aik MORNING PQr. SATURDAY, JULY, 5 1QQ3 POSTSCRIPTS Mr. S. J. Barnett.of Koxooro I 11. Iri 7. "J ininn Underwood Uit city. I n. ,..-- Wrifft it. I- Lindsey, fetatc W- i, BUSINESS ITEMS T city yesterday. ; 'Agent, Durham. X. C. Robinson anent Jndce W. S. OH. yesterday In the city. Mr. Ueorge N. Stell was. here from Youngsrille yenterday. Mr. S. A. fculuieu of. Littleton was la the city 'yesterday. ihe Whlterille Tobacco Warehouse, N. C, iurites buyers on her market. We are making more thau a million pound in thi section and it Is in good kith ns and will do all in our power L. A r!lfo M..i:Mn:T. Winton has gone to Wayrevil!e for the summer. sTRAYKD- From my aidVhUdren of'"h "ttPr . - mru -:u Tttitmi h .ire at tne l ariMruu. i Mlsa Nannie' Skinner, l in Htintsrltle, f--ii i t .f Younsrsrllle was o make it proiitauie io juu. aUI 111 W - ft a, Raleifh risHor yesterday. JAMES. DODD, Manager. tf Ss.lie Hood of Durham 1 rait ing fcer cousin, Mr. V Mn. J . T. .Motati House. J"11 nearly Keward for the re- A. I- DAILK. AN . the iraestlof Mrs. C. F. Masey. Miss V.M-hnry h.t gone to Hur- Hngtou on a to friend and rela tives. ! . Mr. L. II. Royster h;n returned from Socth Carolina, where he visited rela tives. ' Air n. Ill Hill. Sr.. has cone' to Hendenwnrlllet where she will epenU the ; inmnitr. j Mr. Nancy Ro ' has .returned to SmithSeli after visiting her son, Mc. W. X. Hose. Mrs. Lindsajr Is here from Durham, the guest of her son, Mr. A. O. S. (Lindsay. j Miss Annie rarkerson of Portsmouth Js here, yuestt in the home of Mr. W. G. Thomas, j Mrs. Ira AndVrson has returned to her home at Bennon after a Tlsit to, Mrs. M. J. CarrolL . Mr. J. T. Herring returned to Wilson yestenViy after a Tlsit to her son, Mr. Edward It. Stalling. Jirs. M. lit liowiana was nere yea- f terdiy ? from MeCullers to her home in. Fran! In, Va. Major 11 .. (Irant wnt down to frollrloro yeslerday afternoon to spind a few days wkh his family. nred resterdjr fru l-ai'j.Mii'jia anj!5even Laboratories. are ruests of Mr. M. Rosenthal. Weathers of Loulsburg WANTED to correwpon4 with parties bavin timber tracts, also pnrtiw who wish to take an interest or Invent some niVinev in the 'manufacture of florins, ceilius sidinjr, tc. We have n No. i planlnjr mill and understand the tusi ue tborouchly. Rcfereoice furnished. Denmark & Grist, Can toil. Fa. LOST. Between Ralelch and Nor folk. on-SeaboaTd Air Line, a small box coutainins . some money, and a lot or tickets jrood on Conductor's Excursion, July Sth. The finder can keep the money if he will return "the tickets be rorTjuly Sth. CONDUCTORS. SALESMAN wanted to carry - sit-'e line of Dry Goods and Blankets direct from looms to call on general store trade. Good line for component man. The I-akewood Company, Box 414, 1 nii ndelphia. Fa. Medical ScKool UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. FOUR YEARS COURSE. The Work, of Art Needs Protection If yon have an Artistic Pictxire yon shonld pro tect i Yon shonld have it m as good shape as possi hie. - J ' i - , l- A Good Frame Does the Work. vt nlv miL-Po thp niffitre look be tter, but ! guards it from injury. Our work will preserve. the-art quality .of y oui- picture. If ypu are interested write for our a rtist material catalogue. , , - - WEATHERS & UTLEY, ,, ' ; RALEIGH. N. C. - ' ' , i Wes Aim TO PLEASE THE MOST FASTIP 10 US j See our stock of , Summer . Wearables Serge Coats, Soft Bosorn Shirts Straw Hats, Low Cat Shoes Lierht Underwear. fcc. New stock. Low Prices. WHITING BROS. Mr. Beach 'Jin. ml . 1 Is in the city, he cuejt of her t-no, Mr. L. C. WeathJrs. 5ie came to Raleirh from Apex .wlere jthe vi;teI relatives. MUs Io;ii?i I'lttlaper left yesterday for Rocky Mount, where he will par ticipate in a aotii paisy gltn ly Mrs. John Battle. . ' W. P Vas went to Virginia yeten!r .where M Eleanor ,Tas and her bunt. Miss McDauiel, are pending Rocneltime. Col. J. W. lllnsdale returned yester day morning from Moore county, and ieft durinjr the afternoon f.r Aberdeen on profekmal buMne.. Mr. Armlstehd Jones retnmed yester day frocn Smthtie!'