UNEVEN AND IRREGULAR Dealings Were Small and the Range in Specialties Not as Wide asYesterday New York, March 20. Opening nrice changes of tstocks today were very un pven and irregular. There were gains running to nearly a point iri -St. ,Pauf, Metropolitan Street Railway and Inter national Paper. Reading lost a large fraction. The dealings were "small. Price movements were conflicting, but the range in the specialties was not as wide as yesterday. Liberal selling af fected General Electric, North Ameri ca:!. Sugar, Metropolitan Street Kail way. Heading common and second pre jVrred, Delaware and Hudson, North western, and Tennessee Coal to the ex tern of 1 to3 points. Colorado Fuel, People's Gas, and St. Paul made gains of 1 to li and Rock Island 2J. Am.al camnted Copper advanced a point be fore 11 o'clock. I.usiness decreased an dthe market Tvns inclined to ease off, although there wns bidding up of Amalgamated, Louis ville ;ind the Colorado Southern stocks. Kock Inland lost a point. Sugar and me Readings were sold on rallies, and Colorado Fuel woked down to near yesterday's close. Net losses of 1 to 2 i-oints were recorded in Consolidated Gas. Bonds were irregular. Simultaneous .bidding. up of Colorado P;:el and North American, which put the former 4 points over yesterday's r'. r;e an dthe latter 4 above the low est, caused n steadier tone to most, stocks, but there were fresh selling in spots. Metropolitan Street Railway re covered to opening figures, and the rail r-vid. while dull, were well held. f With the exception of a rally of oet 2 in Sugar and a gain of a point in Manhattan, the notable movements were still restricted to less well-known crocks. Tennessee Coal rallied 1 to If. On the other band Continental Tobacco preferred lost 2 points. Brooklyn Transit rose a point on the authorization of the proposed bond is r ue by the stock holders today and Met ropolitan advanced as much. Northwestern preferred gained 3 and the common rallied a point. Colorado regular. IVsw York fttook Quotations American Ice American Car Fdy. 20 nil 201 31 i aol American Smelting 404, Sugar ...1293 131 American Cotton Oil 47i Atchison 77J Atchison pref. 97 'Amalgamated Copper 63 Eroolyn Rapid Transit .... 09 J Baltimore and Ohio ..107 46 774 97$ 64 67 L 1004. ! Baltimore and Ohio pref. .. 94 94j C. R. I. and P. V.. M. and St. Paul 1714 172J 164 lOri - Chicago Great Western 24 . 24 Consolidated Gas ". . 224J 2234 Colorado" Fuel 1024 1063 Chicago Terminal 1S4 18 34! 1714 37 68 140$ 23 fli:cago Terminal pref. Delaware and Hudson . Krie Erie 1st pref Illinois Central ...... . 342 171 . 374, . 68 .140 International Paper . . . Louisville and Nashville - i .4 .104 J 1054. Manhattan 134 1344. Metropolitan- ..108 1084 M K T '5. '4i M. K. T. pref 54 54 g Mionri Pacific .1014 lfK)4 Mexican Central ? 29 29 rpxican National ... National Biscuit ... National Lead Norfolk and Western Nf'Tr York Central ... N. Y. O. and W. Pacific Mail People's Gas ....... Pennsylvania . . . . ... Prised Steel , Reading . . , Heading 1st pref Reading 2d pref R. S. and I. ...20 191 53 56 g 2: 565 163J 33 44J 1021 ..325 45J . . 102 15U 131 i 404 404 . 56 . 80 . 674 - -loft 56 815 671 1SI 5S i 32 1 OIJ 65 715 404 995 874 US 8H 42g 915 901- 24 43 68 v't. I.. Southwestern pref. . fvnrheni Railway Son'hern Railway pref. ... Southern Pacific Tennessee Coal and Iron . .. Texas Pacific Pr.ion Pacific Union Pacific pref. ... . 594 .... o;;i ... 05 ... 71. ... 40J ... 00f ... 87J ... Hg ..... 815 ... 42 ... 95 i-''.Uner . . ......... Leather nrpf. . P. S. Steel T S. Steel pref Western Union (Ex. div.) Wabash ... ."cn?h pref. Va.-f'ar. Chem. Co. . . . .. 901 24 43i N v York. Mart-h 20. Va.-Car.