J ' I Strikers Make Trouble 1 or Non-union Workers 'Wib. 2-. Ser. 2 The Dela tme. Lackawanna & Western Company tila y.a!ns a MM two more to Its -cauta of working collieries by starting xL D!- at NantK-eke an! the l'HU Ins at Prratevt i nMr thl :ty. a.l w c t a 2 run throrizh ta- lr-ukr r.t -b "'-! oaciili re;rt Iwtween ji -.! 12." t.-n mined and ready f.r j":nj-er.t. The company has now six eoiWrf wdr war. "At other mine in tli! "Tia rroTs ra r.iade. Attack npoa noa-mra men were re-rrf-d today. The rr.et mtSai: wa at J5itv JlraJTw. wbre J"h;i HarvilV. n non-uni.ro werter for Ox Brother As 'o.. -w.! srft .anl s-TtouHy wounded. KarvtH w. ktnH d-ir:r.g tb nijjit 1t raer. throwing ton at hi Iioue. II w-t to the !oor. bit comM v.o one, !r.J frM hi revolver twice in the !r. ixr h w arin awakened atul th! t: went t the window. A "r.e Jsr:1 e-et a siot ws fired and s birtW trnk hiTi la the rlcht eye. The ere la d" rved an ! the bullet lodr-d l:i hi head, br.' :t i s.'H he trill rr-fr.-r. lie la n i It 1 who be a?at!T are. At the Mineral Spring olllery. on will not leave for Macon nctil about November 1st. Mrs. Follows accom panied -Mr. Lee to Macon yesterday. 8 State Officers Return Hon. J. tfryjti Grimes, secretary of state, and Ilorff B. R. Lacy, state treas urer, have returned from Grime.-land, where air. Lacy -whs the guest of Mr. Ftrnctnre of the Lehigh Valley Company near Parsons, won ome eljrbty-five car- peatery ana miner at, wwk. mu , ., - ,4t -,,i- Thev renort of forpi-nen r.-ttheir.l this morning and rimes for the past week, liey report tr:e,l to the men from work. Sheriff ; baviug enjoyed their outing imo,eaeij. Jacobs seut a rre of ueputiea to tne in! was dispersed. feer.e and t!;e ui ! was nstH' A crowd of errikcrs attacked Kichard Ilolrts nnd John Havitt, workers for the Lchlzh Valley, this mornins. Kich ard -was struck hi the bark MOuzlrt the World V rimTrT in medicine has THE PRESIDENT TALKS ON TRUSTS He Makas a Speech Intended as an Answer to His Critics Fltchbursr. 'Mass.. Sept. 2. The first important stop of President 'Roosevelt after he had resumed his travels through ever rented one-ouarter of the excitement . .uassacnusetis loaay was . i". witli a that has been caused by Dr. King'6 .New , wnere ne louiia iae iWB.r : .. .1- 1 - . .. conpTa nrviinjiv. sion 01 uii nu cousin? m ano uaaiy mjurru. ami ira- iisco-enr for Consumption, it a sever- --;-- As;.iptlt I, IS" -t TesTThave been on hopeless victims -s cZ to tVir Won of Consumption, lUeumonia, nemor- j assemMed to hear him. The presi V Ar,:l,J T..,virV SWIff Rno.ld. rhaw. Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thou- dent devoted himself almost exclusively ..Jt., 1 t.n A i)rvr. rhnrr,i i sun-ia of whom It has restored to perfect , to the trusts, which he mtenlea as an -n-;rs ,i:.rtn;. n.t imnrUnninf in mtl 1 j,ifh Vnr fViHffhs. Colds. AethniA, i answer to his critics. He said m pan: -nd iron ro!icc:ncn. They are Lawrence Comve. chif of p-llcc: l nomas Joyce. l-rr.-l!in: of the couneff, an! Michael Kakfvitfh, a constable, A week or two ar- three men stopped Julius Mor f.'.ii nnd. Max Plant, guards at the Hall- t.Td ii'.Jne. they walked through Dur y. and lmpr:..?ned them for carrying roncei led wcrjvm-t. The three officials w.-re held un.lAr S2.00) bail each. President Mitchell retnrned this after noon from Philadelphia. Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough It Is the quickest, sur If some of tboe who have seen cause for wonder in what I have said this fall on the subject of the great , ,i T 1. J nll j LUIS Xail UU IW SUUJCIV VI luv . est cure in the world. It Is WW by al1 , corDOrations w hich are popularly known DR. BENBOW DEAD the rock lt being dog in great quanti tle" and f hipped to Kurope. The board of e-lucation held a meeting in this city yestrcay.and fixed the sal prle for the different districts of tho county. T1h board ordered the com initteer.ien of each district to begin the public sch'Xds of the county on the 3rd iif November end continue them foe four tror.thff If ar.y district has more money .fan is r.led for four months the com mittee J ordered to have the school con !iued until the metier la exhausted. frlkea av Rich Find He Expired Surrounded by Members of His Family fJreenro. X. C. Pept. 2. Special. At ttrj o'cirk thia a-.emirg. after a lia fering C:i;rj of orer fwelve nxr.t!i Ir. D?Wi:t CinMa BeaKnr breathed LI Ul ia hi ajvarsnr.: at the B?n!jr ll'.el, ::rrnndJ by hi dro.tfJ chil dren. Mr. fttaile D. 11 r.?ow. Mr. Mary I:. Cr:wf M. Mi. l.:Jy B?nbur i ff3i troubled for several years with eni cun:cnvw a:ra.-hd friend. 'chrxnic insertion and nervous debilitl." Ir. i:-vJ - wa Teury-tw.- years of n-rl:r P. J. Green, of I.ancaMer. X. II. :. ar. l tarvire j his w.fe who w as . ". re;nedy helptl me until I began 21: Mary Scx:t, daugb:-- of Mr. D.ir.- juMng lT.er:rle Itinera, which did me i?l S.'-:;. tir years. For m ire than 'ir..re gl than all the medicine I ever a year hi h-.i't- hrd failed and several ' r...'. They have aN- kept my w-ife in tisn Lix d-irh had been exite-i. Lat , exct-iioni health for y;ir.. She says winter h wnt ' Jh::n IIpkinA for ; Ii-ttrio liters are just splendid for fe trvntai x. receirir.r one berfit, but ; troubles: that they are a grand each tiai he exer ed hinaelf in bus!- ;t;;sc an.l invig rator for weak, run t CJitici he wonld suffer a ro!are. 'd"wn woxen. Xo other medicine can Two iM-r.:h ago he wo-t to Atlantic taie i:s place in our family." Try them. City, and only reiurned a; AVel-ie- ,::Iy ."VV. Satisfaction guaranteed by all ?y. a:arcctlr a-m b:trr. brrt he had ; druUts. dniggists, who guarantee satisractwn or refund money. Large bottles 50c and ?1.00. Trial bottles 15c. School Notes from La Grange Crresnondence of The Morning Tost. La Grange. X. C. Sept. 2. The La Orange public school, E. A. Simpkins principal, will pea next Mocty. On September 4 an election will be held io vote taxes for a graded school. Stu dents are flocking in to the operilng of the Debnam Military School this week. g as trusts, wouia rase iue uuuuw iu read my messages while I was governor. what I said on the stump two years ago, and what I put into my first message to congress. I think they wonld have been less astonished. I said nothing on the stump that I did not think I could make good, and I shall not hesitate now to take -the position which I then -advocated. I am even more anxious that you who hear what I say should tmnK of it than that you should applaud it. Referring to the conditions whicn ex isted in lb03, the president said: There was no trouble abont any body making too much money then. The trusts were down, but the trouble wns that we were all of us down. Xothing but harm to the body politic can come from Ignorant agitation, carried on par- 'tially against real evils, partially against ' . 1 . 1 1 A M. M n4- Falsehood and Slander Senator F. M. Simmons said to a Post man .last night that the rumor put in ; lmag.inary evils, but in. a spirit which circRlntion at the Hepublitn state con-1 wollif subsritute for the real evils evils vent ion last week to the effect -that his ;ugt a3 real nd infinitely greater. Those1 father is an independent candidate for men. if they should succeed, could do the legislature 4n Jones county is a nothing to bring about a solution of the crly come horn? -o ce. amid the 5ceces j cf Lis Ion;, arrenaons-, honorable buai- i vxat life. In the conflaes of the city he htn! done o much to bring forward af t.: long year of exertion to the front rank of pr?re;Te towns of his native etate aad vu::y . He w'.il 1-? laid to re tomorrow la reen lliil cenw:ery at OJZO o'clxk. th funeral tujg conducted from the Ben b.w Hotel by pasters of the Friends' church cf which be was a member. A BURNING DISGRACE LECTURE AT BAP TIST UNIVERSITY falsehood and a slander. 