THE MORNING POST; WEDNESDAY, MAY a I 1003' Commencement Season Now onfat Grieerisbord Exercises at G. F.. College- Encouraging News from Eastern Farmers m No Opposition to Kitchin v.r.i N" C. Mar n.4-5peclal. ' u- . laims to be the "Hub of he r i '"if nanus iu -i im-"'"! business and ttw '"''' :hu of the educations ',.',Vs the State. The whol al iasti- hole coun- t '- . .... ..! hamlet in a ,1 er.-j .r.f twenty miles is firtl to over- V -- m ;th commencement visitors, era- - ' ' I., na , i. ;h s and beating young hearts ' i "-' cl .n.Mis emotions of honors tx- 1 t;i l Iv Ct'iuc. au i v jVvemr is seen flitting from one : an-thT at the station here, try . c-ver tho ground, but he will .ill out Colonel Pear-alL for .: . in-: do :t. He is at Reidsville w is ni Hirh Point yesterday. tr.i:a , i ?t v . ral Diaers tomorrow ana wm Maic of glory at Oak Ridge 1- .1 1.1 v. IcVlr has sent ont a great num- Si:.!o:ne invitations to tne ceie- , , f its fifty year of growth and ;)-:-.: a a hich school foT boys, i h t!i whole State takes a pride, ii : county claims as on of l-'-t I'oas-ts. It is a pity that ..a; :::i:u:v where there are so Tery i.i t institutions of learning for i;. i h.vs that space -to bo devoted -n :i si:ch a com:rc-heasire corre- r (' t : : i- a mine must b limbed. Rtill :. s;':irel to mention that the to Oak Iiidse are perfect . : art. to be preferred and treas- ih.- !"::iet specimens of twentieth v 1 rli jrainn and engraving. Vi-TcNes wiil berin "Wednesday by . ,:i fr..;a Uev. Kme.--t Tbacker of .k. .i.lI throughout the week dis b .! .ilum:e and others will con- : r!i Kftcl'ertnal renai5.ince of . -nrury oIl and splendid school. ..i iv the Holts and extended r r Th t St-; N T- ( :.C : ' ; t : j: h. 1 f .;; .1:1.1 scope of piitmnage. Tbero j I if darirfnTi face mpre fine hats and i :j .15 intelligent and generous an I '-.!:. l.-r. a:! ' A r..v ne ever saw or vyvt wm :n iius raie 01 irjt's. i mre h-re: aui speak wcrds of truth , vor r.iptlt who attended the :.- ..' the tan;bern Baptist Con wh: h wa held at the same rime P...v.i nrd Marshal Millikan were r.z the Federal Court there for the :.i; ur of moonshiners, said to me -It 1. . . T 1. J:! ;: t :a c.:y of .Ashevlire w.ig rail of pi-:: and blockaders. The same r i.vr ' nid of Greensboro now, except i - :h. frn?r alliteration should be sub I " i'rccnb"ro is full of G. F. C. c ?: .-.'T.--jwnt visitors and base ball j- f :oaal and cranks." Til? formal r-in- '-"f the commencement exercises rh. p!Tlid MethMlvt women's col : in.insnr.ited last night, when ti-- f!v!i;!nn reritaJ was ivea to an -'.:.'.- nui-h narked the Bisk's, gal- Ij. a: 1 er-ry inrh of available ffpace S. rt!;p"a flrii'itfirinm Tri frn. ! :; 1 1 jt'ia i.vmMiVUua was 1 t - :-.: . : 1 It R-t. W. 1 Crissom, and" an labo- n r-rr.ini of fTquirite selections was rn Misses Mary Bilker. Kid a Der-l'-ri. Grare D.iniel. Ixrhie Stover, o. I.r:terlPh, Mary Bond. May i-r.::.. May Kone. Bessie Otrissom. Tho f: v.-n recitals were highly appre-c::-r-i. ar..l the execution Irr the young hl.ft 'v.ii thoroughly well done and r-2- : I ere lit npea tlie-m and thir in rn". :. hut the twelfth and last pro-d:-:-!. ' Tamhourine and Garland 1 an t by Sims, given by Mises K'rr.s R-nd. I.inicl. Derickson, Lut-t-: h. I!. Moore M. Smith and S:.m f ir-nouiired by experts to h:ive i'a :j. choicest pieee of u:ilolins er. I arri ;' -o::ihin."ition and exeeittion ; r.ted in tlrts city, m full of f. :r.:uc:ice:nenc exprieiJves and lv. T. K. Mnrr )f Charlotte has been t"'r r preach tiie baccalaureate ser xi n r :I:o rradnating class this morn i -r. I.-:: l u' t be present, it w.11 I-.i-r..! ,ar!y this morning, oa accornt n - some of those who are here I hi-1 jli:ire of meeting Mr. and I v I. H. Griffin nf WoMland. North irnrr .r :i:tr. and Mr. Henry Cu-tchin t' Vi:it.ikT. Kilg-rombe county. Mr. il t;rj,r.n bare a daughter at i.