OHF MORNING POSTj RVEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3 190 a' 5 United States Officers Iiusf Pay income Tax Haling of State Tax Commis sion In Case Against Judge Purnell, Postmaster Bai !sy and Others-Will Be Fought Out irir Ceurfs TV, N-ttV Carolina Tax Commission r a zil.nx yererdsy that the sala . . ra:ul States offlcni were liable x ;-. t'il Srate under the income t ,;j';m p the revenue act or Tather . .,- ;,1 that all incomes are liable , .iT except those received from prop-r- - jIa-J'It taxei. ntlir.? mi made after a hearing defendants in the matter of S-te Tax Commission ts. Judys " r-14 It. Prrce!!. Postmaster C. Tom tTi Aftfant Postmaster Phil :a vriuci me net Takers cr - r-wr.sh:p were cited to appear ;.' coajaawjon wita tne xax lists f , i r:'.n whether they were litted t r -nitim and if not why not. The ,' r ;trrVs orlinallT made defendants :.c? were dropped for the reason i.i not aopewr that their sala .. - tn onvn of fl.OOO. caiiea yestsroay when centres makes provision by the enactment of law and fixes the salaries of i:s Tarlous officers and employe throughout tho various States in a spe cific amount for a kindred or similar tcrvice, it intends such officer of officers shall receive the amount thus appro priated without diminaf;ion by any pow er. To permit the State to imposo a tcx oa this class of persons, in riew of their diverse and unequal tax laws would make the salaries of officers per forming similar services throorhoort -the United States unequal this would be discrimination and will not be permit ted or countenanced by the law nw.n? power. If sneh a coarse were pursued by the States rr would be impossible for congress to lx and determine ft uniform ralary ix its officers for a par ticular service. In some States the tax wcnld undoubtedly be much higher than in others and it 1 readily seen the rule of uniformity and equality cooJd cot Ik? maintained. It would also allow the States to elte and appropriate the revtnnes of congress by indirection, thin accomplishing by in&rect method that which It is forbidden to do by dlrec Ocn. The Supreme Court in the case chore cited used the following language: The presumption is that the compensa tion riven by law is no more than services axe worth, and only such in amount as will secure from the officer -c Mr. C. T. Cooke and Register dd.gent performance of Ins duty v' Li r.mard were examined merely The officers execute their offices for the trt'rt that Jnd' Thomas R. Pur-'j public good. This implies their right r !'. I'.rr rvr C. T. Bailey and As-! of reaping' from thence ".be recompenec , 2-: r.'wt.-naster P. II. Andrews hadthe services they mar render may de- JOi! JVh j(S J rJffnU' without that recompense being ' . . . r . . - 1 : t In Ka' ' a Terandas were filled with, the merry voices of the happy couples. ' The shaded lights and floral decora tions added loveliness ,to the already beautiful scene and the sweet strains of rauslc. found echo ia the hearts of the merry lads and lasses. During the evening a "Floral Love Story" wsis in troduced and was greatly enjoyed by All present. The first prize was won -by 'Mr. Ed. Batchelor and the booby prize was awarded Mr. S. F. Austin. A the soft tones of fh? cathedral clock tolled) the hour of twelve dahity refreshments were served in t5ie long dialng ball. Among the guests' present wer 3Ussc S'allie l3enson, iBaatrice Earl, Beulah Urooks, Annie 'Brooks.. Mattie ad Myta Carter and Ida Batchelor of Nashville, N. OL; Nana! Braswell of Battleboro, X. C., Messrs. C C. Cockrell, Ed-- Batche!or, S. F. Austin, Bcrnmd Biooks, Iaird Broods, Buck Batchelor, Clarence Benson, Scott Sills ud Prof. A. P. Pet way of .Nashville. .N. C, and Messrs. Joe Laoe and Ilobert Carraway of Goldiboro and S. J. Williams of Kin stn, X. C. The evening was voted one of the most enjoyable of tlie season. ! y.