, THE MORNING PdST WlDNSSGSYr' SEPTEMBER 3T903 3 They passed a nw revena act, decreas ing th rate or taxation for public pur do. Increasing it for pensions, and increasing th amount of taxes to be collected from railroad, telegraph, and telephone companies and the like. A cumber of provision were proposed that trpca lnvestga Uon were shown would prov bortieuwm to the industrial in terests cf the State, npoa which, being shown they were modified to meet the demands of the rejpresentatlv of these interest. The hardships of the previous rrreono acta, first enacted by the fu konivt In 1SCV5 and 1897 and several of them retained by the democrats in 1899. ww relieved. The Merchants Purhcas tax was changed to meet the wishes of the merchants themselves, and a a resort the State will not derive so great a revenue from these taxes as heretofore. And as a remit we find that the revenues of the State have not PROPITIOUS OPENING OF STATE CAMPAIGN (Continued from lt ps.e.) 'r lawyer fee in esses for ;f 4 Oorerttor KoseeU. admlnKtration If w avM up the expanses ln-i-fi by rino of the mismanagement Jr.- niitenUiry. the neeles litigation i-Wried tT Governor Ruell, and nccsry appropriatjo-ns to tn t:3 stcnenee of the pairfteetlaxy If we . i ji etacieat mansgtaiant, w hare J; i .-te sua of I283.ee4.90. if JMaalor Prttcbard thinks a i, -toq his bee deo la borrowing F..rt.0rt to par for th expense of 'teen afacient to pay all of It eppro- . . a. ft ftrt aaonii no; a nia owh J rr,t-vsfbie becanae, by reason of rJvnJact, in the three year of , j csll democratic rale we haw ex- 13.034.90. maxluff 'tood their nMrluk. Fm UvrV. republican piers, In look- " - M1'tr,rm r-rxrt at th X j. . . . r t r iv - - . t of 1S01. haTe ertUejaed ta : vi xtnded for lexal ravwjnn .f''.!X!n.ition of the State tre prtatlon. Pa! Bamar Uaaware Vague rumors hare been stated as to the extent of the defiieency and Senator I'rrt chard sugge-ft that It may reach nearly half a million dollars. The offi cers of the government have afforded me the fullest opportunity for invesliga Uon, and I hare made a careful, full. and complete raree&ration into the con a surer and can u . . V, Tn -.r njiM to liwron 111 of tie deficiencies of fueion misrule land mismanagement of. the precedm l'".v"', i! (inrtor Arcock that and nnM03f-n'. and Py8r every pibllcan admlnietratlon, everyone , n f.r tha dif-ii vf PPropnstion maae Dy iiie legislature or uies Tery necessary and needy f- ' -n-tftr lHtrhrj'1 for educational yatem of the j priatkms to the old eoMiers, to the i- . . , ni,. ,t ttate, for the support and maintenance I hmis, and for the education of the e , ? it !il nurnoi!- fthiMnffh!of oar P11"! aad ciaritnb.e Institutions dron of the State, would hare teen ' ' . ,,-4 i in ti,t'an 'or th?ir permanent betterment ai i out of the ordinary receipts of the tloo ci not ce eustsKx-i;, " , - . 'V- , ;. r v::;'.?: n. ,,; that there wm f V.: ; Knrt A??is of the eighth , tlir hnndre,l and three -, -nit hnd so decided. The re-.' utndied n1 twenty-five thousand f''.";. -j t? ?ealttrt ims od;'0"8"- An rtna-e of a well- ' -cJ-on growlicoat of Qot-s lafornes man which vra shown "rV;;'s a!ia:stratkn, and for ma' "eral months ago, placed 1 - J.vratlc party i .not re-!hti deficiency at about $323,000. My caicui.uon. places mo oenciency at $C(X,0u0. It Ss impossible to give the exact amount, -tetauie no oae can fore- T' ,.; : c a 1 raede contmrt. Senator t T.r-.o: tjJce criit tn his plat- . f r nU: he call "the cleaa, able j. ; axlm.alftratSoo t Governor I w" sr.rat bwing held responsible ,.. -r.;..v. -uary etpentea racurred. A Ouramtrx Li s-.lx a surumary of all these w i..l ch.: tiie fuMoalsts started c: wl:'- n"3 in the Stat treas- t-T ;- t-m-I over to Tresurer 1 1 -It j1 of ?37.S2SiH haviu? spent ,.,!";R-rf, which amounted to 5-i5.- , - W-r, vc add this to the $2.