- Chem pre!n-edr''120'lv--130. ; N- York, March '20: An early' de- dir in cotton was traceable to lower . ' Liverpool fell nine American loin s and even the spot m r.kr-t ; H i 'K : of its activity showing an easy selling by one iiuue o -oic-like -20.000' bales of May varioua 'J .-unihuted to scattered stop order; h-ji-.i out of town customers and to.-Wail j;-it. which some thought was drop-P-ri- May and taking up July.. The Jr ;r markets were generally reported ?' and in the cases of Augusta and ,s- l-euis easier. Tjsiter on came a t:tl -wing to commission house buy- rr'Vfr:ng of shorts and a pretty b-,-.v emand attributed to Philadelph a ' v :iH street. Furthermore the in ;. -ures for the week which a few riiis were estimated at as high as v'':'11" i-ales are now put at about .0 bales.' Af Y.i-rk, March 20. Cotton futures r" ' ! ea?v. . Open. High. Low. Close. 893 803 891 893 -h ... jimp J,!v Kpi"eial.e,- .. 892 . 883 . 884 ,. 885 . 864 ,. 825 . 808 ,. 799 .799 802 884 885 887 805 S27 809 800 800 '890 S76 880 880 831 824 808 799 799 890 881 884 885 805 827 '809 800 800 '''rket dosed q'rfet and steady. vw York, March 20. CJtn receipts: Galveston, 3,294; New Orleans; 3,839; Mobile, 9; Savannah, 2.798; Charleston, 7; Wilmington, 17; Norfolk, 805. i oMbuiiri Muckt Baltimore, March 20. The market closed fairly active and firm. Atlantic Coast Line common at 103$ opened $ point lower and closed at 101: Sea board Air Line Railway 5's were un changed at 1031; the 4's at 84i were up J and-the preferred etocks at 44 was up i. Haltlmerd Or a in and Provision 'Baltimore, March - 20.-Flour-Quiet and prices unchanged; receipts 11,610 barrels; exports 18,384 barrels. ' Wheat Weak; spot and the month contract 791(5791 ; No. 2 red S2; May 792fTrrOJ- LrTv 78? asked- steamer Xo MmtJt, July i a. . loi 2 red 37; receipts i,491 bushels, exports none; southern by sample 73 83; southern on grade 80S3. Corn Dull, mixed spot and the month G3iG3; April 63:- May 64GH: steamer mixed 6262H 0,289 bushels: exports none: southern white corn 07$: Foutheryellow corn ' G4G5. Oa,ts Quiet and easy; No. 2 white 50 mm: No. 2 mixed 48619; receipts 2S bushels; escorts none. ' ,unn. W o rin,ur noyr?. v 2 western G3$(g;(14; receipts 5,181 bush els; exports 26,427 buehels. Hay Steady, unchanged. Grain Freights Unchanged. Buttei" Firm, unchanged. Eggs Firm, unchanged. Cheese Firm, unchanged. j Sugar 'Firm, unchanged. hlrago Grain ajod Provision Wheat- Open. High. Low. Close. May ......... 74 74 73 74i July . . 74$ 75 74 i 75 September .... 74 745 "74 J 74 .Corn May .......... 61 61 l 01 July COf 60 00 60J Septener .... 59 59 581 595 . Oats May ......... 43 43 424 434. July 35g 35J 35 35 September .... 30 30 29 J 294 Port May ....1542 1552 1542 1552 July ........1560 1567 1560 1567 Lard May 942 945 942 945 July ..... 952 955 952 955 September ... . 935 967 905 967 Ribs Mav 845 852 S45 850 July .... . S57 862 857 802 Naval Store New York, March 20. SpiritsTurpen tine Oil barrels. 48V2'. machine-made 1 barrels, 49. Tar Pine barrels, 170; oil barrels, Rosin Common strained. 160: good 1 strained. 160: D. 160: E. 165. F, 170; iG. 175; H. 180: I. 200; K, 26: M. 305; N, 300; WI, 200; WG, 400;. WW. 420. iUar Wiicat Ooen. Close. i New York . SO SO St. Louis 80S 7U 72 fjMinneapolis V Duluth 734 Alay Corn Oen. Close. New York St. Louis . . t564 . 