!. where on Friday he was nominated ir accliunation hi the Demorratlc jiRllcial cvnrention for the o!lcltorh:p. j Mr. and Mm. C. C. Barhee of High Point passed khnu?h lie ity yester day en route hne fr.m qa extended pleajiu-e trip tf Atlantic City and other Northern pleasure resort. The WadUm Mw'fnstr says: Dr. J. Martin Fletulus of Raleirh who had been vUXtng fat Manrnm for a few days, etopied ver in Wadesboro Mon day nisht on Us way to Ralelffb.- Dr. M." M' Marshall, rector of Cbrin'a churdfj. returned yesterday even ir.g from an (extended visit to Atlantic City. Mlw Otarhall al. returned on the same tralo from a visit to friends in Norfolk.1 1 Hn. Hugh McLean was here, yesterday retiirnlni; from Smithfield. where he weit to attenJ the judicial convention. He wa'to have been In Bnritnrton yekeray to make a Fourth of Jnly address, but fMind it impossible to cet back inl time. County .--uperitendent W. G, Clem ents says that! he will told an examina tion for whif teachers nst Thursday la the Continental public school build ing. WjtinnbW at 8 in tlie morning. Next Friday he Kill, at the same hour, hold an examination far colored teach r in the Wihinpon chnT. 4 $ 22 Instructors Fall Terra begins September 8 1902. For information address, F. P. YEN ABLE, - President, Chapel Hill, N. C HOTEL DORSaTI FAYETTEVILLE STREET RABEIGH, N. C. Fifty Newly Furnished Rooms, all Modern Conven iences. European and Ameri can Plan. Two blocks from post offica Three block -from Opera House. Up-to-date Cafe for Ladies and Gentlemen. riUVATB DINING ROOMS FOR PARTIES. W. W. NEWMAN. Manager. W. L. DORSETT. l-royrlttos. More of this brand sold than any otber. becamte of its uniformly in purity and quality. , CLAIMS A BRIGHT LITTLE GIRL DEATH Frien.l thronzhemt the State will re gret to learn f the denth of little Sadie j Tucker, the ofily c-hild of 3Ir. and Mrs. ! William II. Williamson, which occurnsl' yesterlay morning at 4 o'clock at Af- ton, Va where Mrs. Williamson had gone to .penft the summer The remain, accompan crlefftrlcken 'parents and friend, will arrive this morning at .1 :2w o'clock ami the funeral ervic will tie eondnted at C o'clock, this evening from Chrita chnreh . uiiamson jia.t; JmK snied by the! Mfc, a nuavler of VU I WHLQKFV I I 1 'w V" STRAUS GUNST a CO. Ns. a. eoicT3s .mpY I Buy Your Piano or Organ From an .Old Reliable Firm. Remember you only buy one in a lifetime and you -cannot afford to take chances. In buying of us we give. you the bene6t, of twenty-five years' experi ence in selecting the best pianos and organs at the lowest possible prices: For that reason wo are in a position to give you greater value for your money 'than any other house in our line.. - Give us a chance to prove the above claim and you will certainly never , have cause to Tegret it. Thomas Darnell & North Carolina's Oldest Mnsic Dealers. J." If. Kmc, President F. J, KOLDBR, Vlee President Recognized an the ifreat Business Un iversity of the South. Indorsed by mer chants and hankers because its methods are practical, progressive ami to the point.' Actoal practice In' banking,: whol esaling, jobbing and retailing. SFK-. CIAL SIJMMER.-SES-SION. Graduct es always get tne best positions at the highest sala'iles. because they know how to do the work. Railroad , fare paid. Positions i guaranteed. vWriie for College Journal and Special Offers. Address, ' .- " .i KING'S RIINRKS fOLLEGSi ' , , ;- .' " '''' . i 330 Fayetteville St., Xileigh, , N. C. ill 1 H rdtceCfeamoOdflDQiniiiySenrel Makes our ice Cream Parlors the most generally -favored resort in town. I"atrons of the place will never find themselves without company. The cream dispensed la of a quality calculated to please the most fas:ldious. . Scrupulous neatness, prompt service, ".a full assort ment of fruit flavors, and a large, cheer ful room combine every, element of pleasure." Call soon and " often. Remember we are the largest fruit receivers in town. CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE. 3 1 A Kaslv Rrlax FId Washed down a telejrraph lice which Chas. C. KI5J5. of Lisbon la., had to re pair. "Standing waist deep In icy water." be write, "pave tue a terrible cold and couph. It jrrew wnrne d.iilr. Finally th best doctor is Oakland. Neh.. S;on. City and Omiha eaid I had Conunii tion and confcl not live. Then I Itcgan Dsiog Dr. KJnzs New Tiroverv and frit wholly cured by six bottles." " roi titr gnaraueed for Cotish. Cul.! and