THE STOCK MARKET the; live ind Strong it Opening and Continued so With Slight Irregularity to the Close kit. all after tht pro- - of Saturday's ak t , .1 r? r"as !n th. Ioa , . ir- very jar.e v , i Altera Pacific. PenlTrIi. t"---i J Weataro. Reading and the ;f:r wre taken, tha last nance J tr on block ef C.500 share - 'In Canadian C-fic re- on a bullish government report for tho week, expectations of an anfarorable monthly report tomorrow, bullish prlTato crop reports, rood baying by Wall street and great interests and covering of shorts. The receipts were large, hut la the rutin a weather market. Opn. High. Low. Close. b.W 8.51 8.34 8.48 fo the 2 pont riae hi that V .v I with a similar gala here. . p.ui "1 Detroit Southern preferred f'.r;- a point or over. '-;vj were not proacuaced J'clo Tael. which lost 2 J. ,vtr wany notably strong atocka - " character, particularly De tJ rtf 1 HailT i advanced rVV.,12j: were re in Reading con- a r.o j - " - , a very large scale, Ti?v-i decddly upward a V T1 a al. suu nour. -laic umj iwcw i . - ' . j . t'irft was a more ten- iJ L-' lL , . vsr:r cei.:r.r,. v. i i n.T-; at 70 C . Purchases were rIl;-W ta-J racaScs, but there were e c.l nr in every rtoek of pTotni !:r.. r Pia!. Ssnthern Pacific and 1-;: V "-'Vk Western extended their gains I 'VCv- rt roh:s. while Union Padflc, .r -i a a--ii mroerotts other rco OTer p-:rji? Unltcl Hallway Jnmp- si a-:.t fr.1 substantially higher for t j.t'.r- i-'s :" a3 nx)n. - - ;l were pns.iea Tigwrvusiy tr;ri .v. p-w. njanipal.ition, particu- I' r ai casio urn utnuanu, j, !i 1 1 It: aa diJ n t etimnhito - la u?r coalers. The market ' . T nx, au-i fractionally be- r.;ilr.; wvk-Nl its way up throu;ii .r. 4Ti .ir.rli-.' c? stjck that came out Is r.e it touched 731. a tain Fr ii ys c-o-e of 4. Rerorts t; a iib ejr.y Termination of the 6tr: were run-eat, and there" wa jr;s:iie;e a Irance ia the otheTj coal-,-'s" Kr.i -alr.c; J; and Delaware & I!;'Ci - lnt'.:zn showed conilerable irrgn- Irr tj ia tie c'-ir. hour. Heavy jirot:t .vsrre ! wuue new stocks wero z; Iroarh: forward into ibe rlc. r y-icz-yza were Tery sharp, incln-I- t .ii: each ia Canadian pacific t;i Wet-ra I'r.ijo and 2 points iu :rllxr1'a3 an! Anaconda. Ansa. jrtVhi rr.s-kcl np to G9. and there r Tr."l h-Tyin; of Italtimore & tlij iitrnwestern prerrei nl 5 c?ra I'ecitic wbica1 carried t the trp. Reading fell oJT but r.v ai'.z tJ To: the second p-fferred TOi. a re of 3. P.a'.timore .t :. Zia. tz a::-:t:y to a shade under c., bv.t wa rapidly bid-nj t 124 TL nkt closed ac:ire and w Trk Stock Qattlaa Orn. Clo. 8.19 8.22 8.22 S.iy 8,45 Sept. ... Oct. 8.2D 8.47 Not. 8.35 Iac 8.24 8.37 Jan. ..... 8.24 8 .38 Fb 8.1D 8.30 March .... 8.10 8.30 April 8.1S 8.30- May . . . . . 8.21 83 80 80 Closed Steady. Cklraa Grain and lravl.lan . Open. nigh. Low. Close. PROPITIOUS OPENING OF STATE CAMPAIGN , I (Continued from Page 6.) them orA with, them! No, not till they change thejr. name, their leaders and their principles! Samo Republican Party We know that they hare not changed their name nor their leaders, and when we eeo their accredited chief, their chosen President, sitting down with his wife and children,, boys and girls and young ladies (God aare the occasion!) all eating at the same tahl wit-ii negro man as their honored eruest vain " vue iuruier towards social tures end or authorized by the dem ocratic legislature for schools. Confeder ate pensions and the. matea of our asTlum-. tt tv equality than Grant or Hayes or Harri- o.o . girmna tnat appropriations for those 2a I lvorthT objects, must aot be decreased u .a , nxi raxner increased If noibl. mil 8!ltJ . 8.27 J thre 0e required any in- 8.1S 8.23 1 crease or me rate of taxation for these Sept. . . Dec. . . CORN: Sept. . . Dec. . . . OATS: Sept. . . . Dec. . . . PORK: Sept. . . . Oct. . . . LARD: Sent. . . . Oct. . . . RIDS: Sept. . . . Oct. . . . . 57 -42 71H 57V0 275 70H 67 T0J4 67 57fi 80 34H &1 83 30 purposes. Of course, uch a speech, from one wno enjoys so thoroughly the confidence of the people, made a "deep impression and effectually wiped away the cob- weos or aou-ot which the republicans naa so adroitly spun about the Issues now interesting the public mind. Hon. R. IT. Winston at Graham After referring tn tht tKa jpolrtfcal parties had .practically always 17.00 17.00 16.S0 16.80 ie , "V1 An . cojmtry, tho speaker de- 17.73 17.17 17.02 17.02 10.50 10.W - 10.50 10.50 9.72 0.75 9.67 . 