' General Miles terms the nlari a scheme to place a despotic and imnerial power in the hands of the President, the Secretary of War and the Adjut-i:. General of the army. He said that tin der the terrss of the bill creatinsr a chief of staff the President could seller his own general oi the army by pro moting a lieutenant to be a brigadier general and assigning him as chief of staff. The bill would create an army rWs worse, more far reaching and more de potic than any that ever existed, Gen eral Miles said. He added that he de nounced the bill as a bad one, root and fcraneh. General Miles said that if this pro vision should become .a law it would have the effect of destroying the unity of the amy and he read numerous ?u thorities including Napoleon, Welling ton, Washington, Cass and Grant to show the necessity of having one head Revealed Robbery While in o Drunken Condition Four Men Sawed Through Floor of a Store at Gold Hill-Negro Shot ; at a Festival ' Salisbury, N. C, March 20. Special.- Two white men were arretted here late yesterday evening for robbery. Charles Johnson, a young v.hitc man, vho has been living at Gold Hill was arrested io- being drunk and down. In a drunk en stupor he rctferred in a mumbling voice to a robbery at Gold Hill. Offi cers Torrence and Caiible, by skillful detective work-, pumped Johnson end discovered that he war. cue of a party Of four that sawed through the Cocr of the store of Kalshauser & Co. at Gold Hii! Tuesday n'ght and stole about worth of goods. Johnson named the parties who were with .him and Will AVilkcrscn, another white man, was ar rested late in the night. Dan and Charles Hopkins, who participated in the robbery, have fled. h MISSOURI GIRL - WEDS UNION MAN Colored Brakeman Killed at Matthews Monroe, N. C, March 20. Correspondence of The Morning Post. Hon. Cameron Morrison, ,of Rock ingham, is hero tbis week attending" out: He h a candidate to;- Congress from th.u (the Seventh) district, "and, pcxt 1o Uniou's own candidate. Hon. Jaiocs U. Covington, is perhaps the f To;:te hsr?. lie has' represented the .:tr:rt, c which Union was a part, in the State Senate. , Maj. John D Shaw of Rockingham anil Mr. J. W. Kerans of Charlotte arc viiiiting lawyei's at cort. PolidtM L. D. Robinson of Wades boio is heife today on legal busiao. A supposed cue of Miiallpox w as re ported yeeterda? from the country. Dr. J. M. Blair. th comity physician, auc Dr. S. -A. S'eveus drove out ana -anuped the sick mta, a negro. After a careful diagnosis of the case it avs fowl not to be smallpox, but a rniM form of akin eruption. The town tni county are now clear of smaLx nd there has been but on rase here thm win tar. ' . Alex Staton, a colored brakeman. feQ! iJndw the train at Mattlvaws MonUr, and was terHhlv crushed, both leg and one aria being almost inaahftd elf. Dr. T. N. Retd of Matths cve hto, attan tlon and hm taa then broaght to Monro. He lived only two cr three hocr after getting hra. lie lived bert and was quiet and industrious ana wen tuougai or, to the army 'and of controlling author ity. Then he added that in all probability the senior general of the army would not under the provision he had auoted, have been in position to do anything, and he called attention to the clause re lieving him (th o senior general) of com mand end making it possible for any other officer, to be appointed. He declared- that Under section 7 it would be competent to oneday promote a captain to the position of a brigadier ana me ner.t day make him chief of staff, thus practically placing a captain at the head of the army. Warming , up scmewhnt he asserted that the bill was calculated to accom plish no purpose except to allow the Secretary of War and the Adjutant General to promote the interests of their personal favorites Gauoral Miles was questioned as to the reasons for locating the American army of occupation at Tampa and hold ing it there so' long with the resulting consrftstion. -Replying to the first question, he said tint it was because of the order to oc cupy Havana.,. The delay was d'ue. ne said, to the fact that the American army was supplied with only 64 rounds of ammunition which would not have been "sufficient for more than halt.aa hour of fighting. Considering that H arena was one of the best fortified cities in ttie workl he said that to have attacked it would have been foolhardy in the extreme.. He declined, however, to criticize the then Secretary of War, General