The YMT. v i v XJ Vol x RALEIGH, N. C.,. SUNDAY, . XgLY 20, 190 2. TWELVE PAGES Eo.43 priors Will Get Walking Papers Prom the Vatican Problem Seems to The $v-.ej and Evirything Settled Except as to Purchase of Lands Be V.'i l: t f f t ." j iiy 10. The litest ex !.ts tr-rioitkw of the . , t?nt h rattera . v,nir th frkir from IVfce! St.-tcs f reinstate them hi their itif-he nd this, in the opiirton of the oSictfat n the ITiT.lppinex. would certnin j rriiK In another Insurrection. The lan.i formerly efTOlled b ythe friars .Tre now eciipuel by Filipinos who. were cowpeHed to ruy trib-re to the friars unkT the fanSi jverumrDt. In wubMssive CrOTcmor Taft's missim revenues were- $2,894,973.03 : for the 'nnie period in 1S99, $ 1.21 rl.C57.33; for ,'1900. $1,SS9.234, "and for 1001, $2,771, 1303.90. It will Iks. noted that bem a steady ite;ie in tlie collections dirrtnx these perttls a that the reve nues for the current year are more than double thwe for 181)9. . General Brook'to Retire Washington, July 19. Gen. John R. DIAMONDS GONE TOO ' r - . - s r ... - - : Captain Strong Adds Another Chapter' His Caprici .. ous Career New Tork, July 19. The Evening i Greensboro two years ago to engage In j -. '. B -2 7VJ 2 J business. He was a brave Confederate 6 0 C! B 71 P 1 '".FH I SSI7 II T V T , w . m mm mr soldier, liked' people. - and) est emed by all oux . . - i 8 array. doed his actlre today, as he -will be placed on the retired list Monday by reason of reaching the age of sixty-four yeaTs. He will be suc ceeded in command of the Department 10 name carwu wsua r fQe assnirair3 .or the Kan by 31 a j. tien. MacArthur, tbmt the Phrilpptoe rirr.ment -would now commandinsr the Department of the praxCae the lacd hi dispute at Tal- iaKes at. unicasout mat oncer wm .icw jl ii n in a lew uiuuius Train Robbers Captured Denver, - Ju9y 19. A d'ispatdh. from Saug'acSna, Ool., siys tih.ait last nis9it a fistMt octniirr between a posse and ifce DenTer & lllo Grwade Strain robbers on Ohio creek, In' whidi one robber aaid two and : the other rob- t . . nr in Tnnn-v sari tinnrnin Kiirimni urooKe. me senior maior ynnerai or tne .r -7 v-T-r --- . 1.. v m llPilil I OA TF1T1 fr n.'IB IIQfin TV - At1 All I (T I . . militarr' career i 1. . "r micuvu. .oiucers were KLwetr rKTud;on;7eral d? ThT for-! refr"f -Ji0 5 I r Yhlhe.- ftr wSioon (he n-v nrr 1 opeciai Jjgexfl liiiown or. toe JJeaKvor A: M . .- - tj I i ! r"i.: Sirrxrj UMkrn to be detcrniined t : .-rtr TxSt Iw., ajs o f .fie rranactki. f. r u h -iUn. .Ta.i win-j an asTvcmenft that" the friars nr.t fa of- . bo wkLdrawn, Had to? ch-irrc ut1Joc- .- n jr k,;aiment tCe accept Pil these propositions there . t :i ; exrree'l j -wrr.tM. be ix dJfBculty in the W4iy of S"J : i nr;j:latKiC2. j ro-hr of the lair.K brt In failing to re- , :: rr taaf w'.Cun a jcelre ih !eSite aorance asked for, . r :j "f tae Spir4h j ixretiTj Root determined to let the be i be withdrawn godfltlor'take "different course, end f-- Jt renen-al of tncad of tcrenny to jmrolKuee the land r 5 . ; i;. txe or tue te N nor caHed for tiyPturmatkm re- I ricd.n the Talne arl condition of the :he rati-: title before sayinrg- iMint U-nis will be Cj ;'ie llulippine rarrTKtfil. Ifefore this informaJrton can : - f c s. :ixi cnJ.ed be supfJed the friars will probably be j - :r i. ii te. w:taa-awn, aT1 then the question cf . N. .re cbit the; ptrrrhs2n9 the property can be proceeJ--t : I iity n7red i ed with trtcre rsrrCdTy. There ts r.o ob and that jectton to other represent-a'tlTes of the l n fn CV-h!lc churdi 'takto Uhe'pli of the .-n n"..l h-jre been ' object Icnrable friaTs. In fact the tntg' wi:.v?rawal of the jrfftio ps to withdrawal does not con uh'f of t'.i? f -nr . templMe dLtuKno the frrnrs who1 are ;t..a:. l.-nuiR-! pcrwr.i jrrita n taecr pan-shes. A sen-all A ccndSUon of I . i: r.