I i; iil-i 3 i .- 4 . i ,' : : i : 4 i . t - ; 1 : I i. .1 6 3HE MORNING POSTs WEDNESDAY MAY ai ipoa I COTTON MILL TO BE SOLD AGAIN 'New Silk Mill-Red Springs Commencement bun day School Anniver . sary FayettevTJe. X. O. May 2a Correspondence of the Moraine Post. . Judze Hobincm declined to confirm the recent sale of the Fayetteville cotton mill, bid Jo for the bondholders by Mr. 1L T. Gray of Raleigh for J15.700. as riven In The Pbat at the time. The 'urn commlssioirera. Col. C. W. Broad foot and Mr. II. I Cook, advertise the resale for Jane 10th. It is thought that the Drooertv is well worth the tended debt of $22,000. The new silk spinning and weaving will is groin op rapidly, and will pro I.ab!y be completed early in the fan. Mr. Wwighi Ashley of Patterson, N. X. chief owner in a recent visit here, gave a blacfc ere t tbe recommendations of air. Gerald McCarthy, biologist of the Sta: arricultnral department, that the Irpl go into the crowing of lie silk cocoon. Mr. Ashley says that it would te labor wasted, that the Oraz ha, at one time or another, s track every part of the country, and that not for many gen era-km s can we compete with the ClJ countries in raw Ck. The commencement exercises of Red "Spring Female Seminary, ReT. C. O, iVurdel president, are now in pi ogress. The baccalaureate sermon by Bev. Dr. etagg". of Clfariottee, was a pulpit mas terpiece. Yesterdsy afternoon the pret ty girts, in their ctudent cape and gay lres, made the broad camptM beauti ful daring .he exercises of "tree day," tond at night the graduating class read their essays. This afternoon there will, bo nn art exhibit and reception, (and tonight tho annual tocaI and instrumen tal couccrt. Tomorrow will be devoted to tbe. addresses of Senator McLaurin of Sooth Carolina, and Mr. D. A. Tomp kins of Charlotte, closing with the pre-v sentstion of diplomas. The anniversary exercises of the San day school of Hay Street Method! t church comprise a polished, eloquent ad Uress by Mr. J. A. Oates, editor of the North Carolina Haptist, charming recita tions by Misses Mary Gbrham and Kathleen Wltherepoon. tnd good choir masic. The superintendent, Maj. B. C . Gorham. the treasurer, Mr. H. S. Sed :terry, the secretary. Mr. J. J. Towers, And the librarian, Mr. J. X. Smith, pre sented their reports, and Maj. Gorham 'ctated that there had been a marked Increase in the numerical, financial ami spiritual strength of the school since che Sunday School Convention. impossibility of finding anything In the crop prospect to rare oyer, If tney only had their old friend free silver to shout about they might cot look quite so pitiful. But, alas! Old1 Mr. Free Su rer la dead and they are in a terrible fix. A G0LDSB0R0 : . . . . ; . . . HIVE OF INDUSTRY Judge Ejown recently reduced the Art "Exhibit at thfl firarlftfl amber of boarders at the Hotel de Al 1 MUIIUII dl IflO UTaaeQ School Recruits for number Hale, 'but Scotland Neck sent up ten new recruits this morning just to keep things a znoTlng. Our magnl-cently shaded sidewalks are the daily resort ("Sundays except ed") of the akllful manipulators of marbles, and offer a great temptation to the knights of the yardstick. the Penitentiary r: Goldeboro, N. C, May 20. 'Special. This reporter dropped 4n this morning at the Acme Machine Works and found a rentable "map of busy life." Inside Some, of rar rittzena claim to hare heard some Tery Strang rumblings we MOP eery macnine was In motion. lately. Wonder. if It. can possibly be I POLLY TICKS? I Thns Scat lat Kxlle Erery year & large number of poor sufferers .whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs-are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not alway nre. Don't be an exile wtoea Dr.' King'e New Discovery for feot sumption, will cure 'yon at nome. Ifs the most infallible medicine . for Covgbo, Colds, and all Throat -ami Ittng diseases on arth. The first brings relief. ' Astoonding cures result from persistent nie. Trial bottles 10c at all drrgglsta.; Price 50c. and $1.00. Er ery bottle guaranteed. I " BUIE'S CREEK ACADEMY Dr. Byrd Preaches"a Fine Commencement Sermon Correspondence of the Post. Bule'a Creek, X. C, May 19. The commencement of Bole's Creek Academy I began yesterday with a ser mon by Rer. Chas. W. Byrd, D. D., Atlanta. It was a magnificent sermon. Dr. Byrd' was reared1 in this community and is considered one. of the ablest and mot eloquent men in the. South. Yes terdsy there eat in , the audience his aged mother, a few1 old men and women who knew him as a boy, men and wo men who used