-. Hi y tatod in giving ia their !!n T,T W3r lessened, except by the sov ereign power from whom the officer dertres his appointment, or by another sovereign power to whom 'the first has delegated tbe right of taxation over all the objects of taxation. In common with Itself, for the benefit of btfvh. And no dlminntion of the recompense of an officer ia just and lawful, unless it is prospective, or by way of taxation by The eovereignty who has power to im pose ti The compensation of au officer of the United States in fixed by a law made by congress. It is in its exclusive discretion to determine what' alisll bo givn. It xercises the discre tion and fixes -the amount, and con- ,. i h KMn nrr.irte.1 from i 1tT nPa the officer the right to receive ! -tx : t of said township, Tespect- " wuen u uas Dcen earned. ioes not rir ihir meomes from their 1 r!5 rrere not libls.to the State tax. J ad; tarslls Answer ?-? the statement made by the list i"jr r t rec!ter of deed. Judgv rur-l..- f. .i tbe following forms! answer : j smnsioas made by the State Tax -N -h 'ard!na Wak County. p.'v rite Tax Commission. "T.:js Ii- Purnell, answering the v tv.st the reviw referred to in a r f.ct cf i t C. D. Arthur and C. F. v... I. takers for Raleleh township. Vw-.jnT. N. C. that the income of .--r.a pirt.ts amonr whom is the name ,i -.1?iit. that the income referred I a tax then by a state upon the office. t tuj: ymr rr;Ka.i-jii is un-u . ammisams tne rei-ompense. .: J Mce as suca i niieu iaie,with the laTr f tb i: -m r-- --. I l l, "tn 'vi ur v. l"n.M .Mit a salary of bve tnoa- trJ J :;r per annum, which amount t f t'1 T ect of Onsrres and, under Ar ! r!sve of the Constitution 'of the T;::! ?"ivs cannot be diminished dnr r 11 trm of office and is exempted t: . a:v n levie-J hy the State gorfm-v-.:. -h!hr as income tax or other- er!. that th facts In regard to -v.-ri r furred are a follows: aMtra'n of lf2 was made oSt c:e "f tsx !iters. who J an cf3rr 'x S"!e covemtacat, filled ont the !;.-;- . v nm dwn tbe list tbe I ?ix l::r n income, to whirh ot-repid "Five thonand tiol lir -.r- United States Jndre, no ... c.M tr lister then said 1 V- fct not tsxable: to which -.-. rerlivd I think not "M t rho. abstract of 1001. according . i A-t"s best recollection, the f-rw": t fi-ts were entered on the al- r".r: w -h th ttstment that nis in-r-- rr silary as United States .Tndge -j - ; j vt to the Income tax." X..nMt'iBrlittiiilr:imrg ?!r. E. J. Bfst of tbe Raleish BaV ,-.-...; .-. jS! ,-. Pnmell. Postmafr B::-r anil Asstaat Postmater Phil A-.J---r. Tr.J.. a comprehensive sren r;: f-m the viwp-lat of the un-e--ri-.r a3':tv of a State tax against nlr l'n!tel States ofH-ws and e-f-i'r e. rviawing the adverse iosl-r- .-f :. Unitd St.nte Supreme Court iz h ;-fTs. 5lr. Best's brief was tih r vnrl.meated as a very complete t' f the case for the de- fT It f.vlorrs: S ?e of X'CS Carolina. Wake County. .1. State Tax Comxisslon. It re. t Taxat-m of Federal Officers Ec V.ves of the United States. T-. IM-'r. f;f:y-r.ir.e Tears ag". the Sa f C.vtrt cf the Unite! Sta:es in a f "'r. !4l orate and learned decision '' i"1! tv. rre'ise nie"tion now' he 't . b- r for o-nsiderar:x (LKb. lt t. H Cotirty Ccmmrs., 10 Pe t . A ; ; i T leamel justice deliv- -f t r"n of the eonr:, after t: c-.i-nstioa flisensees and sets ' "i th ficw npon wh'.ca the rotrrt 5:.1 at "tj r inclusion, touching upoa tie ;::o-s'.;:y of the act cf Pcnn.' a-1 ts "etTe't. The reasons s?1 3T by th court sre ; u-tin xrerable that the r 'n li.t :, iluniber an 1 to f-t h; o,i hour when your haa- r-- b-dr eci iici re J t review the t7 xlaTt:v lciw.a supra. -an in 1SJ3. th Supreme Conrt of l"r 'il Stes 3 Cn:. Pac'Sc 1L R. T 'Vrrls. IC2 U. S.. pg. 143. ad ""! h .-crrfri( 1st! U-w-n above confiic: States. J wftioa secures it to the officer in its en tireness? It certainly has such an ef fect. and any law of a state imposing such a tax cannot be conati tntioual.becaii.se it conflicts with a law of congress made in pursuance of the cons tit ukou. and which makes it iho srj reme Hw of :he laud. The legislature of the state can no more tax the salary or emolument of the Recital at Cary High School Correspondence of The Morning Post. Cary, N. C, Sept. 2. Miss Hazel Ireue Wad dell, teacher of inu.