605 ftjjj G0j Raleigh Cotton (Reported tby Job. P. Wyatt & Bro.) Kaleigh; N. C, March 20. Receipts today 70 bales. Receipts this day last year . .53 bales. Prices today 9J?9 Prices this day last year 8Sg Receipts to date this year . .9,585 bales Receipts to this date last .Year ..15,586 bales $ A Fireman's Close Call "I stuck to my engine, although every jnint ached and every nerve was racked teS V. r iaiVy,V ,a en of Burlington. Iowa. with pain," writ i- . - r " '"VtVr,?. . ;:,rdcr on Wednesday evening. petite and all run down. As I was about j Associate Justice Chas. A. Cook of the to give up, I gt a bottle of Electric Bit-: Supreme Court, will spend the remam teri? and after takinc: it I felt as well as dev of this week at his honiij at War I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, , renton. run-down people always gain new life, j Tne Finance Committee of tho Hoard strength aad vigor from their vse. Try o Aldermen has completed the am thein. Satisfaction guaranteed my all .,-.. . .. - -..,: "orriggists. v Price 50 cents. Low Rates to Cbarlttton, S. C, via Koathern Hall war on Account North Cnrolina VVerk A,',,nn will p11 vnnnrl trin tickets at following rates to Charleston, S. C, and return: $5.15 via Selma and A. C. L. $6.30 via Greensboro, Charlotte and Columbia Tickets on sale April 6th, 7th and 8th. with final limit ten days from date of eale. , : . ...... T. C. STCRGIS, C. T. A. JACOB BERRY&CO. -. - i. Members Consolidated Stock Exchange. N. Y. Produce Exchange. STOCKS. E0IDI G1S, C0I7CN ESTABLISXSEW 1865 44 Broadway, New York. 209 Main St.,Durham, N.C. Telephone No. 7. Send for market letters and pamphlet. Direct wires with the Postal and West ern Union oVsces ensures prompt atten tion on al! telegraphic btasiness. Southern IS ail war ftperlal listen $18.35 To Louisville, Ky., and retnrn, National Convention People's Party, Louisville, Ky., April 2, 1902. Tickets on sale March 30, 31 and April 1, with final limit April 4, 1902. Account Meeting North Carolina Music Teachers' Association, Raleigh. N. C, Railway will sell round-trip tickets from all points wunui me oiawv mcmaing .tribunal todav approved the eventual Norfolk, Suffolk and Danville a at cession of the Canal property, to the reduced rate. Tickets on sale March United States, subject to a reserve re 29 30 and 31. with final hmit Apnl 4. :.gardini: modikLtios to be obT For any further particulars write orlfrom. the Colombian government con rall on T. C STURGIS, C. T. A., I eerning article 20 and 21 of the" agree- Raleigh, N. a ment. Chamber to Consider Plan to Establish a Collar and Cuff Factory Backed by a $20,000 Stock Company. At a special meeting of the Chamber tonkin i& office' acdon will be taken looking to the establishment of , a very important industry in Raleigh backed by a $20,000 stock company) It " the manufacture of collars and cuffs fobot1 ladies -and gentlemen. The-factory, if established, will give profitable employment to about one hun- dred jvomen and girls. A portiooi of the .work can be. don in their own homes, and the work will be suitable for the ' nl h.l? , a u bnffi manager has been found. He has ris ted the city, and satisfactory arrangements can be made with him that .will fully protect the company. It is confidently "pvfe l tne stockholders can re- lM least a ten P". cent annual Mr. George Allen said yesterday that so far as can be seen this is the best opportunity that Raleigh ever had to A GERMAN CLUB FOR RALEIGH Thirty-two Young Men Or ganized Last Night Wat kins Robards President A german club was organized last night by some of the foremost young men of Raleigh. There were thirty-two members present and enrolled. The se- yet to be designated. It was decided to give the first dance in the dining room of the new Hotel Dorsett (formerly the Carrallton) on the evening of Mon day, March 3lst. The following officers were elected last night: " President Mr. Watkins Robards. Vice President Mr. V. D. Stronach. Secretary and Treasurer Mr. Murray Allen. Leaders Mr. W. K. Battle and Mr. Wm. B. Jones. NARROWLY ESCAPED BURNING TO DEATH A narrow escape from burning to dea:h was experienced yesterday niorn- j ing by little Maggie Parish, the twO-year-old daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Parish at their home on East Jones street. , The child was playing in the back yard where soap wOs being made when her dress caught on fire. Before the j names coula be extiguisnea her gown. was inirned completely on and ner nair singed slightly, but otherwise he es caped all injury. Mr. Inrish said that he could onlj look uion i; tips a miracle that she was not burned. Not even :i scar was made, though her dress was destroyed. 