-ffrc-.tro i-Vniale College, and Mr. T' h iL- ! visiting his d.mglrter. Mrs. J hn Cut :' in. Both of them are fine 1;. n an,i farmers from their J vc -rivf fr.e t farming conntks in the nr. 1 I naturally asked them some tj.r.? nhont conditions in those sections. I: w"i refrcshiug to hear from each ' !'h s;ler-lid representatives the same ' T'"!". m i they are not aware of he - rl in their statements, for they do t k::-tw each other. , uni Loth I learned that the farmers K.l?c?.)mbe and Northampton were ivt ia a more psperous corllltion; V-1'- the smaller class of farmers and to' uant elass were out of debt: most ' t.vai had money ahead; all of them ;rr haying b orgies and carriages who c;I ot have them before: the farms "r" J-inz more carefully looked after; j- vf r.ty r crops was largely 6ucceed r.z rhA old ruinous one-crop system; he i. -iAt for this year was good, and H1" t"M happiness prevailed torough ' i' their borders. U.-n't that sound splendid? And It 1- iiind to be the troth, for there are t ' two mon in Torth Carolina better r; ;tel on the couditions of their sec- r "n ta"u these tivo meTch.irit-farmers. hring in villages in the heart of nrrn:ag communities. I missed the c iiri point of the barcalsnreat sermon tor tatinj over it and rejoicing over it, jii stnlying ont how to manage to i a visit this summer to this God r.r 'armlDg Eklen of the world, era Carolina, for I was bom among 1 4 tin Deonle. ftV tho-n sn Ana mnA a tr "writer. But cotton has been un ind lglng of sup ples t,r.Vlb4"r a.n'1 "itomatons have al syi 1 bnilt and will continue to build 111 tnAAAnr Mak-MAau.: .A -aa-a...a VU -a V fc I rT. If - a " iur; imie nofue Kina rr.irtif-'j 1 neAaAiAnAA U a. a A.n. .1 -. T n am t- e-H A 1 a a 1 - uuiij inw o demonstrate myself I V raan eonld raise a family, pet a and raise fonr-auda-hslf-eent eot . V ,hf tim on that wonderful tilt had tn 1ri mnA .anfl nn - a ua am 4 iim m km ' dz bite reminds me that Dr. ,.L V lttle here was trying to hreak i Aht y.H.b,ball park yeVter STtwri,,'i rP' ot'h terrier and ll i .raT Dalton's little Scotch terrier, fi lr.w8 me,M dxtor put his -i-rna.'j" wroT,3 07. month and the Til 'J.A ptej the sacrifice, and iae at, Tery Jtre tijida- in8rer th.i.a "onilng;- and says he had a krgfand tttinfnl imcr-anf . Messrs. A J. Lambeth of Brown Sum- hoose here -and will endeavor to make in tt a ""K1"3 tobacco market. ZLSJL?1 have cordial co n f our bnsiness men. and also it rrR' 9, Gabl of this city and Kera,odl f Rockingham county, l?7iaI!2eai?ed the Farmers ware- SnKvT11! vhelP t( mak tobacco hum here this fall. The funeral of Policeman- Vrhittingtdn JR2?IFfl7' ltfendwl hi morning, the il7 J1 Police department and Ifw 04 rlrtIIn ecortlng-his remains to the. cemetery In a body. ' Chairman j Wilson of Rorboror of the Congressional Executive Committee, has called a meeting or laembers to take place at Durham next Friday to select a time and place for hoMins- th rm. Tessionai Convention to nominate a can- AifAtf tr congress In this district. After diligent Inquiry I have been nnable tO Place anv Candidate vhn Trill a; a. puie tne nomtnation this time with Con gressman Kitchin. HENDERSON Burial of a Child-Superior CourtBlood Hounds Correspondence of the Post. Henderson, N. C, Say 20. Lthe 8-year-old on'of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stflinback. trerA held vetttturAav at "the Phesbytertan Church at 5:30 pastor, assisted by Revs. J. D. Bundy and J.S. Williams. The interment was made tn Elm wood at GJ30 p. m. Vance Superior Court, convened at 10 o'clock yesterday. Judge Bryan presid ing. Austin