-er A-.: v.l sh Frnnci-car. i. ; nxmabcr of friar hare been, able to re r.r ol je-t f the ne?o:ia-1 renin ra thoir partrfie. and io Jonar as INFLUX OF ITALIANS - m ii - They Were the Most Numer- ous Immigrants Last. - Year, ' Washington, Jnly.19. A lars?r number of immigrants entered the United States from Italy last year than from any other country, the total number of Ital ians entering oar ports being 178,375, a gain of 42,379 .orer the number of the year before. , Austria-Hungary ranked second. .The number of immigrants from that coun try was 171.0S9, a gain of 58,599. The greatest Increase -was from Austria Hungary, although the greatest percent age of increase was from .lapan. The total immigration of aliens into the United States during the last fiscal year was 649.743, as against 487,918 in the year before. The character of immigration has changed greatly. The Irish no longer predominate, the number coming from t .i r;v a-v tr; ani a- noy are w-atrici oy n rxupinos tney t r. f-r- the ri:i.-m be r.ireI ( will be pet wetted to remain. r. : .te that thVLtinJ offlciaily. is tne.t to Include JS" '"Te" m? JStlPhm.- ;on!y those friars nao, as the representa- and coun tries which formerly sent few of their people here, are now predominant In our immigration statistics. I here was a gain of 22.090 in Russian and Finnish immigrants last year, the total number rank and position, does not know :where he is, it is said, nor do his relatives., ;- ' Captain Stroirg has recently suffered greatly from a -wound received in the Philippines and hte. friends fear Bis mind may. hare become affected because of intense' pain." , , iMiss Yohe remains at the : cottage at Hastings. She is quoted as saying that Captain Strong left Tuesday and that she does not know whether or not -ha is coming back. , -, He left a note behind saying, according to a close friend of Miss Yohe. that he would not be seen again and that he was tired of his alliance with the former actress and took -.that way of. discon tinuing It. ' ' . Emanuel Friend says: "There is much about this case that I cannot give to the i & Rio Grande railway. BENEDICTS BARRED No rmy Commissions for . Married Civilians vvasnmgton, July 19. In the new the State Convention First Break in a Long Record. He Deplores the Haste at Recent Conventions. Washington 'Items Br THOniS J. PiSWCK . ' Washington, July 19. (Special. TheH taking of testimony , in -the bond eoii instituted by South Dakota against, the state of North Carolina will begin about "August 1st. The attorneys for the two states have abbout reached an agreement as to the selection of, -commissioners who, are to take the testi mony . While their selection is not pos- regulations for governing the appoint- - itively certain it is probable that I. W. ment to second lieutenancies in the Goodner of Fearce, South Dakota, and aTmy of young men in civil . life, the Eussell Lucas of New York will be two secretary of War : has. laid down the - mj-n..,, i,,. .-. rule that no candidate 'for appointment . f the -commfrsionew. . A third, who who is married shall be examined. yet been agreed upon,-will take There are few changes in the new ithe testimony in North Carolina. public at this t time. Strong has , disap- regulations fTom previous conditions! Until last week ex-Governor Jarvis peared, and eA'ery known means of find-', prescribed. Candidates must be between - attended every Democratic stato ing him and bringing him "back to this the ages of 21 and 27 years. If a can- - entn nc e iiS He did not c?t eitv wUl be employed by me and by thevdidate is a graduate of a military school convention since iat. lie Cia not gee Pinkerton detective agency. Miss Yohe .or a member 6f the national guard he t( Greensboro and thereby broke a re- comrlains of a loss of diamonds of con- must present recommendations from the . cora tnat is prooa-Diy unequanea oy any rame. l oon r Know now . ecnwt ot nauonai guara auinonues. i j-'emocrax in tne etaxe. in pracxicaiiy iy resit..! of -V United Stat as tires of the '.-ui h yovernmeat, aknim- . . . . -.--- ... r ". a . am ere hid rrsioi?.