VTHE MORNING P05Ts TUESDAY. MAY 6 igoa - : - Archbishop Corrigan Dies Very Suddenly His Doctors and Attendants Supposed He Was Im proving an Hour Be fore the End i blown off by a shot gun, fired by a col- f ered girl and boy, aged about ten years ' each. They had no cap, but the boy I put ;he head or a match on the tuoe of the gun and at his request the girl pulled the trigger. They' shot out of a window and the entire load took effect in the child's head, who was sitting on of the archdiocese, is now on his way j a lounge in the yard, cot far from the home after a visit to Home. As soon tu he lands here he will take over the administrative powers temporarily in fhe h .iimI 4 of Monsignor Moouey, whose se- nirr he is, window. New York. May ". The most rever-, end Michael Austin Corrigan, Arch bishop of Now York, died at llrOii o'clock tonight at his reidence. Fiftieth street aui Madison avenue. Twenty-live minutes bef.re that he had shaken hand with his secretary. Father Carley, and told hint fh.it he was feeling hotter thin t any rime si.:.-e his illn-. At twenty roinrtrs eleven the archbishop sum ir.or.cd in a faint voice the two siste: frmi Sr. Vincent's hospital who hac been constantly with him since ho 1U ill of pneumonia. They were in the text rim. "O. ?:?:r. I arc frying worse than I lun' ovcr felt," said the archbishop. :;, ci the s.:evs uh-t i- regarded .is 1h- bct trailed unr.- of the isters in tii. ci;:i;.y. wen: t t hi side. The arch bili V was j-;t bre.ith.t.g a:i-i vry weak. The sister cave h:ai a hypodermic in jcetioi ' f ritro iy.t r:i;e and strychnine t sr.::.ul..te his h. art. I ! did not rally. In fact :h:i: tiuitil.i:if did not seem to hire the least elicit. The sister feared that thd end was near and di-patched i.r f.i.np.iK.oa to send for Ir. E. L. Ki'jt?, the archbihps physician, and t :uue the priests i n the parish house and the a iviib;h.p two brothers, lie v. rgf rrigan anil Dr. Joseph Corri g;.:i. of Dade City. Florida, "who have I-I lie houe nlk'e the archbishop" i. !:; re:. .!:! a critical stage. Instantly there i..s an alarm in the house. Hells were rt.nc and servants were sent hurry i:: w;;h meages. t-'r.i;;.el .-tit. mid the archbishop when he pn-t! iw.iv were his two brother, t-ai h h-Mii g one of his hands, and the i ri .".Is the e:i :!...! r:il who ktielt iroi::id 1 1 - T - V I. : i .1 it; :co. i .ie :i r n ri.i'p s or;nrs were kne-vi.:g a;id prayers were said. The .treh'.i-lii'p nr. id nothing, cnnht h: lr-'..i. :"e l !y .r twice, and died. Ten :.ii:riic l.iti-r J.-. Key it- arrived at the hie. lie w a vry lu'i.-li surprised ws.I a sh ..'.. for he said the ar h bih p had pie,l the b -t il iv vir.ee his :iinen. ad it h i been arranrd for 1 i:n t T.ivf hi l-d tomorrow and sit in .. ehair for at lea; a shrt time. Dr. Ieye said: "Xothir.g could have beeD more sad dra ud unexpected than his death. Al tracer; of the disease ahad gone. The lung were clear and he was lireathins fairly well. It was the thirteenth day INSURGENTS GAIN GROUND The Colombian Government Forces Suffer a Severe Reverse Colon. Colombia, via Kingston, Ja- . -r. K Xr . .--vrT-f--l h ftrP f TOTTl a iBS.lop iu iTiiaiu aim v. ... "' , Hnuria, xun., aim vuuiu unr-uij feet ouj cenrre 0f tftfc reXnibilC PflOWS lliaL will undoubtedly call on Bishop O I on- jppp, j i,a(i consumption so bad that affalr8 re ver unsettled. The garri- nor, of Newark. IJis-hop O Connor liart ; )f j jjj a W(ek x w0uJJ rough sons at Carthagena and Barranquilla fsJ rh.rinc 'IrXShon I and pit blood, but, when are inadequate. Several government rUhgV,?afe SYKS8 ire t'Xiwtcu tnai incru win ins ou i noun u'iuck w. m.m-, -i ' ' 1 - . t ! ... . , t . . ISlzbt Wat Her Terror "I would cough nearly all night long, Mon-;gnor Mooney will have to call in writes Mrs. Chas. Applegite, of Alex- to brine to the coast. The government n