POSTSCRIPTS The Misses Steinmetz are visiting friends ia Henderson. ' - Mr. J. R. Johnson of oungsville, was. here yesterday for several hours. Mr. W. Flummer Ba'tchelor lias .gone o-New York on business. , Mr. H. L. Adams of ChaTlotte spent yesterday in Uajeigli. . . Mr. J. A. Kemp returned to AYafc Forest yesterday Mr. II L. Lous vras here from Dunn feMiss liE. D. Pearce of KttreB was here yesterday. Mr. J. L. Cartiand of Greensboro spent yesterday in the city. Mr. John Gray By nam Of GreensboTO wae a visitor in the. city yesterday. Mr. C. N. Allen was here from Au burn yesterday on business. Mr. D. M. Carter has returned to the citv" from a business trip south. Dr. ST. -H. Knapp nd wife of New York are guests a: the Yarborough. i Editor J. A. Kins of the Durham Herald was a Raleigh,' visitor yester day. ' Associate Justice R. M. Douglas of the Supreme' Court went to Greensboro! yesterday.- I Mr;. K. S. Stevenson has gone to At- j lanta to see her mother, who is reported quite ill. Major IV F. Dixon.' State Auditor, left for Youngsville yesterday to at tend the Methodist district conference. Mr. Gaston Meares- of Asheville was registered at the Yarborough yester- Mr. Henry Weil of Goldsboro is in the city for a day or two. He is a guest at the Yarborough. Mrs. Claude C. Barbee arrived last night from Richmond to spend a day or two with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Gattis. Mr. A. F. McPhail 'has returned to his home at Lemon Springs after a visit ito Mr. J. L O'Quinn. The Carolina Orchestra went to Golds boro yesterday and played for the char ity ball given last night. Mr. Carl Duncan, collector of inter nal revenue for the Fourth district, re turned from the National Capital yes terday. -Miss-Alice Cheek, student nr St. Mary's College, left for her home at Henderson yesterday to spend a few days. The friends of Capt. Tom Arrington will be glad to learn tnat he is improv ing rapidly from his recent serious iil ness. - Dr. Hubert A. Royster went up to the University of North. 'Carolina yes terday to lecture before the medical class. Mr. Martiu Sturnis, son of Mr. T. C Srnrgis, city ticket agent for t-he South rrn. has returned from a visit to rela tives at Aspen Colorado. Mrs. Spruill . arrived from Louisburg yesterday co spend a day or two witii her daughter, Miss Alice, at St. Mary's School 'Hon. Unn Hugh McLean, treasurer of the North Carolina Railroad Com pany, passed throush the city en route from Dunn to IWirtingtoir- yesterday. . Dr. Charles D. Mclver, president of the State Normal ajid Industrial Ooi- ego returned to Greensboro yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Dize of AVilmington, formerly Miss Kate Sterling of Cresfield. Md., is visiting Mrs. W. H. Lyon on Blood worth (street. Mr. C. M. Babbitt, deputy revenue col lector was here from New Bern yes terday 0:1 business conneeteed with the collector's of Gee. Mrs. . J. J. Harris and daughters, Misses Alice and Sarah, returned to their home at Greensboro yesterday af ter a visit to Mrs. C. G. Whiting. Mr. Z. Y. Walser, Mrs. Walser and Miss Winifred Adderson of Lexington were guests at the Yarborough yester day. 1 Mr. T. G. Alston and daughter, Mrs. Thome, passed Through the city yes terday on their way from Littleton to Mr. Alston's home in South Carolina. Mr. I. M. Meekins returned to Eliz abeth City yesterday after spending two 'days hero on professional business.' Mr. Meekins is a rising young lawyer. Mrs. Charles F. Cook and . Master Joseph Furman Cook wont to Fayette vilie yesterday in response to a tele gram annonncing the critical illness of Mrs. J. A. Burns, sister of Mrs. Cook. Mr. O. C. Chadbourn and Mr. S. H. Chadbourn of Wilmington, spent Vcdnesday night at the Yarborugh audi left yesterday for their home. They were returning from Baltimore. Governor Aycock on yesterday or dered a special term of Superior Court in Wilkes county -to convene May 10 and continue two weeks. It will be. for the trial of criminal causes. The judge has not yet been designated. Jodfo -Walter -Clark has gone to Bal timore to attend the joint meeting of the roctnar jifrernoon. Mo came to J.wu- eigh to conduct service at the Church of the Good Shepherd Wednesday night. He is recognized as one of the bright est and most promising , young rectors in the