7 , r POSTSCRIPTS Mr. W. A. Erwin of West Durham spent last night in the city. Mr. P.. II. Woodell, Grand Secretary I. O. O. I, returned from S;ar in Montgomery county last night, where le instituted n Relkah Ixwlge of that n , : "f lu" t. ", .T urer up to the hrst of this month, the time at which "the fiscal year ends. Itev. C. A.' Jenkins, pastor of the Bap tist church m tioidsooro, will p. aca nvt SunHnv in the -Virsf Uni.tist church of this city. He is recognized as one of the mos: eloquent pieachers in the State. Dr. T. N. Ivey, Mr. L. W. Walker, Rev. G. Ii. I'erry of "Burlington, Rev. K D. Holmes of Smithfield, Mr. W. L. Stephens of Smithfield, Rev. J. W. Jen kins, Mr. N. M. Wahab of Durham, and Maj. B. F. Dixon left yesterday mornkig to attend the Methodist district Conference at Youngsville. Mr. W. E. Jones has resigned as man ager of the W. E. Jones Furniture Com pany, the resignation to take effect not later than May 1st. ' He will accent flattering inducements to go Into the commission and brokerasre business. Raleigh Lodge, No. 500, A. F. and A. M., met in regular communication this Friday night, March 21. All mem lers ar? requested to be present, and brethren of other lodges are cordially invited. Work in .the E. A. degree. II. C. BUTLER, M. W. E. Faison, Sec. . eg. . Bookkeeper Arrested New York, March 20. Frank V. Sid ing, a bookkeeper employed by the Gorham Manufacturing Company of -aun a. ax ,5e Xma muiu- g charged with stealing o,000 from the. firm. - Suling is 25 years . old and married. 889 Broadway, was arrested this morn- He lives at Jamaica. The Cession Approved Paris, March 20. On application of the Panama Canal Company, the Civil New Industry ojanize an industry that will give m-p-oyment to not lees tlii five operatives for each one thousand dollars invested and with every prospect Of being profit able to the stockholders. Several citi zens have subscribed one thousand dol lars each, and others five hundred each. Only $10,000 more of stock is needed to make the $20,000 desired. So far as noAv seen th stock payments will be called for as folios: Not to ex ceed one-half during the year 1902, and not ro -exceed five per cent per month during 1903, until all has been paid. From the degree of interest manifest ed in the movement thus far there seems no doubt that favorable action will be taken tonight and the organization of the company puehed as rapidly as pos sible. Mr. N. W. West is taking much in terest in the formation of the company and subscribed largely to stock. He is being spoken of generally as 'president and secretary. The officers of the com pany are all to.be Raleigh business men. And the expert collar and stiff makers one gentleman and a lady will be cm played 'to instruct those in Raleigh who desire this employment. Every member of the Chamber of Commerce is urged to attend the meet ing tonight. ; Special Kates to Charleston, S. c. Ex position via S A. L. Ky fo.Go Limited eeven (T) days from date of sale, route via Cheraw, sold Tuesdays and. Thursdays. $7.00 Limited to seven (7) days from date of sale, route via Columbia, sold Tuesdays and Thursdays. $8.95 Limited teu (10) days from date of sale, route via Columbia. $12.25 Limited until June 3rd, 1902. route via Columbia. Following is schedules between Ral eigh and Charleston, only twelve hour.? via S. A. L. Railway, changing cars at Columbia only: Lv. Raleigh 3:32 a. m. 7:35 p. m. Ar. Columbia .... 