6 Picnic at Wendell There will ibe a basket picnic at Wen dell, sixteen miles east of Ilaleigh, Sep tember 4th. Governor Aycock will ad drer the gatherine at 11 o'clock a. m. Tlie good old farmers are expecting a royal time. c ?Tatlnal Lraent Games At Xew York: R. n. E. St. Louis . 000010001-2 8 1 Xew York 0010000001 5 0 Batteries: M. O'Xeill and J. O'Xeill; McGinniry and Bowerman. At Brooklyn: R. II. E. Pittsburg .... Brooklyn . . . . rreat nroblems with which we are con cerned. If they should destroy certain of the evils at the cost of overthrowing the well-being of the entire country, it would mean merely that there would come a reaction in which they and their Tcmedies would bo hopelessly discredited. "Now it docs not do anybody any good and it will do most of us a great deal of harm to take steps. which will check any proper growth in a corporation. We wish not to penalize, but to reward a great captain of industry or the men 'banded' together in a corporation who have the business forethought and ener gy necejsary to build up a great indus trial enterprise. Keep that In mind. A (big corporation may be doing excellent We Have just received a com-1 plete and up-to-date Sh line of oes an Eyeiiing Slippfer We Always Quran teed Satisfaction. Perry 1 & Rosenthal No. 230 Fayetteville Street, Trust Building. 1 MeldnchoSy Ending of a Life SadSv Misspent Durham, X. C, Sept. 2. Special. Developments in the snicide of D. A Simpson yesterday (morning prove jthat there are maiv thlne-s vet to come "to work for the whole country, and you,ilirht ,He ,uteided. that -te certain. want, alcove all things, when strivitng to .0010012015 8 2 ! ffet a plan which will prevent wronc jlfe the only qiies.tiion. Little by .u l luouunw 11 1 d('r (hv a cornoratlon which, -decires to mtin ;s nrr -naA rHh tiio A Letter That is a Shame to the Legal Profession Greensboro. X. C Set 2. Special That was an awful death yesterday of the negro man Ivey 'Aistoa. whose body was so horribly d1srnenbvel by the Lifting eajlue near he d;jt here. To oe it i liule less borrioie than a letter shown me thi tnrrrtng written by a lawyer t- ti loy old father three his s-ro'a life had been through his own evident The letter was to this hours after cnwije-I out. circles ne?s. effect: "I fcar been -to yot!r horse twice to ee yon and yn were r-n at home. I want to that yon get g! j ay for the death of your son, 9-3 just as soon ns you can do not all to come to see me olioat it." The o' l man took the lerer F'ra'rht to Col. Barrtrger instead ef to the law yer wh wrte it. acd was diuad f i fnxa rrther proeeeiing. H also h-wad th liter to two other gentl mert on the wajr. The ltwrr who Igned hi name to Jt is nid r.ot to be In nctlte practice here. b;;t is m--re of a a agent for ethers. T! burning di-crace to hnman legal r rofeslon. K Mr. Wado R. Brown, director of nni-iic at the Baptist University, will deliver a 1-ecture in the university chap 1 this efreroooa at 5 o'clock, on the "t'lavii-r Me. hod of Piano IrtructMOU. Music' students, parents and others in ten.5ted iu piano study, are cordially invited t be prttent. Mr. P.rown has spent the past year In the Virgil School, Xew York, perfecting himself ia -:he atudy f the Clavier and hH lecture will doubtless be both inter esting and instructive. MARSHALL DE LANGEY HAYWOOD Mr. iLirthall Delancey Haywood has re-slr.ed as assistant state librarian to arcept the position of Librarian at the Xorth C.mdina Oilege of Agriculture nnd Methaaic Arts. H will succt?ed Ilr. 1j. 'B. Ovrca, who becomes an in structor l:i the Kndlsh department of the ctnlece. 'Mr. Ru.ell Sherrill will trve or the present as assistant state Jlbra r:an and Librarian M. O. Sherrill has already decided upon a permanent as sistant when his son Rucll returns to .-hoo! in the fall. Mr. Haywood is being heartily con gratulated by his friends on his new and i:ti- n:raie io.ition. lie Is a young r4K.