-ic and elocu tion gave a recital last night to fht? great delight of the whole community. Mtes Waddell came here a stranger as the opening of the session, but she has already won all for her friends. Her attainments as an elocutionist, n vocal ist and pianist make a rare combination. Her rendition of dramatic and cor rect relations were equally excellent. As a pianist she Iww rare gifts. Her .ethniqne and time are well nigh per fect. She ha a medium contralto voice under perfect control. All are speak ing In highest terms of the recital. Pupils continue to enter school. Rep resentatives of four counties came in yesterday. Thousands Hare Kidney .Trouble and Don't Know it. How lo Find Out Fill a battle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an Unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if ft stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the- back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. - - vf What to So. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed! that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in ourlng rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, i:vr, bladder and every par t of tho urtnaryjassage.. It corrects lnah'..tty to hold water a.id scalding pain in passing it, of bad cifects following use - of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant sece.fstty cf being cempelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times abseuce of rain has inteasiied . : ... . . iciitB. tisiar.usmc mgnesi ior us won m the west gulf districts .,, ,,,.. .v,. a-.. is generally needed m the ! it .a . u ? .v.- (I rwu llbtrU IllwWlUillC VUU E11UUIU UIO ANNOUNCEMENTS OF DEMOCRATIC SPEAKINGS - -" t ... l r-s n.roval afCnned the case !: !., i. itrvptV la'est e'nnacla- ' ,uH:n cf taration of the t -nr .,t:tr.ts cf officers and Unted ftntes wonlJ Tr an 1 rcmovevl bevoa l .'. r lril cnctniversy. t ;..-rt of the laad refre to lit has stajfastly a 1 " r- pr.ucrr firt announced i 1 xau. p"eet-lr ahnndarily N r-.y ta , V-dy rri not la the . u: nty attempt to ar f - 'lf he n-iwer to tax lh Ther art embraced Ut. mentioned in said de- ar e-::i:l-d f the pTOtec - "d excmpnloas of ths If: . - ? tV Ur.ted States has ;-' s1 f;ted th salaries of its r - -! "-nVoyea by express and ,tZ "??rn:j r the United States I- :'. its sphere of action. Jt C vritT- State attempts to j. " "J;r.rats. emoluments and t fl" 'V.red State may t. . 7 s necary and proper " " thir sovereign powers r"- execution of the sot drlegated to the United c.tlcers of tbe United State than it can tax tho- buildings and lands belonging to the general government. An officer of the' government is bnt an agent or instrumentality of the government, by which it exists and snh instrumentality can no mor.1 be taxed thau the gov ernment itself. Nvithfr the general government or government of tb state can tax an officer of the other. Whil? there 1 no express provision in the Federal Constant ion exempting such oUlcers. snch prctection ami immunity arises by necessary implication. Since the pioneer decision of Dobbins vs. Krie County Ac. 1 Pet., thirty nine of the American States hare by the enactaient ef laws exempted the property of the United States from taxa tion bv the States. In Collector .vs. Day. 11 Wall.. 113. it was adjudged that Congress .had no power, even by an act taxing all in comes, to levy tax upon the salaries of -judicial oClcers of a state, for rea sons similar to those on which it had been held In Dobbin vs. Erie Co.. &c, that a state could not tax the officers of the United S:otes. Mr. Justice Nel son, m delivering judgment, salil: lne general government, and the states, al though ther be tli exist within the same terrlterial limits, are