diocese. Members of the Good Shepherd parish were delighted with the service he conducted. -3 ..: An At Home The - Wilkesboro Chronicle of this week contains the following item, of i lit recti ' ' "Mrs. James W. McNeill and her sifter, Miss Johnson, of Raleigh, were at home' to a number of the married ladies, and entertained in a most pleas ant and charming manner. At night from 8 to 12 they entertained a num ber of , the young people with a 'Pro gressive Advertising Contest' function. In the contest Miss Johnson won the prize and Mr. Bud Lewis captured the booby prize. Elegant refreshments were served, and altogether it was one of th EH5t elaborate and charming func tions of the season. May they often return." "-- HhntiiKFtrm ITrtbl (Now York Press.) My old friend William H. Plumb of Bangor, .N. Y., w ants me to tell him what a farm is '.worth that gives, an ahrfual income of $600, and what is the value of -a cow that gives ,$15 net hi imilk and butter a year. According t to the system of . -farm book-keeping witn which I have long vbeen familiar, this $600 income means that there is. that sum left ' after deducting the cost of seeds, planting, cultivating, harvesting and marketing the crops, paying wage1 of all the 'help, feeding the han'ds and all the stock, clothing the family, paying the taxes, , pew rent, tickets to the cir cus, buying a new horse or two, repair ing the carriages, wagons and imple ments, expenditure for chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco, pipes, a few gallons of whiskey ' now and then, etc., world without end. Such a farm is too valu able to sell at' 4ny price. As for the cow why, she-is worth, according to the same system of book-keeping, a good currying and three bran-mashes a day. . M(ht W Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all' night long," writes Mrs. Cnas. Apple-gate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get'auy sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but. when all other medicines failed, three $l.tK) bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolute!; guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds. La Grippe, Bron chitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles 10c. At all drug stores. ; $ Lady (to bird fancier) "I must get you to change, that parrot, Mr. Chick weed. I've only had him a week, but quite, half a dozen times he has shocked my visitors" with' his horrible language!" BjrJ Fancier "I thought you wanted one that was quick, to learn, ma'am!" Punch. - Lady "I have made inquiries at your last place, and your former mistress doesn t speak very flatteringly of you." Applicant "No, .1 don't suppose she thinks any more of me than I do of her, but I hope I'm lady enough to ktx?p my opinion of her to myself." Boston Transcript. -0 "What soulful eyes you have!" she said to the innocent youth. "Have I?" he smilingly asked. "Yes," she murmured, in her gushing way. "Especially the left one. I could look into its liquid depths for hours." "I might leave it with you over Sunday," said the youth. "It's glass." Tit-Bits. j BUSINESS ITEMS MILLINERY PARLOR. Mrs. Stur gis will open an up-to-date Millinery Par lor at Mrs. Waldorf's Boarding House, opposite union depot, and will bring from the north a line of swell pattern hats, latest novelties and trimmings. Will be ready to take orders March 24. . Will be assisted by a first-class milliner from the north. Lndies If sick, worried or discour aged, write us for our regulator; one treatment cuaranteed to relieve abnor raahcase of suppression, any cause. Dr. A. Mead Rem. Co., 21 Quiiicy St., Chi icago. Your Wall Decoration stamps you as artistic, or otherwise, It reflects your taste as surely as the earth reflects the sun. If you buy from us, you can depend upon getting an artistic paper,, as we keep none of the cheap, ugly, "bankrupt" varieties under any circumstances. Write us if ; you want wall paper. log tronac WEATHERS a UTLE-Y, RALEIGH, N. C. CHEAP RICK Ons hundred and fifty thousand extra large Brick, mostly Salmon, tt $4.50 per 1,000, f. o. b. cars. Sample may be seen at our ofllce. Pure coarse and unadulterated Wheat Bran, by the ton and carload ' price: best Anthracite, Nut. Stove and , Egg Coal, Thacker Splint CoaL Orders booked at summer prices if ordered promptly. Remember