Xuckles, white, sentenced on the roads six months for securing a plstoV under false pretense. ePter Day, colored, for.twelve months for stealing - P f-m Barnes' clothing house; Nor- aa Jones,; csoiored. four months on!,bDit t Trinlty c)IIeSa is progressing the streets or Jail for stealing a bicycle mm -ur. ueorge ooawonn. Mrs. Eliza Hamlin and granddaugh ter, "Mrs. Moriah Tncker, leave for Washington. D. C, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, former residents of Henderson. ' Mr. Ltrther Edwards, principal of Live Oak, Fla., High School, arrived home J last night, lie will remain nere ounng vacation and return South tn early au tumn. Mj. A. B. Taukner, keeper, showed us today a brace of fine blood hounds. Tonto, from Ohio ,is 14 months' old; Dock, from Indiana, 4 years of age. The latter is not quite as heavy as the younger, but is thoroughly trained. Mr. Fankner has them under good control, while apparently --kindly, they mean business on the trail and become vicious. i The material continues, to arrive for erecting the new depot. - $ WILSON . Graded Schools to Close Thursday Another Vet eran Passes Away Correspondence of the Post. j Wilson, X. C. May 23. The many j friends of that able lawyer and charming gentleman, Sidney G. Mewhorne, are urging him to be a can didate for the ofTice tof Superior Court clerk, and the probability is that he will yield to the pressure and suffer his name to be used in the convention. Mr. (Mewborne enjoys the highest esteem and fullest confidence of our people, for they have found him to be a gentleman of highest' character and noblest im pulses, and who wears at all times the pure, white rose of a blameless life. Pure minded, high toned and without one stain of dishonor upon his brilliant shield he is Indeed a perfect type of a perfect gentleman, and would discharge the duties of that responsible office with strictest fidelity and ability. Our admirable graded school will close on Thursday night with a delightful entertainment by the graduating class, and our people are looking forward to it with delightful anticipations, for they CATCHING COLD. The philosophy of a cold la arrest of the secretions of the skin and mucus membraacea. The nervous respiratory explosion, called sneezing, denotes that the sensitive lib lag of the nasal cavities is irritated, ' and that the general func tions have been interfered with. The causc3 that underlie a cold are decline of vital force and tb6 impover ishment of the blood. The scientific medi cal world knows that when all the forces and functions of tho body are at par, a cold, under ordinary Circumstances, Is almost impossible. The remedy which will keep the vital forca at par?-and thus enable the systeza to ward off cclJ". is Grippe, and other dis eases, is Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic." It replenishes the supply of iron, which ia the Cghting element of the blood. Head what prominent citizens of 2Catcbez, Miss., say s "Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic Is all right I nso It in my home. 1 . Andrew J. Smith. The Franklin Street Grocer. "I have been acquainted with Dr. Har ter's medicines since the Civil War; in fact. I have raised a family on them." O. M. Smith, Maker of Jug Cisterns. Tho Harter's Medicines are a if good." .Hon. James Dickerson, s JJ. S. Claim Atty. know.that a.xlch.and. felicitous. feast.Js in store for all who may attend. ! That fine financier and accomplished gentleinan, CoL John TP. Bmton, will be president of the aarlngs bank soon to be established in Wilson, and that of itself insures a brilliant future of splen did success, for the polished Col. Bru- ton has all of those superb virtues and splendid chanties which command sue- Cef' , . .. ' - , . I.Ik jt. li.. .UKKier, another ola Dame scarred Confederate veteran, ! ha "crossed over the river" and is now, w trust, sweetly resting-under the shade of the trees."