9.72 t 10.50 10.30 10.25 10.25 9.93 9.97 0S7 9.87 Airfcs3 Ire ............ .--ri:irx sr Fd? .tr-r.-vn J?x:t-r? tir A-.-lM! C.rn Oil. . s:lz zii.:l -v.-.r llj-il Tnn't I- : zz :i 12 34H 4 131 4 lor.i-, 12i S4S 4ta 132 15U U! (3 J : r i I Oi; 111'. R- I. S3-! 1. ... ISrt C J.'. t;J Sr. p i;si4 1STV Vh ;m i (Jjs 224tt -i i- Fl JVM 3 lr -i Tenniail 2:5 i-x :Tf. ji T-;. L?.-k. and Vst 2 1'':-- i-l Ifn itvn irk.v. 1' a:i R. i ret.... iC, 42 Ivv r-. ' i r.- Va.'. r " Or.;rai n-It.V,23l P,;.r .... 224 j 82 2:t 40J 42?; T1V J. " -J , K. K. T an 1721 1719- 11 l.v.v; ii"2 20 13.-. Baltlaaara Grain ant rravlalan Baltimore, SepL ' 2. Jlonr Steady; wiater eiira. f2.90$3.10; winter clear $3.2ge$3.30; winter sttaig! $30 W.O; apring patent S3.7554.00; re- oripts 8barre!s; exports 23S nr- rela. "Wheat "Eay: spot and September iiV-'t; October TlJGTli; December 711 71; eaaner No. 2 red 7O70J; re-ce-hpts 124,704 bushels; arporta 83.000 bushels: aouthern by sample CS'2i: southern oa grade 69i72J. Oam "iiDll; new or old "SwrmJber 4v; yr 444-l: January 43 asied; receipts C,27 tirshols :eTpora none; southern white corn CoG7; southern yellow corn C0g70. Oau "VVlilte firm; mixed, dull and easier; No. 2 white new 3040; No. 2 mixed .new 3131 ; receipts 23,022 bushels; exports uono. Rye Steady: No 2, 565f; No. 2 wetera C7$57; receipt 5,819 bushela; exports nosA illaySteady; No. 1 tfmorhy- $17.00 $1.50; No. 1 clover mixed $15.00a ?13.o0. Carta Freights Dull; steam to Lvr- emooL txt bush4 Hi. Sentember: Cork for order's, per quarter, 2a 3d, Septem ber. IJutter Frm, on-changed; fancy imlta tkn 17(ai?lS: fancy creamery 19120; fancy ladle If4n7; fancy roll 1416; go! roll 13"r?15; store packed 1314. Hzg Finn; higher; fresh 21. Cheese Steady, unchanged; large 10J (?ti0: medium 10J(gl01; nil 10510i. Su?ar Finn, unchanged; no and coarse granulated 4.71. September Carn Oen. Close. New York 4 74'4 St. Tsm 64H C4U SKPT-CORN Sptmbr Wheat Open. Cloe. New York G4 St. Louis 54T8 54 Ralaleb Cotfan - (Reported by Job P. Wyatt & Bto.) Raleigh, Sept. 2. Receipt today ..... 73 bales Receipts this date last year. ...35 bales IVicea trday Si ft 84 Prices this day lat year 8H U $ha Receipts to date this year SO bales Receipts to this date last year 140 bales $ clared that the Democratic party was more than one hundred years old; that t had buried the Federalist party, the mui ynrty, tno rreo sailers and the Know .Nothings, and that it would yet bury the Republican party. II said that It was plain that no political nartr oonld continuously xist for so great a length of time without a sufficient cause, and that the permanence of the great Demo cratic party is due to the fact that it is a party of. the peopJe. This was illus trated by many examples. On the 15th of August, 1894. Judge Winston declared that the Democratic Congress passed an act taxing all in comes exceeding $4,000 a year nd the incomes Of COTDOTfltions -whih trm leca than $4,000 a year; that this just law was approved by a Democratic Presi ded; that It was estimated that under Its provisions $30,000,000 of - revenue would be raised each year; that this large sum, if divided among the States, would have larpely Inereasod the reve nues in North Carolina's treasury; that if it had been devoted to the building of good roads in North Carolina it would In a few years have constructed a mac adam road from Edenton to Mnrnhv unci from Wilmington to Reidsville; that this was a just and wise tax; that this Jaw was declared by a Republican Supreme Court to be unconstitutional: that the reasoning of the court in arriving at this conclusion was not satisfnetorv. and that it required 340 printed pages to explain the result they finally arrived at. Again, the. Republican party is a long ways from the people because of the cor rupt use of money employed by Its "heelers" in carrying elections. A few years a-go it was well understood that if, the rich corporations did not open their pocket-books to the Republican party, this samo party would "fry the fat" out of them: and six yeaTs ago working men in factories In the West and in the East were given to understand that if they did not march under the McKin iey banner they would hare to march out of the factories. What a pitiable spectacle the United States presents in itfMreitment of Cuba! We