-b'e by the natives for thiir ytiffnriir ami suppression Air- i-z the Spanish cxratroi of the Ulands. 5h.- I r?ie Ilonian Catiiolie church de rive taenl otaf-r tencherx to the Phli- i- ! t-.".t. Th- fiiur an nrwMe to irriir there will be o objection by the r-t. th:r prti . r.vlrr to the Paillpplre goTcroiDerc. brt it can give fc. - .;- :zlrr't tlicn:. nnir s'.rni m!l- ro aiKirce to the fiiars now in Manila ;:- '.?hn by tae Unite! State-. It la r.tiy eff.ict th?y may mike to return t I - euce irtrf'rr-v.e by he to their piuihes. rttit .! of H Uritel Sat a 1:0-4 I i n -rL- ! tiy i that it tX r,N-r. .'f jl:; KiUj'Iw. wC l.jr - i iii'.j" i .i' ' httri-.! f..r the Spna- t-h rr.T. . :u tjry a a re nrei rrwi ili ir ;.ir.-U rr. i fn el to t:Ke refuse Storms in the West . : Do MUSIons ofDamage ive Deaths From Lightning! in ll.'cis Ripened Grain EcaUn to tha Ground and Ruined l:'W. ' ' "h t.chtnirz 1..'.' ar:l ruinous ial rain. r -.''.t millions f Ti:nrze tlu-'rh the WfX- -t lr. f'" " -'' s''-Tt to oire been ,:t r: c in llnny f :; .: :.tjniy cut . a.-l the riiit tl;.ru vnra.t le fiCIy r r.n nh-h fell --. .:1;; v!il h. ; Is :.! im rn the h.m i: U -n known r. vr r-: . 1 I i, U rrn ler"'! n hnnvy f the Ieplarns i-y r r. . a..e r::iT i'? tS"....v t, . - are r-eu, sh-vvin- the de :r n h: h U !e;n d-ne to the r la- hn:l ctsl r.,H. cinp seri- n-r.r the frnners. The 'f thm j:t r!re f-r it- :i .5 wt t th enrth. 1 n nn l r.-tc.l the hork. a:. 1 Vi.M.:ii the rrnn CUBA'S CASH BALANCE Amount in tha Treasury Ex ceeds Estimates t. !T i J f 3f : i .V. f.. . t . r. - ; li.-Tl:i a tor's de e Ci i.l-nry ; oreroment iv id the pr pr officer the v.:n of 1.t5l3.SW. sTrt-nt ;n hitrl In ths vba ih; I'lterventn-r 'r:.-.U:rre the toW :1 -of af- ta -m of b ilness r in. silsso merle its 'aripearance, bat with less force than in Iowa.', Nebraska and Cw!orado did not escape the d:age of rahj. From two to five Inches Is reported in many towns ia ':heve two xates,' a-nd perhaps the only welcrrne resist of the AWi, the wtiter fanzine iurVwer, whkii for a time tire.v.erc-.l to cnpple the inJuries of the city, is relieved. While the wrjat was thus snfferlnc from ftorms, incoleraWe wenuiier condi-tk-krs eloewliere were cawed by tha ex trene hent. Several prwimtiows were rrpnrtel in Ohio, wa He the temieratiire war. mi;ioaSy high. IiuHanapolis July 19. Northern and western munties were vi?itd by heavy wind and rain storm?, accompanied by electrical displays, last night and today. After sweeping over these sections it pa?Md south, doin? much damage in southern counties. In Grant county many of the derricks of the nil companies were blown down and de molished and a cnm!cT of barns were trnck by lightninz. One honse in Ma rion was wrecked. L. M. Cox and C. M. IJoh were both badly Injured, but not fatally. In Dcliware, Jay. Miami. Madison and Pctnam counties the storm was very severe. Jacob Holloway and George Holloway were so severely shocked by lightn:ng that they may die. Joseph Jt rey. near hicennes. was ki'led by a lolt of lightning while at work in a field. In tome of the counties the rain was accompanied by a heavy f.tll of hail, and whole fields of corn were broken down and stripped. xette yesterday th in the Itreas nry June 30 was $743,371. The receipt! for th mo.Th of June were $1.331,GC1 and !fu disbursements $1,210,378. A SWIFT BOAT ' The Whipple , Exceeds" Re quirements of the Contract being 107.347. The Swedes increased by iderfthle valne much. I have heard that ?0,WU was the figure." Miss lone g motner was ciosetea wirn the attorney for some hours in the;lat ter's offlce today. . Whether Strong Jtook the jewelry, or not, it is a fact that before making up his mind to" disappear he wrote Miss Yohe a note which he sent by special messenger, telling her that he had done so and that he bad made up his mind tn- e-n and kflf himself. At the same :ime he wrote ' a note to his mother, who was at the time with her daughter at the latter' summer home in Lennox, Mass.' In this" letter Strong told his mother 'that -he was sick of life that ,'he had existed as long as he could on 7.rli3. the total nnmher beinc 30.894 i The only reason I can see," remarked Commissioner General of Immigration i,,or rlo ver hatlment that Strong enclosed In thejettcr the proceeds of Miss- Yone's diamonds, and that he was going to commit suicide. Mr. Friend Is .authority for tne stare- At v. r to ! ' . Washington, Jnly 19. -The torpedo bet destroyer Whipple has completed "her nifl."ll rl nr-rr-A. -trial .