Alger, for the condition of affairs, saying that probably any one else in the position would have done about, what he did. He laid the general blame for this con dition of uuprepa redness at the door of Congress. In the course of his remarks General Miles told the committee in confidence that with the bill a law he could now name the men who would hold the places of honor provided under it but the committee did not ask for the names. His own experience and observation had, he said, had the effect of confirm ing these views and he gave an illus tration of itSj becefMal effect in time Vf emergency, instancing the beginning fcf the war with Spain. "I heard at midnight," he said, "that the .Spanish fleet had been located de"fiJ nltely at Santiago and I hastened to the home of .Secretary Long, where the pews was confirmed. -Shafter was then at Tampa and 1 sat down there in the Secretary's house and wrote a- dispatch directing him to start immediately for ?antiago, with the result that the irniy was soon on its way to the point where is .nresfmee tvat? needed. Sunnose."' J he added, exhibiting the message which lie had sent to General Shafter, I had been compelled to get around to a dozen or more majors, as many colonels and any number of generals constituting a 'general staff." George Miller, s negro, was shot twico at a colored festival near Gold Hill Jas-t night by Dock Lindsay. The two men had some words after, wiiich Lind say procured a shot gun. He emptied one barrel in Miller's head and another iu hla left leg. Lindsay Jied and has not been apprehended. It is believed that Miller will recover. Five carpenters working on a scaf fold at the reciienre of Dr. C. M. Foote, near Salisbury, till Tuesday afternoon and two were seriously injured. One of them may lw maimed for life. The political pot is boilitip to an in tense deprce already; The chief con tests wii! n-rise over legislative' honors. Walter Murphy, Esq.. is a pending candi date for the. House. T. C. Lciin. Esq.. Prof. George B. Wet mi re, Burton Craig, Esq., and Jamss Herub, Esq., are men t cued a- possible eandidntee. R. iee Wright, Esq., i6 so far the only avowed candidate for the Senate. He ha:s a strong following. Salisbury is certain to have a Trw Southern depot in the near future. The new structure will be built near the prefect depot and will be one of the handsomest in," the State-. Mr. V,. T. Laney of this place was mamed in Charlotte Snndav to Miss iiebecea Blakeney of Missouri. The marriage was quite romantic. Mr. I n ney spent two or three years in the est rambling around and prosoectin :or riches. A great part of the time was Vi- ?u isuun, ana uc arrow to know Miss lijRkeney quite well., A !pw moiuns mr.efcre rhr'i:tm- ii ome but kept up a corresoondenc With th(i rniinc wl- T- .ha ..-i- lira long to conclude . that he could cot ii c ixnuy irom nor, ana proposed mar riage by mail and was accepted; and. he h.Kl 10l'lV1ffl tn mol-o I. -i - .iuiiu V. 1 - lina his home. 'asked the girl to ucif. ju8 consented: wirh Sunday s man 115 r,' the result, he havinz met uer in vunnoirc, . i . . FORTUNATE GETTING SPEAKERS High Point Still Growing and Adding New Business High Point. N. C, March 20. Correspondence of The Morning Post. The graded school of this place" is CUr't in ccurhig Governor -wqr.a Is. A yeock to deliver the com- tlS? y liminsta toe sermon -The revival meeting at the PrebvtP n and South Main Street 41h Rev. George I... Kirby. is conducting the, nipetinir at th AfetVinicf rK,.K ! Mrs. Samuel Coley. viil open a" mill-' nery parlor , at Han-ison & Hills3 store I March 29. - I Mr. H. Harris, of the firm of H. liar-i ris &. Br6. is at the North to purchase; a line oigooas. . - : - i r. - Mf. W. S. Robertson of Chapel Hill Rama i no Will Ro BrOUffht tO was here yesterday visiting his brother," 0,11 dm 5 DB-DIUUgill IU w.escott itonerson,. isq. . - Messrs. W. T. Jurkman and H. A. Moffitt are North on business. vvwk nas begun on, the school house Special. Manager Holcomb of the xnJL xiatVag; -,V I V -t American, Tobacco Company's office here JL wai1m S'l11 hfLher mil"i received a telegram today from the New lineryopening March 24 and 25. -York office etatlng that a cablegram ,?f&tiV. un??uuci?AthlIV3"' 'rom- Turkey announced" the death of lyeddin of Mr. and Mrs It. A. Wheeler Cha8. K O'Brien -which occurred 7-4 t S evening, March 22, from this morning at Xemphi, Turkey. No ' , W i t- 'particulars are given as to the cause