-i of literary ability ami fci many iri-n.:s wha cimuJently expect for him Batteries: Phlllippi and Phelps: (j wi-oag. not at the same time to have onso b met nr. iiuxue ami r arreii. a s-cheme whicH win intenere witn a I l-nwn if vt- t,hic the, n. a- will Second game: R, II. E. cornoraWon doing weBl, if that corpora- . a nstbetie stnrv. rriv-n n'ener- rittburg 0 0 00 0 00 000 3 3;tion is handling itself honestly and tion ibv th bonndiTio- of his footstens Brooklyn 10000020X 3 5 0 sCJarelV. ' ' - ' I hv n -arnm n n io, o-or-o -a-n nnn tha Batlen'tes: Cnchman and Smith; Xew- "4Xow. what I am'soylmg ought to be strain. He wanted to mnrre a, vonnir ton, FarreJl and La:imer. treated as elementary truth. Tne hnv tn whom ho wns 'enir.irvl. ihnt was At Boston: R. II. E. 'only reasonn It Is necessary to say them afraid to do o ttnd as a last resort he ITostan 0101000002 8 0 at all is that apparently some people Undert his eareer bv taikin? noison. For Cincinnati ....0100012015 13 3 foreet them. I believe something can L imrtnth or moro. be bnd riei?Ad to end Itatteries: Pittcnger and Moran; , bo done by national legisla'fion. When his life. Me snoke of it often and said Hnhn and Bergen. 1 gtate that I ask you to note my words, that he was aoine to leave Duffram by Second game: R. II. E. ; 1 gay I IbeMeve. It is not in my power to Sent ember 1: When asked where he Boston 0015 3 000 x 0 4 2 , sav I know. When I talk to vou of my wns coinar on on oeonsirtn be s.nid': "I own executive duties I can tell you am tired of life and want to get away definitely what vrill nnd what will not from every human 'being. I want to be done. When I speak of the actions of go to a country where I will see no face." any one else I can only say .that I be- After .preparing for his funeral and tell- Jitve something can be done by national ing his friends goodbye he went to -the Cincinnati 00 2 00 00002 5 i Batteries: Willie and Kittrldge; Phil lips and Maloney. At Philadelphia: R. H. E. Philadelphia . .0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 xi 7 1 Chicaco 0100000001 7 1 Batteries: Iberg and Douglas; Wil liams and Kling. Aaaarleaa Laagua Seerea At Cleveland: R. H. E. Cleveland.. . ..23 23 4 Baltimore.. . . .1 7 9 S Batteries: Lnndell and Bemis; Ivatoll and Smith. XX. Chicago: R. H. E. Chicago.. ..2 5 4 Bos-ton. 9 16 0 Batteries: Callahan and McFarland; Young and Crigor. At Detroir: R. H. E. Detroit 1 5 3 Philadelphia 5 9 3 Batteries: Waddell and Scherckengost; Yeager and Buelow. $ IncHn Is aiahl!:!i degree of success in Lb chosen airy and t'o the! work-literature. $ ELSIE GOT GAY Just Bound to Shoot a Nig ger, and She Did SEABOARD ORDERS MANY NEW LOCOMOTIVES (Xorfolk Landmark.) Richmond, Va., Sept. 1. The Seaboard Air Llue railway has just given an or der to the Baldwin Locomotive Works fur 13 new locomotives. This order in- Green:wro. X. C. fept 2. Special. I - heavy consolidated ensrinc. It T2t ll'.'Ai, a c'.ored woman, was jailed;4 "adeMuod that these engines are for Ut night tor fhtirg a negro m-ui in oa t Jo 1 trnungham extension, which. Arm Broken the ear with an old Jv.:rs pistoL It was at a t-vje psjir and Kis.e, comiag guy, kicked her heela together and ejac v.late.1: Yen all -!ear d- trao4:. for I 3 g-t t ehoot er nigzer." Kie was tsker at hr word by all but one, and lie received the contents of tho old "horse" In tV b-crr of the eix. Hi tame taa "cap ene, rn h: IcJurW received a painful though not serious ere sail to b iltht. IXsIa claiat that ujnry. He was swinging on some leat;i b was vrlr -prictnx: bad not ne'er rings suspended from tho ceilin CU f htr "rt covrfy' end i j when his hold gave way, throwing tin" 4at -XT jsa lt ter git b&c Inter trabSale. It Is thought, will be in, operation within tue r.ext twelre months, Whi! exercising in-the gymnasium at Wake Forest College yesterday af--ernoon Mr. Burton Bar of this eitv A FORTUNE IN FLORIDA Two&;ld3biro Men Vho Have Struck It Rich OcMtrro. N. C, Seyt. 2. Special. vlTr. W. It. f .alrm utm with Mr. EB. lOrdn, Jf, hto jat maraud Jloriia where tiiey own real wn: nilea rocrmlaea !ar.om rerurr, aays thrt ta 80 ere which they hre s enred oeatrol ot ia rich wirh rhcr jhAt TOrtc Tby Lave- gold an c t.