- He passed away yester day at the ripe old age of 75, and many will grieve to know that his familiar face will never more he eeen upon our streets. After life's fitful fever may he the resurrection to enjoy the raptures of immortality. : The great criminal lawyer, John E. Woodard, left today .for Coharie, where ne win aenvjr rne literary aiaress do-i fore the students of Mrs. Wright's most excellent school. A" sumptuous intel- . ... . .. .. ... - . . lectual feast will be given, for I Mr. Woodard is aot nnlu- r-rfnt VrtmSnnJ lawyer, but a gentleman - of the. finest lftnfS-rv (iftainntM), t jnniont deeps of his oceanic mindi the rarest ...... u-. inwuuiuvmoi IV! 1 11 11 VUUIVUt oearla of thonsrht ta fmind .' i . , -5- DURHAM UTi UlXOIl UellVerS an Ad" I , .. . j,,., .1 I Urei5S Large MOamon lO Church Membership S?r Durham, N. C, May 20. Speci Dr. Edwin Mims, of Trinity CoHege, !?eft tnls morning or Greensboro, where .he delivered the commencement lad- dresB of the Grenboro Female College tonight. He will return to the city to morrow. " Dr. B. F. Dixon of Raleigh was here today looking after some' business mat ers, lie will (reiivcr the commence- ment address at, die West Durham grad- J ed -school Thursday night of this .week. This .Will be the fonjth annual com- I mencement of the West Durham school. I WVirlr n fha. nan .Tt-m Ifnrrr , ruxlnr I firelr It 11 completed before !the fall opening. This is a magnificent ,fol, tki. ; ,oo-n5f?r.Pnf gift of Mr. B. X. Duke and w21 cost about thirty thousand dollars. Mr. H. M. Poythresa of Cincinnati was here today on his way to Exford to attend the marriage of his brother, Mr. J. T. Poythrcss to Mies Cora Evans which took place ton!gh: at 8:30 o'clock. The marriage solemnized at the resi dence of the bride's mother . by Rev. A. McCullen, pastor of the Methodist church In Oxford. The bride and groom are very popular and have a large circle of frl3ds in Durham and eJsewhere, J. B. Thbmnson of the Chapel Hills Xews, was a visitor hero today. He returned to the Hill" this afternoon. A lodge of Daughters of America hes been organized in West Durham, and a lodge of Daughters of Liberty in East Durham. Mr and Mrs. Faul C. Graham went up to Hillsboro yesterday afternoon. Mr. Graham will attend Superior Court which Is in session for the trial of civil cases, and Mrs. Graham will visit relatives. Ker. J. B. Hurley, of Raleigh, preach- ei at Trinity Methodist church Sunday. A't the close of the service a collec tion was taken for ttie Methodist Or phanage, Raleig'h, and fifteen hundred dollars was raised. This was one of the largest collections ercr taken in Dur ham for an orphanage. As a result of the recent meeting held at the First Presbyterian church in this city tliirty-two new members have been added to the church. Rev. E. R, Ley burn, the pastor, was assisted by Rev. Mr. Black, evangelist for the Xorth Carolina synod. There was a marriage in Patterson township Sunday, the contracting parties being Mr. G. H. Hopson and Miss Dceie Clements. There was also a marriage in East Durham Sunday. The names of the contracting parties are Mr. E. C. Stone and Miss Ara liyrd. j DAVIDSON COLLEGE Program Davidson College Commence ment. Sixtv-fifth commencement of Davidson College, May twenty-fifth. May twenty eighth, nineteen hundred and two. j Simitar. ll:0O n. jn. Baccalaureate Stw.on, by Ren K. P. Kerr, D. I D., Virginia. SiO p. m. Sermon before Y. M; C A., by Rev. Egbert Smith, D. I D., Greensboro, N. C. Monday, 8:30 p. m. Reunion of Lit erary Societies. I Philanthropic, Alumni orator, Hon. W. F. Stevenson, S. C. ! ' Eumenean Alumni orator, B. F. Wil- eon. president converse uoaiege, b. Tuesday, 9. -00 a. m. Annual meeting Board of Trustees. 