of Mr. Stewart of Roanoke. a.. was here ,iu u , i rw yesterday looking oveivour city with a ZlTr?Al ? Loff? x fontemPlates The post office now occupies new quar- O'Brien bought leaf on the Winston ters, having moved Tuesday. ' market for a year or more. He left ,m-Pniefe!tn8r-y,r,1i1 beobe,-d iere January and sailed for Turkey Sunday afternoon at 4 o dock in Cox s oa the 24th of that month. rrii- tt t t-,, , p I The annual meeting of the Woman's anCjJhf? teTal:Ar Prelpi Missionary Union of Orange wsht t the home-of.Mr. and Mrs. presbytery dosed touigHt with an ad vAiv. - s, : v a i : dress by Rev. Edmund Brown. Fol' ,rt32t Ck? iL!LnB.? n l Q TaK -lowing officers were elected : President. ii:H'3S87Jft P ent reaches,MrS. R. D. Blackwell of Durham: i ' rru Honorary President, Miss O. H. Dick- .dr. pohhwmor editor of The. To- son of Winston-Salem ; First yice Presi- yesterday. Working 24 Huri a Day There's no rest for those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always busy curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish ,Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them; 25c, at all drug stores. agguseoof- stealing hogs Peculiar Case at Charlotte , Woman Wounded by Pistol Charlotte, N. C, March 20. Special. A most . peculiar case was disposed of by the Superior Court today in -which Policeman Yandle hod brought suit against Thomas Griffith, a well known young man of this city, charging the latter with having called him (Yandle) a hog thief, for which Yandle asked five thousand dollars alleged damages. Yandle alleged that Griffith had re peatedly accused him of taking hogs which did not belong to him. How ever the case did not go to the jury as Policeman Yandle agreed to judgment by which Mr. Griffith agreed to retract fully everything he had said and ex pressed sorrow at what he had done. Chairman J. D. McCall today issued a call to .members of the coiyity- Demo cratic committee for a- meetipg on March 29. E. M.', A shenback . has written .Matins that if Charlotte gets lier ; "base ball franchise she must come to the. -front at once with her money, else the fran chise will go elsewhere. A meeting is to be held tonight at 8 o'clock at Elks Temple when the base ball question will be taken up. i Minnie Allen, a white woman Kf .this city, was today horribly wounded by the discharge of a gun which she '.was attempting to playfully take from Parks Stone. officersTlegted by convention Sunday School Workers Close Meeting at Fayetteville Fayetteville. X. tC, March 20. Spe cial. Devotional services last night and today were conducted by Revs. NjosephJ Peelc cf Greensboro, and Rev. ,B. R. Hall, presiding elder" of Fayetteville. Election of officers took ' place thira morning, resulting as follows: G. H. Crowell, High 'Point, President: S. M. Smith, Elon College, Secretary: II. X. Scow, Durham, Statistical Secretary: J. H. Weathers, Raleigh. Treasurer; Vice Presidents. Isaac T. Avery, W. II. t Sprunt, J. E. Ray, G. F. Tillery; Ex ecutive Committee, N. E. Broucfhten, Ralciga, Chairman; J. O. Atkinson, Elon College; J. G. Drown, Raleigh; Rav. Dr. A. J. 3IcKclway, Charlotte; Capt. R. A. Southerliml, J. A. Oates. Fayetteville; G. W. Watts. II. N. Snow, Durham: T. O. Johnson. 'Salis bury; J. R. Mendenhall, Greeus-boro: H. B. Parker, Goldfcboro; Charles Ros, Aahelwwo: Rev. Dr. C. S. Blackwell. Wilmincton; Rev. D. II. Tnttle, Eliza beth City; T. B. Parker, Hilisboro: R. B. Lacey, P-Tleigh; J. J. Rogers, Kin ston. Aboat $1,5C0 was subscribed last aijrat tot- Scnday School work. Fine addresses were made by President Orowell, ' Rev. Marion Lawrence, S. M. !5milh. y-i. 1. Parker, Isaac JL. Avery aivd Charles Ross. Resolutions were adopted this after noon thinking' the Fayetteville Presby terian church, officers of the conven tion, Rev. Eli Reese and Miss Bettie Gsaron and the railroads. Tonight there was an address by N. B. Brough tou of Raleigh, on "Class Spirit." The convention closes with "Parting Words." The remains of Edmund Pemberton, Who died at the University, a nephew of Mis..R. T. Gray of Raleigh, were buried from St. Johns church this af ternoon. s . Say Me Was Tortured "I suffered k .ch pain from corns I COUld hardlv irnll.- " rrifc 1-T T?nh;srn HillsbornilL'll. 111 . "hilt- linotlmi'a A i-nipo ' Salvo completely cured them." Acts mve magic on sprains, bruises, cuts. sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per-1 feet healer of skin diseases and piles. ' VJU'- suaiauit't py an UrUgglStSJ ZOC. Discharges in bankruptcy were allow ed by Judge Purnell yesterday for bus iness men of Wilson. . They are S.