we are State agents for Thacker Domestic and Steam Coal, ordered direct t any depot at miners' prices. SSHB JONES & POWEL L EAriEIga 'ntlMIIIMtMMMMHt St. Hary's School, Raleigh, N. C ESTABLISHED IN 1842 LENT TERM BEGINS JAN. 27TH. 1902. FULL COURSE IN LITERATURE, LANGUAGES, SCIENCE, ART. MUSIC AND BUSINESS. EXCELLENT KINDERGAR- CENTRALLY LOCATED. UNDER MISS LOUISE T. BUS BEE S CHARGE. COMPLETE MODERN SANITARY CONVENIENCES. FOR CATALOGUE AND PARTICULARS ADDRESS rev; t. d. bratton. b. d. A; Lightweights and Spring Colorings. hC New This season's showings have many sensible viceable. inexpensive and novel ideas. We have purcnasea tne combination and a general invitation is given to attend our great display 01 spring fabrics On sale; looking or buying. Careful attention. Our New Popular Spring Leaders in oS I IL, S.e 191. .1. . z ! m-ee-i- y , . . . wacn, ou-iu., an xour grades. Jilaek, iJG-in. Mode Antioue xiaK, roin. Japanese jmik, aiacic and Colored Pea u De Soic, Cold Rc, 36 in. Corean Crepes, Silk Grenadines, Foulard Silks, Wash Silks, Silk Waist Patterns. Wif0'!nT mm ' j! jj We Have Some Bargains in It you contemplate the use or any At taese goods this season it will pay too to get our price before buying. - Oar increased trade is substantial evidence f the superiority of onr goods to any others on the market today. Our prices are as low as many others whose good do not compare in workmanship and irish. ZACHARY . 4 ZACHARY IOS West MartinSt,, RALEIGH. N. C, 'PHONE 382. Mention the Post when writing. tt, mmm eeeeeeeeeseeee Seed IrisH Potatoes t ermmlt:? rrora tlij Southern and Northern ' Methodist' conferences. The ir.ctlng Is !ov ahe discussion of and a report on the advisability of uniting the tiro conferences. Dtpiity Sheriff O. T. Eobtoson of Ca-l-arrus county r-as in Raleigh yester d5 to coiuruit Ed. Morgan, colored, to the State's Prison to serve a life sen tence.' Morgan is the negro who was to have 'hai:j(Ped March 81s?t for criminal assault cron a negro girl, and whose death sentence was commuted early this week to life imprisonment by Gov. .Aycoek. Rev. Mr. Qveus, rector of. St. Ste phen's church, Oxford, returned home PRINTER Situation wanted by job printer and all-round newspaper ma;i, with 18 years experience. Union man. Address Sox 77, Clyde, N. C. SPNGDE COMB Brown Leghorn esrss. Fertility guaranteed. By the setting or hundred. Jno. B. Stronach, Ra leirh. N. C. SEVEN PER CENT INVESTMENT. Wc offer for sale a few shares pre ferred stock, cumulative, yielding seven per cent. and. a few ten-year mortgage bonds, on the basis, of .seven per cent. THE RALEIGH HOSIERY CO., . Raleigh, N. C. KING- OF .THE EARLY. CLARK'S - gAgLY.. BLISS TRIUMPH, EARLY ROSE. All pure se&d and adapted to this sec tion to raise early potatoes. CONTINUALLY ADVANCING In modern life advancement is everywhere evident. In the Drug business too pi-eat advances have been made, and we always keep pace with progress. e have devices and appliances wjiich aid in dispensing prescriptions quickly. We continually add new remedies to our stock. We place before you tha latest in sick-room helps and nursery conveniences. On one point, however, we never change; that is regarding purity of medi cine. In all prescriptions dispensed here we use the highest quality obtainable. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO.. 233 FareCteville SU-eet, : ; s : : ItAIEIGH, N. c. Cigars THREE ROOMS furnwhed or nnfur nishel, with or without board, at No. 427 South Wilmington street. GAS ENGINE for . sale Four-horsepower Otto. Capital .Printing Co., Raleigh, N. C. Room 4 Pullen build ing. ' ' ' FOP, SALE A pony and buggy; pony sound and gentle; drives 20 miles in 3 hours; buggy in good condition. Ad dees, B. C. C, Drawer H, City. OUR 5 and 10c Cigars are simply topnotch. None better for the money GrowelL pLnrty Go, DRUGGISTS, 120 FayettcTiU Street. ' ClTldend Notice Raleigh, N. C, March 17, 1902. At a jneeting of the Board of Directors of tho Caraleieh Mills Company held this day. a dividend of 4 per cent on the prcterrea etooi; ana per, cent on the common stock was declared, payable at the Commercial and Farmers Bank Ra leigh, N. C, April 1st, 1002, to stock holders of date March 17th. 1902 F. O. MORING, Sec'y and Treas. EUgant Lata fr SaU That part ofthe Willard property