-jn on tha Itad Toe JJT.0O) a year Ur firs yc&re end titer ' teeetv S" aarnta pax ts far nil lh reek wV.ich V mi:si. , Mr. Hardt2i is rroswt taa Ju iavastmeat riH rf)d erl thounsd tare. Ou t.V lafio scTTuuodjcg fha -0-flcra tract articli XfevdrA. 2ailth xad Barflaa oxa to the Loor with uch force that one enn wna broken just above the wrist and inCicting painrul bruis?3. Tlie hart wn i.TOaip.ly drcjsod and Mr. Ray is doing nicely. Death of a Child DieJ yesterday morning at tha resi dence of his mother. Mrs. Lulu Stevens in Wt Raleigh. Ernes.t Lea Stevens, r tXmr years rxi eight nionllas. The remeiLne were taken to Cary yesterday afternoon and Interred in the family burial ground. He was a bTight and at tractive little boy and made niaDy friend among his playmates. The sym pathy of the community goa out to his widowed metier ia her sad affliction. Mr. Lee Leaves for Macon Mr. Ed. H. Lee laft yesterday for (Maoon, Gn, where ke will engage In tLe cortcm hcsicens with Sir. D. H. Fel la sra, fee firm te$ng Lee & Fellowsv cbt CTQieeH Mxs. Law aral the afeBdren ! part was gorgeous and dazzling. The songs ana jokes were new. The sins ing completely caDtivated and charmed the great audience and there were re peated encores. The solos were of a high and rally musical order, not the kind of stuff that shows simplv skill in execution, but rich, tuneful, soulful mel ody, that charms the listener and causes him to involuntarily clap his hands as the last rich tones float away nntil the fcintrtx reappears and sings again. The performance bristles with things that aTe new; There was not a dull moment or tiresome wait. .The curtain was up from sfart to finish and the stage 20 DISTRICT IN SUPREME COURT a Arguments Heard Yesterday. Third District Next Tuesday In the Supreme Court yesterday cases from the Second district were argued as follows: State vs. Johnson, by L. L. Smith, with Attorney General for State. W. R. Johnson for defendant. State vs. Ray, by 13. L. Travis, with Attorney Ueceral for State, W. A. Dunn for defendant. Goodyear vs. Cook, by B. G. Green 1 i-i ' liusbee for appelant (Cook, J., did not sit on the hearing of thia case). . Atkinson vs. Ricks, by B. B. Win borne for plaintiff, D. C. Barnes, by brief for defendant. Tvin.9 v a ,IvRroll . fv R CI m . nii.,tfff V,-ra; i. tV. C: V"", r was a constantly changing scene of (Cook, J., did not sit on the faring Tof ITh 'nPeili ,int?ref,tI,nslt?aLio??- a . mi ne jj Arvilios. rfnvnl F.ncbsh Hand pan, uuu ineir work' is pleasing, men comes "Echoes fHm the South." a dancing act in which Doc Quigley is the. star. You have heard of things ' working on an eeeentrac." Well, Quig- "J leps -rate tho Anlro ThPr nrn on 1 . " " wn-ufunnjra and are self flubrica ting. Third district cases will be called next ' f 10se-jomted and seem inclined Tuesday, September 9, as follows: ' ind(lPndent of the body, but vuigiey nanas tnem up just in time tO keen fmm naT-f tntr Tt-tfh tTlPm xne .iignani familv. musical barbers. Tvere an attractive and interesting fea ture, while the , nine members of the I aust 'family, acrobats, are just a little ahead of anything seen-here in a simi lar line. The performance concludes un a travesty entitled "King of the raipinos," which graphically portrays both the American and the fnsuTgent siue ot skirmishing in the Philinnines. Prof. Gnlley, dean of law at Wake Forest College was here yesterday and sr. a tnat 14 out of a class of 16 law stu dents from Wake Foreet who etood the examination recently before the Supremo Court procured licenses, i , A splendid resora, inas. drug store of R. Blacknall & So-n Sunday night and wrote notes to his friends, one of