plan on account or me arcno.s:iv4. wnony curea me ana i gainea w h ja the battle of Funta Fena last leath. Recause of the great care ex-; pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to . Sunday was over 3,000 men. As a re- n ised in choosing the head of an a i- cure Conffhs Colds Lft Grippe. Bron- S11it of this fight tlie insurgentB have hoecse m the "onian Utnoiif rhitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles , intrenched themselves hi a favorable W? taiTwfl'be S Wtthr ad, Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles 10c j position which they have retained. Flf aiKi .dates, it wil I he at loat tnr ec a .ia , T;: Len hundred insurgents have landed this (ft I i.i v hi v:t nionins. oeie a mvssu Archbishop Corrigan Js selected RAILROADS. AT .WAR Thel.Jil Arrlibltliop Mi. -ha el Augustine Corrigsn, succesr; of (Ordinal McCloskev as head of the: rre.it arthdio'ese of New York, was tho , SOUtliem and L (St N, MaSS-S y.)i;nest wearer or tne purpic wnen lie was consecrated Iilshop of Newark in 170. lie was born in that city C2 years ngo. At the wish o:" his mother he war; sent to t?t. Mary's t'olleste at Wilmington, Pe!., then conducted by Vicar-ieueral Tloitly. i'roni thero he xfeek at Chorrera and an attack is ex pected W Colon and Panama in a few days. The garrison at Colon has been increased to 1,000 men of all arms. An -arrangement has been made be tween the American cruiser Philadelphia ! and gunboat Machias to land marines at an opportune moment. Much anxiety is felt as to the situation. . Switzerland Buys Our Coat Knoxrille. Mar B. The ' Southern , London, May 5. A dispatch to the a- x-oeKv-iiio ! unronicio lronn ueneva, ing Men for a Pos sible Combat THE SOUTHERN iitrli! 6a I am prepared to manufacture all kinds of Mattresses and Cushions at a reasonable wholesale price. We repair all kinds of Furniture, Chairs, Baby Carriages, Barber Chah-s, and frame and clean Picture. Painting and Varnishing. Work neat ly done. D. A. WILLIAMS, Pro'r, Bast Fisher Street, in Mowery Bldg., SALISBURY, N. C. News and Opini0r of National Importanca Tfte Sim ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. DaUy, by mall r Daily and Sunday, by mail' 3 'Tesr- -' a rear. The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday ff'rice 5e a; copy. By mail. 52 a T uift, 12th and Bank Sts. RICHMOND, VA. t went to z. .uarys uouece ai i and sunpiirs in mirg, Ola., ana at once ions a leminK place in his classes. In his junior year he mode a tour of Europe with his sis ter, whose Influence had much to do with his choice of the priesthood as a voca tion. He was graduated in 1850 and oon after he sailed for Europe aain with the Intention of entering the North AH.i.Wl. .11... """-"'C .a1...1-v, - , r.t A ,rv,-i mm JS mill luti rousiuuiciii mas.-inw men , .,, . 0wit the 1 1.: it t i'.i 1 n 111 u 1 x j. it iuui u . supplies in the heart of the ncn w.,. nf , TTnn no. Switzerland coal fields near Jellico, Tenn.. near the j has obtained her coal from Germany. Kentucky state line. Already Milton jin 1901 the Gorman collieries formed a II. Smith; president of'the Louisville, trust and. raised prices two shillings a Chief Engineer Elliott, and Chief En-1 ton. A IJverpool colliery forwarded coal ginecr We'lfa of the Southern. President ! hi was sold a shilling .cheaper than n vwtn a r-hr Vn,;or .reruiau uwiuui, '"tl" John These Tayior of Knoxville, Laiollette anl ; OT,lors were badly executed and the Jeliico roads, are in the Jellico sccdior.. 1 mcricans seized the opportnnaty. They Both roads have massed lanres forces t erected slveds at Rouen and Havre, American ollege at Borne to study lor njen jn tfae JoUci and rj ldlesbo- ; Franco, for stocking purposes, and now the pnestnoofl. lie was one 01 me iweive siuoenis wno enirreu uCu ! Louisville & Nashville and Knoxville, .