separate and dis tinct sovereignties, setirz separately and independently of each ether, withia their respective spterrs. It was also held In Dobbins vs. Erie Co.. &c that a tate tax on an officer of the United States, for his office, or Its emoluments, was void mainly be canse of "its interference with the con stitutional mear.s" employed by the gov ernment t execute if powers. In Weston vs. Tho C!ty of Charleston, the court speaking bv Chief Justice Marshall, again declared tbnt the state canntit by taxation or otherwise "re tard. Ironed. limln or In any manner control the opera ti.Mi of the" constitu tional lsws enacrfd by 0ngres to carry into execution the rowers vesfd In the general government" ; and it was fnrther held In the sarae eae that any, inter ference by the stste- governments tend in to ths interruption of or in deroga- - . r m I tion of tne ami loemmare exerc:" m lion. Dan Hugh McLean -win speak at Red Springs on September (5th. Hon. Dan Hugh McLean will speak at Lnmberton on September 9th. Hons. J. H.. Small and W. T. Dortch will speak at Greenville on Thursday, September -Jth. Hon. Lee S. Overman will speak at Troy on Tuesday September 23d. Hon. .Tas. A. Lockhart will sneak at Rockinghora on Tuesday. September 2d. Hon. (Jeorze W. Ward will sneak at Camden Court House on Monday, Sep tember Stb. Hon. John II. Small will sneak at Cam den Court House on Monday, Septem ber 8th. Hon. W. W. Kitchin and Hon. G. B. Tatterson will speak at Dunn, Harnett county, on Monday, September l."th. Hon. E. Y. Webb wLll speak at Dallas, Gaston county, on Tuesday, September ith. Lieutenant Gov. W. D. Turner will sneak at Dallas. Gaston county, on Tuesday. September 9th. Hon. I. N. Page will speak at W ades boro on Tuesday. September 9th.- Hon. W. T. Crawford will speak at Asheviile on Tuesday. September 9th. Hon. Armistead Jones will sneak at Goldsloro on Monday, September 8th. Hon. W. II. Bower will ppoak at fol- .lowlng times and places: Marion, Mon day, September 8th (night); G-ien Alpine, Tuesday, Septetmber 9th (night); Mor- ganton , Wednesday, Septenrber 10th (night): Hickory, Thurslav. September 11th (night); Newton. Friday. Septem ber 12th t'night): Lenoir, Monday, .Sep-tsbn-:r 15th (day). Dr. B. F. Dixon will F?eak at Winston-Salem on Tuesday, September 9th, ard at Warrcvnton on Tuelay, Sep ter.i!er ICth. - f Hon. IL B. Glonn will speak at Hert ford on st iii-day, September 13th, and at Elizabeth City on Monday, Septemiber 15th. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS THE WEATHER TOO DRY FOR COTTON " Condition of the Crop Has Deteriorated for Two or Three Weeks Washington, Sept. 2. The weekly crop 'bulIeriD Issued today iby the government says: The temperature conditions in fh9 northern district cst of the 'Missouri valley during the week ending Septem ber 1 were more favorable for maturing crops than in t;.e previous week, ibut as in the two weeks immediately preceding excessively high temperatures prevailed in th central and west sulf districts, in- ohiding OHalioma and Indian Territory. Excessive rains have continued in tho lower Missouri and Red river of Che north valleys, to t-c serious 2stnmcat of grain !n slrock and stack and with temiperatures sl!ghtly below normal in tno .Misiao-uri ; valley,' the maturity of crops n tinued the drought and rain rvi it . rIJxL:L 1 "Ist' l Sold by druggists in50c. and$l. sizes. Generally abundant rains have reheved la-ouglit conditions in the east gvlt district 9. But little rain has fallen over mush tho greater part of the cotton belt west ward of the Mississippi river during the past month, the last three Aveeks rf which have .been exocssively warm, the week ending September 1 (being prac tically rainless ovar tin? greater part of Louisiana, portions sf Arkansas and Oklahoma, and throughout Texas", with tho exception of a few light showers in the north central aui northcxn.rn por tions. While favorable weather condi tions in the