drove ths Spaniards from Cuba be cause of cruelty, and now we refuse to trade with Cuba on equal terms or to permit her to trade with other countries upon equal terms. If tho accounts from that Island, as given In the newspapers, lx correct; and if the Presidont of the United States be correct, the Republican party Is scarcely less cruel to the Cu bans, than the Spaniards were. lsut the Iemocratic party is the party eon or Lincoln or Garfield or Arthur ever went we conclude, we must con clude that they have not changed their principles. And when we hear their leader and chit, their chosen President, in a public address, speak to his people ami Kjrjr tJiaC jour lamer and mine and youT brothers and mine who sealed thir devotion to the land of the South by laying down perhaps a Qife in the cause, that these brave, true and good men, in the very act and fact of so doing and daring nd fighting and dying, were engaged in deeds of anarchy we come together in sorrow around the graves of the dead, and we say one to another, almost with tears, let thpm Tint trnrrtTilo here, let them keen awav from this sacred spot. And we almost swear that we will not rote with this oartv or affiliate with their leaders, who traduce and insult us nay. not even if by so doing qur pockets shall burst with most unrighteous money. The Republican DartV in rrrtli fn"rn- lina has raised the specious cry of rings i ujiu extravagance. xij generally the cry of the demagogue who seeks to start a new political movement without sufii cient excuse. They charee extra rnnp upon the Democratic paTty in North Carolina, and when asked to specify they have not the nerve to sav whnt they mean. It is not the paltry sum hallA No "sooner had tha welcome been said than the doors were barred, the side of the house opened back and a thousand armed minions of Spain rushed out and disarmed the guests; On. the morrow the heads of Horn and Egmont rolled upon the greensward. In less than a dozen moons a son of the mar tyred Count of Egmont, all need .by office and place and gold, was. himself a con vert to Spain and an enemy to his fatherland. Is his' name held in execra tion in the fatherlands? If history speaks aright, it is, and it is to be until the end of time. , . B ol " Cfcear Be of . rood cheer, my Democratic friends; the Old North State is stead fast of purpose and has ome tar still rert on ner neei. me wes ui vembtT next we will roll up a majority of 50,000 votes for the entire ticKet. On every side we see signs that the party is coming together. ( Sttidy the men who will compose Jhe next Legis lature. They are wise and just and liberal. Thev will act with wisdom and jnstice,: both by the rich and the toor; they will not oppress the railroads, nor any other corporation, and yet they will make all bear their ecraal burdens. They have the confidence of all classes. I wish that we had time to call the roll of our nominees for the Legislature and to say a word as to each, but I have not. Suffice it to say that no . panic can arise in any business when these men gather at v Raleigh next winter. And in conclusion let us say a word as to onr next national election, it Hill, or Gorman, or Olnev. or any other great Democratic leader who rides no j hobby is named, and if Senator Simmons j or some of our North 'Uarolma ion 2 HOTEIWONKOE- SnC'1 AMERICAN PLAN! E.UROPEAN PLANI v? OpenarcK:20,i1902 Modern with avery ceBTenJejice. M agnificentfy furnished. Unfile , aret evemnr xweive miantss rronrtaiit ateamooar. aoarngx ana,rauroaojr'nAor. folk, a ad three minutes from ail Nateam ehips ar railroads in .Portsjacrhli. Not) the finest house in America, but-onj&of Jhe finest. JXct the bot ttiie and-aars, ?!ce. but as good as any. Ameaican nlan. per day and 'tip. Euroyeaa $1 per day and np. SPEOIAlX WEEKLY RA.TES f JAY C. WILBRAHAM. ' ' i didacy by the Republicans was a man ly as it was gracful and attracted to him even greater respect than his polit ical opponents he haa ho pereonal ep posiaon eveo felt before'. lie streSstu ened himself acd hia causa In Rich lion. Jas. A. Lockbart ddcoeed the application of the , funKratneotal princi- plee of Democracy to the trusts and other leading national quetticaia. He -is always a strong speaker and Richmond Democrats were fortunate dn having these getftlemen with us today. - . mond. ' i.;jL; .' ' -. Clanda Kftokln atWIIsn Wilson, N. O., Sept. .2. Special. The Hon. Claude KitcMn, member of con--gress from this districf,. made a'boapitab speech in uhe court ' ihouse today to a: large crowd and made a , profound ;im- pression upon all whoheard'hi3bril- liant and talented . Carolinian. In the beginning he adverted, to trusts .'and? im- jfri-t.smt.