to be his schoolmates and students, a large number of young people, their children and a IaTge stu dent body. The principal of the school was one of. Dr. Byrd's pupils. The large tabernacle was filled with eager listeners.) It waa a beautiful day and eTerything was inspiring. The speaker had a grest message and the inspira tion of the occasion put him at. his best. He took as his text, 'Take the Talent from Him," etc. It was a sermon that will lire forever In the lives of manyi Last mgnt he preached again and so large was the crowd that the audience with a skilled operative in attendance and outside in the yards there were several railroad locomotives that were partly torn to pieces and tinderging re pairs. The scene looked more. like a railroad yard than a private ' machine shop. Less than two years ago there waa nothing but an old dilapidated bwo? story wooden structure and , small frame store on the premises now occu pied by the 'Acme Machine' shops. At that time these who passed the ecene little creamed that auchT a transforma tion would take place in co short a time. Even after the present commodi oua building was erected 'and filled with the most modern machinery nobody ex pected flaat in uch a short time seven railroad locomotives would bring their powerful wheel to a standstill and be dismantled for reconstruction. The magnitads of the work being done can hardly.be realized unless the scene could be visited. People 'with a mechanical turn of mind can here find something that would interest ttiem. The railroad locomotive will always prove a wonder ful sight. The person living beside the railroad for a lifetime and watching the trains pass every day will look each recurring day when the trains pass with as mudh interest as they ihave done jn the past. Comparatively few people ttare looked on one of thee herculean pieces of mechanism when disrobed of their glittering ornaments and having their motive power disconnected. In stead of the life-like appearance which the locomotive Jras which, sees in actioi the vn'st accumulation of iron and sted looks as harmless as a log of wood The. task of rebuilding one of these machines Is no small one. but the Acme Machine Works is equal to the occa trion Jind handle ,one of these monsters witn as muca ease as tne small boy doea ttie miniature engine which be finds in his stocking on Christmas morn ing. Mr. E. W. Oox has Just returned from Wintervflle, where he attended the com mencement exercises of the Winterville High School, of which he is one of the tros'tees. He reports the school in a flourishing condition. The pictures for the Soule Art Exhibit Mv S. Calvert, II RALEIG-H, N. O. If Mil I tol:d?you SO! i Court reporUng done anywhere -la North Carolina. Prices oa application. DORSET! FAYETTEVILLE STREET raleigh, m a Fifty Newly Furnished Rooms, all Modern Conven iences, European and Ameri - can Plan. ' Two blocks from post office Three blocks from Opera House. Up-to-date Cafe for Ladies and G-entlemen. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FOR PARTIES, W. W. NEWMAN, Manager. . W. L. DORSETT. Proprietor. ' It pays to biry good goods. Certain ly.whei i you can buy emfor the saTu, prioea iyou pay for inferior goods elsewhere, V&0lKTF ly, th qnaSl crHnethe'be Shade Cloths-the est Shade Rotea-tb. StlSlS Hartshorn this make and none other.- If you wish the cheap kind you will have to look elsewhere. If you buy y our. Shades of us you get the best good, and fixrnrea possible and for leas that .you iw hare to payj elsewhere0" AU (Mouldings look alike to yon, but'thare is a rnst difference. w6 from the largest manufacturers in the west;, hare exclusive patterns; can, will and do sell you and will continue to aelT you chenner; . Frames than you an bur the same cuality; of goods anywiere else. ' - Int take our word t0T it buy the same- quality of goods but come and- see for yourself. - . . . . 