-! if ex; ".. pa-- iJ" t-iff lnio- or prorWed for to 1902. When these aipp'roprlatiooa, which were not .paid In 1901, axe added to the appropriations for 1902, we hare an aggregate for the asylums for 1902 of $39d,fi50, making a total for the two year of $602,700, or o.ocjosu more than for two Tears) a . ' nnoer repnoucan rule. There were expended out of the pu-bl.c fund rn 1807 for educational purposee the sum of . .119.239.65, and in 1S9S $131,600.70, making a total for the two years of ?2o0,846.35. The democrats expended out of the public funds for all educational purposes in 1901 $250,- 650.81, and they will expend; 4when all appropriations hare been paid for 1902, the sum of $387,760.81, making a total for the two year of $G3S.411.C2. or $3S7,jG0.27 more than pent In their two years, Addang together these figures, we find that the republicans spent in 1897 and 1S9S, for the thTee purposes of educa tion. Confederate soldiers, and Insane asylums, fS57.S5S.t53, while the demo crats hare spent in 1901, and have appro priated for -1902 from the public treas ury for the same purpose, the sum of $1,C62,3SS.2G, which is $305,529.71 more than the republicans spent when they were In power for the same purpose, lacking only a few dollars of being two dollars to their en. From the figures heretofore given, it Is apparent that It the democratic party had not been call ed upon Vo pay for the extravagance g re-1 of appro- asy- ehil paid gov ernment, nnder a revenue act that levies a lower rate of taxation than was ever -before known in the history of the State. Littleton Female College. One of the most prosperous schools in the Sonth. Twenty-five , officers and .teachers. Boom.fbr 200 boarding pupils. Charges very low. Twenty-first Annual' Sessionbegins September lrth. Large illustrated catalogue on application to : Rev, J. M. RHODES, A, M., President, Littleton N. C. only five thousand dollars was drawn the republicans from fhe treasury for its maintenance and support, and Treasurer Worth- de clared In hj official report to the legis lature, that'' but for the unusual floods that year there would have been a handsome surplus to the credit of the penitentiary. In 1897 the f unionists obtained con trol of this Institution making great promises of retrenchment and reform. In a comparatively short time Governor Russell discovered that the incompetence of its management was so great that he did the unusual thing in political affairs df removing his own appointee, Mr. Jdhn tR. Smith, and substituting Mr. Mew-born in hia place. But the insti tution went from bad to worse; eecaping convicts was a daily ocenrance. Charges of bribery -and .corruption were rife in th air, while the bills and accounts of the institution were hawked about th for the two years, when Governor Ay cook's appointees took charge in 1$01, the penitentiary wae again found to be overwhelmed with debt, and since that time the present management has paid out of the earnings (for no apropriation has been made 'to assist the democrats) more than $33,000. So far as is known they have paid all of these debts now. .Now one word as to the democratic administration. Taking charge of the institution with a debt of more than $33,000, with no appropriation from the legislature, they have run the instit tion successfully, .paid off every debt and today there is in the State treasury to the credtit of the . institution more than $7, 000. It is the expectation of the man agement that they win raise a crop of nearly 1,000 bales of cotton, from 8,000 to 10,000 (barrels of corn, from 8, 000 to 10,000 bushels of peanuts, and SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY BepDb:icmn Fcnilta Xtcr4 As a striking Instance of the love of the republican party for the Confeder ate soldier and for the cause of educa tion, I need cite one of the dosing in cidents of the fusion rule in North Carolina. The fiscal year of 1901 began rii n-Snt i! wif- .u a iecesnoer ist, iuuu. At mat time diA.uronients tbttw now and nJ at,31 wa trasury $190,102.99. - . - Mir. wortn remained treasurer O rUVi .Kii.riA.Ta streets of the citiee- of the State. It i . mi ? soon became .known, that the institution ! wu TO;n n was practically tanrupt. When the legislature met in 1S99 one every dollar of their support untia the of Its first and gravest duties was to pro- ena of .Vl81 l!! t?Jj5T wrKT .