whom, wvia'a young lady. While writing these letters he was joked and teased about writing to hi girl. He appeared in his usual humor and no one s-uspected, that he was then telling what disposition to make of his foody and saying farewell to his friends pre vious to taking his. life. iHe went to West Durham on the 11 o'clock car Sunday night and left one of these notes ho had written for John Maddox, who was clerk in the store with him. He then came back and went to th drug store again -and was busy writing for seme tome. Then leaving his letters for I iatrii v ci j jut; tjli l ij 1110 j.wu. turn o v u. I ne Academy Season Opens howed- the fatal drug. , come out as the days pass. It will in volve more tihan one person and will 1 show up the sad side of a misspent life." The young man who committed, suicide was 243 years of age and came here legislation. I believe it will be done. I think we can get laws ''whicn. will measurably iucreASe: the pqwer of the federal government over corporations: bu't, gtlemen,I believe that in the end there will have to be an amendment to th constitution of the nation conferring ad ditional power upon the federal govern ment to deal with corpora'tions." THE ArGVFiELD" GREATER MINSTRELS with a Superb Performance that his Ibody ne interred in Durham This 'was done upon the advice of his family. He left a life insurance policy for one thousand dollars, this being pay aiblo 'to his mother. It Is almost sufficient to sav that Al G. Field's Greater Minstrels oeen- pied the boaTds at the Aeademv of Music more than two years ago from Roxlboro last night. He was a son of Mr. and) Mrs. A. P, That statement hi fact, tells the story Simnson of Roxboro and left two sis A 2. Jl performance, for the name, ters ,ani a brother. He ws of a rather s'V;.ti; ,St? synonymrr e best lo disposition and did not have a in minstrelsy. He always HUs the house , , , -, mr and always delights all who are fortu- confidant far as can be learnexi. The nate enough to "Pt in woman in xu tno vtto juuvuui-Bu iu Last night was no exception. The his friends as hie cousin, a married lady Academy wa.3 full. The company is an As a matter of fact she waa not !his first aggregation or the best talent. The hrst cousin. He has no relatives' in 'Durham The remains were taken to his old homo in Rosboro for interment, not withstanding the fact that he requested TELEGRAPH TERSITIES iHlarrlsburg, pa., Sept. 2. The politi cians are making another effort to set tle the coal strike. The 'Republican managers 'threaten the mine operators and intimate that unless the strike is settled within ten days an extra session of .the legislature may ibe cailled. Paris, Sept. 2. 'A dispatch received here- -ay-s that a thousand persons were killed at Mprne IRouge doiring the re cent volcanic eruptions in Martinique. Greeniack, Sept. 2. The correspondent of the Sun can state authoritatively that (Mr. Fif a is engaged' in designing a yach t for Sir Thomas Lipton to be called the iShaimrock HI, which will challenge for the America's cup. j Peru, Ind., Sept. 2. 'An eastbound' Wabash, railway passenger train drawn bv' two engines coDided with a west- fboxrndl freight in a dense fog three miles east of here at 5:30 o'clock this morn ing. IBoth trains were running at high speed, but the siix engine men miracu lously escaped1 without even a scratch. The three locomotives and two freight cars were demolished. Xew York, Sept. 2. William. F. Howe of the law firm of Howe & Humraell, diled of heart disease at his home here last night, . He was seventy-five years old and was for many years one of the Jeading criminal lawyers of the New York "bar. ' Philadelphia, Sept. 2. Albert Terrell, a negro pugilist, died today in a hospi tal where he was taken la.?t nigh't after ia boxing bout with William Stokes, also a negro, at the"' Golden Gate ath letic club. Paris, Sept. 2. The governor of Mar tinique cabled) yesterday to M. Dou-mergue,-minister for the colonies, with reference to the eruption of Mom IYlt August 25. ' He 'gave .no detaila lM .ad-Jed that on the 2Sth the ehiptioa peared to be ca'lmi'ag. Trie ;0v rnor i Guadeloupe has cabkl that a full ,j cinders from ''Martinique has U-ea a perienced there. Aananncement. To the Voters of Wake County: ' I hereby announce myself ns an Ind pendent Democratic candidate for ti office of Register of Deeds for WiU county. D. I. I'UltT, Sr August 9, 1902. 