-liege was opened. l.,!.VkI( o,,,l l!i;, rnn.k heinsr Vou-h sections. Tlie allied interet ' of i practically monopolize tne ownss manvci. of fhe disease and all traces of pneu monia had disappeared. The weakne had eorjt r.ued. b::t we hoped to rally his trergth. It was, by far the mot fav orable day the arcW;.lMp has had. He showed iutere?t in everything aln.ut him are! was most cheerful. Ieath was due t-- the heart toppin? of -A sudden. Tlie archbishop had fatty defeneration of the heart, but there had been no sins of valvular trouble previously." iM.iny prominent Catholics, priet and layn.en. who heard the news as it spread, came to the houe shortly after the archbishop" death and the street a!-vjt wore filled with carriage. Many pKr people came from all directions and crowds aem!Ied in the side streets. The news of the archbishop's death was carried to the streets by the reporters who came out of the h"use and was spread by policemen and bystanders and carried with great rapidity. (Many of the priests and servants as sert. bled weeping. Father Daly, when a.ked rer.nrding tLe archbishop's last fco-irs. ai 1: "Of all the days that we have been mot cheerful regarding the archbish nf.'s condition thi was the best. No c : can realize the shock." IVlowing the usual custom In such cne. it is expected that immediately the new of the archbishop's denth le en:e kiKwn in Home, the senior eccle siati'ntl authority in the archdiocese :I I be designated to act as administra tor of the archdiocese pending the ap pointment by the Pope of a success to. Archbishop Corrigan. The death of Archbishop Corrigan leaver Monsirnor Joseph F. Mooncy, V. il.. the adniinistrativer head of he rchdiocese. Monsignr Farley, who is auxiliary bishop ami senior vicar general His progress was so rapid that as soon a the doors were thrown open he won a (Ttnber of medals in competition, free to the students of the propaganda and th" Irish and Greek colleges. He was ordained by Cardinal Patvizi in the Lateran Basilica on September ID. lN!3. a year before the close of his theological studies. In 1SV1 the degree of Iotor of I)iv:n;ty was conferred up on him. When he returned to his na tive land a few montns later Archbishop Jamrrt i:o.-evelt Bayley, then Bishop of Newark, appointed him Professor of Dogmatic Theology and Sacred Scrip tare at Seton Hall College. Soon after he was made Vice-President of the college, and in lfeo he suc ceeded Bishop McQuaid as President. In March. 1873. he was made Bishop of Newark upon the recommendation of Bishop Bayley, who had been made Arelbisbop and transferred to the See of Baltimore. In September. 1SS0. Tope Leo ele vated Bishop Corrigan to the office of Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdio cese of New York, with the right of succession in the Arrhiepiscopate to Cardinal McClosky. I'pon the death of the latter prelate in 1SS5 Dr. Corrigan was installed Archbishop. The most stirring events in his career have had to do with the campaign he instituted against the Anti-Poverty So ciety in which the late -r. MoGlynn. then pastor of St. Stephen's in East Twenty-eighth street was a conspicuous figure. Dr. MoGlynn was finally de prived of his priestly functions and the Bev. Dr. Iliehard Lalor Burtsell. who acted as his ecclesiast.cal attorney was ent to Kingston. The agitation, while it lasted, wqs acute nnd the vast parish of St. Stephens was disrupted. But Dr. MoGlynn acknowledged his faults bin the end and was restored to the priesthood. When he died a few years ago he was the pastor of 1 church in Newtmrgh. Dr. Burtsell is still at Kingston, but he was recently restored to full favor by the Archbishop and is now the Archbishop's personal repre sentative in the immediate neighborhood of his parish. Dr. Corrigan was accounted one of the most learned prelates of the church in this cojintry. Uuder h administra tion the diocese has grown tremendous ly in influence and importance. pitted against those of the Southern, which road is making an effort to poi ses the gorges givimr entrance To all the oal mines, in the hope of freezing out the Louisville & Nashviile. Several train loads of men and supplies left Loss in Battle Washington. May 5. Major General Cortin. adjutant general of the army, revived tonight from Major General Chaffee at Manila a telegraphic report of the casualties sustained by the Amer 1. 