-v-v crop will be a net profit to the State. Vide for this institution, make provls- A eas01iable estimate as to prices should Ion for paying dftts and arrange for its plaee value of this at $50f,000. future management. Expert account- What then is th result of the oom ant were employed and after months parlson? The facta speak for them of arduous labor it was officially stated j selves. They need no elaboration on that in two years of fusion misrule its nay part. Simply this: Judging toy ex debts had reached the enormous figure ' perlence if either Snperintendant Lea of more than one hundred thousand dol- j sar or Superintendant Mann had been lars. The legislatnto provided for the in charge of the penitentiary during the issue of $110,000 of bonds which were ', tonr years of republican misrule, there sold for more tran $120,000 and theWOuld be today no deficit in the State debts paid off as promptly as they could treasury. Every appropriation, for the be ascertained. vica its creaix ae- CONDEKSED SCHBDUIiB'lNEPFECT JTJNB I5th,03 " " This schedule Is published as lirToTOMttlon. and is subject to chang wfrheal notice to the public. r .TRAINS , LEAVE RA&EIGJL , J NO. 11.-1:00 a. in.vdaily. Carrie Pallman sleeper Goldsfcare to Oreisnshera. open for occupancy' at' Goldsboro at 9 p. tn., connecting at Cfraenabnre wkh trafti 33, New York' and Florida Expree for Salisotlry, Chetlom. Ooromhla,, Aiken, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points In Florida, with main line train No. 37, "Washinrton and Southwestern Limited," fr Salibary, Charlotte, Spartanburg. Greewrille, Atlanta, Itontgomery. Mobfle. New Or. leans. Memphis and all . points South and Southwts. Also Train No. 39 , for Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville and Atiaata. Also with maia Moe train No. 11 for High 2omt. AaheboBo. SaMsbnry. Concowll and "all local point between' Charlotte' and Attanta. Connecting 'at SaHybury Ivlth traia for all points in Western North Carolina, inciudjbg Ashevllle. ad for Ejiox ville. Chattanoga. Nasjhville, LouianUe,, Cracinnad, Ohlcairo and all points West and Northwest. Connection la also made at Greenboro with 'train tat Winston-Salem, WiitesToro Reidsvige. Danville and local stations NO. S3. 8:5b a. m. daily Connects at Jnrh am for Oxford, tlendenoa, :lf eye ville and Riehraond. At VniTr9lt-StatIon, except Sunday, tor Chanel XlMU At Greensboro for; Wtostolem.Moeksi?-ilIe. Reidaville. Panvlllei Rlchpnnd. Lynchburg. Charlottesville, nVashingien. Ba4tImoe. Philadelphia? NswH'orli and all points' North. V NO. 810:30 a. rn. dailyFor GoIhcboro gnd lnteriaerate bolntHw. CtonateMna at Selma for -Wilson, 'Rocky' itfotrnt aad FayettevJ.1. At Geldsboro tot Norfolk, where close connection i is made with th Chesapeake ltn for toaltU more. Ako at Goldsboro for Wilmington, New Bern and Mrhwvd City.. NO. 36 3:51 ,p. m. dailyV-For SeJma. Gidsboro and intmaetftat rolucs.' NO. 7 8:50. p.