near futumre would caass a marked improvement in tb condition. yf cotfcea in Texas, the repsrts indicate that under the mart favorable circum stances the yield -would be muca short of an average croi. The central and eastern districts of lite cotton .belt, with the exception of portions of the Caro lina where drought continues, have re ceived abundant rains 'but too late to be of material benefit, while causing con siderable injury to open cotton. Some slight improvement is reported from portions of Florida and Georgia, and less premature opening from Alabama, but rust and shedding are .very general throughout the central and eastern dts- tricta. (The weather map of this date, September 2, shows that good rains fell over a large part of Texas during the twenty-four hours ending S a. m., Sep t ember 2.) Cutting and curing of tobacco have progressed under favorahle conditions and are largely finished in the CaroMnas and .Virginia. RESALE ORDERED IN DARE GO. CASE RALEIGH AGENCY for ACID IRON MINERAL PICKLING AND PRESERVING! Mixed Pickle Spice, 5 cents. American Preserving Powder and Liquid, 23 cents. Compouvd Extract of Salyx, $1.25. H.jjet our prices on AU-p:e, Biacfc Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Celery '4; Seed, Cinnamon, doves. Ginger. Ms.ce, Mustard SttC., ttfcm?g, SalicylieX Acid, Turmeric, etc. EverythingV'Kinr Quality." .4 W. H. KING DRUG CO., . f Three Stores Raleigh, N. C. You may hsve a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tens more about It, both sent absolutely fne by mail. Aearess ur. ruimer (x. Hom ot Swamp-soac Co., Binghamton. U. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the natae fiwamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's 6wan;p-Koot, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. The police are to begin at once a cru sade against the small boy bean, shoot ers who Jiave gotten to be a considera ble nuirance about the city. Arrests will be made and puctshmenr to the full limit of the law will be administered. A very large number of boys arrived In the city yesterday afternoon and last night to "enter the A. and M. College. There will be not less than 40 on the Lill when -Jie collefd opens today. The Baptist Femnfe Unvertty will open for the Fall session today and n very large number of girls have ar ii'ved. The .attendance i ure to tax the utmost capacity of the Instiiution. There will be no formal opening exer cises. President Vann feals that tho work of the school would 1x5 too much hindered by such exercises. r- ' ' i i . - tne powers gran. io bbcmkhi '-! . m crn.ment was prohibited by the cens.i- John CQnxleM DnriHlm The right to tax also confers the rtarnt ?' W fa8 to to destroy If a state rossessed the j t:ary yesterday and confined m the enm poTrer to tax any of th instrumentalities jiLal iane department. or incidents of the general government It eonll likewise by te Imposition of an Sheriff L. Middleton of Duplin county nnjnst. srbitTsry and discr'.minnre tax ;nrrlve(l jesterdar with a negro convict vhom he committed to the peni:entiary for five years for shooting in a train. There will b a basket picnic at Wen- i dell Thursday, September 4th. Gov, ad:lress the gathering at m. $ EXCURSION TO PORTSMOUTH, VA.. SKIT. 2d. On September 2d the Seaboard Air Line Railway will operate its last ex cursion of the season to Norfolk, Va. Train leaves Union Depot at 2 p. rn. September 2d: returning leaves Nor'olk Portsmouth at 10 a. m. September 4th. Fare for the round trip J2.25. Don't fail to take the S. A. L. Rail- forclnt the collectilon of the Income tax 0lj p0int. Ocean View and Virginia from them. ' Beach on fceptemner Jr are for rouna Certain It is that the case wiu d trip vo. Anns is your jast cnance fonrbt to s finish' th season ana as tne weeK-na rare there will be no more Tednced rates. Excursion, to Norfolk and the Seashore leaves Raleigh Lmion uepot promptly at 2 p. m. September 2d (Tuesday) via