9:35a. m. 2:00 a. m. Lv. Columbia 11:40 a. m. 7:00 a. m. Ar. Charleston. . 3:35 p. m. 11:15 p. m. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars i and day coaches on all trains. For further information call at City Ticket Office, Telephone Nos. 117. C. H. G ATT IS, C. P. & T. A. Raleigh, N. C. . : 3 North Carolina Day Charleston Ex position ' The Governor and his staff have de cided to use the Seaboard Air Line Railway, on their trip to the Charles ton Exposition, during North Carolina week. They will leave Raleigh on spe cial traili Tuesday morning, April 8th. This Is to be a handsome train, consist ing of Pullman cars and up-to-date coaches. This train will foe run for the benefit of any one in North Carolina is open to all and I will be glad to arrange Pullman accommodations for those who wish them. The rate from Raleigh for the round trip is only $5.15, good for seven (7) days, sold for this train. Oth er places in North Carolina on same proportion. The present plans are that this train will leave Raleigh at 9.00 a. m., Tues day, April 8th, arriving at Charleston about 4.00 p. m. . For further Information, address I ; H. S. LEARD, Travelling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. . .. . S $26.05 To Eatla, Tex., and Ittnrn $26.05 On account meeting United Confed erate Veterans Reunion, Dallas. Tex., will sell round trip tickets at above rate April 22-25, 1902, the Southern Railway from Raleigh, correspondingly low rates from all other stations. Tickets on sale April IS, 19 and 20, with final limit May 2d. An extension of the final limit can be obtained by depositing ticket with joint agent Dallas on or before April 30th, and on payment of a fee of 50 cents, to and including May 15, 1902. . All tickets sold for this occasion must be validated by a joint agent at Dallas for such service a fee of 50 cents will be charged. This applies to all tickets whether presented for extension or not. These rates apply by all ticketing routes further particulars write or caii On T. C SturglS, i,. , 1 . JV., iarwiOUea House Building, Raleigh, N. C. Low Kates to Charleston Exposition la Southern Hallway The Southern Railway announces the following low rates to Charleston, S. C., on account of the South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposi tion, Charleston, S. C, December 1. 1901, to June 1. 1902. The following rates apply from Ra leish $5 65 Tickets fc'.d Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week commencing December 3rd to May 9th, final limit seven days from date of sale. Route via Selma and Atlantic Coasi Line. ., 7.00 Tickets sold Tuesdavs and Thursdays of each week commencing December 3d to May 29th, Snal limit seven days from da.te of sale. Route via Greensboro and Charlotte-. $S.95 Tickets sold daily commencing! November 30th to May 1st. final limit! ten days from dae cf salr.. Route via j Selma and Atlantic Coast Life. j 9.90 Tickets sold daily commencing I November 30th to May 1st. final limit ! ten days from date of sale. Route via . Greensboro and Charlotte. ; J2.25 Tickets sold daily commencing ; November 30th to Mav 1st. linai limit j June 3. 