adjoining Mrs. Tucker's and situated. HiUsboro street and Boylan avenue L be sold at auction Mondav, Anril Vi There are seven lots, two on Pnii.v ' street and five on Boylan avenS ml of them have a frontaee of TO Ji-f 1 depth of about 140 feet! The two thst north on Boylan avenue have fio feet front. Terms of sale r,1.7 6? cash, balance -with interest JOUrt,h 1903. A plot of the lots can JhlD""y X' Mr. Frank Stronach" of?ce JZ at sons interested . ,.5iCe' aod Pr- the premises. Tiab tox residences. are elegant lots I ii PEACE i. MMMMM INSTITUTE for Young Indies 1 1 UUINIbthYH I Un Y Ur MUSIC! If Has no superior. Leschetizky system of Music; nothing cnnii in iat oiaie. .j.uic "itssura. .tuvanceo courses to suit any I one. Specialists In all departments. Terms will suit vou Ask for I " free catalogue. Five changes after Christmas, two of which are filled i " waiiuu, N. C. 7 ILLUSTRATION OF FIVE YEAR DIVIDEND TZjAN OF THE -TNA LIFE IN-" SURANCE COMPANY. Churchill, N. C., Sept. 26th, 1901. Mr. J. D. Boushall, Gen'l Agt., Raleigh, N. C. DearCJib: Yours of yesterday received with notice of ac cumulated dividend amounting to $28.46 on my policy No. 247028. I execute and enclose form 110 and 234, for which you will please pay the premium $27.73 due Sept 29th, - 1901, and send me check for balance. ' I am most grateful to the Company for the large dividend that has been accumulated under my policy. I must say : that insurance is the best investment that a young man can put his money in, especially in the old JEtna. I will re commend theiEtna to those who want insurance as the very best Life Insurance Company in America. Wishing the vEtna'and all of. it3 officers much success, I am, Yours very truly, J. J. Nicholson, IN WOOL SPRING WEIGHTS Black and; Colored Red Wool Crepesj Black and Colored Waist Specials, . Black Wool .Minstrel Cloth, Wool Corean Crepes, Black Wool . Bengaiinei Sil Warp, .Wool Canvas Cloths...... Black Figured and Plain Etanuine, Black Wool Hernanni Cloth, Colored and Black Lansdown, Priestley's Silk Yarp Clairette, Batiste. Albatross and' "Nuns Veilinsr. WOOL SKIRTINGS Sponged and Shmnk, all:wooi Checiots, Silk Finished Prunella Cloths, Medium-weight Meltons. . (require no linings.) c- Heavy Walking Skirt Kerseys (require no linings.). IN LINE FABRICS Silk Warp Linen Batiste, plain. Silk Warp Linen. Batiste, embroider. .Striped, Plain and Fancy, all Lines Silk Warp Linen Ponjrees. Linen and Silk Mixed Tussais Trimmings to Match. IN COTTON MATERIALS White Cotoon Checiots. White and Colored Madras, Heavy and Soft Finished Welts antf Piques, Printed Silk Warp Parisian Novelties, Printed Lawns, Dimitcs and Bnti-tP, Umgnaius, rercals, Cheviots and Galetea Cloths, 40-inch. India Lawn. 45-ineh Persian Lawns, G8-inch Organdies. SKIRT MAKING We receive orders for special skirt measures. The perfect firtin; of each skirt guaranteed. Prices and samples se nt w hen requested. Delivered when promised. - . EASTER HATS FOR LADIES. MISSES. BOYS ON DISPLAY. A. B.rStrofiac Raleigh. N. C. AND CHILDREN. NOW Co A NATURAL . ., . . . SEQUENCE The outgrowth of intelligent and persistent effort ought to be euccess.. We are not the creatures of chance the sport and prey of every stormy wind that blows. Good buying, close selling, enrrgrfi-.' advertising and polite and honest treatment-will make-and Ik.U trade. That's why we have earned and maintain our present i. tion. These Things Count j, ' . .-. We desire to thank oxir friends for calling during our opening and for the many words of praise that -were bestowed upon the display of Pattern Hats. We are prepared to trim your hats now for Easter and the earlier you put in your order the better work you will get. & Our stock is belter than' ever before. If you want a INew Skirt we have a beautiful line .of Black Taffeta at 75c, $1 and ?1.25... Tv.t ria and Crepe De Chene at 75c. Serges at 50, 75c, $1. Upm I-! t Venetians at $l. .Natta Cloth7 at 75c. and SI. . It. Shirt Waists you -will find a handsome line of Percals. Ginchanis. Madia?, of all kinds, Lace, Stripe and Checked White Good?, Organ. 10 to 35c. Inexpensive sroods. bnt hand-m New Whito Sbitt Waist Pans and other accessories Our New Oxford Ties are arriving and are on sale. -,We have the goods to please all H;'-'-'' as the masses. . . ' Whi-e h"' m