- T. Boyken, Pharo Bullock and" Monroe Bullock, doing business as Bnilock Bro and Boyken. 'Also to William Walls of Wilson. The proceeding in bankruptcy in i.hc Bullock Bros, and i-oyseu case was instituted October 23, 1901. and that in the case of AVilliam Wall on December 30th. GHAS. B. O'BRIEN DIED IN TURKEY His Home at Durham Winston-Salem. X. C. March 20.- Another telegrftm stated the remains ! would be brought back for interment at; dent. Mrs. Parker of Greensboro: Sec ond Yice President,. Mrs. Arch'erjof Chapel Hill; Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs. E. C. Murray of Durham; Super intendent of Children's Work, Mrs. C. H. Wiley of Winston-Salem. It was decided to hold the next anntiaj meeting at Lexington in March, 1903. STATE SCHOOL OF REFORM BURNED The Inmates Believed to Have Fired It to Escape Lexington, Ky., March 20. Bradley Dormitory at the' State School of Re form, near this city, was destroyed by fire late, last night, but all the inmates, numbering 125 r boys, all white, were saved. The fire was discovered shortly after midnight. The inmates of the building were successfully aroused and alLwere gotten out safely and without disorder. This city wa telephoned to for help. An engine of the local fire department was sent, but arrived too late to save any part of the dormitory. The maaual training school adjacent to the dormi tory was saved, however. At 1:10 o'clock the dormitory col lapsed, and at 2 o'clock the fire was i practically extinguished. The burned building was erected in 1SJ)6 during the administration of for mer Governor W. O. Bradley, at a cost of S2o.000. and was insured for two-thirds of its value. Two boy inmates of the school are missing, and it i believed they escaped during the fire. The management of the institution became convinced that the building was set on fire by the boys who had planned to escape, bat that the prompt action of the nighr watchman in turning in the alarm frustrated the plan. Superintendent Doak-will not say that the fire was incendiary, because com plete investigation has not been made, hut W. P. Walton, one of the board of directors, says he has information that will lead to arrests during the ir. The iboys who are missing are William Bracken of Lexington and Groyer Ruske of Covington Ky.' UNIVERSITY DEFEATS OAK RIDGE TEAM By One Sided Score, of Twen ty to Nothing Chapel Hill, N. C, March 20. Soe oial. University had an easy victory totlay in the first ?ame of the season, which' was won by the score of 20 to O in a six-inniii? Contest against Oak Ridge. The game was nninterestir-g and there w.-is no especially brilliant work' on either side. Captain Holt was not in the game. Batteries: Carolina Sweeney and Council!; Oak Ridge Sugirs and Sitterson. Carolina 10 hits, 5 errors. Oak Itidze 3 hite. 6 errors. Next, game will be against Lafayette on Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Hubert Royster, dean of Univer sity Medical College at Raleigh, deliv- ere1 a regular faculty lecture here to- night, and was given a cordial recep tion. ' Messrs. Stern and Williams, the vic torious Johns Hopkins debaters, ar rived tonight and were given a hearty welcome by the student body in mass mectin. Speeches were made by faculty and students and a groat demonstration was accorded the victors. Why Pay More for Life Insurance Elsewhere When You Can Get Better Policies in the PENN Ten Per Cent, to Twenty Per Cent Cheaper. A COMPARISON WITH THE NEW PREMIUM RATES OF SEVERAL LIFE INSUR NPE COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS IN N. C. iU(Atb w.u Penn Mutual. $27.30 30.41 34.21 3S.97 Age. 25 60 35 40 25 30 35 40 $32.47 36.18 40.S6 46.18 15-Pay merit Life " j lOvPaymexit Life $42.43 47.07 52.58 59.17 HO 35 40 20-Yr Endowment 30 4S.09 35 40 49.54 51.81 .All policies isSuedby the PENN MUTUAL are from date of issue without restrction as to Re?;Jfnce, Travel. Occupation, Cause or Manner of Death. All contain tabulated Cash Surrender, Loan (5 per cent). Paid-up and Automatic Extension Values. ' All policies participate in the Profits of the Compauj. ' Dividends may be ued Annually or to Aceumu.ate, a. the option of the insured. ; is: Apply to Local Agents, or write More Agents wanted. WOOD'S THOROUGH-GROWN Seed Potatoes are selected - seed stocks, grown specially