3902. Houta via 'aia acd Atlantic Coast Line. $13.50 Tickets sob- Jailj commenc ing November SOtn to Alcy 1st, final limit June 3, 3902. Route via Greens boro and Charlotte. The Southern Railway has four daily rassenger trains to Charleston leaving Raleigh as follows: 1.00 a. m.; 10.30 a. m.; 3.50 p. m.; 3.51 p. ni. arrive Charleston 7.30 p. m.; 11.15 p.m. 7.00 a. m.; 5.40 a. m., respectively. Through Pullman by either route from Selma and Charlotte. For tickets, Pullman -eeervations and any further particulars wrrU or call on T. C. Sturgis, C. T. A, Yarborough Hous:. Raleigh, N. C. KODAKS,- CAMERAS' And protographic supplies. . Eastman Kodak Co's. goods. Can fill , orders same day as received, especially for films. Developing 35c. for 3x3, 12 Exp. Printing and mounting 5c. each. If yon are interested send five lc. Stamps for catalogue. W. B. Sorreil, Chapel Hill, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE ROAD COMPANY. RAIL- CONDENSED SCHEDULE. . Dated January 15, 1902. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 23 Daily Leave Wejckra 11.50 . m., arrive Rocky Mount 1.00 p. m. Leave Tarboro 12.2E p. m., leavo Rocky Mount 1.05 p. in., leave Wilson 1.59 p. in., leave Selma 2.oo p. m., leave FayettevIIle 4.30 p. m., arrive Florence 7.35 p. m. 3o Daily Leave Weldon 9.38 p. m.. arrive Rocky Mount 10.::-J p. m., leave Rocky Mount 10.OL' a. -in., leave Wilson 11.10 a. m., leave Seima 11.59 a. m.. leave Fa-rette-ville 1.12 a. m., arrive Florence 3.20 a. m. 103 Daily except Sunday Leave Tarboro 7.22 p. m., leave Rocky Mount 7.52 p. m., leave Wilson 8.31 p. m., arrive Goldsboro 9.20 p. m. No No No No. 41 -Daily Leave Rocky Mount 5.45 a. m., k'ave Wilson 6.26 a. m.. leave Goldsboro 7.31 a. nx ieave Magnolia 6.37 a. m., arrive Wil- . mington 10.10 a. m. 49 Daily Leave Rocky Mount 12.52 p. m., leave Wilson 2.40 p. m., leave Goldsboro 3.15 p. m., leave Magnolia 4.25 p. m., arrive Wil mington 6.00 p. m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 7SDaiIy Leave Florence 10.05 a. ni., leave Fayetteville 12.40 a. m., wTe Selma 2.10 a. m., arrive nV-11 ' m- leave Wilson - p. m., arrive Rockv Mount 3.30 p. m., leave Tarboro 2.31 p. m., leave Rocky Mount 3.50 p. 'in., arrive Weldon 4.53 p. m. 12 Daily except Sunday Leave Goldsboro 7.35 a. m., leave Wil son 8.20 a. m., arrive Rocky Mount 9.00 a. m.f arrive Tarboro 9.34 a. m. No. No. No. No. 32 32 Dailv T,pnt-o TTinnf& b r"? leave Fayetteville 10.09 p. m., leave Selma 11.25 p. m., arrive Wilson 12.07 p. m., leave Wilson 31.34 a. m., arrive Rocky Mount 12.10 a. m., leave Itocky Mount 12.43 a. m., arrive Weldon 1.37 v a. m. 40 Daily Leave Wilmington 7.00 p. m., leave Magnolia 8.30 p. m., leave Goldsboro 9.37 p. mJ, leave Wilson 10.45 p. m., arrive Rocky Mount 11.23 p. m. No. SOUTHBRXRAII.WAY COMPANY .- CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 24th. 1901. This schedule is published as informs tion, and is subject to change without notice to the public. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. NO. 11.-1:00 a. m. daily. Carries Pullman sleeper Raleigh to Greensboro, open for o-cupancy at 9 p. m., connecting at Greensboro with train 33. N ew York and Florida Express for Salisbury, Charlotte, Columbia, Aiken, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida, with main line train No. 37, "Washington and Southwestern Limited," for Salisbury. Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Or leans, Memphis and all points South and Southwest. Also with main Jin train No. 11 for High Point. Asheboro, Salisbury, Concord and all local points between Charlotte and Atlanta. Connecting at Salisbury with train for all points in Western North Carolina, including Ashevilie, and for Knox ville, Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago and all points West and Northwest. Connection is also made at Greensboro with train for Winston-Salem. Wilkesboro, Reidsville, Danville and local stations. NO. 35.