3 t A M Our fancy wotk ana emoroMiery a wanui an suprfy your wants in this line-SPliks, Braids, Buttons. Down Pillows, Pillow Tops, CeZ terpieces. commenced, etc .. ELLINGTON H2 Fayetteyille Street. JR.. RALEIGH. N. C. TTN iselecting: ah Ice Cream i Freezer that -will give'perfect satisfaction tho i essential featxires to be considered are V tst Principle, A 2d Mechanism, 3d Material, 4tK Constructio n. pert fruit grower, for pears. Last evening the armory was packed by an audience to tee the Commence ment cxerlces of the city graded .school. The exerctees were nrt-cla out, reflecting great credit Joues. hid faculty and the student. Hon. J. D. Bellamy has secured from the government et Washington two cannon for the embellishment of St. James Sqnare, where the 'new soldiers monument is placed. It would be a good idea for Col. J. B. Starr, the ex Confederate a naiery officer to form two section of old veteran gunners around here, and fire a salnte to things in gen eral when the gons. arrive. had to leave the school Toom, where I . f . ,t m i . . I w.vtiuEO ivi tuc SUIUC All XA.111U1L Fayetteville people are gratified that !" VJv"Ji.,:a ,Y . ' ana meet 111 arrived and hare been put in olace the Holt-Morgan cotton mill won-a ..t?0"0' was,8tT0n 8ir-Ion the aeoond floor of the South, graded medal at the Charleston Exposition for fine fabric, and Mr. M. BHL an ex- l"1 yoopening evening is a musical one. and f ? a.! , ,1 n. gh he exer.c,se3 attendance, as the following well known Th.TV,; dkT f 111 e iren- "writes go w make up. the personnel:. . Thursday the Philologian and Eutro- xrM a t ri, n t t mx. through- r01?11, ocI win contest for orator's J Miss Mabel Borden, Miss Sallie Ie on I'ror. "V, . ' " UJeuHls- wun tne Mies Julia Howell, Miss Helen Privett. aaoress by lion. J. 1. Joyner. Thurs- iliss Birdie Edwards, Miss Julia Cohen. day night the old students association Mr. Charles Barnes. will be addressed by Hon. E. E. ITU- About tw rrtir t, omaJi Hard, or Scotland Neck. (Mr. J. B. Tur- Jim Moore was sentenced to the county ner, of Wake Forest, In the Phi Society, roads for six months in the Superior and Sir. L. J. Blackwood, of Burling- Court. At hat time the county was ton, in the Eu. Society, have won the trying to work its convicts on the roads Improvement medals. and Jim along with several others went Olr. H. M. IioIIeman. of Boston, onr to Fremont under cuard to do some nrst DoaTdlng student, will attend com-ork m that section. The first night mencement and has consented to make a short ) address Thursday. Quite a nnmben'of old students are already here to attend the commencement. ; $ . SMITHFIELO Commencement Tobacco Planting Support for Judge Clark Baseball at Henderson Correspondence of the Post. Littleton, N. C, May 20. The Littleton baseball team defeated the whole force broke out of the guard honse and made their escape. Jim re mained away from Goldsboro until last winter. He came back home and wen: to work as a porter at the Hotel Ken- non. fchenff bcott in lookincr over hi papers this morning found that Jim hau foiled to work out his sentence The sheriff went to the Wei and took GrioieE Cut Flowers, ROSES, Carnations, &c. FLORAL DESIGNS at short notice. Receptions and Wed. dings furnished with Flowers, Palnza and au other decorations. CHOICE STOCK OF PALMS, FERNS and other display and house decora M-n plants for sale. Hyacinths, Tulips. Fuscias, Karcissus -and all kind f puma zor inaoor sorcmg and outdoor neoaiog. H, SI EINHETZ, Raleigh, N. C. Telephones 113. Contains every good feature. Put cream in can, turn two minutes to thoroughly incorporate tne. material so as to to make smajrceam. Then take out the dasher, pjtck ice around can and it will freeze smooth and hard. ' Thomas H. Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH, N. C. 2 o LADIES! S500 RE17ARD'? ?iS22P59nA,LnT mr noly rwuUtoe tali treli JUtl. HsTnlesB wte.. nig, sore. How loneann? foyeM0 ' SMI Smithfield, N. C. May 19. c orrespondence or 'lhe Morning Post. " ready for the commencement ioa iniorai wnicn oegins Aionday eve- ana xasi mosx or tnis week. An attractive and well appointed program U IITIDCK. the negro and pulled off his hotel liverv Ann vt1'a nanlfnfiff .i i m TT I . - mm ycuiitrui'aiv fiUil VI U Him iXHW S? ;iSi.iMm "ed turned hinfover to the superintendent game yesterday on the Henderson Lf gronnda. The game from start to finish TUnntv swiff Tnm I are gatting ,Ta "J"7 ",? l,0' lner despite day with two recruits for the penitcu tof Turting- ) that the ball was wet and the tlary. One wa a white boy named Monday eve- grounds soaking. TVnrf. Tir.tr trrwr a ,h f, . Hon. Benjamin R. Lacy. State Treas-J I,? mVi .Tf f our men ba,es on jirer. Kalelgh. N. C wiU deliver the Dau ror Henderson, strnck out 4uaiB maaress. ncot. Tor the Littleton team, deserves nerro nimivl Ttnrrtrri wr tv,- special mention. Tie struck out thir- from Clinton and are. .t, r,n year each. xen men ana gave ftve free passes. At the close of the ninth inning the score stooJ ten to seven in favor of Littleton. Jlatrarle: Henderson Shell and Du val; Littleton, Picot and Edwards. r- One of our -very popular and clever young -gaUants" will )eave here for