-n ur vat. jw. . x , , g, lruek down into most vital part wise, sagacious chairman of your execu- J, H,,- tive committee, can have a hand in writ ing your national platform, we will as.- of $3,600 which they claim that Aycock. t euredly win. While both parties aTe in our self-sacrificing Governor, snpnt n the executive grounds and mansion, that thev attack. Thv snv cn mt it - m V J v . , akj not o. It is not the Increase of judges and the increase of the governor's salary that they attack.. They know that if it requires fourteen judges to transact the business of on? and a half millions of people and one hundred and seventy-five millions of money in 1892, it takes six teen to perform in 1902 the same duties by one and three-fourths millions of peo ple and two hundred millions- of wealth. They know that if Governor Russell, who rarely left his home in Raleigh, wp.s worth to the State $3,000 a vear, Charles B. Aycock, the gallant, broad, just educational governor of this great commonwealth spending his time, his energy, his brain and his monev for the little children of Dare and Cherokee was and is worth the increase. No, it is not these things that they attack, though they so declare. These are but the sma-11 things that make up the State's expense account. It is really Confeder ate pensions and school appropriations that they attack. Do we not even hear Abe Mlddleton, the negro doorkeeper of a Republican Tlouse, as he supplants a one-legged soldier, declare that the Con federate soldier has played out? Do we not recall tha fact that when they had charge of our State affairs they closed the doors of the University and that education languished? There is indeed one item of Axpgnse to .wirfqh the Repub lican Jeadeia iii North do really and seriouply object. Thev object -to the payment of aioney to defend the Demo cratic election officials in North Carolina i who were indicted in the Federal Courts : for violating ethe election laws in 11)00. These men were they who made possi-' me tne passage o our constitutional amendment, llad they not been fearless and intrepid, had they but shown for a moment the white feather, the hordes of negroes In -North: Carolina would have overrun th? polls and driven the whites away and the same old question of negro a state of unrest, the Republican national party is the more torn of the two. in less than three months Mr. Roosevelt, who is an honest and courageous man. will lack the enthusiastic support of Mr. Hanna and men of his kidney, and a level-headed candidate named by us will again fill the White House. Then extravagance will cease. We will ay to the Philippines in plain words that '"You shall he free and independent as soon as you are fit for the same. The traditions of the fathers shall be honored. The. excellent fruits of educational seeds now sowing in our county institutes and from pnlpit and press and stump in North Carolina shall be gathered to bless us and our children for all time. The blessings of peace shall be ours and the South, true to her past, yet alive tn herr future, shall continue to occupy that happy middle way between great and inflicted most fatal wounds. After this ho turned 'his powerful batteries upon the adminietrattcm , of affairs in this State by ;i!he Republicans in '96 and '98, and he 1 bombarded theJr . vulnera ble works witi teTTibl,effactiLvenes.sJ and left them in lamentafcwreck and rrf;n. He held up that party, ilack!-adi hid eous and revolting, witii . Jts ' hundred foul-.end blackened deeds :a:nd txas.t ed it to the brilljarrttWcot'dtofthb-jDem-ocratic party that had de sumach, for the good and . the peace and. -.(good order of 60ciety in this5 graadv old.' State. It was indeed a striking contrast, and convinced all that there was but ion party in North Carolina for truetraen.i and that party was 'the-one which thad. restored peace and harmony, and had. administered . affairs with justice andj with honesty and with fairness to all. Mr. Kitchrn Is a fluent, graceful, pol- kxi mi yi n I j f r rY i rvi a 9 a t a . M . P ,jajcmocrn voa.oaatea feiack rcsenaBf -N. Y. Prodoca Exchaga. im.m mi coiigi nam nu h e i as 44 Broadway. Ntw'Yark.. Phftaartphia- Office: Drexel Butt51ng;.