--S:50 a. m. daily Connects at Durham for Oxford, Henderson, Keys ville and Richmond. At University "Station, except Sunday, for Chapel Hill. At Greensboro for Winston-Salem, Mocksville, Reidsville. Danville, Richmond, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all points North. NO. 8 10:30 a. rn. daily For Goldsboro and intermediate points. Connecting at Selma for Wilson, Rocky Mount and Fayetteville. At Goldsboro for Norfolk, where close connection is "made with the Chesapeake line for Balti more. Ais at Goldsboro for Wilmington. NO. 303:52 p. m. daily For Selma, Goldsboro and intermediate points. NO! 7 3:50 p. ni., daily Connects at Durham, except Sundays, for Oxford, Clarksville, Keysville and intermediate points. At University Station, ex cept Sundavs. for Chapel Hill. At Greensboro with main line train No. 7 ' for High Point, Charlotte and local points. With train No. 35, "U. S. Fast Mail." for Salisbury, Charlotte, Spartanburg. Greenville, Atlanta and all points South, including Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida. Through Pullman buffet sleepers New York to New Or leans via Atlanta, Montgomery. Jacksonville and Mobile. Through sleep er from New York to Jacksonville via Savannah. Pullman sleeper Charlotte to Birmingham and Charlotte to Augusta. Main line trains No. 7 and 33 connect at Salisoury ror jucKor.v, Asueviue, jmiLaii-nji;;", Jitmiuiis, juuis ville Cincinnati and Chicago. Solid train carrying Pullman buffet sleeper Danville to Memphis. Also connects at Greensboro with main line train No. 1" for Danville, Richmond and local stations. With train No. 38. "Wash jn'fton and Southwestern Limited," and train No. 34, "New York and Florida Express," for Danville, ljyncnDurg, inanottesvuie, wasnington, Jiammori?, Philadelphia, New York "and all points North. These trains carry tirst rlass coach to Washington and Pullman sleepers through to New York; als3 to Richmond, on train 34. Connection is also made at Greensboro for Win--A or, n 19 dnilv 5:25 a. m. For Goldsboro. Wilson. Rocky Mount. Tarboro and Norfolk and A. & N. C. novnFVSED SCHEDULE BETWEEN , No. i Daily. 9:00am 9:20 am. f 9:35am 10 :05am f 10 :35am 50:45am 10:50am f 11:00am f 11 :33am fl 1:52 am il2:0Ori'n 12:21pm 12:45pm lt25pm 1:37 pm f l:45pua l:5Spm Lv. ........ Norfolk, Va. Pinners Point Bruce .... Suffolk Gates. N , Eure ... , Tunis Ahoakey Kelford . . . , Palmyra .' Hobgood .... , . . . . ..... Tarbcro . ... South Rocky Mount ... South Rocky Mount Sharpsburg . . . Elm City ... Wilson Contentnea .... . Lucama .... Kenly ..... Jerome .......... Selma f 2:20pnx 2:23pmJ f 2-ATpvo. 2 :5opm No. 35 No. 11. 9:40pm 9:55pm 10:10pm 10:25pm 10:38pm 10:50pm 11 :08pm 2:05pnv 12:19pm 2:31pm 2-.44pm o :55pm 3:05pm 3:18ptn 3:50pm 3:38p 7:20am 7:3fiam. i. 7:48am 7 :59pm S:04a.n , 3:14am . 8:27am 8:37 am 8:42am 8:46am 9:01am 9:12am 9:19am 9:27am 9:32am 0:44 am 9 :50am 10:25 am 10:33am 10:46am 10:58am 11:04am 11:08am 11 :20a ra 11:24am ll:3Sam 11 :55am 1 1 .O" nm 11 31 Upm opm . lam :r,0pi 57noi 3 . 3:1 4 .'ofipm 1 I.iam 'iOam 1 1:15pm 4:24pni 4:30pm 4:37pni 4:43pta 4:59pm 5:WPm VK27pm 5:38pm. 5:45pm 5:50pm 5:59pm G :03pm 6:17pm 6:35pm 2:0" am 2:1-' ;nm o.o- 5a m 2:35a m 3:00ain 3:15am 3:30am 3:45am 4:00am 4:12am 4:18am 4:30am 4:35am 4:45am 5:15am McLe Lv Goldsboro Ar. .... Rose . . ; Princeton , . . Pine Level . Selma .... . . Wilson's Mill . Claton .. .... Auburn Garner Ar. Raleigh Ar. . ... Method .... . . . Ca radTn .. MorrimUf:s ... Nel tnd r:z ... Brasuidvij: . . East tndf ():o ... Durmdf:i:c ... Univmd-j;:o . . . Hillsboro . . . .... Efl'ind . . . : .... Mehnno .... . Haw River . . .. Graham ... . . . Burlington . . .. F.'on College . . tibs.in ville . . -rr 4i eaves Goldsboro 4:50 p. m arrives Raleigh 0.0O p.m. s . - 42 leaves Raleigh at 9:50 a, ra., arrives Goldsboro 1-A.i p. m. rSlt sections of all scheduled freight tarins carry pa8engers between stations First secuu which they are scheduled to stop. n nnTTBTE DAILY SERVICE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTn, EAST