1 1 .1 1 lean torce in ntracKinz Tlie stronenoiu Knoxville today for the scene of opr-1 0f tjje Mores at Bayan. Island of Min ntions. and contractors representing the ! danno, May 2. It shows that the officer Ivo-.i isville & Nashville have posted calls ' killed was iim Lieutenant 1 nomas 3. for ."'0 workmen at once in country dis trict. Trouble and. perhaps bloodshed, is feared when the opposing sides meet. Queen Wilhelmina in ' a Critical Condition The II.i"e. rJT r.. Private informa !a from the CastI at I let Ixo Is to i'ic effect that the queen's sufferings yesrerday were intense. The doctors worked over her iui.'Cssnntly for five hours. The greatest fears were enter r lined to the result, as the slightest hemorrhage won Id have carried the joaa: queen ofT. Throughont the palace all night there was the mot intense ai;xity and grief. The news descended on the people thil re.orr-.ir.r like a thunder bolt, ns the The daily newspapers refer emotionally to the condition ,-,f (ncen Wilhelmina. but urge the people to forget their mo- me-itary disappointment and pray only nation will therefore be favorablv acted JESUITS ATTACKED Their Largest Establishment in China Fired on by Rebels Pekin, Mar .r. An unconfirmed re IHirt has reached here that rebels have surrounded and fired upon the Jesuit headquarters at Hsien, one of the larg est in China. The throne has ordered Yuan Shih Kai that the French priest who was murdered recently by rebels be given a suitable burial. The priest's head was carried a hundred miles south of the place where he was killed. The board of foreign affairs acknowledge the ex istence of the revolt. Consul Kahn, representing the French legation, had an interview yesterday with Yuan uShih Kai at Paoting-Fu. The viceroy stated that the conditions in the disturbed districts are serious and that more men hid revolted than had been reported. He urged ,M. Kahn not to depart for Cbeugting-Fu without an escort of troops. M. Kahn's mission to CLengting-Fu is ro investigate the mur der of the French priest. burtoFtakesvater The Kansas Senator Drops the Fight on Evans Washington. May 5. Senator Burton of Kansas intimated to the President Saturday that- he would oppose the con firmation of IL ('lay Evans of Ten nessee, nominated to be consul general at Iondon, on the ground that he is an unfit man to occupy an important federal office. The President thereupon decided not to send to the Senate the name of Eugene F. Ware to be commissioner of pensions in plat e of Mr. Evans until the latter's nomination shall have been con firmed. After looking the ground over, however. Senator Burton has come to the conclusion that he will not embarrass the President and stir up a row among his Republican colleagues by trying to dc-feat Mr. Evans' nomination, especially in view of the fact that under all the circumstances the fight would necessa rily oe a losing one. -Mr. hvan.s nonn- Viears of the Seventy-seventh Infantry. The casualties were: Killed one officer and seven enlisted men, and oni enlisted m.in wfcimled mortally. Wounded four officers and thirty-eight men, including six whose names were not verified. WE CURE CANCERS, TUMORS AND CHRONIC SORES ! Without the Use of the Knife. J ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE. Come and see what we have done, and are doing. If then von not satispea mat we ao an we j u.'xxm, wo nm inj au or j our EX i Many Couples L ately iVIarrie AND NEARLY TWICE THAT NUMBER WITH LONGER EXPF.TIt. ENCE IN WEDDED LIFE WILL WANT TO FURNISH THEIR mm OR ROOM. WE HAVE THE NEWEST NOVELTIES IN HuVSKl-TH. XISUIXGS AND CAN FURNISH COMPLETE THE COZIEST K ioI 02 TfllMie WTT'ITIHTti VrTTT U'OTPV A T T . T? T.1 I'lU'VIVCn, G. S. TUCKER. SL CO., Raleigh, Wilson, Tarboro and Rocky Mount. mym He Yi'm Tortad "I uiftered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes II. Robinson, Hillsborough. 