& ' i 209NafASt.,Durhani,N.Gj Hartfard. Conn. ' Telephone No. 7- i a. Send , for market letters attjf patarldfU Direct "wlrea with tha restal and Waat-r crn Unfoa o-cea fasom prompt 1 ait rnA tJon'on all teiegraphie buaiaaas. A ; ' y More of this brand sold than any othr. ecanse of its uniformity ia purity anJv nuaiity. ; 1 riches and great poverty which Just now , ishe(J effec1,:ve aild mo- impressiTe makes her people the observed of all nr'tL 1 wlierever he pouns out his' thrilling streams of burning eloquence. i ' :v observers. HIST I't-UIMUilUI- 1'illlV 19 uuilj I T . j , . - . .... - of the people because of Its simplicity, 1 &lt? lion. R. N. Pace at Bocklnjl am Rockingham, N. C. Sept. 2. Spe cral. Hon. Rpbert N. Page opened his campaign for congress here today in a speech which served notice on the" Re publicans that they need expect noth ing from him but the straightest eort of Democracy. Mr. Page, after expressing his appre ciation of the 'honor conferred, upon him by the 'Democracy of the seventh dis trict, and his realization of the res'pon 6ibilitiesof the position to which he has been called, with an assurance- of earnest effort to in some measure merit the confidence of the people: touching upon the failure of the Republicans to nominate a candidate against him, Mr. Page said he appreciated 'the compli ment paid his character, and supposed interest in the industrial development of "the seventh district as expressed 34 34 :ri Pa. -X:s-t v " C" --: i jonsl -J ... J -T. 0 3-i W p- u-. k5e? .... rv i. . ........... T rf L- r " 1 1. . Tot Far- i r.u nst$ 117; 117U 2Tl2 2S), 2iV-t 21t' 477'- 47 24 ti 24 i .Ts 4 ;4 104U 3' 3r4 434 43 -"hTresrrn Tk " J""V4 nn 5lt3 70 8.S f 7Cl 2m .13 73 4n. 97V 73 71 53 111K S3 41H 344 v l 130 -tlutr siark arka - 'ine iuaitmiora 51 i a - " t 7ii 21 I 37? 794 40 97 TOti 54 i 111 13 S3 414 C7 ns 133 l l,t firm today. - at- J -'i-i toHc was ftLlrit I .rr acILng at txm 52 tj ,v -j.iaid Gas wa tron or aharea advanced C-a-: -vti antic Coast Line of -5 l- P n"J 2f bare aeil !., Jr l4::, r Atlantic Coast rZ' W4; ly at 1G3. AJa- -1 Ipa a"!vflDceI 1 point preceding a aerial Rataa Via K. A. L. Ry. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. S17.S3. Raleigh to Binningham, Ala., and return, account National Baptist Convention. Tickets on sale Sept. 14, 15 and 1G: final limit Sept. 27th. WILMINGTON, N. C. $C53, Raleigh to Wilmington. N. C, and retarn, account Holiness Convoca tion of North Carolina. Tickets to be soH September 20. 21 and 22, with final limit September 30th. RICHMOND. YA. S7.2J, Ra!gh to Richmond, Ya., and return, on certificate, account Annual Session Gand Fountain 'U. O. T. R-. Richmond, .Va Sept. 2d to 9th, inclu sive.1 - $31.70. Raleigh to Des Moloes, in., iLnd renrn. account annual session Sov ereign "Grand Lodge, ,1.. O. O. F.,; Sep tember 15th to 20th. Tickets on sale September 11. 12, 13 and 14; final limit September 25th. $12.85, Raleigh o Macon. Ga.. and return, account annual meeting Farm ers' National Congress October 7th to 10th. . . . For any information call on the upder- 8lnC. II. GATTIS. CP & T. A Raleigh, N. C. H. S. LEAR P. T. P.' A.. Raleigh, N. C. . ' ; " f paetat Rataa Via f "f. Round" Trip Rates to Principal Summer Resorta. From Raleigh, N. C, to Littleton. N. C.....v 3.90 Old Poln-t, Aa. ...... Oid Point. Va.. Tia Richmond... .Washington. D. O Baltimore. Md. New York, N. Y Boaton, Mass. Jackson Springs, N. Southern Pines. N. C Wrlghrsvilie, N. C Iineolnton, N. C Shelby. N. c.. ..-; Rutherfordton. r. Cross Hills. S. C ' Pittsboro, . C ... its economy. So long ns this govern ment had as its rulers such Democratic leaders as Jackson, Jefferson and Benton wealth was equally distributed: but at the present day. under the unjust laws of a Republican Conirress, we find undue asgregations of wealth. If J. Piernont Morgan and Rockefeller were disposed to do so. they could, in twelve hours' these brave men were not made that'dn the resolution passed by, their con- way. They Stood their cronnd and did their duty and the day was won, and th-s amendment, who?e praises are now sung by Democrat and Republican -alike, was passed- -These Democrats were in dicted and threatened with imprison ment. Why should they not be defended and why shotrld not the State, whom time, shake the government Itself. served so faithfully and effectually, 6.25 8.23 13.25 33.25 21.25 2C.25 4.S5 3.50 7.40 8.25 9.10 9.75 11.95 2.35 'Tickets are aVo Id to .11 the sum- n North Carolina and ir- 3 -fi,- aboVe ticket, hare a transit 31it..l902. tables. For any lnrowu. ;r- Srrmtaar Etcnraion - pjxieta. oM n . T. A., C. -iWgh.N.C. H. S LEARD. T. a I . . Qr-t. 2.