DOUBI iAsr UNEQUEALLED DINING CAR SERVICE. ho. 4S Dany-Leave .WUmington ; Sl3 a. m., leave Magnolia 11.05 a. ib Jeave Goldsboro 12.26 a. m.. leav ; HHson 1.18 p. in., arrive Rocky - Mount 1.53 p. m. Tadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9.10 a. m- arrives -77et,rST'"e 12-2U P- leaves Fayette- uie "7 P-.m., arrives Sanford 1.58 m. Returning leaves Sanford 3.05 p. m arrives Fayetteville 4.20 p. m., leaves layettevUle 4.30 p. m., arrives Wilmington 7.15 p. m. Bennettsville. Branch Train leaves Beunettsville 8.10 a. m.. Maxton 9.05 a. ni.. Red Springs 9.32 a. m.. Parkton iu.41 a. m., Hope Mills 10.55 a. m.. arrives Favetteviile 11 in netnrnini? Lees raJerteviile 4.45 p. m., Hope Mills 5.00 p. m., Red Springs 5.43 p. m., Max ton 6.16 p. ni., arrives Bennettsville .15 p. m. Connections at Fayetteville with train o. 8 at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red SDrinss & Rnwmoro Railroad. ; 3t Sanford with the Seaboard Air Lina and Southern Railway, at Gulf with tin Durham & Charlotte Railroad. ' Train on . the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves WeJdon 3.15 p. m.. Halifax 3.29 p.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.10 p. jn.. Greenville 5.47 o. m., Kinston H.45 ' p. m. Returning leav.es Kinston 7.30 a. m., Greenville 8. 30 a. m., arriv ing Halifax at 11.05 a. to., Weldon 11.20 a.- m., daily except Sunday. , Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8.00 a. m. and 2.45 p. m.. arrive Parmele 8.55 a. m.. and 4.10 p. m., returning leave Parmele 11.10 a. m. and 5.22 p. m.. arrive AVashington 32.30 a. m. and.G.15 p.' m., daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily ex cept Sunday 4.35. p. m., Sunday 4.35 p. m., arrives Plymouth 6.35 p. m.. 0.30 p. m. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday 7.30 a. m., and Sunday 9.0O a. ni., arrives Tarboro' 9.55 a. m 11.00 a. in. Train on Midland, N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro daily except Sunday, 5.00 a. m., arriving Smithfield 0.10 a. m. Re fuming lenves Smithfield 7.00 a. arrives at Goldsboro 8.25 a. m. Train on Nasnvllle Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9.30 a. m., 4.00 p. m., arrives Nashville 10.20 a. m., 4.23 p. m.. Spring Hope 11.00 a. m., 4.45 p. m. Retuniing leaves Spring Hope 11.20 a. m., 5.15 p. m., Nashville 11.45 a, m., 5.45 p. m.t arrives at Rocky Mount 12.10 p. m., 6.20 p. m., daily except Sunday.' Train on Clinton Branch leaves War- . saw for Clinton dally except Sunday, 11.40 a. m., and 4.15 p. m. Returning leaves Clinton at C.45 a. in. and 2.50 p. m. ' Train No. 78 majkes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily, all rail via Richmond. H. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agents J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. , T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. R. R. points NORFOLK AND GREENSBORO Tliiilr , . Ar. :."5ppi 5:30pm f5 :16pm 4 :50pm f 4 :20pm f 4 :07pm 4 :00pm f3 :41pm f3:lfiPm f 3 :00pm f2:53pm 2:01pm 2:0Spm 3 :44pm f 3 37pm f 1 :29pm J :3 0pm 1:09pm c. No. 12. 7:30am 7:lam 7:02am 0:48a in 0:41am 0:24 am 0:05am 5:50am f:42aci 5:42am 5:00am uiuxC:0 njEM':0 mrfjivot niEC-i:0l 2:30am 2:10am 1:50am 1:20am 3:18am 3:10am 32:55am 12:45am No. 8. 32:10pm- 3 Ifc'Oam' 31:48am 31:31am 31:24am 33:15am 31:01am 30:40am 30:43am ' 30:30am 40:23am rac?(j:o to ceo: f tuer-v:s. 9:12am 9:01am 8:54 am 8:43an 8:38am 8:34 am 8:20am 8:22am 8:10ara ; 7 :58am No. 30. 5 :30pm 5:17am 5:04 pm 4: 2rm 4: 4: :40pm 4: ft I'll, :18nm 4:i).pm T-SSpm 3:51 pm 3:3;j.pm -fjr.-Ma " ' tncti fliBtiinr pisns " no etP-vft ' j. o. :20pm 2: :l-'pm :02pra 3 ;.upm :44otj 3 1 :40pm 1:35pm 3:3 3 pro 1:00pm 12:45pm ansville 12:25am Greensboro Lv. 12:03am