30d In the District Court of the T'citd States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. In tho matter of North State Liimbci .Lo., Limited, Bankrupt In l!ar.i-rxiptcy. To the creditors of North 'State Lou- ber , Company. Limited, of iJurlwm, a th-3 comity of Durham and difth t a'foresakl, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby triven thst on t! 20th day of August, AI). ll!2. the k:1 North State Lumber Co.. LiniiteJ, wn It 1 A 1 1 . .1 (my aajuoicaipa uaiiKTiiir. .inri umu first meeting of its creriitrs will be W . i T- 1. " T . . t 3d "-day of September. A. 1. IfrV, t 10 o'clock, at the oflke of the und signed Referee, at whh time the ui creditors may attend, prove their rlaiD. anoint a trustee, examine tho lakn;t and transact such other business aiEij pTorterly come before said meetirj. This 23d day of AuictiPt, Hmi2. W. K. YATES, Referee in Bankruptcy, at Durham, X.& When in Need of Pure Liquors For M edici.1 or Social Purposes Give Your Order to E. W. Young, ' 15 Exchange Place. . WCv RALEIGH, N. C. Quality, Not Price Is the chief consideration with 01 In buymg our. drugs. The best teJj can buy Is used in compounding prescriptions at this store, jou wr'.. i cure of always getting what the doctor prescribes if you buy 01 us. iJ a minute, and you'll see how important this is. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO., S33 FayetteTllIe 8ree t J ! s JIALEICII. C- I N TE RE ST I N G INF OiRMATI O N ON MAY 1, 3 902, THE OLD CONSERVATIVE Lambertoni rs. Vaun. two cases enn tinned by consent. Sykes vs. Boon and Blair ts. Johnson and Norwood vs. Lassiter, continuei by conenJ. Williford vs. Williams, argued by .T. B. Martin, by brief for plaintiff L. L. Smith for defendant. " t' iJ MUTUAL LIFE INS State vs. Gouldinc. State vs. D'Ton. State vs. xylor. Wood vs. RallToad. v iSwift vs. Dixon. Best ts. Mortgage Co. Ibarrlngton vs. Rawls. Meadow vs. Telegraph Co. If.ne vs. Raney. Ipwis vs. Steamship Co. Weeks vs. Railroad. LaVallette vs. Booth. Cox v. Buck. Royal vs. St. Railway Co Toyner vg. Sugg. Knight vs. Taylor. Smith vs. Garris. Wilson vs. Lumber Co " White vs. Lokey. Manufacturing Co. vs. Gray. cnhTVarTvra1!60 to, Greensboro Se f tfgrSS; to attend x. jajxmer or aetata is a Co.,pf Philadelphia, WILL ADJUST ITS K ATE S.ATTD VALUES TO A THREE EER CENT! RESERVE BASIS, 5 TEB C'DT the Penn to famish the insurer uJ sitor to him who fortunately carries tjie ' SIDERING THE ABSOLUTE feAiUX. ALL KINDS OF DESIRABLE CONTRACTS ISSUED, 1 ..... aeual Ordinary Life, Limited Payment Life and Endowments on vcr . . . () POLICIES, with income for life; FIVE PER CENT GOLD J II3LE T. ly 00 the principal for 20 years and then the principal; cheap tu , POLICIES PRACTICALLY INCONTESTABLE FROM DATE: absolutely so after - CIi POLICIES PARTICIPATE IN PROFITS OF COMPANY, WITH A.n.nu At,, R. B. RANE1. thereby famishing in its new contracts the largest GUARANTEED CASH SURRENDER, LOAN (3 PAID-UP AND AUTOMATIC EXTENSION VALUES. ! , With even greater dividends than heretofore, this will enable TECTION AT A NOMINAL COST rN CASE OF LAPSE, and ity or death, THE MOST PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. CON Including, In addition to the TINUOUS INSTALMENT beneficiary 5 per cent annually 'policies, and many others ALL . ALL 'ANTEED . DIVIDENDS. Apply to Local Agents, 00 ti TF. -.it " er write to DESIRABLE OONTRAOTS TO DESIRABLE AGENTS General Agent for North Cst0" RALEIGH N,