111., "but Bucklen's Arni ca Salve completely cured them." Acts like maffie on sprains, bruisrs, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boil, ulcers. Per fect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by all Druggists 2oc. (Mr. J. E. Wicker of the Roanoke Bapids, spent last night in the city. Some Yoo Need to "" :" rcauj ocen n-joicing over sine tiie cnstle, wiiere Hie women are the c.ueen's reported convalescence and i weeping nd the men shaking their heads S:i-dv bulletin was particularly fa-1 in despair. for the recovery of the patient whose . upon within a few days, when Mr. War youthful constitution may triumph overwjn t,e :lJ,Pointed and assume the dutic ner weaKtie. A court attendant ahl 0f commissioner of pensions. lo-iay Tiiar ine queen is nrnve, nut is more gnef-stneken over the losss of her preci.t hopes than concerned alknit her own health. The people of the neighboring village Met l.o. cn;regafe in groups out- Mi SS Ward will demonstrate at ffl SONS, for the next few days, the many virtues of POSTUM CEREAL AND GRAPE NUTS. May is the month for "Spring Clea ning." We can supply the most of voru needl. In the first place we will menti on WlAlIJL PAPER. A la-ge, new stock and at moderate prices. Secondly, WINDOW &HADES. We earr- a complete line of shade materials. John King'cs Scotch Holland, Lonsdaies, Joy C. Memple's home made opaques, the best on the market, and at the same pnK you pay for inferior goods. Oak and cherry curtain poles and fixtures.-rotta rods and length. Brass extension tutoes and rods. Heed porch shades, ilkalise screens, towel racks, etc., etc. Pictures framed in the best "manner. Or motto is: More business and smaller profits. ' Come in and look. J. C. ELLINGTON, JR., H2 Fayetteville Street. RALEIGH. JM. C. J.'E. CARTLAN 0, You will do well to call. Public most cordially invited. W. C. STRONACH'S SONS. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. RALEIGH, N. C. I xn Greensboro, N. C. Our Spring Line is ready for Inspection, and is the most attractive evel seen in this section. Selected for wear as well as looks. We will be pleased to serve you. guaranteeing you perfect satisfaction. INSTITUTE for Young Women. Thorough Instruction in all Departments of Female Education. nQir.Hf Send for catalogue. j of-Ca:v. o.a OF MUSIC The Leschettirky DINWIDDIB, M Va., Principal. vorabJc The queen's weak t2te made hr con f:::e:iier.t mot c;du -us 1 ibe pain r-. operation. l"i queen's t:.otaOr. al- ! night .H dreaded. t1 ii!;1, retaining her preserve I rr.ind, :ili.-.:i; orerp-Dwere-1 vi:h cri-f. Toward niahtfall a'-woay disqiietincr yuiptonn rpvearel w!.:e'i neessitated the dispatch of nn urg :.t nmmons for Tele if rams of sympathy r.nd inquiry arc firodi:ig the teler:np!i olllces at-tr.he-l to t!u palncc. The doetvs seem afternoon, but to- GOULDS GET THE WESTERN MARYLAND QoWav Back and Sit Down Tbe Dantr la Oreat The Hague, May ;--m:..i) p. latest reports from Baltimore, May 5. The ordinnancc accepting :ho Fuller, of Could bid for tho Western Maryland Railroad parsed the second branch of council tonight by J a vote of , to . It had previously passed the first branch. Major Yen3 bl who fought for the Rending bid, made a bitter speech against the Goulds 'and charge,! that if the ordinance Ptss- Let