Seaboard Air Line. Separate coaches for white and colored and a fast sched ule. Apply to undersigned for any in formation. Tickets sold at city and de pot off ces of the A. L. Railway. C. U. GATTIS, C. P. fc T. A.. Baleish, N. C. destroy the very exltenee of the gov ernment iteir. . Snch was not the Intention of the law msldnr rwr and is not the law. In view of tbe very able, learned and ebntlve decisions referred to I deem a further discission of the nation i nn . Arcock necessary to show the action this bo V r , ... I, attempting to tt is , mivrarrsnted. " 0 clock a without anthnty ani wiuy u. ResrectfnllT su)It t. BEST. Counsel for Respondents. Will Invskt lsjaaelln It is Tinderstood that one of the de fendants in the caw p'J'. Postmas ter Bailer, will petition a federal court judge to'lssne an injunction enjoining th State Tas commission ' Floral Love Story Party Correspondence of The Morning Post. Nashville. X. C Sept. 1. At the hos pitable home of 3Ir. and Mrs. JR. A. P. Cooley a most delightful social was given Friday right In honor of thsir ...f AfiMf. Ixnse Davis of Bich- ca-JiiT. ocro to vety. & JaDad,' a. The fartor, dining Lail &4 Jndge Purnell Makes Order Involving Immense Tract of Timber Lands Judg? Purnell of the United States Court has ordered a resale in the case of East Coast Cedar Company vs. The People's Bank of Buffalo et al. involv ing an immense tract of -land in Dare county. It will be remembered that A. B. Andrews. Jr., as commissioner sold the property recently for ,$52,000 and later a 10 per cent increase was offered in accordance with the law the petitioners for the Tesale pledging to start the bidding in the event tho sala was ordered at $58,000. The order for tho resaln follows: United States of America Eastern Dis trict of North Carolina In the Circuit Court In Equity. . East Coast Cedar Company vs. The Peo ple's Bank of Buffalo et al. 'Phi cause cominir on to be heard on the report of the commissioner herein and affidavits hied ana being nuij neara: It is considered, ordered and adjudged that the State practice i3 m no way binding upon this court in ordering a re-sale" but the same rests solely in the discretion of the judge sitting as chan cellor; it appears to the court that a re-ale of the premises at the increased bid of tifty-eight thousand dollars will Hip interest of the parties herein j and the fund aTising from a re-sale there-1 of and a re-safe- is oruerea to mau bv the commissioner hereinbefore ap pointed under a decree hereinbefore made in nil rcrpects. except as hereinafter modified. Tho bidding at such sale will be started at fifty-eight thousand dol lars and continue unt.'l th land is knocked off to the highest biddei- accord ing t- the former decade nerein. It is further ordered that the commis sioner hereinbefore isamac advertise xne land as heretofore in Thw Morning Post, published at Raleigh and The Economist, published at Eliabh City, N. 0., once a week for four successiv weeks and such palebe made thirty days from the advertisement as herein provided. It is further ordered that the ten per cent paid into tie registry of the cou:-t by the highest biddw at the former sale be -returned to such bidder. Tt u further ordered. Adjudged and decreed that the deposit o fifryMwo hun dred dollars he retained in the registry of the court and so roucn tnereor ?s may be necessary be and the same is herebv appropriated to tho payment of tho expenses of the former herein; said expense; to? be paid as p?d by statute "in paying out money deposited in the re-gistry ofAhe court on an account rendered by the commissioner and checks approved by the. judge as provided by law. Sept. 2d, 1902. . V. S.Judge,&c. Mr. P. 'S. JaIes, Jr., of Greenshoro spent last night in the city. Mr. M. F. Oaldwell of Lumberton, is a guest at the Yarborough. Mr. G. T. Blackball of Kittrell spent yesterday and last night in the city, a guest at the Yarhorouigh. fMi-ss Iness Desmukes and Mr. and Mrs. Camp of Florida were, registered at the Yarborough yesterday. Messrs. William Turne and Phoney Bank of Garner, passed through yester day afternoon on their way to Elon Col lege. (Messrs. J. IR. Oarr, Clairborn Carr A. 