-, fa. daily-Conneets at Durham. exce "Sundays. forcHrOr Clarkjjville, Keysvill and intermediate pdnts. At TJniverKifr a Station. x iept Sundays, for Ubapel tliJi. At ilreenstioro with.mafn lise train No. 7 for High Point, Charlotte and local points. With-traln Ne. 3. "Vi'R Vsl Mail," fOT Salisbury, -u&arfotte &pa rMioarg, Green viue. 4-tnn ant all points South. -including tolumbia. Auaasta, Savannah. JacksonvJUe. and all ! J U T,r: ,vP . . i w , iit-tii v uiu auiu'ici o. x ui lxit? ci wvia v j. the fiscal yr. Tj-t muit each be,"iir- ""Q. rmc? .treasurer unni 8troyed, with no caeh on hand it was im-! for th insane and the more or le la the nature of estimates i amra,r7 lVth 1UU1 during wWeh time possible to enccessfully run the institu-arDroiriation for education not due and which ought not to haveftion from the State treasury, and been pafld nntll Mr. Lacy became treas- $55,000 were appropriated for 1S97 and n rex, tLe sum of -., 1 .as, leaving an ap- $50,000 for 1S9S. based upon previous experience. Bapubilean P aifrm InrontSsltBcrs In the platform adopted by the re publicans at Greensboro we find the' parent cash balance in the treasury strange Inconsistency and anomaly that when he turnd over the office of $183,- the republican party condemns the dem- 1G2.9D. But while paying more than ocratic party for its failure to provide a . $13,000 of appropriations not yet due, four months school in each school dls-,he had failed to pay the following sums Tb Fealtentlarr ITader Democrats The legislature made arrangements for a com pet eat nmrmgemejit, but by a de cision of the Supreme Court of the could ell be paiu without Increasing the taxation of the people. crr orer from the republican i trt froai 1S70 to 1S95, and then do-(which should hare been paid and which Hon. Jno. S. Ilendercoa at LlneolBtB Mr. Henderson said in nart: The republicans claim that there Is in reality only one issue between the ! nartles this year, and that is contained State the fuskmiets retained control fornn tne one .ord. Prosperity. Repiibli- two years longer. Providence favored can leirislation. they say. is entitled to tne management in its last year, ror tne ; aii the credit for this prosperity. The greatest crops were made ever known in h,w nf sunnlr and demand; has nothin . . . .t... - 1 ' rot no. . i -'j.txi t i x u story, ana its eammsrs ran un to j nth i Jf nrioa ara hirh and ...I..V - - - - . , : i. (i mo !t. i..t nk. ch MOfmous sum of SrJ5.4X:.(K:. where, .n. nHiiiTo tn. nanr iit thov -,l -- u it not the cemocratlc ' Bia u..t caariiitoio puoiic lasiuuiions . owiuici, a,vo.vrL, jiiiicaiu uu uio , .-- . - - ujf i-i-v .wnvie - - rosib'.e but it is a t tne stae and tne enactment or gen- iic oeoi, wnicn naa ceen aue since J an- - - - r- - snouiu w msu-uucu jjuliiius aut erous pensions xo tne tjoniecteraie soi- uarx asl, x?, eoo,tw; wiwusw ui iuc i - eu uiew jj'sii v-cmik diers. and ret the bnrden of thrfr cy General Assembly. $4,487.14. making an charge of It wnen the earnings .readied : DilL If prices are lower .than they - - -f 7 : t ii ffi Ark m oo - : . - . - . . m . . . as to democratic extravaeance Is that. aggregat of $159,o74.62. When these " "4 -iw.o.oo. d ought to be, iumgieys tarin: nan notn ,t- --ZlZicz. we nud that the rput-j HVUBVr lue wsiioubuc piny ior nia we i wute t--iu ujr xrcjuum uavjr f !.'-tly tiio'j'.J te charged with $549,-1 lnS the necessary appropriations In 1901 j upon his assuming the duties of his of- r f.i rit Treasurer rs nu v -" . . . v. . r oints south, also tran ?fo. 23 for Charlotte. OoIiirabW.: -AtiMitj Savannah, Jacksonville and a3I ppints m Florida., Throush' F,uSimS buffet sleepers JNew .fork to Newe Orleans, Montrcmjery. Jack sonville and Mobile. Tttrcnsh sleepec4from New. York t 3rkoTV ville vit Savannah. Pulhnan -fSleeer main line trains No 7 and &J connect at Salisbury for Hickory, AfheviUet Chatanooxa. MemphTs. LooLs ville, Cincinnati and CMcago. tsolid traan carrying Pnlim-ato hufvo -lprat Danville to Memphi. Jdi eoaimects a t GreeHsbo'" -with maJrMine rtniri N 12 for Danville, Richmond and loeal statins. With train No. 38, "WMfat ington and SonthwesternLimited.' and train No. S4, "New Vork-and-- Florida Philadelphia, New York and all points North. These traitia carry firsfc- class coach to-WashlngtonNana Pullman sleeper through to Now Yarlr to Richmend, oa strain 34. Connect! on 'is' also made at Greensboro for? win-. ston-Salem. NO. 12 Daily 5:25 a. m.