-T-fi lii mn;1P.i In the haols ; Chesapeake liay course and has return "f Cuba $rr.,170. Taere'ed to the yards of her builders, the the ?nnds of different i Maryland Sceel Company. tarotishont the island! Tb n hippie was run over the mile nerent ppeeas io stanaardixe and ascertain the number reqntrrd to produce a ccr- jtain f peHl. The mile ccr'e was mn ai a sjieed of .-J.44 knots, and the hlzh- est attained was at the rate Af Mi knot?. On the measured course she maintained, during the hours' trial re qoirrd by the endurance test, the gTeat peed of 27H knts V, knots more than required by the contract. - $ . Revenues of the Philippines Wah5ncton, July 19. The bureatj of insular affairs of tlie war - department tvan prepared for publication a compar ative rtatcroenit. showiair the ctis&oora revewie in Ithe Iiltppjrv archipelago for tthe fin tonr mmth of nvnnmwl srtwl heavy current 1?09. f The KUitement ow that for the four ttteait In the Ga-'moadis ended April 30, 1902, the customs of anr nrevioas in the country 'i his tory i3 that' the idea got spread throughout Europe that It. was practi cally the last chance to enter the United States, the land of liberty and plenty, as the United.. States was going to change its immigration laws so as to make them more strict and require highsr qualifications ja the foreigners who should be permitted to land." -- ! BATTLBTSEA v! Coiombian Gunboats Fighting Insurgent-Ships . Fara-nra, Colombia. July 19. The in surgent gunboats FadlHa end Darien ap peared 5itst night between Flamonco and Ottique iiJand Governor Salnzar there npon ordered ib gavemment grmboa'ts Chwntito and Clapet to goto sea to meet them. Henry cannonading ds taking Place at tlais hour. The UnEted States special service steamer Ilanger Is con'lng into ithe bay. Great Alarm prevails in this cilty; The hit reach in ents are fu31 of soldiers. , i Colon, July 19. A naval engagement between government and, revolutionary Te&tels took place at Panama . today. The revolutionary gunboat Fadilla was chased toward DavftJ and the two revo lutionary steamers retired. J A branch station of the United States weather bureau is being installed .here. The United States war ship Ranger: which carried Consnl Gudger to David to investigate rumors that American in terests were suffering in the province of Chlriqnl. relumed to Panama today and cables were sent to Washington in re gard to the situation in that district. MAY BE TOO SANGUINE Another Postponement of the Coronation Probable V i Liverpool. July 19. The Post today expresses the hope that the doctors have not taken too sanguine a view of King Edward's progress, as a second postponement of the coronation vwould naturally be 'a serious disappointment. The paper continues: j "Among medical men there is a certain amount of skepticism as -to the fitness of the king to go through the coronation on i to his mother the key to the safe deposit vault where hekept Miss Yohe e jew elry, also enclosed a large number of pawn tickets. Mrs. Strong and tne ssnattucKs are still at Lennox, but they will return Mond-ay. and Mrs. Strong will then turn over the key said to be in her posses sion to. Mr. Friend. , DEWEY'S FLAGSHIP- The Dolphin Selected for the West Indian Manoeuvres . Washington, July 19. Admiral Dewey has selected the dispatch boat Dolphin for use as his- flagship during the West Indian . naval manoeuvers next winter. As occasion -requires he will