10:00 a. m. Address before Literary Societies, Senator H. D. Money, Mis sissippi. 5.-00 p. m. Alumni Banquet. 8:30 p. m. -Oratorical Contest. S'oeietv representatives: Philanthropic P. P, Brown, N. C; n. H. Caldwell, X. C; A. R, McQueen, X. C. ' " ' R. I). Daffin, Fla.; W. M. Dunn, Si C; H. A Johnston, Va. Wednesday, 10.00 a. m. Graduating Exercises. t - . j 8:30 p. m. Grand Concert and recep tion by fraternities. I : J 4 Miss Gordon to Speak Xittleton, X. C, May 20. Special. iMiss Elizabeth Gordon, sister1 of Anna Gordon, who was Frences Wil- lard's private secretary, will deliver an address in the Littleton M. E. Church Sunday night. "May 25th. She will also conduct a childrens mass meeting Sun day afternoon.- She is an entertaining and instructive" speaker, as well as a spiritual leader, and is fine in childrens meetings. It is desired that both of these be union cervices, and that! all Christian people in the town hear her. A collection will be taken. ... ' i SI tmesis. Auei mes niiui irer may uc urnft .-.M,!,- , C IL i7ij sleep well, and awake in the rntaKOtlJ Vlnrnn e -. mr yVOlTien aS Well as Men Are Made Miserable by i Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind dis courages and !essens ambition; beauty vteor . -J ' ani chcerfulne' son f ' disappear when the kld- neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent thai it ia not uncommon for child to .be, born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if th Conol the 3Sflt hTfnTS bed-wetting, depend uoon it. th 1 the difficuftv Is kMn I step should be towards th 'trtTnnt f I - . ..wl.. v inese important organs. This unpleasant I trouble is due to a diseased condition of the I kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as I people suppose. I Women as well as men are matfe mU. I tn kidney and bladder trouble, I and both need the same treat remnHv I A? -an '.tRS immediate effect of T ft ... . w - j 1 '4WU rcauzca. it is Sola . . . . .... vj uruggisxs, in iiity- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of Bmravllml ing all about it, including many, of the t Vint ic-a nr r9 ...2 j from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer io., tJingnamton, N. Y., be sure and mention tms paper. NlfTHALPOOLON JiJTURE EVENTS TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR EACH an Brooklyn Handtenii.' .. Mm 24th. Xmricn.jerby. - - June aiu df " V" V:.'".. ""' treW. " AUpm-o-Dolel Keeky For entries, circulars nd fi" ' partlculnrs, ackirrs ' ' KERTBCKT MUTUAL SWErTdKF ASS'S. ItllSSTOS. 11. Lt"1s.E'. a-fuxi cn, K.i.j. h Positively Cured at Your Home. I completely remove every spot and blemish trom tne race or Doay, renucuuS the skin clear, smooth and heaitny. Consultation free. Write for Boo! K. JOHN H. WOODBURY D. I. 9 neit St., WewTork. News and Opinions of National Importance ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail .$G a 'year. Uaily and Sunday, by maiL ?S a year. The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper la the World. Price Ge a copy. By mail. $2 a year. Address THE SUN. New York. Miss Ward will demonstrate at SONS, for the' next few days, th many virtues of POSTUM CEREAL AND GRAPE NUTS. You will do well to call. Public most cordially invited. W. 0. STRONACH'S SONS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, RALEIGH, N. C. THE SOUTHERN T am oreDared to manufacture all kinds of Mattresses and Cushions at a reasonable wholesale price. We repair all kinds of Furniture, Hhairs. Baby Carriages, Barber Chairs, and frame and clean Picture