-For' Goldsboro, WJlson, - Rooky ) Mount, ISirboro, t aodk Norfolk and A. it N. CT.vR. R.. points, aiso sWilmiagton. Pallmah GreeBsbor to Goldsboro. . v0 CONDENSED SCHEDULBBETWEENNORFOLK' A'D i GREENSBORO' j r : r.l T USit 3 f-.-n rcitrtila whicn it seems .--- .T'fi-rtlt for te -Stts f. Ia view of these facts. c.l tfre t-e aayiaiag moro rrwnR" t tie atteenpt of the republicans n i-'.i tie deiiiocratlc party responsible t-i- wtv nAxanagement. S-r Pritchard says that the Dem i .-j:a ttree years pent $1.0SS.545.3l rn tiaa th Kepublican did in the tr voir rrrced-ng year. It is true tu: Aalitor's K?port shows the-e uzr. rat bnator iTitcnara oniu tre lr.-.wa tlre is Included in these tie etmrnrs of the pen'.ten t arr tz 32 of the aaylums and the Ik vy.ch wr s'.-ent. as well as the t?-Li:xam oa acconnt of the oy6t?r f r 1. al a r.Tnler of other special ff. The effort of th: Is seen by nn marina . oa -f t'.;e penitentiary ex l'zK In tins institution wa. in t: cf the Democrats. I a 1S!7 trd K'S it grenr $29.479 and rot irie!x1 ia debr. In the next two jr. .ti ! na.!er ltepnb!ic.Tn conrrd. X: .-a: tie vat snm of SC9S.C7C-12, t-lm thtn lacVc.l $33,000.00 of pay . i....a.n? expend, oo mat in fzz'.yr Prltchari charges up to the '"""'"I . 1-nt whilf it was ualer Re- I- ...n rn .this institution alone uneut '-l uore than in the two pre- -r Jt'.r i-z was still ia debt $3.1. Ti: acrounts for S3C..217.54 :-' .."15.31 rncreaed expense. (r J.7.$r.S.33 (iccludinic 19)2 are r --r.--yj : Jr e:where by reason of ' '" Toe f Merate soldiers. av- (rrsue Assrsprlatloaa e c-aocrs:!? psrty i. always open ' : .ra.i wia the people. It has --r?. w ronces'i. it management is .. defaulters, it has al 11 J' '"' x':rj f'Ton&'billty as 1t has . .'Vs ,4 ia "! campaign proposes -. V -r.a of the building for sums were paid they left the cash bal- have been $33,588.40 but for Martin's defalcation. For the first frme since the State debt was compromised and settled, the State, under fusion rule, defaulted in the prompt payment of the interest on the the democratic party has already 'made the provisions for these two causes. Senator Pritchard takes occasion to con gratulate the people of the State upon the fact that In 1S5S the republican par ty had the provision incorporated rnto OTir organic law, guaranteeing four months, of ptiblie school "In every school cjstrict of th State. The Senator seems to beb stranae- pubic debt, although it had ample fund iy oblivious of the fact that in 1SGS, ! in the treasury for the purpose and es when his natty was in cower and made specially appropriated by law therefor. that pledjre, that they took the entire It out fair to "7 that he credit of school fund of the State and used it to the State was not seriously injured for pay the per diem of the members 'the reason that the Citizens Bank of at'thiT letriltnri- that 1ti ln thnn-rh I Raleigh, knowing that the democratic they raised a large sum of money far ! administration was about to come in, school purposes, only thirtr-elrnt thous- advanced the money, paid on tne cou standing those vary great and abnormal ance which Senator Pritchnr charges to rece109 and appropriation of $10o,000 Mr. Lacy of $37,523.30, which should (Continued on Page. 6.) COUPON PAYMENT. Th June coupons from the Full Paid Certificates of the Mechanics and In vestors Union v ' Will be paid on presentation at the COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK IN RALEIGH. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY. JUNE 27th. Nearly all ef the CouDon Certificates placed on sale a few months since have been sold. The company now offers another issue of FIFTY FULL PAID CERTIFI CATES OF $100, each certificate having twenty semi-annual coupons of $2.23. They will be sold for $90 each. These certificates give a six per cent ten year Investment, with taxes paid by the company. At the end of ten years, after all the coupons have been paid, the certificates will be redeemed by the Dayment of $100. or they will be redeemed at any time on demand by the return of $90, with interest to date of payment. They are fully secured by mortgages on real estate worth nouwe the amount loaned. UUUttliU ALdjl!. secretary. fullen Buildlna, No. 7. Daily. 9.00am 9.20am 10.02am 12.22pm 12.45pm 1.59pm 2.5Rpm 2.05pm fl2.19pm 2.8l!;m 2.44pm 2.55pm f3.05pm f3.18pm f3.36pm f3.36pm 3.50pm f3.57pm 4.08pm f4.15pm f4.24pm f4.30pm 4.87pm 4.43pm 4.59pm 5.10pm No. 35. Daily. 7.20am No. 11. EastermThne. , ,12. 4.00pm ..Norfolk, Va.,. 4.20pm- Ptoner's Poit.Va. 4 5.05pm. . ji. . Suffolk, Va. . 7.22pm;, .... Tarboro, NO.. 7.47pmj;S. Rocky C. 8.31pmi . . .-."-Wilson,. N. Q. . . Selma. N. Ci. ... . 9.40pm Goldishwe, K O,. 1.00pm. 12.40pm1 lL5Dam 0.34am' e.OSam' - S.20am No. 39. ,Nk'?; Daily. DnlJy. : 3.Opm 4.50pm 2.31pm . 2.0Spm ; -LlSpm 4 . . ,i,,.f. ni . .. 1 7Gam . f9.55pmi, . . . Rose. N. . . f 7 J 8am i' f 5.17pm) ' f t l.ottam OiOlnm 7.48amiriq.ltpnift prioft6n, KfctO. ,. : f 7.02am 7.59am no.pm. tjt me x.aven US f6.4am &04atn;' lO-arL.. Selma, N0 . . K- G.lan 8.14nm f&.tinii?Filsert Mijla. C. .f 6.24am' 8.27am ll.$pmv,. i.. ChtytontjeN Jo . 0O5am ( 8.3Tam X11.23P' . J Auburn. N-Xft . f5.50ani 8.42am fll.Slpmi.. Garnet; . N. Cj-.. , fo.42am 8.56am lOOarm,. . .,-Raleigh, N. O. i . 9,25am fO.Olam i fl.lian,V. .""JMethod, fojOrtom 9.12am 1.30am- j... . Cary. N.'C. j.. 4J55am .iuam : JiorwBviiw. j. . 4.jam f 9.27am ,11,553 Nelson TJ. Q. . 11.45am H.81am 11.24am 4.4(5Dm ' 4.a-lpmll.lftam 4.oypm no.4:-am 4.02pm- f 10.43am 3.51 ptn lO.SOam' f.SSpmrfl 0.23am 8.22pm in.irWim 1 1 JIm Young none 5.a t whom rrit Knnt.l .7 f'" P?e?rlarion to the deaf .' jT -w n ill inomnr.itlnn. 1 - - v i j a A A SJ the inaane asylums. T r K. s.'.i !'.. ril cothlng for or great -i..:ao.e l-tv.'.fjtjoc in 1S09 -n:;r pn-y met the indebtedness "r2,:cerr.ett of the penitentiary t,lW::'J 19 1xk fr Tter V- tio Stat- It lacreaaed the :?-tyA th various cbartta- t-tr'x: 'iZ aJ de liberal appro- I u, :r ; . ,rr lmprovementa . . r - 4F it wsa seen that t mo. trr-s "a t--e growth ef th State, t-lT.btn Cf tha Inlm U n" 'of to th JaU. and ta-- 1"i tb Trko: cotratiea. tr. d7X.b and rl)nr won 9 . ..... tie.;,. J rea ror. that the tt.C-;4, 'oldier was not sun- I) v. ' previonsiy paw i.;,",. totally laadeanat. The t .r-": rery. ia edvocatlni the Con- i -xtal nsticteaaace of a four r- has been kept. ;- tret tha responsibilities tha t.r- r"r ccprprtatJon i.- for per- ...... J V b UlVi.V - ' IS. 'lu'ons, incresje appro- , 1 Mr raatstenanc and cara, :r ..j .-:--'' rrnt Increase ia th c r.crouat of trust vr ti ciaaa of dncaUou. ! the treasurer, and will have to be paid pons, and held them until Ben Lacy paid them. It Is a significant fact that In the last days of fusion rule they failed to pay.'tho old Confoderat soldier $21, 039.50, though the money was in the treasury waiting for them. The appropriation made by the demo cratic legislature of 1899 of $100,000 fox public schools was also held back, though there were ample funds in the treasury with which to pay St. And yet the republican party appeals to the people of the State ae the friend of the Confederal soldier and of public schools, as favoring the care of the insane, and advocating the maintenance of public credit. Democratic Savin In the beginning of the campaign of 1S9S, Dr. Cyrus Thompson, being then Secretary of State, visited the county of Sampson and made a speech, in which pojea tne pension to uonrederate sol- u . nii.rir was added to the Statute books and r.T;d dollars were exnenrled in teach'ns schools and nearly every dollar expend