Gra tam some time about June 4th pros., at which placa tt is rumored that he is , to marry very popular young lady. Ex-M.yor James C. Aingham, a re- iiM herTtod aVr l " Ball at La Grantrfl Mrs. William Sander. A . DdN dl L3 'ng6 tar. Kits MiMred, returned last week Correspondence of te Post. from New York. LaCrange X C Mav 17 Wh.rtcm. returned a Ssw 2.7 from ' b Orungo Friday. ew Bedford. Masa where he h. iwm 16th, and played for the Mav hn cottOT milling for somo time. He comes this place In the tobacco warehouse ; 7i , . r.""1"." penntendent of the Smith-field Cotton Mills. f .TBi!v?fT,i ra raF ht8 ben rather TiTon.bJo to the tobacco farmers of .22fntOWIt' There i at the leant --ttmate three times more tobacco plant ed in Jorjiston count than at any time face it became a farm product here. Nearly all tobacco plants ai et. and cpvrrs com m or -a good stand. If on Railroad street. The mnsic was fin and there was a large crowd of specta tors, but .only two visitors, as It was known only a few hours before the dance. The visitors were Messrs. John A. Clark, of Wilson, and Emmtt Wooten, of Einstoo. The germ an waa led by Oliaa Jane Elisabeth Greene and John a-" vaju . a. a. a fiw Tooaeco- sella for as fair prica this sea- Lf J-nere W6r bout twenty 7 ,,.V.BrJ ten million OT1i'ie on tne floor. Tha vqqs moux id emxcuneid. . v were from 9 until 1 .-CT. XT-ia tb u,rk Setters is ing in favor of JiV cikTVi VZ Ilia III. Tff w.p.p.r re many lnflaentiai Denuvn. in tv, I CeArtr Ar4tanK n m M-j m a Liru Special natea'V Norrlk. V., rim 8. A Im Hallway Account meeting Rebecca Tents, Nor folk, Va., 4Iay 27, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will soil round trip tick ets rrom Kaleign for $7.45, tickets good xo uune wra. O. H. GATTIS, jfasaenger and Ticket Agent, Raleigh, A Long Lesson Well Learned hours Observations by Polly Ticks Correspondence of The ror. Halifax, N. O. May 2a The majestic Roanoke In her mad rotix for the tetU doing the nandsome thing lately and the -finny d'eiaena of ie9 Plentiful, if cot chean. a lJon Jones, the champion fisherman, ys yes. ir. boss, deys cheap, mighty hP mighty chnp." 7 Our professional gardeners are la in few olA . una) iron populistic lO town ITrrT A.- Irregularly, on mn Tt Tor ia.tax.a. fecial occasions, as; Wdaja, m L?nr H??4"' an1 Sat r m Creatly diitressl at the VoUracAi. tung. He knows" that this turner i-m to advertis only the best In its col umns; and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Bakn advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for hta wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with the moat ter rible pains In her back and could t no relief. He says: "After using the Pain , Bnkn for a few days my wife said tome, 'I feel as though born anew and before using the entire mn. tents of the tjotti the unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again rake up her household duties.' He Is very thankful and hopes that all suf fering likewise will hear of her wonder-' ful recoyery . This valuable liniment is for sale by CrowelL McLarty & Co BobWtt-TVynne Drug Co, North Sid! Xrug Store, W. G. Thorn aV The experience of a quarter of a century has taught the makers of the ) Remington - mm. how to produce the most durable, relfcble and generally efficient writing machine. 1 rjs& 4gm, WHISKlWJ (O. - - . . 1.7. v.'" - i .;:-."-! . ' ir" '"' " V ' ...... ' For rates, pamphlets. and other Information address A, N. PERKINS, Prop. Atlantic Hotel, 1 Morehead City, N. C I NTE REST I N G IN F O R MA T I O N. ON MAY 1, 1 902, THE OLD CONSERVATIVE IIs fill iLi X i UTUAL Wyckoff, Seamafu & Benedict 327 Broadvay, New Tork. 1 aaaBBVaM For particulars address I He Uoiod swoffl fyDedler Co ' Jaain St, Richmond,' Va. LIFE INS. Co., of. Philadelphia, WILL ADJUST ITS RATES ANDVALUES TO A THREE PER CENT, RESERVE BASIS, thereby furnishing In its new contrnrf fho rmAnivm ' PAID-UP AND AUTOMATIC EXTB.VSIojJ T . VALUES " BBODBR, LOAN (S PEE CENT) H, or THE MOST PROFUSE IvTo LUTe'sAF.'0 ALL KINDS OP DESIRABLE CONTRACTS ISSUED, various plans, CON- Darin to tb TOUSNS -ited Payment Life and Endowments beneficiary 5 pefcLlypV SSST C ? nniii nnfl man principal ror 0 years and then the principal: che a 111 pouSII PAapS lnnZlF DATE: "bK"" " ASTBBD MVIDBSD& I'N:PK01ITS OF COMPANY. WITH AXXUAL, DEPBBBED OE GCAIt- Apply to Local Agents. or write to ' DESIIIABLE CONTRACTS TO DESIRABLE AUWi?, . RANEY, General Agent for Nortb Carolina, RALEIGH, N. C. i . - i r, j ... .iT. J

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