lTr Throat aaid Lung troubles by all druggUt Prjce Zk Everything 'has been arranged tn give all that ro with the Conductors July 8 a moat pleasant time. - " We Desire See the largett barrel ever In Raleigh, r-w on tap in A. O. Wadford's saloon, Hrgstt street, Raleigh. N. C. Clean and Caiiref til Work Delivered When Promised Is the rnle "which has (made ours the most popniar j-iannary in town- we want ens tomers and if the above rnle pleases yon, oive ns a trial and we will make a perma nent enstomer of yon.. THE OAK CITV STEAM LAUNDRY All 'Phones 87 J. K MAKSHALL, Prop. ' r-V- r Smokers Choice ir stand, where be will always finood, . delightful smoke should risit my Every one in the city that enjoys a gd the choicest line of Cigars", Tobacco TnKnrr SnnrfTion. - Union and non-union - irrnIs 'handled. cigar and Tobacco Sundries. c. D. T AY LOR, 309 rayetterille Street. Telephone orders solicited. Bell 'phone II 21. Dorsstt HoteL Interstate 144. aist if Your Trade No matter f yon go to a drug store nee a day or once a year. we are ansions to get yoar tra.le; and if you will jrire ns a chance to get it we a mi re you that we wi'.l do al in our power to hold It to jour rorif :iii!ijniuD. KJl r traie i i growing by great jimp. bnt we want it to grow faster yet. The ore vou kmow about onr arore the lH-(tr ycu wiu iie everyining connected with it. Groweli; pLorty $ Go. DITJGG-ISTS, 129 FajetUrU lxL A JJ s. fH! Tl -rt Afb" -rt f-"v rv-Tk r . ON .1 -:- . .. :; ,:: .j, ; -1 A. Bo STRONACM COT And 25 Per, Cent Reduction on iC H It BR EN'S CLOTH INQ. ROUcaitiTON. 309 FAYETTEVILLE STRiEET S . in. .i .-.. : . ;M ALJU WARES Silk Mitts, Faas, Handkerchiefs, . Straight Front Corsets, Tfpe Girdles, Gauze Vests, ; v Open Work Hbse, Plain Lisle Hose, -Hose Supporters, Wash - Taffeta Rihhons; Valenciennes Laces, Perfect Edge -Embroideries, Bias Seam Tape. German Feather Stitched Purses and - , Kfl-rri riases, Chatelaine Bags, Pompadonr ComDS, SieblrDwBine Combs Bath Towels and Wash SSiBBir Brnshes.Tooth Brueheff, V&TDTeB Shields, Children Paiasols, Babies Lawn Caps. . . Values Considered, No One IJnder sells TJs. 1 Wash Taffeta Kibbons; Black White and Leading uolors. ; rt ' . , - 3 inches wide 12c. 3 1-2 ' , 14c. " . .J.;: 4: ' ' . " 16c. . v Perfect Edge Embroideries. XX " 18 4- A 15c. 35c. 50c. Will Clear 3 Lots Baby Cap3. Assorted Values ?1.00'Down. ' , Prices Now 68c S2c. and lo A.n Extra Leader in an All Linen oft Bleached Liadies Handker chiefs ' 10c - - . - - . - 5 - - - 100 A BoStronachCo .-I . " RLEIQ lCl iK 'r '- Jo G.-; ElSiof feo, dr. ! SUCCESSOR TO Pictures, Frames. Artist Material, "E nabroidery , Material, Architect' Sup nKp: WALL PAPERS. WINDOW SHADES, Curtain Poles, Cottage Rods, Brass Extensfon Sash' Rods, Cabinet Hardware, Fine FurnituTe Varnish, Furni ture Polish, Enameis, Gold Paint, Sable Marking Brushes, Fire Screens, etc etc. ' I -;- ' . Estimates ! cheerful funiished, and lowest prices guaranteed. ' y ' J. C. ELLINGTON, llR., H2 Fayetteville Street. RALEIGH: N. C 5t. Haryfs School, Raleigh, "MIMMIMM , . , ,. . . . .i I III I I I II I r rvi t The sixty-first; annual sessio n begins September 18th. ; Th Easter t Term begins January 28th. ; ', : ' ; .' f V ' . , v- J St. Mary's Sehoot offers instruction m the rolio wing iepartmenis: The Preparatory School, ..The College, The Art School, The Music School, The Business School. , ' - - - -"- . The?' ar tTn 'hundred and forty -jsieht -students representing nine Dioceses. Faculty of twenty-fiy e. Much of the equipment is new; eight new pianos bougnt this year. St. Mary's Kindergarten is located in "the center of the city under Miss Eouise ' T. Busbee's ; charg e. Fot catalogue address REV; D. BRATTON, D. D. A A Jl 1 INSTITUTE for YOUNG WOn EN Thorough; Instruction in all Depajrtments of Female Ed Jc&on. x - CONSERVATORY 2: OF MUSIC Using the " Leschetizky System. Send for-cata-1 logue. Jas. Dinw MA., Prracrlal, ' Raleigh, N?Cl MHMrl HLorses; it BUQOIES, LAUNDAUS, VICTORIAS And all kinds of' Vehicles for pleasure or heary usePicnic wagons always reaoy. FIRST- CLASS ; i: Hi; tab!e-o ing S Orders for" day or hight; receive prompt, careful and courteous attention. Robbing Livery Stable, Telephones Noi 79. & Rear Yarboro Hotel, I 1-.