Painting and varnisnmg. wors neax- ly done. - ' . J ... .. v a tret T v.ot Wisher Street, in Mowery ;Bld- i i till. 11 lis 10 111 I By all . ladies well iject bf dress WHITE PREVAIL. There is chick, serviceable or wool dress or skirt. . i - advantages to be found anywhere arid is strictlv up to date. will need if at the mountain or seashore and certainly home. 1 . -l.f maespensiDie u t vou remain u.i 42 in. "Vhite Wool Crepes 36 rWhite Granite 38 38 4( White Mistral . White Trico tine White Bedtord Cord White Armnre White Lansdown White English Serge White Silkadown 38 42 42 45 40 46 ii Diagonal Serge Clay Worstead White Broad Cloth $1!50 White Canvass White Cashmeres 46 52 43 40 4t Also a handsome line of White Wool Flimsy Ma terial, fancy weaves and etc. Your inspection solici ted. The prices yon -will Una always m .Keeping wren quality.1 oviao. Fearce i ml I f . T jppoi TRpu '& U 1 O U I 11 CX 1 " 1 ' " 0 YOU JUST D 1 That you can buy a truly high-grade Piano for but a little more than a cheap, inferior instrument will- cost. Only a slight advance in cost secures a Piano that will last twice as long and give five times the satisfaction. The Old Reliable Mathushek, f-sai" otii tat A for 36 rears nast and not found wanting. The Piano of a lifetime; of hard service, and the cheapest No Other Strictly High Grade Piano Sold so ReasonablyN Everr .dollar of cost put into the charged foT the name and reputation. EASX iAJjLMsrxv uxijj PAIL) FOR All gash not required. A small cash payment will place a MATHUSHEK in your home, and give you its use while you are paying for it. I A VERY EASi WAX IU uui Ludden (SL Bates Soiitnern Music Hptxse, RALEIGH, N. C. ' v flechanics and Investor Union Has completed jeight prosperous years, and will begin to mature and redeem certificates Augiilt 25, 1902. and every month thereafter by the. payment per share of one hundred dollars cash., ' . . Wo can Ai Vou to Save and Invest Money We can Aid : I You to ftu.ild and Own a Home. Our' Monthly Payment Investment Certificates of $400.00 requires the pay-tn-nt of onlv TEN CENTS per day for one hundred months, when the owner ftTiilSV-r TOurP. FullpaidCupon Certificates $100 ar, sohTfor $90 cash and pay six per cent per aunmu are secured by real estate mortgage GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, 3 l n informed on the sub MATERIALS WILL nothing, nobbier mon sensible than a whit Our line " offers all th These white suits yov ... : 1 i per yard 50, 75 and 85q ii 35c. u 4 u ii tt 50c 60c. 65c. 85o $1.00 $1.00 $1.25 $L00 $1.00 $1-00, 1.25,and $1.50 35c. to $1.00 tt it tt tt it ft it ii it it tt tt We have purchased from James Cub4 ningham, Sons & Co., the famous car riage and hearse builders of Rochester. N. Y., a nice Berlin coach, which .ws have added our Livry, and are pre pared to give our patrons better servic than ever. Oar city has long been ,bl need of a first-class conch , of this kind.' and we are prepared to 6erve our pat rons in the best (New York) style. This coach can be had only by the best people cf our city, .nd is thotest fad Co wedding partie. etc. We also can Sur nish anything in our line, day or night. by calling Bell and Interstata 'P-one at our Kn. 1 stable, and Raleigh aua Interstate 'Phone at our Ka - staDie. tiOl DFRfc,,"'r UULilJllV Mrs370. New Spring Oxfords For Ladies And Gents The material used in tbeir construction is the finest that can be secured from the leading tanners of the world, and for beauty and style nothing stands in the way of our Shoes. Orders solicited from all parts of. the State. S. C. POOL, RALEIGH, N. C. in the long run. material and construcUon. Nothing a iuu WwMv & Co ARRIVED e v -

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