transfer his flag temporarily to vessels of the big fleet which he is to command. In ad dition to being commander-in-chief of a fleet Admiral Dewey has been designated as Teferee to render decisions in com petitions between the squadrons to be engaged in the manoeuvers. i ir 3. i i- J x Rear Admiral Rodgers, commanding the . a'atense excSitemient on the' beach cHose Asiatic naval station, to order the dis- (to the siteel pier at Virginia avemue to tilling ship Arethusa to return ' to New ; About 11:15 ,a. jq. a neww, W&- :torK-LVntlaea...i Ma Appi-oached hiis toother in ill CUUUHiUIV lltt - BUUUU1U6 Dewey's fleet with fiesh water. every convention he has attended G-ov- ernor Jarvis 'has taken - a prominent part. A history of party conventions for 34 years by the distinguished Caro linian would make an 'interesting addi tion to political literature in the state. It has been thirty years exactly sine Governor J arris attended caB7irtiaV held in Greensboro. Coming on the train with th ex-gor ernor last night, he spoke regretfully of the fact , that the platform, receives little attention from convention in re cexjt years. "Until a few years "Sgo.'' he continued, "it was the custom c!-k ways to hold a two day session. Tie first day "was devoted to orgunizatip.-j and platform and the second day t nominations.' y Henry D. Connor of North Carolint has been appointed clerk in the offirV of the treasurer of the United States at a salary of $700. John C. Norwood: of North Carolina has ben promoted' from a $1,400 to a ?1,6C0 position li the office of the auditor of the navy yard. ; ' jongressmu liiuttz nas secured front the post office department the that a citv free .delivery sytem sha!!"' be established in Statesville. Mr. Klutf was here this week and interested thV proper officials in this matter. A bulletin leaned today announcing field .work of the U. f5. geological sur' vey for the season of 1902 sayw: "Dr. C. W. Haj'es will continue th snpervision of Investigation In noa metalliferous economic deposits and wilt continue a real work in the southern; Appalachians." Chne. W. Neweombe and sombf RaN eigh are-here today. Bad Negro With a Gun Makes a Big Sensation AtiamtTie City,', Jully 19. An attempt at murder in' sigh of .10,000 people, es jSf it had1 Ibeen widely 'aidVertised; created sr.. SHAKES ALtROUND Many Countries Affected by Seismic Disturbances London, Jnly 19. The esmlc dts tTrrbamces wSitch has tmvenedarOoMKj the wbrtdl nihds year - were felt at Bandar Abbas t the eastern end of ithe Per aian gulf, July 9, whe there was a se vere earthquaike which lasted from three to four mi mites. AH the chief buildings emffered. The shock eoretinued umtftl July 10, .rl apparently prooeeded from Kl5ihu, whence 3oud poises are stiH au dible alt B-andar Abbas. '1 Each of the five cantinenits' except Anstra!Ia has this year suffered' from earthquakes, vtodcanic eruptions accom panying them in five pC-aces The fdllow rn is the list: . - January Nova Sootita, Croaltia, Mexfi co, Lisbon. . Fe,bruaryi-Russ4a, Schemiacha - March Turkey, Italy, Tchalgeria and Dachi rcspectlTely. Aptrll Guatemala, Iceland. May Martimdque (volcanic), St. Vin cent, Spafl-nv France (Somfth Bordeaux), Washington (Mount Redoubt To&rtumc), Croatia, 'MexBco, San CFrancteco, Florida, France (tue Creusot dtistrtct), the Cape PeninsuQa (amdi Greece. - June liaSy, Russia and Chill, Invelli trt, Bakku and Ch'aco, respecttively (the feist two voleamic), Gheshdre, St. Vincentt, S-icHy, India, HSmalyas. JuffyTirrkey an-di Salomlca. ! . ; $ GREAT ARMY POST AT GHIGKAMADGA Washington, July 19. Secretary Root today gave the final order for the estab lishmen of the four great military costs . t o T r - . Mn n..