-Cotton declined Kr"! Zk'r r-l t-1 aJranwd moderately -.-- i. Twenty great financial concerns own and run all the large railroads and steam boats and banks and mines and facto ries, and these vast concerns are more powerful than the government itself. They regulate the prices of -everything,, including the necessaries of life. So much for national politics. State UfT.Ira . v These thing do not come home to us like State affairs. Since 1S72. when the Democratic party came into powof in North Carolina, what has it done for the people of this State? It has given us first of all neace and law and order. It has strengthened onr free schools and given to each a four-months term. There have been no scandals in the adminis tration of its affairs. Our governors, senators, judges, congressmen and legis lators have been clean, honest and faith ful public servants. We have had no strikes as in Pennsylvania, no riots as in Ilaymarket in Chicago, no feuds as in Kentucky, and we have just and eonitable laws. Why should not my $100 In money pay a tax just as well as the horse which you own, worth $100? North Carolina has an income tax. Every cent above $1,000 a man makes' is taxed one per cent by the State. If I make $0,000 a year I pay an income tax of $50. So. under Democratic ad ministration in North Carolina the rail roads have been taxed, ' and under a Democratic governor a suit was brought which took th Coast Line Railroad from the free list and put it upon the tax list, thereby putting thousands of dollars each year into the treanrv, and distributing the burden of taxation. But the great thing this, party has done, in much tribulation, hedged about by opposition and bitter white enemies, is to preserve Anglo-Saxon civilization in isortn Carolina and in the South. You, men of Alamance, know what this means. You Tememher the day when th insolence of negroes became unbear able. You met, yon organized, you swore a Moody oath. The great Ku-Klux or ganization was born. It was decreed that North Carolina was to be a white Stare. Yon said that you would not run. and that yon would not knuckle or bow the knee no. not to a dark and an inferior tscc. neither to a tyrannical and overhearing political party, the Radi cal party; and your boldness yea. the boldness of men of Alamance and Or ange and Caswell and Cleveinnd and Rutherford excited the admimti- wonder of the civilized world. A neonle so iwia m defeat had not appeared Mn history. And ret some men sav thst t- .---, to desert this old. rood. Democratic, con el."1 partT' Sn,,df', of Randolph A, lTv v andv Ofo Wi'"Inm A. Graham and William L. Saunders. frrhM t. n?t,nj-bmTvr?"iend?,- that w th Poliev of the Republican leaders these same rou who -would now woo your votes and who kicked the negro out of their Greensboro convention as a t. not true that if their policy had pre vailed with ibx free nffr--a --v. negro its civil rights bill and its federal ujvuria iorce Diiisat election in It not trtre that we wnnM k driven from the homes of out fathers ia!bf Sffin s'iknbfSSS tTes or South America wnnu half-white and half-black? ; Vote for bear the expense they incurred in her behalf? Let us note, my friends, that the Republican .leaders show the cloven foot when they attack this appropria tion. If th?y really accepted in good faith the constitutional amendment, they would not now be quibbling .and quarrei ing as to how it was passed. No, sirs, they do not approve of the amendment or of the manner of its passage, and so they begrudge even the small sums which were paid to" defend the gallant fHlows who stood on the firing line in 1S08 and 1900 when the battle waged the fiercest. They may com-? to us with honeyed words and promises of reform and they may ask our votes, and. thinking that our memories are short, our blessings these are but springs to catch wood cocks. The Democratic party recognizes them and