them go now. STRAW HATS have tbe " m TVi n Her loo that I u 11 """ici oe inrougn .ptiiticai mnu- Dr. Por. who remained tl! ;::srh t .it the 'tho onomtien ner formed last eve?iinir is ! ence. A letter written by eorge OouH bedside of tbe jue:i. I uniofiiateiy on j that known a abortus provivatus. i to the mayor, wherein he promised tht l is arrival Dr. Vol sr,rt for Dr. Does- Though the dancer of a fatal tesuo is j Baltimore shonjd be tbe Wabash's east Air, gh and Professor Kouiver. The first very rreat there is no fever complica-rn .terminal, lifd th effect of bringing .n-f aV"T7 Sun,jy h erring. The onem's mother tho C0UBHinien into line, however, nn 1 J ute. a. 3 Tne fears of complies- and Pnncc Henry are stfll at her side ; ben it Clmp to . ,h' , 'onlr tiona crew m,, -,1 ,vn-A v. M ;.t. - r T..,t v utii it ' .nm Li) n snow (WWD " feierea is exrreuiciy ?rve. The queen s That's the thing to say to the plug hats, derbies and fedoras. of way." : Straw fedoras, Straw sailors, straw telescopes, Mackinaw straws, cgarse braids and fine braids, Pav: Porto Ricos', curled brims and stiff brims, etc., clean and well made. The new stvles await ronr att":y: Your summer's pleasures -will depend much on your hat. If, you buy it here it will be right you can bank on Hats 50 cents to $6. Complete linoor boys too. v' ; ' iii'..eT 0:111 i-'ii:rr onort Henry were d!trrsd with irrier. Toward evenir-r tl patient became somewhat agitated r;.d was evidently in reat pain. The Tuost cvitie.nl :imA wns b -tween half past tea and eleven o'cl x-k at nicht. There was no relaxation of the extreme su-I-'i'c until the docTirs were able to certify that ccoMchmont was over. This jnom'.Tig, In spite of great pflin, t'" q'jeen'' condition was reUtively sat ;tKr.j her majesty's entourace.' which Kactory and caused n feeling of relief Hcrcisd with th departure of l'ro frior Ivonwer. the gynco'ocist. for Utrcbt. A cons;:irn:i-n of tho physi clis was held th.j ai.ernooo. We Are After the Sh irt Tra 06 1 1 . r t . i j Doctors Roesingh and Tot do not leave , V v l""",.',"4,u' ; uaerman, voteu of Raleig.b th-m 6eason. And we are KOin t have -t c h . it -th attr.ct,A h5rt sfv!rs. i iiii i m i : i i 1 1 ' . i no m itwjt n ii rit ' ' - ui- jwt- jit u iii'iuirui. . , - . .4.0 j i t:..,, 4.v. v. . . . . . The newnaters are lssnine ho.rrlv the orainance nn.t urged its passage, h 011,113 aic " "uc a"u lrtai'luul -" "e a ngni to praise our siock. caution?. l ne .atewc issue says luai.wni uiviy m- h though the queen requires, the Inost as sidnous and nnlivKled atteivion her con dition need not be considered dangerous for the prevent. Her majesty "is per fectly conscious of her condition, hut is courageous. . ; A Child's Head Blown Off Winston-Snlcm, N. C, May 5. Spe cinl. A. two year old colored boy, son "f John Hanrv Swain Tv. L-illoH tiis Ir.riernoon. The ton of his head .was The best shirt values you ever ? : Cuffo to match the shirts at $1 to $1.50 that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. I Pleated. Some nlaill. PlpntV 'hlopk anH T-l-h !.o. in-l -yvV, ..rwa in no.rv cVio ?. "V- A mi u- - . . . i -- - - - -" iTutu.c, u-ju i i v v. j -... - . ' - --. .. UC9 CUL 11 1 U I lS Will i 1 ' ' .-iy iixiie yon iwa an attack o wnjp- , ... , . , ing cough and wn threatentsl rth Pxllar- Also whlte madras. Ahite will (be much worn this season. Come see our pretty shirts we ii pnicnrmonia; Ibut (for Ohaanbcrfairi's them. Cough Remedy we .would have hfed a serious time of it. It also saved him from fveral severe attacks of croup. -H. J. Strickfaden, editor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by Orow ell, McLarty & Co., Bobbitt-Wyniie Drug Co., North Side Drug Store. W. G. Thorn a WOOL CRASH, FLANNEL, SER E, are the new materials for summer clothes, our line is ready.. S. & p. BERWANGER, VNE PRICE CLOTHIERS V -.. . .