- n Kn mill ! Lil. m 4-s hA f-riA (Vnf -.lAAAe. i'. ills luajoi.t s icivicij i i" i wJinu uc iv gaiuniug yiavca vi certainly lxi wonderful if the man who is the United States forces in case of war still- unahl to walk a step vm oe in and in time or peace are to oe great '.'iroucboiit the island! liie hippl J a total nnexicnd.l?firLatndiff' .. . ithe propellers a-rls of he trea,rer;of rrT0intfTls f 1.1.V,J H. tain speed. ' !. .ita "rs wrr? irened r- I j!iritlw i; f May i :b?y sYil so. Fr ta'.s rc ..rrie tmy fairly be r .-at finals -avaiiaVe . ti-irre ho.1t the re " '"iMiIfml slin-i M:ne " arVtSl dne ailj " fre ccn-dereJ robel '".-0'I wj tume J over it," "iiKtq r.mb.'ic (t; ! rnoe in the l.-i it U -fVIals was JU59,0fO. ' ie.l tmlance turned position to undergo tne ratigues or crowning in -three weeks." The same skepticism Is expressed in other qnarters. The public would not be surprised at another postponement. : TT-r Bequesfs to Education' r Chicago. July il9.-Tnmes F. Robinson, late "president of the "Rock Island Na tional Bank and Central Trust and Sav-i ings Br.k of Rock Isiaad, 111., left fart of hr3 fortune :to Northwestern Jniversity in his will, which has just itAon nrohftted. yib. Robinson Vns a graduate and a trustee of the. Northwest ern. The estate left by him Is estimated at $1,000,000. Jnst what part of this Northwestern will receive is not stated, but it probablv will be about $200,000. . The American University at Washing ton, D. C, also is left a considerable amount of property. . $ j Saw Mill Wrecked ; . ; Memphis, July 19. An 'exiJosaan oc curred in the engine room of the saw mill of Pridemore & Reese, near. Colimv nis, Mi?., today. The , plant wws wreck eil and both the proprietors and two white employees Were blown to pieces. ' . . , training schools ror Dotn. regulars and militiamen. , This, the first post, will be at Chieka mauga. Secretary Root has allotted the sum of $450,000 for the construction of a nost there, calculated to accommodate one full regiment of cavalry and one company of artillery,, which force is to be nenclus of the future great military post. Gen. Boynton, president of the Chlekamanga park commission, after some quiet negotiation, has been able to secure nearly -two-thirds of the square mile of land required for the post proper and the remainder will be sought by condemnation proceedings. j: As -thls tract adjoins the Chickamauga national park, the troops will have the run of - the ten square miles comprising that tract in large manouevers. j, 5 - Death of J. J. Loughlin . Warrenton, N. J., July iy. fcectaa. Mr. J. J Iou-ghlSn, Sr., of Greensboro, "j . 'd5edi t tih home of -his- faither-ia-lav here this evening after a dnant iTkiess. He camae here several trays ago to joira his wife xn a. vtsat, and it was known by but few that he was sick. The aamouncement of iris death was a oeat sshock to S3a family and friends. Mr. Louehlia moved iirom this p;ace toj a capacity of one million gallons. BRUISED AND SHAKEN Forty Peeple Caught jn a Trol mC. ley Car Smash-Up Council Bauffs la., July 19.-HEorty peopfle were "bnlfisedl and hiadly shaken up here today when- am' Illinois Central freight train crashed into a heavily loaded eCeotrie car onr ithe Omaha and Council Bluffs line, saniashtaig" tth electric car and throrwlmig t!he freight . off . the track. .The imotor -was "passing thiowgfh. the Ifilnois' Cfantral yards jandi had Btopped to a'Howa freight traGn to pa;ss. SikaTtine1 forward) -audi "before ithe madtor was . well nnder way it was run inito by a freight train backing1 on the next track. At the rear of the train was aJ flat car loaded with steel "rail's. -The mcltior was struck squarely in the cen- Ibeir amd then thrown from the track. The body lwas knocked off the tracks and otherwise broken' up. Three freight" cars nvere deiraaled! an'dl wrecked!. .JNonet of the passengers was seriously injured, (not even a limb beSmg orokenv although afcnost every onfe dn .the car was bruised. Two p'hyekiiain's "were on the wrecked oar and; attended to all the injured. g - She has . "'aw Jonni iayne, wino iwas aying aia uae soft sand with his w5fe ,a .bride of two weeks,' amd askedl if ho was ready to figHt. - There hald been trouhlle between theanw ' Payaie repuued by jumpiixig ito has feet. Dula whipped out a revolver and fired. The AmULet sltitrck Payne ta the forehead .and1 ciiit a furrjiiw to jther ctown of .his head. A 'second, (buiflet miissedi. Several nurses grabbed their children rand ram away.