shudders, for she knows that the voice is Jacob's, but the hands are the hands of Esau! ( rrnptend Incapable The Republican party was tried in 1S0S and in 1S70 and was found cor rupt and incapable. It made a bid for votes in 1MM and again it won. The people in large numbers voted with the Republicans;' they said that the crimes of 1868 were buried by the statute of limitations, and they tried the Kepub Means again. With what result let the laws of ISOo and 189 declare. I will not undertake to Tepeat that dark and terrible history. You know it, and you will not again be fooled Into voting with that party. When they took away the charters of Wilmington and Greenville they traveled along the same way which cost Charles I. his crown and his head. What a party, to be sure, is this Re publican party in North Carolina! It says "You come vote with us, for we ourselves' are for. the constitutional amendment! True, we fought it on the stump and in the press when it was a burning issue. Trae, we did all that we could to kill the amendment, but we failed, MaTk Hanna's money and Crumpacker's force bill to the contrary notwithstanding: and now we are for it. Come, vote with us." Sirs, we doubt your sincerity! You are too new a convert to -white supremacy to be a teacher and a leader. But even if we could trust you; what do you take us for, to suppose that we. would be guilty of this act of ingratitude? The great Democratic party in 1899 and in 1901 wrought out the Herculean task of un doing the wrong which your party thirty: five years ago, through the thirteentn, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the Constitution of the United State", perpetrated upon the chivalrous people of the late Confederate States. You, .the Republican party, gave the negro the! . . . r . . t rignc to voTe. iu maae a citizen oi him. yon filled his head full of false ideas of nolities and of social rights. The batr-l-e was joinded in 1900. and i vention at Lexington recently. He eaJd that it was no greater surprise to any one in the district than to himself, that he had expected opposition, and for many reasons preferred it. He declared himself in absolute har mony, not for policies' sake, but be cause of deen- iconviction wJth Demo cratic ideas and ideals; that he wanted all the votes he could get, but not one under false pretence, or by any' sort of deception. He served notice on any Republicans who might hear him, and said he wanted, through the press, to serve it upon every one in the district, that in, the campaign upon which, he was entering he should with all the zeal and earnestness" of his being advocate Democratic doctrine, and in the 58th congress, while ready to do anything in his power for any one in the district he should advocate, work and vote for only those measures that are in har- monv' wiith xhe Democratic platform, not in a spirit of opposition, but be cause he believed these things to be right and for the best interest of all the people, He then dsvoted twenty minutes to State .politics, comparing the adminis tration of public affaiirs under the last two Democratic legislatures and Demo cratic State officials with the Fusion legislatures of '95 and '97, and Gov. Russell's reign. Instead of making any apology for haviDg 6pent a million dol lars more than did the Fuskmists, he clciimed it was the glory of Democratic rule, since it was spent for the educa tion of the children of the State, the increase of pensions to Confederate veterans, and the care of the State's un fortunate. And the ability to do all this without having increased nhe rate of taxation one mill was an everlasting monument to the business ability of the present administration. Entering npon a discussion of national affairs1 he discussed at some length and placed particular emphasis upon the growth , of combinations, gigantic in their financial power, and showed that they had the majority of the legislative branch of the government by the throat; that government supervision would not reach the case, but ithat the only rem edy was in such reduction of tariff du ties on , trust made goods as to bring the price to the Amenican consumer down to that of the price paid by 'the foreigner. He produced facts and figures to show that a long list of necessary things to manufacturer and farmer wer sold by American manufacturers of them from 25 to 70 per cent cheaper abroad than they were here at home, j , He .denounced the policy of the Re publican party in its dealings with Cuba and declared the-treatment of tne i'ati- Antinal Bxenritoa ta NrroIk, Ta Tia Santnern Railway. September 9th,. 