for seed purposes, in the best potato districts in this count ry. , Our Northern-grown seed are grown in Maine and Northern Michigan, while our Early Ohlos are grown in the Red River Dis trict, famous for its superior seed of this variety. Wood's Second Crop Seed which are in high favor with truck ers everywhere, are grown from selected stocks in Eastern Virginia a section noted for producing the best Second - Crop Seed Potatoes in this country. ' Prices quoted on request. T. W. WOOD & sons, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Wood' Descriptive Catalogue tells all about Seed Potatoes, and the Best Seeds for the Perm and Garden. Write lor it. Mailed tree. Coupon Notice. The coupons from the FULL PAID CERTIFICATES issued bv the ME CHANICS AND INVESTORS UNION, due Demher 31st, will be paid upon presentation at the Commer cial and Farmers Bank, liaieijtb, on or after Saturday. Deeimuer 21st. These Coupon Certificates or Bords e-f $100, which are being sold it pres ent for $90, give a ten -ear sis per cert investment with taxes paid by the com pany and fully secured by real estate mortgages, making a safe and, conven ient investment for a semi-annual in come. They , are made payable on de mand with five per cent per annum In terest to date of withdrawal if desired The Company offer for sale TWENTY FIVE CERTIFICATES to be -Kited January 1. 1002, at $90. to be paid for on or before January 10th. Aplr to GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. Pullen Bnildiu?. HOTEL D0RS3TT RALEIQH, N. C. Thirty Newly Furnished Rooms, all Modern Conven iences, European and Ameri can Pian. One block from post offlce. Two blocks from Opera House. Next door -to Com - mercial and Farmers Bank. Up-to-date Cafe for Ladies and G-entlemen. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FOR PARTIES. W. L. DORSETT. Proprietor. J E. CARTLAN M ercnan Greensboro, N. C. Our Spring Ldne is ready for inspection, and is the most attractive ert-i seen in this section. Selected for wear as well as looks. Wo will be pleased to serve you, guaranteeing j-ou perfect satisfaction. I t lam -dancer. Hosfiita 1 1 I 12th and - Bank Sts; RICHMOND, VA. f- WE CURE ; f CANCERS, TUMORS AND CHRONIC SORES ; f Withoiit the Use of the Knife. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE. Come and see what we have done, and are doing. If then you ars not satisfied that we do all we CLAIM, we will pay all of your EXPENSES. MUT N. Y. Life. $31.83 34.76 38.34 42.79 Equitable Life. $31.83 34.33 3S.0tt 42.91 Aetna Life. $30.48 33.40 36.96 41.34 'Mnt'lLife N. Y. $30.25 33.20 36.87 41.46 $3S.35 41.73 45.91 50.92 $38.35 41.88 4.14 51.46 $36.21 59.67 43.83 48.84 $35.99 39.44 43.65 48.83 $31.67 56.18 CL53 . 67.90 $51.67 50.18 61.53 67.90 $48.00 52.62 58.11 6.4.61 $47.77 -52.28 57.72 64.30 $50.53 51.31 52.47 54.31 $50.53 50.92 52.33 54.60 $4S.39 48.97 49.89 51.37 $50.18 50.9ft 52.13 53.9S B...:RAnEY's GENfr. Raleiffh. N. c Positively Cured at Your Home. I completely remove every spot and blemish L i - ,acc or rendering the lcm clear, smooth and healthy. i wikuiiauon iree. write for Boot JOHN H. WOODBURY D. I. Went St., Xrr York. 4ni1RClJf&tfn Prog Urina. 1,. THE flit nanooooK " Siiit Free tin SWUMSL News and Opinions of National Importance Tfte Slllt ALONE ' CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail.... .jg a Tear . Daily and Sunday, by mail, $S a year! The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper ia rfee Worlds Price 5e a copy. By mail. $2 a year. Address THE STTN, New York. GHOieE Cut Flowers, ROSES, Carnations, &c. FLORAL DESIGNS at short notice Receptions and Wed diegs furnished with Flowers, Paint and all other decorations. CHOICE STOCK OF PALMS. FERNS and other' display and house decoratin? plants for sale. Hyacinths, Tulips, Fuscias, Narcissus and all kinds of Bulbs for indoor forcing and outdooi bedding. H. SI EINHETZ, Raleigh, N. C. Telephones 113. ,1 18 UAL Phoenix Mutual Benefit. $30.12 32.87 30.22 40.38 Pruden tial Life. $30.t6 3:1.00 3ti.95 41.25 Mi.tuai. N. U 37o $31 .3S 41!.-4 Mut'l Life. $30.77 .... t S7.16 41.54 $36.93 40.29 44.32 49.23 $30.40 39.64 43.51 48.22 $36.92' 40.23 44.21' 49.05 $37.''' 1 11. "1 4.'.. li '50.07 $49.53 53.90 59.09 65.30 $49.24 53.52 58.58 64.59 $49.71 54" 59.21 65.35 $."0.1 5! c,)Ar '$4!.3; 51. 13 53.3 $48.33 49.16 50.38 52.27 $48. Ih 48.8:$ 49.85 51.48 $49.1- 49.99 51.22 53.13 as Tailor.

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