-' The. shots were heard by everyone and in an instant the "place (was a tttKaiss of humanfity, crowdlinsr about ithe figi'tlimg mem Society women, ' out for- their aniornimg promenade, shrieked amid joiined in1 Ithe- crowd, PeopBe were E. 1 0 Rational LeasQ Games At St. Louis . R St. Ix)uls.. .. ..0 2 00002 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 11 Batteries : Yerkes and O'Neil ; Phil- Hps and Bergen. ' - At Pittsburg K. rl. Pittsburg .. ..00400001 5 8 1 Chicago .. ..0000000000 5 2 Batteries: Chesbro1 and , U tonnor: Rhodes and Tiling. - At New York K. 11. K Philadelphia . .0 0 4 00 0 0 0 04 7 New York . .1 U U O O O 1 1 O 3 - t Batteries: Iberg and Doin; McGinnity and Bresnahan. At Brooklyn It. H. IS. Bos. .00210100000000 4 8 0 Br'k .0201000100000 15 11 1 Batteries: Pittinger and Moran; New ton, Hughes and A hern. - . . . ' . . ' V crying murder. It was a panic trlcken arowdl ula rettattned1 his-p-lsttol and flourishel tt ehouit -Bio wildOy that no one Inreil come near. Leon Leopojd, a wealthy. way to the fronit am'd: 3 carped upon the, would 'be cmiurdieirer It was the Mgn'nl for others to foClOrv, and in a monieult a dozen men lay in sC heap. Several fill'd , their hamdis wdth sanxi nnnJ hurled St Into' Dula's face, while others kicked hi:i gQe hold ceasedl the negroes presented a! fihJocklhig sight.' Blood'; covered their j hwadtevaoad- pan, jdkimx thtelr clothes. LJf , Qqi'ard PaTkeriaiwi a policeman, with itlvo ' help, of othershqatfed the. men it'hiwvfli'' the donee crowd). Dula wins lodged In jail and Payne .was taken to the hospital,' where j has been in convulsions ciuca amdl wul ptrobably die. Jiath negroes ern waiters at a Vdrginia arenue hotel audi ore about 28 years old). THE STRIKING MINERS They Issue an Address and Provide for the Sinews of War Indianapolis, July 19. The conven tion of the United Mine Workers, called to consider the question of a general strike, adjourned at noon today i after arranffinsr for. a defense fund that will aggregate-nearly $1,000,000 a month and issuing an address to the people or tne country setting out the condition of the striking miners in the anthracite fields and appealing for additional the struggle. The plan for raising, a fund is Teally a compromise between the two modes suggested, and partakes of the na ture of both a direct arbitrary levy of one dollar a week in soine sections and of 10 per cent on net earnings in others, and 25 per cent on all salaries of national, district and sub-district oflicers. An important resolution introduced by President-Nichols of the anthracite fields and adopted by the convention, instructs nil local organizations to ' appoint com mittee.. to find work for. the striking an- 3'j thracite men, and as soon as this is done 0; those who can obtain work are to be transported to the field of labor at the expense of the organization. One of the anthracite delegates said that this resolution was. adopted in or der that some of the men who are on strike and who are restless under pres ent conditions and likely to return to work if the strike is much further pro tracted, -may be given work outside of the anthracite field. The address to the people of the country setting 'out the miners' cause is largely along the lines of former addresses and is aleo in the pature of a defense of .the strike, AOAV in progress in Pennsylvania. -s- - I R. H. E. ..2 12 4 ..1 7 1 Robinson; v, R. II. E. ,..2 3 v 0 ..0 4 1 McFarland; American League At Washington R. H. E. Washington. . . . . - . . . . . . .4 -v Z St. Louis .. .. .. .. .. .. ..6 14 , 0 Batteries: Garrick and Ularke; Iono- hiie and Kahoe. ' At Philadelphia It. 1. -U. Philadelphia ........ . .9 lo 0 Cleveland. . . . . ........ .o o o Batteries: Wilson and JscnrecKengost; Voss and Bemis. At Baltimore v Baltimore; . . .. ... .. Detroit.. . . .... .. .. Batteries: Howell ; and Mereer and Buelow. At Boston; - ' Chicago . . . . . . . Chicago .. .. .. Batteries: Young and Garvin and McFarland. . -Big Sale of Cotton - xw Orleans: Ju Iv 1 9. The la rgest i mit.n tnvm a single nlantatioii arrived at onarantine at 8 o'clock was made here .today when 4,900 hales night and anchored. She did not fall belonging .to John Willis of Panther-, jn with the St. Louin. hum Plantation, on Deer creek in the j A statement never corroborated was Yazo valley, was sold to J., T. .Wood cabled from London la-st W ednesday Of Liverpool. -The bales were all exii-a ' that a vessel arriving at Queenstown large of 920 pounds, so that they equai- m Tuesday had reported that the St. ed nearly 10,000 , bales.1 The cotton had - Louis had been disabled in collision at been stored W New Orleans for three! sea..' Th agents of the American hne years. He has been "offered as much as here anl abroad were nnable -to get 111 cants a pound. h:and .finally1 got 91, 'any verification to the; rumor. If any losing about $90,000 by holding on too j ship bad really brought such a report long. " s - . - ' j to pueenstown there would hava been BIG LINER LATE The St. Louis Is Overdue-Due a( New York New York, July 19. The American liner St. Louis, .-which usually gets here on Saturday from Southampton .and Cherbourg has not been reported to night. The Cunarder Umbria, from Liv erpool and Queenstown generally sev eral hours astern of the lankee snip to- no dJfficufty in tracing 'it. The St. Louis carries 180 first cabin, 160 e.econ.1 Cabin and 400 steerage passengers. Th St. 'Louis'', lateness can hardly be attrib uted to rough weather, as there hi been little or none of it afloat since fho Lleft Cherbourg. ' It is more likely thafr the machinery of one of her engine ma;, be deranged. THE MEAT COMBINE Progress in Consolidating Big Packing Concerns Chicago, Julyt 19. Another move la the plan to constoCildate aill packing in teresits' of the country into one jfianut compamy was made totlay !Vihen a deal was completed that gives the. trutt con tro'l of big interests at Sioux City, Iowa. This was ithe purchase by lio lnteren Ithat control Ithe' Stoux City wt(j-k yarf of the Sioux City Traction Company whicu. owiris aU the street car line ir Sioux City, with a (trackage of forty-flvo unfiles, and the Sioux City Gas end Elec tric Light Company. The comiwinic wFll be merged. . Swif!t & Co., the pack ers, are considered by Sdoux City, fiaa clal men ito be the real xnmhasers. That the Rockefeller mlU lions are, be Ibi'indi the scheme and are backing t'i Armour and Swvft interesits in the con sKjCixOaition is beie-cd to be the case la ' epito of d'enlah?.; ?; j bryamtarts'east He Is on the War Path After the Reorganizes Lincoln, NebJiily 9. WHliam J Bryan , started tonight on a month's tour of th east. He makes no secret of the fact that his mission is to con nit with his friends in New York and New England -and get their advice and co-operation in the fight he purposes waging azaint tne reorgamzerg in laeir cwn sLriiun"""". "Their sterngth lies in the canning of their leadership," he said. "Their hope of success are based on tb- ajuthetlc attitude of the rank and liie. Instruc tions in each and every convention from the precinct w ill tie theJr harids and their plans." .. Mr. Bryan will speak at Allentown, Pa. His most significant pofh delivered at the Boton dinner next Thursday evening. The succeHing two days..will be spent in Maine, and he will make speeches at BridgejoTt and Mm-.-den. Conn. After a hort vis.t with Lewis Nixon he will deliver a series of chatauqua addresses". 3 ' ' London, July 19. A dixpatch from Fe kin says the Chinese have formally -1 cepted the conditions for ihe restora-j tion of Tien Tain

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