'Manion Oarr, W. F. Carr and J.v La.th.rop Morehead of Durham spent last night here. They came to attend the mJcstrel. w 'Mrs. J, J. Price and daughter, Miss Ella ,are' m the city, the guests of their cousin, Mr. !R, IH. Bradley. They are fro miAtlanta andi have been visiting relatives in Edgecombe county - ' 4 Worse Than Reported . Castries, St. Lucia, Sept. 2. The lat est advices from Martinique are to the effect that the latest eruption of Mont iPelee was more serious than first reports indicated. It is saidi 1,160 persons were killed and 15,000 injured. A; large tract of country inland' was devastated. The government has ordered) all the northern parishes to be evacuated. The heat on tho (island is almost unhearaible, a con dition that is attributed to volcanic action. The heat is also great in St. Lucia. $ , "Of aill bodily ailments," said the suibuihanite, "I think ague is the most paradoxical." 1How paradoxical?" inquired Citizen . "It gives you the shake, and sticks right to you." (Philadelphia Press. i 'in i i i . i .I i i : 'V -' . ' ' ' Zd7! ifna Life Insurance Co I V IS . MAKING A SPECIALTY OF . "ETNA 5 PER CENT GOLD BONDS." THEIR VALUES ARE LARGER AND THEIR RATES LOWER THAN ANY OTHERS. ' The 20 Year Endowment 5 per Cent. Gold Bonds of the Etna Life OFFER GREATER ADVANTAGES THAN ANY INVESTMENT, CARRY ING AT THE SAME TIME ABSOLUTE PROTECTION. . ' FOR INFORMATION ADDRESS J. O. BOUSH AIUIU, rianager, Tucker Building, RALE I G H, N . C. Ju'rV of Awards at the Pan-American Exposition appoint- ed to pass upon the merits of the articleaf exhibited havo pronounced: ' JpHe nderwood Vhe Fastest, Strongest, Oe Simplest, " j c7)c most Complete and the Most Practical Typewrite Made WHITES IN SIGHT For Catalogue writ, to R. L. LINDSEY, Stat Agent, DURHAM, N. 0 1 rrall. RALEIGH irnnii imw or COOPER BROS Proprietors Raleigh, N C MONUMENTS mm w. s Write for catalogne. We pay tha frelgh- Dobbin At Tucker's Store. 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street. 59990666 DO YOU NEED SHOES? Summer Shoe Sale, September Every summer shoe in our stock, whether for man, woman or child, Is Inj this September clean-up. If your present shoes are not as fresh as you'd liJce, you don't want a pair of winter shoes not for two months yeta smart, styruh) summer shoe is exactly what yon need. Now is your opportunity. The re ductions in price are as decisive as ona could wish f.-r. Come and seo them. DOBBIN & FERRALL. rrnlcycy & I f Tit E? 1-1 4 AFTER TAKING- AN GO x N E N Y We find that we have more suits for NOW and the EARLY FALL than we will carry over, If yon want a bargain in these NOW is your oppor tunity THEY MUST GO. We invite you to take a low at OUR SHOW WINDOW- POSTSCRIPTS Mr. N. F. darter of Mt. Airy Is a Raleigh visitor. Mr. J. Clyde Cheek of Hillsboro is In the city on (business. (Mr. J. A, Tate of Greenshoro spent yesterday in Raleigh. Mr. W. P. Brown of Fayetteville spent yesterday In Raleigh. ;Mr. L. Middleton of Kernersvllle is a guest at the Yarborough. Mr. John Barnes has returned from a visit to friends in Oxford. .Mr. T. C. Ilarns of Youngsville was a Raleigh, visitor yeerterd-ay. Mr. James A. Bryao of New "Bern Is a guest at the Yarborough. this week. We will show you a few of the patternsthat will represent our stock for the FALL SEASON. These oods you will either find in stock or made to order by the best tailors in the country. They embrace both foreign and domestic weaves, and you cannot afford to pass them-by without examining them carefully. We can save you money. DUNLAP HATS (Opening Day Thursday, August 2Stli. GROSS & LINE HAN GO v UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. -1

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