1902. The Southern .Railway will operate special train from OTfaStfotte, Concord, Salifilbiiry, (High Point, Greensboro, 'It-alelgh, Wilson, 'Mills and intermediate points to Norfolk, a., September 9th, 1902. 7 Leave Charlotte 6:25, round trip, $4.00; Concord, 7 :05 p. m., round trip $3.75; Salisbury 8:50 p.' m:t rate $3.50; High Point, 9:56 p. m., rate $3.00; Greecs-voro, 10:30 p. m., rate $3.00; Dur ham, .12:49 a. m., rate.$2.50; Morrisvllle, 1:22 a. m., rate $2.40; Gary 1:35 a. m., Auburn, 2:19 a. an., rate' $2.20: Clayton, 2:27; rate $220; Wilson Mills 2:42 a. m., 'rate $2.15. Two days and two night in this mag nificent city by the sea, splendid surf "bathing at Old Point Comfort, Ocean "View and Virgipia Beach..; Returning leave Norfolk 7:00 p. m., September 11th. Separate cars for col ored) people. For further Information -call on any ticket agent Southern .Railway, or write T; C. STURGIS,yC. T. JL, ' Raleigh. -N. C. R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte. N. C. C. H. Ackert, G. M.; W.- A. -Turk, P. T. M.; S. II. Hard wick, G. P, A.; Wash ington, D. C. . JSlIffl.tlKIJ RESOKTS The Southern Railway announces th sale of low-rate Summer Excursion Tickets to all the delightful resorts lo cated on and reached via its lines. These tickets go one sale .rue 1. 1902. The section of North Canl:na known as 'The Land of the Siiy" and' "The Sapphire Country" is particularly at tractive to those in search of mountain resorts. Call and get free at office below the superb Illustrated book, "summer in tbe and of the Sky." giving Jist of hotels and boarding houses wirn their location. rates of board, facilities, attractions, etc Additional Sleeping Cars go ito service from various points to principal resorts, affording greatly improved facilities. Particular attention is directed to our elegant Dining Car Service on principal through trains. For detailed information, tickets, Pull man reservations, etc., address T. C. STURGIS. Yarborough House Building, See xtha. largest barrel evar In RalalghJ now on top in A. O. Wndford's saloon Hargettt street, Raleigh. N. 0. lot Weather Driflfc:! tin ion Made : T- ' ' '' B News and Opinions of National Importancs ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Dalfy, by mall. ;$C a year. ually and Sunday, by mail. $3 a year. The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper ta the World. , Price 5e a copy. By mail, $2 a yeae. . Address THE SUN. Neir xorr. i. M. S. Calvert, after a hard fought fight we won and you lost, and yet so. so soon, ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears have dried from your eyes, you ask us not only to forget and forgive, but to actually embrace von! Perhaps the white men of North Carolina will. Perhaps but not till reason haa flown to brutish beasts! In the low countries, once upon a time, the Duke of - Alva, enticed the Counts of Nrn and -Bdmont. most gallant fight ers In freedom's battles, to a banquet iippines was a disgrace to American mannooa anu ciYiiazmivu. He condemned the extravagance of the Republican party, showing from the record the great increase in appropria tions by the national congress since 1S9C The speech was one of the most telling ever delivered in this county. Mr. Page's reference to the endorsement of his can- RALEIGH, N. O. eer. Heads the list of refreshing and J.n jgorating summer beverages. Union hnade. We have just received a solhff carload of the beer and it can be found, at; all saloons. Call for it. WX.Hudgins, Agent, RALEIGH, N.' C. TO THE TRADE Our soda is good. Convenient locality. Prompt Attention. NO LOAFERS. Wm. E. Q waltneyj HOTEL D0RSETT FAYETTEVILLB STREDT RALEIGH, N. C. Fifty Newly . Fvnlahled ' Roonos, all Mod era Opnven- ' iences, Europeaa oa Ameri-. can Plan. ; , ; ' Two blocks from joat. f3c . Three blocks from Opera Houaa. I Up-to-date Cafe for Iiadiea Court reportlat 4b . anywhere la North .Carolina. Prieaa oa appUcatl- and Gentlemen. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FOR PAKTZES. ' W. W. NEWMAN. Manager-. W. L. DORSETT. Preptiato.

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