ed was for the purchase of maps, charts, &c, from north ern sharper and carpet-baggers. The Senator fails to mention the fact that. during the time his party was in power, which elected him to the Uni tetid States Senate, they failed to carry oirt the mandates of the Constitution.il provlrka which he commends, and "to day he is critirrfsina the democratic leg lature for making the appropriations necessary to effec:uate this purpose. Scbaata, Atylutna and Pcntltm The Senator now favor ample ap propriations to the Confederate soldiers. The Senator aod his party have-changed wonderftrily from the time that they ha.d the opportunity to net and the tfnie. now when they are asking for votes. It Is a known fact, shown by the records, that the republican party has persistently op- FRUIT JABS, JELLY G-LASSE3; STONE JARS, PRESERVING KETTLES, WINDOW SCREENS, DOORS, z z z z z Buck's Stoves and Ranges, Thomas H Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH, N. C. 5.27pm 5.38 pm 5.45pm 5.50pm 5.59pm 6.03pm 9.50am 10.10am 10.25am f 10.38am 10.40am 11.00am 11.07am 11.12am 11.24am 11.29am SelsonW. G,.,. 4.1Sam f3.aipm fO.STnm issfieM. N. :fX , f4.Wam f2.5Sn Jfa51am ; Durham, N.G.-' f 3.55am 2.51pm' 9.44am; 2.47pm v.aipm , a40am a.23am 2.20om. 9.12am f2.12pm'.'-.W.0iam f9.82am ' f2.05am.. Bra? 0.44am 2.18amt .Eftt 2.30am . .. Durham, N: O. . 3.00am -v.. unlreTsity .... 3.15am. .Hilfeboro, Ni-.;CL'--. f3.25ami..'.. Efland, N. C. .. 3.30an;. ..Mebane. N. C. . 3.4Sam.Haw7RlveriN., a, 3.f8am;... Graham, N.'Q.r 4.01am,.... JBi'ilEffton .... 4.13am Elon College ... 4.19am . . .. , Gibsonvil; e . . . f4.35am;. ;.. MeLensvine 4.50siwi ... Greensoro. N. C. Nos. 11 and 12 Daily between Ralefgh' 'arid jGbMsboro. : Daily except Sun- . n.-a- -a-" m t- . ";r y day between uoiasDoro aim orrons, va. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE TO ALL -POINTS .NORT1T, TOJTVUr , EAST AND1 WEST. UNEQUALLED DIxVINTJ GAK SK3VICE.- f0.17pm fll.44am b.3Dpm li.Dyam 35am 3.00am 2,45am 2.33am 2.22am 2.0oam 2.0053 ls65am L40am 1.85am fl.20am a02pm i.trf?pm 1.41pm 1.40pm 1.15nm 1.11pm . 8.54 am S.34am 8,2Cam '8.22am l.Oftpri nfs.ioam l.OSaiu . 12.45pm, 5Sam B ARBEE a RALEIGH. CO;, DURHAM. STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. Direct Private Vare to New VorK and Chicago. not a dollar appropriated for this cause. Th pensions that were paid to Con federate soldiers during the fusion re gime were nnder the act passed by the democrats previous to the accession , of the fnsionlsts to power, I have prepared with care", a state ment showing the relative amounts paid by the fosionlsts out of the public trea-s ury china the year 1S97 and 1808 for th care of the insane of the State, for the cause of education, and for the old soldier, end a comparative state- moat of the asnounts paid by the demo crats in 1901 and the amounts appro priated and which will be paid for the same cause in linA from wnicn it wiu be seen that If there is a Jenciency In the revenues of th State, the deficiency has been made necessary by the deficit of the republicans and by the necessary aowonrtatlone to these tnree great causes, in itsJi mere w iitouutw w tha soldiers, in chid lag th home, $110, C97; in 1893, $113,300.50, making a. to rn far tha two rears or j.v:ti.ov Tha democrats expended in 1901 $189,- 122.BS. In 19C2 they wil nave speire $233,054.00, aggr,rat!ng In the two years $37276.64, or $1479.14 more for tn two years than tox two years by the repundcan. It will be noted that the increased appropriation by the legis lature ctf 1901 for this purpose was not ffectSre until 1902, otherwise tne pendltaT wonld be nearly on thoasand greater, and will be that nadi coor eadx year hereafter. In 1897 there was expondedon account of the iaat ef the tare $183,t3G4.0, la 1S93, S1SS.450, making a xou the .two year, ef STT.OH.TO. In 1901 rrata emended $35A450. One hundred thoasand dollar, of the appro- oriations for ehantce bu --------- i asm u Lions In 1901 were not paid by entStled to credit and attempted to discredit the preceedlng administration He rolled as a sweet morsel nnder his tongue the fact that he had collected some eighty thousand dollars from In surance companies, a much larger sum than had been previously collected. The legislature of 1S00 established the office of Insurance Commissioner aud placed in the office Mr. James R. Young, taking tbls branch away from Dr Thompson. The fiscal year of this of fice runs from April to April. Dur ing the fiscal year of 189S, Dr. Cyrus Thompson collected from Insurance com' panies the sum of $84,879.23. In 1S99, Dick loung turned into the treasury $92,865.21. In 1900, $91,072.92, and In 1901, $132,034.03. In 1S99 he turned 4 MMM'MMMMMMMMMMH R. H. BATTLE, President. ALEXANDER WEBB. VlcePresident. CHARLES ROOT, Sec; Ind Treas. The North Carolina Home Insurance Company, OF RALEIGH, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1868. The Leading North Carolina Company. Over $1,000,000.00 Losses Paid in North Carolina. Insure your property against fire and lightning In this "old and Tellable" .AMn.an'v i r 1 b noma incnniTinn. &ut:h.iui: ixuixic uauuuaAc. it uaa uccu ouc-ca- into the ode fees, which under the ful in business for more than thirty years; it is safe, solfd, reliable and worthy previous law hadgon. in?o tSe X t cenndence. rJjtag h you help to build up North Carolma. Agents ox vr. unompson as Secretary of State the nm of $9,084.34; In 1fWY 45- 731.50, and m 1901, $U,2U5.50, making a totai oi ?o,zn which, but for demo cratic law. would have gone Into the pocKets or tne Secretary of State. Th oniv expense to the State in making these uuuiuuaaj coueciions is tne ixmamlssion er s salary or 2,000 a year. (He has a cierK, but a clerk was also allowed to me ecretary of State for the same mrk. The amount collected by Mr. iuuug ior in tnree years was $315, 952.1C, which was $61,824.32 more than Dr. Thompson would hare collected at hSs old rate. Ilapnb'lean Kxtravasane jia mr jmccnara m throws down as the gauge of battle . uu ueuwcrauc rule. For the fSSvL1 allene ... uujb out ior a few moments a comparison of the m1min!..i .l !" ,7 Vac penal Utntion by the two political parties. . VI I s:onist authorifv lnr, v. , I of democratic coatrol oxth hStLSiZ. wanted ia unoccupied territory. STYLISH TURNOUTS FOR STYLISH PEOPLE. Landaus, Bugglen. Picnic Wagons and all -Vt A r?!frJTDTlt t Iti fl ftf tT Hfl Wftll thf t best driving horses, both for speed and family use, always ready. Fine saddle horses for ladies and gents. We make a specialty of marriages, receptions and funerals, giving these the personal attention of a member of the firm. ,v Contracts for heavy hauling and exca yating solicited. We guarantee, perfect satisfaction la all branches of our business. Instantaneous quotations. All transactions -nana t?St.k ;' Information concerning the market cheerf uUyfurnished' tSapttinieJofxJalebih, and surrounding towns. J - ' . V.v'". ' -. ' -( '.ija i. Interstate and Bell-Phones, No 67. ' - , 09 &3 no Annual Exottrsianv t it- Virginia. ,v UPCHURCH & HOLDER Salisbury St-i 'i'hone SL vi ! Charlotte to Noirfolk . - .TjnIflfF f 0 fl& ; Tuesday, September 9, 1902. ()l(J Q JlLU . TRAIN LEAVES UNION STATION, RALEIO-H, 2:10 a.m.,WEDNESDAY, SBPT.ilO "' "" e, ,,,,,, " 0 ' Very probably the last exonrsion the-Southr ern Railway "will operate during the season )g to this magnificent "City by the Sea." Trin arrives Norfolk 7:30 a. m. Sept. 10th, return- $J ing leaves Norfolk 7:00 p. m. Sept. 1 1, 1902, )X anording two "wnolo days ana one night in Norfolk. For further information caU on any.agent $oohm Railway, er-writ Ta C. STUftQIS, Ca ta A., ! . Raleigh, N. C?

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